Layout 19 1 december januari #111

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elcome to our Truth issue. And the surfers on the cutting edge that are pushing our sport forward to the outer limits of environmentalism, imagery, engineering and performance. So, with this in mind, we kick off this issue with a profound question. What the hell is wrong with us? Read our first article to find out. Next, as much as we speak of our surfboards having the soul of the shaper and the surfer in them, do fins have soul too? After all, unless you are a finless rider, nothing is possible without them. Could not the complicated engineering that goes into them, the very human energy that goes into their production, might this also have a scent of soul? We check in with Vince Longo, CEO and Chief designer of Future Fins, for the answer. And that answer

give you our words, images and thoughts from master photographer like Marcus Palladino. Palladino’s portfolio is of special interest. As far from our warm world as can be. Sensitive photos from the cold southwest Canadian region of Tofino. Images that provide an insight to the brand of stoke that it takes to keep surfing despite the challenges of a wild, icy Ocean. And as a juxtaposition to that world, we were stoked to get the images from two of our favorite surfers ripping Java. Dede Suryana and Dedi Gun, powering through a few of Dede’s homeground breaks. A real super session with meaning from two veterans that are still surfing as well as, and with the same energy as, teenagers on their first surf trip. So, for our 111th issue, we will leave you with this thought: When we

just might change your whole world. For our examination of performance we share with you our exclusive visit from our six time World Champion Stephanie Gilmore. She and Courtney Conlogue recently lit up the line-ups from G-land to Keramas. And we learn just what it means to be a female Champion in today’s frenetic pro world. Going deeper into this issue, we found that being in on something new is the biggest thrill in the world. And to get thoughts on this matter we visited Northern Bali’s Muklis Anwar for his take on his new life as Volcom’s Indonesian surfing Ambassador. An enviable position that has brought this Medewi Charger a new, peaceful perspective on life. That and all the empty waves he gets to surf around Bali’s most overlooked wave field. For the cutting edge of surf photography, we

use all our energies solely on our own personal needs, our growth grinds to a soul-less halt. Expanding our surplus energy, our deeper energy, our “soul” so to speak, is an investment in transformation and change and progression for our Oceans and us. This is the cutting edge of evolution. Of the answers to the environmental and spiritual challenges facing us all. An exciting time, an extraordinary time to be alive if we make it so. So get out there and get into it. Because there is nothing in the world with a sharper cutting edge than a new way of thinking. -Editor-






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DISPATCH: Morning Of The Earth

GALLERY: Courage. Speed. Jam. Fly.




Representatives: Jakarta ( PT. Akses Media Favorit, PT. Media Satu Global-Ari Afdilah ), PT. Point Break Indonesia, Bandung ( Thesi, Firman Boesly ), Yogyakarta ( AMF ), Semarang ( AMF ), Malang ( Indra G ), Solo ( AMF ), Pangandaran ( Asep ), Padang ( Substance ), Bali ( Swasti Agency, Bali Deli ), Samarinda, Banjarmasin, Mataram ( Royal Surf ). Publisher: PT. Extreme Sports Media Pre-Press + Printing: PT. Cintya, Denpasar

COVER: Our great Champion Dede Suryana can now add the title great Environmentalist to his resume. Thanks to his involvement in the Amazing Geopark Adventure Tourism project, his hometown break at Cimaja, Java, is one step closer to being declared a UNESCO Heritage site. Ensuring future generations will be able to bust clean airs just like him in natural conditions just like this. Photography by Liquid Barrel

By 2050, a mere 33 years from now, this view will not exist. Read on. Photography by Liquid Barrel 1 2 SURFTIME

By Matt George


lright everybody. Enough’s enough. Class is in session. The oceans cover 75% of the planet. They are divided into five basins: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Southern Oceans. The ocean provides 3 billion people a fifth of their protein, fish being a bigger source than beef. One in ten people on earth depend on fishing to stay alive. Climate and weather are caused by the temperature patterns of the Ocean. If you were a space traveler looking for a dry place to land, you would pass up our planet because it looks entirely made of water. If anything ought to be too big to fail, it is the ocean. Humans have long assumed that the ocean’s size has allowed them to put anything they wanted into it and to take anything they wanted out. Overfishing and pol-

lution have changed all this. The oceans store over 90% of the heat trapped on Earth by greenhouse-gas emissions. So every coral reef on earth will be gone 2050. If you had a child today, by the time he was 33 years old, coral would not exist. Your grandchildren will never even know what it was. By 2050, the Ocean will contain more plastic than fish by weight. Already this plastic is eaten by fish. And then by people. The Gods only know what that is doing to our brains. Even with all this plastic, 90% of fish stocks are fished beyond their sustainable limits. That’s right. 90%. The ocean gives us life. We treat it with contempt. Forget feeling sorry for ourselves, this sullen teenager, self-destructive behavior demands explanation. Ok, here is three reasons for it. One. Geography. The bulk of

the ocean is beyond the horizon for most humans. The damage being only visible to those who swim in it. That would be us. But for most the seas are out of sight and out of mind. And forget about our useless world leaders. They’re lost. Fact: there is only one tiny reference to the ocean in the entire Paris agreement on climate change.

Our fighting chance is up to men like Rizal Tandjung. Raising two boys who surf and who hold the future of the oceans in their hands. Teach your children well, or prepare for doomsday. Photography by Pete Frieden






The full sequence of our cover shot, Jack Robinson’s barrel of the season at a new Eastside secret spot. Jacques Cousteau once said “The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever”. What he didn’t realize, was that if we don’t get our sh*t together, and fast, there won’t be any forever. Photography by Liquid Barrel

A second problem? Who controls the Oceans? The Ocean, think of it as a vast region, is clawed by a patchwork of laws and agreements and other typical governmental lies and shameful compromises. Enforcement is impossible. And apparently uneccessary. And incentives are non-existant. Waters outside national jurisdictions, known funny enough as the “high seas”, are global common ground. Without defined property rights or a community invested in their upkeep, the exploitation of the Oceans from greed driven individuals bury it. And fish move around. Alot. So why observe quotas and boundaries when your neighbor is hauling in catches with impunity? Third reason, Science. Confusing, doomsday science that 99.9% of Humans have no understanding or interest in. They are too busy buying new iPhones. Look, the ocean is a victim of other, bigger processes too. The ocean has warmed by 0.7°C since the 19th century. And it is now warming exponentially. Encouraging life to migrate towards the poles in search of cooler waters. More carbon dioxide in the water makes it more acidic. Enjoy your crab and oysters while you can, this acid is slowly destroying their calcium carbonate shells. The good news? “Ocean blindness” can be cured. Computing power, satellite imaging and drones are bringing the ocean into better focus than ever before. Work is under way to map the sea floor in detail using sonar technology. On the surface, aquatic drones can get to remote, stormy places at a far smaller cost than manned vessels. From above, ocean-colour radiometry is improving understanding of how phytoplankton move and thrive. And tiny, 1kg satellites are now doing their damndest to keep an eye on the wholesale murder of all our fish.

