Tues Dec 20 2011 Leader

Page 1

10th most dangerous city page 15

A look at Christmases past page 16

Tuesday December 20, 2011 Serving Surrey and North Delta www.surreyleader.com

Woman documents litter in the city

Dog lovers clash outside Surrey courthouse

Trashed Surrey detailed on blog

Supporters, opponents of animal rescue group sound off by Tracy Holmes SUPPORTERS OF a Surrey woman charged in connection with “an elaborate dog-theft investigation” rallied outside Surrey Provincial Court Thursday morning. But the group – carrying posters bearing calls for better animal rights, new animalprotection laws and an end to animal cruelty – did not broadcast their support for A Better Life Dog Rescue’s Janet Olson unopposed. “Jan is going to have a better life in jail,” called out Brad Engel, a North Shore resident who said he has been following the activities of A Better Life Dog Rescue (ABLDR) since “way before” Olson and coJanet Olson accused Louise Reid were charged last month. “I know several people that have had their animals taken,” Engel said, on a break from videotaping the supporters. Olson, 58, and Reid, 59 – also of Surrey and a co-director of ABLDR – were arrested Nov. 21 and are facing charges of break-andenter and theft under $5,000 in connection with a dog that was taken from a Coquitlam backyard that same day. Officers with Surrey’s Property Crime Target Team arrested the pair after reportedly observing them enter the yard and walk away with a bulldog named Samson. Olson is facing an additional charge in connection with the alleged theft of a Jack Russell terrier in Surrey on April 13 of this year. She told The Leader after her arrest that she had “a moral right” to take the dogs.

See OLSON / Page 4

by Kevin Diakiw GARBAGE WRAPPERS, chairs, shopping


North Surrey resident Danna Casto has been documenting the garbage she encounters on her regular walks through her neighbourhood. She takes photos of litter and illegal dump sites and posts them on her blog, http://keepcanadaclean. blogspot.com

Editorial 6 Letters 7 Life 16 Classifieds 19 Best Vancouver bodyshop 9 years in a row (blush).

carts, clothing and food are just some of the items strewn throughout Danna Casto’s neighbourhood. She’s lived in her home at 121 Street and 100 Avenue for 20 years, and the litter always been bad, but never this messy. Casto has diligently called the city whenever she sees trash that’s been dumped, using the new automated reporting system. However, her breaking point was a chair. It had been dumped, and the city’s website didn’t have the appropriate cross street to report it. “Then I realized there was another chair, and Danna Casto another chair,” Casto said in an interview Thursday. “Then I’d come back from my dog walks, and I can’t remember where all that stuff was.” So for almost two weeks, she’s been bringing her camera with her on dog walks or when she takes her daughter to school or swim lessons. From there, she created a blog, itemizing the trash she sees on her journey.

Save time, save money.

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See RESIDENT / Page 3

2 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011



During the next few months there is going to be a lot of rain. After it falls rain goes, untreated, down the storm drain straight to streams and creeks taking harmful chemicals and pollutants with it. Everyone needs to do their part to help protect the local streams and creeks because salmon and trout need a clean and healthy habitat. By taking preventative measures and making environmentally wise choices you can prevent pollution from reaching local streams and creeks.



The rain washes dirt and oil from driveways down the storm drain, so make sure when you clean your driveway that you direct all dirt and water onto your grass as it acts as a natural filter.


If you see a storm drain covered with debris, take a second and clear it off. This will prevent flooding and keep the debris from going down the storm drain which can affect fish habitat.




Christmas & New Year’s Week Collection Schedule Dear Surrey Residents: Garbage & Recycling collection services will occur as normal on your regular scheduled collection day during the Christmas holiday week.

Christmas Holiday Week Schedule Monday December 26 COLLECTION

Tuesday December 27 COLLECTION

Wednesday December 28 COLLECTION

Thursday December 29 COLLECTION

Friday December 30 COLLECTION

New Year’s Holiday Week Schedule Garbage & Recycling collection services during the New Year’s Week will be delayed by one day throughout the week. There will be no collection on January 2, 2012.

Monday Tuesday January 2 January 3 NO COLLECTION COLLECTION

Wednesday January 4 COLLECTION

Thursday January 5 COLLECTION

Friday January 6 COLLECTION

Saturday January 7 COLLECTION

Regular Garbage & Recycling Collection Service days will resume on the week of January 9, 2012. If you have any questions, please contact the City of Surrey’s Garbage & Recycling Hotline at 604-590-7289 or visit www.surrey.ca. www.surrey.ca


Visit our website to find out more easy tips to help your local salmon and trout and how you can get involved!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 3

Resident: Hundreds of images From page 1 The inventory of garbage is overwhelming. Since Dec. 4, Casto estimates she has recorded more than 200 pictures showing a large amount of litter. Casto says she doesn’t blame the city; crews come out to clean up whenever she calls. She thinks the problem needs to be tackled in the schools, educating kids on the importance of taking pride in their neighbourhood. And maybe the kids will bring that message back home. “It just kind of hit me that this is ridiculous,” Casto said. “I don’t think this is all over Surrey. I think it’s more concentrated in certain areas and apparently it’s in the areas I go in.” She acknowledges that it’s not all huge dumps of garbage, but the small bits of trash are everywhere. “It’s just this constant stream that you have to follow everywhere you go in this neighourhood,” she says. Since the 48-year-old wife and mother started the blog, she has signed to “adopt” her street to keep it clean. She says it’s a Band-Aid measure, because every time something gets picked up, something else gets dropped on the ground. She recalls seeing the children from a nearby basement suite helping their father carry out a baby seat and throw it onto the train tracks. “How do you respond to a situation like that?” she asks. “I don’t know.” She emailed Surrey councillors and says she received a “standard politician’s reply” promising to forward it to the engineering department or bylaw department. “People have been complaining about this for years,” she said. The Leader reported last March that the city had spent $830,000 in the year previous cleaning up after illegal dumpers. Casto’s blog, Keep Canada Clean, can be found at http://keepcanadaclean.blogspot.com. kdiakiw@surreyleader.com


Strong Start instructor Edna Pinto (centre) helps student Surinder Dhillon learn to print her name.

Delta grandmothers going back to school Adult learners get a Strong Start in English language skills by Evan Seal

limited English, had a hard time understanding what their children were learning in school. WALKING AROUND her brightly lit classroom at Hellings Elementary, So in September, the Delta School District and the Delta Community Edna Pinto keeps a close watch on her students. Literacy Committee partnered to make a Strong Start program for adults a Seated on small, preschool-sized furniture, students quietly concentrate on reality. their spelling exercise. The program takes place two days a month in a classroom at Hellings The classroom is filled with colourful images and toys many students Elementary. would see every day, including street signs and board games all clearly Since September, the number of adult students has increased steadily from labelled in English. three grandmothers to 20 women. Some mothers participate as well as offer“Well done, very well done, you’re getting very good at this,” says Pinto as ing help translating. she watches one of her students slowly print her name on a “The majority are grandmothers from the South Asian comsmall whiteboard. munity,” says Pinto, noting women from Nigeria, Japan and The exercise of the day is to get them to print their names China have also shown an interest in getting involved. and home addresses clearly. After spending an hour or so practicing the spelling of their “Remember, two words not one,” she says, referring to names, the group takes a break to enjoy a cup of tea and some the space between both the first and last name. Indian sweets, another chance to socialize and practice their The instruction comes quite naturally to Pinto, although English before beginning another word game these particular students are not typical. Pinto is trying to expose the grandparents to games and In fact, most are struggling to learn English and many activities that are common in Canada, after many of the woman have had very little formal education. expressed a desire to understand Canadian culture. At HalAnd all are adults. loween this year they carved a pumpkin – something most had Edna Pinto For the past 18 years Pinto has been an educator with never done before. the Delta School District, the last four with the Strong Start Some are now even volunteering in school classrooms as Program, a family education program funded by the Minwell. istry of Education, teaching preschool students the basics of Recently one of the grandmothers came to Pinto to express reading, writing and communication. her satisfaction with the program. Previously she would wait outside her The free service is designed to provide early learning skills for both chilgrandsons classroom hoping to participate in his class, but never went in. dren and their parents from newborns to five years old, as well as teaching “When she came to this class she was crying with joy that she was finally in parents how to support their child’s learning. school,” said Pinto. “She even brought her grandson to me one day and said, However, at the end of the last school year, many of the caregivers came to ‘see this is my teacher’.” Pinto upset their children would be moving on to elementary school and they The grandmother wanted to be able to write her own name before she wouldn’t be coming back to the Strong Start classes anymore. died. Having been coming to class with their children for a number of years, “And now she can,” said Pinto. many had built a tremendous sense of community within the program. “But I told her you’re not ready to die yet,” she says with a laugh. “My real They would often walk their children or grandchildren to school in the plan is to boost their confidence and their self-esteem.” morning or would be there to pick them up at the end of the day, but with photoseal@surreyleader.com

“When she came to this class she was crying with joy that she was finally in school.”

The strangest thing Dann Casto saw last week was a broom in a tree. Casto surmised there must have been a horrible witch crash.

4 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Animal rights advocates from A Better Life Dog Rescue listen to Jan Olson outside the Surrey courthouse. EVAN SEAL THE LEADER

Olson: A ‘moral obligation’ From page 1 Following a court appearance Thursday, she repeated the sentiment, saying that dogs can’t help themselves, and that new animal-rights legislation is needed. “Any group that has fought for their rights and won has always had to defy an unjust law,” Olson said. Olson wouldn’t discuss the Surrey charge, describing it as “a completely different scenario,” but said she doesn’t dispute they took Samson. “I took the dog out of the yard because a bulldog expert advised me he was going to freeze to death,” she said. Engel and others who gathered to oppose Olson outside the courthouse claimed that a poster displayed by one of Olson’s supporters included at least one photograph of dogs that had been stolen – a claim the supporter denied. “I fostered all of these dogs,” the woman told Engelsupporter Deirdre MacNicol. “Get your story straight, bitch.” The woman refused to disclose her identity – “What does my name have to do with saving these dogs?” she asked MacNicol – but denied being Olson’s coaccused, Louise Reid. Olson-supporter Claudette Tremblay, a Port Coquitlam resident who adopted her dog, Dickins, from ABLDR two years ago, said the Jack Russellcorgie “would have been a goner” if the group hadn’t stepped in. He was scheduled to be euthanized, she said. “I strongly believe in the group,” Tremblay said. In addressing the crowd, Olson showed photographs of dogs in apparent distress – including one whose muzzle was duct-taped shut – but whose treatment she maintained is considered legal. She also told of a dog she adopted that had spent most of his first 12 years tied up outside and alone. She said she rescued the dog from conditions she

described as the “worst hell I have ever seen,” and he lived a better life until his death nine months later. “Did I have a right to take Rupert?” she said, acknowledging some in the crowd didn’t agree she did. “They’re right – I didn’t have a legal right to take him. But Rupert had a right… not to be treated so cruelly. Rupert had a right to be rescued, and I had a moral obligation to protect him, and so do you.” Engel, who owns three dogs, said he is not opposed to rescuing dogs but to the methods Olson is charged with participating in. “Jan can say anything she wants. She’s breaking the law and she shouldn’t. She’s taken home pets,” he said. “I’m all for rescuing dogs, if they need it. There’s protocols you have to follow.” Janet Brito, of Beagle Paws Rescue, said she came from Maple Ridge because she doesn’t want all rescue groups “tarnished by the same brush.” Brito said a man who recently wanted to surrender his dogs hesitated after hearing her first name. He wanted to know if she was the same Janet charged with stealing dogs, she said. “Rescue shouldn’t be about what she’s doing,” Brito said. “It gives rescues a bad name.” Erika and Omar Vasquez said they came to the rally with their five-year-old daughter, Linnea, because the family’s boxer, Chica, was taken last August by a uniformed woman who showed up at their Coquitlam door claiming there had been concerns about the dog’s health. Erika Vasquez said the woman “intimidated” her into handing Chica over, with a promise the dog would be returned. They haven’t seen their two-yearold since. Omar Vasquez described it as “not the right way” to do things. “You have to go through the proper channels,” he said. Olson is due back in court Jan. 26.


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Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 5


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6 Surrey/North Delta Leader

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Published and printed by Black Press Ltd. at 5450 152 St., Surrey, B.C.


