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TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014
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Grandview 5 fights to
KEEP IT RURAL An application before council has some crying foul, worried that it may cause development to creep into their quiet suburb STORY BY AMY REID, 3
Grandview 5 resident Michael Proskow says the city is ignoring its own policies if it allows development to happen in the area before first creating an NCP. (Photo: KEVIN HILL)
Kwantlen expands to Surrey’s core
Great plan, but who’s paying?
Three-storey, 30,000-sq.-ft campus will be called KPU Civic Plaza, expected to open in early 2016.
Mayors’ plan raises two key questions: is everything in it actually needed, and is it all affordable?
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
A section about interesting people, events and issues in our community. Send story ideas and photos to edit@thenownewspaper.com
Growing pains in Grandview Rural neighbours say development within its limits would just be ‘tip of the iceberg’
The history of Grandview Heights
Grandview Heights part 2 Amy Reid
Now staff Twitter @amyreid87
hile some areas of Grandview Heights have been developed and densified, pockets of acreage properties remain. Take Country Woods for example, a subdivision of 92 homes from 28th to 29th avenues, and from 176th to 172nd streets. Tall trees, and lots of them. Mostly oneacre properties. Old-style mail boxes at the ends of long driveways. Plenty of wildlife including deer, ducks and woodpeckers. All in all, it’s quiet and, as its name suggests, it’s country. This small community is within “Grandview 5,” according to city plans, an area that does not yet have a Neighbourhood Concept Plan. In the Grandview Heights General Land Use Plan from 2005 it states development will not proceed until a NCP has been “completed through a public consultation process, and has been approved by Council.” An application before Surrey council at a public hearing on April 28 has some locals crying foul, worried that it may cause development to creep into their quiet suburb. Six property owners are applying to the city to have their land rezoned from suburban to urban to allow for subdivision
Country Woods resident Michael Proskow. (Photo: KEVIN HILL) into 38 single-family lots. The property owners have been working with the city for more than three years, and say they’ve have had no luck selling their long, narrow properties due to their configuration. The residents, many of whom are now elderly and can’t keep up the large properties, feel as though they are in limbo – unable to keep up their homes, yet unable to sell. A spokesperson for the owners was contacted and declined comment. These lots are directly adjacent to Morgan Heights on 164th Street, a dense community that’s been built in recent years. Gary Cameron, who lives near the sites in question, is against the city approving rezoning before doing an NCP. “Homeowners in the area between 164th and 168th streets and 26th and 28th avenues have been told for years that development would not happen without a Neighbourhood Concept Plan, and some of us have made plans based on that assurance,” he said. At the public hearing Cameron presented Surrey council with a petition of 87 neighbours against the rezoning. He had gone door-to-door in his neighbourhood
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gauging community support. If approved, Cameron fears it would be the “tip of the iceberg,” and believes developers would see this as an invitation to begin building further into the area. He says he bought his home there because of the privacy, the peace and quiet, and the trees. If development crept in, all of that would be lost, Cameron said. “We don’t want to be Morgan Heights,” he said adding, “Can you give us some assurance that you’re not going to destroy the neighbourhood by putting the developers onto us? Because that’s the expectation.” Michael Proskow, another Grandview 5 resident who lives in the nearby Country Woods area, agrees with Cameron. Proskow says the city is ignoring its own policies if it allows development to happen in the area before first creating an NCP. Surrey’s new Official Community Plan specifies that land development applications for rezoning, development permits or subdivisions are to be received and processed “only after Stage 1 of a Neighbourhood Concept Plan is approved.” see GRANDVIEW › page 4
avid Brown arrived in Surrey from Ontario via Iowa, San Francisco and Victoria in 1878, and took up residence at the corner of the Clover Valley and North Bluff Roads (176th Street and 16th Avenue). He became the postmaster for Hall’s Prairie at an annual salary of $25. His sons Peter and David were avid tree collectors and donated the land for what is now Redwood Park. Grandview Heights served as a logging region in the community’s early years. The Royal City Planing Mills established an operation east of Elgin near the Nicomekl River to log the areas south of the Kensington Prairie. In 1886, a logging railway was built east through Grandview Heights. At the west end of the line, logs were dumped into a ditch and floated into the Nicomekl River. In 1886, the RCPM bought the famous steam locomotive “Old Curly” from the CPR. Originally used in the construction of the San Francisco seawall, the locomotive hauled timber along the logging railway and continued to be used in Surrey until 1894. When the New Westminster and Southern Railway was completed in 1891, the logging railway was extended to join it at a point east of Hall’s Prairie Road. Consequently, the Nicomekl River was abandoned and the logs were railed to Port Kells and boomed in the Fraser. The area remained sparsely populated for quite some time, and the region has remained largely agricultural. City of Surrey
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
Grandview resident to city:‘Follow your own darn rules’ ‹ from page 3
“We weren’t saying then and we aren’t now, saying we are for or against anything, we just simply want you to follow your own darn rules,” Proskow said. “If the city advances this redevelopment application, it will put our (Country Woods) residents’ association on a warfooting with city council. We’d be more than happy to just be left alone out here.” Coun. Judy Villeneuve sympathizes with both sides – the residents worried about development creeping in and the
residents who feel trapped on their properties. She noted how long and how hard the six property owners have worked to be able to sell their properties, and said she understands how frustrating a situation it must be. And she also understands why some residents are concerned about this being the beginning of development entering the area. “It’s a very, very beautiful area that’s been established for quite a while,” Villeneuve said. “The neighbourhood feels that they need a say and an assurance that their properties are going to be protected, and also that lifestyle.”
After the public hearing on April 28, city council requested staff do a Local Area Plan for the zone. Villeneuve noted that an NCP encourages development, which she doesn’t think the community is after. “I think we’ll have a positive outcome with some better buy-in from the neighbourhood,” Villeneuve said of the plan underway. Surrey’s community planning manager Don Luymes said a “Local Area Plan” is the incorrect terminology for the type of plan that will be done. “A Local Area Plan is a different animal but that is the phrase that’s being thrown around. I think what council was directing staff to do was to do a little infill plan,” he said. Luymes said the six properties are “a bit orphaned” and the city should have perhaps included them in Grandview 1 – Morgan Heights – which the properties are adjacent to on 164th Avenue. “Hindsight is 20/20. What we maybe should have done, way back when, is drawn the line for 1 that included these properties because frankly, the configuration of the properties and the age and condition of the homes is such that redevelopment could have been anticipated, for sure.” Luymes said the plan underway will limit development further into Grandview 5 and like Villeneuve, is confident it will reassure neighbours that their area will remain untouched. The reality is, subdivisions like Country Woods aren’t built anymore, Luymes noted. “That’s why we hope to retain them…. Will new development be of that nature? No, it won’t be, simply because of affordability and the viability of development,” he said. Luymes said the city’s planning challenge will be ensuring there is proper transition between newer urban and established suburban areas. “I think that’s the main concern of some of the existing residents who worry –‘What will the impact of new urban development will be on my property and my quality of life?’” Grandview 5 is roughly bound by 28th Avenue and 20th Avenue, from 176th Street to 164th and 168th avenues.