Ben Benson is smiling now, but will he be when he turns 47 years old? Because unless he does something about it, by then there will be no coral left on earth. Photography by Pete Frieden

Spread: Let the children play‌while they still can. Willy Falaga, though oblivious to the end of days at fun Nias, he may just witness them in his lifetime. Photography by Liquid Barrel Top: Marlon Gerber is part of the first generation of surfing environmentalists. But if anything is going to work to save our oceans, the next generation are going to have to be warriors. Photography by Pete Frieden Bottom: Dede Suryana has alot to be happy about. Having inspired the government sponsored Amazing Geopark Adventure Tourism Exhibition in his hometown of Cimaja, Java, he is one step closer to having the whole region declared a UNESCO heritage site. We need more men like Dede‌and fast. Photography by Liquid Barrel

This new scientific data might improve the shepherding of our oceans. As sea-floor soundings get better, the supervision of deep-sea mining, which is overseen by the extraordinarily named International Seabed Authority, should get a few more people in trouble. More analysis makes it easier for Ocean cops like these guys. Satellite monitoring can bust the fisherman that switch off their tracking devices when they approach marine protected areas. Data might be a really boring word but it sure makes it easier to enforce codes. Like, say, the Port State Measures Agreement, which forces foreign vessels to inspections and requires port states to share information on any wrongdoings. Highly unlikely, sure, there is alot of money to be made in not snitching…but still, there might be a few hearts of oak out there. And again, it sounds boring but all this info just might lead to financial incentives. The only thing in the world that ever make anything like this happen. Insurance firms, for

instance, have an incentive to ask for more data on fishing vessels. If ships switch off their tracking systems, the chances of collisions rise, and so do premiums. Wait…isn’t this what Insurance companies want? Higher premiums? Still, watchdog groups, and hopefully all humans once we start to starve and boil to death, will get involved. At this point, armed response seems like a good idea. The only other method that seems to get anything done. What else are we going to do? Send Miroslav Lajčák a strongly worded tweet? Miroslav, by the way, is the guy who runs the United Nations in case you were wondering. Another institution that is supposed to be handling all this crap when in fact all they can do is confab and have three martini lunches. Believe me, I know, I used to work them. So surfers. What is our best hope for protecting surfing? The Paris agreement? Gulp. No one even knows what that is. And with the United States of America pulling out of the deal, who’s next? And the hazy limits agreed on in Paris will not

prevent sea levels from rising or corals from bleaching. Indeed, unless this Paris agreement is drastically improved, it could make things worse.…Mankind is now able to see the damage it is doing to the ocean. And, as part of Mankind, surfers see it everyday. Whether or not Mankind can stop it is questionable. And whether or not surfers can stop it is a question we hope keeps you awake tonight.

“Humans have long assumed that the ocean’s size allowed them to put anything they wanted into it and to take anything they wanted out. Every coral reef on earth will be gone by 2050. So if you had a child today, by the time he was 33 years old, coral would not exist. Your grandchildren will never even know what it was”. What now must we do? Photography by Pete Frieden




Future fins Chief Design Officer Vince Longo sights down his new John John Florence fin model. As committed as any surfboard shaper with a Masters degree in industrial design, Vince is putting the soul back into our fins one world championship at a time. Photography by Liquid Barrel

Do fins have soul? In part two of our examination of Surfboard fins, we examine why surfboards are approached as if they are living things and yet fins, the very things that make surfboards possible to ride, are often just afterthoughts. When in fact it takes the same commitment to design, the same passion of thought and even greater cosmic science to create a surfboard fin. Might surfboard fins be infused with the same mythical, soulful elements of surfboards themselves? Can surfers have the same relationship with a set of “magic” fins” as they do with “magic” Surfboards? The following is our second conversation with Vince Longo, the Chief Design Officer of Future fins and, when it comes to surfboard fins, one of the most knowledgeable humans on earth. The conversation was like a round table talk at NASA. So, in the interest of science and soul, here are the pertinent points of Vince Longo:

-Of course fins can give you a soulful feeling. They are half the equation of a magic board. How many of us get a new board and put it under our arm and look in the reflection of a window to see how beautiful it is. Try that with fins sometime. - Fins create a pressure difference. And with that difference they allow you to change direction. Fins break up the water flow so that they make the flow unstable and allow you to change direction more easily. On one side of the fin is high pressure and on the other side low pressure. Just like an airplane wing. This causes instability. Because of that instability you can actually direct where you want to go. That’s it. But it’s still rocket science. -Actual fish in the ocean, their fins can be controlled and contoured by their muscles. Surfboards do not have that luxury, so we must make due with a rigid, inanimate object. But the directional dynamics remains the same.

-Gravity has everything to do with generating speed when it comes to surfboard fins. You use gravity to drop down a wave, but it is the fins that actually allow you to create the pressure to get back up the face of the wave. Without the bottom turn, top of the wave maneuvers would not exist. - A spin out is caused when you lose the laminar flow of water against the fin. The water is actually holding your fin in its grip. But when the turbulence, or disruption you are causing becomes too great, the water will let go of its grip and you will spin out.

World Champion Joel Parkinson exhibiting what fins are all about. Without bottom turns like this, today’s wild, above the lip maneuvers would not exist. Photography by Pete Frieden

- You surf a thruster, you guide a vertically placed twin fin fish design. - Interesting that fluid surfing is made possible by instability. - The single fin surfboard is far more dependent on rail work. Because with the double foil of a single fin, you must lean the board into the wave in order to create the fin angle yourself, so that you can create that pressure difference. There is no cant or tow in. It’s up to you. Foil allows the water to grab the fin in front and create the turbulence in the back. Allowing the turn you want. - With thrusters you have fins working together. So as soon as you have that turn, you have two side fins lifting and creating instability and pressure together. So the side fins are working with the rail and the center fin is the foil stabilizing it all. So the real key to understanding the Thruster fin set-up is understanding that the side fins and the rails are working so close together.

- Finless surfboards? Sure, it is possible to use just the rails to go places. But watch those guys. It takes an incredibly low center of gravity to make it happen. You are almost permanently in a low, careful crouch. Great feeling though. - Thruster fin placement all over the world is almost identical. - With twin fins, without your center fin the rudder dynamic, your point of turn becomes more of a pivot. - The back fin of a Thruster is double foiled so that it can handle the necessary pressure dynamics in both directions. Simple. - With tube riding, the thruster allows a far more sensitive ability to climb and drop inside the tube. That is why they seem superior for deep tube riding to single fins. The single fin needs a perfect tube and a perfect line to work optimally.

