The Persian Caravan - Discover Iran by Private Train

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SURFIRAN Travel & Parsyad Co. is proud to present



WELCOME TO IRAN The land of magic carpet

It’s a great honor to introduce the Persian Caravan Adventure Train which will take you to visit many of Iran’s attractions. Iran is country of magnificent attractions and wonderful landscapes from north to south. There’s nothing quite like travelling by train, listening to the rhythmic rumble as the wheels’ clack over the tracks and the world flashes past the window of your

The Persian Caravan Train

The Rail and River Tour

This journey offers an opportunity

To get to plains of Khuzestan the

to visit the cultural and historical

train will pass through the Zagros

heritage sites of Iran, boarding on

Mountains while the Dez River

a 5-star train which offers a high

will accompany you by staying

level of com- fort and services in a

alongside you the whole journey.

pleasant atmosphere.

It will take you through the richly

The trip covers all of the above in about 2 weeks in which passengers are served on board or in 4 star hotels for dining and sleeping.

diverse and green landscapes of the river and breathtaking valley. Exclusive Tours Based on our extensive knowledge


The Three Gold Line Trip

Boarding the train will lead to an

Iran’s railway goes back 80 years

iconic experience of natural and

and is one of the most successful



inter- national projects in Iran.

impossible to see on a road trip. It

Railways in the north of Iran by

All of our tours are offered by

will provide a unique and memo-

passing through mountains and

SURFIRAN travel which is a well-

rable experience for travelers with

rainforests ensures beautiful and

respected tour operator in Iran in

a sense of adventure.

eye-catching views. The trip will

cooperation with Parsyad co.


We offer five different tours to suit different travelers. 1. The Persian Caravan Train: A 12-day classical tour of Iran

ensure a memorable experience of Iranian landscapes, as well as dining in local houses.

This short trip is an opportunity

A 1-day tour of the north of

to visit three UNESCO world her-


itage sites. You can then see and

3. The Stone Crossings Tour: A

hear the story behind these mag-

3-day tour of the Zagros re-

nificent mountains and the rai


road as it passes through the un-

2-day tour of Lorestan 5. Exclusive Tours

can create and plan specific and exclusive tours based on customer desires.

We hope the Persian Caravan trains can show the beauty and history of Iran.

The Stone Crossing Tour

2. The Three Gold Line Train:

4. The Rail and River Tour: A

of the railwork network and we

touched and breathtaking nature of the Zagros mountains and feel the beauty that is all around you.




Travelling with the Persian Caravan train is a unique

Persepolis, cities of the Achaemenid Empire that rank

way to uncover the story of Iran. The tour is offered by

among the world’s greatest sites of antiquity. Yazd,

SURFIRAN travel and tours which is a tour operator and

which is well known for its Zoroastrian fire temples, its

travel agency in Iran in cooperation with Parsyad Co.

Persian handicrafts and its high quality confectionery as well as Kerman that is known for its tropical fruits and

The Persian Caravan train allows its passengers to travel

dates, excellent meat, dairy products and local delicious

and explore the real Iran in a fast and safe manner. Local


English-speaking tour guides offer explanations of the most significant sites in each city of Iran and there are

The service of the train begins the moment you board

opportunities to experience authentic regional cuisine,

and are greeted with a local drink on arrival A porter as-

shopping and traditional cultural offerings.

sists you to your cabin. Your service attendant is available to assist you in making yourself at home in your

There is 24-hour service in each carriage, facilities in-


clude a bathroom in every carriage, air-conditioning, a library, LCD screen and large windows to watch the

It offers a chef-prepared menu with selections of mouth-

world go by, all of which ensures a memorable experi-

watering Iranian cuisine. Enjoy your meal in a decorated


dining car. During the day, this place provides a warm, naturally lit observation area. You can also enjoy a cup of

This all-inclusive adventure will take you through richly

coffee or tea while taking in the scenery.

diverse landscapes, cultures and heritage sites. The Persian Caravan train will delight all of your senses The Persian Caravan train offers unique excursions with

as you travel through Iran to reveal the pearls of Persia.

tours ranging from beloved Iranian cities such as Isfahan, well known for its beautiful historic architecture and magnificent Persian gardens that trace their design principles to the days of Shah Abbas. Pasargadae and


Nasir ol Molk Mosque


From the legendary hospitality of the Iranian people to the thousands year old culture and traditions, riches and wonders await those who have the courage to go beyond the clichĂŠs.