Revise the law



ast week, the B.C. Supreme Court upheld most of the province’s new drinking and driving laws, with a notable exception. That exception – drivers who are believed to have blood alcohol samples over .08 will no longer be subject to automatic roadside penalties, but instead may be tested at a police station, and possibly charged with impaired driving. The new strict laws have had a dramatic effect on many people. More than 23,000 people have been caught up in the net since the new laws went into effect about 14 months ago. Most of them have been given suspensions and stiff monetary penalties. Many others have changed their habits, in some cases drastically. This is for the better. The province estimates that at least 45 lives have been saved, as the number of alcohol-related deaths on the roads has fallen dramatically in the past year. The court decision does, however, come to the welcome conclusion that inordinately stiff penalties cannot be levied by police with virtually no chance to question the decision. Driving with a blood alcohol level over .08 is a criminal offence. Drivers so charged are subject to the judicial process, which comes to a final decision of guilt or innocence based on testimony, the admissibility of evidence and the facts in front of a judge or jury. The province has no right, under the constitution, to decide on criminal law. That authority belongs to Ottawa. The province can levy fines for offences related to drivers’ licences and the use of roads. That’s why the stiff penalties remain for those who blow in the “warn” range of .05 to .08. There are no Criminal Code offences involved. Stiff administrative penalties remain as possibilities for many drivers, so there is no excuse to drink and drive over the Christmas holidays, or at any other time. It is now up to the province to revise the law, so that it provides proper safeguards for people accused of the criminal offence of impaired driving. – Black Press


Premier Clark on her political year



The Surrey/North Delta Leader is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

in the Atlin area], there are a number of First Nations support along the way, comthese agreements that are starting to flow munity support, through the environmenout, and it’s been a long, slow, frustrating tal approval process, it’s all working. process. So now is the wrong time to walk The Enbridge proposal is far from that. away from the process, because Being able to get triple the there’s been 20 years of work price for Canadian oil would invested in this, and we’re finally be a big benefit for Canada starting to see the fruits of it. overall. But the project is one TF: A related subject is the where we have to examine proposed Enbridge Northern both the costs and benefits. Gateway oil pipeline. There’s That’s why it’s in the envia lot of aboriginal opposition ronmental approval process. to that. The federal Natural This is the first of its kind, so Resources Minister, Joe Oliver, I think we have to get a good not too long ago called this a look at it, and once we have “nation building project.” It facts before us, we can Tom Fletcher the certainly fits with your jobs have a debate about whether strategy. Do you support the it should go ahead. concept of the pipeline? TF: The carbon tax. Do you PCC: First of all, we are foursquare think it’s working, and will we see changes behind the concept and soon to be reality in the years to come? of the liquefied natural gas pipelines, which PCC: I think that it’s probably affecting would take B.C. gas and get it to the port at people’s and businesses’ decisions about Kitimat. There is pretty much unanimous their reliance on carbon as a source of

CONTACT US Newsroom email: newsroom@ surreyleader.com Phone: 604-575-2744 604-575-2544 fax



recently sat down with Premier Christy Clark for a year-end interview to talk about her eventful first year back in politics. Here are excerpts from that discussion: TF: People in general are a bit cynical about the treaty process. You could say that about Sophie Pierre [former Ktunaxa chief and chair of the independent B.C. Treaty Commission]. In her report this year she talked about the mounting debt from 20 years of negotiations and basically gave an ultimatum to fix it or shut it down. Do you see the commission continuing as it is, or do you see some changes ahead? PCC: We’re not planning any significant changes to it. We are starting to see, just now, the fruits of all the work from the ministry and from the government and from the treaty commission. And that’s all starting to move pretty quickly. The Taku River Tlinglit economic agreement [mining development and protected areas

Advertising 604-575-2744 604-575-2544 fax

Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com tfletcher@blackpress.ca

Circulation 604-575-5344 604-575-2544 fax

Classified 604-575-5555 604-575-2073 fax Address 200-5450 152 St. Surrey, B.C. V3S 5J9

energy. I don’t want to overstate that, though. The thing about the carbon tax is that it’s hard to know how much difference it’s made. But I think anecdotally we see that it has made some difference. We are in the process now of consulting with both the job creator community and citizens about where they’d like us to go next with the carbon tax. We have to keep in mind that the economy is fragile. But we want to remain a leader on the environment, which where we are right now in North America. ••• The interview also touched on Clark’s efforts to ease the pain of getting rid of the HST, and other issues. You can find the full text on this The Leader’s website by pointing to the News tab and clicking on B.C. News.


2011 winner 2011 winner Ma Murray Awards


EDITOR Paula Carlson


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Surrey/North Delta Leader 7

Green New U.S. policy is flirting with fascism space logged for profit IF ANYONE has any doubts about how far the

AS A RESIDENT of Surrey I am

deeply concerned with the lack of consideration city council is using when approving development. I recently presented council with a petition that almost 100 residents in our neighbourhood had signed concerning the development proposal on 154 Street and 105 Avenue. Not even 24 hours after speaking at the meeting, the proposal sign was down and the developer has his sign up for the condo monstrosity he is developing. The site contains 80 trees that are 100 years old that will be logged for profit by the developer and yet the city does not care and did not listen to the current taxpayers who live in the neighbourhood. So much for the campaign promises of sustained, livable development and green space they all promised the residents of Surrey not even two months ago.

one percent is prepared to go to preserve the status-quo, one only look at the present legislation being considered in the land of the free, the good old U.S.A. A provision in the National Defence Authorization Act would authorize the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world without charge or trial, and would include indefinite detention.

The measure would effectively extend the definition of what is considered the U.S. military’s battlefield to anywhere in the world, even the United States. It would seem that our southern neighbour is about to flirt with fascism in an attempt to control the unrest of the 99 percent. As if that isn’t scary enough, the government of Steven Harper thinks it would be a good idea for Canada to sign on and become a party to this draconian insanity.

Benjamin Franklin said, “They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.” Let the Americans build their six-thousandmile fence because by the direction they are moving it will undoubtedly protect Canadians much more from them, than it will them from us. Wayne Clark Maple Ridge

Take a train south from Blaine?

Tracey Lane Surrey

Court cameras a political move WHEN IT comes to cameras, B.C.’s

premier is forever overexposing her naivety. By overriding the advice of the provincial prosecutors and by insisting cameras should be placed in the courtrooms during the hockeyhooligan trials, Christy Clark has proved her only priority is trying to get re-elected. Most British Columbians can recognize a political circus and a two-bit sideshow when they see one. Someone should tell Clark that the judiciary already knows how to do its job. Unfortunately the same thing can not be said for our busybody premier. Lloyd Atkins Vernon

Write to us

newsroom@ surreyleader.com Letters to the editor must identify writers by proper name, and provide address and phone numbers for verification. The Leader reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality.


This 1909 photograph shows a train arriving in Blaine after crossing the U.S. border south from White Rock.

WOULDN’T IT be nice to jump on a commuter train to watch a ball game at Seattle’s Safeco Field? Wouldn’t be nice to take friends, family or a date down south to Pike Place Market, downtown Seattle for a nice dinner, the Seattle Art Museum, the Space Needle, or any of the other big-city places to visit? Wouldn’t it be nice to catch a train in downtown Blaine at the old historic – maybe soon-to-be-remodelled – train station, and visit points south, as far down as San Diego and other points along the way? Well, we have a bit of a window now to make our opinions known to those in the positions of making it happen. I believe it would have heavy Canadian usage. They could cross the border by foot or bike even. Imagine jumping on the train and having a relaxing and enjoyable trip, without the hassles of dealing with traffic, weather, etc. Visit www.blainestation.com and make your voices heard. The need is there and I believe it would be a win-win situation right on down the board. If we don’t step up now, we may never have another chance. Please take just a few minutes to write a short note and visit the website. You can make a difference. Bill Becht, Blaine, Wash.

Recent fire highlights growth issues FIRST OFF, let me point out that it

was welcome news that all occupants of the recent side-by-side house fires in Fleetwood escaped unharmed. It does however highlight some troubling issues with respect to Surrey, past and present councils, and the lack of desire or ability to address illegal suites and defend the older neighbourhoods. I have lived in this community for over 20 years, a few blocks from these houses, and was quite alarmed to find out 25 people lived in the two “single-family” homes. What should also be pointed out is that one house stood originally on this corner lot, but several years ago it was torn down and two houses built. The house that was torn down was newer than my house.

So, in its place, higher-density single-family housing was built in an area where this density does not exist. This no doubt contributed to the fact that both houses caught fire. So, perhaps a large family of six occupied the original house where 25 people now live in two houses.

The area’s roads, parks, parking for cars, enrolment in the local schools are all impacted from this changing of density combined with illegal suites in a neighbourhood not designed for it. This is one corner, of one street of one neighbourhood in Surrey. How

Don’t forget the seniors CHERISH YOUR old folks this Christmas.

Despite being elderly, frail and grey, they still have much love in their hearts, to give now or long before they pass away. This Christmas, return your love to them. It will be their happiest time. In your life, include them, celebrate them, not just thinking of them in your mind. At Christmas time, young folks of today dote over their children, but they also should not forget Christmas is for old folks, too. Lisa Ash

many more are out there? We wonder why all our schools have portables? Get used to it because it will never change in our lifetime, or our children’s lifetime. The city council is just as culpable as the provincial government for lack of infrastructure such as schools and transit when they develop at will and not control the rate of growth. Both levels of government are benefiting through property taxes collected by new development, and the provincial government has increased income tax revenue when people continue to move into the area. Perhaps Ms. Watts will allow some of the house fire victims to move into the new $87-million city hall when it is completed. Lyle Roemer, Fleetwood

8 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011

TransLink finding less gas to guzzle “EXTENDED” HOLIDAY


SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9am-7pm Closed Christmas Boxing Day - 11am-6pm

Below are the locations of your local M&M Meat Shops

8% drop in revenue stream problematic by Jeff Nagel A BIG DROP in TransLink’s gas tax revenue may be

because of the difficult economy, more fuel-efficient cars or a rise in motorists driving out of town for cheaper fill-ups. The latest estimates suggest the transportation authority will end 2011 earning almost $26 million less than it expected from the current 15-cent-perlitre fuel tax it charges within Metro Vancouver. The eight per cent differential – $298.5 million for the full year compared to the $324.3 million budgeted – casts doubt on the future reliability of the gas tax, according to a TransLink third-quarter financial report. The shortfall is particularly troubling because TransLink had just won approval from Metro Vancouver mayors and the provincial government to raise the gas tax another two cents next April to generate an estimated $44 million needed to help fund the Evergreen Line and other transit upgrades. At the current rate, more than half the new money would be eaten up making up for the shortfall – assuming the two-cent increase generates as much as it’s supposed to. Spokesman Ken Hardie said fuel sales are down generally in B.C., but added work is underway to “drill further into the phenomenon.” TransLink has asked federal agencies to look at the revenue capture and reporting systems. One aim, Hardie said, is to determine whether large numbers of drivers are heading to areas free of the TransLink gas tax, like the Fraser Valley or Washington State, where gas is even cheaper. “If we saw lower sales here but remarkably higher

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sales in the Fraser Valley, that would speak to the issue of leakage as people go out of their way to get cheaper gas,” he said. “We’re also working with Washington State to check on gas sales near the border.” Vehicles have become steadily more efficient – both by manufacturer design and consumer choice. “If electric vehicles take off, that is very clearly also going to be a factor,” Hardie said. “All of the indications are pointing to people using less fuel. Which is a good thing.” Another factor in the drop in gas sales, Hardie said, appears to be that more motorists are switching to transit. Transit ridership for the first nine months of 2011 is on a record pace, running five per cent ahead of the same period in 2010, when a huge number of visitors rode the system during the Olympics. Although new riders mean more fare revenue, TransLink also normally has to pay for more service, which means a net loss once the lost gas tax is factored in. There was no significant service boost this year, although TransLink did succeed in reconfiguring routes to more efficiently carry riders and generate two per cent more from the farebox with the existing bus fleet. Hardie said the gas tax problem underscores the need to find new and more diversified revenue sources for TransLink – the subject of negotiations next year between mayors and the province. Possible options include an annual vehicle levy or road pricing. TransLink statistics also show complaints from riders are up sharply. Bus passengers are most frequently complaining about overcrowded buses, full buses that pass them without stopping as well as buses that arrive earlier or later than scheduled.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 9

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10 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011


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Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 11

LAST MINUTE GIFTS 2½” Styrofoam Balls Tissue Paper in Assorted Colors Liquid Starch Glitter Hairpins Toothpicks Wax Paper Decoupage Solution Foam Brush

Give a gift that keeps them busy, and helps stimulate their imagination

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Make Tissue Paper Ornaments

Instructions: Tear tissue paper into irregular 1” pieces. Working over waxed paper, brush a section of Styrofoam ball with Linit Liquid Starch. Place overlapping pieces of tissue paper over the starched section of the ball. Brush a coat of starch over tissue paper. Continue until entire ball is covered. Use toothpicks pushed into the Styrofoam to keep the ball from rolling around. Let dry. Brush with a coat of decoupage solution. Sprinkle with glitter while still wet. Let dry. Remove toothpicks. Push hairpin into the ball for a hanger.

