Tues Feb 28 2012 Leader

Page 1

Devils begin postseason play page 21

Mayors take on health challenge page 23

Tuesday February 28, 2012 Serving Surrey and North Delta www.surreyleader.com

Crown sale of land in Surrey gets First Nation’s attention

Students from Sands Secondary in North Delta practice painting their palms pink in preparation for Anti-Bullying Day tomorrow. Students in all Delta high schools will be stamping their hand prints on doveshaped posters Wednesday to make an oath to eliminate bullying and all forms of violence.

Property at Highway 10 and 152 Street eyed by Katzie band


by Jeff Nagel THE PROVINCE has very little urban

Crown land available to offer in treaty negotiations with First Nations to settle unresolved land claims in Metro Vancouver. So Finance Minister Kevin Falcon’s budget announcement that B.C. will raise money by selling off a 15-acre parcel of surplus land in the middle of Surrey has raised eyebrows among treaty negotiation observers. “It’s an interesting move on their part since Crown land is so scarce,” First Nations Summit spokesman Dan Smith said. “We’ll see whether or not this takes place.” Metro Vancouver has previously raised concern the province may – because it has so little property to negotiate with – raid more Dan Smith farmland in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) or even take from civic or regional parks to settle future treaties. Unlike the ALR land turned over for the Tsawwassen Treaty, the vacant parcel in Surrey, near the northwest corner of 152 Street and Highway 10, is zoned for commercial/multifamily residential and surrounded by existing homes and businesses. The Katzie First Nation, based in Pitt Meadows, has signalled its interSee KATZIE / Page 3

Handing it to bullying Delta and Surrey students mark Anti-Bullying Day by making pledges by Sheila Reynolds

resolve and ultimately eliminate bullying in society. All Surrey schools have also been provided with pink wristbands printed with “See SomeTHOUSANDS OF STUDENTS in Delta and Surrey are taking a pledge thing, Say Something.” tomorrow. The student pledges mark Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day, an annual Some will dip their hands in paint, while others will pen their names campaign that began four years ago. It was inspired when two students on posters. But it’ll all be for the same purpose: to help eliminate bulin Nova Scotia witnessed a younger student being bullied for wearing lying. pink to school. They went out and bought dozens of pink In Delta, teens at the seven high schools will demonshirts and encouraged all their classmates to wear pink the strate their promise by painting their palms pink and next day to send a message to the bullies as well as show stamping them on large, dove-shaped murals that will their support to the harassed boy. remain on school walls as an ongoing reminder to treat Since then, the movement has spread across Canada one another with respect and kindness. Spearheaded by and now, on the last Wednesday in February each year, members of the Delta Police Youth Advisory Committee, schools and individuals and businesses take a day to don the initiative targets not only bullying, but all forms of their rosiest hues to show they’re against bullying – be it in Yogita Sharma schools, in the workplace, in the grocery store or at home. relationship violence. The dove shapes symbolize peace and love and also represents the D.O.V.E. (Delta Opposes Tomorrow (Wednesday) in Grade 10 classrooms at Violence Everywhere) community committee. Surrey’s Enver Creek Secondary, student members of the Students at all Surrey schools will be adding their signatures to large Stand-Up People (SUP) Action Team will be sharing stories and talking anti-bullying posters (designed by student Kayla Wold and featuring See BULLYING / Page 5 the words “you are not alone”) to vow to help recognize, prevent,

“Emotional scars will always stay.”

Editorial 6 Letters 7 Sports 20 Life 23 Classifieds 27

2 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 3

Katzie: In talks with province From page 1 est in the Surrey property, which had once been considered a possible hospital site. “We have written a letter requesting consultation but there has been no formal consultation,” Katzie chief negotiator Debbie Miller said. “There are very few urban Crown land parcels within any area of Katzie traditional territory.” The Katzie are negotiating an agreement-inprinciple and are in talks with the province over what lands would become Katzie treaty land. The traditional territory over which the Katzie claim aboriginal rights and title covers all of Surrey, White Rock, Delta and Pitt Meadows, as well as much of Maple Ridge, Langley, Port Coquitlam and the entire Pitt River watershed. Tsawwassen First Nation Chief Kim Baird said bands in treaty talks typically oppose the sale of nearby Crown land to keep their acquisition options open. She said the fact urban Crown land is so rare means First Nations pursuing treaties may well look at more distant land. A government spokesperson said First Nations would be consulted ahead of any Crown land sales, which won’t begin until 2013 and won’t include land offered in treaty talks. More than $700 million is to be raised by selling more than 100 surplus properties, but the province won’t disclose where they are or how many are in the Lower Mainland. Metro Vancouver aboriginal affairs committee vice-chair Ralph Drew predicts that if the province does proceed, the Katzie might have an option to buy the Crown land in Surrey at market value ahead of anyone else. “It’s a prime economic development opportunity, I would think, given its location,” said Drew, the mayor of Belcarra. If the Katzie bought it, Drew said, the band could – even without a treaty – convert it into an Indian Reserve with taxRalph Drew free status and exploit new federal rules that provide much more scope for commercial and industrial development of reserves. Surrey would have no control over what is built there because it would no longer be part of the city and the Official Community Plan would not apply. Nor would the city receive property tax on the development. The band would levy taxes on building tenants but how much it remits to the city would depend on what kind of servicing agreement is negotiated, if any. Converting newly acquired land to a reserve is allowed through the federal government’s relatively new additions-to-reserve policy. The spectre of instant Indian Reserves popping up in the midst of local cities is not just a theoretical possibility. Drew said the TsleilWaututh band, for example, has made clear it intends to convert any land it buys in North Vancouver to reserve status. The Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) has argued the federal additions-to-reserve policy should be revised so acquired land can be converted only if it is contiguous to an existing reserve. “There’s got to be some common sense rules here that don’t create a patchwork quilt of jurisdiction,” Drew said. LMTAC has also sought reform to ensure cities are fairly compensated for any impacts and that First Nations can’t undercut their tax rates. It also argues bands shouldn’t be allowed to use newly created reserves to build condos for market housing. Drew said cities like Surrey and Burnaby have largely ignored the issue because they have no reserves, but added they should pay more attention. jnagel@surreyleader.com


SFU Mechatronics Systems Engineering student Kevin Young works on the Team Guardian unmanned aerial vehicle during a demonstration at the Surrey campus earlier this year. The plane, equipped with cameras to help locate ground targets from the air, will be on display at this week’s open house at SFU Surrey to celebrate the campus’s first decade.

SFU Surrey turns 10 University campus marks a decade of growth and community involvement And often SFU researchers work with local businesses to test and showcase their studies. IT MAY once have been considered a “satellite” campus – merely a The Surrey campus has grown alongside Surrey’s City Centre, branch of Simon Fraser University’s main Burnaby and Vancouver and has been embraced as an important part of the area’s redecampuses – but that’s simply no longer the case at SFU Surrey. velopment, says Joanne Curry, SFU Surrey’s executive director While the local campus opened in a relatively small space in who has directed the campus since day one. North Surrey with just over 550 students, much has happened in “I’ve seen many changes in the neighbourhood, including a the past decade. completely leased office tower, new residential con“Surrey is such an important and significant part struction, and a new city library,” Curry says. “What of our university and frankly, looking to the future, is unchanged is the excitement and support of the Surrey will likely be the place where we’ll see the most community. We truly feel a part of the fabric of Sursignificant growth,” says Andrew Petter, SFU presirey and the South Fraser.” dent. “It’s no longer a satellite.” Petter takes great pride in the university’s integraSurrey SFU is marking its 10th anniversary with an tion into the neighbourhood. open house this week, inviting the community to tour “A lot of universities do things for the commuthe facility and see the type of education and innovanity,” he says. “But I like to think SFU does things tive research that is taking place. with the community.” If they haven’t visited in awhile, says Petter, they What does the SFU Surrey’s future hold? might be in for a bit of a surprise. “The campus is bursting at the seams,” Petter It was 2002 when the local campus, nestled in a admits, noting that while the recent provincial corner of Central City Shopping Centre (then Surrey budget doesn’t reflect the demand for more postPlace Mall), opened. TechBC (the Technical Universecondary space, SFU is “ready and anxious to get sity of B.C.) was closed by the provincial government going” as soon as B.C.’s financial picture brightens. and its students and facilities were transferred to SFU. SFU Surrey’s open house takes place March 1, While there were only about 565 students enrolled 4-8 p.m., featuring an array of interactive exhibits, at the time, there are now approximately 6,000 fulllive music and displays. Presentations and activities and part-time students. will include a simulation of the ocean’s power, made Programs run out of the Surrey campus include arts possible by the Ocean Turbine Emulator created and social sciences, business administration, health by mechatronics students, who will also show off sciences, the School of Interactive Arts & Technology their unmanned aerial vehicles. There will even (SIAT), and many more. The campus is also home to be painted maggots – an activity by SFU forensic extensive research with facilities such as the Internaentomologist Gail Anderson, who studies insects for tional Centre for Cybercrime Research, a Virtual Pain their value as evidence in death investigations – in Lab and new Mechatronics Systems Engineering labs. which the bugs are will be dipped in non-toxic paint In 2006, the campus had a re-opening after movand let loose on white paper to create a masterpiece. ing from its mall locale into the award-winning Bing For a full schedule of events, check http://www. Thom-designed tower at Central City. SFU now occuAndrew Petter surrey.sfu.ca/openhouse pies about 350,000 square feet there, which includes lecture theatres, a library, multi-purpose teaching SFU Surrey fast facts: spaces, as well as a new wing of classrooms and labs that opened last fall. • 2002 - 565 students Petter refers to the Surrey campus as the perfect example of an • 2012 - 6,000 students “engaged university,” one that is fully immersed within the com• 2002 - 74,000 square feet on two levels of shopping centre munity. For example, there are partnerships with the public edu• 2012 - 350,000 square feet cation system that welcome elementary and high school students. sreynolds@surreyleader.com The new City Centre Library has space set aside for SFU courses. by Sheila Reynolds

“A lot of universities do things for the community. But I like to think SFU does things with the community.”

4 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 5

Man shot dead in Whalley 31-year-old killed Sunday in his home by Kevin Diakiw A MAN WAS shot and killed in his North Surrey

residence on the weekend. Just before 10 p.m. on Sunday, police responded to calls of shots fired in the 14000 block of Grosvener Road in Surrey. Police arrived with ambulance attendants, who found a 31-year-old man bleeding and unresponsive in his home. He died at the scene.

On Monday, the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) along with Surrey RCMP were canvassing the neighbourhood for any witnesses. Police are describing the investigation as in the very early stages and are not releasing a name until the man’s family has been notified. If anyone has information regarding this homicide, they are asked to please contact the IHIT tipline by calling 1-877-551-4448 (IHIT) or to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-8477 or visit their website at Solvecrime.ca

Bullying: Student-led talks effective From page 1 about things like peer pressure, inappropriate language and being “active witnesses.” Grade 11 student Joanne Yoon has been with SUP since Grade 8. “I’m Asian, so I’m different,” Yoon says of her initial desire to be part of the group. “Even though I’m different I feel I’m still welcomed in this country and in this school. I wanted to share that feeling ... that everyone should feel they’re at home at school and outside school.” Yogita Sharma, a Grade 12 student, says the group has focussed on verbal bullying, which can often be more pervasive and hurtful than physical violence. “Emotional scars will always stay,” Sharma says. Nelson Hoang, 18, agrees.

“Your words are the most powerful tool, but it can work both ways. They can be used both to hurt someone or in preventing someone from getting hurt.” They are convinced the impact of SUP’s message is more powerful because it’s delivered to students by students. And they believe the respectful and welcoming tone at their high school is evidence that what SUP is doing is making a difference. “When you step into Enver Creek, you feel at home. Everyone is so friendly and together – it’s a really nice place to be,” says Sharma, who encourages other schools to take a similar, studentled approach stop bullying. Since early February, students in kindergarten through Grade 5 were invited to share stories, videos and art on Surrey’s antibullying website (www.psst-bc.ca)

for a contest, the winner of which will be announced Wednesday. An anti-bullying video acting/singing contest for students in Grade 6 and up is still open (also at psst-bc. ca) until March 2.

50% of Canadians bullied According to a national survey released last week, half of all Canadian adults report being bullied when they were children or teens. Commissioned by Big Brothers and Sisters of Canada, the Harris/ Decima survey revealed that of those who reported being bullied, nearly a third felt the abuse they suffered caused lasting harm. Ninety-seven per cent of British Columbians said people have a responsibility to take action to stop bullies, while 91 per cent thought action to reduce bullying strengthens communities over time.


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6 Surrey/North Delta Leader

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Published and printed by Black Press Ltd. at 5450 152 St., Surrey, B.C.



Losing the room?


here is a deadly moment in sports that occurs when someone is said to have “lost the room.” A coach will be trying to fire up a team to win with a locker-room speech, only to realize the players are tuning him out. They simply don’t care. Losing the room, experts say, is a consequence of losing trust. People stop believing what the coach or manager is saying. Then, they stop believing in the person. And finally, they stop listening. When that happens, there isn’t much a leader can do to win their audience back. But premier Christy Clark is giving it a shot. Having inherited a troubled, controversy-racked party that is down in the polls, she needs to fire up supporters if she’s going to win the next election. That means finding a way to rally Liberal backers, and what better way to wind up the troops than a restraint-minded provincial budget? Unfortunately for the Liberals, even their most die-hard supporters seem unable to muster more than a tepid message of support. “I think the budget is good in terms of an economic vision for the province,” said Mary Jane Stenberg, president of the Surrey Board of Trade. But she also criticized cuts to advanced education. Gary Hollick, president of the South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce, said local businesses were not especially enthusiastic supporters of the budget. He used the word “lackluster” to describe it, and though he added that was preferable to a “flamboyant” approach that would boost government spending and debt at a potential risk to the province’s credit rating, the lack of enthusiasm was apparent. The Surrey Board of Trade’s overall rating for the budget? A mundane C+. Not quite a yay-team moment. Even worse from a Liberal standpoint, there has been a decided lack of heat from the usual critics, with the opposition NDP’s Bruce Ralston adopting more of a scoffing, eyes-rolled-to-the-ceiling tone in his comments than the indignant outrage usually reserved for such moments. When both your supporters and your opponents are barely paying you attention, you’re in a lot of trouble. Coaches in that position usually end up fired. – Black Press


Taxing times for B.C. government



The Surrey/North Delta Leader is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

corporate income tax from 10 to 11 per cent, Some other hot topics in the budget: but not until 2014. • Selling assets. The big one here is B.C.’s Business experts applauded the hard line on liquor wholesaling monopoly, run out of spending, noting the contrast with Alberta’s warehouses in Kamloops and Vancouver. big spending and Ontario’s big Falcon insists the private sector spending hangover. does this kind of work more NDP finance critic Bruce efficiently, and union contracts Ralston says Falcon’s two-per-cent will be protected in a bidding spending target is “unrealistic,” process. The NDP argues that and the whole program is motiselling off a monopoly puts vated mostly by two by-elections this government cash cow at risk, and points to private retail this year and a general election stores with higher prices and next year. He said the proposal to lower wages. raise general business taxes is a repeat of his effort to save the HST, The proposed sale of 100 surplus Crown properties has and it won’t happen if the B.C. Tom Fletcher raised cries of “selling the silverLiberals win in 2013. ware to buy groceries.” But land B.C. Conservative leader John sales are nothing new for governments, and Cummins made the bizarre claim that it’s an NDP-style “tax and spend” budget, and Falcon prefers that to raising taxes. • Carbon tax. The last scheduled increase inaccurately accused Falcon of raising taxes goes ahead in July, adding another penny on on small business. He also joined the NDP a litre of gasoline, followed by a freeze and chorus of outrage over ICBC, BC Hydro and medical premium increases. review of the whole climate program. Ralston

CONTACT US Newsroom email: newsroom@ surreyleader.com Phone: 604-575-2744 604-575-2544 fax



efore this week’s budget debate is drowned out by the shouting over the teachers’ dispute, here’s a look at the main points and the arguments unfolding around them. The setting for Finance Minister Kevin Falcon’s first budget is what he dreaded when Premier Christy Clark handed him the job. Recovery is painfully slow, with mining and petroleum growing and forest products struggling to hold and build on gains made in Asia. This and the $3 billion dismantling of the harmonized sales tax moved Falcon to limit overall spending growth to an average of two per cent for the next three years. That means little or no increase to all areas except health care, education and social assistance. Despite holding the line on public service pay and not replacing 2,000 positions over the next three years, Clark and Falcon had to postpone the elimination of the 2.5-percent small business income tax to get to a balanced budget by 2013. And Falcon has again dangled the prospect of raising general

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says the climate plan is “in tatters,” along with dozens of other policy areas that are also under review after 11 years of B.C. Liberal rule. NDP leader Adrian Dix vows to keep the carbon tax and its offsetting personal income tax cuts, direct carbon tax revenues to transit and rural energy-saving retrofits, and hike the general corporate tax rate from 10 to 12 per cent to pay for it. • HST. Asked what he would have done as finance minister, Ralston suggested getting rid of the HST sooner. Dix continues to misrepresent the HST as solely a transfer to big business, ignoring the small and mediumsized businesses that have a year left to take advantage of input tax credits. Simon Fraser University economist Jon Kesselman has estimated that poor people will be worse off when the HST ends, while the rest of us will see a very small net benefit. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com


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EDITOR Paula Carlson



Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Surrey/North Delta Leader 7

Government puts education system at risk Donate SO I’M NOT a teacher, but a friend of teachers.