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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Kwantlen expanding to City Centre
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KPU Civic Plaza campus expected to open in early 2016
Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts speaks during Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Civic Plaza announcement. (Photo: KYLE BENNING)
Kyle Benning
Now contributor Twitter @KBBenning
CITY CENTRE — Move over, SFU, because Kwantlen Polytechnic University is coming to downtown Surrey. That was the $20-million announcement made by KPU and City of Surrey representatives in City Centre Wednesday, adding to the area’s already bustling post-secondary offerings. KPU president and vice-chancellor Dr. Alan Davis said the new threestorey, 30,000-sq. ft campus space would be called KPU Civic Plaza and would be part of the larger 3 Civic Plaza development. That project, a $150-million investment, will also hold two more floors of office space, a 144room hotel and 349 condominiums. Once it is complete, 3 Civic Plaza will be the tallest building south of the Fraser River. “It’s going to be quite different than what you’d find at our 72nd Avenue campus, different than what you’d find in Richmond, Cloverdale and
Langley,” Davis said. “It’s very much a downtown, urban campus meeting the needs of the people who live in this region or use this as their gateway to other things.” Davis added that KPU Civic Plaza would open in early 2016, but the university hasn’t yet made any plans on what courses and programs will be available at the location. However, he did say that post-graduate courses would be available at KPU Civic Plaza for people looking to advance their careers. Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts was also present during the announcement and said she was happy to welcome more students in to the downtown area. “I think it’s really exciting to have 1,600 students here in City Centre,” she
said. “When we look at how everything is coming together, it’s our capitalizing on our young population.” With KPU now in the mix, there will be four major universities in City Centre – Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia and British Columbia Institute of Technology among them – and Watts is glad that Surrey is offering options to students. “Not everybody wants to access education the same way, so having a variety of options is really key,” she said. “The opportunities are here.” KPU has educated over a quartermillion students since 1981 and serves nearly 20,000 students annually.
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
Surrey Memorial Hospital
Caring Together raises $70,000 for Surrey’s critical care tower CITY CENTRE — Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation’s first Caring Together fundraising lunch raised $70,000 for the hospital’s new critical care tower. More than 260 people gathered at Central City’s Neptune Seafood Restaurant on June 12 to eat dim sum and learn more about Surrey Memorial Hospital. “We asked the community to support Surrey Memorial Hospital and they responded with great generosity,” said Anita Law, chair of the volunteer Caring Together fundraising committee. “On behalf of the committee, my thanks go out to everyone who worked so hard to
make this event a success, especially our sponsors and volunteers.” The Caring Together campaign lunch raised $61,346, and Law and her husband made a personal donation to bring the total amount up to $70,000. Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation president Jane Adams was there to accept the cheque and thank attendees. “A big thank you to Mrs. Law and our volunteer fundraising committee for putting together a stellar event,” said Adams. For more information about Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation, visit Smhfoundation.com. The Now
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IMPORTANT REMINDER Property Taxes are due July 2, 2014 The 2014 property tax notices have been mailed. If you have not received your notice, please contact the Taxation Office at taxation@delta.ca or 604-946-3235. All property owners are responsible for the payment of property taxes whether or not a tax notice is received. Pre-authorized Withdrawal Program: your property tax notice shows a balance that represents the current year’s charges, less instalments. Property owners are responsible for paying the balance by the due date. Penalties will be applied to any balance unpaid after the due date. Home Owner Grant: if you are eligible for a Home Owner Grant, you must claim your grant by the due date each year to avoid a penalty even if you are not making a payment on your taxes. Claim your Home Owner Grant online or complete and sign the Application for Home Owner Grant on the bottom of the back page of your property tax notice and forward it to The Corporation of Delta. Grant applications received after the due date will be considered late and are subject to penalties. Tax Deferment Program: tax deferment agreements must be renewed each year. Applications and renewals must be received on or before the due date to avoid a penalty.
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Payment of Taxes (please refer to the back of your property tax notice for more details): • Financial Institutions – telephone banking, online banking or in person • Mail – envelopes must be postmarked by Canada Post either on or before the due date to avoid a penalty • Delta Municipal Hall – business hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (Thursdays until 8:00 p.m.) • Delta Municipal Hall After hours Drop Box
FSouth Asian Health Centre is hosting an Open House for the delegates of CINI 2014 conference and members of the community on June 22, 2014 from 2 to 4 pm
Date: Location:
June 22, 2014, from 2 to 4 pm 6830 King George Blvd., Surrey, British Columbia
• North Delta Recreation Centre – business hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (Thursdays until 8:00 p.m.) Late Payment Penalties: A 5% penalty will be applied on current taxes if unpaid after July 2, 2014. An additional 5% penalty will be applied on current taxes if unpaid after September 2, 2014. Delta Municipal Hall Taxation Office Email: taxation@delta.ca Tel: 604-946-3235 Fax: 604-946-4029 The Corporation of Delta 4500 ClarenceTaylor Crescent Delta BC V4K 3E2 (604) 946-4141 www.delta.ca
For further information please contact: bellekainth.sahc@gmail.com
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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Prophet leads parade of sixstringers through Central City Plaza Entertainer Tony Prophet leads a parade of young guitarists – holding wooden guitars handmade by the local musician – through Central City Plaza Saturday afternoon during Surrey Fest Downtown celebrations. The day-long event was a rain-soaked one, but that didn’t stop people from having a good time. (Photo: GORD GOBLE)
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Attention All tAxpAyers 2013 Notices have been mailed. if you have not not received 2014Property PropertyTax Tax Notices have been mailed. If you have received yourtax Notice, please contact the propertytax Section at (604) 591-4181 your tax notice, please contact the Property & Payment Services Section at immediately. all property owners are responsible for payment of property (604) 591-4181 immediately. Property owners are responsible for payment taxes regardless of whether or not atax Notice is received.
of property taxes even if the tax notice has not been received.
The 2013 Property Taxes are due JULY 2, 2013. a 5% penalty will be added to the 2013 property taxes remaining unpaid after July 2, 2013, and a further 5% will be added after are September 3, 2, 2013. 2014 Property Taxes Due July 2014. A 5% penalty will be added to
the 2014 property taxes remaining unpaid 2, 2014, further **NEW** Sign up for email notification forafter yourJuly property tax and and autility bills. Log www.surrey.ca/mypropertyaccounts 5% in willtobe added after September 2, 2014. and update your settings to receive email notification when your property tax and utility bills are ready.