Iran is a land history

Heritage sites. At the moment,

to discover the riches the country

culture, souvenir and

Iran stands 11th in the world for

has to offer.

authenticity. This is not

the number of registered world

a tourism slogan, this is the reality

heritage sites.

experienced by visitors who have

Visitor numbers are growing exponentially, with Iranian officials

been impressed by Iran’s beauty

Archaeologists estimate that mod-

predicting 20 million tourists by

and amazing attractions.

ern Iran is home to over a million


historical sites, places and zones. Iran is bursting with cultural her-

During the past few centuries,

If you would like to find a small

itage and historical monuments.

over 150,000 of such sites have

world in a vast country, you are

These architectural remnants can

been located in different parts of

welcome to visit Iran.

date back thousands of years.

the country.

Overall some 20 major archaeo-

Despite many negative news sto-

logical sites in Iran have been reg-

ries about Iran, the World Travel

istered by the United Nations Ed-

Market 2015 Industry report said

ucational, Scientific and Cultural

Iran was set to become a tourism

Organization (UNESCO) as World

hot spot and tourists were rushing


FACILITIES AND SERVICES What’s included in the tour price

Professional and Experienced Tour Guides

On Board Service

The Persian Caravan train allows its passengers to ex-

You can expect service which is attentive, friendly and

plore real Iran in a fast and safe manner. Local English-

unobtrusive. Your car attendants provide housekeep-

speaking tour guides offer explanations of the most

ing services with one attendant always on duty to assist

significant sites in each city, while there are also op-

you and to ensure you are comfortable in your cabin.

portunities to experience authentic regional cuisine

Complimentary tea, coffee and bottled drinking water

as well as shopping. Our tour guides are top licensed

are available in your cabin 24 hours a day.

guides with one mission in mind making your tour the journey of a lifetime. Arrival And Departure Airport Transfers Arrival and departure transfers are included. Hotel and On Board Accommodation Although you will spend much of your time sightseeing or relaxing in the hotels and train’s public areas, you will find your cabin a welcome retreat at the end of a rewarding day. All hotels are of five-star standard, or the best available. Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner Daily All meals are included, starting with dinner on the first day and ending with breakfast on the last day. Several times during the tour we will also sample authentic local cuisine and a selection of drinks on the train, which is also included in the tour price. All on board foods are cooked, prepared and served inside the train. On Board Facilities 24-hour service in each car, facilities include a bathroom in each car, air-conditioning, a library, free WIFI, LCD screen and a large windows to watch the world go by ensures a memorable experience.


Guided Off-train Excursions The history and culture of the places we visit on our rail cruises will come alive through our expert local guides. All our tours include a wide-ranging sightseeing schedule to make the most of the time you have off the train and bring you closer to the culture, people and history of your destinations. We believe it is the special little touches that help create magical memories. On Board Doctor And Medical Facilities To give you peace of mind our tours are accompanied by a Doctor who travels with us for the entire journey; so you can rest assured that medical assistance is always available. On call 24 hours a day, the Doctor is on hand to give primary care which is also included in the tour price. In almost every case, the doctor will be English speaking. Porterage As you may need to unpack your luggage and belongings will stay with you on the train throughout the journey, wherever necessary, porterage is included between the hotels and stations.

