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Digital Media Project Risk Management

JINO Create is a small freelance design company. We deliver all kinds of different design such as web design, e-learning, 3D modelling, and etc. As a new freelance company, we will meet several risks on the journey in our design. These are some potential risks that we will meet throughout our project:

Likelihood Almost Certain Likely Moderate Unlikely Rare

Risk Group Risk Inappropriate skills mixes Loss of key staff Badly-designed workplaces Risk Group Risk Skills, training Theft Loss of key personnel Risk Group Risk Badly-designed products Equipment break down Risk Group Risk Bad debts Poor cash flow Risk Group Risk

Insignificant H M L L L

Consequences Minor Moderate H E H H M H L M L M

Likelihood Moderate

Human Resources Impact Risk Score Major E

Unlikely Rare

Major Minor


Major E E E H H

Treatment/Action Upgrade self knowledge Only one staff Clean up

Personnel Likelihood Likely

Impact Moderate


Rare Unlikely

Insignificant Insignificant


Likelihood Moderate

Impact Major



Likelihood Rare Unlikely Likelihood

Risk Score

Operational Risk Score E M

Treatment/Action Update knowledge Report to police Only one staff Treatment/Action Make more effort on product Repair immediately

Financial Impact Risk Score Treatment/Action Moderate M No cash involve Major H No cash involve Disasters which affect senior and key staff Impact Risk Score Treatment/Action

Accidents Risk Group Risk Fire Flooding

Rare Likelihood Rare Rare

Major H Natural and man-made disaster Impact Risk Score Major H Major H


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