My Property Accounts is an online service that provides property owners NEW OWNERS: You are responsible for payment of 2014 property taxes tax and utility forcharges. complete access before to thetheir dueproperty date of July 2, 2014 in account order toinformation. avoid penalty details please visit www.surrey.ca/ptu NEW OWNERS:you Online Services: are responsible for payment of 2013 property taxes before the due date of July 2, 2013 in order to avoid penalty charges.
Additional Property Tax Drop Off Locations: From June 23, 2014 to
Pre-TeeN 10-13 YeArS: July 7-11 July 14-18 July 21-25 July 28-Aug 1 Aug. 5-8 Aug. 11-15 Aug. 18-22
Fleetwood Community Centre Fraser Heights Recreation Centre Cloverdale Recreation Centre South Surrey Recreation & Arts Centre Newton Recreation Centre Guildford Recreation Centre Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre
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Cloverdale Recreation Centre
ELECTRONIC PROPERTY TAXCentre PAYMENTS: When(Fleetwood) paying your property taxes • Surrey Sports & Leisure – Aquatics by telephone or internet banking through your financial institution, use your folio number as your account number.
** New City Hall Location - 13540 104th Avenue, Surrey BC V3T 1V8
payments must beMonday receivedtono later than the Statutory due date IF PAYING BY MAIL: Office hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Friday. Closed to avoid penalty.
YOUTH 13-18 YeArS: 4362566
CLAIM YOUR HOME OWNER GRANT ONLINE: property owners are able to July 2,their 2014 property taxGrant cheque payments and grants claim Home owner online through thehome city’sowner website at can be dropped off during facility operating hours: www.surrey.ca.you will need the folio number and access code from your tax DO NOT sign the Home • Notice. South Surrey Recreation Centreowner Grant application (paper copy) if claimed online.
Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre
Contact your local recreation centre for details
CityMail Halldrop office hours: slot is located on the south side of the building (plaza area) 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through friday. closed Statutory Holidays.
4362533 4362534 4362535 4362543 4362537 4362542 4362553
Sign up for e-billing at www.surrey.ca/mypropertyaccounts
Parking at City is extremely limited. the line-up! Take advantage • Claim yourHall home owner grant onlineAvoid at www.surrey.ca/ehog of online banking with your financial institution and claim your Home Owner Grant online.
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
Address: The Surrey Now, #201 7889 132nd St., Surrey, B.C. V3W 4N2
Publisher: Gary Hollick
Our view
We’re taxed out, thanks Y ay, more tax. A few decades ago, people used to joke about government imposing a tax on flatulence. Imagine that – giggle, giggle. Today, anything seems possible. Consider the latest contribution from our political brain trust in Metro Vancouver, who last week trotted out a $7.5-billion transit plan for the region. Lots of bridges and stuff are included in this 30-year vision. But hey, how to pay for it all? If you put your ear to the wind, you can still hear a faint echo from all those mayors’ synaptic transmissions firing off. The result of their impressive electric brainstorm was to pay for this stuff by introducing – get this – a mobility tax that will punish drivers for how far they drive. One wonders if Metro Vancouver’s mayors, likewise their political brothers and sisters in the provincial and federal realms, are really members of an alien race conducting a clandestine experiment to see how much taxation humans can handle. Last week, the Fraser Institute released a study concluding that while municipal spending has “ballooned” over the past decade, poor control of spending is to blame for the civic governments’ perceived financial starvation. If taxation and fee-imposition continues at the same rate it is today, by the time all this hallowed road infrastructure is ready, there won’t be any drivers around to use it. Just crickets. Rather, everybody will be hiding in their basement, trying to keep their breathing and heartbeats down to an economically manageable level lest they be hit with a big bill under the latest breath and heartbeat tax.
The Now
Your view
Fences in White Rock an insane idea The Editor, Re: “Gates go up on waterfront,” the Now, June 12. I was totally outraged (and I don’t live in White Rock) when I read about the gates going up at the railroad crossing. What a terrible thing to do to a tourist area. We stopped going there anyway when they started charging for parking. Now they are trying to kill White Rock with this insane fencing idea. Why do they think they can stop people from enjoying the beach? They will get there one way or another. If they want to protect people they should build a tunnel under the tracks. If people don’t know the rules of the
road, they need to learn them – stop, look, and listen. Don’t blame the trains for killing people, they do that to themselves. Take the devices out of your ears and pay attention. Irene Shaw, Surrey
Teachers sacrificing pay for greater cause The Editor, Re: “Full-scale strike may be next,” the Now, June 12. I am a teacher in Langley and a resident
of Surrey. I am giving up my fourth day of pay today because I believe in better quality education for children in British Columbia. Some people think that teachers are using students as pawns, keeping them out of school so that we can fight for higher salary. The reality is, I won’t have enough money to pay for my July rent. I am a single mother with two children. Tracey Clayton, Surrey YOUR LETTERS: Email your letters to the editor to edit@thenownewspaper.com. Please keep them short and include your full name and where you live.
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The NOW newspaper is a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership. You can reach us by phone at 604-572-0064, by email at edit@thenownewspaper.com or by mail at Suite 201-7889 132 Street, Surrey, B.C. V3W 4N2
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Gary Hollick Publisher
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Second Class Mail Registration 7434. Delivered free every Tuesday and Thursday to 118,000 homes and businesses.
Publisher: Gary Hollick Editor: Beau Simpson Manager, Integrated Advertising Sales: Ellyn Schriber Sports Editor: Michael Booth Entertainment Editor: Tom Zillich Reporters/photographers: Tom Zytaruk, Carolyn Cooke, Amy Reid, Christopher Poon
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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Great plan but who’s paying for it? InTheHouse Keith Baldrey
s far as wish lists go, the one put together by Metro Vancouver’s mayors when it comes to future transit and transportation improvements is indeed an impressive one. It’s got something for everyone, pretty much no matter where they live. Take the Seabus all the time? No problem, they’ll increase the number of sailings. Need to travel down West Broadway in Vancouver? Why, here’s a subway for you, at least part of the way. Whether you need to cross the Fraser River, take buses anywhere or get from A to B in Surrey, the plan has something for you. But what it doesn’t have, and what may be its Achilles Heel, is any certainty when it comes to how to pay for all this stuff. And it’s expensive stuff: $7.5 billion. Oh, the mayors have come up with some ideas on the funding front: bridge tolls, road “pricing” (which can be interpreted in different ways), property taxes and, oh yes, a massive cash injection from “senior” governments which might fund everything. But one idea – getting $250 million from the provincial government’s carbon tax revenue – was quickly shot down by the provincial transportation minister. This was entirely predictable and, in fact, mayors were signaled that tapping into the provincial carbon tax was a nonstarter, so why it was included in the revenue grab bag is mystifying. Of course, the provincial government
will have to help fund some part of whatever transportation infrastructure plan ultimately comes to fruition in Metro Vancouver but what that translates to remains to be seen (although, it will be funding a new Massey Bridge to the tune of about $2 billion, hardly chump change). After all, improving transportation is vital to economic growth. The movement of goods and services around the metro region is critical to the local economy, and it’s in the provincial government’s own interest to help fund those improvements. Still, the mayors deserve credit for being able to recognize which projects and needs have priority in the region. Their plan is a long-term one – stretching out for 30 years – and is based on a huge spike in population size.
