Wed June 22 2011 Leader

Page 1

Angry crowd, angry letters pages 7, 8

Scholarship to play ay softball at SFU page 20

Wednesday June 22, 2011 11 Serving Surrey and d North Delta www surreyleader com o

Recollections of a riot Adrenaline, anger the big drivers in 1994 melée, Surrey father says

Plastic money on the way

by Kevin Diakiw

Canada to combat counterfeiting with new polymer bank notes by Kevin Diakiw

“A huge cheer goes up, like a big roar, and you go, ‘yeah, I wanna get one of those’.”

NEW PLASTIC bank notes will be

hitting the market this November, as the Canadian treasury ramps up action against counterfeiting. A sneak peek of the new bills took place in Surrey on Monday. The $100 bill, which will be released this November, has two transparent areas on the note. Looking through the smaller one at a single source of light, numbers appear that correspond with the value of the bill. The larger transparent area has a picture of the House of Commons and numbers in holographic image, which is extremely complicated to reproduce. The $100 bill, like its predecessor, has a picture of Sir Robert Borden, the prime minister between 1911 and 1920, while two-time prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King remains on the $50 bill. See NEW BILLS / Page 5

AWASH WITH disappointment over the Vancouver Canucks’ Game 7 loss that robbed them of the Stanley Cup, 15-year-old Ian Welch was gazing out an apartment window in the downtown core when he saw the crowd. He and five friends headed down to the street to join the masses. It was 1994, and Welch was about to become swept up in a Vancouver riot. He remembers half the crowd was cheering that the Canucks made it that far into the playoffs. At the same time, a growing section of the mob was becoming increasingly aggressive, shouting out conspiracies about the NHL fixing the game. Young and impressionable, he began to believe the conspiracies, and got angry. The crowd began kicking over garbage cans, pushing over mailboxes and throwing bottles. After each act of violence, there were cheers for the perpetrators. “Once somebody starts it, everybody gets on board with it,” the Cloverdale resident said in an interview with The Leader. “A huge cheer goes up, like a big roar, and you go, ‘yeah I wanna get one of those.’ So you break a window and you get a big cheer.” He kept his aggression focused on inanimate objects, breaking windows, kicking over trash cans and vandalizing cars. Down deep, he said, you know what Ian Welch you’re doing is wrong, but you don’t give it much thought. “You know the difference between right and wrong, that’s ingrained,” Welch said, but added the adrenaline rush from just being there grabbed hold of him. “Your head is pounding, and the only thing is trying to get that adrenaline out or that anger out, so you kick something.” He began pushing over mail boxes and throwing the beer bottles that were strewn along the ground. He was cheered. He broke windows and joined in with others to flip cars. More cheers. The crowd he was with quickly grew from six to 25 people. Welch stayed downtown for three hours, intoxicated by the energy of the crowd.


Ian Welch used his experience in Vancouver’s 1994 hockey riot as a lesson for his teenage son when violence erupted during the 2011 Stanley Cup playoff game last Wednesday.

Editorial 6 Letters 7 Sports 20 Life 24 Classifieds 27


The Surrey-North Delta Leader will be delivered to you... AND




See WELCH / Page 3

Save time, save money.

2 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bill Rempel (Vice President & General Manager of Central City) Surrey Mayor, Dianne Watts.

Central City and Blackwood Partners Management Corp. wish to thank Mayor Dianne Watts, Council and the entire City of Surrey Team for co-hosting the Stanley Cup Play-Offs on Central City’s outdoor plaza. We are extremely proud of the Surrey Community for displaying first class sportsmanship at all play-off games including game seven.

Service, Source Security, Concord Security, the Downtown Surrey Business Improvement Association, McQuarrie Hunter, Virgin Radio and CBC. And finally, Thank You to the Vancouver Canucks for playing with heart and providing us with exhilarating entertainment. We are extremely proud that you took us all the way to the Stanley Cup Play Offs.

Thank you also goes out to all those involved in ensuring the success of the event including the Surrey RCMP, BC Ambulance

“Bill Rempel, Vice President & General Manager, Central City & Team”

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 3

The psychology of a riot Splitting up party may have prevented violence: Expert

From page 1

by Jeff Nagel VANCOUVER’S RIOT might have been averted if celebrants were steered to alternate fan zones distributed across the Lower Mainland rather than being concentrated downtown, a retired expert on sports riots argues. “They invited 100,000 people to attend this, which I think was a big mistake,” said Gordon Russell, a social psychologist from the University of Lethbridge who now lives in B.C. He cited his past research that roughly three per cent of people who attend large sports events have a predisposition to fight or spark trouble and many of them have anti-social or psychopathic tendencies. Russell said that means 3,000 people in the Vancouver crowd could be expected to be prone to violence and what happened should not have come as a surprise. “I would have told them not to invite everybody to Seymour Street,” he said. “Split them up. Have five celebrations.” Surrey and Abbotsford did Gordon have their own celebration Russell sites, but Russell said three more in places like Richmond and other parts of Metro Vancouver could have helped, coupled with a reduced emphasis on the downtown party. Dividing up the problem would make policing it easier, he said. “Use sites in wide open areas, not jammed into narrow city streets,” he added. Russell said Vancouver organizers could easily have had a different nightmare on their hands – a

Welch: Now remorseful

“It’s a setting for a panic when people are confined like that.”


A young woman taunts the crowd near a smouldering garbage bin in downtown Vancouver following the Canucks’ loss in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup final. (She did not set it on fire). stampede – because of the dense concentration of revellers. “It’s a setting for a panic when people are confined like that,” he said. “If a bomb or incendiary device goes off nearby you could have a major panic there instead

of a riot.” Scores of people have died before at European soccer stadium or concert stampedes, he said. He said it seemed the Vancouver organizers were aiming for some sort of attendance record.

Fighters in a riot tend to be young single males who are angry, disaffected and on the outskirts of society, Russell said, but added there’s much more to it than that stereotype. See 1994 / Page 5

He had no regrets on the way home, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He just wanted to head back downtown for more. Welch said he felt no remorse until three years later when his first child was born. Now Welch is 32 and his son Cole is 14. He now fully understands the mistakes made as a youth and wants to do whatever he can to keep his son from repeating them. “I don’t think I ever truly understood what pride was until my kids were born,” Welch said. He is taking the risk of going public because he thinks people should be aware of how fast mob mentality can kick in, and how easy it is to get swept up in violence. “I don’t think in 1994 that anyone planned on rioting. It had a feeling of spontaneity to it,” Welch said. Fast forward to 2011. Welch went downtown last Wednesday with his wife and her two friends to take in the Canucks’ Stanley Cup Game 7 against the Boston Bruins. He warned the group ahead of time that if the celebration appeared to be going south at all, they were going to go home. The first thing he noticed was the size of the crowd; way too many people for a space that size, he thought. After the first Boston goal, the crowd became agitated and bottles started flying. By the time Boston scored its third goal, Welch began hearing disturbing comments from the crowd. “This town is going to burn, let’s burn this city down, this is bulls--t, I can’t believe the Canucks are losing,” he remembers hearing. “People were getting upset.” Welch heard threats of violence coming from boys, girls, men and women. “I’ve been reading that it’s young men... there were girls in there just as much as young men were,” Welch said. Welch and his wife were on a SkyTrain by the third period and home in Surrey just after the game. By then the riot was in full swing, and they watched events unfold on TV. Cole watched as well, and Welch had a message for him. “This is where your own decisionmaking comes into play,” Welch told his son. “You know if you stay, even if you’re just watching, you can be dragged into it.” If the Canucks are in the same position next year, and there is a celebration site available and Cole chooses to go there, Welch won’t stop him. He’ll just ask him to remember what he’s learned.

Scott Road SkyTrain station to be wheelchair accessible Will end need to shuttle people from bus loop to elevator by Jeff Nagel WORK IS now underway on a new


An elevator is being installed at the Scott Road SkyTrain station.

wheelchair-accessible elevator on the west side of Scott Road SkyTrain station in Surrey. The $5.1-million project is to be finished in 2012 with cost-sharing grants from the federal and provincial government. “Installing a west-side elevator at Scott Road Station was the number-one priority identified in our consultations with the Access Transit Users Advisory Committee,”

said Fred Cummings, president of TransLink’s SkyTrain subsidiary. “As the station grew into a transit exchange, the bus loop was separated from the accessible entrance by a roadway, and TransLink has had to call for a cab to take these customers from the buses to the elevator. Now we can take another step to make the system accessible for all.” At the official project launch Friday was Al Cleaver, former Surrey fire chief and former member of the Access Transit Users Advisory

Committee, who has been an energetic advocate for the new elevator for many years. The Scott Road project is the latest step in a 30-year process to achieve full accessibility in public transit on the Lower Mainland. The glass-and-steel construction is similar to the type used when Commercial-Broadway Station was renovated and upgraded in 2009, and will help Scott Road meet Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design guidelines.

4 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011

N OT I C E O F P U B L I C H E A R I N G - M O N DAY, J U N E 2 7, 2 011 The Council of the City of Surrey will hold a Public Hearing pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act, in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 14245 - 56 Avenue, Surrey, BC, on Monday, June 27, 2011, commencing at 7:00 p.m.



Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17425 Application: 7910-0165-00 CIVIC ADDRESS: 2669 - 144 Street APPLICANT: Amrik, Jisbinder and Manvir Purewal c/o H.Y. Engineering Ltd. (Lori Joyce) #200, 9128 - 152 Street, Surrey, BC V3R 4E7 PROPOSAL: To rezone the property from “One-Acre Residential Zone (RA)” to “Comprehensive Development Zone (CD)”. DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT To vary “Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17425”, Part 2, Section F.1, as follows, (a) To reduce the minimum side yard setback from 4.5 metres (15 ft.) to 2 metres (6.6 ft.) for proposed Lot 4. The purpose of the rezoning and development variance permit is to permit subdivision into 9 single family residential lots. B. Permitted Uses for By-law 17425 The Lands and structures shall be used for the following uses only, or for a combination of such uses: 1. One single family dwelling which may contain 1 secondary suite. 2. Accessory uses including the following: (a) Bed and breakfast use in accordance with Section B.2, Part 4 General Provisions, of Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, as amended; and (b) The keeping of boarders or lodgers in accordance with Section B.2, Part 4 General Provisions of Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, as amended.


Surrey Official Community Plan By-law, 1996, No. 12900, No. 291 Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17426 Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17427 Application: 7910-0310-00 CIVIC ADDRESS: 2447, 2465, 2503 - 164 Street and 2482 - 163 Street APPLICANT: Maryellen Fulton and Morgan Heights Ventures Ltd. c/o Robert Ciccozzi Architecture Inc. (Robert Ciccozzi) #200, 2339 Columbia Street, Vancouver, BC V5Y 3Y3 PROPOSAL: By-law 17426 To redesignate the site from Suburban (SUB) to Urban (URB). By-law 17427 To rezone the site from “One-Acre Residential Zone (RA)”to “Comprehensive Development Zone (CD)”. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the development of 80 townhouse units. B. Permitted Uses for By-law 1742s7 The Lands and structures shall be used for the following uses only, or for a combination of such uses: 1. Ground-oriented multiple unit residential buildings. 2. Child care centres, provided that such centres: (a) Do not constitute a singular use on the lot; and (b) Do not exceed a total area of 3.0 square metres [32 sq.ft.] per dwelling unit.

Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17422 Application: 7911-0022-00 CIVIC ADDRESS: 12948 - 115 Avenue APPLICANT: City of Surrey Surrey City Development Corp. (Dwight Ecklund) #1870, 13450 - 102 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3T 5X3 PROPOSAL: To rezone the property from “Light Impact Industrial Zone (IL)” to “Comprehensive Development Zone (CD)”. DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT To vary “Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000”, as amended, Part 5, Table C.3, as follows: (a) To reduce the number of required off-street parking spaces from 96 to 85 for a 9,637 metre building. To vary “Surrey Sign By-law, 1999, No. 13656”, as amended, Part 5, Section 27, Sub-section 2(a), as follows: (a) To increase the number of fascia signs from 3 to 5. The purpose of the rezoning and development variance permit is to permit the development of a brewery with ancillary retail sales. B. Permitted Uses for By-law 17422 The Lands and structures shall be used for the following uses only, or for a combination of such uses: 1. Light impact industry. 2. Recycling depots provided that: (a) The use is confined to an enclosed building; and (b) The storage of used tires is prohibited. 3. General service uses limited to the following: (a) Driving schools; (b) Industrial equipment rentals; (c) Taxi dispatch offices; (d) Industrial first aid training; and (e) Trade schools. 4. Warehouse uses. 5. Distribution centres. 6. Office uses limited to the following: (a) Architectural and landscape architectural offices; (b) Engineering and surveying offices; (c) General contractor offices; (d) Government offices; and (e) Utility company offices. 7. Accessory uses including the following: (a) Retail sales of products manufactured on the premises, limited to a maximum floor area of 185 square metres [2,000 sq. ft.]; (b) Coffee shops provided that the seating capacity shall not exceed 35 and the said coffee shop is not licensed by the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 267, as amended; (c) Recreation facilities, excluding go-kart operations, drag racing and rifle ranges; (d) Community services; (e) Child care centres; and (f) One dwelling unit provided that the dwelling unit is: i. Contained within the principal building; ii. Occupied by the owner or caretaker, for the protection of the businesses permitted; and iii. Restricted to a maximum floor area of 140 square metres [1,500 sq. ft.].

Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17418 Application: 7911-0083-00 CIVIC ADDRESS: 8076 and 8078 King George Boulevard APPLICANT: The Owners Strata Plan NW2658 c/o City of Surrey (Planning & Development Department) 14245 - 56 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3X 3A2 PROPOSAL: To rezone the site from “Tourist Accommodation Zone (CTA)” to “Comprehensive Development Zone (CD)”. The purpose of the rezoning is to allow for the continued use of the restaurant, tourist trailer park and manufactured homes. B. Permitted Uses for By-law 17418 The Lands and structures shall be used for the following uses only, or for a combination of such uses: 1. Block A Eating establishment excluding drive-through restaurant. 2. Block B One manufactured home on each strata lot. 3. Block C (a) Tourist trailer park; and (b) Open space.


Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17423 Application: 7910-0219-00 CIVIC ADDRESS: 14907 and 14923 - 60 Avenue APPLICANT: Rawlins Enterprises Ltd. c/o Barnett Dembek Architects Inc. (Maciej Dembek) #135, 7536 - 130 Street, Surrey, BC V3W 1H8 PROPOSAL: To rezone the site from “One-Acre Residential Zone (RA)” to “Comprehensive Development Zone (CD)”. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the development of 10 live work units and 26 townhouse units. B. Permitted Uses for By-law 17423 The Lands and structures shall be used for the following uses only, or for a combination of such uses, provided such combined uses are part of a comprehensive design: 1. Block A (a) Ground-oriented multiple unit residential buildings; and (b) Child care centres, provided that such centres: i. Do not constitute a single use on the lot; and ii. Do not exceed a total area of 3.0 square metres [32 sq. ft.] per dwelling unit. 2. Block B (a) Ground-oriented multiple unit residential buildings; and

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 5

New bills: Will last longer From page 1

New to the $100 bill are images of Canada’s role as a pioneer in medicine for the discovery of insulin and the invention of the pacemaker. The $50 note, which will be released in March, 2012, displays the image of the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Amundsen in the North, reflecting this country’s role in Arctic research. The remaining Canadian bills will be released subsequently, beginning with the $20 note at the end of next year and the remaining in 2013.

The cost of the transition to the new notes include $20 million in research and development. It will also cost 19 cents to produce each bill, as opposed to the 10 cents apiece for those already in circulation. The new bills are expected to last 2.5 times as long as their predecessors, reducing processing costs and impact on the environment. For more information visit www.bankofcanada. ca/banknotes

2 -year Locked-in TERM DEPOSIT


1994: Recommendations ignored From page 3 “These people feed on excitement,” he said. “They act suddenly, without any reason and they will just explode.” Another three to seven per cent of a crowd typically become instigators, egging on the fighters. About seven per cent of people pack up and leave at the first sign of violence, he said,

while up to 19 per cent become “peacemakers” trying to calm or restrain rioters and the largest group – about 60 per cent – will simply stand around and watch. An investigator who examined the 1994 Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver said key recommendations he provided then were ignored this time. Bob Whitelaw said the failure to enforce a no-parking

Coffee with Dave

zone in the downtown core let fans attack parked vehicles. He also said fans were allowed to gather in large numbers and should have been quickly dispersed and ushered out of the downtown area. As in 1994, Whitelaw said, police seemed to be standing around and not taking preemptive action.

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N OT I C E O F P U B L I C H E A R I N G - M O N DAY, J U N E 2 7, 2 011 (b) The following accessory uses may be permitted only in association with the use permitted under Sub-section B.2(a), provided that the floor area occupied by such accessory uses does not exceed 30% of the floor area of the dwelling unit and shall be operated by the occupant of the said dwelling unit: i. Personal service uses excluding body rub parlours; ii. Office uses excluding the following: a. Social escort services; and b. Methadone clinics; iii. General service uses excluding the following: a. Funeral parlours; b. Banks and drive-through banks; c. Veterinary clinics; and d. Adult education institutions; iv. Retail stores excluding the following: a. Adult entertainment stores; b. Secondhand stores and pawnshops; c. Convenience stores; d. Retail warehouses; and e. Flea markets; and v. Eating establishments excluding the following: a. Drive-through restaurants; and b. Eating establishment licensed by the Liquor Control and Licensing Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, chapter 267, as amended.


Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17424 Application: 7910-0279-00 CIVIC ADDRESS: 14344 - 60 Avenue APPLICANT: Kenneth Thiessen and Debbie Saito c/o Porte Development Corp. (Victor Setton) #380, 1665 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6J 1X1 PROPOSAL: To rezone the property from “One-Acre Residential Zone (RA)” to “Comprehensive Development Zone (CD)”. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the development of a 4-storey apartment building. B. Permitted Uses for By-law 17424 The Lands and structures shall be used for the following uses only, or for a combination of such uses: 1. Multiple unit residential buildings and ground-oriented multiple unit residential buildings. 2. Child care centres, provided that such centres: (a) Do not constitute a singular use on the lot; and (b) Do not exceed a total area of 3.0 square metres [32 sq.ft.] per dwelling unit.


Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Text Amendment By-law, 2011, No. 17421 APPLICANT: City of Surrey 14245 - 56 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3X 3A2 PROPOSAL: “Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000”, as amended, is further amended to add the definition for Marijuana Dispensary and to include marijuana dispensary as a permitted use under Part 36B Community Commercial B Zone as outlined in Corporate Report R105. This amendment will act to prohibit in the City medical Marijuana Dispensaries which are not licensed, regulated and inspected by either the provincial or federal governments. Additional information may be obtained from the Planning & Development Department at (604) 591-4441. Copies of the by-law(s), development variance permit(s), supporting staff reports and any relevant background documentation may be viewed in the “Notices” section of the City of Surrey website at www.surrey. ca or inspected at the City Hall, Monday through Friday (except statutory holidays) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from Tuesday, June 14, 2011 to Monday, June 27, 2011. All persons who believe their interest in property will be affected by the proposed by-law(s)/ development variance permit(s) shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing on matters contained in the by-law(s)/development variance permit(s). Should you have any concerns or comments you wish to convey to Council, please fax to 604-591-8731, email, or submit in writing to the City Clerk at 14245 - 56 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3X 3A2, no later than Monday, June 27, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Please note that Council may not receive further submissions from the public or interested persons concerning these applications after the Public Hearing has concluded. Jane Sullivan City Clerk


6 Surrey/North Delta Leader

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Published and printed by Black Press Ltd. at 5450 152 St., Surrey, B.C.


Costly promises



n just one short week since the 2011 Stanley Cup riot in downtown Vancouver, remarkable strides have already taken place. First, citizens banded together to “take back their streets,” showing up in the tens of thousands Thursday morning to help clean up the destruction left behind by the out-of-control thugs the night before. An “wall of hope” was created on the plywood boarding up The Bay and other stores that were blatantly looted by gleeful hooligans, with scores of contributors sharing the angst and embarrassment of watching their beloved city become so badly tarnished on the world stage. In unprecedented fashion, users of social media united to “out” those who trashed property, beat up bystanders and torched police cars. The “name and shame” campaign has resulted in several arrests, and in some cases, prompted rioters to turn themselves in to police. Officials are vowing those responsible for the numerous criminal acts that took place and the estimated millions of dollars in damage incurred will be punished to the full extent of the law. With the work of a new Integrated Riot Investigation Team involving officers from across the region, along with a dedicated team of Crown prosecutors, Premier Christy Clark promises to pursue criminal charges “wherever possible and appropriate.” (See her letter, opposite page). There’s just one not-so-small problem with all this positive response: The justice system itself. Chronically underfunded for nearly a decade, B.C.’s courts are on the brink of collapse. Just last week, a murder in Richmond and a home invasion in North Vancouver were among the latest cases delayed due to a desperate shortage of sheriffs. Other trials have been postponed in recent months in Richmond, Victoria, Nanaimo and the Okanagan. And at least four additional criminal cases were put on hold over the past two weeks in Vancouver Provincial Court. In fact across the province, thanks to shortages of sheriffs, judges, prosecutors and legal aid lawyers, more than 2,100 criminal cases are now at risk of being tossed out of court due to delays that threaten to violate the accused’s right to be tried within a reasonable time. But the B.C. Liberals have remained steadfastly stubborn. As outlined in The Leader’s special series earlier this year – Justice Denied – despite a chorus of voices calling for an emergency infusion of cash to unclog the system, another $14.5 million is being cut from the courts this year, followed by a funding freeze for the next two years, until 2014. While Clark has pledged to provide the money necessary to catch, charge and prosecute the rioters, with the respect to the latter, no dollar figure has emerged. Were she to walk the talk, Clark would need to bring her pocketbook. Critics estimate it would cost roughly $25 to $30 million a year in additional funding to bring court staffing up to the level it was six years ago –as well as forestall further cuts currently planned. That amounts to roughly a six-per-cent increase in the $458-million operating budget of the attorney general’s ministry – a figure described by advocates as barely a rounding error in terms of the multi-billion-dollar health care budget. The public response to last week’s riot suggests the time is ripe to funnel much-needed cash into the courts. All that’s required now is the political will.