Gingerbread House 6 cups all purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 4 teaspoons ground ginger 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves or allspice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 sticks (12 Tbsp) butter, softened 1 1/2 cups packed light brown sugar 2 large eggs 1 cup dark molasses 1 Tbsp water





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1. Whisk together the dry ingredients in a large bowl, set aside. 2. Using an electric mixer, beat on medium speed the butter and brown sugar until fluffy and well blended. Beat in the eggs, molasses and water until well combined. 3. Beat half of the flour mixture into the molasses mixture until well blended and smooth. Stir in the remaining flour. Knead (or use your mixer’s dough hook) until well blended. If dough is too soft, add a little more flour. 4. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least two hours, preferably overnight. You can make it up to 3 days ahead of time. Let sit at room temperature for at least 10 minutes before rolling out. 5. Create your own template, roll out dough to 1/4” thick on a well-floured board. Cut pieces, refrigerate for an hour before transfering onto a greased cookie sheet for baking. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes. When cool, ice with Royal Icing to stick pieces together. Add candies.

12 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011

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Got a good story! Call our Newsroom 604.575.2744

Man accused of having sex with 13-year-old Police warn parents to watch kids’ online activities by Robert Freeman A 20-YEAR-OLD Surrey man has been arrested for allegedly starting up a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old Chilliwack girl using online networks Facebook and iPod. “They had several online conversations and shared explicit photos of themselves to each other,” RCMP Cpl. Tammy Hollingsworth said. “The two also met personally on more than one occasion where sexual offences were committed.” She said parental control of children using popular online social networks is the key to preventing

such incidents. “A lot of parents may not know what their kids are up to,” she said, when they click onto Facebook or iPod’s Peer-to-Peer application. “We want to alert parents to know these things are happening.” Many computer devices have settings to limit access to inappropriate matters and protect children from online predators. The 20-year-old suspect was arrested in Surrey and released on conditions including having no contact with the Chilliwack girl. He is facing several sex-related charges.

Two double stabbings by Kevin Diakiw FOUR MEN were injured in

two double stabbings on the weekend. Police were called to the Wheelhouse Pub at 2 a.m. Saturday after a fight broke out after someone was reportedly touched inappropriately. The skirmish spilled out into the parking lot, where a 28-year-old man was stabbed in the abdomen and a 27-year-old was sliced in the left forearm.

A 17-year-old male was arrested and a 26-year-old man is still being sought in that attack. Then police were called to another double stabbing at 2:45 p.m. at Hazelnut Meadows Community Park, in the 14000 block of 68 Avenue. Two men were walking through the park when they were confronted by four youth who tried to rob them. The men were unable to produce cash and were attacked.

A 61-year-old man was treated at the scene for a minor head wound from a blunt-force trauma, while a 56-year-old was airlifted to hospital with a serious abdominal stab wound. He remains in critical condition Two suspects, 16 and 17 years old, were arrested and are facing charges of assault causing bodily harm. Police are still searching for the other two. kdiakiw@surreyleader.com

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 13

Young mom still SAVE BIG! % missing after 5 years 88 Surrey convict, now deceased, linked to woman

by Vikki Hopes A SURREY MAN who died in prison while serving a sentence for a manslaughter conviction has been linked to the case of a missing Abbotsford woman. Black Press has learned that Darryl Cole, 44, was a “person of interest” in the disappearance of Candace Shpeley, missing since March 31, 2007. The single mother, who was 23 at the time, left behind two young daughters and a son. Cole was convicted of beating Michael Gerald Larson to death with a bat during a marijuana grow rip in Surrey in December 2007 and was sentenced to 13-and-ahalf years in prison. He was found dead in his jail cell in Kent Institution in July of this year. Foul play was not suspected. Sgt. Jennifer Pound, spokesperson for the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT), which is handling the Shpeley case, confirmed Cole’s connection. “He was a person of interest in that he was one of the last people with Candace before she disappeared,” Pound said, adding that many others are also considered “persons of interest” in the matter. Candace’s father, Barry Shpeley, said he is aware Cole was with his daughter in the days before her disappearance. “From what I gather, he was the last person to see (Candace).” Barry said he met Cole once for a few minutes at Candace’s home in Abbotsford about three weeks before she disappeared. He does not believe the two were in a relationship. He attended Cole’s sentencing hearing in the manslaughter case earlier this year. “There were a lot of questions I wanted him to answer, but he wouldn’t speak to me.” Barry hopes that anyone who knows what might have happened to Candace comes forward. On the day she went missing, she had lunch with her brother at an A & W restaurant in downtown Chilliwack. She visited friends in Surrey that evening, and Cole

might have in the posbeen among session of them. police ever Also since. It was that night, released to RCMP ran Barry last the licence Wednesday plate of her afternoon in car twice Abbotsford, while it and he was parked hopes that outside a new photos suspected of it might drug house Candace Shpeley bring forth disappeared in 2007. more inforin Surrey, but it is not mation. known whether Candace Pound said it has was at that residence. taken this long for She was scheduled police to complete a full to pick up her kids the forensic exam of the following day, but never vehicle, which will now arrived. Her green 1995 be scrapped. She urged Pontiac Grand Am was anyone with informafound nine days later tion to contact IHIT. in the area of Renfrew “I know we have had Street and 17 Avenue in leads but as the years Vancouver. go by, people think that That vehicle has been the information is too

small or perhaps they just forget, but releasing a vehicle and having it stimulate the public like this hopefully will bring people forward.” Barry and his wife are raising Candace’s two daughters – who were five and six when she disappeared – while her son, who was two, lives with his dad. Barry said they would all like to know what happened. “Our lives have continued on. It’s a little hard some days. You always think about her... We’d just like some closure.” Anyone with information is asked to contact the IHIT tip line at 1-877-551-4448 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

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Surrey City Council www.surrey.ca

14 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011


December 2011

Stories provided by the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association



Since 2005, the DSBIA has had twenty SFU Co-op students, all bright students who bring a wealth of up-to-date skills and enthusiasm to the workplace. Recently awarded a 2012 Rhodes Scholarship, Sarah St. John (above) was one of our summer interns in 2010 and a great example of the type of students that employers can hire through SFU Co-op. While employed by the DSBIA, Sarah conducted our 2010 Annual Safety Audit, assisted with numerous events and did preliminary work on sustainability focusing on restaurants. Sarah St. John doesn’t graduate with a bachelor of science from the faculty of health sciences and a certi¿cate in sustainable community development from the faculty of environment until next spring. But British Columbia’s newest Rhodes scholar knows she’ll use it to pursue a master’s in public policy at Oxford University. The award is worth up to $100,000. “I love learning about how global, national and local policies affect the ability of communities to address environmental, social and economic determinants of health and well-being,” says St. John. The three-time recipient of Canadian Red Cross awards has worked extensively in a variety of volunteer awareness-raising capacities with the organization, including coordinating Humanity Strikes Back — a youth conference. In 2010, she was a youth delegate with the International Federation of the Red Cross at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Mexico. Only one of 11 annual Rhodes scholarships awarded in Canada goes to a B.C. recipient. Elizabeth Elle, an SFU associate professor of biology, sat on the 2012 seven-member Rhodes selection committee for B.C. “Sarah was impressive in the depth of her commitment to service, and also in her academic breadth,” says Elle. “She has done extremely well in both challenging science courses as well as a diverse array of social sciences courses. Not many individuals can excel across the disciplines the way Sarah has.” Rhode Scholar candidates must achieve a high standard of intellectual and academic success, and demonstrate strong leadership, community engagement and a commitment to improving the state of the world. In addition to her international public service work crossing many disciplines, St. John has maintained a 4.1 GPA and enjoys a variety of recreational activities, including hiking, paddling and Cuban salsa dancing. The DSBIA congratulates Sarah on her achievements and encourages other employers to consider hiring SFU Co-op students in the future.

For over fifty years, the Round-up Café and the Springematic family has been a cornerstone of the North Surrey community, nurturing everyone from hungry locals to Little Leaguers. Now they have another way of making their neighbourhood and the world a little ‘greener’, and Surrey loves them for it.

“If the environment is going to get cleaned up, it’s one person at a time, one small business at a time, not just the Big Guys,” says City Councilor, Bob Bose, Environmental Advisory Committee member and Green Awards adjudicator. “The Round-Up Café is an absolutely outstanding example of personal small business response to the challenge.”

At a recent City Awards Program gala at the new City Centre Library, the Round-up Café was awarded The Green City Award in the business category, which recognizes Surrey leaders in environmental stewardship. The annual award is part of a celebration of excellence that recognizes achievements in five areas: urban design, community Written by Sylvia Taylor beautification, environmental stewardship, energy conservation and community support. Central City Shopping Centre leads by example in Surrey’s Inspired by her environmentally-savvy daughter-in-law commitment to creating a livable, vibrant city and downtown Sarah, Goldie ‘Green core. Recently honoured with the Beautiful City Award for Goddess’ Springematic Business at a gala ceremony in City Centre Library, Central City committed herself and continues to set the standard for excellence in public spaces. the café to reducing their Awards criteria includes: beautification of existing city carbon footprint as much property, improvements and new additions to landscapes, as possible. and clean-up campaigns. This is the inaugural year of this


“We recycle everything we can, from bottles to cans to newspapers,” says Goldie. “I take all the kitchen refuse home, including coffee grounds, to my composter then use it in the greenhouse and garden where we grow produce for the café. We also buy local as much as possible to support independent growers and the 100 Mile approach. I’m only doing what I think is right.”

recognition as part of the annual City Awards Program. “Central City was honoured to receive the award recognizing Blackwood’s outstanding contribution by maintaining our high standard of landscaping and property maintenance,” says Michelle Mackay, Marketing & Communications Manager for Blackwood Partners at Central City. “We were complimented for our attention to detail and overall upgrading of the aesthetics of our property. Bill Rempel, Vice President and General Manager of Central City is particularly proud of this award due to the important role beautification plays in the revitalization of a city.”

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I wish Surrey residents a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year. Please contact my office if I can be of assistance. Jasbir Sandhu

Member of Parliament for Surrey-North

Patrick Klassen, recently appointed Parks Planner, and former Civic Beautification Coordinator shares that Mayor and Council felt beautification is a critically important component in the improvement of shared and public space and deserved its own special award. “This award goes hand-in-hand with the Build Surrey program,” says Klassen. “Central City has been a key player in City Centre and has consistently done an outstanding job creating new and maintaining established public spaces, especially the Central City plaza and its inspiring landscaping.”

Community office: 13979 104th Ave. 604-589-2441 Jasbir.sandhu@parl.gc.ca Jasbirsandhu.ca Twitter: jasbirsandhu

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 15

Maclean’s Magazine looked at 100 of the country’s biggest cities SURREY IS the 10th

most dangerous city in the country, according to a national magazine poll. Maclean’s magazine obtained the crime data from Statistics Canada of the 100 largest cities in the country. The publication measured the 2010 rates of crimes per 100,000 people. Offenses measured included homicide, sexual assault, aggravated assault, vehicle theft,

robbery and breaking and entering. The Maclean’s study ranked Surrey 10th worst out of the 100 measured (an improvement by two points from the previous year). Outranking this city in crimes measured (in order from most dangerous) were Prince George, Victoria, Saskatoon, Red Deer, Regina, Grande Prairie, Kelowna, Wood Buffalo and Winnipeg. Surrey was 58.2 per cent higher in the six

categories of than the national average. This city’s rank in violent crime was sixth and non-violent crime was 13th. Delta came in 66th highest, with the same rank in violent crime and non-violent was 65th. Delta experienced an 18.2-per-cent drop in crimes measured. Surrey saw a 21.2-percent drop in those crimes. Most cities examined showed a drop in the crimes studied.

The study also showed Surrey has the third-highest car theft rate in the country, at 154 per cent above the national average. It was edged out by Joliette, Quebec (184 per cent) and Langley Township (177 per cent) for auto theft. Mayor Dianne Watts said she’s not satisfied with the results, adding fighting crime requires a multifaceted approach. The city has held up its side, she said, by hiring police, but the province

and the federal government need to hold up their end by ensuring meaningful sentences follow charges.