Everyone wants more service, and everyone wants someone else – that guy over there in that car, that person on the bus – to pay for it all. Getting them to agree on a grand plan is no small feat. For so long, parochial interests have prevented them from seeing the need to accommodate each other’s interests. But the mayors’ plan raises two key questions: is everything in it actually needed, and is it all affordable? On what’s needed, I suppose one can argue all kinds of significant transportation and transit improvements and investments will be “needed” over a long period of time. However, Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan seems to be the only one to grasp the key political reality – voters (those who keep these mayors in or out of office) will surely bristle at a plan that threatens to reach deep into their wallets, and getting provincial and federal
governments to fork over huge amounts of cash is a pipe dream. I’ve written before about the conundrum facing the mayors: everyone wants more service, and everyone wants someone else – that guy over there in that car, that person on the bus – to pay for it all. People feel taxed-out (see editorial on page 10), and it will be interesting to see if the mayors aggressively push for their constituents to pay for tolls, road pricing and higher property taxes to pay for enormously expensive infrastructure . All this is leading to a referendum which presumably will give voters the chance to say yes or no to host of taxation and revenue measures. Am I the only one to think the “no” side will crush the “yes” side? Reason doesn’t enter into this debate. Most people cannot comprehend the sheer financial enormity of what the mayors are proposing, and cling to a belief that a magical solution does indeed exist, one that sees things built without costing them a nickel more.
Last week’s Ontario election result, like the last B.C. election, serves as a reminder that some old assumptions about elections have to be challenged. First, political polling may be a sunset industry. A series of polls in the last couple of days suggested a statistical dead heat between the Liberals and the Conservatives, and a surge in NDP support. Instead, the Liberals romped to an easy majority win. Secondly, calling a government “scandal-plagued” doesn’t seem to hurt its re-election chances. Instead, voters these days seem to be wary of change, no matter how many so-called scandals dog an incumbent government. Keith Baldrey is chief political reporter for Global BC. You can email him at Keith.Baldrey@globalnews.ca
Students are bearing brunt of dispute The Editor, Re: “Full-scale strike may be next,” the Now, June 12. As a student, I do support many of the causes the B.C. Teachers’ Federation is actively fighting for, such as class composition, availability of resources and classroom support. However, at the same time, I cannot overlook the ways in which this strike is affecting the students throughout public school systems. It is common knowledge that the end of the school year is always accompanied with final exam preparation – and in the case of students ranging from the grades of 10 to 12, there was the looming stress of the provincial exams. Late May and early June has been disrupted by rotational strikes and now this potential, imminent full strike. These additional disruptions do more harm than good as it swipes away the days of preparation for exams. In fact, even for students below Grade 10, exam dates had been preponed to avoid the impending fullstrike posing a threat to the original dates and in doing so, our days of preparation for exams had been cut off even shorter. As a Grade 9 student, I am awaiting to hear of whether or not the full strike will be averted – but as I continuously monitor the media for any news regarding the outcome of the negotiation, I am also expected to be prepared to write final exams that depend on the fate of this negotiation. This means that I study regardless of the result of the negotiation as I am utterly left aloof as to the fate of tomorrow. Which leaves me with the lingering question: if this labour dispute or strike has so many repercussions on the students throughout the province, how can it be said that this is being done in support of the students? Jasmine Rai, Grade 9 student
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
Food truck builder ‘bursting at the seams’ Amy Reid
Now staff Twitter @amyreid87
NEWTON — From a sushi truck to a New York waffle cart to a shipping container transformed into a kitchen, Apollo Carts has done it all. Co-owners Norm Kerfoot and Vince White run the business and, as Kerfoot says, they were doing it “before it was a thing.” Tucked away in an industrial area in Newton, the business is “bursting at the seams,” Kerfoot said. So much so that they’ve had to find a new home, nearly tripling their space, from 4,000 square feet to 12,000. The business started some 15 years ago, but Kerfoot first began in the industry Expo 86, when he worked for a company making coffee trucks. That eventually led into him opening up his own business. The company built up a reputation in the U.S., he said, where the food truck industry was taking off at the time. As the business grew, their carts and trucks began to go overseas. They have shipped their work all over the world, including to the Middle East, Australia, Germany and Italy. Then, roughly four years ago when Vancouver began its food truck program, “things really began to ramp up.” They were ripe and ready to fill that demand, and business has been booming ever since. Kerfoot said the workload has doubled in the last five years, and he doesn’t expect it to slow down. He estimates the company has built more than 1,000 carts, around 100 trucks and roughly 50 trailers. They’ve done work for little companies, right up to the big names such as Original Joe’s and Nestlé. Sitting in his office, with machinery buzzing away in the background, Kerfoot said there have been a lot of interesting projects along the way. Putting a full kitchen inside a hot pink Volkswagen van for Pig on the Street, which
Food truck pilot project kicks off
Norm Kerfoot, a co-owner of Apollo Carts, in the company’s manufacturing plant in Newton. (Photo: AMY REID)
We’ve gone through hell and back. There were times when we probably should have thrown in the towel, but we didn’t.… It’s been an interesting journey, to say the least. now churns out everything and anything bacon on Vancouver streets. Cutting holes in a brand new Mercedes-Benz. Installing wood-fired pizza ovens in a truck. Transforming an old motorhome into a potato truck. And the company built the first food truck for a Canadian university. The Hungry Nomad was built for UBC, and the university now has another order in for two trailers, a food truck and a cart. “It’s always interesting,” Kerfoot said.