A hard look at your choices



The Surrey/North Delta Leader is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

“economic and social equality.” And the NDP manages to make the B.C. Conservatives look modern. This isn’t just academic discussion for party In January I described how the B.C. NDP conventions. One of the last acts of the NDP Opposition in the B.C. legislature this spring constitution still formally endorses the governwas to propose a legislated end ment taking over major industries, and rejects all for-profit activity. to poverty. I won’t re-quote the convoluted According to their bill, B.C. should create a Ministry of PovMarxist language, which boils erty Reduction with annual goals down to “state good, competition for imposing the redistribution bad.” A reader provides a real-time of wealth. example of how this principle The “Poverty Reduction Act” contains a weasel-worded would apply to a problem condefinition of poverty: insufficient fronting the B.C. government. To money to “acquire and maintain prevent another riot in Vancouver, the government should supervise self-reliance” and Tom Fletcher economic an orderly redistribution of Stanley “facilitate integration into and participation in society.” Cups. Does this mean a guaranteed This core principle of socialannual income? Can people achieve “economic ism, an 80-year-old relic, was debated at the national party’s convention in Vancouver on self-reliance” by collecting welfare? Does anyone actually believe this stuff? the weekend. Socialist dead-enders rallied to I won’t elaborate on the fringe parties such as keep it alive, rejecting vague new wording that favours “social democratic principles” to ensure Chris Delaney’s B.C. First, a splinter from the

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et’s assume that when everyone in B.C. gets to be finance minister for a day, a majority choose to throw a $3-billion chair through the office window to show how mad they are about the Harmonized Sales Tax. The clean-up will take two years, but first there will be a provincial election to decide who holds the broom and dustpan. And the choices are becoming clear. You have a new B.C. Liberal leader who has tacked to the centre on the minimum wage and business taxes in an effort to seek forgiveness for the high-handed administration that lost the public’s trust. And you have two Opposition parties that are entirely reactionary in their approach to today’s fast-changing world. There isn’t much to say at this point about the B.C. Conservatives under John Cummins. They are against modern treaty settlements, the carbon tax and (I think) the HST. They stand for lower taxes, but so far that doesn’t include a reduced sales tax rate.

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Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and \

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B.C. Conservative stump. The Green party is the only one other than the B.C. Liberals that looks to the future. Perhaps too far in the future. The Greens want a dramatically increased carbon tax and a transition to a “steady state” economy that doesn’t try to produce and consume more. Try eliminating poverty with that. I frequently get letters from people who accuse me of parroting the government’s line on issues such as the HST and poverty. If there are political alternatives out there that make actual sense in today’s world, I’d love to hear about them. Until then, these are the choices. Any day now, NDP leader Adrian Dix might start to unveil the positive alternative he has promised for an election that may come this fall. That will be something to examine closely. Right now, he’s urging you to throw that chair.


2010 winner 2010 winner Ma Murray Awards


EDITOR Paula Carlson


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Surrey/North Delta Leader 7

Rioters: Garbage in, garbage out THE VANCOUVER rioters are an

No sense of responsibility

example of a spoiled, binge-drinking generation raised on violent movies, foul language and filthy music. Garbage in, garbage out! No respect for themselves or others. Why do you think most of them didn’t care they were being filmed as they looted and damaged? Well, because they know nothing or little will happen to those identified and caught. Perhaps a slap on the wrist? A few hours of community service? Mom and dad will pay for their lawyer and the rest of us law-abiding citizens will pay for the police service, court service, clean-up and all other related costs. What ever happened to paying the consequences for your actions?


Karen Campbell

Band of criminals won’t define us BRITISH COLUMBIANS are under-

standably embarrassed and disappointed by last Wednesday night’s activities. It should have been a celebration of the tremendous effort by the Canucks in their playoff run. It turned into a shameful display of behaviour by people bent on violence. The vast majority of citizens gathered and dispersed peacefully, but sadly they also witnessed the mayhem. There were also Good Samaritans there: people who had the guts to stand up for what is right and citizens who showed up the morning after to help with the clean-up. These people deserve our thanks. They are the ones who will define our city and our province. The police and firefighters had a very difficult job and their hard work is appreciated. The clean-up crews and businesses have all worked hard to restore the downtown core. Based on the Olympics, Vancouverites hoped and expected we were past the type of destruction we saw in 1994. It’s very disappointing. We will work with the City of Vancouver to review what we can learn from this. I want to be very clear: this is not who we are. We will not let this band of criminals define us. None of us want to live in the kind


An unidentified man celebrates on top of a car overturned during the Stanley Cup riot last week in downtown Vancouver. of society we saw last Wednesday night. We are going to send a strong message of deterrence: if you played a part in this, we have a mountain of evidence and that evidence will be used by authorities to support criminal charges. Members of the public can help the police and Crown prosecutors by submitting any photos, videos or other evidence they may have. Vancouver police are asking people to email their photos and videos to, or post information through Twitter at #VPD. Citizens have also come together to create their own social media sites to share information and images of troublemakers. The police will monitor these sites closely as part of their efforts to gather evidence. Criminal charges will be pursued wherever possible and appropriate. If you are responsible, we will hold you responsible. Your family, friends and employers will know. We will ensure we have the resources to do this. You will not be able to hide behind your hoodie or your bandana. No one wants this to happen

again. We will not let the behaviour of a few disgrace the City of Vancouver or British Columbia as a whole. This is not who we are.

fans but rather hooligans planning trouble all along is definitely quite true. Frank G. Sterle, Jr.

Christy Clark Premier of British Columbia

Planned violence I LEFT quite cynical and disap-

pointed as a young man in 1994 after the squeaker defeat of the Canucks by the Rangers. I experienced an irrepressible notion that I had just watched the closest that the Canucks would ever come to winning the Stanley Cup. Thus, I held virtually no hope for Game 7, and little hope of a happy ending to that Vancouver night. On the Canada Line, during the train ride to Bridgeport SkyTrain Station, I overheard some young adult males mentioning breaking glass and looting, all of which left me more assured than ever that there very possibly would be a repeat of the ’94 riot or worse. Indeed, the cliché-to-be that the rioters were not “true” Canucks’

Hockey desensitizes WHY ARE we all so surprised at the inevitable lawlessness in Vancouver last Wednesday night? Hockey culture demands we glorify violence in this so-called sport. Blatant legalized violence and rage portrayed by professional hockey players desensitizes a culture to brute violence. If a man punches someone in the face in the street they can be arrested, jailed and have a criminal record for life. But, before millions of adoring Canuck fans, players assault the opposing team and vice versa and they are worshipped? Bizarre. As we continue to desensitize our kids and promote violence through hockey, B.C. will reap what it sows. Andrew King Surrey

post Stanley Cup riot in the streets of Vancouver – ostensibly because the Canucks lost. The apparent sociopaths that wreaked such havoc and mayhem in the streets did so, I believe, because of a surfeit of freedom without a sense of responsibility. If parents, for whatever reasons, abrogate the task of instilling responsibility in their children, then it becomes the task of society at a later stage to instill it through legal channels. Unfortunately. we live in a society where we don’t adequately punish miscreants, which, at that stage of their lives, is the only way they can understand a sense of responsibility. I wait with baited breath to see what will be done with those borderline psychopaths when, or if, they are finally brought to justice. Will it be house arrest or community service – or something more appropriate to the crime? Jon Christensen, Surrey

Losing part of the game WE ARE generally very disap-

pointed that the Canucks lost the final game. But worse was what happened in downtown Vancouver afterwards. These bad hooligans seem to have gone prepared and planned to create this disturbance. They would have done the same thing even if Canucks had won the cup. I hope the law will act tough against these bad elements and punish them for their crimes. Winning or losing is part of the game. There are so many teams in the NHL and only one can win the Stanley Cup. Just to be in the finals is a big achievement for the Canucks. Unfortunately Boston played better this day and won the game. We congratulate the Bruins for winning the cup and at the same time thank the Canuck players for giving us two months of exciting playoff hockey. The Canucks will try it even harder next year and win the Stanley Cup for Vancouver.

Proud to be a Canucks’ fan

OUR GRADE 2 class at Surrey Centre Elementary School


A fan cheers during Game 7 at Central City plaza.

had a very interesting discussion about the Stanley Cup final and what happened after the game in Vancouver. My Grade 2 students shared their thoughts and feelings and then wrote letters to the Canucks wanting them to know they were still their fans even after their loss. They were concerned the Canucks’ were feeling bad and wanted to send words of encouragement. Many important lessons were learned in our discussion about sportsmanship and what it means to be a responsible fan and citizen. The following is one such letter from a student: Dear Canucks, Congratulations for getting to the Stanley Cup final and working so hard. I am very proud of you guys. Watching you

guys made me feel proud that I am a Canuck. You are the best team in the entire universe! You guys taught me that no matter what sport you play you should try your hardest and never give up no matter how much you are loosing by. Even when you get benched you still are very special to me. I am sorry that some of the people were acting very silly after the game. I felt really sad that they were acting that way and did not show good sportsmanship. They were not being very good citizens. Remember that I’ll always be your NUMBER ONE fan! Have a great summer with your family! From Paige, Grade 2 Student , Surrey Centre Elementary School. Alison Gordon

Kanwaljit Singh Gill, Surrey

Write to us newsroom@ surreyleader. com

Letters to the editor must identify writers by proper name, and provide address and phone numbers for verification. The Leader reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality.

8 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011




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looked that the vast majority of the rioters are young (many teenage) males – the same demographic that has been responsible for most violent crimes ever since record-keeping began. They have the highest levels of testosterone they ever will have. One hundred years ago, these young men would be out in the work force or raising families. If they did riot, it would be for higher wages or better working conditions. However, in our modern society, we have created the “teenager� (this term has only been around since the 1930s). Our high school system and laws put them in a limbo state between childhood and adulthood. They live at home with their parents. They want to feel like they have control over their

activities. Maybe the problem is not simply a lack of spirituality, an excess of capitalism, or bad parenting. Maybe it’s that our whole societal structure treats young men, and young people, like children for far too long. Rob Brownridge


Rioters prepare to ip a car. lives, but they don’t. As a result, they become frustrated and angry man-children. I live in Vancouver now but grew up in Surrey in the ’80s and ’90s. I was raised an atheist, in the same capitalist, commercialized, mediabombarded world as these rioters (and those who rioted in 1994). I


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was treated as a child by high school and society at large, but my parents treated me like an adult from an early age. Their approach made me feel empowered, and so I was only rebellious for a short time in my early teens. I felt a sense of control in my life and was trusted. Thus, I put my youthful energy into productive

THE DAMAGE is done, clean-up begins. From the streets to our reputations we will rebuild what was selfishly taken from us. People hurt – some severely. Cars destroyed. Businesses ransacked. Millions in damage. Faces caught... My heart goes out to those who suffered personal injury, emotional pain and financial damage caused by the rioters. This too shall pass.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 9

Outraged fans aim to ID rioters one click at a time Online watchers vow to help punish those responsible by Jeff Nagel THE HUNT is now on

to identify the perpetrators of the orgy of destruction and looting in downtown Vancouver in the wake of the Canucks Stanley Cup loss. Metro Vancouverites quickly banded together on social media, vowing to out the offenders, pooling photos and video captured during Wednesday night’s riot. Many of those responsible made no attempt to hide their faces, sometimes

mugging for photos that were widely shared online. They show young men overturning vehicles, removing merchandise and stuffing a rag into the gas tank of a police car. The site allows users to browse photos and identify rioters and looters by their Facebook name. Photos and names are sent to the Vancouver Police Department once multiple users have made a positive ID. Also being used is