- The language we use with the CT guys is about stiffness, looseness and area. That is their main concern. I think for John John, him dialing in his area of the fin is his key. - We do not get our most precise feedback from John John and Jordy and all the CT guys we have on our team. The CT guys just want things that work. Fair enough. -The best test pilots are the guys that have been on the CT but then have retired. They have more time to experiment and feel things out. No longer concerned with being fashionable to the judges. -Jordy comes strongly to mind when we talk about fin size and area. Completed maneuvers are about fins with the right area for the surfer. Too much area and it’s tracky, too little and you have no follow through. Jordy is highly tuned into this. - You can break a fin down into two elements. Area in the tip and area at the base. For the actual heavy duty contours of the

fin we depend on physics and computers and close observation to get the greatest flow quotients. This is what makes those shaper dots on the bottom of your board so significant. Shapers place fins alot on feel. That’s why feedback from the surfer to the shaper about fin placement is so critical to the board’s performance. -Shaper’s know alot more about fins than their riders do. -Some surfers, like Jack Freestone, pay attention to foil for different conditions. For example, he rides more foil in small junky surf an flatter foils for Teahupoo. So that he can control his speeds easier. -I hear from our riders that the key to surfing Teahupoo is controlling your speed. A real

fine line there to stay in the tube. The wave wants to spit you out. And with no face, its hard to stall. Freestone believes the right fin foil can make the difference between winning and losing when it gets that heavy. Speed control. - When people ask me which fins to use I say, Machado has fin tip flex and fatter foil for fluidity and Jordy has more area and flatter, stiffer profiles for more brute force. Where do you fit in? - We also break down fins for specific spots. Trestles as opposed to Pipe and so forth. When you wanna generate speed you want more foil and flex. To control your speed, flat foil and stiff. That is the basic spectrum of design.

-Once you lay into a turn the place behind the shaper’s dot becomes real important. The trailing edge of the base. Everything we make is based on those shaper’s dots.

Though computer imagery and simulation has finally caught up to the refining of fin design, there is nothing like the real thing. Still, the computer simulations are providing breakthrough discovery’s in speed and projection. Even more so than the surfboard, the evolution of the fin has been accelerated into the stratosphere by new technology. Photography by Liquid Barrel

- Computational fluid dynamics. That’s us. We are currently working with the guy that does all the car foils for Lamborghini and the Formula 1 guys. The future of surfboard fins has never been brighter than right now. After all… Fins are all about the turning in the right direction, right?

Above: Even though the great Betet Merta and his fin’s seem to spend more time above his waves than on them, it still takes a combined drive of fin and man to get him where he wants to be. Photography by Pete Frieden Bottom: “Jordy comes strongly to mind when we talk about fin size and area. Completed maneuvers are about fins with the right area for the surfer. Too much area and it’s tracky, too little and you have no follow through. He’s highly tuned”. Photography by Pete Frieden










So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they become inevitable. Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done. Just ask Marlon Gerber, seen here pushing his fins to the outer limits at Keramas. Photography by Pete Frieden

Jungle Love Stephanie Gilmore surfs better than you.

Six time World Champion Stephanie Gilmore. With electrifying performances at Keramas and Grajagan, reminding us all that she is still the spearhead of the female performance movement. Photography by Nobu Fuku 3 4 SURFTIME


ou’ve come a long way, baby”. So read the ad slogan for Virginia Slims, a “Feminist” cigarette brand, released in 1968. This in response to the sexual revolution and a radical transition from suffragette to what was then called Women’s Liberation. Nowadays it’s just called basic human rights. And we have female warriors like Stephanie Gilmore to thank for that. But as insulting as that 1968 cigarette slogan may seem now to liberated women, it sure worked then. Virginia slims cigarettes carved out a new market and became one of the most popular brands in history. And many other brands jumped on the bandwagon too. There was even a perfume named “Charlie”. But it is that marketing of the liberated woman’s image, and its posi-

tive results, that is of most interest here. Because it happened in surfing too. Just like the smoking of cigarettes, Professional surfing was long the domain of men. Women’s competition merely a charity sideshow. So lowly thought of that larrikan and 1998 Pipe Master Robbie Page once quipped “Women’s pro surfing…where women can be men and look like them too!”. But that all changed when in 1990 a photographer named Jeff Hornbaker, working for Quiksilver at the time, rocked the male surfing world by introducing with the a staggering images of new ad campaign and product line. It was called Roxy. And it was all about being a woman. With its imagery of beautiful women, surfing together, no men in sight, leis’ about their necks, straw hats plonked on their heads

and “sports bikini’s” flowered against the summer sunshine of Waikiki, a new world was launched. Now a woman, any woman, could tell the men to f*ck off. And believe me, they did. Because Roxy followers, aside from saving a floundering Quiksilver with mega-sales, had created their own tribe.

With her Olympic fitness and irrepressible optimism, Stephanie, surfing’s first female millionaire, serves to remind us all just how great a life can be if you commit your soul to it. Even on a small, rainy day at G-Land. Photography by Nobu Fuku

A sexy, capable, talented tribe, Amazonian without the arrows, that did not need the approval of any man. As for the men, two very confusing things happened in very quick succession. One, Women’s Professional Freesurfing was born and two, Women’s Professional Competition was entirely rebooted. Now a pro surfing woman could be a very respected, glamorous, and it has to be said, desirable international athlete in the mainstream media.

With a beauty and an ability to match her remarkable surroundings, Stephanie surfs with a master’s poise, a fighter’s soul and a dancer’s grace. “With her powerful but flowing style both on land and sea,” Beach Grit magazine wrote in 2014, “She’s taken a testosterone-saturated field and beautified it infinitely. Men can be beautiful on a surfboard, sure, but it always seems partially contrived. The flow Steph achieves on an open right wall is pure dance and the epitome of feminine beauty.” Left: Photography by Nobu Fuku Top Right: Photography by Dave Thomas Bottom Right: Photography by Nobu Fuku

All of the sudden we had our our own army of Serena Williams’s. Which brings us to our six-time world Champion Stephanie Gilmore. A woman who remains fiercely independent, wealthy and again, it has to be said, a wholesome-sexy hyper-jump beyond such greats as Lisa Andersen and Layne Beachley. By no fault of Lisa and Layne, they had to grow up surfing in men’s clothes. And more than the perpetually bored Lisa Andersen, Stephanie Gilmore is the shiny Kelly of Female pro surf-

ing. And when you think about it that way, with the surfing she has done and is doing, all with that big smile on her face, she may easily be counted among the most courageous surfers of all time. “With her powerful but flowing style both on land and sea,” Beach Grit magazine said in 2014, “She’s taken a testosterone saturated field and beautified it infinitely. Men can be beautiful on a surfboard, sure, but it always seems partially contrived.