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He hopes to get an order for a beer truck soon, which he expects soon, with the recent liquor law changes in B.C. that will allow for sales of wine and craft brews at farmers’ markets. “We’ll start to promote to craft breweries soon,” he said. But just because business is booming now, doesn’t mean it was always that way. “We’ve gone through hell and back,” Kerfoot said. “There were times when we probably should have thrown in the towel, but we didn’t.” They held on, and are sure glad they did, seeing as food trucks have taken off, now popular worldwide. “It’s been an interesting journey, to say the least,” he said, adding that he doesn’t think the food truck craze is a phase. “I think it’s got a lot of life left in it yet. People were always saying to me, ‘Well how long do you think you can build these carts for?’ Well, I’ve been doing it for 15 years, and it’s just getting busier.” areid@thenownewspaper.com
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Ever tried a tasty torpedo? How about a hillbilly hotdog? Surrey residents will have the opportunity to try these delicacies and more, now that the city has chosen 10 mobile food vendors to be part of its new food truck program. Starting this week, vendors will operate in pairs at five locations: the east and west parking lots at North Surrey Recreation Centre, Bear Creek Park/Surrey Arts Centre parking lot, Newton Wave Pool parking lot and the new City Hall Plaza. The trucks will change locations every three months. Here’s the list of food vendors: • Hillbilly Dawgz, a Surrey-based hotdog vendor, specializes in wildgame sausages. • Old Country Pierogi, a family business based in Surrey, serves Eastern European food. • Japadog, a Vancouver staple, serves Japanese-inspired hotdogs with toppings such as teriyaki sauce, seaweed and miso. • Fijian Fusion serves spicy halal street food. • The Place Next Door Canteen serves “guilt-free cuisine” such as salads, wraps and sandwiches. • Hot Grandma’s Kitchen serves comfort classics such as soup, perogies and cabbage rolls. • Taj Tadka serves traditional Indian curries and naan, and caters to both vegetarians and meat lovers. • Taj Express serves Indian cuisine. • Don’s Smokies serves hotdogs and smokies. • Tasty Torpedo serves sandwiches. Jennifer Saltman, The Province
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
SUMMER EVENTS whalley’s corner community festival on Saturday, June 21 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., as part of the city’s doors open event, on Grosvenor road between King George and Whalley boulevards. event put on by Whalley Community Association, downtown Surrey business improvement Association and Whalley Community improvement Association, to feature displays highlighting the history of the area, entertainment and food, car show. event info: 604-580-2321. newton community festival & doors open event June 21, a free event featuring draw and free prizes, live music and dance, sports and fitness demonstrations, arts and crafts, bouncy castle and play zone. At newton recreation Centre, 13730 72 Ave., Surrey, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 604-501-5540. north delta family day: Annual event includes parade and community festival on Sunday, June 22. parade starts at 11 a.m. from burnsview Secondary and ends at park located at 114th St./84th Ave., featuring rides, food, community booths, showcase stage and more. darts hill garden festival on Saturday, June 28, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at darts Hill Garden park, 16th Avenue at 170th Street, South Surrey. “bring your picnic blanket, friends, and family and enjoy the
day at beautiful darts Hill Garden park. exhibits, activities, and fun for the whole family. plant sale, local artists and photographers, plant information, tours, bonsai and alpine garden exhibits, music, dancers, family tree hunt, kids’ activities, food trucks, and more. info: dartshill. ca/gardenfest.
surrey fusion festival, a yearly celebration of music, food and culture staged by the City of Surrey with corporate partners, is set for Saturday, July 19 and Sunday, July 20 at Holland park, Surrey. Free admission. info: Surrey. ca/fusionfestival.
surrey’s canada day event July 1 at bill reid Millennium Amphitheatre in Cloverdale, featuring performances by Matthew Good, daniel Wesley, Kyprios, Halfway to Hollywood, country artist ray Gibson, Heart tribute band barracuda, a “Country divas” show and dJ Flipout. Free admission to day-long event, info at Surrey.ca/canadaday.
white rock sea festival takes place from Friday, Aug. 1 to Sunday, Aug. 3 in White rock, with live entertainment, Torch light parade, beach volleyball and soccer tournaments, vendor market, pirates in the park play area at Semiahmoo park, Cupcake’s Teddy bear picnic and more. info: Whiterockseafestival.ca. “blithe spirit”: peninsula productions stages noel Coward comedy from July 9 to 23 at Coast Capital playhouse, 1532 Johnston rd., White rock. Tickets range from $18 to $25, depending on date purchased. For show info and tickets, call 604-536-7535 or visit peninsulaproductions.org.
Quattro street fair: event on Saturday, July 5 from noon to 4 p.m. at Whalley boulevard at 107 A Ave., Surrey. “every year the sleek new Quattro building closes its front street and transforms it into a lively outdoor street fair,” featuring vendors, live music, more. info: downtownsurreybia.com, 604-5806321.
beach house theatre presents Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of errors” and the more kid-friendly “The Three Munschketeers, a debbie patterson-written adaptation of five stories by robert Munsch,” on an outdoor stage at Crescent beach from Aug. 11 to 17. Tickets go on sale June 24, via beachhousetheatre.org.
surrey pride festival: 15th annual event set for Sunday, July 6 at Holland park, Surrey, from noon to 5 p.m. “A very fun family event with lots of entertainment – live music, dancing, lots of vendors, a kid’s zone and food, food and more food.” Festival info: Surreypride.ca.
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
For breaking news and the latest developments on these stories, visit us online at thenownewspaper.com
White Rock
White Rock
Boat launch gates may be removed by end of week
Coun. Campbell: ‘Don’t poke the bear’
Matt Law
Now contributor Twitter@ mjlaw_photo
WHITE ROCK — One week after the gates were installed at White Rock’s west beach boat launch, Mayor Wayne Baldwin says he hopes to see them gone by the end of this week. For now, the two-metrehigh gates remain in place but the lock has been removed, a move Baldwin squarely attributes to the community’s response to the Transport Canada order issued at the beginning of last week. “If the public had simply folded and just shown total apathy about it, they might have succeeded in this but because the public did not that brought some pressure to bear so they (Transport Canada) were much more amenable to it,” said Baldwin. The gates were installed last week following a missive sent by Transport Canada to the city ordering the immediate closure of public access to the site. The closure was to be the first part of a new set of safety measures ordered by Transport Canada following a safety review stemming from death of jogger Anita Lewis last July. Lewis was killed trying to cross the tracks while
Beach-goers access the west beach boat launch Sunday in White Rock after a Friday decision to restore public access and remove the lock on the gate. (Photo: MATT LAW) jogging along east beach. After the initial closing of the boat launch and the backlash from the public, the city proposed a new plan that would lift the Transport Canada order. “We had some discussions with them and I think they recognize that this was maybe a little hastily conceived and brought forward so they have taken a much more reasonable approach,” said Baldwin. The city’s proposal includes the installation of stops signs and painted
stop lines on both sides of the tracks. They have also proposed painting a no-parking zone on the north side and Burlington Northern Santa Fe., the owner of the railroad, will be replacing the railway crossing signs on the south side of the tracks. “We have come up with some suggestions which I understand Transport Canada is OK with, so we’ll be implementing those and hopefully the gates themselves will be removed by the end of the week,” said Baldwin.