Coffee with Dave Got something on your mind?

SURREY RCMP descended on two homes and a

vehicle as local police took part in a massive nationwide sweep of organized crime on Tuesday. Targets were believed to be involved in murder, gun crimes, drug trafficking and other offenses. Nation-wide, 67 warrants were executed as 900 police officers conducted a sweep in three provinces, including Ontario, Alberta and B.C. Surrey RCMP arrested a 24-year-old Surrey man on a Canada-wide warrant Tuesday night as part of the sweep. He is being held on drug-related charges and may be flown back to Ontario. Toronto Police Service (TPS) said in a news release that in May, the TPS integrated gun and gang task force, in partnership with the London Police Service, Waterloo Regional Police Service and the Ontario Provincial Police, entered into the joint−forces criminal organization investigation. Eventually, it spread to other jurisdictions including Saskatoon, Fort McMurray, Alta., and Vancouver, the release said. Project Marvel involved organized crime, attempted murder, firearms trafficking and importation, robbery, prostitution and other offences, it said. Police have yet to release details about the total number of people arrested or any charges.

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Police raids from Vancouver to Surrey A PRE-DAWN blitz in Metro Vancouver shut down five meth labs from Vancouver to Surrey last week. At 5 a.m. Thursday, the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of B.C. (CFSEU) executed five warrants, two in Vancouver, two in Port Moody and one in Surrey, in the 9400 block of 189 Street. The investigation, led by the CFSEU’s Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Enforcement Unit, has been underway for some time. Police believe the

labs are tied to B.C. biker gangs. Two arrests have already been made and more are expected. About 150 police officers took part in the raids, including RCMP, Vancouver Police, and various other agencies. The drug labs were found at two businesses and three private residences. “It demonstrates organized crime’s continued involvement in chemical drug production,� said Insp. Rob Johnston, who leads CFSEU’s Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Enforcement Unit.


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5 meth labs busted



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Project Marvel included 67 warrants in three provinces


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Surrey crime ranked 10th in nation


16 Surrey/North Delta Leader

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jackie Goudie, Maurice Beaugrand, Gwen Cameron and Betty Beaugrand visit with Santa Claus in Cloverdale, 1949.

Old Yale Road Elementary’s Christmas concert, 1964.

Santa Claus arrives by helicopter at the Dell Shopping Centre in 1964.

The Kinsmen Christmas tree lot in Newton, 1964.

Three choir boys sing Christmas carols in Surrey in 1960.

The Whalley Corps of The Salvation Army prepares food hampers in 1960.

The Job’s Daughters Christmas tree lot in Whalley, 1963.

The Surrey Archives share nostalgic photos of the holiday season from the last several decades by Boaz Joseph

T The Christmas bazaar at St. Michael’s Anglican Church in 1965.

wo weeks ago, on a whim, staff at the Surrey Archives decided to gather vintage images for a slide show to show at their Christmas party. With their recently updated computer database, the search word – Christmas – turned up “a huge slough of images,” says reference specialist Ryan Gallagher. As reference assistant Fiona Corr gathered the photos, Gallagher got

to work organizing the images of local Yuletide activities from the last century. The collection of mostly blackand-white images includes Christmas parties, dinners, Christmas tree lots, present-openings and kids with Santa throughout Surrey’s communities. The majority of the photos are from the 1960s, part of the Surrey Leader collection, which was recently scanned and digitized. “It’s one of the most important

archives we have,” says Gallagher. Other Christmas photos the Archives have shared with the public here are from Stan McKinnon and Bill Hastings collections. Thousands of images among the Surrey Archive’s collection of more than 100,000 photos are searchable online at www.surrey.ca/heritage The Surrey Archives are located at 17671 65 Ave. For more information, call 604-502-6459 or email archives@surrey.ca bjoseph@surreyleader.com

The Latimer Heights Pensioners’ Christmas party in 1964.

Q Photos courtesy Surrey Archives

The Smith family in 1949.

A Salvation Army Christmas kettle in 1958. Left: Holiday dinner at the home of the Haddens in Elgin, circa 1910. Above: The Moose Lodge Christmas Party in 1963.

video-online] www.surreyleader.com


The Christmas rose greenscene


gardens, Helleborus niger, or the Christmas rose, was certainly one of the best known winter flowers, and for 2005 the whole helleborus family was chosen as the Perennial Plant of the Year. The earliest to flower, H. niger, is native to many parts of Europe, in particular to the subalpine woods of Austria and northern Italy, and many varieties are available, some hardy to -30°F. Helleborus niger is so named because its roots are black; the blossoms, however, are pure white. Depending upon the type of winter we have and the variety of helleborus, blooming can begin in December and continue well into late March. The Heuger Company, under the leadership of Josef Heuger, has bred fabulous earlier blooming H. nigers that have glossy green leaves and offer superior garden performance. The earliest to bloom is H.n. Jacob. It blooms about two weeks earlier than other varieties. It has strong stems and upright blossoms that are far larger and showier. Its tough shiny green foliage allows it to be brought indoors in a cool room for the Christmas season and

Brian Minter

then be planted out in mild weather after the holiday season. Helleborus niger Josef Lemper has very large flowers on robust stems, and it too is very showy because of its upward facing blooms. It has superior garden performance and makes a wonderful addition to our winter gardens. Helleborus plants can be propagated from seed or from divisions; the latter is certainly the fastest way to achieve a blooming plant. Up until a few years ago, finding helleborus was difficult because they usually arrived bare root from Holland and were exceedingly tough to re-root. With the growing interest, and with tissue culture and new seeding techniques, more perennial growers have begun producing them, and they are now quite plentiful. I would recommend that the home gardener purchase only well

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established plants that have been grown in a container for at least one year. Helleborus niger, like many other winterflowering plants, should be placed in a protected spot, next to a house, wall or in front of a protective barrier of evergreens, but always out of cold winter winds. The more protected their location, the earlier and longer they will bloom. They also prefer a semi-shaded site, but it is important that they receive some sun in winter. A location under deciduous trees is ideal, as long as the shade is not too dense. A cool, moist situation is preferred, and deep watering is essential during periods of drought. Any soil in your garden that produces good flowering plants will usually suit helleborus. Container-grown plants can be set out at any time of the year, but it is wise to prepare a deep planting hole because the roots must stretch down, not outward. It is also important to set the crowns of the plants just below the soil line. Good drainage is essential, as the fleshy roots will not tolerate wet feet, however, they love “humusy” conditions.

I have found a mixture of peat, bark mulch and bone meal helpful in the development of new root growth. Once established, helleborus plants need little care. Although aphids can sometimes be a problem, few other insects bother them. Even slugs tend to shy away from their bitter leaves. They love to be fertilized, and a feeding of 10-15-19 fertilizer in early spring and midsummer is ideal to help develop a strong root system and plenty of flowers. You’ll find that most helleborus are rather slow growing perennials. It may take a year or two before they begin flowering in earnest. To get more plants, it is often tempting to divide smaller clumps in half, but you must be careful. No dividing should take place until the plants have at least a dozen or more strong leaves on a good sized clump. The larger the clump grows, the more bountiful the flowers. I always remember a fresh bouquet of Christmas roses on my grandmother’s hearth each Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 17


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Fiji ...................................... $950 Auckland.......................$1080 Karachi............................. $850 Islamabad ....................... $995 Damascus ....................... $980 Damam............................ $900 Doha ........................... $900 Dubai ............................... $790 Khartoum ....................... $980 Kuwait.............................. $880 Jeddah ...........................$1240 Cape Town ..................... $985 Dar-Es-Salaam............... $995 Duban ......................... $950 Entebbe........................... $580 Johannesburg............... $805

Sydney/Melbourne/ Brisbane .................... $1080 Lahore ......................... $995 Peshawar ........................ $995 Luxor ................................ $980 Muscat ............................. $880 Mashhad ................... $1000 Riyadh .............................. $950 Sanaa ............................... $960 Shiraz .............................$1000 Tehran .............................. $900 Lagos................................ $990 Mombasa......................$1230 Nairobi ............................. $890 Tripoli ............................... $900 Tunis ................................. $880

Serving you in seven languages: English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Urdu and Marathi

*Certain restrictions apply, taxes extra. •Prices subject to change without notice.



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*Source: CAMH Drug Use Among Ontario Students 2009 study

18 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011


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“We stand behind our workmanship� CELEBRATING 39 YEARS IN SURREY

The City of Surrey and Anthem Properties invite expressions of interest from professional artists and artist teams for a garden sculpture. They envision a sculpture that responds to the passage of time, the seasons of life and the growth of the Fleetwood community. Project budget: $40,000. The deadline is Jan. 11. For details, visit www.surrey.ca/arts. See Public Art, Artist Calls.

COMMUNITY Operation Red Nose volunteers are driving on roads and highways across the country in order to keep people safe during the holiday season. This year, motorists in 12 B.C. communities can call 1-877604-NOSE for the friendly volunteers of Operation Red Nose to get them and their vehicles home safely.

Sign up today for your chance to


Last weekend in B.C., 1,898 motorists made the choice of a safe ride home.

DONATION DQ Chill & Grill (5630 152 St.) is collecting toys for Hyland House, an emergency shelter run by Options Community Services Society in Newton. Hyland House Program Manager Peter Fedos says there are dozens of families who would benefit from the winter campaign. Those who donate toys at the Dairy Queen during the months of December and January can get discounts off products such as Banana Split, Peanut Buster Parfait and Brownie Earthquake and others. For more information, call 604575-8330.

North Delta Secondary School (11447 82 Ave.) needs your help to make their musical production of Aladdin come alive. The school is in need of gently used saris, Indian suits and/or Indian fabric and accessories for the play. All donations will be greatly appreciated and

DATEBOOK Submissions for Datebook should be emailed to newsroom@surreyleader.com. Datebook runs in print on Wednesdays and Fridays – with more events available online 24/7. acknowledged. Rehearsals are ongoing for the February production. Please email singlin@deltasd.bc.ca

EMPLOYMENT Whalley Employment Resource Centre (#105, 13655 104 Ave.) offers free employment services and resources, employment counselling, career planning, education/training and job search, a resource room with Internet access, faxing photocopying and more. Operated by Options Community Services. For more information, call 604584-0003 or visit www. whalleyemployment resourcecentre.com

EVENTS The 45+ Singles New Year’s Eve Dance takes place Dec. 31 at Star of the Sea Hall, 15262 Pacific Ave., White


Enjoy a sumptuous dinner for two at the Stone Grill – experience cooking the Stone Grill way. Then off to the theatre! Choose from the 3 stages of Arts Club Theatres to enjoy The Buddy Holly story, Zanadu and more! Win in time to give to some one special as the perfect Christmas gift.

Rock. Doors open at 6 p.m. and dinner is at 6:30 p.m. The Grand Star Band plays from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are $65 for dinner/dance or $55 for dancing only (8 p.m. on). Tickets are $10 off if you book before Dec. 21. Call Joy at 778-938-5702.

White Rock Elks are hosting a New Year’s Eve party at 1469 George St. Music by Fyne Tuned. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Bring pot luck finger food. Tickets ($15/20) include champagne at midnight. For more information, call 604-538-4016 or visit www. whiterockelks.ca

grooves, an improvisational, spirit-filled multimedia celebration of diversity and harmony. Guest artists include Dasz Haagen (DJ, looping and heavy grooves), Leonard Eagle Cloud Howell (vocals, flutes, percussion), Surinder Khaira (drum kit, percussion), Alcvin Ryuzen Ramos (vocals, shakuhachi), Amarjeet Singh (tabla) and Gagandeep Singh (vocals). Hosted by Crossroads’ contractor for music ministry, Dr. Bruce Harding (vocals, flutes, percussion). Please bring a food bank donation. For more information, call 778-593-1043, email crossroadsunited@eastlink. ca or visit www.crossroadsunited-church.ca

MUSIC Crossroads United Church (7655 120 St.) is hosting Soulstice! A Spiritual Dance Party on Dec. 21 at 7 p.m. Its an evening of interfaith chanting over heavy dance

PARENTS The Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC invite parents/caregivers of children six-and-under to participate in free drop-in programs at the North Delta Family Resource Centre, 11838 88 Ave. (inside New Hope Christian Church). Programs take place Tuesday to Fridays from 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m., Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12:45-2:45 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Programs offer children developmentally stimulating activities and give parents access to support and resources. Come meet other parents/ caregivers, make new friends, and have fun.