The flow Steph achieves on an open right wall is pure dance and the epitome of feminine beauty.” Tall and strong and gifted with equal parts strength and fluidity, Gilmore has overcome wild odds to simply outclass most men in both personal behavior and surfing skill. Stephanie Gilmore has not only overcome legions of female opponents, but the chauvinism of the male surfing scene. Which may be her biggest achievement. “In my eyes,” Stephanie says, “the best female surfer is someone who pulls into big barrels and can take getting scraped on the reef, but can then turn around and be graceful and stylish in beautiful waves in the most feminine way possible”. Stephanie recently visited our fine archipelago, heading straight for the jungles of Grajagan. “Love that wave, cannot get enough of it” she says. Then rounded out her trip with some blazing Keramas super sessions. And in her surfing could be heard the echoes of every ambitious, talented professional female surfer that had ever come before. Still a joy to watch, better than 99% of any of the men in the line-up, perhaps someday her surfing will finally serve to erode, once and for all, the misguided, misogynist attitudes our sport. Forcing all us men to see the truth. Another echo whose truth can still be heard in that cloying, cigarette ad slogan back in 1968. But this time around, men, do yourself a favor. Drop the baby bit.

Courtney Conlogue had to step it up when she paddled out at Keramas next to Stephanie Gilmore and ended up blowing minds during one of the “best sessions of my life. I have Steph to thank for that. Such an inspiration”. That is the sign of true Champions like Stephanie Gilmore, when one’s own performance elevates those around you. Photography by Pete Frieden



For a man coming from a humble background, Muklis Anwar has quietly carved out a very unique Indonesian free surfing career. One based on the peace and happiness we all seek. Muklis, boosting, Medewi, Homegrounds. Photography by Samu Karhu



Photography by Putu Juliartha


uklis Anwar dropped by the Surftime offices recently. His usual cheerful, smiling self. A naturally positive surfer. As if he was born with a happy gene. But in reality we discovered it is more than that. Here is a North Bali Island surfer, born into the Islamic enclave of village Medewi, who from very humble beginnings, made his own path to happiness through belief, commitment and maybe just a little luck. The following are some of the truths we learned about Muklis Anwar:

listening to western music.

waves each.

-Muklis has surfed in California, Hawaii, Japan and France. He liked Newport Beach California because the spots were like home. “Except it was like an ants nest with all the people”.

- On first visits to Kuta, Muklis stayed with Made Kasim. “I have alot to thank the Padma boys for”.

- Muklis used to live in Kuta. But when his wife was pregnant with their first, Muklis moved back to Village Medewi for the sake of family. “It’s a happier place for me. For us.” He said, “I feel I am a village boy”.

-Muklis is 30 years old and has been with Volcom since he was 14 years old.

- Muklis surfs alone alot. With a handful of heavy secret spots around Medewi. “Most surfers do not know that that stretch of coast gets pounded by big swells” He says. “With all our secret spots we find ourselves surfing alone alot. Sometimes I get scared because I am surfing all by myself no one around to help”.

-Muklis believes the Europeans and western surfers are far more fit than Indonesian surfers. “I mean, they go to the gym as much as they surf”.

-Though he shares the last name, Muklis is not related to the Lakey Peak Anwar’s. But he did grow up with Oney’s brother, Gazlah Anwar. “So Oney’s family was like my family and Lakey Peak a second home”.

- If there was a contest, Muklis would often get up at three in the morning to catch a bus or a truck ride for the three hours it would take to get near Padma . He would walk from there. He was 12 years old at the time.

-He would collect shells at low tide, eat the creatures inside them and then dry and nail polish the shells to sell to tourists. This is how he got his second board.

-Muklis thought it important to finish High School with good grades. So he did.

- Muklis believes that if you want to get perfect waves in his neighborhood, you have to be a hunter.

- Muklis’s Father is a fisherman. He would fish all night and then in the morning Muklis would run down to see what he caught and then use the wooden bowsprit of the boat as a belly board. He would have to bolt it back on when he was finished.

- Muklis has spoken almost perfect English since he was 17. He taught himself how by

Muklis’s uncle gave him his first old used board. But seven kids had to share it. Two

Volcom House, Medewi, November 2017. At 30 years old and a dedicated family man, Muklis is currently moving comfortably into his position as Volcom’s Indonesian surfing ambassador. It has led to red hot surf sessions and lifelong friendships with surfers such as, from left to right, Mitch Coleborn, Balaram Stack, Noa Deane, Emai Kalani, William Alioti and Ozzie Wright. Photography by Juliartha

- No one would tell Muklis when contests were on, his family had no phone. He would have to look at a Surftime magazine to see schedules and then enter on the beach. He would bring his own lunch. -Muklis believes he was too happy with his surfing life to be a good competitor. -Muklis is moving into an Ambassador position at Volcom. He sticks around Medewi for the rainy season. “When all the secrets are firing”. Then during the dry season he ventures out to the Bukit, Desert Point, Supersucks, and Lakey Peak. “It’s a perfect wave world for me” He says. -Muklis is married with two children. The girl is 6, the boy is 11 months old. -Muklis also runs an outfit called MEDEWI SECRET SURF CAMP. It has no website. And he likes it that way. “You can try” He says with a laugh, “ you might find it there”.

Though he is happy to share, you will not find Muklis advertising the many secret spots that the north Bali boys have. We here in the south forget that they are directly bombarded by any south swell. “With all our secret spots I find myself surfing alone alot. Sometimes I get scared because I am surfing all by myself” he says, “No one around to help”. Muklis, driving for the light, all alone except for the photographer on the beach, secret spot #17. Photography by Samu Karhu


Dede And Dedi Surf West Java For The Future Of Our World Photography by Liquid Barrel 4 6 SURFTIME


he Amazing Geopark Adventure Tourism Exhibition. The name itself is a fascination. And, when you think about it, there is a genius to it. Because it will be the children that save the world. Recently, Dede Suryana, major domo of Cimaja, Java, was approached by the surrounding 14 provinces of his region to participate in an extraordinary effort. A gambit to take a huge chunk of Java and qualify it as a UNESCO heritage site. A huge chunk that would include his hometown and his homebreak of Cimaja. It was perfect timing for Dede. He has been quietly changing the local perceptions of the ocean in his hometown for sometime now. Starting with breaking of local superstitions by switching from his trademark red and white surfboards, in honor of the flag of Indonesia, to solid green colored surfboards. Local lore holds that the Queen of the Java Ocean, due to being jilted by a lover who wore green, will bring bad fortune to anyone who dares to enter her domain wearing anything green. Dede felt that it was time to prove to the people that if you approach the ocean with care and respect, that is all the Queen requires. So, blazing around on his new green surfboards, surfing better than ever, Dede Suryana is changing the very spiritual landscape wave by wave. “Plus,” Says Dede, “Green is the most beautiful color in the world. The color of life. And it helps spread the word of environmentalism and no pollution. Go green”.

Think globally, act locally. With his leadership during the “Amazing Geopark Adventure Tourism Exhibition” in his hometown of Cimaja Java, an effort to have the region declared a UNESCO Heritage site, Dede Suryana has elevated himself from the pack. Already a Champion, now a combatant against the destruction of the Ocean. Just like his elegant, powerful cutbacks, Dede is putting his money where his mouth is.

The exhibition drew surfers from around the world and the sessions were ratcheted up by the cause. But one performance stood out among the rest. Dede Suryana, homegrounds, and feeling it.