According to Baldwin, city staff had received verbal approval from Transport Canada for the new plan and he said they will be starting work early this week. “I view this as a victory for the public. It’s not a question of the city winning or Transport Canada winning it’s more what’s in the best interest of the public,” said Baldwin. For now, beach-goers using the gate at the boat launch are asked to ensure it remains closed after use. matt@mattlaw.ca
Christopher Poon
Now staff Twitter @questionchris
WHITE ROCK — While the lock on the recently erected gates at the west beach boat launch have been removed and public access once more allowed, Coun. Alan Campbell is reminding the public not to push the issue. According to Campbell, who sits on the city’s rail safety task force, as the city continues to work with Transport Canada and railway owner Burlington Northern Santa Fe to resolve the issue, residents can do their bit by adhering to the rules and staying off the tracks in the meantime. “We’re at the municipal level and we’re dealing with this provincially and federally – as well with the United States,” he said. “So it moves slowly and you’ve got to get all your ducks in a row.” Campbell said the recent orders from Transport Canada were likely due to the death of jogger Anita Lewis last July, a senior citizen recently being struck by a train in February, as well as the continued focus on coal trains and dangerous good transportation in the community. As a result, Campbell said while the intention of the latter two topics is to enact change, it was inevitable that they would also highlight
people’s behaviours around the tracks. “What happens is that the bear has been poked, and when you poke the bear BNSF and Transport Canada come down to meet with us to see what we can do to mitigate the safety issues,” he said. “So BNSF came for a walk and were astonished to see people walking on the tracks, crossing where they shouldn’t as was Transport Canada.” As a result, BNSF requested the city put up additional railings on the tracks a few weeks back, which it did and then just last week Transport Canada ordered a twometre tall gate be erected at the west beach boat launch. The gate lock was later removed Friday, allowing residents to continue passing through the launch so long as the gates remained closed after use. “Closing the boat launch was a real stinger for us,” said Campbell. In addition, the city has released several proposed points of action to be undertaken in order to have the current restriction of access removed. Those points include the installation of signs and painted lines and text on both sides of the tracks, ‘no parking’ markings added to the north side of the track and replacing the railway crossing sign on the south side of the track.
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
a p p Ly f o r a c o M M U N i t y G r a N t
Teachers’ dispute
Full-scale strike looms after talks go ‘backwards’ Tom Zytaruk
Now staff Twitter @tomzytaruk
SURREY — Any hope for a resolution to the teachers dispute before a full-blown strike Tuesday appears to have been dashed. “The strike is imminent,” Jim Iker, president of the British Columbia Teachers Federation, said Monday morning. The BCTF represents 41,000 public school teachers. Iker said the provincial government has “squandered” an opportunity to get students back to school. “They went backwards rather than forwards,” he said. “It’s so disappointing.” “There was a real opportunity to fix what they’ve broke,” Iker said. Iker said Monday that the union has proposed a five-year collective agreement featuring a $5,000 signing bonus and eight per cent wage increase “to show good faith. “With this proposal we are meeting them half way.”
This, he said, will still not address teachers’ cost of living concerns. “They brought nothing to the table, nothing,” he said, except “stonewalling.” He said the union hadn’t heard from the government this weekend until 48 hours after presenting its revised proposal. “What we got back is actually worse than what there was previously,” Iker said. He said the government reduced its wage increase offer Sunday from 7.25 per cent over six years to seven per cent. “It’s almost unheard of to back-track on a wage offer,” Iker said. “In my view, I don’t think that shows a lot of good faith in our premier, Christy Clark. “I think British Columbians will be angry. She promised progress.” Education Minister Peter Fassbender said negotiations would continue Monday. “I’m not going to characterize where we’re at at the moment. There are still gaps between the two parties.”
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tzytauk@thenownewspaper.com 111109
RCMP look for home invasion suspects SURREY — Surrey RCMP are on the lookout for two men after a 56-year-old man was taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries following a home invasion on Sunday night. Police responded to a call about the home invasion around 10 p.m. on June 15
in the 10300 block of 127th Street, where they determined that two causcasian males, possibly in their 30s, had forced entry into the home, assaulting a male resident and then fleeing with an undisclosed amount of prescription drugs. The woman was uninjured. Kristi Alexandra
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
In court
Man hears fate today for sexually abusing girl SURREY — A Utah man who sexually abused a 12-year-old Surrey girl is being sentenced today (Tuesday) in Surrey provincial court. The Crown is seeking a two-year prison sentence and three years
probation. There is a publication ban on naming the victim or publishing any information that would identify the girl. Kevin Douglas Knowlton, 33, a computer software engineer from Salt Lake City, met the girl through
a computer game called High School Hero. He made five trips to Surrey, staying at a hotel on King George Boulevard where he would meet up with her. Knowlton pleaded guilty to luring, sexual interference and
EvEry onE makEs a diffErEncE
making child pornography. The court heard Knowlton’s dad is a polygamist with 58 children. The court heard he voluntarily had himself castrated a few months before meeting the girl.
Tom Zytaruk
Man crushed while working under car SURREY — A man was crushed by a car he’d been working under after it fell off some blocks Sunday afternoon. The tragic accident happened at about 1:30 p.m., inside a garage at a house in the 16900-block of 60th Avenue. The man, 61, died. His name has not been released. “He was found critically injured after the vehicle had fallen on him,” Surrey RCMP Cpl. Bert Paquet said. “He was transported to the hospital with serious, life-threatening injuries and later succumbed to his injuries.” Tom Zytaruk
Toddler OK after falling from window SURREY — Police say a Surrey toddler who tumbled from the upper floor bedroom window on a house on Friday morning is expected to make a full recovery. It happened in the 14900-block of 58A Avenue. “This incident appears to be an unfortunate accident and is not considered suspicious at this time,” Surrey RCMP Cpl. Bert Paquet said. “During the warmer summer months the Surrey RCMP usually sees an increase in these types of calls. As a result they are reminding parents to keep an eye on their children and keep windows secured in a safe manner at all times. The boy suffered injuries to his face, head and leg. “If possible, have your child play in an area that is not elevated and near windows to minimize any potential risks,” Paquet advised.
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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In court
Accused murderer said stabbing victim told her she wanted to die Now staff Twitter @tomzytaruk
NEW WESTMINSTER — A Surrey woman on trial for second-degree murder in the multiple stabbing death of her best friend told police the victim had told her she wanted to die. Jessica Ashley Hanley, 25, is accused of stabbing 22-year-old Burnaby resident Tashina Rae Sutherland 41 times inside a small rancher at 10593 138th St. in Whalley, on April 26, 2012. Hanley’s trial is being heard in B.C. Supreme Court in New Westminster. Most of the past two weeks have been spent in a voir dire hearing, or a trial within a trial in which the Crown and defence are arguing over the admissibility of three statements Hanley made to police over more than 11 hours of interviews at the Surrey RCMP detachment hall. Justice Elizabeth Arnold-Bailey will have to decide if these statements will
be brought into evidence in the trial proper, or not. The Crown argues they were made voluntarily while Hanley’s lawyer maintains her Charter Rights had been breached. On Thursday, the court heard the last of the statements in question as the police interview videotape was played in court. See FULL STORY › online
Earlier in the trial, the court heard testimony that Hanley and Sutherland had been partying the night before her death, drinking. Hanley’s boyfriend testified he’d bought a half-gram of cocaine and gave it to Sutherland. Outside court, though, Sutherland’s kin insisted she would not have involved herself in such things. Hanley’s boyfriend had also earlier testified Sutherland was “very happy, bubbly,” and had “a lust for life.”