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the Vancouver 2011 Riot Criminals List on Tumblr at http:// vancityriotcriminals. Multiple Facebook pages also urge followers to identify perpetrators from photos shared there. See: • iM1pMO • jWsORt • jqwOVi Police were also documenting the actions of individuals as well as reaching out over Twitter to ask

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people for the photos on the hundreds of cameras,” ChowWhite said. Another Facebook group sprang up to help coordinate cleanup efforts Thursday morning. For more information on how to send photos or information to the VPD, see related story: Vancouver police ask for Canuck riot videos and photos http://www. news/124005184.html

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10 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011




Lack of sheriffs delays more criminal trials ‘Desperate’ situation puts justice at risk: Lawyers

by Jeff Nagel


A MURDER in Richmond and a home invasion in North Vancouver are among the latest court cases delayed due to a shortage of sheriffs that has intensified after cutbacks took effect this month. A B.C. Supreme Court Judge last Tuesday suspended the trial of Gurpal Singh Brar, accused in the 2006 killing of a co-worker at a Richmond manufacturing plant, because no full-time sheriff was available. That followed a pause

in the trial of alleged “This is a desperhome invader Duck ate and devastating Yoon June 8. situation,” said Richard B.C. Supreme Court Fowler, spokesman for Justice Elizabeth the Trial Lawyers AssoArnold-Bailey ciation of B.C. said the trial “Things have to in downtown change immeVancouver diately. Justice won’t proceed and the people until sheriffs of the province are available to are suffering ensure security. severe harm by Two more this sad state of criminal cases affairs.” in Surrey were Christy Clark The provincial government suspended this Monday – one cut the hours of 52 auxiliary and for an hour and the other for at least a day part-time sheriffs this – because of the lack of month, equivalent to eliminating 34 full-time sheriffs.






ATTENTION: PROPERTY TAX & UTILITY PAYERS Property owners are reminded during the Canada Post service disruption, property owners are still responsible for ensuring that the property tax payments, utility payments and home owner grants are received by the City of Surrey on or before the due date. For alternative payment options, such as online banking, please visit or contact your financial institution. 2011 Property Tax Notices have been mailed. If you have not received your Tax Notice, please contact the Property Tax Section at (604) 591-4181 immediately. All property owners are responsible for payment of property taxes regardless of whether or not a Tax Notice is received. NEW OWNERS: You are responsible for payment of 2011 property taxes before the due date of July 4, 2011 in order to avoid penalty charges.

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positions. That’s on top of the loss of nearly 100 sheriffs – almost 20 per cent of the workforce – by attrition over a four-year hiring freeze. Because of the backlog in B.C.’s court system, suspending and rescheduling a trial can mean a delay of several months to a year – potentially putting cases at risk of being thrown out if the eventual wait is found to violate the accused’s right to be tried within a reasonable time. Other cases have been postponed in recent months in Richmond, Victoria, Nanaimo and the Okanagan, according to the union representing sheriffs. At least four additional criminal cases were postponed over the past two weeks in Vancouver Provincial Court at 222 Main Street, said Dean Purdy of the B.C. Government and Service Employees Union. “Deputy sheriffs couldn’t be provided for security, so the judges have put all those trials off as well,” he said. “We’re pleased to see judges are stepping up and refusing to run their court rooms in that manner because it’s unsafe.” The Attorney General’s ministry has said courthouse safety and security is a top priority but the deployment of sheriffs is subject to budget restraints. But this week Premier Christy Clark vowed to tackle the issue. “British Columbians want to know the people who’ve committed crimes pay the consequences for those crimes,” she said. Attorney-General Barry Penner has since agreed to meet with the BCGEU June 28 to discuss sheriff staffing issues. February’s provincial budget approved cuts totaling $14.5 million for court services, prosecution services and the judiciary, despite a 2010 report from provincial court judges warning more than 2,000 criminal cases are at risk of being quashed due to excessive delays. B.C. has 12 per cent fewer provincial court judges than in 2005 despite rising caseloads and complexities.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 11

18-month conditional sentence for former Surrey school official

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Best Buy – Correction Notice NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE BEST BUY JUNE 17 CORPORATE FLYER On the June 17 flyer, page 8, please be advised that the Precision Acoustics CD Car Deck (PA5600BT- WebCode: 10152563) has an incorrect savings claim advertised. The right savings should be Save $40. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.

Robert Chadwick bilked thousands of dollars from district by Sheila Reynolds

requires written permission to travel outside B.C. “This offence is clearly inconsistent with his previous career and achievements,” said Judge James Donald Bahen in delivering the sentence. “He is remorseful and he pled guilty.” He noted Chadwick had no previous record and was unlikely to reoffend, but that the school district suffered from the loss of funds. Chadwick worked for the district for 18 years, but he and his thenadministrative assistant Barbara Moore quit in 2006 after the district began investigating them for allegedly taking money from Surrey’s international education program offered through San Diego State

A FORMER senior official with the Surrey School District will do no jail time and has been ordered to serve an 18-month conditional sentence for taking money from the district. Robert (Bob) Chadwick pleaded guilty to breach of trust in Surrey Provincial Court on June 10 and was sentenced Monday afternoon. Two other charges, theft over $5,000 and fraud over $5,000, were stayed. The same two charges against his wife, Barbara Chadwick (neé Moore), were also dropped. Robert Chadwick’s sentence includes an 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew for the first four months. He also

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University (SDU), which Robert managed. The court heard Chadwick set up an independent bank account without the school district’s knowledge, depositing about $416,000 from SDU between July 2001 and June 2003. While most was deemed used for legitimate purposes, nearly $44,000 was unaccounted for. Crown prosecutor Stephen Cooke had asked for a sentence between 18 months and two years, while defence lawyer Richard Rhodes requested less. A civil lawsuit launched by the district was settled out of court in March, with the Chadwicks paying $78,000 to the district.

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12 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Public Hearing - June 28, 2011 The Municipal Council of The Corporation of Delta will hold a Public Hearing, in accordance with the Local Government Act, to consider the following proposed projects and related applications: Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Delta Municipal Hall 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent ĂŠ

iÂ?ĂŒ>]ĂŠ ĂŠĂŠĂŠ6{ ĂŠĂŽ Ă“ A Council meeting is scheduled to immediately follow this Public Hearing in the event Council wishes to give further consideration to any projects at that time. Additional Information Additional information, copies of the bylaws, supporting staff reports, and any relevant L>VÂŽ}Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜`ĂŠ`ÂœVՓiÂ˜ĂŒ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂŠÂ“>ÞÊLiĂŠÂˆÂ˜ĂƒÂŤiVĂŒi`ĂŠĂ•Â˜ĂŒÂˆÂ?ĂŠ Tuesday, June 28, 2011. Municipal Hall: Community Planning and Development Department Website: Email:ĂŠ ĂŠ VÂœÂ“Â‡ÂŤÂ?˜‡`iĂ›JVÂœĂ€°`iÂ?ĂŒ>°LV°V> Phone: 604.946.3380 Hours: 8:00 am to 4:45 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Thursday â–ź Project No. 1: Application for Zoning Map Amendment (File No. LU006119) Location: A portion of the Boundary Bay Airport lands at the south-west corner of Ottawa Street and King Street, as shown outlined in bold on MAP NO. 1 Applicant: TGL Holdings (Todd Lewendon) Telephone: 604.230.8465 Proposal: Application for Zoning Bylaw Amendment to extend the light industrial and LĂ•ĂƒÂˆÂ˜iĂƒĂƒĂŠÂŤ>ÀŽÊ use area at the Boundary Bay Airport in order to allow an auto parts warehouse MAP NO. 1 and distribution FILE NO. LU006119 operation on the subject lands. “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 2750, 1977â€? Amendment Bylaw No. 6911 To amend Schedule L pertaining to the I8 Airport Terminal Zone in the “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 2750, 1977â€? by extending the light industrial and business ÂŤ>Ă€ÂŽĂŠĂ•ĂƒiĂŠ>Ă€i>ĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠÂˆÂ˜VÂ?Ă•`iĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠĂƒĂ•LÂ?iVĂŒĂŠÂ?>˜`Ăƒ° Staff Contact:ĂŠ >ÀÀÞÊ ÂœÂ˜ÂŽÂˆÂ˜ĂŠĂˆä{°Â™{Ăˆ°ĂŽĂŽĂŽ{ Web Location: February 7, 2011 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Item E.06 February 22, 2011 Public Hearing Project No. 1 June 13, 2011 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Item E.05 â–ź Project No. 2 Application for Development Variance Permit and Restrictive Covenant Amendment (File No. LU006178) Location: 5004 Fenton Drive, as shown outlined in bold on MAP NO. 2 ÂŤÂŤÂ?ˆV>Â˜ĂŒ\ĂŠ,>LLĂŠ ÂœÂ˜ĂƒĂŒĂ€Ă•VĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂŠEĂŠ Â˜Ă›ÂˆĂ€ÂœÂ˜Â“iÂ˜ĂŒ>Â?ĂŠ Solutions Inc. (Tony Bennett) Telephone: 604.952.0821 Proposal: Application for a development variance permit and an amendment to a design covenant in order to allow construction of a new single family dwelling with an attached garage as well as an accessory building containing a garage/hobby ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…Âœ°

The Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta BC V4K 3E2

Development Variance Permit LU006178 To vary Section 607.4 (b)(iii) of “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 2750, 1977â€? by increasing the horizontal distance between the front-most part of an attached garage and the rear-most point of the front elevation of the principal building from 3 m to 8.12 m. Restrictive MAP NO. 2 Covenant FILE NO. LU006178 Amendment To amend Section 2.10 (a) of the design guidelines attached to the Restrictive Covenant registered on the title of the subject property in order to allow a second garage which would accommodate a hobby ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽĂƒÂ…Âœ° Staff Contact:ĂŠ-Ă•Ăƒ>Â˜ĂŠ Â?LiĂŠĂˆä{°Â™{Ăˆ°ĂŽĂŽn™ Web Location: June 13, 2011 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Item F.06

