Manifest Your Own Miracles?

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==== ==== Get Instant Access To This Secret Insider Shortcut in this FREE video presentation that you can WATCH, COPY and go on to MANIFEST THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS too... Click Here For Chris's FREE Gift To You! ==== ==== MAKE MIRACLES HAPPEN & GET WHAT YOU WANT First off, you need to be living in the Hot Zone. Why? Because this is where your dreams are converted into reality. Bring it on, you say. Not so fast. In all good conscience, I must inform you about the realities that you will encounter in the Hot Zone. Let me give you a little clue. Things get "sticky" there. This is were the Primordial Forces of Nature "meet and greet" the wants and needs of mere mortals such as you and I. Make miracles. Where's the Hot Zone? To make miracles, it starts in the subconscious and extends out into the Universe. Exactly where in the Universe? You guess is as good as mine. Scientifically speaking, conjecture would place the origin of the Hot Zone to be somewhere within the structure of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. I say this because supposedly 95% of the Universe consists of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Which incidentally, nobody has a clue of what it is about. Make miracles. No question about it, you and I can theorize about the power of belief, the validity of prayer, and goodness knows what else, but the fact remains, people are creating miracles for themselves every day in this world, as we live and breath. What kind of miracles? People are getting unexplainable remissions of cancers and other health related phenomena. How about young children that are physically impaired in many tragic ways. Yet they can do specific things with great art and genius. Displaying incredible talent for playing a musical instrument. Or perhaps showing the world their fantastic gift in the fields of mathematics and science. Make miracles. You want some more miracles? Maybe closer to home. You may not think of these accomplishments as miracles. But, a lot of people do. Take

the world of business enterprise. How many people have you read about that begin a business that is very old and mundane. And, years latter, you read in the newspaper that these very same people are now millionaires. That's right. These people have succeeded where everybody else fails or barely gets by. Go figure. Make miracles. Don't forget the children And lets not forget the children of this world. How many youngsters have you heard about or know, that have grown up in an environment where the average child would be destroyed in. I mean, these kids that have been reared in bad families, bad neighborhoods and bad schools. They didn't stand a chance. But, guess what. Maybe because of some freak of nature, these kids turn out to be super achievers and leaders of industry, of the community, and the politics. Make miracles. I mean it shouldn't be happening. But, it does. The key rests with you The key to making these happen big time in your life, rests with you. Nobody else can do it for you. It boils down to how badly do you want it? Sorry, the buck stops with you, when it comes to these matters. Most experts in this field basically agree on one thing. In order to be successful with the power of belief, you need to make this desired event happen in your mind first. "As within so without". The ignition key The ignition key for making things happen for yourself is emotion. If you just imagine something you want, that won't cut it. You need to visualize with great emotion-like heart throbbing excitement. In order to get to this state, it helps to apply all of your senses-seeing, feeling, hearing, touching, and smelling. No jive I am not jiving you. Almost all of your world class athletes use this system. Certainly at the Olympian level. These methods are employed. For that matter, your elite performers in most fields of human endeavor use these methods. A lot of these people having been using these methods for so long, that, they don't even know it. Or, better yet, they are not

consciously aware of it. Immediately I can think of three historical giants that used the power of belief to transform their world. Firstly, we have one of the greatest warriors the world has ever known, Alexander the Great. His belief was unbelievably strong. Both his parents and culture helped form this phenomenon breaking attitude. Alexander the Great The man actually believed he was a god. He was a leader of men and nations. Matter of fact, he literally conquered the entire known world of his time. Age has no prejudices when it comes to accomplishment. He did all of this before his was 30 years of age. He was a product of his Greek or Mesopotamian culture. In his book Jesus and Buddha, The Parallel Saying, Marcus Borg points out about the absolute belief and conviction these two giants of the spiritual world had about miracles and the power of belief. Jesus- "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there', and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17.20 Buddha- "A monk who is skilled in concentration can cut the Himalayas in two. Anguttara Nikaya 6.24 My Miracles I personally have made some miracles for myself. Years ago, I sold real estate in Chicago, Illinois. My specialty was selling new homes. My performance was just so-so. Nothing to brag about. I was desperately trying to improve my performance. I read books and attended seminars on how to sell. One day I discovered in my "searching" that top drawer salespeople, artists, musicians, industrial leaders and athletes used visualization in order to give outstanding performances in their chosen fields of endeavor. I learned about the power of visualization, the subconscious, and energy transference. I applied this knowledge to my selling of homes. So, guess what? I immediately began setting all kinds of sales records, to my total astonishment. Yeah, I felt like a thief in the night. I couldn't believe this good fortune was happening to me. When I moved to Florida, I took these same methods with me. I call them my little miracle makers. Don't knock it if it works. Right? Make

miracles. After my near death experience with colon cancer within the last two years, I find myself seeking Divine Guidance. For different reasons then you may think. I absolutely have no fear of death. I am not even worried about the Great Unknown or Whatever. During my sick and hospital days, I discovered there are many worse things then death. I am doing this Guidance routine, because I realize that life is short. Too short. Subsequently, I am looking for wisdom and understanding in order to make the most of whatever life and time I have left. Hey, don't misunderstand me. I am the picture of health. And, I feel great. But, I realize my mortality. So, I want to make the most of life. In this light, I found my self creating miracles and or praying for the welfare of a dear friend. He was having a rough go of it. I could just feel "the Connection" when I prayed for this person. " I could feel it happening". And guess what? It did. It worked! This person sold his house for much more money than he ever dreamed possible. And, he now has two incredible job/income opportunities that are working out fantastically for him. Oh yeah, my prayers were answered beyond my hopes and dreams. Make miracles. Cheers, and make miracles in your life.

Jack Marinchek is the publisher of the site, [], which features- inspirational information on life improvement, getting jobs and income, and real estate relocation.

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==== ==== Get Instant Access To This Secret Insider Shortcut in this FREE video presentation that you can WATCH, COPY and go on to MANIFEST THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS too... Click Here For Chris's FREE Gift To You! ==== ====

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