Going on Dede says “That is what I am doing and I can now see others doing the same. Our beaches have never been cleaner”. The fledgling UNESCO effort came off without a hitch. The Amazing Geopark Adventure Tourism Exhibition was a government effort that hosted surfers from all corners of the globe and simply asked them to surf and mingle and observe. At exhibitions end, the surfers were welcome to return home with the message that Cimaja is not only a great surfing tourism destination, but one that is a model of environmentalism and Ocean care. “This isn’t about destructive tourism” says Dede, “this is about the right future”. Dede and the government team first tackled the rubbish issue. By placing recycling

stations all over town and every 30 meters on the beach. “The young kids got it right away” says Dede, “And the recyclers were stoked because now the rubbish, when it is separated, is worth money”. But despite the tree planting and the education programs, Dede still felt that the most successful part of the exhibition was the surfing. He and old friend Dedi Gun, up from Lakey Peak, put on a display to a packed beach that they would not forget for awhile. “It was like the old days” said Dedi Gun, “Me and Dede ripping our hardest. Veterans, but surfing like kids, with the kids. But even more special this time because of the message we were sending. I think it’s going to work”. Dede and Dedi, showing the world that change can only be grasped by action, not

by contemplation of action. Proving it is in the process of meeting and solving problems that life has meaning. “It is the only way” says Dede, “The right way”. For More please visit:

Dedi Gun would not have missed it for the world. Another veteran of Indonesian surfing, Dedi is becoming the wise elder we always knew he would. Sincere, thoughtful and smart, Dedi Gun has been a positive influence on environmentalism from Sumbawa to Java for years. And he still rips.

Marcus Paladino, paying a passionate price.

How would you describe what the cutting edge of photography is right now? Today’s camera bodies are getting better and better in low light conditions, which plays a huge role in not just surfing but all action sports because we almost always need a high shutter speed. The fact that now you can shoot over 5000 ISO without losing image quality is incredible and extremely valuable. Are there more or less surf photographers in the world now and why? More, by far. Affordable DSLR’s are a dime a dozen and with the popularity of social media, it’s not hard to scroll by surf photographers pages from around the world and be inspired to get out there and shoot your own breaks. What is the cutting edge of water housings right now? Being able to control everything while shooting, switching back and forth between video and stills in the water has definitely changed the game. What Ocean do you feel the most comfortable in and why? Pacific Ocean of the North West, it’s home. Also, the lack of sharks is quite comforting.



The Canadian longboard crew is a hardy bunch. And sometimes it just has to be done. Stripping down out of a wetsuit just to feel the freedom despite the icy cold. Jordie Morrison groovin’, unencumbered by 5mm of neoprene in what had to be, considering the 10 degree water, one of the shortest sessions on earth.

What impact has the Go pro had on your photography? Being able to film while taking photos is a dream. To be able to do both at once is incredibly helpful when working with a limited crew on a specific project. What impact has the Go pro had on surfing? Angles never thought possible before are now an every day occurrence. For me it’s inspiring to see and helps motivate me to keep pushing my work and stay creative. What is your favorite moment during a day of surf photography? When the light is perfect, the wave are pumping and the set of the day rolls through. Shooting barrels from the water is by far my favourite aspect of surf photography. Lining up with a surfer is the most amazing adrenaline rush, I can’t even begin to describe it. What is the relationship like between a photographer and surfer? You start out as awkward co-workers, but eventually become best friends. Both with a common goal and always pushing each other. What advice would you give to young surfers when it comes to working with a photographer? Communicate as much as humanly possible, its such a powerful tool in any work place. Try and work together in the water, not just free surf. Ask what lens they’re using. Try to keep yourself lined up, don’t go searching for peaks down the beach. When the light pops, catch any wave. Who is your favorite photographer of all time? Jordan Manley. He doesn’t even shoot surfing, I’ve just always admired his work. Who is your favorite surfer to shoot and why? Pete Devries, the definition of ‘hard work pays off.’ Michael Darling, always keen to surf and shoot no matter the conditions. Andy Jones, the most entertaining and hilarious person to be around. Noah Cohen, never satisfied and is always pushing himself. What surfer have you not shot that you would like to? John John Florence. Where is the future going for surf photography. Maybe into the filming, I’ve seen way too many spreads that are frame-grabs and it’s making me nervous. Where is the future going for you? Travel the world with friends and capture what I see.

Spread: You would be a fool not to stop and wonder why now and then.

Despite being in Canada, these two tableau’s could be observed at any surfspot in the world at any given time. The sunset run for one last wave and the look into a passing tube. No matter how small the waves, the stoke remains the same.


Mt. Agung, Bali flexes it muscles…again. Photography by Liquid Barrel




or surfers especially, as of exactly 1640hrs, Monday, October 11th, 2017, all was well on the Island of the Gods. The Holy Mt. Agung volcano, standing at about 10,000 ft, has yet to blow her stack.With the hysteria of highland evacuations subsiding and all of Bali’s breaks well beyond the exclusion zone, the attitude here is far from feeling imperiled. It’s more like waiting for a solar eclipse. Spectacular, sure, but so far away as to be almost unimaginable. There is good reason for this. The experience of surfing here on the “Ring of Fire” has always been closely paired with its tectonic shifts and upheavals. Little known and reported about Indonesian surfing is that most locals, from Simeulue to Nias to Lances Rights to Padang Padang and beyond, are finely tuned and connected to these subtle changes of our reef’s bottom contours on a daily basis due to the regular tectonic activity in this region. Nowhere more than Nias, of course, resting directly atop one of the world’s largest and most active subduction zones and whose reef is more like a water-

bed, changing the break back and forth with every tide. But here in Bali the changes that the eruption of Mt. Agung will bring to the island’s surfers will be far different then when she erupted last in 1963. Back then, no internet, no cellphones, no computers or even telephones made for a much more mysterious and disastrous event with over 1100 dead. Today, with live feeds, better science and actual emergency services in place, for surfers, the reaction to the eruption will range mostly from inconvenient to gleeful to deeply religious. Inconvenient to our Canggu brothers, with the seasonal trade winds they could suffer from the glassine ash fall. Gleeful to the surfers of the Bukit Peninsula, with the airport closed the surf will be far less crowded. But most importantly, deeply religious to the local surfers who count themselves among the faithful. Mt. Agung, like Everest in Tibet, is the Mother Goddess of this island on whose hillside nestles Pura Besakih, the Balinese Hindu faith’s most sacred temple. This Temple also rests directly in the path of destruction. However, over the

centuries, this temple has never been destroyed by the ferocious lava and pyroclastic flows that have scoured Agung’s slopes. Somehow, this type of destruction has always managed to flow around the Temple, leaving it as untouched as the ancient faith of her devotees. So it is for surfers, in a way. Let us bear in mind that we are all connected to this summit in an relatively religious manner. One of our most influential surf films ever made, which is received with religious fervor even to this day, was named after the very summit of Mt. Agung. The Balinese people call the summit “The Morning of the World”, believing that each day on earth begins when the first rays of the sun find its summit. Film Maker Alby Falzon discovered this fact and named his famous film after the summit. Except, back in 1971, he changed it to “Morning of the Earth”. It had a better ring to it.