I believe the education system we have here in B.C. is at risk. It’s time to stand up for public education in B.C. The B.C. government is systematically looking to dismantle and undermine the system we have and provide incentives for further privatization of education. Do we want the public system to be the poor system? B.C.’s society for the future is shaped through the B.C. education system. Everything from crime to careers is affected in some way by the child’s relationship and learning from B.C. teachers. Those most at

risk will fall further as cuts are continuing to be made. Breaking down the professional autonomy of the teaching profession jeopardizes our public education in B.C. The plan the BC government has was a nice advert for TELUS and they will force their agenda through mandating government professional development (developed by whom) and manage bodies through adding paraprofessional supports instead of quality educators. People think that teachers shouldn’t have the right to collectively bargain for wages or working conditions. Here’s an idea. Set out

the pay rates of all B.C. public employees and tie it to the pay of the politicians. They give themselves an increase they will see an increase provincewide. Maybe if that had been the case over the last 10 years there would’ve been a little more conservative increases for politicians. Working conditions equals students learning conditions. I believe in our BC public teachers and what they are doing for our children and contributing to our society. Rachel Henderson

Couple, now engaged, overwhelmed by community’s generosity and support I AM writing on behalf of Paul Thomson and Carla Hen-

derson. They would like to express their gratitude and appreciation to Evan Seal for writing such a heartfelt and touching story about them on Feb. 14 (“We don’t need luck. We’ve got each other.”). The article is a wonderful keepsake of their very special day. On the evening of Feb. 14, Paul asked Carla to marry him at the Semiahmoo House Society’s Acquired Brain Injury Program in Newton. Paul and Carla became engaged in front of family, friends and their support network. Carla happily accepted Paul’s proposal, and there was not a dry eye in the room as everyone watched Paul slip the ring on Carla’s finger. José Latchinian and Debora Dent of José & Co. Custom Jewellers were also present, as they delivered two chocolate hearts and a ring that was custom-made for Carla by José. The ring fit Carla perfectly and looks absolutely beautiful. The certificate of appraisal for the ring states it is appraised at $1,600. Paul says “José is an angel,” and gave José $310 and a bottle of wine in appreciation of his generous donation. The was money raised by friends and Paul’s support network. Paul and Carla have expressed how grateful they both are for the support and generosity that everyone has shown them. They often say “we still can’t believe it.” The generosity continued after the article appeared in The Leader on Valentine’s Day. On Feb. 15 a White Rock resident donated a beautiful wedding dress to Carla after reading their story. It will fit her perfectly. We have received numerous messages that this was such a wonderful story to read.

On Feb. 14, at the Semiahmoo House Society’s Acquired Brain Injury Program, Paul Thomson asked Carla Henderson to marry him. She said yes. FILE PHOTO THE LEADER

Sylvia Hoeree, Program Coordinator Semiahmoo House Society On behalf of Paul Thomson and Carla Henderson

Privatizing liquor sales an election issue IT SEEMS the Gordon Campbell

agenda of privatizing all profits and socializing costs is not a thing of the past, it would seem privatize at any cost is still alive and well in BC. The Clark government obviously hasn’t learned any lessons on how to properly govern a democratic province and are once again about to make major changes to B.C. without a proper mandate from the voters of B.C. The tens of millions of liquor board profits that usually go to social programs, etc. will instead go into the sweet smelling pockets of a chosen few fat cats.

You might ask who is going to make up all that money when liquor profits are privatized (any guesses) let’s us not forget, private businesses pay minimal taxes in B.C. The harsh reality is that yet more workers will lose half their income and drop unceremoniously out of the middle class and the taxes from their reduced incomes will drop drastically also. This money shall be made up one of three ways, first it will be taken from other cash cows such as ICBC or BC Hydro and guess who is going to pay more for these services as a result.

Don’t forget, the Liberals already siphoned off a billion dollars from ICBC last year to pay for their financial ineptitude, not counting all the extra taxes they got from the HST. The second way will be to simply raise your income taxes. The third way these shortfalls will be dealt with is simply by cutting social or other programs these profits go to support, period. If you think that liquor will be cheaper when it is privatized better think again, the fact is that private liquor stores already pay 16 per cent less for their liquor than government liquor stores

do and they pay their employes about one-half what government liquor store employees earn. That is why that tip jar is on the counter because like all minimum wage jobs you the customer are expected to supplement their income, and I have yet to see anything cheaper in a private liquor store. This like the HST is definitely an election issue and if the government insists on doing it an election should be called to get a proper mandate from the people of BC. Wayne Clark Maple Ridge

your extra day’s pay

LEAP YEAR offers Feb. 29 to us all

as an extra day’s time and income every four years. Given the needs of society and our natural world we’d like to encourage folk to consider giving just one of their extra 24 hours, in time or salary. Sometime over this leap year then, when it best fits your convenience or pocketbook, why not contribute a little something of yourself to the community or charitable organization of your choice. If we all give just a little, especially such a small part of this free day the world has given so generously to us, then we’re going to add up to making a big difference in our communities and society. And businesses might want to similarly ponder how they might give a little extra as well. Happy Leap Year, everyone. Jackie Moad and Laurie Gourlay Nanaimo

Drunk with power THE DECISION by B.C. Liberals

to completely privatize liquor distribution demonstrates once again that this government values commercial interests above public health concerns. Six years after a rash of new private liquor stores were authorized by the government in 2002, the provincial health officer reported higher alcohol consumption and binge drinking among youth across B.C. When the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch totally disappears, its profits (currently projected at over $900 million per year) will then accrue to the private sector, alcohol will be more widely available and more aggressively marketed, and the increased social costs of alcohol abuse will fall to the public health system. Privatize the profits and socialize the costs – this is the enduring legacy of the B.C. Libs. Larry Kazdan, Vancouver

Write to us

newsroom@ surreyleader.com Letters to the editor must identify writers by proper name, and provide address and phone numbers for verification. The Leader reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality.

8 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012

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Erin Cebula, BC Children’s Hospital Spokesperson

Whooping cough outbreak prompts region-wide vaccine push Fraser Health moves to combat spread of pertussis by Jeff Nagel A SPREADING outbreak of whooping cough has prompted Fraser Health to extend its vaccination campaign across the region. More than 150 people are believed to have contracted pertussis, a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes adults to cough for months and can be deadly to babies. Medical health officer Dr. Elizabeth Brodkin said efforts to combat the illness had focused on Chilliwack and Hope – where the outbreak began – but said the vaccine is now being made available to doctors and pharmacists across the region. “More and more we are seeing cases outside of Fraser East,” she said. Whooping cough cases are appearing in Burnaby, New Westminster, Langley and Maple Ridge, Brodkin said. “We didn’t want to wait until we were seeing huge numbers of cases and a very aggressive spread,” she added. “We saw enough cases we became concerned and decided it was time to act.” Adults and youth in contact with young children who have not had the pertussis vaccine in the last five years are urged to get vaccinated. The goal is to immunize adults – for whom pertussis is more of an

irritant – so they don’t act as carriers infecting infants, who are most at risk and are hospitalized in more than half of cases. Three children have already been hospitalized due to the outbreak, including one two-weekold baby that ended up in intensive care for five weeks. All three have recovered. “It’s a nasty infection and even deadly in young infants,” Brodkin said. Three-quarters of infants infected get it from parents or close family members. California had a huge outbreak in 2009 that claimed the lives of 10 children, five more died in Saskatchewan in 2010 and two more children died last year just across the border in Washington State, where authorities are still battling an outbreak. The vaccine lasts only about five years so many people who received it in the past are no longer protected. Early symptoms of pertussis are similar to a cold, but often worsening to severe coughing that sounds like a whoop or crowing sound as the patient breathes in. Symptoms develop seven to 14 days after infection. For more information and a list of pharmacies that perform immunizations, see www. fraserhealth.ca/whoopingcough

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 9

Surrey resident among 5 more charged in riot 57 people now face formal charges Black Press A 19-YEAR-OLD Surrey woman is among five more suspected Stanley Cup rioters charged Thursday, according to the Integrated Riot Investigation Team. Ariel Elizabeth Harrison is charged with participating in a riot and mischief. Crown has now formally charged 57 rioters with 153 criminal offences in connection to violence and mayhem that broke out last June in downtown Vancouver following the Vancouver Canucks’ Game 7 loss in the Stanley Cup finals.

Vancouver Police have recommended charges be laid against about 70 more people, but those have yet to be approved by prosecutors. The other charges approved Thursday were: Andrew Glenn Cuthbert, 20, from Maple Ridge, who is charged with arson, two counts of mischief and participating in a riot; Christian John Dougherty, 19, of Prince George, charged with rioting and mischief; Fernando Bernabe, 20, of Burnaby, charged with rioting and two counts of mischief; and Richmond’s Roneil Kumar, 26, charged with participating in a riot and

mischief. Coquitlam’s Ryan Dickinson, 20, is the only rioter sentenced so far. He pleaded guilty to participating in a riot after he helped destroy two unmarked police cars and was caught on surveillance cameras throwing a mannequin and newspaper box through a store window. He was sentenced to 17 months in jail last week. The provincial government had sought to have the trials of riot suspects televised, but backed away from that plan after a judge rejected having Dickinson’s sentencing broadcast last week.

Surrey man arrested after driver choked, passenger stabbed A 19-YEAR-OLD Surrey man is facing charges in connection with the attempted strangulation of a bus driver, and the stabbing of a passenger. Langley RCMP spokesman Cpl. Holly Marks said the man was arrested shortly after midnight Thursday (Feb. 23) at his Surrey home. He did not resist arrest. Police from Langley, Surrey and the Lower Mainland Emergency Response Team took part in the apprehension. The arrest was made possible after a Langley Mountie recognized the man from surveillance footage provided by TransLink. The suspect is known to police, Marks said. The man is believed to be the same person who attempted to strangle a Coast Mountain Bus driver in Surrey on Saturday morning, Feb. 18.

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The stabbing occurred at around 5 p.m. near Aldergrove Centre Mall. The victim was airlifted to hospital but was expected to be released within a day or two. The incident in Surrey occurred at King George Boulevard near 76 Avenue on a southbound 321 bus heading from Surrey Central station to White Rock. The driver had asked a young man to move down the bus as he was standing too close to the windshield. According to Gavin Davies, vice-president of Local 111 of the Canadian Auto Workers union, the young man complied without objection, but at a later stop grabbed the driver “with both hands around the throat and started choking him.” Davies said that the driver was not physically injured but assaults of this nature can inflict mental trauma.


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Property Description:

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The Surrey Fire Fighters AAre ree se seeking eek eking k volunteers to assist in the operation of our Thrift Store. If you would like to join a team of people dedicated to helping their community in a fun and robust working environment we want you! A unique partnership with the Surrey Hospice Society ensures all net income of the store is used to benefit the people of Surrey. Donations of items in good condition can be dropped off at the store or placed in a collection bin located at most fire halls in Surrey. Drop by and visit us Monday thru Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. We are located at the corner of 72 Ave. and King George Hwy. beside the Newton Wave Pool.

Further information can be obtained from the City of Surrey, Realty Services Division, Engineering Department, 14245 - 56 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3X 3A2. Phone (604) 598-5718.

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CARRIERS NEEDED 604-575-5342 for more information. in Surrey, North Delta & Cloverdale


We are looking for volunteers to assist with sorting items.

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10 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Attend a public information session Common natural gas rates for all FortisBC customers FortisBC has applied to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) to offer common natural gas rates to customers across B.C. Learn how this will impact rates in your region and how we will be able to extend service offerings and programs such as renewable natural gas and Customer Choice to all natural gas customers. This is an opportunity for you to provide feedback, which will be shared with the BCUC as part of the review process. Surrey Central Library 10350 University Drive, Surrey Date: March 5, 2012 Time: 6 p.m.-8 p.m.

Gym rises from the ashes Business burned out is opening again LEADER FILE PHOTO

by Kevin Diakiw

Learn more and RSVP by visiting fortisbc.com/commonrates. RSVP is not required to attend.

“THE GYM is on fire,”

FortisBC Energy Inc., FortisBC Energy (Vancouver Island) Inc., FortisBC Energy (Whistler) Inc., and FortisBC Inc. do business as FortisBC. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-026.8 02/2012)

said the voice on the end of the phone at 6:30 on a Thursday morning. Vincent Jauncey, owner and instructor at World Kickboxing Xtreme, at 8318 120 St.,

A Feb. 2 fire on Scott Road in Surrey devastated several businesses, including World Kickboxing Xtreme. first thought it was a prank call. “I was a bit shocked, I thought ‘maybe they’re joking’,” Jauncey recalls. He hustled down to the gym anyway and

discovered that four hours after the Feb. 2 fire began, crews were still battling an intense blaze. Because of a protective wall between the main fire and the gym, the


An Invitation To A Public Open House You are invited to a public Open House to provide input on the second phase of a feasibility study for the development of a Sports, Arts, Culture and Harmony Centre in Newton. The centre would provide facility space available to the entire community including multi-purpose rooms, culture and heritage interpretation display areas, gymnasiums, fitness rooms, a restaurant and day care. Staff and consultants will be on hand to receive community feedback. The first phase of the feasibility study researched a proposal to develop a community centre on lands at Princess Margaret Park. A public Open House was held in November 2011 to present this proposal to the community. Since that Open House, Council has directed staff to investigate other possible sites for the centre. Staff and consultants have researched two other possible sites at Unwin Park and on City owned lands in Newton Town Centre. Plans and information for the feasibility of the three locations will be on display at the Open House. Date and Location 6:00 – 8:00pm Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 Cedar Building -- Conference Room Kwantlen Polytechnic University 12666 72nd Avenue Newton, Surrey The City of Surrey invites you to visit the Open House to provide feedback to identify community needs and issues on the development of the centre. If you have any questions, please call 604-501-5050 or email parksrecculture@surrey.ca


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damage, about $15,000 worth, was mostly from water. But Jauncey lost mats, fighters’ gloves, a lot of the training gear, and some treadmills (a few are beginning to work again). Because his insurance lapsed two weeks before, Jauncey is on the hook for the replacements. However, his biggest worry was finding a new place for his kickboxing clients to train. A Feb. 17 competition was coming up fast, so Jauncey needed a new spot quickly. “It didn’t hit me until evening what had happened, then I thought, ‘oh, no, this isn’t good’,” Jauncey said. He hit the street looking for a new training facility, but couldn’t find anything in his price range. Then he started to get phone calls. Lots of them, from people offering places to train. The first came from Jimie Griffiths who runs Team Bad Boy Outreach in Whalley, a gym for troubled youth. “He was the first one (to call),” Jauncey said. “I know him really well.” The fighters were able to train there for the upcoming match, and as it turns out, they all won. On March 5, Jauncey will open his new gym at 12682 82 Ave. “We’re just painting it at the moment. Everyone’s been volunteering, helping out,” Jauncey said. “It will be really good, and literally, just five minutes from where we were before.” A benefit at The Wheelhouse Pub, at 12867 96 Ave., will be held on March 3 to help with Jauncey’s damages and start-up costs. kdiakiw@surreyleader.com

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 11

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12 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012


February Celebration!