THEATRE Register for BCDailyDeals and receive a minimum of 50% discounts on spas, restaurants and entertainment throughout the Lower Mainland. Act now — everyone registering in December will automatically be entered to win our Dinner and Theatre giveaway!

The Royal Canadian Theatre Company’s Christmas pantomime, Ellie King’s The Sword In The Stone, runs until Dec. 31 at the Surrey Arts Centre Theatre,13750 88 Ave. The show, a version of the legend of how Arthur came to be King of the Britons, offers “traditional British pantomime at its unruly best.� There will also be a two-for-one preview night Dec. 15. For showtime and ticket information, call 604-501-5566 or visit tickets.surrey.ca

FREE ADMISSION TO STAVE FALLS VISITOR CENTRE IN DECEMBER During the month of December, admission to the BC Hydro Stave Falls Visitor Centre is free with a donation to the Mission Christmas Bureau. Non-perishable food, new gift items, and cash donations are welcome. Located in the picturesque Fraser Valley, the Powerhouse at Stave Falls demonstrates how the power of water has helped to build a legacy of clean, reliable power for our province. The powerhouse offers more than just beautiful scenery. The historic site of Stave Falls has something exciting for everyone to experience. ĂŁ 7UDYHO EDFN LQ WLPH E\ YLHZLQJ KLVWRULF YLGHRV DQG GLVSOD\V GHSLFWLQJ OLIH LQ % & LQ WKH V ĂŁ 9LVLW Ăž*HQHUDWRU +DOOĂ&#x; DQG OHDUQ KRZ SRZHULQJ RXU SURYLQFH KDV FKDQJHG RYHU WKH ODVW FHQWXU\ ĂŁ 7DNH SDUW LQ RXU LQWHUDFWLYH JDPHV DQG OHDUQ KRZ WR FRQVHUYH HQHUJ\

2SHQ :HGQHVGD\ WR 6XQGD\ DPÙ SP Closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day and January 2. This facility has full wheelchair accessibility. For more information please call 604 462 1222 or visit bchydro.com/stavefalls



Up To 6 People


Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 19

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OBITUARIES BUSCH, Rudy M. Passed away December 14th, 2011 at age 69. He will be dearly missed by his wife, Elaine; son Michael; grand-daughter Lindsay; and friends.



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TRAVEL Give the Gift of Music! Gift certificates available for Piano, Guitar & Kindermusik classes (Pre-School Music and Movement classes) at NUVO MUSIC SCHOOL in Morgan Creek. www.nuvomusicschool.com






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Advertising Sales Consultant The Award-Winning Outlook newspaper has an outstanding opportunity for a full-time sales person. The successful candidate must have the ability to build relationships with clients and offer superior customer service. The winning candidate will be a team player and will be called upon to grow an existing account list with an aggressive cold calling mandate. The ability to work in an extremely fast-paced environment with a positive attitude is a must. The candidate will have two years of sales experience, preferably in the advertising industry. The position offers a great work environment with a competitive salary, commission plan and strong benefits package. The Outlook is part of Black Press, Canada’s largest independent print media company with more than 170 community, daily and urban newspapers across Canada and the United States. Please submit your resume with cover letter by Friday, January 20, 2012. To: Publisher, The Outlook publisher@northshoreoutlook.com fax: 604 903-1001 #104 – 980 West 1st Street North Vancouver, BC V7P 3N4


COMPANY DRIVER & O/O req’d for Gillson Trucking. Full Time. 42¢/mile. Run U.S. 604-853-2227





EXPERIENCED PARTS PERSON required for progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft Store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at LacLaBicheRegion.com. Send Resumes to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email: hr@sapphireinc.net



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ANCOR TRANSPORT LTD. is hiring for Long Haul Truck Drivers ($23/hr, 50hrs/wk). Send resume by mail - 13926 89 A Avenue, Surrey, BC V3V 6K9 or Fax (604) 572-5262.


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DIAL-A-LAW: access free information on BC law. 604-687-4680; 1.800.565.5297; www.dialalaw.org (audio available). LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE: need a lawyer? Learn more by calling 604-6873221; 1.800.663.1919.

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to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or hunt@blackpress.ca HOME BASED BUSINESS We need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training. www.project4wellness.com

109 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES H&M is looking for an Allocation/ Call Off Coordinator for our Delta warehouse. For more information visit www.hm.com/jobs.



All CDL Drivers Wanted: Excellent mileage pay + bonuses. Require valid passport. Deliver new & used vehicles long haul in U.S. & Canada. Piggyback training available. Toll-Free 1-855-781-3787.

DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS wanted with experience. (Pony or Transfer). Fax resumes to: 604-856-9172 or for info call: 604-807-4040.

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Freight Chauffeur Transport Ltd. (Surrey, BC) HIRING Long Haul Truck Drivers (wage: $23.00/hr 50 hrs/week + benefits). Apply by fax: 604-574-7252.

North American Cargo Services Inc. (Surrey, BC) HIRING Long Haul Truck Drivers. (Wage: $22.80/hr. 50 hrs/week + benefits) Apply by email: dispatch@northamericancargo.ca

Req’d F/T Long Haul Truck Drivers for Nara Transport Ltd Sal: $25/hr Duties: Operate/drive trucks to transport goods/ materials to destinations; Perform pre-trip inspection of vehicle; Ensure safety, security, loading/unloading of cargo. Basic English req’d. Punjabi an asset. Contact Bhavanpreet @ E-mail: naratransportltd@yahoo.ca Fax: 778-578-7434 Location: Surrey, BC

LOOKING FOR A SPECIFIC CANDIDATE FOR AN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WITHIN YOUR COMPANY? Increase your chances in getting the right candidate. Our friendly Classified Sales Representatives will assist you. 3 STEPS: 1) Call us. 2) Discuss what you’re looking for - we’re here to listen. 3) Start hiring. Yes, it’s that easy. Phone: 604-575-5555 bcclassified.com








Register for any Sprott-Shaw Community College program between Dec. 1, 2011 - Feb. 29, 2012 and receive up to $1000* towards tuition. Learn more at sprottshaw.com/gift *Some conditions apply

TRAIN TO BE A SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER IN SURREY TODAY! Community & Social Service Workers administer & implement a variety of social assistance & community services programs including life skills workshops & substance abuse treatment programs. They also assist clients in dealing with social and personal issues. Train locally for the skills necessary in this rewarding career field.

CLASS 1 DRIVERS req’d now. BC, AB mtn/winter exp a must. Van work Pin-Pin. Ph: 604-825-3181. CLASS 1 DRIVERS: S.G.L. Trucking Ltd. requires Class 1 Long Haul Team Truck Drivers. $23.50/hour + benefits for 50 hrs/week. Duties include: drive truck, keep log book, inspection reports, etc. Apply by mail to: 11835 81 Avenue Delta BC V4C 7H7 or Fax at 604-572-1235 CLASS 1 TRUCK DRIVERS wanted. 631723 BC Ltd. requires Class 1 Long Haul Truck Drivers. Able to keep log book & inspection reports. $23.50/hr + benefits, 45 hrs/week. Send resumes by fax to: 604-589-4050 or mail to: 10249 121 Street Surrey, BC, V3V 4K8 CLASS 1 TRUCK DRIVERS wanted. Pacific Ocean Transport Inc. requires Class 1 Long Haul Truck Drivers. Ability to drive truck, maintain driver logbook, bill of lading, inspection report, etc. $23.50/hr + benefits, 40 hrs/wk. Send resumes by fax: 604-607-7667 or email to: alvyj@pacificoceantransport.com

SproUStt-S ha w JOIN ON:

COMMUNITY COLLEGE S i n c e 1 9 0 3




20 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 114


DRIVERS Tri Force Freightways Inc. (Surrey, BC) HIRING Long Haul Truck Drivers (wage: $23./hr 50 hrs/wk + benefits.) Apply by fax: 778-395-8561.

OWNER OPERATOR Req’d by busy courier company. Mini van or car.

Call: (604)543-7800 Mon-Fri, btwn 8am-5pm



AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783





Become a Psychiatric Nursetrain locally via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements and some regional classroom delivery. Wages start at $30.79/hr to $40.42/hr. This 23 month program is recognized by the CRPNBC. Gov’t funding may be available. Toll-free 1-87-STENBERG www.stenbergcollege.com DOG LOVERS! Enjoy a healthy, profitable career as a professional dog trainer. Government accredited program - student loans and grants. Ben Kersen & the Wonderdogs. www.wonderdogs.bc.ca/careers/ or 1-800-961-6616.


7 Days Seafood & Groceries store require Butcher in Surrey. F/T & Perm. $16.05/hr. Req: some secondary school, English Lang. previous exp as butcher an asset, training provided. Duties: cut, trim & prepare cuts of meat, poultry & fish; grind & slice meats; prepare meat, poultry & fish for display; receive meat delivery & store; manage inventory, keep records of sales; ensure clear work area. Email resume: 7grocerystore@gmail.com . Fitness Instructor

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Locations in Alberta & BC. Hands on real world training. Full sized equipment. Job placement assistance. Funding available. www.iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853 TRAIN TO BE AN Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. www.RMTI.ca or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.




Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd Has vacancies in the following job: Heavy Duty Mechanic. Details can be seen at http://hdlogging.com/ Fax resume to 250-287-9259

MANUFACTURING & WAREHOUSING $17.00/hr to work in Langley lubricants plant doing mfg., warehouse work & shipping/receiving. Must be capable of physical labour, computer usage, & be meticulous & reliable. Experience in manufacturing and warehousing preferred. A minimum of 5 years work experience with references req’d. We offer a longterm career with a financially successful co. + benefits + RRSP plan. Send resume to:

dwoo@fuchs.com or Fax to 604-888-1145. Starts Immediately.

Transource Freightways Ltd. is hiring for Truck and Transport Mechanic ($23.52/hr, 40 hrs/wk) and Long Haul Truck Drivers ($23/hr, 50 hrs/week) Mail – 620 Aldford Ave., Delta, BC V3M 6X1. Fax (604)525-0528.


~ TRUCK DRIVERS ~ OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Canadian New Nations Logistics is hiring for Long Haul Truck Drivers ($23/hr) and Office Administrator ($20.62/hr). All 40 hrs/week. Mail – 14652 68 Ave., Surrey, BC V3S 2B1. Email cnn.linc@yahoo.com

✷ Christmas Rush ✷ Filling 10 F/T Positions Paid Weekly - Up to $20 an hour, no comm., benefits available. Positive, outgoing, team oriented a must!

Call Now, Start Tomorrow! Erica 604-777-2195


MECHANIC & DRIVERS NAVI GARAGE DOORS needs installer. Have own truck & tools. Call (604)825-1353



Req’d F/T Live-in-Caregiver w/exp to look after kids; supervision of kid’s activities; taking care of general hygiene; preparing & providing meals. Sal: $11/hr Knowledge of English, Punjabi an asset. Contact: Harjinder @: Email: harjkalsi@yahoo.ca Phone: 604-600-7856 Location: Surrey, BC


COOK ~ SWEET MAKER ~ DISHWASHERS New Punjab Sweets & Restaurant Ltd. is hiring for Ethnic Food Cook (East Indian Cuisine) $17/hr. Sweet Makers $17/hr. Dishwashers $10.14/hr. All 40hrs/ week. Apply by mail or in person – 27100 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove, BC V4W 3L6. COUNTER ATTENDANTS: Dhoom Restaurant in Surrey is hiring 2 F/T food counter attendants. No experience required, but applicants with experience preferred. Salary would be $10.50/hour with 40 hours/week. Knowledge fluent English and Hindi or Punjabi language is required. Willing to work in shifts. Duties include taking customer orders, portioning and wrapping take out food, serving customers at counter, etc. Interested applicants please fax resume to: 604-565-1694.

SANDWICH ARTISTS Westwood / Lougheed No experience necessary. Uniform and training provided. 1 free meal included daily.

SUBWAY. Call Arvick 604-512-0103 Please No Calls Between 11:30 -1:30PM

Please e-mail resumes to 878.marquise@hiredesk.net or fax: 604-214-8526 RGIS INVENTORY SPECIALISTS We are a leader in our industry conducting inventories in stores and warehouses throughout the Lower Mainland. Reliable transportation to major shopping areas is required. No experience necessary. Apply online at www.rgis.com or fax resume to (604) 514-3035 to start immediately.