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During Hanley’s interview with police at the Surrey RCMP detachment, however, the accused murderer suggested the stabbing was an assisted suicide. “She wanted me to kill her and then kill myself, and I was like, ‘no way,’” Hanley said. “I hugged her and I said, ‘No, I’m not going to do it,’” she said, adding that Sutherland “got upset” at her because “I wimped out.” The interviewing police officer asked Hanley about a text message she’d sent seeking advice on what chemicals to use to get blood out of a wooden floor. He noted she had also texted a friend of her boyfriend’s with the message, “I just killed her. I just said goodbye to my sis.” Hanley told the officer, “I just stabbed her with the big knife. I don’t know why.” The trial continues.
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
Welcome to the second annual Eater’s Choice Awards!
Chow Mein .................................
Omelettes ...................................
Fries ............................................
Souvlaki ......................................
Poutine .......................................
Baklava .......................................
Greek Salad ................................
Calamari .....................................
Unique Sushi Rolls ......................
Vegetarian ..................................
Bento Box ...................................
Gluten Free Bakery .....................
Roast Chicken .............................
Tempura .....................................
Salads .........................................
Bread ..........................................
Gourmet Hot Dogs .....................
Bagels .........................................
Veggie Burgers............................
Chocolate ...................................
Pad Thai......................................
Wraps .........................................
Coconut Curry ............................
Kung Pow Chicken ......................
Muffins .......................................
Shellfish ......................................
Dessert Bars................................
Pasta ...........................................
Cookies .......................................
Gelato/Frozen Yogurt .................
Cod .............................................
Ice Cream....................................
Soup ...........................................
Fish and Chips.............................
Cocktail .......................................
Clam Chowder ............................
Sausage ......................................
Coffee .........................................
Butter Chicken ............................
Pulled Pork .................................
Tea ..............................................
Indian Buffet...............................
Schnitzel .....................................
Borscht .......................................
Wine ...........................................
Tandoori .....................................
Cabbage Rolls .............................
Beer ............................................
Indian Vegetarian .......................
Pho .............................................
Sake ............................................
Sweets ........................................
Salad Rolls ..................................
Dim Sum .....................................
Eggs Benedict .............................
All entries must be an original newspaper ballot. Deadline for entries is June 18th, 2014. Personal information will not be sold or made public. The NOW reserves the right to publish contest winners’ names.
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
Send your team’s highlights to Sports editor, Michael Booth at mbooth@thenownewspaper.com or call 604-572-0064
Svensson caps season with Nicklaus Award Michael Booth
Now staff Twitter @boothnow
Earl Marriott grad Adam Svensson won the Jack Nicklaus award as the top golfer among NCAA Div. II schools. (File photo: KEVIN HILL)
Adam Svensson’s golf season keeps getting better — and it’s only June. The Earl Marriott grad and Barry University (Miami) sophomore capped his college golf season by winning the Jack Nicklaus Award as the top golfer among NCAA Div. II schools in the U.S. this year. “I had a great year and then it was kind of topped off with the Nicklaus award,” Svensson said. “I’m pretty proud of myself. Only one player per division gets it so it’s a pretty big award. It’s a great honour to win that award. I was told about the award and while I didn’t know much about it, I figured I had a good chance. It really was a great way to end my year. It’s pretty awesome.” Svensson was the No. 1-ranked player in Division II golf this season after winning a Barry school-record seven tournaments in 2013-14 while helping Buccaneers repeat as national champions. Svensson’s seven tournament victories matched an NCAA record set by Stanford’s Tiger Woods in 1996. The Nicklaus Award came with a perk that Svensson reluctantly had to decline. “I was supposed to meet Jack Nicklaus and shake his hand at the Memorial Tournament, but I couldn’t go because I was playing in the U.S. Open qualifier,” he said. “That kind of sucked.” In his final college tournament of the season, Svensson helped the Barry Buccaneers defend their team title as the top golf program in NCAA Div. II.
Svensson finished second in the individual scoring at national championship tournament and his efforts helped the Buccaneers win the team championship. “I had a good tournament,” he said. “I wasn’t swinging that well, but I managed to keep it together. I’m not disappointed that I didn’t win — that would have been nice, but I’m happy that our team won. I was happy to win the team championship and celebrate with my teammates.”
I’m not disappointed that I didn’t win — that would have been nice, but I’m happy that our team won.
Svensson didn’t spend much time celebrating. Last week he was in Rochester, New York for the prestigious Monroe Invitational Championship. Founded in 1937, the Monroe is one the oldest amateur tournaments in North America and features the top-ranked collegiate and amateur golfers in the United States plus several international players. Svensson played well in the event and finished second overall. Svensson shot a nine-under (69-67-69-66) 271 to finish two strokes back of Kent State’s Taylor Pendrith. This week Svensson is in Fort McMurray for a Canadian Tour event before heading to Nova Scotia for a Web.com Tour tournament in early July.
Two infielders selected in annual MLB amateur draft Two players from Surrey and North Delta were selected in Major League Baseball’s annual amateur draft last week. Leading off was Cloverdale’s Mitchell Robinson, who was tabbed by the Miami Marlins in the 22nd round. Robinson, a Grade 12 student at Clayton Heights Secondary,
currently plays third base for the Langley Blaze where he is hitting .323 in 21 games this season. Robinson has accepted a scholarship to attend Florida International University beginning in September. In the 39th round, the Houston Astros selected North Delta Blue Jays shortstop Brad Antchak.
A recent graduate of Sands Secondary, Antchak hit .331 with 19 RBIs in 47 games last season.
Misfits golden The North Surrey Misfits stood out from the crowd with an undefeated run at the peewee girls’
fastpitch regional championships. In round-robin play, the Misfits tied their first game and then outscored rivals from Fleetwood and Abbotsford by a combined 346 to advance to the playoff round. North Surrey topped the Cloverdale Assassins 11-5 in their playoff opener and followed that up with a 10-6 rout of the
North Langley Royals and then a 15-5 win over the Cloverdale Hurricanes in the semifinals. The Misfits kept the momentum going in the gold medal game where they humbled the Chilliwack Chaos 15-5. Misfits Madison Brown, Santana Lorenzo and Dakota Davis were all honoured with game MVP awards.