Attempt at escape all wet Delta man jumps into creek to try to avoid police by Kevin Diakiw

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A DELTA man evading the Vancouver police jumped into False Creek to avoid capture, police are reporting. The dunk into the drink took place Wednesday night after a strange string of events in Vancouver. At about 5:30 p.m., Vancouver police responded to a call of a suspected shoplifter at Whole Foods in the 800 block of West 8 Avenue. The suspected thief got away after a struggle with the store’s loss prevention officer, however, the groceries were recovered.

Less than two hours later, when the loss prevention officer (LPO) was on his way home after the shift, the alleged thief approached him asking for his keys he lost in the earlier scuffle. The LPO said he had the keys back at the store and the man joined him in the walk back to Whole Foods. There, the LPO quietly called the police, letting them know the suspect was back. As soon as the man saw police, he fled. The suspect ran into an apartment complex, and was followed by a police officer. The suspect punched the officer in the face and took off.

He ran west down 6 Avenue, through a growth of blackberry bushes, across train tracks, over a fence, past the SkyTrain station and toward False Creek. The suspect sprinted into the creek and swam toward a marina, where he disappeared between some moored boats. The Vancouver K9 squad eventually found the suspect dripping wet on the dock. An ambulance was called in case the man was hypothermic. He faces numerous charges, including theft, assault, assaulting a peace officer, and escaping lawful custody.


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chosen will give you a good idea of how you should dress for the event. Remember that the later the hour of the ceremony, the more formal the attire usually is. Even for a black-tie and gown reception, leave your long, sequined dresses and plunging necklines at home. It would be in poor taste to upstage the bride. Similarly, women guests should never wear white at any time during the wedding day; this colour is reserved for the bride. A general rule for male guests is to wear a suit and tie and avoid the colour brown. If the invitation mentions that children are not invited, the wishes of the bride and groom must be respected. Only the people whose names appear on the invitation envelope are counted for the guest list. And if your partner cannot attend, you should never invite a friend to accompany you without consulting with the couple first. Finally, any self-respecting guest brings a wedding gift. If the bride and groom have organized a wedding registry, you don’t necessarily have to comply with it. You could offer a gift of cash money or any other inspired gesture. It is fine to bring the gift to the reception, but even better is to send it to the bride and groom or to the matron of honour in advance of the wedding.



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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 13

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14 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012



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Province to pull $500M out of ICBC Flow of profits to Victoria continues as rates set to rise by Jeff Nagel ICBC EXPECTS to shovel nearly half-a-billion dollars in profits into provincial government coffers over the next three years, according to budget documents. Although the public auto insurer intends to raise basic insurance rates 11 per cent, its service plan shows it will also turn over $181 million in profits to the government in 2012, $165 million in 2013 and $151 million in 2014. That money – $497 million – is considered excess to ICBC’s capital requirements on the optional insurance side of its business and therefore unrelated to the need to jack basic rates to keep pace with rising claim costs. Add in transfers in 2010 and 2011 and the province will have taken nearly $1.2 billion out of ICBC by 2014. Critics argue the money should be returned to ratepayers. “They’ve created pools of money that they can

extract at will,” said Bruce Cran, president of the Consumers Association of Canada. “It was never meant to be this way.” The planned increase on basic rates would be partly offset by a premium cut on optional insurance, resulting in a net increase of $27 a year for a typical customer. B.C. Conservative leader John Cummins called the hike a “stealth tax” on motorists in light of the flow of profits to Victoria. Jordan Bateman, B.C. director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, said it’s unfair taxpayers in general benefit from ICBC charging ratepayers too much. Bateman said he would prefer to see more competition for car insurance, provided it is regulated. Bateman said the province is also relying too heavily on the cash it takes from B.C. Hydro and from gambling profits of the B.C. Lottery Corp. “The government has not been able to wean itself off of these Crown corporation revenues,” he said.




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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 15


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16 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 17

Budget goodies aim to boost building, renos by Tom Fletcher

that allow seniors to remain in their homes. FINANCE MINISTER Kevin Falcon B.C. Federation of Labour president found money in his restraint budget last Jim Sinclair blasted the housing bonus, Tuesday to boost home building and which he said goes mainly to wealthy renovations. people who can afford new homes, First-time buyers are eligible for up while government services for seniors, to $10,000, but only if they buy forestry and other needs can’t a new home. That follows a keep up. Harmonized Sales Tax break “Right now we have the announced last week, which smallest public sector in the raises the threshold for an country, so obviously we’re HST rebate on new homes struggling to meet those serfrom $525,000 to $850,000. vices,â€? Sinclair said. The HST rebate was also “The message of this budget extended to the purchase of is, if you’re the one per cent, new vacation homes, offered we’re going to take care of you, Kevin Falcon until the HST reverts to the we’re going to make sure you’re old provincial sales tax in well off. And by the way, if you March, 2013. want to buy your second vacation home Falcon also announced a new seniors’ in Whistler, we’re going to give you a home renovation tax credit offers up to tax deduction for that up to 10 grand.â€? $1,000 for upgrades and modifications tetcher@blackpress.ca


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Parcel Tax Roll NoĆ&#x;ce is hereby given that the 2012 Parcel Tax Roll for Delta is available for inspecĆ&#x;on at the Municipal Hall during regular oĸce hours. The following local area service projects are included on the 2012 parcel tax roll: Bylaw 5651 Bylaw 5772 Bylaw 5800 Bylaw 5846 Bylaws 6001/6002/6003 Bylaw 6021 Bylaw 6298 Bylaw 6394

90 Avenue & 116 Street Road Improvements Dawn Drive Storm Sewer Gilchrist Drive Road Improvements Beach Grove Road Improvements 75A Avenue Road Improvements 118 Street Road Improvements 111B Street & Fuller Crescent North Lyon Road Improvements

A person who owns a parcel included on the 2012 parcel tax roll may request that the roll be amended with respect to an error or omission in the name or address of an owner, the inclusion of a parcel, the taxable area or taxable frontage of a parcel, or the improper allowance or disallowance of an exempĆ&#x;on, but only in relaĆ&#x;on to the person’s own property. Complaints must be received in wriĆ&#x;ng by 4:45 pm, Monday, March 12, 2012.


For more informaĆ&#x;on, please call the TaxaĆ&#x;on Oĸce at 604-946-3235. The Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta BC V4K 3E2 www.corp.delta.bc.ca



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18 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 19


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Participate and help make Delta a better place!

Interested in participating in your local government? A number of opportunities exist to serve on an advisory committee at Delta to collaborate and provide advice to Council on various issues affecting our community. Mayor Lois E. Jackson and Council are seeking volunteers for the following committees:

Agricultural Advisory Committee Are you interested in farming initiatives and issues related to agriculture and irrigation in Delta? Meets at the call of the Chair

Environment Advisory Committee Concerned about the environment and want to get involved in planning policies and green initiatives to address climate change? Meets monthly (2nd Thursday at 7:00 pm)

Heritage Advisory Commission Help promote the preservation and celebration of heritage in Delta. Participate in the review and discussion of policies and development issues related to history and heritage conservation. Meets monthly

Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission Have an eye for recreation, arts and culture programs? Want to collaborate on projects and services related to parks, sports fields, recreation infrastructure and civic buildings in Delta? Meets monthly (3rd Thursday at 7:00 pm) or at the call of the Chair

Seniors Advisory Committee Are you interested in addressing issues related to seniors and services available to this growing demographic in our community? Meets at the call of the Chair If you are interested in being appointed to one of the above advisory committees or commissions for a one-year term, please submit a brief resumé and covering letter indicating your areas of interest, why you would like to serve, and any relevant knowledge and experience you may have. Application deadline is March 7, 2012

The CorporaƟon of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2 (604) 946-4141 www.corp.delta.bc.ca


Please forward submissions to: The Office of the Municipal Clerk - Delta Municipal Hall 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, B.C. V4K 3E2

20 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Looking for a Seniors’ Residence? “If you are looking for a seniors’ residence for yourself or a family member, you need to talk to us. We believe that we offer the most well planned, safest and most enjoyable assisted living/supportive housing environment in Western Canada. Make an appointment today for a personal tour with one of the owners and find out why we believe that you need to see one of our residences.”

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punched their ticket to the BC Hockey League playoffs on the weekend, after wins over the Nanaimo Clippers and Alberni Valley Bulldogs officially clinched their post-season berth, while also tightening their tenuous hold on first place in the Coastal Conference. On Friday at South Surrey Arena, the Eagles’ offence led the home team to a 6-3 win over the visiting Clippers, and Saturday edged the visiting Bulldogs 4-3, giving Surrey 77 points.

They are three up on the Powell River Kings, who had only trailed by a single point before weekend action, and four ahead of the Cowichan Valley Capitals. The Eagles have a 34-11-2-7 (won-losstied-overtime loss) record. Surrey and Powell River have six games remaining, while the Capitals play just four more times. The only negative for the Eagles last week came Wednesday, when the team’s 16-game point streak – earning either a win, tie or overtimeloss – was snapped in

a 4-1 loss to the lowly Langley Rivermen, who despite sitting in last place in the Coastal Conference have giving Surrey trouble at times this month; on Feb. 11 they took the Eagles to overtime, before falling 3-2. Against Alberni Valley Saturday, the Eagles were led by Brayden Jaw, who opened the scoring 11:46 into the first period and added his second goal of the contest midway through the second. The two-goal outburst for the Harvardbound Jaw gives him seven goals this

season. In addition to Jaw, Trevor Cameron and Sean McGovern also scored in the second period for Surrey, and Michael Stenerson and Brandon Tanev added two assists apiece. McGovern – who has been the hottest Eagle over the last month – also had a goal and two assists to lead the team Saturday over Nanaimo. The 18-year-old Ontario native, in his rookie season in the BCHL, has 15 points in his last 11 games – a streak that began with a hat trick against Langley in mid-February. McGovern wasn’t the only Eagle to register a multi-point game Saturday against Nanaimo. Alex Hagen, Brandon Morley and Robert Lindores each had a goal and an assist, while Cameron added two helpers. Demico Hannoun added his 11th goal of the year, on a thirdperiod power play. Andrew Hunt was between the pipes for both weekend tilts, but backup Conor Barrie earned the start Wednesday against the Rivermen, where he was peppered with 39 shots on net. Lindores scored the Eagles’ lone goal in the game, a powerplay marker 8:22 into the first period, while Langley was paced by 20-year-old Darnell Dyck – a former Eagle – who scored twice. The Eagles will have the opportunity to redeem themselves tonight (Tuesday) when they travel to Langley for a return engagement with the Rivermen, which is the first in a fivegame week. On Wednesday, they play a second mid-week game in Cowichan against the Capitals. They are on the road again on Friday, when they travel to Victoria to battle the Grizzlies, then they play two against the second-place Powell River Kings Saturday night and Sunday afternoon, both at Powell River’s Hap Parker Arena. sports@peacearchnews.com

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 21

Postseason play begins Junior B playoffs start tonight in Ladner by Rick Kupchuk STARTING TONIGHT

in the second period. On Saturday, Stefan Burzan scored two goals, including the winner in a 4-3 victory

over the Aldergrove Kodiaks. affiliate player Julian Feljo and Stephen Campbell also tallied for the Devils.

Local Youth Baseball for Boys & Girls ages 4 to 18

Last chance for registration • March 3, 10am to 3pm • March 4, 10am to 4pm at Lionel Chourchene Park 154th St. & 99th Avenue Batting Cage (Blue Building)

As part of a women’s health initiative for our communi-ties, we are pleased to offer Women’s Clinics with a female doctor at Chand Medical Clinic. Services include:

★ Pap and breast exams ★ IUD insertion ★ S.T.D. testing Did you know that having regular Pap tests is one of the most important things that you can do to protect your health? This simple test could save your life!

Upcoming Women’s Clinics Appointments are available between 9am-3pm on:

March 5th, April 16th, May 7th Make Your Health a Priority Watch for further dates soon! Book Your Visit Today... Call to book your appointments at (604) 593-5156 Dr. Hassan is still accepting new patients for his family practice.

2012 Registration Forms available online at www.surreycanadian.com

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(Tuesday), the North Delta Devils are playing games which mean something. After a string of mean-nothing games to wrap up the regular season, the Devils travel to the Ladner tonight for the first game of their Pacific International Junior Hockey League best-of-seven quarterfinal series against the Delta Ice Hawks. Delta placed second in the Tom Shaw conference with a 29-11-3-1 (won-loss-overtime loss-tied) record, six points up on the 26-144-0 Devils. In six headto-head meeting this season, the Ice Hawks hold a 4-2 edge. Game two is tomorrow night, also in the Ladner Leisure Centre, with the Devils hosting games three and four at the Sungod Arena at 7:30 p.m. Friday and 6:45 p.m. Saturday. The Devils played their last two games of the regular season last week on home ice at the

Sungod Arena. The North Vancouver Wolf Pack blanked the Devils 2-0 on Wednesday night, scoring both goals

A Message to Women

22 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mar. 4th Game Sponsor:

Friday, March 2nd

Thursday, March 29th

sLoonie Toonie Dog’N Brew Night: $1 hot dogs and $2 draught beers!

sHockey Heroes! Meet Hockey Hall of Famer and captain of the 1989 Stanley Cup champion Calgary Flames, Lanny McDonald. It’s going to be a night of MO fun as we celebrate one of the game’s greats!

Sunday, March 4th sSlapshot Your Kitchen into Action Contest! Bring a non-perishable food bank donation for your chance to WIN from Marr-Tech Kitchens Ltd! sBattle of the Badges! Post game hockey match up between Abbotsford Fire Department and Abbotsford Police Department, fundraising for Big Brothers & Big Sisters of the Fraser Valley!

Mar. 29th Game Sponsor:

Friday, March 30th Mar. 30th Game Sponsor:

sLoonie Toonie Dog’N Brew Night: $1 hot dogs and $2 draught beers! Save-On-Foods’ ONE MILLION REWARDS SWEEPSTAKES where one lucky fan will win 1,000,000 Save-On-More Rewards points to be instantly redeemed for a travel voucher!

Tuesday, March 6th Mar. 7th Game Sponsor:

sSchool Day Game! ››Special 10:30am Puck Drop!‹‹ Abbotsford middle school students will be in attendance! Come celebrate hockey in Abbotsford – special ticket price of $10!