STUCCO PLASTERERS & HELPERS HR Stucco & Renovation Ltd. is hiring for Stucco Plasterers ($22.86/hr) and Stucco Helpers ($18.69/hr). All 40 hrs/week. Mail 7800 118 St., Delta, BC V4C 6G8 Email: hr.stucco@yahoo.com



2 KITCHEN HELPERS Req’d. Sal: $11/hr perm F/T. Duties: Peel vegetables and fruit, wash tables, and appliances, clear garbage, unpack supplies in refrigerators, mop floors, and assist cook & kitchen staff. Language: English and knowledge of Hindi / English. Contact: Jagdev at Dhaliwal Bakery & Pizza in Surrey, BC. Send resume: dpizza_jobs@yahoo.ca or call 778-565-1694.





MOA for perm. P/T and holiday/sick relief in GP office. Smart Series req’d. Call Esther 604-599-0077 to send references. MOA REQUIRED FOR A VERY BUSY WALK-IN CLINIC IN LANGLEY. Perm P/T position afternoons and weekends only. EMR experience an asset. Contact kathi@glovermedical.com NEW WALK-IN MEDICAL CENTRE Dr. A. Golshan, Inc. Officially opening full-time Jan. 6th, 2012 Several dates in Dec. 8th, 14th, 20th,27th. Mon-Fri 10 AM - 4 PM, Wednesday 7 AM - noon. Corner of Scott Rd. and 88th Ave (next to Taco Bell/KFC and Wescana Pharmacy) 604-598-8663


MOVIE EXTRAS ! WWW.CASTINGROOM.COM Families, Kids, Tots & Teens!! Register Now Busy Film Season

All Ages, All Ethnicities

CALL 604-558-2278



WELDERS, FABRICATORS. Salary depends on exp. Please fax resume 604-513-4168



COOK: Namaskar Restaurant dba Original Bhaia Sweet Shop & Restaurant in Surrey is hiring 1 F/T cook (Indian food), and one F/T cook (Indian sweet maker). Sweet maker cook must have 3 years experience in making Indian sweets, like besan, kaju, burfi, rasgulla, gulab jamun, kaju roll, snack items etc. cook (Indian food) should also have 3 years experience in making Indian curry and tandoori dishes like butter chicken, tandoori chicken, rice, naan, shahi paneer etc. Salary would be $15/hour with 40 hours per week. Knowledge of Hindi or Punjabi is required & English is an asset. Interested applicants please email resume to: jobs@namaskar@yahoo.ca. COOK: Original Bhaia Sweet Shop & Restaurant in Surrey is hiring one F/T Cook (Indian). Must have 3 years experience in making Indian curry and tandoori dishes like butter chicken, tandoori chicken, rice, naan, shahi paneer, etc. Salary is $17/hr with 40 hours/week. Knowledge of Hindi or Punjabi is required and English is an asset. Interested applicants please email resume to: jobs.originalbhaia@yahoo.ca


MANN CONSTRUCTION Group is looking for piece work, insulation, steel stud, drywall and taping. Jobs are located throughout the lower mainland. Please contact Sukh at 604-250-6596 or email him at sukh@mcmcorp.ca.



Marquise Group is looking for a P/T Night Cleaner for Tsawwassen Quay. Must be able to work evenings & weekends. Janitorial exp. req. Duties include waxing, burnishing & auto - scrubbing the floors. Candidates will be required to complete a Criminal Record Check.





Job Fair Being held at The Compass Point Inn 9850 King George Blvd. December 22, 2011 Between 5pm and 9pm Hiring Temporary, Full & Part Time Staff

For Canadian Tire in Newton 7599 King George Blvd.




UPCOMING AVAILABLE ROUTES ROUTE# PAPERS AREA DESCRIPTION 9-01 9-05 16-08 19-19 24-02 24-03 24-05 24-13 26-10 28-09 28-16 29-13 30-24 30-28 30-29 30-36 30-48 36-14 36-18 38-08 38-13 40-08 40-09

157 43 111 114 109 70 80 101 111 112 101 153 101 46 71 68 114 99 76 97 114 115 79

152 St - 156 St, 80A Ave - 82 Ave 162A St - 164 St, 77 Ave - 78 Ave 150 St - 152 St, 86 Ave - 88 Ave 124 St - 125A St, 74 Ave - 76 Ave 127 St - 128 St, 104 Ave - 107A Ave 123A St - 125 St, 102 Ave - 104 Ave 126 St - 128 St, 102 Ave - 104 Ave 126 St - 128 St, 96 Ave - 97A Ave Prince Charles Bvld - 132 St, 91A Ave - Huntley Ave 158A St - 160 St, 93A Ave - 96 Ave 156 St - 158 St, 90 Ave - 92 Ave 150 St - 152 St, 88 Ave - Fraser Hwy 168 St - 172 St, 101 Ave - 104 Ave Rural Route: 160 St - 165 St, 100 Ave - 103 Ave Rural Route: 173A St - 176 St, 96 Ave - 92 Ave 157A St - 159B St, 112 Ave - 114 Ave 154 St - 156 St, 110 Ave - 112A Ave Hansen Rd - Kindersley Dr, Coventry Rd - Kalmar Rd 138 St - 140 St, 108 Ave - Antrim Rd 128 St - 130 St, 98A Ave - 100 Ave 132 St - 134 St, 98 Ave - 99A Ave 132 St - 133A St, 112 Ave - 114 Ave 133A St - 136 St, 112 Ave - 114 Ave



UPCOMING AVAILABLE ROUTES ROUTE# PAPERS AREA DESCRIPTION 1-01 1-05 2-10 2-14 4-02 4-04 4-07 4-10 5-06 5-10 6-06 7-09 7-10 7-12 7-13 7-16 8-01 23-01 23-02 23-11

58 112 74 86 112 94 80 89 106 71 132 110 110 103 110 130 90 88 126 58

Blake Dr - York Cres, 72 Ave Westview Dr - Huff Bvld,Westview Pl - Southridge Rd Filey Dr - 112 St, 74A Ave - 75 Ave Blake Dr - 112 St, 72 Ave - 73A Ave Lyon Rd - Ryall Cres, Huff Bvld - Newport Pl Cherry Ln - Stoney Cres, Faber Cres - Lyon Rd 108A St - 110 St, 64 Ave - Lawrie Cres McKenzie Dr - Hillside Cres, 64 Ave - Bond Bvld Wiltshire Bvld - 108 St, 80 Ave - Hermosa Dr Westside Dr - Modesto Dr,Wiltshire Bvld 116 St - 118A St, 85 Ave - 86 Ave 118 St - 119A St, 94 Ave - 96 Ave 118 St - 119A St, 92 Ave - 94 Ave 114 St - 116 St, 90 Ave - 92 Ave 117 St - 119A St, 90A Ave - 92 Ave 112 St - 115 St, 88 Ave - 90 Ave River Rd - 112 St, 90 Ave - 92A Ave 120 St - 121 St, 99 Ave - 101A Ave 121 St - 123A St, 100A Ave - 103A Ave Queens Pl - Princess Dr, 96 Ave - 97 Ave

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 21 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 160


CRUDE ENERGY SERVICES is an industrial contractor providing services to the oil and gas industry in Alberta, accepting resumes for Pipefitters, QA/QC Personnel, Foreman, Lead Hands, NCSO Safety Advisors, Pipefitting Apprentices, Welder Apprentices, Crane Operators, Welder Helpers, General Labour, Office Administrators. H2S Alive and CSTS are required. Fax 1-866-843-2118. Email: careers@crude-energy.ca www.crude-energy.ca



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Forming, Framing, int finishing (lam flooring, doors, casing & baseboards. Hrly/Contract. John (604)317-5811

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SPARTAN Moving Ltd. Fast & Reliable. Insured Competitive rates. Wknd Specials. Call Frank: (604) 435-8240

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Over 25 yrs exp.


ARCO DRYWALL Ltd. Board, Tape Texture, Frame. New & Reno’s. 20 yrs exp, free est Mike 604-825-1500 PSB DRYWALL ★ All Boarding, Taping, Framing & Texture. Insured work. Call Parm (604) 762-4657



#1 QUALITY WORK, Big or sm. Exp. Electrician avail. Reas.rates.604-773-0341. Lic#9902

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3 rooms for $269, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services. www.paintspecial.com


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Running this ad for 7yrs


283 GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS GUTTER Cleaning Service, Repairs Free Est, 20 yrs exp, Rain or shine. 7 days/week. Simon 604-230-0627

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A-TECH Services 604-230-3539

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MONEYPROVIDER.COM. $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877776-1660.


Detailed, prof. service-7 days/wk. Incl. laundry/dishes. Move-in/out. Refs. avail. Starting at $19/hr. 4 hour minimum.

Reno & Texture Specialist, Painting.

Exp’d European Lady to clean your house or apartment. Ref’s avail. 604-597-4891 or 778-241-9080.



Julie’s Housecleaning

A Call to Vern. Free Est. Drywall,




Special pkg $89. Call 604-945-5801

Kristy 604.488.9161 182





A-1 PAINTING CO. 604.723.8434 Top Quality Painting. Floors & Finishing. Insured, WCB, Written Guarantee. Free Est. 20 Years Exp.



10% OFF when you Mention this ad HARDI RENO SVS. *Plumbing *Tile *Drywall*Paint*More! 778-865-4072 BEAUT BATHROOM & KITCHEN Plumbing + Drywall + Elect. + Tubs & Showers & Sinks + Toilets & Tile + floors + countertop + painting. Sen disc. Work Guar. 21 yrs exp. Call Nick 604-230-5783, 604-581-2859.



A1 BATH RENO’S. Bsmt suites, drywall, patios, plumbing, siding, fencing, roofing, landscaping, etc. Joe 604-961-9937 or 604-581-3822



QUICKWAY Kitchen Cabinets Ltd. ****Mention this ad for 10% Off **** Call Raman @ 604-561-4041.

Carpentry ~ Tile ~ Drywall Painting, Flooring. Free Estimates. 28 years exp. Brad (604)535-2526 EXP. CARPENTER / HANDYMAN All types of work! No job too small! Over 20 yrs exp! Ed 778-888-8603 RenoMan. Laminate floor & Tile SPECIALIST. Deck & Stairs repair Kitch & Bath, Drywall, Patching & Taping. All Big and small Jobs. Many years of exp. 604-728-3849



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1PRO MOVING & SHIPPING. Real Professionals, Reasonable. Rates. Different From the Rest. 604-721-4555. ABE MOVING - $35/Hr. Per Person *Reliable Careful Movers. *Rubbish Removal. *24 Hours. 604-999-6020

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From 1, 3, 5, 7,10 Ton Trucks Licenced ~ Reliable ~ 1 to 3 Men Free estimate/Seniors discount Residential~Commercial~Pianos



10% OFF if you Mention this AD! *Plumbing *Heating *Reno’s *More Lic.gas fitter. Aman: 778-895-2005

MILANO PAINTING. Int./Ext. Prof. Painters. Free Est. Written Guar. Bonded & Insured. 604-551-6510



$38/HR!Clogged drains,drips,garbs sinks, Reno’s toilets. No job too small! Lic’d/insured. 778-888-9184


& HEATING SUNCREEK ESTATES * Large 2 & 3 bdrm Apartments * Insuite w/d, stove, fridge, d/w * 3 floor levels inside suite * Wood burning fireplace * Private roof top patio * Walk to shops. Near park, pool, playground * Elementary school on block * Clubhouse, tennis court * On site security. Sorry no pets

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Residential, Commercial Licensed & Bonded Free Estimate Emergency Service Available 604-889-0949 778-889-9345

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~ PRO PAINTERS ~ INTERIOR / EXTERIOR Quality Work, Free Estimates

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Vincent 543-7776

Furnace Boilers, Hot Water Tanks Hot Water Heat, Plumbing Jobs. Furnace cleaning with truck mounted machine

GREAT RATES! Local lic’d plumber Big & small jobs. Plumbing, heating, plugged drains, call 604-325-6722

22 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011 HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 353 ROOFING & SKYLIGHTS LEAKY ROOF? Call JJ ROOFING Repairs, New & Re-Roof. Prompt Quality Service Excellent References *Free Estimates *WCB Insured *Member BBB



PETS 477







Morris The Arborist

Morris 604-597-2286 Marcus 604-818-2327

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CHOCOLATE LAB PUPS. Vet checked. 1st shots. Parents both registered. $550. 604-309-2390. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES $550: Born Sept. 26th. 1 Male, 1 Female. 604-836-6861

NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com

PRESA CANARIO pups 11/wks. 1st shots & dewormed. Well socialized with kids. $600/obo. 604-466-8211.