Preview Page: The Holy Mt. Agung, seen from the North with Mt. Batur and Mt. Abang in the foreground. All active as of this moment. And that lake you see in this photo? Remnants of a caldera that blew its stack before man existed. A blast that would dwarf any explosion within man’s capability of imagination. Could Agung be next? Top Left: Mt Agung evacuees esconsed in a nearby High school auditorium, escape the stifling heat. But in the end, will they be able to escape the heat of Agung? Photography by Liquid Barrel Top Right: On Nias Island the reefs resemble waterbeds. Earthquakes happen there as regularly as the swells. Little unnamed spots like this can pop up only to subside the next day. Most locals keep a weather eye out for their own little tectonic honeypots. Bottom right: The majestic Bukit Penisula and her waves. The most beautiful of all the waves fields on earth, faces no danger from above. But if the tectonic upheavals from the eruption are gargantuan, the Agung eruption could change her face forever.


G A L L E R Y COURAGE. SPEED. JAM. FLY. Just as skateboard ramps eventually became transitions zones for aerials, so it seems has Canggu done the same with its waves for high performance surfing. But with surfing aerials, the new idea is not about gaining height, it’s about gaining speed. Tonjo Darmaputra, going ballistic on the inside. He made it. Photography by Liquid Barrel

Again we are reminded of what leg strength will do for your surfing. If your body is not perfectly suited for surfing, then change it until it is. Tom Curren did. He was skinny legged kid until he hit the gym. Then he went out and won three world titles. Wade Goodall, ripping Keramas here, is another example of what a disciplined leg program can get you. Get to work Indonesia. Photography by Pete Frieden

Nathan White defines a whole different kind of Professional Freesurfer. Bukit Expat local, sponsored by Da Hui, an owner of a busy restaurant right up the street from Padang Padang, the island’s finest professional WSL Judge, red hot barrel charger...the list goes on. How he still finds the time to catch the wave of the day is anybody’s guess. Photography by Everton Luis / Box

In direct contrast to the speed of the aerials being perfomed at Canggu, Lempog Jackson’s are reaching scary new heights at Keramas. They say climbing up a mountain is one thing, but getting down alive another. Here, more pilot than surfer, Lempog looks for a controlled landing on a foamed runway. After all, as all pilots say, any landing you can walk away from is a good one. Photography by Pete Frieden

Rio Waida ripping in Japan. Big move, small wave. It takes small waves too to make a Champion. And although a proud ambassador for Indonesian Surfing, Rio is able to travel with ease due to his half Japanese heritage. Visa’s are a cinch. And Japan has become a regular training ground for Rio’s CT bid. He knows that travel experience is key if you are going to stand half a chance out there. Photography by Kenji

















ou can always depend on the Bingin open to be a blast. More like a family affair than a surf contest, the performances this year were out of this world. With the typically perfect waves, all the competitors ramped it up and ripped from take off to kick out. An annual event that

should be on everyone’s calendar, do not miss next years celebration of the world’s best short wave. The results below speak for themselves. Be there!

Results: Women Pro Jr Master Open 1St Taina Izqueirdo Mega Artana Rizal Tandjung 1St Garut Widiarta 2Nd Dhea Natasha Ketut Agus Gobleg 2Nd Raditya Rondi 3Rd Cinta Hansel Ryuki Waida Johny Tucker 3Rd Kadek Murtika 4Th Jenifer Chang Bronson Meydi 4Th Darmayasa Bleronk 84




he annual Pererenan Boardriders Championships came off without a hitch in perfect 3-4 foot offshore conditions recently. Taking first place was Padma boy Tonjo Dharmaputra followed by a very hungry Rio Waida in second place. But the real surprise was the best performance of the day by Pererenan local Celepuk. Using local knowledge

and a go-for-broke approach, his surfing set a new standard for Pererenan locals interested in competition. “He was Ripping” said Rio, “He might have everybody on the ropes next year”. Surftime Congratulations Celepuk on his memorable performance and we are looking forward for more next year. Don’t miss it.


nother amazing weekend, in an astonishing place, watching incredible surfing and Moto riding. The surf event got off to an early start. Ouch, because the night before a concert by “Sons of the East” had been taxing on quite a few. The spin on the Deus Slidetober Surf comp is that they supply all the boards. And all of them shaped at the Deus Temple of Enthusiasm by a diverse cluster of shapers. There were Bonzers and single fins, Twinnies, quads, parallels and more. But it didn’t stop there. As the contestants in a heat came up, they had to draw straws, with the longest straw getting the first choice or all of the boards on display. They mowed through the heats, the boards were swapped and changed, some even doing it in the water. The camaraderie of the shared experience seemed to be the most important element. The finals arrived all too quickly, and then it was over. But things definitely weren’t about slowing down. Deus had filled the weekend with Moto races, a Moto Short Film Festival, a concert by the Australian Indie band, Sons of the East, an art show by a Japanese Sketch artist and a Sunday night of awards, bands and a final wham, bam of a weekend well spent. Long live Slidetober!




his ultimate housing was developed by International surf photographer Everton Luis. Also one of Surftime’s Senior photographers and a two time Surftime Award winner, Everton was in a search of perfection. And with BOX, he has achieved it. Custom Housings for photographers who want to take their water photography to the next level. Every BOX is meticulously hand crafted, numbered and personalized, using only high-end, military grade materials from start to finish. Carbon Fiber composites, the finest stainless and the pioneering use of optical glass front domes ensure clearer and sharper images second to none. Bomb proof carbon fiber composite construction is the BOX’s trademark, ensuring strength, toughness and a badass look. Both a weapon and a piece of art, this is a housing that gives you uncompromising control of your work. Get your hands on one of these and find out what kind of photographer you really are.

Please visit or Instagram @box_waterhousings for more details.



RIP CURL ARRIVES IN CANGGU! C anggu, Bali – Rip Curl is proud to announce the opening of its brand new store in Canggu. Always mindful of environment and culture, Rip Curl has fashioned this new shop in the traditional Joglo architecture of Indonesia, allowing it to blend rather than blare into Canggu’s surroundings. “Canggu is an amazing part of Bali” Says Mick Ray, CEO of Rip Curl South East Asia, “with great waves and a vibrant scene on land. We’re stoked to be part of the energy up there with our new core store”. The shop will feature the finest range of High Performance Surfboards. DHD, LOST, FIREWIRE, SLATER DESIGNS, PYZEL, the list goes on. This new shop is a one-stop destination for the high performer within us all.