Wednesday, March 7th

Tuesday, April 3rd Apr. 3rd Game Sponsor:

sChuck-A-Puck Night Presented by The Honda Way! Chance to WIN a trip for 2 to Whistler, or a car detailing package!

Wednesday, April 4th sPunjabi Night in Abbotsford! Celebrate the kick-off to Vaisakhi Celebrations. Pre-Game Party at Main Entrance starting at 5pm. Enjoy Punjabi Music, Bhangra, Live Performances and more!

Friday, March 9th Mar. 9th Game Sponsor:

s Canadian Forces Appreciation Night! Soldiers will join us from all across the lower mainland and will showcase their skills, equipment, and vehicles on site!

Sunday, March 11th Mar.11th Game Sponsor:

sPink In The Rink – Girls Day at the Rink! $5 from every ticket sold will support the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s Run for the Cure. Hockey 101 for Ladies pre-game — Heat autographs post-game!

Friday, April 13th Apr.13th Game Sponsor:

sCountry Theme Night! Special post-game musical performance! Pre-Game Fan Warm-Up at Main Entrance starting at 5:30pm! Mar. 24th Game Sponsor:

Sunday, March 25th

Mar. 25th Game Sponsor:

s2 Minutes for “Ruffing” — Bring your Dog to the Game! Dog grooming on the concourse, Tricks for Treats station and more! Just $5 per ‘dog ticket’ with 100% of that going to the BC C SPCA Abbotsford Branch. Bring a dog, and buyy up to 4 ‘huma ‘human’ tickets at just $15 each!

sLast Chance for Loonie Toonie Dog’N Brew Night: $1 hot dogs and $2 draught beers! Don’t miss an energetic post game musical performance by a rising pop star!

Sunday, April 15th Apr.15th Game Sponsor:

Saturday, March 24th

sFORE! Tonight’s game is proudly sponsored by Ledgeview Golf & Country Club. Get your tickets now to ensure you have a “birdie’s” eye view of the game!

sFan Appreciation Day! Jerseys Off Our Backs, the ‘Sick Civic Giveaway’ presented by The Honda Way and The Abbotsford News and more! ‘Pre-Game Fan Warm Up’ at Main Entrance featuring a Heat Hot Cake breakfast!

Experience the value — g get yyour tickets today! y


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Surrey/North Delta Leader 23

Fit for office Mayors take on Healthy Community Challenge; public encouraged to join in

by Monique Tamminga and Nick Greenizan


our local mayors are willing to not just talk the talk, but walk the walk and then some in an effort to promote health and fitness throughout B.C. Dianne Watts (Surrey), Peter Fassbender (Langley City), Richard Stewart (Coquitlam) and Bruce Banman (Abbotsford) signed up to take on the Healthy Community Challenge 2012. The three-month venture – which encourages participants to get active and lead healthier lifestyles – doesn’t begin until next month, but it got an early boost Feb. 16, when the four mayors met their personal trainers from Innovative Fitness and got their Body Mass Index (BMI) tested at a Langley gym. The mayors said their fitness progress will be made public as they go along. Most are committed to work out with their trainers three times a week. “Since my horse accident where I broke my back, I haven’t exercised at all,” said Watts, who broke two vertebrae while riding on vacation last July. “This will give me an opportunity to really feel healthy again, to heal. When someone has a significant injury it can be a vicious cycle. You become lethargic because you aren’t active. I want to move on in a healthy direction.” The Surrey mayor noted she has a “leg up” from her male colleagues. “I don’t have a gut. The boys have belly fat,” she joked. Banman didn’t dispute this, saying he’d like to see his abs again from this fitness challenge. “I know they are in there somewhere. In 90 days you can do a lot. I turned the big ‘five-oh’ this year. What I do now will set the foundation for years to come.” All four mayors agreed their busy work schedule is not only Surrey Mayor stressful but has them in front of Dianne Watts desserts and fattening foods most days at meetings and banquets.

“Since my horse accident where I broke my back, I haven’t exercised at all. This will give me an opportunity to really feel healthy again, to heal.”


Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart is joined by Surrey Mayor DianNe Watts, Abbotsford Mayor Bruce Banman and Langley City Mayor Peter Fassbender at Innovative Fitness in Langley.

“We all have a very challenging lifestyle,” Fassbender said. The Langley City mayor – a cancer survivor – is setting a goal to reduce the amount of diabetic medication he has to take. “If we want to reduce health-care costs, it’s got to be about prevention,” he said. Fassbender already takes the stairs at work and can be seen walking around downtown Langley as a way to stay fit. Watts said she brings her own food to functions so she isn’t tempted to eat sweets. Coquitlam’s Stewart – like Watts – is recovering from a serious accident. Stewart was hit by a car while out campaigning on foot three months ago. Prior to that, he was in a crippling car crash eight years ago that left him with back injuries. “I’m looking to build up my strength. I still feel the weight of Christmas time,” he said. Coquitlam trainer Kris Schjelderup said he will work on Stewart’s range of motion, posture and body alignment. Banman’s trainer plans to get the new Abby mayor in crampons – traction-improving footwear – to climb neighbouring Elk Mountain, which currently has nine feet of snow. “Nothing worth having comes easy,” responded Banman, a chiropractor. The community challenge is not simply about weight loss,

either, said challenge founder Matt Young, Innovative Founder’s president. While that may be the case for many who sign up, others may be training for athletic endeavours or – as in some of the mayors’ cases – rehabbing from injuries. Young said organizers put the challenge to the mayors with the hope that their communities’ residents, and others from across B.C., will be inspired to take part. Once registered, participants will have access through the website to all types of healthy living and fitness resources, and will also be able to track their fitness progress over the course of the program. For each positive activity – which could range from simply remembering to eat breakfast to going for a walk after work – participants earn points. Those points are then added to a larger pool and sorted by the participants’ communities, in an effort to find which city has gained the most points. Prizes will be awarded for the top individual point-getters, while other rewards will be handed out at random. The Healthy Community Challenge begins March 12. To register, visit www.healthycommunitychallenge.com or watch for announcements on how to get your BMI and measurements recorded two days prior. newsroom@surreyleader.com






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24 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012


ARTS Personal Mandalas, an art show by Grade 7 students at Heath Traditional Elementary, is on display throughout March at the Firehall Centre for the Arts, 11489 84 Ave. The opening reception is on March 2 from 12:30-2:30 p.m. For more information, call 604596-1025.

Submissions for Datebook should be emailed to newsroom@surreyleader.com. Datebook runs in print most Tuesdays and Thursdays – with more events available online 24/7. To register or for more information, call 604-5962048.



The Tsawwassen Library is looking for donations of paperbacks for their softcovers-only book sale on March 9 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can drop off books at other Delta Libraries, including the George Mackie Library, 8440 112 St.

Since a leap year only happens once every four years, the George Mackie Library couldn’t let it go by without some fun. Kids in Grades K-3 are invited to celebrate with folklore, stories, fun and games on Feb. 29 from 3:30–4:30 p.m. at the 8440 112 St. For more information, call 604594-8155.

EVENTS Should society solve homelessness? Or is homelessness a necessary function in all societies? Discuss the issue at SFU Teen Philosophers’ CafÊ on tonight (Feb. 28) from 7-9 p.m. at the SFU Surrey Campus, Room 2980, 13450 102 Ave. Moderated by Dr. Pamela Richardson. Teens and adults welcome. Registration and experience is not necessary. Admission is free. Call 778-7825215 or visit www. philosopherscafe.net for further information.




Show Ticket Hotline



The Ukrainian Women’s Association, Surrey Branch, will host workshops where participants can learn the art of writing pysanky, the Ukrainian Easter Egg. Workshops will be held Thursday evenings on March 1, 8 and 15 from 6:45-9 p.m. at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre, 13512 108 Ave. Each session is $13. Pick the date of your choice or attend all three.



Birds in Focus – A Visual Presentation, takes place March 2 from 7:30-9:45 p.m. at the Tsawwassen Arts Centre, 1172 56 St. Peter Holmes, John Lowman and Jim Martin will show digital presentations of birds of the Lower Mainland and beyond. They are expert bird photographers and will present familiar and exotic birds, including snowy owls and snow geese. Admission is $5 for all ages.

FUNDRAISING The seventh-annual Kick Up Your Heels concert, a celebration and fundraiser for International Women’s Day, takes place March 4 at the Crystal at York Banquet Hall, #210, 12888 80 Ave. Featuring Luisa Marshall as her divas: Tina Turner, Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga and Donna Summer. Doors and appies: 10:30 a.m., performances at 11:30 a.m. and lunch at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $75-100. For tickets, Call Brett at 604-839-1506, Yvette at 604-970-1340 or Suzanne at 604-761-9326. Or Visit http://bit.ly/zYmlYH

INFORMATION An information session for the Money Mart Easter Seals 24HR Relay will take place Feb. 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Centre Library, 10350 University Dr. The relay, which takes place June 16-17, challenges groups to relay for 24 hours to help send kids with disabilities to Easter Seals Camps. At the information session, find out how you can get involved. RSVP to Christine at crobb@lionsbc. ca or by phone at 604-8731865. For more information, visit www.24hourrelay.com

THEATRE Tickets are now available for Surrey Youth Theatre Company’s (SYTCO) production of A Little Princess, which runs at the Surrey Arts Centre on March 2 and 3 at 7:30 p.m. and March 4 at 2:30 p.m. The show features members of the company ranging in age from nine to 16. Tickets ($16.75) are available at https://tickets.surrey.ca or by calling 604-501-5566.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 25

Be proud to be pink: support anti-bullying


Bullyproofing program for ages 8-11yrs. Let us help you to STOP being bullied! This Anti-Bullying workshop is designed to help those who are being bullied to Recommended for: know how to STOP it! It is also intended Ages 8-11 years to be preventative, to STOP Includes: BullyProofing Student Book and 2 hours of instruction! bullying before it starts.


2 Class Dates/Times: Feb 25 11:30-1:30 | Mar 19 12:45-2:45


Call 778-846-8531 for registration info!

Pink Shirt Day February 29th is AnƟ-Bullying Day! Take a stand - Lend a hand

Bullying can happen to anyone, but we need to do what we can to take a stand to stop bullying in our schools, sports groups, and community together!

It started in September 2007, when two forms – verbally, teens at a Nova Scotia high school stood socially, physically up for a younger student. and online (cyber bulwww.pinkshirtday.ca David Shepherd and Travis Price, both in lying), says Tuckwell. Grade 12, heard about a Grade 9 student “By wearing pink, people show at their school who had been bullied and they’re making that commitment, remain horrific. threatened for wearing a pink polo shirt to not let bullying happen,” she says. The provincial government has taken on his first day of school. In 2009, 20,000 pink shirts were sold They decided they and in 2010, 30,000 steps to address bullying in recent years, including a Ministry of Education should do somehelped the effort. resource brochure for parents in 14 lanthing about it and ‘It isn’t just a rite of passage. Last year, 46,000 guages that can be found online at www. went to a discount T-Shirts were sold It doesn’t have to happen.’ and this year we bced.gov.bc.ca/sco. store, where they Net proceeds benefit the CKNW bought 50 pink hope to sell 60,000. Orphans’ Fund in support of the Boys shirts and tank tops Tuckwell and & Girls Clubs of South Coast BC. Boys to wear to school others emphasize & Girls Clubs of South Coast BC: BGC the next day. They that the pink shirt programs foster self-esteem, social enalso went online to is secondary to gagement, academic success, inclusion, round up support raising awareacceptance, respect for self and others, for their anti-bullying cause, which they ness about bullying and getting people and connection to community – all dubbed a “sea of pink.” involved. of which are key elements of bullying It worked. The next day, dozens of stuB.C. is no stranger to tragedy related prevention. CKNW Orphans’ Fund: The dents were outfitted with the discount to bullying.From Surrey’s 14-year-old CKNW Orphans’ Fund is committed shirts, but even better – hundreds of Hamed Nastoh, who jumped off the to enhancing the lives of children with students showed up wearing their own Patullo Bridge and killed himself after physical, mental and social challenges pink clothes, some from head to toe. leaving a note behind blaming the conliving in BC communities. The fund The bullies were reportedly never heard stant bullying he endured at school, to includes children who are bullied under from again. Mission’s Dawn-Marie Wesley, 14, who the scope of the funds work, because This year, Feb. 29 is Pink Shirt Day in committed suicide by hanging herthese children will need extra support B.C. and other parts of Canada, an anself after relentless bullying, there are for their development. nual anti-bullying event that started countless told and untold stories that after the now-famous 2007 “sea of pink” campaign. ■ Has trouble sleeping or has frequent Possible warning signs that a child The need for awareness and action bad dreams is being bullied include: against bullying remains as strong as ■ Experiences a loss of appetite ever, say those involved in the pink ■ Appears anxious and suffers from low ■ Comes home with torn, damaged, or missing event, including local radio station self-esteem pieces of clothing, books, or other belongings CKNW, Black Press, the Boys and Girls ■ Has unexplained cuts, bruises, and scratches Possible warning signs that a child may Clubs of Greater Vancouver, and London ■ Has few, if any friends, with whom he or she be a bully include: Drugs, where people can buy the official spends time ■ Positive views towards violence ‘Bullying Stops Here’ pink shirts for ■ Seems afraid of going to school, walking ■ Often aggressive towards adults – including 2012. to and from school, riding the school bus, or teachers or parents taking part in organized activities with peers “Awareness of what bullying is and un■ Marked need to control and dominate others (such as clubs) derstanding that it hurts is important,” and situations ■ Takes a long, “illogical” route when walking says Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater ■ Boy bullies tend to be physically stronger to or from school Vancouver president and CEO Carolyn than their peers ■ Has lost interest in school work or suddenly Tuckwell. ■ Hot-tempered, impulsive, easily frustrated begins to do poorly in school “It isn’t just a rite of passage. It doesn’t ■ Often test limits or break rules ■ Appears sad, moody, teary, or depressed ■ Good at talking their way out of difficult have to happen. And it’s relevant to evwhen he or she comes home situations eryone, whether in school, after school ■ Complains frequently of headaches, ■ Show little sympathy toward others who are or in the workplace.” stomachaches, or other physical ailments bullied According to www.bullyingcanada.ca, as many as 25 per cent of children in Grades 4 to 6 have been bullied and apFor more information and resources on bullying: proximately one in 10 children have bulwww.pinkshirtday.ca lied others, while a 2004 study published in the Medical Journal of Pediatrics www.mychildsafety.net found that about one in seven Canadian www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sco/ children aged 11 to 16 are victims of www.healthlinkbc.ca/kb/content/special/uf4870.html bullying. It is important to recognize what bulwww.bullyingcanada.ca lying is, and that it happens in many


Battle bullying on Pink Shirt Day February 29

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26 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Distinguished alumni

letters to the editor

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University’s Alumni Association’s (KPUAA) seven finalists for its 2012 Distinguished Alumni Awards have been announced. This year’s finalists are: Community and Public Service category: • Kim Baird, chief

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programmer, Boys and Girls Club of South Coast BC • Gozde Hilmi, director of HR, BackCheck • Shane King, incorporated partner, KNV Chartered Accountants LLP “KPUAA has shortlisted qualified candidates and is thrilled to present the finalists for the 2012 Awards,”

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of Tsawwassen First Nations • Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Labour, Citizens’ Services and Open Government • Elizabeth Johnson, co-founder, Grace Rwanda Society • DJ Lam, operations manager, Polytechnic Ink Publishing Society Business and Industry category: • Jack Fox, senior