On-Board Kitchen




ON-BOARD CUISINE Onboard experience dining restaurant


On-Board Restaurant

PERSIAN CUISINE ON-BOARD The 5-star train is the



newest train to join Iran’s rolling stock by

You can have food in a double

The train has a kitchen which is

the Raja passenger train company

decker restaurant with a magnifi-

located in a dedicated space apart

which offers a higher class of

cent and pleasant environment

from he dining car and guests


which has the seating capacity for

can observe the whole process of

96 people. Guests will be served

preparing the food and order the

The train features 4-bunk com-

with a range of healthy, tasty

dish of their choice. Our cuisine is

partments where every car has one


designed to be enjoyed.

well-trained male and female host onboard to serve passengers.

Passengers in the train will be served with a wide range of

The train starts its journey from

Iranian and exotic entrees, main

Tehran and after passing Kashan,

courses and desserts and after the

Isfahan, Bam, Kerman, Yazd,

meal there hopefully a friendly

Saadat Shahr and Shiraz will be


back to Tehran again.





FIRST CLASS CABINS 1st class facilities on the trains


facilities on the trains Each corridor of the train has 10 comfort-

Compartments have special space for passengers’ lug-

able 4-bunk compartments all of which

gage which are 185cm long, 48cm wide and 34cm tall


above the compartment’s door.

2 upper and 2 lower beds each, designed appropriately

Passengers have personal 52.48cm space and there is a

for a peaceful sleep. Upper beds are 174cm in length

52.40cm folding table for 2 passengers sitting in front

and 64cm in width. Lower beds which are suitable

of each other for serving food while they are not rest-

for taller passengers are 185 cm in length and 64cm in

ing, otherwise they can fold it up for enough sleeping


space for the lower beds.

Compartments available facilities include: 1. Electronic washroom systems 2. Sleeping sets including a mattress, pillow and blanket of the highest hygiene standards in special bags 3. Slippers 4. Blinds over the windows to regulate the light 5. Adjustable air conditioning system 6. TV sets providing access to 8 different channels including 2 movie channel 7. Access to the digital content delivery networks on mobile phones and tablets.

The cabins



Amir Chakhmaq, Yazd

20 Azadi Tower, Tehran

TOURS OVERVIEW Tour route and stop details

The Persian Caravan Train tour is an iconic experience of discovering the story of Persia. This all-inclusive adventure will take you through richly diverse landscapes, cultures and heritage sites. The Persian Caravan Train offers unique excursions with tours ranging from beloved Iranian cities such as Isfahan, well known for its beautiful historic architecture and magnificent Persian gardens that trace their design principles to the days of Shah Abbas. Pasargadae and Persepolis, cities of the Achaemenid Empire that rank among the world’s greatest sites of antiquity and the warmness of the Iranian people. Yazd which is also very well known for its Zoroastrian fire temples, Persian handicrafts and its high quality confectionery as well as Kerman that is known for its tropical fruits and dates, excellent beef and dairy product. Over a week, the Persian Caravan Train will delight all of your senses as you travel through Iran to reveal the pearl of Persia. During the day, the train provides a warm, naturally lit observation area. Here you can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while taking in the scenery.

Tehran – Kashan – Isfahan – Bam – Kerman Yazd – Meybod – Pasargade (Saadatshahr) – Persepolis – Shiraz – Tehran

To Book Call +98 (21) 7761 6210 or Call Your Travel Agent




Discover the ancient Persia


WELCOME TO IRAN located in city center of Tehran. Feel free to explore

come meeting. Flights often arrive very late at night

Tehran tonight, but make sure you’re back in time

or early in the morning in Tehran. Keep in mind the

to meet the group. After introductions, your tour

evening welcome meeting when booking your travel.

leader will review the details of your tour. You’ll

Arrive at Imam Khomeini International Airport in

meet your fellow travelers at the welcome dinner.