Rottweiler pups lrg German working stock exc temp healthy 8 wks. parents to view. $650. 604-799-8225.

Blood Hound pups, CKC Reg health ✔, 1st vac., micro chipped, 1 male, 6 fem. Liver & tan, ready to go 604-574-5788 BLUE NOSE BULLIES. Pit bulls. Blacks/blues. Shots, Vet ✓. Ready to go. UKC reg. $600 obo. Call 778237-2824

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CHINESE SHARPEI PUPS MINI’S/TOYS-MALES -$1200.00 www.wrinklesrus.com 604-315-8774

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CLAYMORE APTS 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts Avail $200 Move-In Bonus!! Close to shopping & schools. Seasonal Swimming pool, and tennis court. 3 Appliances (fridge, stove dishwasher), blinds hot water and parking included. Carpeted throughout. Some pets welcome.


5374 - 203rd St, Langley

Call 604-533-9780 NEW WESTMINSTER

604-787-5915, 604-291-7778



• Twins • Fulls • Queens • Kings 100’s in stock! www.Direct Liquidation.ca (604)294-2331

NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND pups. Registered, micro chipped, 1st shots. Ready now. 604-823-2259 mitzvig@hotmail.ca

T & K Haulaway


MATTRESSES staring at $99

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MATT’S FIREWOOD DELIVERIES All hardwood. Fully seasoned. Stored inside. (604)532-0662

A1-TRI-CRAFT Tree Serv. Dangerous tree removal, spiral pruning hedge trimming, stump grinding, topping. Insured, WCB Free Est Arborist Reports

DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL * Pruning * Retopping * Falling Service Surrey 25 years FULLY INSURED **EMERGENCY CALL OUT** Certified Arborist Reports


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Andrew 604-618-8585 $ Best Rates $ Roofing Experts. 778-230-5717 Repairs/Re-Roof/New Roofs. All work Gtd. Free Est. Call Frank.



1YR Seasoned Alder Birch Maple Clean, Split, DRY & Delivered. Family Operated for 20 yrs. (604)825-9264

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Call Jas @ 604-726-6345 www.jjroofing.ca


SHIHTZU X LASO APSO pups, 3 M, mostly white, view parents, nonshed, $400/ea. (604)701-9006




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633 MOBILE HOMES & PARKS New SRI.com 16x52 mobile home in Langley adult park. $114,900. Pet OK. Chuck 604-830-1960.





Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. Langley

Free Washer and Dryer! Good working condition. Must pick up. South Surrey 604-803-7467



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CLEAN 1 & 2 BDRM SUITES (some w/ensuites) in Park-like setting. Cable, heat, & hot water incl. Laundry rest area on each floor.

604-588-8850 604-584-5233 www.rentersweek.com/view-cedars

1 % 6 %8 , 3 2 , % 0 * 1 % 6 %8 , 3 2 / 69 2 / * 9 2 69 2

CLOVERDALE Apts: 1 Bdrm $750; Incl heat, h/w & prkg. N/P. Secure bldg. Lndry facilities. 604-576-8230 CLOVERDALE BENBERG APTS. 17788 57 Ave. Senior building,1 & 2 bdrm suites avail now. Starting at $700 to $850/mo. 604-574-2078

CLOVERDALE Penthouse. 2 balconies, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, granite counters, marble flr, steam bath, massage shower, 2 u/g prkg, fitness ctr. $1400. 604-617-8484. CLOVERDALE. SHERWOOD APT. 5875-177B St. 1 bdrm - $775, 2 bdrm - $950. Lndry facility. NP/NS. Avail immed. LEASE. Member of Surrey Crime free Multi-Housing Program. Call Lloyd at : 604-575-1608. ascentpm.com CLOVERDALE. Updated 1 bdrm, $765 incl heat / ht.water / prkg. N/P. 604-576-1465 or 604-612-1960.

Large newly renovated 1 & 2 bdrm apts available in well-kept concrete building. New floors and appl’s. Freshly painted. Patio and large storage room inste. 3 laundries in bldg. Rent incl’s heat & hot water. Sauna & jacuzzi. 5 min. walk to skytrain, Douglas College & New West Quay. Close to all amenities. Please call 604-834-1756 www.aptrentals.net SURREY

Regency Park Gardens Large 1 & 2 bedroom units Rent from $725.00/mo.

DELTA WEST 4895 - 55B St., Ladner Spacious 1 bedroom

Phone: 604-581-8332 & 604-585-0063

Call 604.946.1094 GUILDFORD. Brand new 1 bdrm. Sep d/rm. Nr mall/TnT. $850. Avail immed. N/S. N/P. 778-858-9567. Guildford Mall / Public Library

EVERGREEN APARTMENTS Crime Free Multi-Housing Certified Ask About Incentives! Spacious Suites, very competitive prices. Extra large 1 & 2 BDRM ste’s, lots of storage. Heat/hot water incl. Access to Vancouver via freeway, 1 bus to Skytrain. No pets.

Phone 604-582-0465 NEWTON. 2 BDRM, adult bldg. Heat, h/wtr, sec prkg. NS/NP. Avail now. 604-572-4675, 604-596-9910. SOMERSET GARDENS (S. Sry) Family housing, 1851 Southmere Cres. E. 2bdrm appt. starts at $875. Pet friendly, nr all amen, heat, Community garden. 604-451-6676 SURREY, 126/72 Ave. 2 Bdrm apt, $850/mo, quiet-family complex, no pets, call 604-543-7271. SURREY CENTRAL. 1 Bdrm apt. Available now. N/P. $700/mo. Call: 778-317-5323 or 604-916-2906.



CEDAR HILLS, 121/97A. 2 bdrm suite. Close to bus, schls. & shops. $625/mo incl utils. np/ns. No lndry, no cable. Jan. 1st. 604-588-2405. Chim. hgts. 149St. Quiet. Spac. 2 br. Priv ent., n/s,n/p. Hydr/watr/wi5 inclu. $700. Dec 15. 604-594-9878

Balcony, rent incl heat & h/w. Prkg avail. Refs req’d, N/P Bayside Property Services Ltd.

LINDA VISTA Motel Luxury Rooms w/cable, a/c & kitchens. 6498 King George Hwy. Mthly, Wkly & Daily Specials. 604-591-1171. Canadian Inn 6528 K.G.Hwy. 604-594-0010

SURREY: Central. Park Place New 25th flr-2 bdrm, 1.5 bths, view, skytrain. $1250: 604-689-6008

707 APARTMENT FURNISHED GUILDFORD - 152St/100Ave, 1 bdrm $700/mo, 2 bdrm $880/mo, across from supermarket. 778-9871636



DELTA, 120 St. & Hwy. 10. Upper suite in 4 plex. 3 bdrms, laundry, carport. N/S. $1200/mo. incl’s utils. 604-596-1791 or 604-220-3929. N. DELTA, 11856-72nd Ave. 3 bdrm grd flr. $1000 Incl hydro, heat, W/D. Avail now. 604-329-7858.

CHIMNEY HTS. 2 bdrm suite. Avail Jan. 1. N/S. N/P. $700 incl utils. 604-599-4932 or 778-862-0104. CHIMNEY HTS. 70A/151. New grd lvl 1 bdrm. Absolutely NS/NP. Refs. Jan 1, $600 incl utils. 604-897-8167 Cloverdale 184/57. 2 Bdrm G/L pri entry, cvrd patio, shrd w/d, full bath, prkg. NS/NP. 1-$850 2-$925 incl cbl/utils. Avail now. 604-575-0211 CLOVERDALE - 57Ave / 165 St ✶ ✶ BRAND NEW ✶ ✶ - 1 Bdrm. - $750 - 2 Bdrm. - $1000 2 blks fr. Elem Sch. 7 min. to S. Surrey & Wallmart. NS/NP. Granit cntr tops, crown mld & basebrds. SS appls. Own priv. locked gate to back wth cameras. Phone (604) 671-7174

SURREY. 2 B/R lower duplex clean, spacious, near all amenities, 102Av/140st., pet O.K., rent $775/m incl. hydro & heat, available Dec 15/11 or Jan/12. Call 604-574-4108 - 604-789-6161

FLEETWOOD- 2 bdrm. Incl utils, lndry. ns/np. $650 Avail now. 604951-2985, 778-882-1648


FLEETWOOD 2 bedroom brand new suite utils incl $900 month call 604-828-5624


FLEETWOOD 156 St/81 Ave. Newer 4Br, 2level, 3baths, 5 appls, fenced yrd, alarm, near all amens, NS/NP. Avail now. 604-507-4807 FLEETWOOD. 4 bdrm rancher, 4 appls. Nr schools/amens. Ns/np. $1550/m. Avail now. 604-589-3660 N.DELTA. 3 bdrm up, 2 bdrm dwn. 2 liv/rms & 2 kitchens. $1560 + utils. Jan 1st. Perry 778-928-5587. NEWTON WEST. 2 bdrm. rancher, 1 bath, fcd b/yard, big living room & kitchen. Nr schools, shops & bus. $1100 +utils. Jan. 1. 604-809-3750

FLEETWOOD, 2 BDRM, nr amen. & school. NS/NP. $650 incl utils & cbl. Avail now. (604)543-8146.

FLEETWOOD 92/158. 2/bdrm suite, clean, quiet area. Close amen. No laundry, Couple $650/mo incl util/cable. Avail. Phone (604)727-2080

bsmt to all pref. now.

FLEETWOOD lge 3 bdrm + den 1.5 baths, nr ament, bus, schl. NP/NS. $995 incl ldry cbl net 778-898-6742 LRG 1 bed includes everything+in suite laundry. Lrg deck backs beautiful burn bog.$750mo 604-8417364. NEWTON 66/127 new 2 bdrm ste $650 OR 3 bdrm 2 bath theatre rm bar rm $1100+40% util Nr both schl NP/NS Avail now 604-961-2459

SURREY. $2200, 5740 -144 St, reno. house on 1 acre, clean 5 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath 5pc appl, sundeck, avail jan 1, close to bus, YMCA, city hall, DO not disturb tenant, 2400 sq ft, CALL 604-790-3933 for appt

SRY PAN RIDGE: New lrg 2 bdrm suite, nr amen’s, $650 incl utils/ cbl/Wi5. Jan 1. N/P 604-512-5936

SURREY, Fraser Hwy/156. 1 acre in city, gd for truck, RV, trlr, 3 lvl hse 5bdrm $1650mo 604-771-4876

SURREY, 134A/KGH. 3/bdrm suite, 2/bthrm. Avail now. $800/mo incl util. NS/NP. (604)780-5398

SURREY, Guildford, 155/105 Ave. 3 Bd up, 2 bd dwn, 2 bath, nr trans, $1550 + utils. Jan 1. 778-999-9218

SURREY, 14184 Gladstone Dr. 3 Bdrm ste. $1000 utils incl. NS/NP. Avail now Nr amens 778-926-2427





Refreshingly Clean Meticulously Maintained &'´7 *0%88)78 *%78)78 &37832 59%0-*=-2+ 1%6%8,32 % '31192-8= ):)28 ;-8, % +03&%0 '%97)


*%78 *0%8 ,%0* 1%6%8,32 '3967) / '314)8-8-:) 692 *%1-0= *6-)2(0= / 692 46->) 4967) *36 834 1 * 1%6%8,32

,%0* 1%6%8,32 *-2-7,)67 3**-'-%0 6%') 7,-687 %2( 1)(%07 *36 %00 *-2-7,)67 +6)%8 /-(7 %'8-:-8)7

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Call 604-764-9062 or email parkplaceleasing@prompton.bc.ca

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 23 RENTALS 750











SURREY: 1 BDRM bsmt suite. $520/mo. Avail. now. n/s, n/p. (778)322-6509 or 778-706-6509.

SURREY 6438 King George 2 bdrm townhouse, basement, $935, family complex, no pets, 604-501-2533

1994 CHRYSLER LHS, just aircrd, loaded, luxurious throughout, drive in style! $1200 obo. (604)496-3958

2003 TOYOTA Corolla, very clean, 4dr, CD player, auto, 157,000kms. $5150 obo. 604-588-5215.

FORD, 4 X 4 XLT LARIAT truck & Okanagan camper, very good cond., $3,500. Call (604)820-8218.