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said Jeff Norris, executive director of the KPUAA. “A committee of alumni, KPUAA directors, faculty and staff will be meeting in the coming weeks to make recommendations for the 2012 award winners.” The 2012 Award recipients will be announced at Kwantlen’s 30th Anniversary Gala and Distinguished Alumni Awards dinner on March 2 at the River Rock Show Theatre in Richmond. For tickets, visit http://bit.ly/xRw7t9

Little people, big event THE WHITE Rock

Chapter of the Valley Women’s Network is coordinating a fundraising event to benefit the Little People of British Columbia Society for Short Stature Awareness. Cowgirls Gone Wild takes place March 3 at 5:30 p.m. at the Sunrise Banquet and Conference Centre, 5640 188 St. Buffet at 6 p.m., with door prizes and entertainment provided by Kerry-Lee Manuel, Jane Perrett, Joanne Chaisson and others. Tickets are $40. The society is a nonprofit organization for children and adults with a growth disorder or dwarfism. For tickets, email cowgirlsgonewild2012@ gmail.com

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 27

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MEDFORTH, Tom Brewer

Born in Powell River, BC June 3rd, 1932 and passed away in Burnaby, BC February 18, 2012. Predeceased by his wife Lil in 2006, his parents Jack and Eleanor, sister Lillian Baxter, and brother Gordon Medforth. He leaves to morn his sister Jeanne Watson of Terrace BC, sister-in-law Jean Medforth and brother-in-law Gilbert Baxter, and many nieces, nephews and cousins. No service will be held as per his wishes. Valley View Funeral Home 604-596-8866



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Bindery Workers Black Press has anticipated opportunities for Bindery Workers to assist with the mechanical insertion of advertising flyers into our Lower Mainland newspapers. Applicants must be available to work a variety of scheduled day, evening, night and weekend shifts. Additionally, successful applicants will need to be available on a call-in basis for our locations in Surrey and Abbotsford. Excellent remuneration. Experience an asset, but not a requirement. Reliable transportation is a pre-requisite. Please forward resumes to: Bindery Foreman Campbell Heights Distribution Centre Unit #113, 19130 24th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3S 3S9 or Fax 604-538-4445

www.blackpress.ca > www.bclocalnews.com



Own your own home inspection franchise




Graphic Designer

To Surrey - Seattle pin to pin. Mon. - Fri. 8:00p.m. departure. Must hold valid Fast Pass and have 2 years experience. Please e-mail resume: ovrss@nethop.net or Fax or Call:

Black Press Lower Mainland is looking for an experienced Graphic Designer to ďŹ ll an immediate full time opening in Maple Ridge. The successful applicant will be creative, organized and work effectively under tight deadlines, interacting with advertising clients, sales representatives and the creative team. Speed, accuracy and attention to detail is a requirement. A comprehensive working knowledge is required of CS3 on Mac OS X. If you’d like to be part of a successful team, please send a resume with a portfolio showcasing your talent to: Carly Ferguson Advertising & Creative Services Manager Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News 22328 - 119th Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2Z3 admanager@mapleridgenews.com Closing date: Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012 No phone calls please. Black Press is Canada’s largest independent newspaper group with more than 150 community, daily and urban weekly newspapers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii.

Exp’d TRUCK DRIVER wanted for BC runs. Exc wages, benefits & equipment + weekends home. Fax or email resume & drivers abstract 604-513-8004 or tridem@telus.net

Star Fleet Trucking HIRING!! DRIVERS, FARMERS, RANCHERS & RETIREES with 2003 or newer 1-Ton duallie, diesel; pickups & 8’box to deliver new travel trailers & fifth wheels from US manufacturers to Canadian dealers. Free IRP plate for your truck and low insurance rates! Prefer commercial Driver’s License. Top Pay! Call Craig 1-877-890-4523 www.starfleettrucking.com

TRACTOR / TANDEM TRUCK DRIVERS CLASS 1-3 w/ Air Required for DnR Towing. Please apply w/ abstract to 10671 Timberland Rd. or Fax: 604.580.2405 or email: drtowing@telus.net TransX hiring O/OPS BC-AB Excellent Rates + Lease Program PH: 1 877-914-0001


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Opportunity for an outstanding


Long Haul Truck Drivers Req’d F/T w/exp for Commonwealth Transport Ltd Sal: $25/hr. Duties; Operate/drive trucks to transport goods / materials to destinations. Perform pre-trip inspection of vehicle. Ensure safety, security, loading / unloading of cargo. Basic English req’d. Punjabi is an asset. Contact Sukhi @ E-mail:commonwealthltd@yahoo.ca Fax: 604-582-9120 Location: Surrey, BC

Witness needed for victim of a hit and run car accident that occurred on November 26th 2011. It was at the intersection of 148th St and 84th Ave in Surrey at 7am If you have any information on this accident PLEASE contact 604-572-9196.




AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783


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109 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES EARN EXTRA CASH! - P/T, F/T Immediate Openings For Men & Women. Easy Computer Work, Others Positions Are Available. Can Be Done From Home. No Experience Needed. www.HWC-BC.com WORK FROM HOME. Largest Medical Transcriptionist employer in Canada looks to CanScribe for 100 more MT’s. We need more students! Enroll Today! 1-800-466-1535 www.canscribe.com admissions@canscribe.com



CLASS 1 DRIVER req. to operate Super B, vans and reefer. Min. 1 yr exp. Fill out log books & supporting documents. Air brake lic req. Starting wage $23/hr. 778-882-1968.






28 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 115





Become a Psychiatric Nursetrain locally via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements and some regional classroom delivery. Wages start at $30.79/hr to $40.42/hr. This 23 month program is recognized by the CRPNBC. Gov’t funding may be available. Toll-free 1-87-STENBERG www.stenbergcollege.com



For experienced stylist with clientele. Some great kids aged 12 to 18 who need a stable, caring home for a few months. Are you looking for the opportunity to do meaningful, fulfilling work? PLEA Community Services is looking for qualified applicants who can provide care for youth in their home on a full-time basis or on weekends for respite. Training, support and remuneration are provided. Funding is available for modifications to better equip your home. A child at risk is waiting for an open door.

Make it yours. Call 604-708-2628 www.plea.bc.ca





INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Locations in Alberta & BC. Hands on real world training. Full sized equipment. Job placement assistance. Funding available. www.iheschool.com 1-866-399-3853

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ASPHALT PAVING Personnel Required: Paving contractor in Kamloops area requires Foreman and personnel for Asphalt Lay-down. Applicants should have minimum 1 years’ experience in Commercial and Residential Paving, although candidates with construction experience will be considered. Training and benefits will be available to the successful applicants. Please forward resume to paverswanted@yahoo.ca. ASPHALT PAVING Personnel Required: Paving contractor in the beautiful BC Interior requires paving personnel for all aspects of Asphalt Laydown. Applicants should have minimum 1 years’ experience in Highway, Commercial and Residential Paving, although candidates with construction experience will be considered for training. Please forward resume to paverswanted@yahoo.ca.


needed for Westeck Windows Mfg. Inc. $ 22.00 -25.00 hourly - 40 hrs. per week. Send resumes to 8104 Evans Parkway Chilliwack, British Columbia V2R 5R8, apply by email at westeckjobs@hotmail.com or by fax at (604) 792-6714.

DIRECT SALES REPRESENTATIVES. Canada’s premiere home automation and Security Company is NOW hiring AprilAugust. No experience necessary. Travel Required. E-mail resume: kkurtze@vivint.com Visit: www.vivint.ca F/T general greenhouse work. Approx 60/hrs/week for 3 months. $11.50/hr. Fax 604-591-6963




#202 - 10252 City Parkway, Surrey




Register for any Sprott-Shaw Community College program between Dec. 1, 2011 - Feb. 29, 2012 and receive up to $1000* towards tuition.





CLEANERS: CANADIAN TOPLINE Building Maintenance Services Ltd. in Surrey is hiring 4 f/t cleaners, experience will be asset. Duties are: sweeping, mopping, washing, waxing and polishing floors, dusting furniture, vacuuming carpets and area rugs, emptying trash containers, reporting lost & found items, etc. Salary would be $14/hr with 40 hrs per week. Knowledge of Hindi or Punjabi language would be asset. Interested applicants may email resume to: ctlbms@gmail.com

Community & Social Service Workers administer & implement a variety of social assistance & community services programs including life skills workshops & substance abuse treatment programs. They also assist clients in dealing with social and personal issues. Train locally for the skills necessary in this rewarding career field.




PRODUCTION WORKERS Req’d F/T for an established medium sized manufacturing company(not a nursery) in Port Kells. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Duties to include manufacturing type jobs and MUST be able to lift 100 lbs. Must have valid driver’s license and speak fluent English. Dental and extended medical benefit plan after 3 months. Starting wage is $12.00/hr. Apply in person w/resume & ref’s. A5, 19327 94th Ave, Sry.


SIMPLY Pets Mobile Grooming is looking for an EXPERIENCED P/T GROOMER for our Mobile Pet Grooming Salon servicing the Surrey and Langley area. If you have excellent customer service, a passion for pets, patience and an outgoing and friendly attitude we want to hear from you! Please email your resume and cover letter to simplypetsgrooming@hotmail.com no later than February 29.

Required for Langley based flat deck company. BC, AB, WA & OR experience an asset. Email resume to: gbrooks@bronco transportation.com .

Apply: phd_3a@yahoo.com

UP TO $20/HR

MAID SERVICE hiring Mon-Fri. Do you love cleaning? Helping people? Then come join our team. Fax or email to: 604-585-9799, brtcln@aol.com

We need 12 CSR reps now!

WANTED kids to sell chocolate bars after school & wkends. Earn up to $150/week. (604)618-7780.

WE’RE ON THE WEB www.bcclassified.com

Zone Checker The Surrey Leader is looking for energetic and customer friendly individuals for its Circulation Department. The right candidate must have excellent communication and organizational skills. Your attention to detail and ability to work with minimum supervision set you apart from other applicants. Basic knowledge of MS Word, Excel and Outlook Express recommended. Duties include overseeing 200+ youth carriers, recruit and hire new carriers, survey old and new delivery areas, monitor carrier performance and follow-up reader delivery concerns. A reliable vehicle is a must. Vulnerable sector criminal record check is also mandatory. This permanent part-time position is available immediately. Closing Date: February 29, 2012 Please forward resume to: Circulation Manager Surrey North Delta Leader #200-5450 152nd Street, Surrey BC V3S 5J9 circmanager@surreyleader.com No phone calls please All emailed submissions will receive a reply for confirmation of receipt, however, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted further.

SERVICE MANAGER - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta). Opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, benefits, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email: chrysler@telusplanet.net.

TRAVEL with bcclassified.com

604 575 5555

PAID training. F/T Hours Benefits after 6 months Must be outgoing!!! ERICA @ 604-777-2195 WEBCO LEDUC - division of Sun Media, requires Full-time Heatset/Coldset 1st & 2nd Pressmen. 15 unit Goss Community. Competitive rates and benefits. Email resume: et@webcoleduc.com.



• Surrey-North Delta • Must own 3/4 to 1 ton cargo van • Pick up newspapers from our warehouse and deliver to carrier’s homes. If interested please call 604.575.5312

ADULT FLOATER • On-call position for door-to-door routes that need a substitute • Reliable transportation and valid driver’s license required If interested please call 604.575.5342



COMMUNITY COLLEGE S i n c e 1 9 0 3


Required for Self-Storage warehouse. Part-time only: approx. 28 hours per week. Responsibilities include: renting storage units, credit/debit/cash payments, telephone enquiries and some light cleaning. Would suit active Retiree. Applicants please FAX resume to: 604-580-8887

Learn more at sprottshaw.com/gift *Some conditions apply


Customer Service Person

COACH in Tunisian Wrestling Tunis Sports Academy Inc. is seeking to hire a Coach in Tunisian Wrestling (Grech) in Surrey. F/T & Perm. C$26/hr. Req: Secondary school, Grech coaching certificate level 2, Experience 3 - 5 yrs, fluent in French. Duties: Demonstrate & instruct Grech; Plan, develop & implement training; Nurture & develop athletes’ skills & abilities; Develop programs; Motivate & prepare athletes; Enforce safety rules & regulations; Attend to clients; Manage activities of club.






Please Call



ROUTE# PAPERS AREA DESCRIPTION 1-05 112 Westview Dr - Huff Bvld,Westview Pl - Southridge Rd 2-08 99 Bridlington Dr - 112 St, Sutton Pl - Monroe Dr 2-09 71 Boyton Pl - 112 St, Scarborough Dr - Bridlington Dr 2-10 74 Filey Dr - 112 St, 74A Ave - 75 Ave 2-17 97 108 St - 108B St, Monroe Dr - 80 Ave 2-18 73 Minster Dr - Crawford Dr, Priory Pl - Malton Dr 4-04 94 Cherry Ln - Stoney Cres, Faber Cres - Lyon Rd 4-07 80 108A St - 110 St, 64 Ave - Lawrie Cres 4-08 97 Bond Bvld - McKenzie Dr, 64A Ave - Stoney Cres 5-10 71 Westside Dr - Modesto Dr,Wiltshire Bvld 6-04 83 114 St - 116 St, 86 Ave - 87 Ave 7-05 72 114 St - 115A St, 92 Ave - 94 Ave 7-10 110 118 St - 119A St, 92 Ave - 94 Ave 7-12 103 114 St - 116 St, 90 Ave - 92 Ave 7-16 130 112 St - 115 St, 88 Ave - 90 Ave 8-01 90 River Rd - 112 St, 90 Ave - 92A Ave 23-01 87 120 St - 121 St, 99 Ave - 101A Ave 23-02 126 121 St - 123A St, 100A Ave - 103A Ave 23-08 94 117B St - 119A St, 97A Ave - 99 Ave 23-11 58 Queens Pl - Princess Dr, 96 Ave - 97 Ave

Please Call


UPCOMING AVAILABLE ROUTES ROUTE# PAPERS AREA DESCRIPTION 15-20 16-01 16-08 16-11 17-19 24-03 24-05 25-01 25-18 26-07 29-13 30-33 30-36 30-40 30-51 36-04 36-10 36-21 38-08 38-10 40-09

145 110 111 130 71 70 80 89 80 93 153 104 68 67 81 93 93 96 97 114 82

150 St - 152 St, 66A Ave - 68 Ave 144 St - 146 St, 86A Ave - 88 Ave 150 St - 152 St, 86A Ave - 88 Ave 149 St - 151 St, 81B Ave - 84 Ave 140 St - 144 St, 82 Ave - 84 Ave 123A St - 125 St, 102 Ave - 104 Ave 126 St - 128 St, 102 Ave - 104 Ave 120A St - 122 St, 93 Ave - 94 Ave 121 St - 122 St, 94 Ave - 96 Ave 128 St - Prince Charles Bvld, 92A Ave - 94 Ave 150 St - 152 St, 88 Ave - Fraser Hwy 162A St - 164 St, 92 Ave - 96 Ave 157A St - 159B St, 112 Ave - 114 Ave 163 St - 164 St, 109 Ave - 112 Ave 163A St - 165 St, 92 Ave - 93B Ave 114 St - 115 St, 138 St - 140 St 143A St - Caledonia Dr, 110 Ave - Currie Dr 144 St - 146 St, 108 Ave - 110 Ave 128 St - 130 St, 98A Ave - 100 Ave 128 St - 129 St, 96A Ave - 99 Ave 133A St - 136 St, 112 Ave - 114 Ave

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 29 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 130


WEBCO LEDUC - division of Sun Media, requires Full-time Heatset/Coldset Journeyman Pressman. 15 unit Goss Community. Competitive rates and benefits. Email resume: et@webcoleduc.com.



