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Government Seized Real Estate -Listings From Police, IRS, & more! Search and bid on seized and foreclosed homes, land, personal property and more in your area!
Government Talks Of Foreclosure Help By Chris Marvin Lee The foreclosure crisis has no doubt been one of the worst effects of the damaged economy. As more homeowners continue to fight foreclosure and underwater mortgages, everyone's attention is on finding a solution. Luckily, the government has not turned a blind eye and is has stepped in to discuss what has been done and what the plans are for the future. The Past
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Previous efforts aimed at stopping the mortgage debt crisis focused on providing homeowners with more options for avoiding foreclosure. Two federal programs were developed in order to assist homeowners secure a plan to save their homes. The Home Affordable Modification Program was designed to provide homeowners with a loan modification. Many of these homeowners had sought modifications from lenders previously without success. The Home Affordable Refinance Program was designed to help more homeowners qualify for a mortgage refinance, who would otherwise have been denied by a lender. The Present Unfortunately, both of the federal programs have failed to live up to expectations. While both programs have been readily available for homeowners, less than half of the target population has sought help under these programs. Where is the breakdown? Part of the problem is the lack of consumer education. Many people simply do not know about their options and many more end up in the hands of mortgage relief scams. As mortgage crimes continue to surge, more homeowners shy away from seeking help in fear of being taken advantage of. Further problems have been found in unfair lending practices. The White House now admits that previous efforts to help homeowners and police lenders have fallen through the cracks. The Future
In President Obama's State of the Union speech earlier this week, he announced several plans to improve their efforts towards resolving the foreclosure crisis. One focus will be on Search and bid on seized and further cleanup efforts surrounding lending giants Freddie foreclosed homes, land, personal Mac and Fannie Mae. Banks and lenders of all sizes may property and more in your area! soon find their stubborn lending practices have come to an end. Further efforts will be aimed at investigating and prosecuting predatory lending practices. This comes just after several big banks were found guilty of fraudulent lending and foreclosure practices and ordered to pay millions in restitution. The President also announced plans to implement a new task force made up of state attorneys and prosecutors, who will focus on abusive lending and the promotion of risky mortgages. Only time will tell if these new efforts will be sufficient enough to reverse the damage done
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over the last several years.
The Lee Law Firms aims to help local residents resolve their foreclosure issues and keep their home. They provide high quality legal representation that helps stop foreclosures and lowers monthly mortgage payments. The Lee Law Firm Unclaimed money mortgage loan modification attorneys have many years of experience in all aspects of mortgage loan modification Fort Americans have nearly $15 billion Worth Foreclosure. dollars in unclaimed funds waiting to be claimed. Article Source: expert=Chris_Marvin_Lee Largest Online Source of US Government auctions and listings of available cars, trucks, SUV's and other seized assets at Go To Government Auctions Today
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