Iran, where you are met and transferred to our hotel

- Overnight at 5* Hotel, Tehran


There are no activities planned until an evening wel-



After breakfast, we’ll go to see National Museum of

We will then go back to the hotel to get prepared to

Iran which is an institution formed of two complexes,

start the train tour. At Evening we go to Tehran Na-

including the Museum of Ancient Iran and the Islam-

ture Bridge where young couples spend time together.

ic Era. Then we go to visit a World Heritage Site, the

Dinner is in a local restaurant in the center of Tehran,

Golestan Palace (Ethnographical Museum, Shams-ol-

which offers a chance to experience vibrant Iranian

Emareh edifice, Marmare Throne and Mirror Hall) that

life in the capital of Iran. You’re likely to meet smiling

was built during the Qajar Dynasty that rose to power

young Iranians who are delighted to engage with you.

in the late 1700’s, this fabulous walled complex is cen-

- Overnight at 5* Hotel, Tehran


tered on a landscaped garden with tranquil pools.



Today we arrive in Kashan, a town originally famous

From here we will visit the Khan-e Boru- jerdi and

for its textiles and ceramic production, but now better

Khan-e Tabatabei, These 19th-century houses were

known for the Fin Garden and extensive bazaar and

funded by wealthy merchants, and feature lovely


courtyards, lush gardens and fine intricate relief design carved into stone and stucco work. From here we

The Fin Garden which is one of the nine Persian Gar-

will visit the bazaar area, a widespread complex filled

dens added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site is our

with hamams and mosques; one Hamam has been con-

first stop, a relaxing and visually impressive Persian

verted to a traditional tea house where we will stop for

garden with water channels all passing through a cen-

those who need a break from shopping. Then we will

tral pavilion.

be at the train station at 5:30 PM and move to Isfahan. - Overnight at 5* Hotel, Isfahan



Chehel Sotoun, Isfahan



As the 17th-century capital of the Safavid Empire, Isfa-

in the country, and its construction and embellish-

han was one of the world’s greatest cities – architectur-

ment over the past twelve centuries illustrate a num-

ally striking, wealthy beyond imagine, and politically

ber of important periods in Islamic architecture. Next

powerful with Europeans, Ottomans, Indians and Chi-

up is Chehel Sotun. Set in a landscaped and forested

nese coming to its court – the heart of a vast Persian

park in front of a tranquil reflecting pool, this graceful

Empire. Indeed, its grandeur inspired the rhyming

pavilion was built by Shah Abbas I for entertainment

proverb, Isfahan nesf-jahan (Isfahan is Half the World).

and court receptions. Entering through a portico with twenty slender wooden columns, we’ll discover soar-

Today, we’ll join our expert guide to begin our explo-

ing halls embellished with frescoes, paintings and mo-

ration of the city, starting with some of the centuries

saics; the Hall of Mirrors is especially breathtaking!

old, still elegant bridges that span the Zayandeh River. The 4th-century Shahrestan Bridge, for example,

This afternoon, our exploration continues in Imam

evokes the greatest aqueducts of ancient Rome and is

Square (A world heritage site). This 17th-century

the oldest bridge in Iran. Other famous bridges on the

site is one of the largest public spaces in the world.

Zayandeh River are Sio-ce-pol and Khaju. There are

Here in the square, we’ll visit the 17th-century Shah

gates below the bridge to let the water run- off from

Mosque, revered as a masterpiece of Islamic archi-

Zayandeh River in the spring, and there are beautiful

tecture and easily recognized by its magnificent

stone-brick archways above each gate. These archways

tile-work and soaring cupola and minarets. In the

provide a great acoustic place for every man who wants

Ali Qapu Palace, we’ll marvel at its beautiful music

to sing. We can always find a man or a group of men

rooms and the balconies where Safavid kings would

singing under the bridge. The songs are usually about

sit to enjoy the polo matches unfolding in the square

betrayal or unrequited love.

below. We’ll end our day exploring the Isfahan Bazaar that surrounds Imam Square. With hundreds

Continue our exploration in Isfahan at another UN-

of local vendors that specialize in traditional arts

ESCO World Heritage Site. Simple at first glance but

and crafts, it’s a wonderful place to shop for pottery,

wondrous in its rich detail and bold design, the Mas-

enamel, jewelry and delicately inlaid board games.

jed-e Jamé is another masterpiece of Iranian architec-

- Overnight at 5* Hotel, Isfahan

ture, covering nearly 5 acres in the heart of this historic city. This is one of the oldest congregational mosques



Aeg-e Bam, Kerman



After an early breakfast. We have a free day to explore

will be in the train station at 6:00 PM and move to Bam.