â–ź Project No. 3 Application for Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments and Business Licence Bylaw Text Amendments Regarding Drug Stores (File No. P11-04) Location: All lands in the Core Commercial and Local Commercial Zones and those in Comprehensive Development Zones which allow “Retail Tradeâ€? or “Drug Storesâ€?. Applicant: The Corporation of Delta Telephone: 604.946.3380 Proposal: Application for Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments and Business Licence Bylaw Text Amendments in order to regulate the number and location of drug stores in Delta. “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 2750, 1977â€? Amendment Bylaw No. 6949 To amend the deďŹ nitions of “Pharmacyâ€? and “Polyclinicâ€? and to add a provision to the Delta Zoning Bylaw by requiring that a “Drug Storeâ€? shall be located no less than 400 m from any lot line of a lot occupied by a “Drug Storeâ€?, “Polyclinicâ€? containing a “Drug Storeâ€?, or food store or department store containing a “Pharmacyâ€?. “Delta Business Licence Bylaw No. 4019, 1986â€? Amendment Bylaw No. 6950 To amend the “Delta Business Licence Bylaw No. 4019, 1986â€? by providing deďŹ nitions of “Drug Storeâ€?, “Pharmacyâ€? and “Polyclinicâ€?, and adding the following regulations with respect to the issuance of a business licence, in Schedule “Câ€? of the bylaw: (a) A Business Licence for a “Drug Storeâ€? shall only be issued where such a business is no closer than 400 m from any lot occupied by a “Drug Storeâ€?, “Polyclinicâ€? containing a “Drug Storeâ€?, or food store or department store containing a “Pharmacyâ€?. (b) Business Licences for “Pharmacyâ€? and “Drug Storeâ€? shall only be issued where the manager is a registered member in good standing of the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia, and a valid Pharmacy Licence issued by the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia is provided. (c) Floor plans illustrating the layout of the “Drug Storeâ€? and drug dispensary are required. (d) A separate business licence is required for each medical service located in a “Polyclinicâ€?. (e) A separate business licence is required for a “Pharmacyâ€? located within a food store or department store. Staff Contact:ĂŠ >ÀÀÞÊ ÂœÂ˜ÂŽÂˆÂ˜ĂŠ Ăˆä{°Â™{Ăˆ°ĂŽĂŽĂŽ{ Web Location: May 9, 2011 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Item E.04

â–ź Project No. 4 Application for Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments and Building/Plumbing Bylaw Amendments regarding in-ground basements and building height. (File No. P08-17) Location: All residential zones in Delta except for the RS9 Single Family (330 m2) InďŹ ll Residential, Strata House, Townhouse and Apartment zones. Applicant: The Corporation of Delta Telephone: 604.946.3380 Proposal: Application for Zoning Bylaw Text Amendments to exempt in-ground basement oor area from oor space ratio calculations, revise building height regulations, and for Building and Plumbing Bylaw Amendments to allow sanitary and stormwater pumped systems in cases where underground services cannot rely on gravity. “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 2750, 1977â€? Amendment Bylaw No. 6890 To amend the “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 2750, 1977â€? as follows: UĂŠĂŠ Â˜ĂŒĂ€Âœ`Ă•ViĂŠ`iwÂ˜ÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂƒĂŠvÂœĂ€ĂŠÂşÂˆÂ˜Â‡}Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜`ĂŠL>Ăƒi“iÂ˜ĂŒÂťĂŠ and “crawl spaceâ€?; UĂŠĂŠ ,iĂ›ÂˆĂƒiĂŠ`iwÂ˜ÂˆĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂƒĂŠvÂœĂ€ĂŠÂşViÂ?Â?>À]ĂŠÂşwÂ˜ÂˆĂƒÂ…i`ĂŠ}Ă€>`iÂť]ĂŠ â€œďŹ‚oor areaâ€?, â€œďŹ‚oor space ratioâ€?, “storeyâ€?, and “storey, one-halfâ€?; UĂŠĂŠ Ă?iÂ“ÂŤĂŒĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠyÂœÂœĂ€ĂŠ>Ă€i>ĂŠÂœvĂŠÂˆÂ˜Â‡}Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜`ĂŠL>Ăƒi“iÂ˜ĂŒĂƒĂŠ and crawl spaces from oor space ratio calculations; UĂŠĂŠ ÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒĂŠ>Â˜ĂŠÂˆÂ˜Â‡}Ă€ÂœĂ•Â˜`ĂŠL>Ăƒi“iÂ˜ĂŒĂŠ>ĂƒĂŠ>ĂŠÂœÂ˜i‡…>Â?vĂŠ storey for height calculations; and UĂŠĂŠ ,i`Ă•ViĂŠĂŒÂ…iʓ>Ă?ÂˆÂ“Ă•Â“ĂŠĂ€ÂœÂœvĂŠĂ€Âˆ`}iĂŠÂ…iˆ}Â…ĂŒĂŠvĂ€ÂœÂ“ĂŠ 10.5 m to 9.5 m for all residential zones with the exception of the RS9 Single Family (330 m2) InďŹ ll Residential, Strata House, Townhouse, and Apartment zones. “Delta Building/Plumbing Bylaw No. 6060, 2002â€? Amendment Bylaw No. 6973 To amend the “Delta Building/Plumbing Bylaw No. 6060, 2002â€? to allow sanitary and stormwater pumped systems if the property owner can provide: UĂŠĂŠ iĂ€ĂŒÂˆwV>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂŠLÞÊ>ĂŠ,i}ÂˆĂƒĂŒiĂ€i`ĂŠ*Ă€ÂœviĂƒĂƒÂˆÂœÂ˜>Â?ĂŠ ˜}ˆ˜iiĂ€ĂŠĂœÂ…ÂœĂŠÂˆĂƒĂŠĂ€iĂŒ>ˆ˜i`ĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠ`iĂƒÂˆ}Â˜ĂŠ>˜`ĂŠÂˆÂ˜ĂƒÂŤiVĂŒĂŠ the pump system; UĂŠĂŠ Ă•>Â?ĂŠÂœĂ€ĂŠ`Ă•ÂŤÂ?iĂ?ĂŠÂŤĂ•Â“ÂŤĂƒĂ† UĂŠĂŠ Â˜ĂŠ>ÂŤÂŤĂ€ÂœÂŤĂ€Âˆ>ĂŒiĂŠL>VÂŽyÂœĂœĂŠÂŤĂ€iĂ›iÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂŠ`iĂ›ÂˆViÆ UĂŠĂŠ /iÂ“ÂŤÂœĂ€>Ă€ĂžĂŠÂŤÂœĂœiÀÊL>VŽ‡ÕÆ UĂŠĂŠ Â˜ĂŠ>Â?>À“Ê>Ă•`ˆLÂ?iĂŠĂœÂˆĂŒÂ…ÂˆÂ˜ĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠÂŤĂ€iÂ“ÂˆĂƒiĂƒĂ†ĂŠ>˜` UĂŠĂŠ ĂŠVÂœĂ›i˜>Â˜ĂŒĂŠĂ€i}ÂˆĂƒĂŒiĂ€i`ĂŠÂœÂ˜ĂŠĂŒÂˆĂŒÂ?iĂŠĂƒiĂ€Ă›ÂˆÂ˜}ĂŠ>ĂƒĂŠ notice to future owners and to indemnify The Corporation of Delta. Staff Contact:ĂŠ ÂœÂ…Â˜ĂŠ ÂœÂŤÂŽÂˆÂ˜ĂƒĂŠĂˆä{°Â™xĂ“°ĂŽÂŁxx Web Location: June 13, 2011 Regular Council iiĂŒÂˆÂ˜}ĂŠ }i˜`>ĂŠ ĂŒi“Ê °ä{ĂŠ Any persons who believe that their interest in property will be affected by the proposed projects shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing on matters contained in the bylaws and/or proposed by the applications. Should you have any concerns or comments you wish to communicate to Council in advance of the Public Hearing, you can write to: Mayor and Council 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent

iÂ?ĂŒ>]ĂŠ ĂŠĂŠĂŠ6{ ĂŠĂŽ Ă“ Fax: 604.946.3390 “>ˆÂ?\Êʓ>ĂžÂœĂ€Â‡VÂœĂ•Â˜VˆÂ?JVÂœĂ€°`iÂ?ĂŒ>°LV°V> To be considered, correspondence must be received LĂžĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠ"vwViĂŠÂœvĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠ Ă•Â˜ÂˆVÂˆÂŤ>Â?ĂŠ Â?iĂ€ÂŽĂŠÂ˜ÂœĂŠÂ?>ĂŒiĂ€ĂŠĂŒÂ…>Â˜ĂŠ 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28, 2011. Please note that Council may not receive further submissions from the public or interested persons concerning any project after the Public Hearing has concluded.

Minor local floods But Fraser River still below alert stage by Jeff Nagel SOME LOW-LYING areas

that aren’t protected by dikes from the high waters of the Fraser River are experiencing some localized flooding. Affected areas include the Kwantlen First Nation reserve at Fort Langley. B.C. River Forecast Centre head Dave Campbell said the lower Fraser is still well below levels at which frequent dike inspections and other flood precautions would normally begin to kick in. That’s typically around the six-metre mark at the Mission gauge, which was at 5.6 metres last Wednesday afternoon. (Evacuations in diked areas would typically be triggered at 7.6 metres). The river has been either holding steady or subsiding slightly in the past few days, Campbell said. But he noted high tides are expected in the next two days, which could push water levels above what they would otherwise be in some areas around Surrey or further downstream. The volume of water moving in the Fraser at Hope is around 9,400 cubic metres per second, which is slightly above the typical peak flow for any given year of 8,700. Campbell said the Fraser was expected to reach 10,000 cubic metres per second during this spring freshet, but that so far hasn’t happened. The snowpack feeding the river’s watershed was at 120 per cent of normal May 1, meaning there was some risk of flooding in the Lower Mainland if hot weather caused a fast melt-off. But so far the moderate temperatures have avoided that possibility and Campbell said flooding is unlikely, barring an intense hot spell, possibly coupled with rain, over the next two weeks. “We’ve had pretty modest weather this past week,� he said. “And the forecast is for continued modest weather.�

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 13

Thaw in growth plan talks Coquitlam, region still at odds despite progress

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See COQUITLAM / Page 14

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breakthrough yet in the impasse between Metro Vancouver and Coquitlam council over the proposed regional growth strategy after two days of dispute resolution talks. Coquitlam is the sole hold-out city after every other municipality agreed to sign the master plan governing growth in the region

Coquitlam’s proposed solution is to lower the bar for a review to a one-third vote of the Metro board, which Stewart said would allow 15 smaller cities representing a million-plus residents to force a re-think of the strategy. “It’s a 30-year document,” Stewart said. “We’ve got a serious concern with that.” Coquitlam’s other worries about

King George

THERE IS softening but no

for decades to come. Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart warned smaller cities may be locked in with no way out, despite a requirement the Metro board consider reviewing the plan every five years. Vancouver, Surrey and Burnaby together hold a majority of Metro board votes and could block a review indefinitely, he said during Thursday’s meeting with Metro reps.


by Jeff Nagel


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14 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Public Notice Main entrance to Surrey Memorial Hospital moving to east side The north entrance and lobby to Surrey Memorial Hospital, accessed from 96 Avenue, is currently under construction. Work is under way for a new public entrance to the hospital on the south side of the hospital, off 94A Avenue, to open in July. Due to several construction projects in the area, we recommend that patients and visitors to the hospital allow themselves extra time to find parking before their appointments. Thank you for your patience as we embark on the largest renovation and expansion of Surrey Memorial Hospital since it was founded in 1959. For more information, email to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter, or visit>About Us>Building for Better Health>Surrey Memorial Hospital.

