Preparing Your Family For Food Shortages We're facing the first signs of what may be the worst food crisis in history.1 in 4 Americans will be suffering from hunger and malnutrition
How To Prepare For The Food Crisiss By James Sorick Every day around 24,000 people die from starvation. That is a horrible fact...but it is about to get worse. Some experts predict that the planets population will grow by 890 million people by 2020. That is not all. Have you noticed all the natural disasters lately? All of those floods, fires, and other kinds of devastation are having a powerful impact on the world's food production. The world's population explosion coupled with the climate changes has led some experts to predict that there will be a worsening of the worldwide food shortage over the next 10 years. Right now only about 1 in 7 people worldwide are going hungry. The forecast is for 1 in 5 by 2020. No matter what, the shortage will continue to impact food prices worldwide. I am sure that you have already noticed price increases at the local market. Be ready for them to keep increasing for several years to come.
So what can you do that will help you to personally overcome this crisis? I think that one of the most significant things that you can do is create a garden to help feed your family! You don't need a large space to do fact you don't even have to have a yard at all. There are people who do this on their apartment porch or balcony. That's because it can all be done in a raised bed! All you need is a space that faces the sun and a wooden box that is about 6 inches deep. We built two 4'x4'x6" boxes and filled them with a mixture of topsoil, compost and vermiculite. We then used some twine to make a grid of 1' squares inside the box. You put the grid there to help guide you when placing your seedlings. After that, all that is necessary is to water every once in a while, harvest, and eat. There is no need for fertilizer or pesticide and the vegetables taste better than those bought in our local supermarket! If you have a yard to do this in and decide to do it there, then staple some weed stop landscape fabric to the bottom first. That way you don't need boards on the bottom of the box and you are still keeping the weeds from coming up out of the ground.
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To find out more about this gardening method just search for "square foot gardening" in your favorite search engine or just go to You will find lots of information that can be put to use immediately to better prepare your family for the escalating food crisis. I'm James Sorick and I run a website that teaches about survival gear and preparedness strategies. I invite you to visit to continue your education on how to survive the coming Food Crisis and other survival topics. Article Source: expert=James_Sorick :-------------------------To learn more about how to prepare for the Food Crisis Click Here
We're currently facing the first signs of what may be the worst food crisis in history. One in four Americans will be suffering from hunger and malnutrition Learn How To Prepare For The Food Crisis
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