Surrey: BEAR CREEK: 1 Bdrm ste. Nr elem & trans. Avl now. $550 incl hydro. ns/np strictly enforced. 604572-4327, 604-722-6371

SURREY CENTRAL, Newer 3/bdrm, 2.5 bthrms, 2 pkng, Avail now. $1300/mo. TJ @ Sutton Proact, (604)728-5460

2000 FORD FOCUS, standard trans., blue, 4 dr. sedan, CD, Air Cared. $1995 obo (604)826-0519

2003 VOLVO V40, S/W, Blue, loaded 155,000 kms. auto. new tires. $5500 firm. Phone 604-538-9257.


Surrey, FLEETWOOD. 2 bdrm suite. Avail after Dec. 15. or Jan 1. N/S. N/P. 604-588-9685.

SURREY SUTTON PLACE 2 bdrm & 3 bdrms T/H. ($860-$900/mo) Family housing nr amens, transit, schools. Crime-free multi-housing. On site laundry. Call NOW 604-451-6676

2004 DODGE NEON SX - 2.0 auto, 146K, 4 dr, keyless alarm, a/care, cd, all pwr. $3700: (604)502-9912

2005 TOYOTA COROLLA, 42,000 kms. Light green, auto, $9000 obo. Great condition. (604)328-9570

2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING convertible, silver, 84 k’s. auto. Mags. $6795/obo. (604)826-0519

FREE Scrap Vehicle Removal Up To $500 CA$H Today Fast Service. JJ 604-728-1965


Surrey, NEWTON 69/144A. 2 bdrm ste. Sep parking. N/S. N/P. $700 incl utils/cbl. No laundry. Avail now 604-764-7221 or 604-590-0435.





CLOVERDALE spotless 3BR upper flr 1.5 bath eat in kitch 4 appl own lndry gas F/P sunrm patio lrg byrd $1450 incl util Cat ok 604-574-3141 GUILDFORD,1400sf, split lvl, only $1190, reno’d 3 bd. 5 appls, 1.5 bath, lrg deck, ns/np. 604-283-9055 NEWTON, 143A/71A. 5 bdrm. 2 full baths & 2 - 1/2 baths, dbl garage, liv & fam rms. 4 appls. NS/NP. Nr prk and schl. Avail Jan.1. $1800/mo + shared utils. Call 604-543-6397. SURREY, 134/83. 4/bdrms upstairs, 2/bthms. $1250. +70% util. NS/NP. Avail now. (778)858-5409

2 & 3 bedrooms

$1200 - $1300/m

Quiet, Clean & Spacious 2.5 bath, patio, storage, d/w, w/d, f/p, N/S, N/P, 2-car garage, next to high school. Avail. Now!!



2006 FORD FUSION, 4 dr, 39,000 kms, V6, all options, $7,950 obo. Phone 604-780-8404

2011 WILDCAT 282RK

847 SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 117,000 KMS, 1994 Jeep Cherokee 4x4, mint, 4 door, 5 speed standard, a/c, $2500. 778-893-4866

1997 MERCEDES E420, all options, mint, garage kept. 118,00 kms. $7200 obo. 604-805-4545. 2002 DODGE NEON R/T standard trans., white, sunroof, used eng., new timing belt & clutch. CD stacker $3295 obo. (604)826-0519

Dual pane windows, ext. shower, fantastic fan, microwave, elec. power awning, DSI water heater. $32,483 (stk.30380) www.fraserwayrv.com 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644

1999 CHEVY BLAZER, black, mags 2” lift 4x4, Air Cared, std. new clutch $4795 obo 604-826-0519 AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673

2003 Four Winds 30 ft. Class C Motorhome. 30,000kms. Mint cond. Asking $30,000.obo. 604-780-0777.

Autos • Trucks • Equipment Removal FREE TOWING 7 days/wk. We pay Up To $500 CA$H Rick Goodchild 604.551.9022


GUILDFORD GLEN 14860 101 A Ave. 2-3bdrm T/H. Family housing. Avail. Apr 1. $860-$985 Near all amen’s, bus stop. 604-451-6676. LANGLEY

RIVERSIDE GARDENS FAMILY COMPLEX 2 & 3 Bdrm T/Homes Move-In Allowance!! Fridge, stove, dishwasher (in most), drapes. Outdoor pool. Some pets welcome. Resident Manager. Close to bus, shopping, schools and parks. #36 - 5210 - 203 Street, Langley

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


www.PreApproval.cc INSTANT AUTO CREDIT We can finance your auto loan in minutes, you Drive Home Now, or we can deliver to you. www.DriveHomeNow.com. 877-758-7311 or 250-7515205. WANT A VEHICLE BUT STRESSED ABOUT YOUR CREDIT? Treat yourself this Christmas to $500 cash back. We fund your future not your past. All credit situations accepted. www.creditdrivers.ca 1-888-593-6095.

Call 604-532-2036 N. DELTA. Cougar Canyon Co-op is accepting applications for 2 bdrm T/H’s. $940.00. Nr schools, shops. Priv. yds, pet ok. $1900 share purchase and participation req. Send S.A.S.E. or P/U application at 6838 Nicholson Rd. V4E 3G5 or www.cougarcanyoncoop.com

NEWTON - Townhouses - 2 & 3 Bdrm Units available - 5 applis, avail Jan. 1st. - from $985 & from $1295/mo Spacious Units, great park-like setting nr shops & bus. No pets.

BAYWEST Mgmt Corp.

To view 604-501-4413 OWN a 2 or 3 bedroom townhome w/$3300 down. Several UPDATED T/H in good areas w/fenced yds. laminate floors and 2 PETS OK. $1199/mo. + $250 mnt oac $42k comb’s income + 680 credit. Higher down pmt ($14,800 down), lower mtg ($866/mo), 600 credit to quality. QUICK DATES ok and several HOUSES also available. $976$1716/mo. $6350 - $24,250 down and $65k com’b income. Call Jodi Steeves, ReMax Treeland for details 604-833-5634. SURREY, 174 & 57th Ave. 2 Bdrm townhouse, $880, quiet family complex, no pets, call 604-576-9969.



1993 Chrysler Dynasty LE - exc. shape in & out. 6 cyl auto, loaded. AirCared. $1350. 778-893-4866.

Elec. awning, elec. stab jacks,LCD TV, 2 slides, microwave and much more! $32,483 (Stk.30916) www.fraserwayrv.com 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644

SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pickup anywhere in BC, Min. 10. Toll Free Call:1.877.334.2288


2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4, auto, all options, dark green, 125 km, $9,300 firm. 604-538-4883.

2011 CHEV Traverse AWD 20,000kms. List $40,000+HST, asking $28,900.no HST. 604-780-0777



1994 Saab 900-S. 6cyl, 2.5 l engine. 4dr, sunroof, 5spd, green, like new. $1950. 604-541-0344 1996 TOYOTA TACOMA 4x4, V6, 5 spd. reg cab. 230,000 kms, no accidents, no rust. runs perfect, bedliner, air conditioning. $7400. 604-828-3877.


1996 TOYOTA TACOMA, ext cab, 4X4, 4 cyl, 5 sp., with canopy, runs exc, $4900. Call: 604-828-7911. 2000 Dodge diesel 2500 series 4x4 ext cab 133,000k. 8x10 custom alum deck $12,500. 604-839-5700. 2004 GRAND CARAVAN, 36,000 KMS, v6, loaded, seats 7, $7950 obo. 604-780-8404 2005 CHEVY VENTURE VAN with wheelchair ramp, good cond, $5500 obo. 778-882-6149 2006 Mazda B3000, black, quad cab, 1 owner, 100,000 kms. Exc cond. $9588 obo. 604-562-4168 2006 MONTANA, Dual Air, DVD, new tires, brakes, battery. 160kms. Asking $6,500. 604-780-0777. 2009 DODGE 150 HEMI PICK UP with canopy, rhino lined, loaded, 8000 original km’s, show room condition. 28,000 OBO. (604)613-3727 2010 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SEL, full stow-go, 43 Km, silver/blk int, mint, $15,000. (604)218-1658.

2004 FORD Escape XLS, 2L, 5 sp. Loaded. 132kms. no acc. $4500 no tax Aircared 2 yrs. 604-502-9912.

2004 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Ltd. 4x4, auto, red, 160K, $8800 firm. Call 604-538-9257

2011 LAREDO 266RL

3 BDRM., main floor, laundry, on bus rte. 5 min. to skytrain. $1050 + hydro, N/P. References. (604)908-7621






SURREY,67/127 St. 2 bdrm main flr, Dec.15, nr schls & Kwantlen, NS/NP $800 incl utils.604-501-3761


The Scrapper

1989 Acura Legend, 2dr coupe, white, 5spd, runs well, good cd. $1400 obo. (604)965-9602




2009 CADILLAC DTS, black, grey leather, mint cond, 47K. Must sell! $25,000 obo. Call 604-805-4545.

12730 - 66 Avenue





ALUMINUM BOAT WANTED, 10’, 12’ or 14’, with or without motor or trailer, will pay cash, 604-319-5720

24 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, December 20, 2011


s u l P


Pickup Special 1 Lrg. with any 5 toppings..........$14.00 1 Lrg. Pizza (2 toppings)................$9.99 1 Med. Pizza (2 toppings) ..............$7.99 1 Sml. Pizza (2 toppings) ..............$4.99 1 Sml. Lasagna...............................$4.99

Super Saver Punjabi Style

Pick Up Special

3 Medium Pizzas $27.99 plus tax 3 Large Pizzas......$32.99 plus tax

1 Large any kind $ 99

Up to 5 Toppings each






Family Combo

Make it Large for $3.00

18.99 $ 99 Pizzas 20.

Pizzas + tax 2 Large Specialty

1 Med. Pizza

with meat sauce



1 Garlic Toast 10 Hot or Honey Garlic Wings

Add $2.49 for Delivery. Extra Cheese add $3.00. Please Mention Coupon before ordering.






+ tax 2 Medium Pizzas Any 3 Toppings


2 Litre Coke FREE


+ tax




+ tax

2 Cans Coke FREE

+ tax

1 Rack of B.B.Q. Ribs 1 Large Lasagna (Meat/Veggi)


with meat sauce

1 Medium Pizza with 3 Toppings

2 Garlic Toasts 2 Green Salads


2 Coke FREE



+ tax

Make it Large for $3.00

Pasta Time 2 Lasagna or Spaghetti (Meat/Veggi) 2 Garlic Toast 2 Green Salads





2 Cans Coke FREE

+ tax

Add Chicken $2.00 more

Super PastaTime



4 Large

Rib Feast



D-Hut Special, Super Hawaiian, Vegetarian or House Special

1 Lasagna (Meat/Veggi)

3 Large

Buy Any 2 Medium Pizzas of 3 Toppings and get 16 Chicken Wings


+ tax

with 3 toppings

Plus Any 2 Toppings

$19.99 + tax $22.99 + tax


Extra No Seafood


+ tax

+ tax

2 Specialty Pizzas Punjabi Style 2 Medium Specialty Extra Cheese # 7

Choose from:




# 3 Mozzarella Cheese & Sauce

16 Wings



Party Deal

2 Litre Pop FREE

3 Small Pizzas 3 Medium Pizzas

+ tax

1 Medium Pizza (with 3 Toppings) 2 Baked Lasagna or 2 Baked Spaghetti (Meat/Veggi) 2 Salads 2 Garlic Toast

plus tax Add $3.50 for delivery

Any 3 Toppings


2 Litre Coke FREE

plus tax


Plus 2 Litre Coke Free

3 Large Pizzas

3 Toppings



2 Medium 3 Toppings $ 99

OR Choose from: Vegetarian, BBQ/Tandoori Chicken, House Special or Meat Lover

2 Large Pizzas #1


# 10

+ tax

Family Super Combo 2 Medium Pizza (3 toppings)

2 Lasagna or Spaghetti (Meat/Veggi) 2 Salads 2 Garlic Toasts




# 11

+ tax

Pizza & Wings Deal Any 3 toppings

16 Pieces Wings Honey Garlic or Hot Wings



#103 - 15933 Fraser Hwy, Surrey

#150 - 8047 Scott Rd, Delta

(near Fruiticana)

(in Superstore Plaza)





#105 - 13588, 88th Ave, Surrey

#105 - 9547, 152nd Street, Surrey

(King Geo. & Shell Gas Station)



1 Medium Pizza





+ tax


Sunday - Thursday 11:00 am - 12:00 am Friday & Saturday 11:00 am - 2:30 am We accept Visa, MasterCard & Interac for Pick-Up & Delivery.

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