From page 13 the plan may be eased by better assurance of a review if there are major problems in the first five years, he said. Debate ensued over whether a lower threshold is even legal under provincial legislation governing regional growth plans. “Fifty per cent plus one has forever been the balance,” said Metro chair Lois Jackson. “Can you imagine going to the provincial government

and saying 33 per cent for the HST to pass?” She said Coquitlam should not fear a “gangup” of the big three cities against smaller ones, adding the region’s politicians routinely work cooperatively to ensure concerns get addressed. The issue was shelved when Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie – a lawyer and Metro’s rep in the talks – said Metro won’t agree to a lower threshold even if it proves legal. “To lower the

threshold is not on,” Brodie said. “That’s part of democracy, you do things on the basis of 50 per cent plus one.” Nor is it clear Metro could legally bend to another Coquitlam wish to change landuse designations for redevelopment on just a one-third vote of the board if two-thirds of the local council support the change. Metro reps said that would let cities convert industrial land to waterfront condos in breach

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There will still be a wheelchairaccessible entrance nearby, via ramp from the adjacent parkade, for patients attending units in that area. The main hospital entry will now be located at the east side of the hospital near the BC Cancer Agency Fraser Valley Centre, accessed from 138 Street. The temporary east main entrance will be in effect for approximately 18 months as we build a new twostorey lobby off of 96 Avenue, as part of Surrey Memorial Hospital redevelopment and expansion. Paid surface parking is available by the temporary east main entrance. Entrance to the Emergency Department remains the same.

Coquitlam: Seeking changes

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of the plan with a much lower vote of board directors, undermining the goal of conserving industrial lands. “This was our attempt at presenting some kind of check and balance,” Coquitlam city manager Peter Steblin replied. “There may be other ways.” But on other fronts, progress was made. Coquitlam wanted tougher performance measures to gauge how well the plan works. Metro reps agreed that can be done – without an actual amendment to the plan – through the regional district’s annual budget process and annual report on growth strategy compliance. Both sides agreed to schedule more meetings. But Jackson said they can’t go on indefinitely. “Let’s fish or cut bait,” she said. It’s feared a long delay will drag the issue past the next civic elections and potentially unravel the accord if newly elected councils object to it.

Arsonist sought by Kevin Diakiw

POLICE ARE looking for an arsonist that set blaze to a North Surrey apartment building in the middle of the night this month. At 3 a.m. on June 4, someone entered the main floor of an apartment building at 14930 108 Ave., spread an accelerant and lit the place on fire. The blaze quickly spread to the stairway, blocking the exit for anyone on the floors above. Fire crews arrived minutes later, and Deputy Fire Chief Dan Barnscher said

Monday the first task was to get people off the balconies. By 3:39 a.m., fire crews had the fire out and everyone brought to safety. No one was harmed in the fire. Barnscher said the owner of the apartment building was key in helping displaced residents find new lodging. Police are still looking for the person who started the fire. If you witnessed anything out of the ordinary, call Surrey RCMP Const. Colin MacDonell at 778-593-3106 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 15

Wave Petunia Baskets





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The last time we advertised Clematis at this price we only had one colour... and we sold out on the first day. This time we have over 40 varieties and they are all on sale. Smarty pies will pick up an early bloomer, mid bloomer and late bloomer and have colour spring, summer and fall. Those less blessed will sleep thru the sale entirely. What will you do? 1 gallon pots.

I was in the greenhouse the other day watering our crop of when this lady walked by. “I love the Osteos I bought last year. They all came back this year.” My jaw dropped because if everyone’s came back, who is going to buy this year’s crop? Then she added, “I want more!” I could have kissed her. These are outstanding bloomers. You’ll love ‘em. 6 colours





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are the plants landscapers everywhere are hopelessly in love with. Grasses have that dramatic look that commands attention. Lots of different colours, heights and leaf sizes. Good value anytime, but great value at HALF PRICE. Drop by and meet all the local landscapers – they’ll be the ones with the full buggies. Limit 24





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I might write these ads but I couldn’t prune a rose bush if my life depended on it. Last summer somebody gave me one of these

Regal Geraniums

(sometimes called Martha Washingtons) are the fancy double bloomers with two-tone flowers. These are very large plants in 6” pots. This is such a hot deal even the Queen called to order a bunch. We were all most impressed, of course. That is, until her card was declined. 4 colours. Limit 24. Overlimit price 6.99.

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Mini Roses

and did it ever put on a spectacular show! Now it’s loaded with buds again. If it does this well at my house, imagine how well it will do at y yours. Ideal indoors for now, then plant out forr next year. Great buy here gals. Reg. Large plants in 5 colours. 4.99



Diamond Frost Euphorbia was introduced only a few years


Not unlike most husbands, is oftentimes unappreciated. The only difference is, it shouldn’t be. It’s a rare beauty that’s ideal against a wall or at the back of a garden. Sun loving, it will be in bloom for several months. Reg. 7.99 2 feet tall



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ago and has grown into the most sought after plant around. Does equally well in a sunny bed or a shady pot and blooms almost non-stop. Unbelievable really. More unbelievable is that we have lots of them and they’re on sale. Large plants in 6” pots. Reg. 6.99




Dear Ad Guy, Do you deliver? I would come in, but I find it hard to get out since I bought my new house at the end of a oneway dead end street. Heather R. White Rock

SALE ENDS JUNE 28. While quantities last. No rainchecks. Store hours: Mon. to Sat. 9 - 5:30 • Sun. and Holidays 10-5.

16 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011


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Prices effective at all British Columbia Safeway stores Wednesday, June 22 thru Thursday, June 23, 2011. We reserve the right to limit sales to retail quantities. Some items may not be available at all stores. All items while stocks last. Actual items may vary slightly from illustrations. Some illustrations are serving suggestions only. Advertised prices do not include GST. ®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Canada Safeway Limited. Extreme Specials are prices that are so low they are limited to a one time purchase to Safeway Club Card Members within a household. Each household can purchase the limited items one time during the effective dates. A household is defined by all Safeway Club Cards that are linked by the same address and phone number. Each household can purchase the EXTREME SPECIALS during the specified advertisement dates. For purchases over the household limits, regular pricing applies to overlimit purchases. On BUY ONE GET ONE FREE items, both items must be purchased. Lowest priced item is then free. Online and in-store prices, discounts, and offers may differ.

JUNE 22 23 WED THURS Prices in this ad good through June 23rd.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 17

Looking back on the good old days

Fifteen members of the graduating class of 1946 from Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary gathered for a reunion at the Northview Golf and Country Club last week.

Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary’s class of ‘46 reunites by Evan Seal WHEN CLARENCE Heppel thinks back to his high school years, the former CEO of Save-onFoods has nothing but fond memories. “We didn’t have anything, but we had a wonderful life,” said the 82-year-old graduate of Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School’s class of 1946. Heppel was one of just over 40 graduates that year – 15 of which spent Wednesday afternoon (June 15) at Northview Golf and Country Club reminiscing about childhoods spent in rural Cloverdale. In the 1940s, students attending Lord Tweedsmuir (it was

called Surrey High School then and was located on Highway 10 and 178 Street), came from all over the city, either walking up to five kilometres one way or hopping a ride from as far away as central Surrey with school bus driver Walter Huff. Graduate John Woodward can still list off all the names of his classmates, teachers and school principals with the ease and cadence of a military roll call. One thing the group agreed upon was the fun they experienced and the respect they had for their school, their teachers and their community – something they feel is lacking today. See GRADS / Page 18

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Vancouver 551 Robson St. Bentall Centre Oakridge Centre Pacific Centre 2163 West 4th Ave. 1092 Kingsway 689 Thurlow St. 1855 Burrard St. 3121 West Broadway 2748 Rupert St.

525 Seymour St. 925 West Georgia St. 625 Howe St. 950 West Broadway 1707 Robson St. 3490 Kingsway 2338 Cambie St. White Rock Semiahmoo Shopping Centre 3189 King George Hwy.

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18 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grads: Close class has kept in touch From page 17 “Our parents were mostly farmers,” said Woodward. “There was no graffiti at the school, no garbage, we had to work hard for everything we got.” Most worked both before and after school either on the farm or delivering the local newspaper. Many students left school in Grade 8 as a


Student Achievement Awards Banquet

matter of economics to get into the work force. “Only a few of us made it to Grade 12,” said Heppel. “To get to Grade 12 was like getting a master’s degree today.” Heppel remembers the school having lots of sports but very little structure “No coaches and teams and all that.” One year, the

students had to take dance lessons instead of playing basketball. “That didn’t sit well with the players, so we went on strike,” Heppel said. “That’s when we had to wash the walls of the gymnasium.” Classmate Elsie Preedy can’t believe how close-knit the class was back then and she credits that closeness for how

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Lord Tweedsmuir alumni have kept in touch for so many years. In 1946, many young men had been shipped overseas in prior years during the Second World War, so the grad class that year had few boys. Although most of those left behind were involved in both Air and Army Cadets in school, they luckily just missed the call to war by one year. Having grown up during the Depression, so many of the grads’ early years were influenced by the war effort. “It didn’t do us any harm,” said Woodward. “We had to depend on ourselves.” For fun, Heppel said “we would scrape together enough money for gas and go down to White Rock to watch the girls.” One memorable trip involved travelling into Vancouver for a high school dance. “All the boys there had suits on and here we were in sweaters with holes,” Heppel recalls. “We looked like country bumpkins, but I think we had more fun.”

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 19

Punjabi summer camp returns to Surrey Other kids’ camps also available at Simon Fraser University Black Press A POPULAR week-long camp

that teaching youths to speak and appreciate Punjabi language and culture is returning to Simon Fraser University Surrey this summer. The Punjabi Language and Cul-

tural Camp runs from July 18-22 and provides youths between eight and 15 years of age with a learning environment through games, movies, songs and dances and integrates various cultural activities. The camp is designed to help the children of Punjabi-speaking immi-

grant families familiarize themselves with their family’s first language and culture. It targets children from Punjabispeaking families who have beginner to intermediate language skills in their mother tongue but are more comfortable speaking English and

with Canadian culture because they were born or raised here. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, and the cost is $150. Three full scholarships are available from HSBC’s (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)

Panorama branch. For camp information or to register call 778-7824965 or email SFU Surrey also offers camps on games and animation, making movies and adventures in Science AL!VE. Check summercamps

Design kudos for rec centre Building in national architecture magazine Black Press



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THE NEW Cloverdale Recreation Centre has earned a mention on Canadian Architecture magazine’s website for setting a new standard for community recreation facilities. The $22.5-million facility “marks the modern renewal of Cloverdale and its iconic fairgrounds,” the item says, adding the building establishes the tone for the city’s future plans for the Cloverdale Fairgrounds site. The project was completed on time and on budget by CEI Architecture, the article continues, adding it’s the first of six planned for the site by the City of Surrey. “With this building in particular they wanted to make a real announcement about the fairgrounds and its design direction,” CEI Architecture partner Mark Hentze told the magazine. “We were able to use expressive but economical wood forms to complete a very complex, high impact building.” The new recreation centre, located at 6188 176 Street, held its grand opening in early May. It contains two gymnasiums, 10,000 square foot fitness centre, multi-purpose rooms, and seniors centre, and offers programs for children, youth, adults, families and seniors. CEI Architecture also designed the Chuck Bailey Recreation Centre.