OPENING NIGHT - TOMORROW Postgame Fireworks Extravaganza & Magnetic Schedule Giveaway First 2,500 Fans
THURSDAY, JUNE 19 Postgame Fireworks Extravaganza Gates Open at 6pm. First Pitch 7:05
FRIDAY, JUNE 20 Scotiabank Bright Future ’Nooner Gates Open at Noon. First Pitch 1:05
NEXT HOMESTAND STARTS JUNE 26 vs. Colorado Rockies affiliate Tri-City Dust Devils Gates at Open 6pm. First Pitch 7:05
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
Thank you to the residents and businesses of White Rock. Your support made a difference in getting a fair deal. We are glad to be back on the job, helping you to enjoy your summer.
From White Rock city workers in CUPE 402-01. COPE491
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014
14650 104 Ave & 7550 King George Blvd
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Grandview 5 fights to
KEEP IT RURAL An application before council has some crying foul, worried that it may cause development to creep into their quiet suburb STORY BY AMY REID, 3
Grandview 5 resident Michael Proskow says the city is ignoring its own policies if it allows development to happen in the area before first creating an NCP. (Photo: KEVIN HILL)
Waterfront gates may soon be gone
Great plan, but who’s paying?
Public outrage over fencing appears to have made impact on Transport Canada, says mayor Wayne Baldwin.
Mayors’ plan raises two key questions: is everything in it actually needed, and is it all affordable?
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
ENGAGE At Surrey Arts Centre
‘The Anonymous People’ film in Recovery Speaks series event SURREY — A new documentary film is hoping to bring a voice to the many suffering silently with addiction and change the way people think about those in recovery. Called The Anonymous People, Kevin Falcon the film is part of the Recovery Speaks series created by the Cedars at Cobble Hill Society on Vancouver Island. Now touring the province, the Recovery Speaks series is coming to Surrey this Thursday with a screening of the movie at Surrey Arts Centre. According to the society, “The purpose
of the sessions is to educate individuals, families, workplaces and policy makers with regard to recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.” With The Anonymous People, the Cobble Hill Society is hoping to encourage others to advocate for addiction recovery. Former Deputy Premier and Minister of Health Kevin Falcon will provide remarks, as will other recovery experts and advocates. The Anonymous People will screen at the Surrey Arts Centre (13750 88th Ave., at Bear Creek Park) on June 19 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets for the event are $10 each and are available online at Tickets.surrey.ca, by calling 604-501-5566 or in person at the box office.
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BIA Executive Director The White Rock Business Improvement Association (BIA) is a not for profit business collective created to promote, enhance and champion a vibrant business community, and representing more than 300 members. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director will be responsible for recommending and overseeing the implementation and management of the BIA’ s programs and projects that promote the merchants and businesses of the City of White Rock. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, maintaining and managing the BIA office and overseeing volunteers; creating and implementing marketing and publicity initiatives; event creation/management; and implementation and monitoring the BIA’s fiscal operations. The successful candidate for this position has outstanding organizational and interpersonal skills with a thorough understanding of non-profit or voluntary sector board governance. It is essential · that you are able to develop and maintain positive working relationships and you have good business and financial acumen. You bring a college diploma in business administration complemented with 3 to 5 years of senior level experience in a nonprofit or voluntary sector with direct responsibility for finances, human resources and project management; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. We invite you to apply in confidence by mailing your cover letter and resume to the White Rock BIA Hiring Committee, 1550 Foster Street, White Rock, BC, V4B 3X8. Application deadline is 5:00pm, Monday, June 30th, 2014.
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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Where every smile is our priority
This past year at Wave Dentistry has been filled with tremendous change, yet change that has come for the better of our patients. First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude Dr. Patti-Anne Jones for your patience during our renovation phases. To better serve you, we have separated our check-in and check-out desks to accommodate and streamline the bustle of running eight new operatory rooms; having completed this modification to our new reception areas, your wait times on the phone and at the desk are lessened, which continue to be our first priority. Along with our structural changes, Wave Dentistry is proud to announce three tremendous new staff on board: Dr. Patti-Anne Jones has joined us on Mondays, a dental practitioner since 1995, who also contributes to the profession through her hard work at the B.C. Dental Association, and brings a wealth of experience from her practice in Ontario; joining the reception desk is Kayla, who many of you may have already met over the phone, or at the check-out desk; our third newest staff member is Maddie, a Certified Dental Assistant practicum student for the month of June, who comes to us from the University of the Fraser Valley. We are happy to have these lovely ladies accompany our already remarkable staff, and pleased that our patients can now be served in a more timely matter, with additional team members. On a brighter note, we would also like to send a very big thank you to everyone who voted for Dr. Gaudet and Wave Dentistry as Dental Office of the Year. This is truly an honour, and we hope that the service we have provided to you in the past will continue, and improve in the years to come.
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TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
Kwantlen group pitches in for a cleaner Surrey REGISTER FOR CLEANUP WITH LAYAR Kristi Alexandra
Now contributor Twitter @kristialexandra
SURREY — About 20 students and staff from Surrey’s Kwantlen Student Association (KSA) pitched in to pick up trash and create a cleaner greenway on Wednesday, June 11. As part of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup campaign – a conservation initiative put on by the Vancouver Aquarium, World Wildlife Foundation and Loblaw Companies Ltd. – the KSA chose to dig into an area near and dear to the university’s Surrey campus. Picking up litter in the Serpentine Greenway from 71st Avenue down to 66th Avenue, the KSA’s Director of External Affairs, Jessica Lar-Son and Sustainability Coordinator, Mairi Lester, say they chose the area because of a little-known feature on the walk way. “There’s a beaver pond that most of our
Students and staff from Surrey’s Kwantlen Student Association (KSA) do their part to support the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup campaign. (Photo: KYLE BENNING) staff and students on our council had no idea that was there. It’s probably, in the direct walk, about three minutes, so we kind of just wanted to raise awareness that there’s a natural habitat so close” Lester told the Now. “There’s really something we can do to raise awareness about how close we are to those types of environments and how much
a part of our community they are.” As the greenway is walking distance from the campus, Lester also said it’s likely that students walk that route to school every day. “It’s a greenway so it’s a multi-purpose pathway that connects quite a distance north and south along the power lines, so lots of community members use it. It’s
very busy, there’s always people biking, so there are definitely students who do use that walkway as a connecting path [to Kwantlen],” she said. In last year’s Great Canadian Shore Cleanup, which included several cleanup areas across B.C. spanning over 3,000 kilometres of land, 99,200 kilograms of litter piled together – including cigarette butts, food wrappers, musical instruments and more. For the small area that the KSA has chosen to tidy up, they had to submit a data card detailing the weight of their litter, and if anything “particularly unusual (was) found,” send a report to the GCSC. Since the group had accessed park lands, the City of Surrey picked up the trash bags at the end of the day for proper disposal. “Kwantlen students are taking the initiative to contribute to a safer and cleaner space in our community,” Lar-Son said in a statement, noting she was proud of the students’ participation. The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup runs until July 31 at various locations, and interested groups can register at ShorelineCleanup.ca.
TUESDAY, JUnE 17, 2014
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