Rip Curl Canggu Store Love Anchor Complex Jl. Pantai Batu Bolong No. 56, Canggu, Kuta utara, Badung, Bali 80351 0361-9075562



he Asian Surfing Championships is excited to announce their new name. The Asian Surf Cooperative, or Asian Surf Co for short. The word Cooperative was chosen because the ASC believes that cooperation has always been the key to its success. The name has changed, but the focus of the ASC remains the same: Growing the sport of surfing in the Asian region through cooperative efforts with organizations that make Asia’s surfing athlete’s dreams come true.

For more information please contact: Tim Hain Email: Phone/WhatsApp/Viber: +628123606674

FREE DRAGON GIVEAWAY! Surftime, I wanted to write to say that the article in the last issue with the underwater photos was really beautiful. Even though we have seen this kind of photo before, there was something special about these. It makes me want to become an surf photographer. Thank you, Lisia Hanover, Canggu Lisia, Lisia, we feel the same way. And we have Staff Photographer Everton Luis to thank for that. If you are serious about becoming a surf photographer, check out Everton’s new custom housing’s in the review section of this magazine. We will keep the action coming.Thank you and enjoy this month’s prize for your letter. The newest Dragon Sunglasses.


Jabodetabek: PT.Gagan Indonesia (Ipanema), PT.Sukses Sinar Abadi (NIXON), PT.Exhibition Network Indonesia, PT. Indonesia AirAsia, PT.Harindotama Mandiri (OP & Redsand), Pola Grade, PT.Coca - Cola Distribution Indonesia, BEAM GLOBAL ASIA PTE LTD, PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka (Pocari Sweat), Point Break Bekasi, Point Break Blok M, Point Break Karawaci, Point Break Kelapa Gading, Point Break Serang, Point Break Taman Anggrek, Point Break Aeon Tanggerang, Djournal Cilandak town square, Cilandak town square, Brew&co Cilandak Town Square, Kopiluwak Cilandak Town Square, Tapas movida Cilandak Town Square, Excelco Cilandak Town Square, Starbuck Cilandak Town Square, Hagendaz Cilandak Town Square, My Kopi Cilandak Town Square, Conouseour Cilandak Town Square, Liberica Cilandak Town Square, The Coffe Bean Cilandak Town Square, Malay Village Cilandak Town Square, Mangkok putih Cilandak Town Square, Fish&co Cilandak Town Square, Hatten wines Kemang, Coffe corner Kemang, Largo bistro Kemang, Beergarden Kemang, Moe’s place Kemang, The coffe bean Kemang, Kopi seruput Kemang, Chiken chon Kemang, Esia café Kemang, Anomali café Kemang, Signature café Kemang, Café mondo Kemang, Koi Kemang, VIN + Kemang, JCO Kemang, Casa Kemang, Takigawa Kemang, Starbuck Kemang, Pizza marzano Kemang, Kedai kopi 89 Kemang, Daily bread Pondok Indah Mall 1, Kafe betawi Pondok Indah Mall 1, Regal coffe Pondok Indah Mall 1, The coffe bean Pondok Indah Mall 1, Chopstix Pondok Indah Mall 1, Out Back Pondok Indah Mall 1, Starbuck coffee Pondok Indah Mall 1, J.Co Pondok Indah Mall 1, Teritorri Pondok Indah Mall 1, Fatburger Pondok Indah Mall 1, Soursally Pondok Indah Mall 1, Taichan


Pondok Indah Mall 2, Regal coffe Pondok Indah Mall 2, jitllada Pondok Indah Mall 2, Takigawa Pondok Indah Mall 2, Bakerzin Pondok Indah Mall 2, Hanei Pondok Indah Mall 2, Din tai fung Pondok Indah Mall 2, Shabu tei Pondok Indah Mall 2, The Café Cartel Pondok Indah Mall 2, Radja Ketjil Pondok Indah Mall 2, Fish & co Pondok Indah Mall 2, Suntiang Pondok Indah Mall 2, Coldstone Pondok Indah Mall 2, Seruput Pondok Indah Mall 2, Opasuki Pondok Indah Mall 2, Sushi tei Pondok Indah Mall 2, Pizza marzano Pondok Indah Mall 2, Dellifrance Pondok Indah Mall 2, Victoria caffe Pondok Indah Mall 2, The coffe bean Pondok Indah Mall 2, Krispy kreme Pondok Indah Mall 2, Red bean Pondok Indah Mall 1, Hagen daz Pondok Indah Mall 2, Kenny Roger Roasters Pondok Indah Mall 2, Killiney Kopitiam Grand Indonesia, Sushi Tei Grand Indonesia, Kopi Luwak Grand Indonesia, Kenny Roger Roasters Grand Indonesia, Kafe Betawi Grand Indonesia, Fish & co Grand Indonesia, Cali Deli Grand Indonesia, Pizza Marzano Grand Indonesia, Starbuck Coffe Grand Indonesia, Burger King Grand Indonesia, Krispy Kreme Grand Indonesia, The Coffe Bean Grand Indonesia Lt. 1, Hagen Daz Grand Indonesia, Takigawa Grand Indonesia, Djournal Grand Indonesia, Sushi Tei Plaza Indonesia, Starbuck Plaza Indonesia, The Coffee Bean Plaza Indonesia, Segafredo Plaza Indonesia, Shabu-shabu house Plaza Indonesia, Opus café Plaza Indonesia, Chopstix Plaza Indonesia, Kitchenette Plaza Indonesia, Bakerzin Plaza Indonesia, Kopi Luwak Plaza Indonesia, Red tomato Plaza Indonesia, Fatburger Plaza Indonesia, Kafe Betawi Plaza Indonesia, Yakun Kaya Toast Plaza Indonesia, Bistro baron Plaza Indonesia. Jawa Barat: Point Break Bandung Super Mall, Heaven Skateboard, Asep Kusdinar

Pangandaran. Jawa Timur: Point Break World Tunjungan Plaza II. Jawa Tengah dan DIY Jogyakarta: Point Break Hartono.


Point Break World Banjarmasin, Point Break Pentacity Mall.


Point Break World Panakkukang, Point Break Gorontalo, Point Break Palopo, Point Break Tantura Palu.


Point Break Mall Ambon City Centre, Point Break Maluku City Mall, Point Break Ternate.


Point Break Andalas Padang, Point Break Basko, Point Break Batam Centre, Point Break Palembang Square, Point Break World Palembang Icon, Square extension, Point Break Ciputra Pekan Baru, Point Break Sun Plaza Medan, Substance padang.