F/T CAREGIVER req for elderly female. Min Wage. Surrey area. Call Leti, 604-314-9857. NEED a live-in caregiver for 72y/o.Tagalog speaking a must w/ valid driv. license. 5d/wk, $9.50/hr. Email resume to vivian.villarin28@gmail.com


Nahm Thai Bistro req’s 2 f/t Thai Food Cooks, 3-5 years exp. $17/hr. #202-13650 102 Ave, Surrey, BC V3T 1N6 or Email: info@nahm.ca Must be legal to work in Canada.


MOVIE EXTRAS ! WWW.CASTINGROOM.COM Families, Kids, Tots & Teens!! Register Now Busy Film Season

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0905943 BC LTD dba KWANTLEN PIZZA, Sweets & Snacks in Surrey is hiring one F/T FOOD COUNTER ATTENDANT. No exp. required but applicants with exp. preferred. Salary would be $10.50/hr with 40 hours per week. Fluent English and Hindi or Punjabi language is required. Willing to work in shifts. Duties include taking customer orders, portioning and wrapping take out food, serving customers at counter etc. Interested applicants may email to: kwantlensweets@yahoo.com

EXPERIENCED Office Manager for busy fencing company. Must be able to do projections, accounting, some estimating, scheduling, ordering, invoicing. Must have efficient computer skills. Wages negotiable based on experience. Email resume & references to: ironcurtain@shaw.ca


MJM Furniture Showcase Seeking an Office Clerk fluent in English and Punjabi for our Surrey location. Duties incl: reception, data entry & customer service. $12.00/hour Tuesday-Friday, 10am-6pm.

Fax resume: 604-596-1191






FIRST COOK, starting at $15/hr. Apply in person; Guildford Station Pub, 10176 - 154 St. Sry, see Tina


SITE OFFICE ASSISTANT CIVIL & PARK CONSTRUCTORS Seeks Site Office Assistant for various projects in the Vancouver area. Must have own vehicle. Must speak fluent English. Must be computer literate First Aid an asset. Fulltime $15 - $18 (depending on experience) Plus OVERTIME and BENEFITS Fax resume to 604-507-4711 or Email: Paul.orourke@wilcocivil.ca www.wilcocivil.ca


BEST WESTERN, Peace Arch Inn in South Surrey is looking for a F/T FRONT DESK (salary $13.55/hr) & HOUSEKEEPERS (salary $14.83/hr) personals. Good command of English and 3 years of experience is mandatory. No phone calls please, email your resume to: springlakeventures@gmail.com



CALL 604-558-2278

Respite Caregivers PLEA Community Services Society is looking for individuals and families who can provide respite care in their homes for youth aged 12 to 18, who are attending a recovery program for alcohol and/or drug addiction. Qualified applicants must be available on weekends and have a home that can accommodate one to two youth and meet all safety requirements. Training and support is provided. If interested, please call a member of our Family Recruiting Team at:






Inside Sales Specialist Black Press Digital has an outstanding opportunity for an Inside Sales Specialist to join their Digital Online Deals Team. This position involves sales interaction with markets across BC with focus on outbound sales calls and responsibility for identifying, qualifying and closing sales. You must be articulate and be able to cultivate relationships, while actively tracking, managing and converting leads into advertisers. Preference will be given to an individual with a successful track record in telephone sales, strong customer satisfaction results, and a desire to succeed. The successful applicant will be a driven, results focused individual with a strong “can do” attitude. For the successful candidate we will provide a very competitive pay plan including commissions and benefits package. Qualifications: · Previous telesales experience preferred, especially in advertising or online · Exposure to formal sales methodologies · Excellent verbal and written communication skills · Manage and maintain records of correspondence · Excellent organizational and time management skills · Excellent interpersonal and client interaction skills with strong attention to detail and accuracy · Must posses a calm/professional telephone presence · Ability to remain focused and flexible in a fast paced environment Black Press Group Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all applicants are given equal consideration. We will only respond to those applicants who most closely match the job specifications. We thank you for your interest in our career opportunities. Please forward your resume by Mar. 8, 2012 to: pwogan@blackpress.ca Attn: Paul Wogan www.blackpress.ca



Supervisor Req’d F/T for Simran & Nirbaan Enterprises Ltd. Duties; Supervise and co-ordinate sales staff and cashiers. Prepare work schedules. Hire and train staff. Resolve customer complaints. Maintain inventory. Sal: $17.30/hr. English required. Punjabi an asset. Contact Navdeep E-mail:ss1762@chevronretail.ca Fax: 604-574-3271 Location: Surrey, BC




• Mirror Glass Fabricator • Mirror Glass Cutter & Installer Well established Surrey based shower door and closet organizer company has full-time openings. Must be professional and have previous glass experience.

Please fax resume: 604.592.2690 or e-mail: info@rahulglass.com New York Painting & Coating Ltd. (5) Construction Painters needed; Perform painting duties for construction & restoration sites; 3-5 yr exp. Completion of high sch. $21/hr, full time; email resume: nypainting@hotmail.com

Required Immediately! Journeyman RV Technician for Kamloops largest RV Dealership. Jubilee RV Centre offers excellent wage compensation, medical & dental benefits, ongoing industry training and year round employment. Come join our team in sunny and warm Kamloops, where you will be appreciated, love our climate and enjoy all our outdoor activities! Please forward your resume to service@jubileerv.com Attention Steve Joyce - Service Manager



Warehouse Positions


GLASS COMPANY SALES REPRESENTATIVE Well established Surrey based shower door and closet organizer company has full-time openings. Must be professional and have previous glass sales experience.

Please fax resume: 604.592.2690 or e-mail: info@rahulglass.com

IN-HOME SALES PROFESSIONALS This Is A Real Opportunity to make over $100,000/year

North Delta based international basement waterproofing and crawlspace repair company Basement Systems Vancouver Inc. is GROWING! You will run self-generated and COMPANY PROVIDED high quality leads and close sales. Must have home sales exp. OR come from the residential real estate, window / siding / roofing industries, home inspection, or home improvement industries. Must be able to access confined spaces to do your inspections for quotes. 100% commission based income, offering the highest commissions in the industry. We provide the BEST training, systems, products, and services in the business. We are the biggest and best. A valid Passport is required for travel to training facilities. Reply with Resume as a word or PDF document to

careers@bsv.ca NO CALLS, please!!!


Richmond has immediate openings for warehouse positions including unloading, order picking, receiving, and shipping. All shifts available. These are long and short term temporary positions based in Richmond and Delta. Own vehicle and the ability to pass a criminal background check an asset.



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PSB DRYWALL ★ All Boarding, Taping, Framing & Texture. Insured work. Call Parm (604) 762-4657

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CIMTECH MFG INC. in Surrey is hiring 1 F/T CNC MACHINING TOOL OPERATOR with 1-2 yrs experience in setting up & operating CNC milling machines etc. Must be able to read drawings & blueprints and use measuring instruments like vernier calipers, micrometers, etc. Salary would be $20.99/hr with 40 hours/week. Knowledge of Hindi or Punjabi an asset. Interested applicants may email resumes to: machining@cimtechmfg.com CIMTECH MFG INC. in Surrey is hiring 1 F/T MACHINIST with 3-5 yrs experience in setting up & operating conventional & CNC milling, lathe, drill, grinding & sawing machines etc. Must be able to read drawings & blueprints and use measuring instruments like vernier calipers, micrometers etc. Salary would be $25.99/hr with 40 hours /week. We are also hiring 1 F/T CNC MACHINING TOOL OPERATOR with 1-2 yrs experience in setting up & operating CNC milling machines etc. Must be able to read drawings & blueprints and use measuring instruments like vernier calipers, micrometers, etc. Salary would be $20.99/hr with 40 hours /week. Knowledge of Hindi or Punjabi is an asset. Interested applicants may email resumes to: machining@cimtechmfg.com Experienced Fencer /Helper required. $15-$18 per hour depending on exp & capabilities. DL req., welding an asset. Opportunites also for sub contractors. Email resume & refs: ironcurtain@shaw.ca


Relaxation Body Care Salon Call for Update Info: 604-598-8733



Fraser Valley Area. Must have valid BC drivers licence and good work ethic. Ticketed mechanic’s are considered an asset.

Please fax 604-796-0318 or e-mail: mikayla.tamihilog@shaw.ca


1-A1 BRAR CEDAR FENCING, chain link & landscaping. Block retaining wall. Reasonable rates. Harry 604-719-1212, 604-306-1714 6’ Cedar Fence: $16/ft. Hand blt. Sundecks, Sheds & Gazebos. Est’d 1989, free est. Brad 604-530-9331 6 FT FENCING, Retaining Walls, Blacktop/Concrete driveway’s, Reno’s, Roofing, Bobcat Service. Snow Removal. Gaary Landscaping (604)889-8957, 778-861-0220

Framer.Warr.FreeEst.Renos,decks, Sheds, Garages, Stairs, Mouldings, Bsmts, Ext/Int Walls. 604-833-9741



778-808-1052 jds.clean@gmail.com


ABE MOVING - $35/Hr. Per Person *Reliable Careful Movers. *Rubbish Removal. *24 Hours. 604-999-6020 A FAST MOVING & CLEANING. Prof. movers. *Garbage removal. Insured, great rates. 778-888-9628




GARDEN & LAWN MAINT Spring cleanup, prune, hedge trim, topsoil, mulch, aerate Reas 604-282-1793

From 1, 3, 5, 7,10 Ton Trucks Licenced ~ Reliable ~ 1 to 3 Men Free estimate/Seniors discount Residential~Commercial~Pianos



DEMOSSING. Gutter Cleaning. Repairs. Roofing. Power Washing, painting, cedar ridgecap. Jeff’’s House Ext. 604-802-6310

A Honest Man Moving & Delivery. Packing, cleaning & carpets. Handyman Services etc. 604-782-3044

GUTTER Cleaning Service, Repairs Free Est, 20 yrs exp, Rain or shine. 7 days/week. Simon 604-230-0627 ▲ Joes External Cleaning Roof & Power Washing Gutter Cleaning & Window Washing * Fully Insured * Licensed * Bonded 21 yrs. exp. Joe 778-773-5730


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BEAUT BATHROOM & KITCHEN Plumbing + Drywall + Elect. + Tubs & Showers & Sinks + Toilets & Tile + floors + countertop + painting. Sen disc. Work Guar. 21 yrs exp. Call Nick 604-230-5783, 604-581-2859.


Running this ad for 8yrs

PAINT SPECIAL 3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services. www.paintspecial.com


Julie’s Housecleaning

HERBAL MAGIC - With Herbal Magic lose up to 20 pounds in just 8 weeks and keep it off. Results Guaranteed! Start today call 1-800-854-5176.


1PRO MOVING & SHIPPING. Real Professionals, Reasonable. Rates. Different From the Rest. 604-721-4555.

Local & Long Distance


#1 Tungaas Cleaning Service Saving U Time! Supply Incls. 11yrs. Exc. Refs. Bondable. 778.386.5476

Detailed, prof. service-7 days/wk. Incl. laundry/dishes. Move-in/out. Refs. avail. Starting at $19/hr. 4 hour minimum.


Topsoil - Sand - Gravel Crushed & Round Rock P. Treated Lumber for Retaining Walls & Sundecks. CAN - AM MILLS 604-580-1415 PICK UP or DELIVERY






Action Carpet & Furn. Cleaning

GET PAID TO LOSE WEIGHT. $5,000 For Your Success Story.Personal Image TV Show. Call to Qualify: 416-730-5684 ext 2243. Joanna@mertontv.ca. www.mertontv.ca.

(604)240-1920 EXP. CARPENTER / HANDYMAN All types of work! No job too small! Over 20 yrs exp! Ed 778-888-8603 Northstar Painting Ltd.- The Residential Specialists. BIG jobs, Small jobs - We do it all! Interior and Exterior Projects. Master Painters at Students Rates. WCB Safe, Reliable, Efficient & Quality Paint. 778.245.9069



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AKAL CONCRETE. All types of reno’s. Driveways, sidewalks, floors, retaining walls. Call 778-881-0961


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A Call to Vern. Free Est. Drywall,





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D House & Garage Floors D Driveways D Patios, etc. D Raise to Proper Height D Eliminate Trip Spots D Provide Proper Drainage

Over 25 yrs exp.

Ross 604D535D0124

PLACING & Finishing * Forming * Site Prep, old concrete removal * Excavation & Reinforcing * Re-Re Specialists 32 Years Exp. Free Estimates.

Call: Rick (604) 202-5184

UNIQUE CONCRETE DESIGN F All types of concrete work F F Re & Re F Forming F Site prep FDriveways FExposed FStamped F Bobcat Work F WCB Insured

778-231-9675, 778-231-9147 FREE ESTIMATES

RenoMan. Laminate floor & Tile SPECIALIST. Deck & Stairs repair Kitch & Bath, Drywall, Patching & Taping. All Big and small Jobs. Many years of exp. 604-728-3849



A1 BATH RENO’S. Bsmt suites, drywall, patios, plumbing, siding, fencing, roofing, landscaping, etc. Joe 604-961-9937 or 604-581-3822

Check our Real Estate Section for home listings by realtors and For Sale By Owners for a great deal on your new home.

30 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012 HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 329 PAINTING & DECORATING




CHEAP RUBBISH REMOVAL Almost for free! (778)997-5757, (604)587-5991




Reno’s and Repairs ~ 604-597-3758 ~ FIXIT PLUMBING & HEATING H/W Tanks, Reno’s, Boilers, Furn’s. Drain Cleaning. Ins. (604)596-2841

Gas Fitter ✭ Plumber Furnace Boilers, Hot Water Tanks Hot Water Heat, Plumbing Jobs. Furnace cleaning with truck mounted machine

604-507-4606 or 604-312-7674


Aluminum patio cover, sunroom, gates, alum roof. 604-521-2688 www.PatioCoverVancouver.com



Call Ian 604-724-6373


AN EXPERIENCED TILE SETTER Interior / Exterior Call BRUCE @ 604-583-4090 We always advertise with “THE LEADER” OCEAN VIEW TILE. Install marble, granite, slate. Journeyman tile setter, guar’d. work. (604)809-8605.



TREE SERVICES Morris The Arborist

DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL * Pruning * Retopping * Falling Service Surrey 25 years FULLY INSURED **EMERGENCY CALL OUT** Certified Arborist Reports

PRESSURE WASHING, call Cam at Mr. Cleanz Power Washing. Best job, the lowest price 604-603-7498

Morris 604-597-2286 Marcus 604-818-2327

STORM FORCE PRESSURE WASHING - Call Terry for Free Estimates. (604)353-3632

PRO TREE SERVICES Quality pruning/shaping/hedge trimming/ removals & stump grinding. John, 604-588-8733/604-318-9270



Best Local Roofs & Repairs Great price refs Paul 604-328-0527

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LEAKY ROOF? Call JJ ROOFING Repairs, New & Re-Roof. Prompt Quality Service Excellent References *Free Estimates *WCB Insured *Member BBB *Seniors Discount

Call Jas @ 604-726-6345 www.jjroofing.ca RAINMASTER Roofing Ltd. Residential Re-Roofing & Repairs. Call: Calum (604) 518-4530



BENGAL CAT beautiful 3.5 y/o M, neutered, fully vaccinated, indoor, very friendly, must find good home no cats no kids $250 604-820-1603 CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866 CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are Spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at fraservalleyhumanesociety.com or call 1 (604)820-2977 Chihuahua pups, tiny, 2 males, 1 long & 1 short, vet check, deworm, 1st shots, $650. (604)799-1919 GOLDEN Retriever puppies, born Jan. 7th, family raised, very well socialized, 1st shots & deworming included. Mission 604-820-4827. LAB cross puppies, vet checked, 1st shots, eager and social $350, 604-823-6739 afternoons/evenings. NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com PITBULLS ~ PUREBRED. Ready for sale. $500. Vet ✔, 6 weeks old. Call 604-217-2983

Roofing Experts. 778-230-5717 Repairs/Re-Roof/New Roofs. All work Gtd. Free Est. Call Frank.