Isfahan, so take time to wander along the cities many

- Overnight on board the train


tree-lined boulevards and spacious gardens. Then we



The modern Iranian city of Bam surrounds the Bam

struction and restorations), then we will move to Ma-

citadel. The ancient citadel of Arg-é Bam (A world her-

han to visit the blue-tiled Mausoleum of Shah Nema-

itage site) has a history dating back around 2,000 years

tollah-e-Vali, the great 14th century Sufi Leader, and

ago, to the Parthian Empire, but most buildings were

the Shahzadeh Garden (late 19th century Qajar-period

built during the Safavid dynasty.

garden/house) watch is listed as a World Heritage site.

Today excursion to the Arg-e Bam, with all the archi-

In the afternoon we will move to Kerman and after a short

tectural features of a desert citadel, now on the map as a

rest in the hotel we will be free to walk around the city.

result of the tragic earthquake in Bam which destroyed

- Overnight at 5* Hotel, Kerman


the town and its magnificent citadel (still under recon-




Kerman is one of the oldest cities of Iran. The city is

ferent rooms for changing and offering different tem-

home to many historic mosques and Zoroastrian fire

pera- tures, all with intricate domed ceilings. Then we

temples. In the morning, after breakfast we will visit

will drive to Shahdad. It is located at the edge of the

the Ganjali Bathhouse Museum Located in a Safavid-

vast Lut desert (A world heritage site). The desert of-

era complex, complete with school, caravanserai, and a

fers a scenery of the sandy structures, and we can walk

mosque, the Bathhouse Museum is worth a visit. Now

right through them. After that we will back to Ker-

converted into an anthropology museum, its interior

man and will be at the train station to move to Yazd.

is meticulously and beautifully decorated, with dif-

- Overnight on board the train




Today we start our day in Yazd. Yazd is one of Iran’s

are considered to be sacred. At the still-active Zoroas-

oldest continuously inhabited towns, its silhouette

trian Fire Temple, we’ll see a flame that is said to have

punctuated by minarets and the ingeniously-designed

been burning for the past 1,500 years. It’s an impor-

wind towers that capture desert breezes to cool homes

tant pilgrimage site for the faithful and here our ex-

during the hot summer months. Yazd is also the center

pert guide will offer additional insight into one of the

of Iran’s Zoroastrian community, which is where we’ll

world’s oldest monotheistic religions.

begin the day’s sightseeing. In Amir Chakhmaq Square, we’ll see a very impressive Hussainiya – a congregation hall for Shia com-

ditions of this ancient pre-Islamic religion: Until the

memo- ration ceremonies. With three tiers of recessed

mid-1900’s, the dead were transported to this tower

alcoves, all perfectly proportioned, its façade is one

where they were left to decompose and be devoured by

of the city’s most photographed landmarks. Then

birds. Zoroastrian tradition considers a deceased body

we will visit the Friday Mosque, built in 1324, where

to be “unclean” and this process of excarnation pre

we can gaze upon the tallest minarets in the country.

vents contact with either fire or earth – both of which

- Overnight at 4* Hotel, Yazd


At the Tower of Silence, we’ll learn about one of the tra-



Today we take you to outside of Yazd, which includes

(bathhouses). Explore the valley and nearby mountains

the Meybod citadel, ice house and the impressive

and get great pictures of the aqueducts that formed

Kharanaq mud brick village. At first we will visit Mey-

part of the underground water system. At night we

bod the oldest mud brick structure in Iran and explore

will be at the train station to move to Sadatshahr.