Royal Surf Mataram, Senggigi, Billabong Gili Trawangan, Blue Surf Gili Trawangan, Hurley Gili Trawangan, Sumbawa (Pesawat Trans Nusa DPS-Dompu, Lakey), Sempiak Vila Selong Belanak, Lombok


Kuta: Alam Kul-Kul Hotel, Back Door, Balcony Rest & Bar, Huffian, Bali Learn To Surf, Billabong Kuta Square, Bliss Wayan Hotel, Blue Groove, Blue Ocean Shop,

Blue Panic I, Blue Panic II, Dragon Office, Dragon Shop, Eikon Bar, G-Land, Halfway Surf, Hard Rock Café, Hard Rock Radio, Hot Banana, Hurley Kuta Square, Hurley Poppies Lane II, Indodream, Hurley Factory Outlet Simpang Siur, Naruki, Oddyseys Surfing School, Ovault Legian, Papaya Surf, Pro Surf School, PT.Billabong Indonesia Office, Quiksilver Beachwalk, Quiksilver Kuta Square, Quiksilver Premium, Ripcurl Bemo Corner, Ripcurl Kuta Square, Rip Curl Memo, Star Surf, Sunkissed, Surfer Girl, Surfer Girl Office, Surfer Girl PODS, The Pit, Toke, Tubes Bar, Volcom Bemo Corner, Volcom Kuta Square, Yayasan GUS, Bali Niksoma Hotel, BSO, Cozy, Hurley Factory Outlet, Istana Rama Hotel, Kuta Seaview Hotel, Luke Studer Shop, Mercure Hotel, Nero Bali, OZ Radio, POP Hotel, PT.Jarosite (Rip Curl), PT.Sinar Sosro, PT. Transnusa Air Services (TransNusa), Ramayana Hotel, Rip Curl OSO, Rip Curl Sunset Road, Rosso Vivo, Ryosi Restaurant, Starbuck Café Pantai, Take Restaurant, The 101 Legian Hotel, The Stones, TJ’s Restaurant, VI AI PI, Hotel Santika, Blue Wave, Trans Nusa. Tuban: Aston Kuta, Bali Dynasty Hotel, Bamboo Restaurant, Batan Waru Restaurant, Billabong Discovery Mall, Blue Fin, Bubba Gum, Ryoshi, Discovery Hotel, Envy Restaurant, Golden Lotus, Hacienda Restaurant, Holiday Inn Resort, Hurley Discovery Mall, Kuta Lines Discovery Mall, Kuta Paradiso Hotel, Magani Hotel, PT. Volcom Indonesia Office, Quiksilver Discovery Mall, Ramada Bintang Bali, Risata Bali Resort. Legian: Dahui, All Season Hotel, Camankila Hotel, Cibola, Huck Happy Store, Hurley Legian, Jayakarta Hotel,Legian Beach Hotel, Macaroni Bar Bar & Restautant, Ovault Beachwalk, Poco Loco

Bar & Rest, PT.Jaya Bersama (Rip Curl Surf School), PT.Quiksilver Indonesia, Quiksilver Café, Quiksilver Legian, Ripcurl Legian, Ripcurl Melasti, Sky Surf, SWICH Restaurant, Tanaya Bed and Breakfast, The Bokha Hotel, The Granmas Hotel Jl. Legian, Trattoria, Zanzibar Restaurant, Bali Mandira Hotel. Seminyak, Oberoi, Petitenget: Afends, Anantara Seminyak Resort & Spa, Biku Restaurant, Billabong Bintang, Billabong Seminyak, Canggu Deli, Channel Islands, Cocoon Restaurant, DC Seminyak Square, Deus Oberoi, Deus Petitenget, Drifter Shop, Fave Hotel, Hurley Indonesia, Hurley Oberoi, Insight Seminyak, IZE Hotel, Laca-Laca Restaurant, Lanai Restaurant, Made’s Warung Seminyak, Mannekepis Restaurant, Meja Kitchen & Bar, Motel Mexicola Restaurant, Oakley Seminyak, Volcom Shop, Petitenget Restaurant, Potato Head, Puravida Seminyak, Quiksilver Bintang, Quiksilver Oberoi, Quiksilver Petitenget, Red Carpet, Rip Curl Bintang, Rip Curl Seminyak, Rumors Restaurant, Ryosi Restaurant, Single FIN Seminyak, SOHO Restaurant, Surfer Girl Seminyak Square, Tekor Bali Restaurant, The Grandmas Hotel Dyana Pura, The Haven Hotel, Betelnut Restaurant, Black Canyon Seminyak Square, By The Sea Shop, Chandi Restaurant, Dylon Long Bottom, Eat Well Restaurant, Queens Tandor Restaurant, Taco Casa, Miyura Restaurant, Kinky Tiki Bar. Nusa Dua: Nusa Dua Beach Grill, PT.Bali Bijaksana (Oakley) Office, Ovault Nusa Dua. Uluwatu, Jimbaran: Surfer Paradise Kelan, Drifter Office, Hansel Surfboards, Quiksilver Uluwatu, Single Fin Shop, Single Fin Restaurant, Kacho Rest, Warung

Ketty, Warung Lana, White Monkey, PT. Bali Balance, Surf Edge/ Uluwatu Café, Noh by Pison, Nusa Surf, Loko Shop. Sanur, Denpasar: Bali Adventure Tours, Bali Hai Cruise, Batu Jimbar Restaurant, BIMC Hospital, Bir Bintang, Bounty Cruise, Coca-Cola Distribution Bali, CV.Royalindo Pacific (No Fear), G-Xtreme, International SOS, Yoska Surf, Kopi Bali, Ombak Shop, PT. Planet Selancar Mandiri, Red Bull, Rip Curl Sanur, Starbuck Café Sanur, Tiket To the Moon, Tiara Dewata, Soputan, Tiara Dewata Denpasar, Tiara Dewata MonangManing, Tiara Dewata Gatsu, Toko Buku Leny, Kios Rama, Bali Scuba, Ocean Gravity (Bali Diving School), Nova Dive Center, All 4 Diving, Billabong. Canggu: Billabong Batu Bolong, Billabong Canggu, Café di Batu Bolong, Café di Echo Beach, Café di Jalan Uluwatu, Deus Canggu, Hurley Brawa, PT.Deus Ex Machina Indonesia Office, Quiksilver Canggu / Echo Beach, REDZ Surf Boards, Reef Canggu, Hurley Outlet Store Berawa, Seven Shores / 69 Slam, Oldmans Restaurant & Bar, The Lawn. Balianas shop, Loco Shop, Canggu Deli, Swich Brawa, Loko Shop. Tabanan: Toko Buku Sastra Mas. Gianyar: Bali Zoo, Komune Hotel, Bali Safari & Marine Park, SOBEK Lembongan : Billabong Lembongan


Carkit Agent (Far East ) Pte Ltd.


Media Partner ASC (Asian Surfing Championship)



MONKEY BUSINESS We always talk about man’s influence on the environment. That the only relationship we have with the animals is our encroachment and destruction of their habitat. But what about the beauty that surfers bring? That beautiful dance on the edge of our jungles in playgrounds full of perfect waves? Surely this could influence the local wildlife. Especially the generations of Macaque monkeys at G-Land that for over forty years have been watching us play. A curious animal, the Macaque, known for being able to mime and mimic anything they observe. Could it be that after all this time watching us play, that they might want to play too? Â

Surf check. G-Land. Photography by Dave Thomas






Photography by Trevor Murphy

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