GE DELUXE FRIDGE Oldschool diner style - White ext. chrome and mint green int. Super Cool. Exc. working cond. Neat for patio beer fridge! $125 / 604.488.9161




On Site Truck Equipment & Tool Auction rd

TIBETAN MASTIFF puppies. P.B. 8 wks old. Ready to go. Good health. 604-302-5914 or 604-440-3650

604-294-2331 www.directliquidation.ca



STEEL BUILDINGS FOR ALL USES! Spring Deals! Make an offer on selloff models at factory and save thousands NOW! Call for FREE Brochure - 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170.



Burial Plot - Valley View, Surrey. Resurrection 910-A1. $5500/obo. 604-532-9255 or 604-603-2757





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Light fixtures. Suitable for dining room (gold colour and glass) $35. For bathroom, light vanity bar, (white) $15. Wooden doors and closet bifolds (painted white) various sizes. North Delta. 604-591-9740



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CLEAN 1 & 2 BDRM SUITES (some w/ensuites) in Park-like setting. Cable, heat, & hot water incl. Laundry rest area on each floor.

604-588-8850 604-584-5233 www.cycloneholdings.ca

CLOVERDALE BENBERG APTS. 17788 57 Ave. Senior building,1 & 2 bdrm suites avail now. Starting at $700 to $850/mo. 604-574-2078 CLOVERDALE. SHERWOOD APT. 5875-177B St. 1 bdrm - $775, 2 bdrm - $950. Lndry facility. NP/NS. Avail immed. LEASE. Member of Surrey Crime free Multi-Housing Program. Call Lloyd at : 604-575-1608. ascentpm.com CLOVERDALE. Updated 1 bdrm, $765 incl heat / ht.water / prkg. N/P. 604-576-1465 or 604-612-1960.

SAWMILLS from only $3997 - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-5666899 Ext:400OT. STEEL OF A DEAL - BUILDING SALE! 20X24 $4798. 25X30 $5998. 30X42 $8458. 32X58 $12,960. 40X60 $15,915. 47X80 $20,645. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca.






Large newly renovated 1 & 2 bdrm apts available in well-kept concrete building. New floors and appl’s. Freshly painted. Patio and large storage room inste. 3 laundries in bldg. Rent incl’s heat & hot water. Sauna & jacuzzi. 5 min. walk to skytrain, Douglas College & New West Quay. Close to all amenities. Please call 604-834-1756 www.aptrentals.net SURREY

Regency Park Gardens Large 1 & 2 bedroom units Rent from $725.00/mo.

Phone: 604-581-8332 & 604-585-0063

FURNISHED 2 bedrm apt. 8635120 St, outdoor pool, parking, laundry. $1000 available immediately 604-657-2841, 778-839-0989

GUILDFORD 10082 148th St.

Beautiful 1 master bdrm. + den. 16th flr. corner suite. Panoramic view. 2 bath, W/D & balcony. Exercise rm. pool & tennis court, secure prkg. incls. hot water. Gas F/P. N/P, N/S. Available Now.

604-990-9991 / Cell: 604-762-2345


Regency Park Gardens Large 1 & 2 bedroom units Rent from $725.00/mo.

Phone: 604-581-8332 & 604-585-0063

FAMILY FRIENDLY COMPLEX Rental Incentives... 1 & 2 Bdrms available. Close to shopping, bus, school, park. Small pets welcome. Call: 604-585-1966. Guildford Mall / Public Library

EVERGREEN APARTMENTS Crime Free Multi-Housing Certified Ask About Incentives! Spacious Suites, very competitive prices. Extra large 1 & 2 BDRM ste’s, lots of storage. Heat/hot water incl. Access to Vancouver via freeway, 1 bus to Skytrain. No pets.

Phone 604-582-0465 LANGLEY


WE BUY HOUSES The OLDER. The DIRTIER. The BETTER. Flexible Terms. Quick Closing. Call us First! 778.707.9647

I Buy or Lease Your Home Within 48 Hours

Large 1 Bdrm. Apts $200 Move-In Allowance Please call for details. On-site manager. Suites include fridge, stove, drapes & carpeted throughout. Hot water & parking included. Close to shopping & schools, on bus route. Seasonal swimming pool & tennis court. Some pets welcome.

Call 604-533-0209

Call Pam (604) 358-1112

633 MOBILE HOMES & PARKS New SRI.com 16x52 mobile home in Langley adult park. $114,900. Pet OK. Chuck 604-830-1960.






CLAYMORE APTS 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts Avail $200 Move-In Bonus!! Close to shopping & schools. Seasonal Swimming pool, and tennis court. 3 Appliances (fridge, stove dishwasher), blinds hot water and parking included. Carpeted throughout. Some pets welcome.

5374 - 203rd St, Langley

Call 604-533-9780 COURT ORDER SALE 5622 185 ST CLOVERDALE Beautiful 3 level home in Cloverdale Surrey. This beauty features 7 bdrms, 7 bathrms. Huge 7200 sq.ft + rectangular lot, maple kitchen cabinets, spice kitchen, two fireplaces, big size open to below family room. Abundance of parking and natural light. Near both levels of school and Kwantlen university. Easy access to Hwy 10. 2 bdrm unauthorized suite and 1 bachelor suite. Huge games room in the basement. 2011 assessed value is $744,000. Asking-$679,000.00 Contact Jatinder Rosha 604-725-9091



If you have a small down payment, we have a nice home for you! Less than perfect credit OK. Call (604) 227-9223



CLAYTON HTS 188 & 68th Ave. 2 bdrm, 2 bathroom. 2 parking. Avail. now. Nr school & shopping. $1200/mo. (778)242-8033 CLOVERDALE Apts: 1 Bdrm $750; Incl heat, h/w & prkg. N/P. Secure bldg. Lndry facilities. 604-576-8230

MAYFLOWER CO-OP 2 Bdrm unit available Mar 1st. Rent from $797 Close to Surrey Ctrl Skytrain. Well maintained, clean, quiet, sec’d adult only bldg. No Pets. No Subsidies. Call: 604-583-2122 or email: maycoop@shawbiz.ca

SUNCREEK ESTATES * Large 2 & 3 Bdrm Apartments * Insuite w/d, stove, fridge, d/w * 3 floor levels inside suite * Wood burning fireplace * Private roof top patio * Walk to shops. Near park, pool, playground * Elementary school on block * Clubhouse, tennis court * On site security. Sorry no pets

Office: 7121 - 133B St. Surrey 604-596-0916 SURREY 75/120A St. 2 Bdrm apt, $890/mo. Quiet family complex, no pets, wshr/dryr hkup. 604-501-0505 SURREY, 92A & Scott Rd 1 bdrm., a/c, d/w, insuite ldry., 2 u/g prkg., new carpet. Avail. immed. N/P N/S. $850 mo. + utils. + $425 D.D. 604319-7703


Full Kitchen Units Available for Weekly and Monthly Rental. Kitchenware provided. Daily cleaning service provided. Credit card or deposit required to rent.

13939 104th Ave. Surrey 604-930-4850 SURREY: Priv. immac. 2 bdrm, 2 bthrm, 6 app. apt with 2 u/g parking, locker room. Short walk to Surrey City mall & skytrain. (604)536-7992 WALL CENTRE - 1 bdrm. + den + solarium - furn. - incl. heat, light, cable, net - Suits mature N/S individual. $1700 mo. (604)943-2440 WALNUT GROVE 3 yr old 2 bdrm exec condo. 2 Bths, 6 appls, 2 prkg, lrg deck, storage rm, $1400/mo incl ht/wtr. Apr 1st. (604)589-7772.


WHITE ROCK. Lrg 1 bdrm from $695/mo, quiet & clean. Close to beach & shops. Avail now. N/S. Incl heat & hot water. 604-589-7818




Spruce Housing Co-op Are you looking for safe secure housing? Our co-op is a community of 101 units with a mixed population of families, singles, and couples. Located near the Surrey / Delta border we are a 5 minute drive to Scott Rd Station and the Patullo bridge and about 10 minutes to the Alex Fraser bridge. There is both an elementary and secondary school within a 2 minute walk. Housing charges range from $570.00 to $1013.00 with a share purchase (similar to a deposit) of $1500.00 for the apartments and $2000.00 for the townhouses. The apartments have a community laundry room and the townhouses have laundry hook up. We have a playground for the kids as well as a community hall and beautiful landscaping that is tended to lovingly by our members. Come by and check us out. You can pick up an application form from the mailbox outside 9282 121 St. or from the office on Wednesdays and Fridays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m..




Queen Pillow Top Mattress & Box • 720 Coil 2.5’’ Pillowtop • Brand New • 10 yr. warranty • Your Price $490 604.807.5864 The Mattress Guy






MATT’S FIREWOOD DELIVERIES All hardwood. Fully seasoned. Stored inside. (604)532-0662


But Dead Bodies!!


Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. Langley




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Haul Anything...

X COUNTRY SKIIS & BINDINGS FOR SALE. Kneissl & Rossignal Men’s size 10 & Woman’s size 7. Shoes and Poles as well. $40 per set. 3 pin (old style). North Delta. 604-591-9740

SO MUCH MUCH too mention!!!

MATTRESSES staring at $99



PARTIAL LIST ONLY Auction Details: As NEW Mac Tool Macsimizer Tool Series Chest (25k AS NEW) HUGE Snap-On Tools Tool Chest, John DEERE Skid Steer bobcat #317, Natural Gas Gensets, 3 large semi truck engines, Pipe Bender w/shoes 1.5”-2.5” , Honda Diesel Genset EX13D, Heavy Duty Truck Parts, 2 4500 w diesel gensets, 6 as new tool boxes full of tools, Gasket and Hollow Punch, Flaring Tools, Oil Filter Wrench Sets, Torpedo Heaters, Workshop Presses, Miller Welder, Ingersoll Rand Impact Guns, 2004 F-350 Crew Cab, rebuilt engine, with new chip, Hyster 50 Forklift, Hyster 2500, 4000 Clark Electric forklift, Toyota 2500lb Electric, Mac Tool Air Conditioner recharging unit, Landa 3500 psi pressure washer, pallet jacks, HYSTER 3000 Forklift, Pipe bender w/shoes 1.5?-2.5?, As New 2 5hp 3ph full size compressors, 3 large air dryers- 1 gates pc707 hose machine with dies 1ph - 2 , 1=2 miller 300 acdc 1ph wire feed machine with gantry feeder. - 1 miller 625 plasma assorted jacks - grinders floor jacks, hero airless paint sprayers with new lines and guns.- Snap on Mac torque wrenchs. - 1 10hp honda pressure washer. - asst Snap-On Mac wrenches sets. - 1 blue star miller 13 hp mobile welder. - 1 ph 100 amp high frequency welder. 1- professional grade pipe. - misc torches - safety equipment.). 1 peca 9 camera surveillance system with cameras. - 2 h beam trolleys. - misc parts bins. - various hand port-apowers, jack stands, jacks ETC.



566 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PEARL DRUM SET, $1000, receipts for $1000 in upgrades, located in Hope. Call 1 (604)869-7329

Viewing Dates: March 2nd 1:00p.m.-6:00p.m. March 3rd 9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Address: 14730 66th Ave. Surrey, BC (AROUND BACK)

A PLUMBER/GAS, install & repairs; boilers, furnaces, special on ht/wtr tanks. Reas Rates. 604-618-8315

Furnace, Boilers, Hot Water Heat Plumbing Jobs ~ Reas rates


Date: March 3 , 2012 Time: 12:00 Noon Auction

$38/HR!Clogged drains,drips,garbs sinks, Reno’s toilets. No job too small! Lic’d/insured. 778-888-9184




30 INCH GAS RANGE, fair condition, $100. obo. Call 604-583-9670


10% OFF if you Mention this AD! *Plumbing *Heating *Reno’s *More Lic.gas fitter. Aman: 778-895-2005

~ Certified Plumber ~



N. DELTA, 7263 & 7265 - 115 ST. 2 duplexs. Reno 5 bdrms. $1550 + utils. Immed. Call 604-543-1353 or 778-868-6607

733 MOBILE HOMES & PADS Newton Mobile Home Park. 2 RV Pads avail. 604-597-4787.



200th / 72 Ave. area

Beautiful 2 yr old 3 bdrm - just bought this house for investment - for several pictures & detailed information - google mls listing # F1200849. $1800/mo.

Phone: 604-866-8822 BIRDLAND; GREAT family home! Spotless 5 bd/2ba, bright basement (no suite), warm, in-floor, hot-water heat. 15129 Raven Place. $1800, (March 1), 604 267 7245 GUILDFORD 3 bdrm 2 bath in CDS, lge liv rm, fam rm, lge bckyd & sundeck. Nr transit. $1800/mo. Apr 1. 778-838-1403, 778-242-1403 N DELTA. 3 bdrm Rancher. Avail immed. Close to all amenities. $1350/mth. Call 778-552-4418. N. DELTA. 3 bdrm upper ste. in 4 plex very clean, inste laund, balcony. Avail now $1100 + 60% utils. Call Naresh Judge 604-312-6016. NORTH DELTA, 4/bdrm house, 2/bthrms, 1 car garage. RV pkng. 200 sq ft workshop. $1750/mo. Avail March 1. (604)834-5154 PANORAMA Ridge 3 Bdrms on acre w/shrd laundry. New bath/kitchen. Avail now $1100+Utils Ref reqd. NO PETS. 604-572-3341



Refreshingly Clean Meticulously Maintained

Surrey Gardens Apartments for your new one bedroom home www.GreatApartments.ca From From It’s time to$670.00 discover $690.00

Owner Managed Sorry, No Pets

Call for details! 604-589-7040


Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Surrey/North Delta Leader 31 RENTALS 736




NEWTON. 1 bdrm suite. $500/mo. Nr all amenits. N/P. N/S. Avail now. 604-572-3120 or 604-786-3120.

SURREY, CHIMNEY HTS. 1 Bdrm grnd level bsmt suite. Avail now. N/S. N/P. Call 604-597-6620.

NEWTON 66/127 new 3 bdrm with 2 baths, 2 fam rms, nr both schls. ns/np, now. $1100. 604-961-2459.

SURREY City Ctr. Lrg bright 3bdrm, 2 baths. Avail now, ns/np. $1125. 604-780-0330 or 604-897-8777.

NEWTON newer 2 bd, open space, near schl, nice & clean. Lndry incl. NP/NS Mar 1. $750 (604)347-9521

SURREY F.H. 2 bdrm. $825 mo. incl. utils. N/S N/P. Mar. 1 (604)589-4248, 760-2152

PANORAMA / BOUNDARY Park. New 2 bdrm. New appls. laundry. NS/NP. Avail now. 778-896-6544.

SURREY, FLEETWOOD, 83/172 St. Brand new spacious 2 bdrm, avail. now, $925 incl utils. No cable. NS/NP. Phone 604-617-4850.