the Narin Castel. The impressive town of Kharanaq is

- Overnight on board the train

believed to be 1,000 years old and we can explore the abandoned structures of this hillside settlement, peer-


ing into the houses of wealthy merchants and human


Today we will visit Pasargadae, a UNESCO World Her-

wan- ton destruction that still mystifies historians to-

itage Site, tomb of Cyrus the Great and former capital

day, burning the mighty city to the ground. Though a

of the Achaemenid Empire. We will spend some time

shadow of its former self, the soaring pillars, terraces

exploring the site and though not as striking as Perse-

and sculptures of Persepolis still remain, but probably

polis, there is a great viewpoint where we can look over

most impressive are the bas reliefs which line the site,

the site and the surrounding area. Then visit legendary

telling the story of ancient governors and kings that

city of Persepolis, former capital of Darius the Great

came to Persepolis to pay tribute to the Persian Emper-

and founded in 512 BC.

ors. From here we will drive a couple of miles to Naqshe-Rustam, the Necropolis where Darius and his succes-

There was no more impressive construction in the

sors are buried. Carved into the side of a cliff, the site is

ancient world. Darius built the terrace, the Apadana,

extraordinary in its magnitude and sheer ambition and

the Tachara, the monumental staircases and his son,

does not dis- appoint even after the impressive Perse-

Xerxes, added the harem and the Hall of 100 Columns.

polis. Continue to Shiraz and check in to our hotel.

Alexander the Great entered Persepolis in January

- Overnight at 5* Hotel, Shiraz

330 BC and then committed an uncharacteristic act of



Nasir ol Molk Mosque, Shiraz


After breakfast, will start our full day tour of Shiraz.

It even reflects on the visitors as if a colorful ball is hit

At first, we will visit Karim Khan Citadel. Built during

by the first sun ray and explodes to thousands of but-

the Zand Dynasty, we will visit Nasir-al-Mulk Mosque

terflies all around. Shiraz is famous for its gardens and

(Pink Mosque) few steps far from Vakil Bazaar.

we’ll visit the Eram Garden with its aromatic myrtles, beautiful flowers, fruit trees, and towering cypress

It built by the order from one of the lords of the Qa-

(one of which is said to be 3,000 years old).

jar Dynasty, Mirza Hasan ‘Ali Nasir-al-Mulk, it took 12 years to complete in 1888. Its interior reveals a magnifi-

We will end our day in Shiraz on a tranquil note in the

cent masterpiece of design with stunning colors. This

lovely garden tomb of Hafez, one of Persian literature

is a space where light and worship intertwine.

most famous poets. Hafez is one of great poets who impressed everyone with his mastery.. Later we’ll be

The mosque comes to life with the sunrise and colors

escorted to the train station and will move to Tehran.

dance throughout the day like whirling dervishes. It

There will be a special event for guests in the evening.

reflects on the ground, walls, the arches and the tower-

- Overnight on board the train


ing spires.


There are no activities planned for the final dayof the trip and you are able to depart the accommodation at any time to take your flights home. - Overnight at 5* Hotel, Tehran


27 Dasht-e Loot (Lut Desert)

28 Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan



THE MOUNTAIN TRAIN 1-day tour, railways of the north of Iran

THE STONE CROSSINGS TOUR 3-day tour of Zagros railway

THE RAIL AND RIVER TOUR 2-day tour of Lorestan

EXCLUSIVE TOURS Exclusive Tours by train

TO REQUEST A COPY OF OUR RAIL BROCHURE Please call +98 21 7761 6210 or visit our website

Photos by: Hadi Karimi, Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Atta Kenare, JP Richard, Amin Khosroshahi, Hosein Esmaili, Majid Azad, Hossein Zohrevand



SURFIRAN Travel and Tours 661, L7, Bahar Complex, Bahar St. 1561636674 Tehran Iran

Phone Fax

+98 (21) 7761 6210 +98 (21) 4385 3062

E-mail Website

Parsyad Co 5, Neshat Dead End Darband St. Tehran Iran

Phone +98 (21) 2274 1893 E-mail Website

For questions, availability and bookings, please contact: SURFIRAN Travel and Tours or your travel agent. Tel. +98 (21) 7761 6210 Website.

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