20 Surrey/North Delta Leader


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Storm infielder reaches goal

Scholarship secure at SFU by Rick Kupchuk

want to move away from my family, I’m close to them.” he four-hour drive was Now in her second season with getting to be a bit much the Storm after one year with the for Sammie Elexa and her White Rock Renegades, Elexa said family. the adjustment from rep ball in A softball standout living in Penticton to the more competitive Penticton, Elexa was playing in the programs in Surrey was more difSouth Okanagan but would often ficult on the field than off it. travel to Surrey to train at the West “It was a little hard (playing more Coast Softball Academy under competitive softball), but I set really coach Kim Wright. high goals for myself. And that “We were driving down every made it a little easier,” she said. “And weekend, and it was I’d gone to West Coast, beginning to become so I knew girls from too much,” said Elexa. there.” “There was only one Her family moved rep team in Penticton, to the Lower Mainland and I ended up having while Elexa was in to do school from Grade 9, and the third home because we were baseman wasted little doing so much driving. time winning a champiSammie Elexa onship while playing for “It was too much.” So the family sold the Vancouver Wildcats their home, and moved in the Showcase (underto Surrey to allow Sammie and sister 16) division at the 2008 Canada Francis pursue their passion. Four Cup. years later, the move has paid off. She will be at the tournament Elexa, 18, will play at Simon again next month, competing in the Fraser University (SFU) next season, Futures (under-19) division at the accepting a scholarship offer last Canadian Open Fastpitch tournaDecember. A first-year student at ment at Softball City and Cloverdale SFU, playing for the school’s NAIA Athletic Park July 9-17. (For more (National Association of Intercolinformation, see canadianopenfastlegiate Athletics) team accomplishes one of several goals she has set for A scholarship secured, with plans herself. to major in psychology next year, “SFU was the target. I didn’t want Elexa isn’t done pursing her goals in to move away from home,” she said softball. Sunday at Cloverdale Athletic Park, “I’m trying out for the junior between games of a tournament she national team this summer,” she and her Surrey Storm 93 teammates said. “Hopefully one day, I’ll be o n were participating in. “It’s a highly the women’s national team. I want to competitive program. And I didn’t take this as far as I can.”


“...we were doing so much driving. It was too much.”


Sammie Elexa of the Surrey Storm ’93 fields a ball at third base during a tournament last weekend at Cloverdale Athletic Park. Elexa will play for Simon Fraser University next season on a softball scholarship.

Chiefs, Jays winless away from home North Delta swept on Sunday, Fraser Valley loses four on Vancouver Island by Rick Kupchuk PLAYING ON the road last weekend didn’t

help two local B.C. Premier Baseball League teams. The North Delta Blue Jays and Fraser Valley Chiefs were both winless, the losses dropping the Blue Jays three games out of a playoff position while Fraser Valley fell from fourth place to sixth in the 13-team 18-and-under league. After a double-header at home against the struggling Victoria Eagles was rained out Saturday, North Delta travelled to Coquitlam Sunday night where they were swept by the Reds.

Currently on an eight-game Coquitlam won a close 4-3 losing streak, the Blue Jays contest in the first game, scoring fell to 10-19 (won-lost) on the three times in the bottom of the fifth inning. season. Now in 11th place, North Delta must overtake Douglas Strohan pitched well three teams to qualify for the for North Delta, giving up four postseason. earned runs on six hits and a They will be at Whalley Ball pair of walks. But the Jays managed just five Park tonight for a 7 p.m. game Caleb Lefebvre against the Chiefs, a team which singles off three Reds pitchers. North Delta’s struggles at the has lost six straight and has fallen back to .500 with a 17-17 record. plate continued in game two. All three hits were singles in a 3-0 loss. Fraser Valley made the most of their Pitcher Shane Wlodarczak was forced two hits in the first of two games Saturday in Nanaimo, but lost 3-2 in extra to take the loss. He allowed just one earned run and struck out seven batters, innings. allowing eight hits and a walk. The Pirates collected six hits and four SECTION C0-ORDINATOR: RICK KUPCHUK (PHONE 604-575-5335)

walks off Chiefs starting pitcher Caleb Lefebvre, who went the distance. Two of those hits came in the eighth inning, leading to the winning run. Fraser Valley was shutout the rest of the weekend, losing the second game to Nanaimo Saturday and both Sunday in Parksville by 6-0 scores. An error led to five unearned Pirates runs in Saturday’s second game, opne in which the Chiefs had just four hits. The Royals totalled 23 hits in their two games against Fraser Valley pitching Sunday. Alex Hackney and Nathan de la Feraude each had a pair of hits for the Chiefs in game two, the best offensive efforts of the weekend.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 21

Flanked by Surrey United’s Gavin Barrett (3), David Hill of Okanagan Challenge hops over Surrey United’s Andrew Malamura during a PaciďŹ c Coast Soccer League game at Cloverdale Athletic Park Sunday. The two teams played to a 2-2 draw. BOAZ JOSEPH THE LEADER

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United slips to third Tied twice

Black Press A PAIR OF ties on their home pitch cost Surrey United a share of first place in the Pacific Coast Soccer League. The men’s team played to a 4-4 tie with Kamloops Excel SC Saturday at Cloverdale Athletic Park, then battled to a 2-2 draw with the Okanagan Challenge Sunday. Ryan Reynolds with a pair, Tom Lowndes and Wyatt Seddon-Johnstone were Saturday’s scorers, with Angus Burke and Andrew Proctor netting the goals a day later. United’s record is 4-2-2 (won-lost-tied) with four games to play. Now in third place, they trail first place Vancouver by four points, and are one back of Victoria United. Surrey hosts the Thunderbirds tonight at 7 p.m. in Cloverdale. Surrey’s women’s team was beaten by the league’s top two teams last week, and have slipped to fifth place at 3-3. Kate Qually tallied in a 3-1 loss to the Whitecaps Prospects at Simon Fraser University Thursday night. On Saturday afternoon, they fell 3-0 to the Vancouver Thunderbirds in Cloverdale.

The Eagles are also looking for families to host out of town players attending our Main Camp in August. Call the Eagles for more information.

We’re moving! Multilingual Extension Services, currently located at 12414 82nd Avenue in Surrey, will be moving on June 24, 2011. Starting July 8, 2011, our new location will be: #205-12725 80th Avenue Surrey, BC V3W 3A6 Hours of service: Every Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


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Our ofÂżce will close for the move at 4:00 p.m. on June 24, 2011. We will open in our new location on July 8, 2011, at 9:00 a.m.

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22 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Guinness recognizes record road trip Surrey man visited 30 Major League Baseball parks in consecutive years

by Nick Greenizan IN THE summer of 2008,

Surrey resident Doug

Booth did something most sports fans only dream of doing – seeing a ball game in each and

every Major League Baseball park. Not only did he do just that – and again in

2009 – he’s now got the certificate to prove he did it in record time. Last month, Booth

received notice from Guinness World Records that he officially holds the record

for visiting all 30 Major League Baseball stadiums within one month, in consecutive years.






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He is still waiting on another official record – for watching games in all 30 parks in just 24 days, which he did in 2009. The old record was 30 parks in 26 days, which was set in 2008, the same year Booth tried to set the record the first time, but fell just short. “I hope that since they approved me for this one, that the other one is only a matter of time,” Booth said. “But to have them verify this one, and to actually have the certificate, is very cool. “I feel just awesome about it – not too many people can call themselves Guinness record-holders.” Having the official record to call his own was a great reward for all effort, hard work, planning and stress – not to mention money – that went into chasing the mark. Because while some may consider watching baseball games for a month straight as something of a leisurely pursuit, Booth’s quest was anything but. For starters, the planning alone – making sure you can align your trip to coincide with the right games, in the right cities – takes days. Now, after doing it twice, Booth said he could probably “whip up a schedule in, like, an hour. “You get to know what you’re doing after awhile… I’m battled-tested now,” he laughed. Being on the road is no picnic, either, he said, whether you are planning flights, renting cars or finding a taxi, booking cheap accommodations or worrying about rain delays. And once at the park, Booth needed to document his attendance at each game, which meant keeping all his receipts, getting his photo taken at the stadium, and getting signatures from team staff members to verify his presence. “I literally handed over bags and bags of receipts and other stuff to the Guinness people,” he said. In fact, it is the proof – the personal accounts, signatures, ticket stubs and See BASEBALL / Page 23

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 23

Baseball: Surrey man connects with fans across the continent From page 22

the P.A. announcer – to convince the Guinness people he was in fact at the game. Booth said, record aside, one of the best parts about his two journeys has been connecting with fellow “ball park chasers.” The baseball fanatics frequently speak online, sharing stories and tips for easier travel. “The best part is the record – it’s very cool and I’m pretty proud of it – but meeting so many people was just great,” he said. He’s leaned on many of his new acquaintances over the past year,

receipts – that for a time worried Booth during his quest. During the third day of his 2009 trip – a doubleheader between the Milwaukee Brewers and Chicago Cubs – his camera battery died and he was unable to get a photo of himself at the park. In the end, however, he cobbled together enough supporting evidence – including signed affidavits from stadium employees, a concession-stand receipt and a scratchy, cell-phone recording of

“ I think I might go for that hockey record next.” Doug Booth as he turned his experiences into a book, called The Fastest Thirty Ballgames. His new tome – which is selfpublished by Authorhouse and

available at and www. – is part travelogue and also part guide for those who may attempt a similar whirlwind baseball trip. For the advice portion of the book, Booth canvassed his fellow travellers at ballparkchasers. com, and two of them even have co-author credit for their contributions. “It was a lot of work, but the whole process (of publishing the book) was just fantastic, and I really enjoyed it,” said Booth, who also published two baseball-

themed works of fiction in 2008. With his record in tow, Booth said he plans to “get back to real life for awhile” – including working his job as a courier. He has also done a few interviews in the media, on both XM satellite radio and with MLB TV’s Fan Cave. But while he’s happy to lay low for awhile, he’s not completely ruling out another recordbreaking trip. “I was just talking to a guy who’d done all the NHL games, so I think I might go for that hockey record next,” he said.

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24 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011

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Terry Fox Foundation seeking participants to crop their locks for a good cause Black Press THE TERRY FOX Foundation is looking to make cancer research the hottest trend in hairstyling with the Terry Fox Great Canadian Hair ‘Do.’ The event will see participants shave it all off and try their hand at a little bit of waxing, a new colour or something quirky with colourful hair extensions or a wacky wig.

AY ONLY! - Saturday, June 25 th !

ec We sp

Much a-‘do’ about cancer


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“For me, it’s just hair,” said Donna Louie, 2010 head shaver and administrator for the Terry Fox Foundation’s B.C. and Yukon division. “I asked a friend of mine, in the midst of her cancer journey, how she felt about non-cancer patients shaving their head. She told me it showed her that we were committed to making a difference.” Energetic and

creative people are sought as organizers, volunteers and participants for the event, which can be organized in malls, salons, festivals, parties, schools, parks orr o offices. It can also be done as an indidividual. n event “Organizing an is not only fun and rewarding but made easy with the help of the

Earl Marriott Secondary and the Surrey School District present…

Places for plastics

Mission Statement The EMS-CTAHA develops the physical and mental attributes of young players, confidence and self-esteem, knowledge of tactics and techniques, and increases the chance of success in hockey and academic pursuits. This athlete centered hockey experience pursues the goal of developing the complete player and person.

Garden stores join recycling event

Exclusively available to rep players

Only a few Spots Available

Black Press DAVID Hunter Garden

The program is available to Male and Female rep players, Grades 8 - 11

Learn from Professional Coaches Please Contact: Mike Coflin at: - 604-531-8354 for more information Now taking applications for the 2011-12 school year. Visit

Now accepting Grade 8s (1998s) into the program.