SURREY Guildford, 1 furn’d bdrm, access to W/D & kitchen, $450/mo. Avail now. (604)951-1184



2BDRM NS Bsmt Suite avail Apr 1 or Mar 2 $750 Clov/lang area Close to all amenties call 604-574-6400 BEAR CREEK. 2 bdrm g/lvl ste, nr schls/bus. ns/np, $675 incl util/net/cbl. March 15 604-572-0033 BEAR CREEK. Newer 2 bdrm suite. $650/mo. incl utils. N/S. N/P. Avail now. 604-783-4713. BOLIVER HTS 140/113. NEWER 2 bdrm bsmt ste. Insuite lndry, utils incl. Nr. Surrey Tradional School. avai. Mar. 15. ns/np. 604-767-4468 CHIMNEY HEIGHTS 2 bdrm bsmt , laminate flrs. Avail immed. NS/NP. $600/mo incl utils. 604-591-6802 CHIMNEY HILL 1bd $575 or 2 bd, 2bath $1000 incl hydro. Nr amens, avail now. Ns/np. 604-782-2016. CHIMNEY HTS Clean 1 bdrm, nr all amens, NS/NP. $600 incl cable, hydro. Quiet area (604)767-2372. CHIMNEY RIDGE. 1 Bd $550 avl now. 2 Bd $650 Mar 15th. NS/NP. New appls, lam flrs. 604-317-7862 CLAYTON 69/192 St. 1 Bdrm coach house avail. N/S, N/P. $700 incl cable, hydro & laundry 778899-2938 CLOVERDALE, 56/188. Newer 2 bdrm bsmt suite. Avail now, ns/np. $850/mo incl utils. 604-518-9017 FLEETWOOD 2 bedroom brand new basement suite for rent $900 month call 604-828-5624



BOLIVAR HEIGHTS. Female preferred. Private deluxe home. $375 incl all utils. 1 block to bus stop. Avail now. 604-786-7977. SURREY 80th/King George Hwy. One room avail in nice home. $400/mo +1/2 utils. 604-595-7737.

Surrey,100th Ave/124A St. 3 Bdrm rancher unit. F/P, carport. Nr amen, n/p. March 1/15. $1100 mo. neg. + utils. 604-589-1975/604-816-9319


STRAWBERRY HILLS, 12381-78 Ave. 1 bdrm. $550 incl hydro, lndry. NS/NP. Nr all amens. Mar. 1st. Call 604-418-0999 or 604-594-0883. SURREY 111A/148. Large bright 2 bdrm, lam & carpet, crown moulding, fenced yrd, sep ent, quiet area mr all amens. ns/np. $850 incl utils 778-861-1583, 604-585-1523. SURREY 134/87 area. Newer 2 bdrm, approx. 900 sq/ft. Nr amens. NS/NP, Mar 15. 604-783-8609.




SURREY 2 Bdrm bsmt ste. $700 incl cbl/net. Nr amens. NP/NS. Avail now. 604-592-2976, 778-858-2728


NEED A VEHICLE? EASY FINANCE!! Low Payments! $99 Delivers 24 Hour Approval. We Deliver! 3,000 Vehicles to choose. Call Now! Marty 1-888-414-8042. Big Discounts! www.eagleridgegmc.com.

SURREY, 2 Bdrm suite & two Bachelor suites avail. Brand new. Close to everything. N/S, N/P. Avail immed. Call 604-720-3603 SURREY: 3 bdr bsmt w/ huge kitch, l/rm, extra space. Own w/d. $1300/mo all incl. (604)781-4783

SURREY 156/102B. 3 Bdrm +den, 2.5 bath, fenced yrd, garage, ns/np avail now. $1500/mo. 604-591-6231

GREEN TIMBERS 14216 91st Ave. Lrg bright 2bdrm gr/lvl ste. Nr park. ns/np $675 incl utils. 604-583-7615.

SURREY, brand new 2 bdrm. suite, new appl., N/P N/S, no ldry. $750 mo. Now. (778)385-0572

GUILDFORD GLEN 14860 101 A Ave. 2bdrm T/H. Family housing. Avail NOW. $860/m Near all amen’s, bus stop, clean. 604-451-6676.

KINGSTON GARDENS 15385 99 Ave. 2 bdrm T/H $825/m, nr Guildford mall, schls & transit . near amen’s 604-451-6676 LANGLEY, 5255 - 208 St. RENO’D 4 bdrm T/H. 1400 sq.ft. in cozy 9 unit complex. 1.5 baths, gas F/P, 5 appls. dbl. glazed windows. Cls to schools, shops, bus rte. Backs onto park. Sm. pet allowed. 2 prkg. spaces. $1425/mo. Avail. March 1. 604-939-2729 or 778-285-0096

1997 20 ft. Slumber Queen Class C Motorhome. Chev chassis, fully equipt. Many Extras. $15000. Call 604-796-0230

2000 Suncruiser 35U

821 CARS - SPORTS & IMPORTS 2000 Acura 3.2TL Immac Only 126K all serv records New water pump timing belt $7200 obo. Call 538-7155 2004 MERCEDES C230 SEDAN show room condition, sporty, slick & great for the summer, auto, sunroof, only 47k, blk. leather, local.This can be yours for $11,930/ 604-328-1883

Dual pane windows, awning, 6000 watt generator, heated tanks, fantastic fan and more! $47,983 (Stk.30951A) www.fraserwayrv.com 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644



AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673

2 & 3 Bdrm T/Homes Move-In Allowance!! 2004 Mini Cooper, fully customized. 49,711kms. Manual, white. PIAA rims. $24,900. (778)874-7653

Call 604-532-2036

2005 TOYOTA MATRIX XR, auto, sunroof, p/dl, p/w, 104,600kms. No accid. $8995. 778-318-2929

SURREY, 174 & 57 Ave. 2 BDRM, $890/mo. Quiet family complex, no pets. Call: 604-576-9969.

2007 MAZDA 6, station wagon, auto, p/w, p/l, A/C, fold down b. seats. 52km. $13,000 obo. 604-572-8717.

Newly Renovated! Westland ✶ Wellington Townhomes Large 3 bdrm, inste storage. Starting at $1250/mo. 5 Appl’s, 1.5 baths, gas fireplace. Close to schools, shopping & transit. No pets.

Call NOW 604-830-5260 Website: www.aptrentals.net SURREY SUTTON PLACE 3 bdrm 13834 102 Ave. Family housing nr amens, transit, schools, Crime-free multi-housing. $925/month. On site laundry. Call NOW 604-451-6676



2011 HONDA CRV 4 wd, Auto, silver. Loaded. Local car. $22,500: 9000kms. (778) 895-7570



Check out bcclassified.com’s Employment and Career Sections in the 100’s for information 604-575-5555



1986 Kawaski GT 750 shaft drive 16,000 miles, gd condition. $1200. 604-888-1378, 604-377-5950

$1100 - $1200/m


2008 HONDA 150 CRF Dirt Bike Less than 20 hours operating time. LIKE NEW. No scratches. $2000. Call 604-845-1895.

Quiet, Clean & Spacious 2.5 bath, patio, storage, d/w, w/d, f/p, N/S, N/P, 2-car garage, next to high school. Avail. Now!! 12730 - 66 Avenue

Autos • Trucks • Equipment Removal FREE TOWING 7 days/wk. We pay Up To $500 CA$H Rick Goodchild 604.551.9022 #1 FREE SCRAP VEHICLE REMOVAL ASK ABOUT $500 CREDIT $$$ PAID FOR SOME 604.683.2200

2004 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Ltd. 4x4, auto, green, 126K, $7700 firm. Call 604-538-4883



2001 CHEVROLET ASTRO VAN 8 pass. white, mechanically sound, excellent cond. in & out. No accid. local. $3995 obo / 604.306.0144 2006 MAZDA B3000, black, 4 door, 1 owner, 100,000 km’s. Exc cond. $9888 obo. 604-562-4168.

FREE Scrap Vehicle Removal Up To $500 CA$H Today Fast Service. JJ 604-728-1965

2011 NISSAN VERSA - 5 dr hatchback, auto, 20K. Loaded. Asking $9800/obo. 778-895-7570

2005 POLARIS Sportsman ATV, 700 twin, EFI, mossy oak camel, warn winch, front & rear bumpers, Easy-Off windshield, exc. cond. 1538km. $5500 firm. Chilliwack 1 (604)799-8533

2 & 3 bedrooms

2006 YAMAHA APEX 1000, 4stroke, MLX Mtn. 163” x 2¼” track, reverse, comes with service manual. 1024 mi. Cheapest Apex/4stroke in Canada! $5900 firm. Chilliwack (604)799-8533



SURREY / Delta Border

SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pickup anywhere in BC, Min. 10. Toll Free Call:1.877.334.2288 The Scrapper


Fridge, stove, dishwasher (in most), drapes. Outdoor pool. Some pets welcome. Resident Manager. Close to bus, shopping, schools and parks. #36 - 5210 - 203 Street, Langley



N. Delta: nr Alex Fraser bridge 3 bdrm, $900 + 1/2 utils. Nr schools & shopping ctr. N/P. (604)879-0709

SURREY, 2 bdrm. suite, $650 mo. hydro incl. Nr. bus, schools, shops. March 1. N/P N/S. 604-897-0426


DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

SURREY 1 bdrm bsmt suite. Avail Mar 1st. N/S. N/P. $500 incl hydro & gas. (604) 593-1064 or 671-9988.



Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231 www.UapplyUdrive.ca

2007 FORD FUSION SEL $11,000, 71K, sunroof, a/c, auto, p/w, p/l, very clean. Call: (604)539-2829

SURREY. Brand new 2 bdrm. New appls, own W/D, no cable or net. $1150/mo. Phone (778)575-5545.

NEWTON. 1 bdrm bsmt. $550/mo incl utils & satellite. N/P. N/S. Avail now. 604- 572-6373.

CENTRAL SURREY. Reno’d 1 & 2 bdrm suites. Beautiful views. Near university, Skytrain & shops. Avail now. (604) 537-4600 or 599-8823.



A/C, microwave, slideout, DSI water heater, awning, $4000 in savings! $14,983 (stk.28226A) www.fraserwayrv.com 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644

SURREY, 168/Fraser Hwy. 2 Bdrm bsmt suite. $700 incl utils/net. Now. No lndry. (604)783-0725, 719-8685

FLEETWOOD 1 or 2 bdrm suite. Quiet neighbourhood. Avail now. N/S. N/P. $800/mo. 604-314-1023.





FLEETWOOD Reno’d 3 bdrm, upper lvl. F/S, D/W. Mar 1st. $1000 incl utils. NS/NP. 778-388-3544

SURREY 15248-88 Ave. 3 Bdrm rancher, $1100/mo. Avail now. Call 604-782-8436 or 604-589-3928

NEWTON. Roommate to share bsmt suite. $400. NP/NS Avail. Immed. Phone (778)552-4418.



1987 CHEVROLET Celebrity Clean, 166,600 kms, $800. obo Call 604-619-8596

SURREY 69/150th. 1 bdrm bsmt suite. Avail now. NS/NP. $650/mo incl utils/cable/WD. 778-241-2738.

N.DELTA; fully furn’d 1 bdrm. Cls to bus & amens. Incl utils/cbl/net, d/w. np/ns, no lndry. $550 604-614-9193

SURREY: Lrg 3 bdrm. Close to bus schl. Incl util, alarm, net. $825/mo 604-780-0704 or 604-720-2305


Cloverdale. 3 bdrm upper, approx 1800 sq.ft 2 full baths. gas f/p, skylight, shared laundry & utils. March 1. N/S. N/P. $1290. 604-833-4580.

FLEETWOOD 150/88 Ave. Newer 2 bdrm ste. NS/NP. $700/mo incl utils Avail now. (604)502-9897.

Guildford 151A/93 Ave. 2 Bd grnd lvl, $700 incl utils. Pri deck, NS/NP no lndry. Mar 1st. 604-537-4532


SURREY. 144 & 105 AV. 1 bdrm suite. Shrd lndry. $557/mnth, 40% utils. NO Pets. Call (604) 951-2331

SURREY 123/93A. 3 Bdrms up & 1 bdrm suite down, fenced yrd, near everything, $1700. 778-317-3102.

SURREY 70/144th 3 bdrm house large garage $1150/mo. Susan 604-805-0579



In the Matter of Part 3.1 (Administrative Forfeiture) of the Civil Forfeiture Act [SBC 2005, C. 29] the CFA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: On January 30, 2009, at 10866 City Parkway, Surrey, BC, Peace Officer(s) of the Surrey RCMP seized, at the time indicated, the subject property, described as: $1545.00 CAD, on or about 15:06 Hours. The subject property was seized because there was a warrant authorized by the court pursuant to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act of Canada to seize evidence in respect of an offence under Section 5(2) CDSA - Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking. Notice is hereby given that the subject property, CFO file Number: 2012-886, is subject to forfeiture under Part 3.1 of the CFA and will be forfeited to the Government for disposal by the Director of Civil Forfeiture

unless a notice of dispute is filed with the Director within the time period set out in this notice. A notice of dispute may be filed by a person who claims to have an interest in all or part of the subject property. The notice of dispute must be filed within 60 days of the date upon which this notice is first published. You may obtain the form of a notice of dispute, which must meet the requirements of Section 14.07 of the CFA, from the Director’s website accessible online at www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/ civilforfeiture. The notice must be in writing, signed in the presence of a lawyer or notary public, and mailed to the Civil Forfeiture Office, PO Box 9234 Station Provincial Government, Victoria BC V8W 9J1.

In the Matter of Part 3.1 (Administrative Forfeiture) of the Civil Forfeiture Act [SBC 2005, C. 29] the CFA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: On April 29, 2008, at 120 Street, Surrey, BC, Peace Officer(s) of the Surrey RCMP seized, at the time indicated, the subject property, described as: $1950.00 CAD, on or about 14:29 Hours. The subject property was seized because there was a warrant authorized by the court pursuant to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act of Canada to seize evidence in respect of an offence under Section 7(1) Possession of a controlled substance for use in production or trafficking, Controlled Drug and Substance Act (CDSA). Notice is hereby given that the subject property, CFO file Number: 2012-896, is subject to forfeiture under Part 3.1 of the CFA and will be forfeited to the Government for disposal by the Director of Civil Forfeiture

unless a notice of dispute is filed with the Director within the time period set out in this notice. A notice of dispute may be filed by a person who claims to have an interest in all or part of the subject property. The notice of dispute must be filed within 60 days of the date upon which this notice is first published. You may obtain the form of a notice of dispute, which must meet the requirements of Section 14.07 of the CFA, from the Director’s website accessible online at www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/ civilforfeiture. The notice must be in writing, signed in the presence of a lawyer or notary public, and mailed to the Civil Forfeiture Office, PO Box 9234 Station Provincial Government, Victoria BC V8W 9J1.

32 Surrey/North Delta Leader Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quality Meats for LESS



Stewing Hens


Turkey Wings 5 kg box







Beef Rib Eye Steaks

Chicken Whole Breast



Boneless Imported


Bone In





98 lb


Fresh Taste of Savings


Roma Tomatoes


lb lb

Mexican Cello

Green Peppers 2 lb.



BC Xtra Fancy



Ambrosia Apples




Russet Potatoes 10 lb. Bag






Low, Low Food Prices Western Family All Purpose Flour

WOW! Foothills Butter Salted 454g Limit 6


Campbell’s Chunky Soup Assorted Varieties 510ml



Selected Varieties 796ml



WOW! Roger’s Sugar


White 4kg Limit 6


Chef BOYARDEE Pastas

BUY 1 GET 1 Unico Tomatoes




Western Family Bathroom Tissue

12 rolls


12 rolls

12 Double Rolls / 24


Assorted Varieties 425g

same item of equal or lesser value


98 ea






Western Family Laundry Soap


98 ea

Selected Varieties Liquid & Powdered 1.47L




We reserve the right to limit quantities. Some items may not be exactly as shown. All items available while stock lasts. SALE PRICES IN EFFECT FEB. 28 - MAR. 3, 2012.

Dell Shopping Centre Open 7 Days a Week 10636 King George Blvd. 604-588-6596

8am - 9pm


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