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Terry Fox Foundation staff who are always on-hand and willing to offer help when neede needed.” Fu Funds raised thr through the fo foundation impact research programs into a wide variety of cancers, such as breast, prostate, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, leukemia and more. To get involved, contact Donna White at bcyukon@terryfoxrun. org or 1-888-836-9786. For more information visit

Guildford Mall

Centers and Port Kells Nurseries are offering local gardeners more options when it comes to responsibly disposing of garden pots and trays. The Surrey businesses are two of 40 Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA) members in six provinces to have pledged their support to the National Plastics Recycling Event. Gardeners are encouraged to bring their clean, dry garden plastics to the stores’ depots from June 25 to July 4 and stack them in the designated recycling area. To help make the National Plastics Recycling Event a success, residents are asked to dispose of non-recyclables and other trash through normal means, and refrain from leaving items outside the store after business hours. For more information, visit David Hunter Garden Center at 15179 72 Ave. or Port Kells Nurseries at 18730 88 Ave., or go online to www.canadanursery. com and click on “National Plastics Recycling Event.”

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 25

DATEBOOK Submissions for Datebook should be emailed to Datebook runs in print on Wednesdays and Fridays – with more events available online 24/7.







CHILDREN The Royal Canadian

Theatre Company is hosting summer acting camps at the Newton Cultural Centre,


13530, 72 Ave. Pre-teen See DATEBOOK / Page 26



Family fun in Fraser Heights this Friday Black Press FOR THE 18TH year, an intersection in North Surrey will transform into a pedestrian fairground this week. The annual Fraser Heights Country Fair will place June 24 from 5-9 p.m. at Fraser Heights Village, 160 Street and 108 Avenue. Entertainment will be provided by Vancouver Circus School’s Sky High Trampoline Team and their professional division, The Inner Ring Circus.

Their roving performers will include an object manipulation specialist, character stilt-walkers and jugglers. Visitors can get in on the circus act too – the Red Fox Active Recreational Program will a provide hands-on circus training area so visitors can try stiltwalking, diablo, juggling, pogo sticks and other activities. Among other entertainment: The BobCats will play rock and roll tunes from the ’50s to the ’80s, and the Black Belt Academy will perform 20 minutes of karate







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demos at the top of each hour. Fairgoers will be able to whirl around in a 30-foot merry-goswing, saddle up at the pony rides, play nine-hold mini-golf and scale a portable climbing wall. Thanks to the staff, students and parents of Erma Stephenson School, this year’s fair will also include a country store, cakewalk and carnival games. To round things off, the Guildford Lions Club will hold a chuckwagon barbecue with hot dogs and corn on the cob.

8am - 5pm Monday - Saturday Closed Sundays & Holidays


2nd Anniversary Sale June 25, 2011

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Recently my family and I decided to dine at the Taj Restaurant. We all ordered the Butter Chicken to compare with other places we’ve been. I can say without a doubt that the Taj Restaurant has the best Butter Chicken I have ever tasted. We have gone back several times since to sample more items and they have all been fantastic. I would recommend trying the Taj at your next opportunity.

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our factories are running.



Circus comes to fair


Saturday, June 25

Delta Arts Council presents Open Mic on June 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Firehall Centre for the Arts, 114889 84 Ave. The general public is invited to attend. Doors open at 7 p.m. Admission is $4 for everyone. For more information, call 604-5816270.



you should be, too. tacoma


PURCHASE FINANCING FROM: PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: *2011 Tacoma 4x2 Access Cab Manual TX4CNM(A) MSRP is $23,580 and includes $1685 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example:4.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $259 with $2,868 down payment. Total lease obligation is $15,300. Lease 48 mos based on 96,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Finance example:1.9% APR for 36 months. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus applicable taxes are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. Offer valid until June 30, 2011. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on and that contained on, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted.


% 36 MO.


26 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Datebook From page 25 camps (age eight to 12) take place July 4-8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Teen camps (age 13-18 take place July 11-16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is $350 per student. Maximum of 20 students. All courses are taught by experienced, working professional actors. For more information, visit or call 604-629-8744.



Sunpreet Bains - 25

Sunny Johal - 20

Nicole Reader - 23

Sun is very active in the community, volunteering her time with organizations such as Surrey Memorial Hospital and Kwantlen’s Student Life Promotion Team. She is currently in her second year of a Doctor of Dental Medicine Program.

Sunny is a co-founder of Ujump. He is leading his community by promoting the importance of education and by helping students develop social skills and networking to find answers to their transition to post secondary questions.

Ben Brown Bentley - 20

Ryan Keigher - 25

Nicole is a frequent volunteer at the Cloverdale Rodeo. She was a co-chair on the Volunteer Committee in 2010 and even after stepping back to launch her own innovative software technology business, was an integral part of the success of the volunteer program for this year’s special anniversary Cloverdale Rodeo and Country Fair.

Ben is the founder and co-owner of Adrenaline Productions, a business that holds fun and safe events for teens. Ben is the 2010 winner of the Surrey Board of Trade Student Entrepreneur of the Year award.

Jennifer Boyd - 25 Jennifer volunteers for the Fresh Start program, a scholarship initiative helping young mothers attending Guildford Park Secondary. She is also the outside sales representative for Printfastic Printing.

Glen Chua - 23 Glen owns and operates multiple media and production companies in Surrey. He is also the founder of the upcoming Surrey Film Festival, taking place on June 24th.

Raman Dasanjh - 24 After joining OfficeTeam, a division of Robert Half International, in 2009, Raman was voted BC Rookie of the Year. She achieves consecutive rewards in her performance and is a valued member of the team. Raman was also the philanthropy chairwoman of Gamma Phi Beta, where she worked to help send deserving young girls to summer camp.

Ryan has been and is involved with a variety of organizations in Surrey, such as Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s President’s Ambassador Team and Board of Governors. He has also taken on important roles in various fundraisers supporting his local community, including the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation’s Great Pumpkin Walk. Ameet is the youngest person to conduct a bhangra competition in the Lower Mainland, through her company Straight Rocked Entertainment Inc. She is also a fulltime student and works as a volunteer with Surrey Women’s Centre.

Kyle Krystalowich - 21 Kyle is currently the President of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) at Simon Fraser University. SIFE Simon Fraser is a studentrun not-for-profit organization consisting of over 100 student volunteers who create and implement community outreach programs to improve the quality of life of people in need.

Dana Miller - 23

Ashish Gurung - 23

Antony Mudim - 23

Paul Hillsdon - 21 Paul is the creator and chief editor of Under the tagline “Urban news from BC’s second largest city,” the site focuses on developments and related civic issues, with the intent of both charting, and raising greater awareness about, Surrey’s transformation into the second metropolitan core of BC.

Denny Hollick - 23 Denny has become a community leader, taking part in multiple projects and organizations including the Rotary Youth Leadership Program and Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s President’s Ambassador Team.

Antony recently completed his second year of Criminology at Kwantlen on the Dean’s Honour Roll, and is strongly involved with Acting Together, a community-based research project led by a coalition of community stakeholders and academic institutions, created to help determine the youth perception of gangs and violence. The goal is to determine what keeps young adults out of trouble.

Mao Murakami - 24 Mao is a Program Coordinator at the Electrical Industry Training Institute (EITI) who has been working on a First Nations Electrical Utility Foundation Program. In this program, Mao’s role involves liaison with First Nation band representatives to determine needs, budget preparation, preparation of appropriate curriculum and training materials, scheduling instructors, and arrangement of instructor travel and accommodation.



After discovering her passion and skill for marketing last year, Amanda is now the Marketing Programs Specialist for Talent Technology and is pursuing further education at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

Marcin Samiec - 24 Marcin Samiec is a business analyst and privacy officer at BackCheck, Canada’s leading and largest pre-employment background screening organization. Marcin’s recent contributions include innovative advancements in the field of information privacy and access, giving individuals greater access to their personal information.

Sonya Schafer - 19

Randip is the co-founder of Ujump, an event designed to aid in the dramatic adjustment students experience as they prepare for post secondary academics and lifestyle during their transition from high school. Ashish is a Social Media consultant and is the creator and co-owner of a web and iPhone application called QuikPiq, which allows users to get opinions and recommendations from their friends on the go on just about anything.

Through her high school endeavours, Hoang has raised funds for a project called Charity: water, an initiative surrounding the need for everyone to have sanitary water, and has been active in bringing groups together to make donations to the Surrey Food Bank.

Amanda Ovenden - 25

Ameet Khabra - 21

Dana’s incredible leadership skills and great teamwork attitude lead to her success as a volunteer at the Cloverdale Rodeo, where she worked on the Kidz Zone, helping with staging acts and running the volunteers the weekend of the event. Dana has been involved in the Cloverdale Rodeo for over ten years.

Randip Gill - 19

Hoang Nguyen - 17

Sonya is respected for her work on the Cloverdale Rodeo, especially for her involvement in the Farmer for A Day Station. She showed a high level of maturity and a great positive attitude throughout the weekend, lending to the success of the event.

Jamie Schreder - 23 Jamie is a successful Realtor and Property Manager working in the Fraser Valley. He manages a commercial portfolio of properties in excess of $40 million and has completed approximately 150 real estate transactions in less than 4 years.

Anisha Virk - 17 A straight ‘A’ student in school, Anisha is also involved with Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Youth Volunteer program and competes at a high level in Karate.

Seeking descendants or any information about Harry Howard Meadus and his wife, Madeleine Irene Margaret Meadus (nee Kenney) and their daughter, Madeleine Ann Meadus who married Thomas Roland Mellish. They lived in Surrey and died here in the early 1970s. In 1943 Madeleine and Thomas lived in Fort William. He was killed over Germany in 1943. Any information, however insignificant, would be gratefully received and will be acknowledged by Betty Nelson. Her email address is

Are you a Krazy Collector? The Surrey Museum wants to hear from you. The museum will showcase local collectors’ treasures in its Krazy Collectors exhibit from July 19 to Dec. 22. Collectors have interesting stories to tell about what and why they collect. You are invited to share a highlight from your collection – anything such as pens, stamps, telegraph insulators, china, dolls, old radios, spoons or other treasures. To join this fun community exhibition, contact the museum’s exhibition assistant at 604502-6462 or JIMoore@

EVENTS Colebrook United Church (5441 125A St.) is holding a strawberry tea today (June 22) from 1-4 p.m. Baking, books and more. Tickets are $7 for adults, $3 for kids ages 3-6. Call 604-5962412.

Linda Gidora is retiring from teaching. Former students, colleagues, and parents are invited to a reception to honour her on June 24 from 4-6 p.m. at Hazelgrove Elementary School, 7057 191 St. For more information, call Diane Nelson at 604-5740044 or email nelson_d@

The Surrey Museum presents the display Stellar Space until Aug. 27. Experience an interplanetary journey through the galaxy and discover stars, constellations and other wonders of the universe. Voyage through Canadian space history from rockets to the mobile servicing system on the International Space Station. Join a live web-link to National Research Council telescopes around the world. See images from the Hubble Telescope and become a space cadet on a stellar journey of Canada’s contributions to the international space program. The museum is located at 17710 56A Ave. Admission is free. Call 604592-6956 or visit www.

FUNDRAISING The Canadian Red Cross is holding a fundraising event for disasters in Canada and the U.S. on June 25 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Berea Baptist Church, 6062 132 St. Organizers are seeking sponsors. Call Kristen (Rani) Jain at 604-598-3382 or 778-881-7501.


ble Cheese Dou SCRAMBLES

Hayley Woodin - 19 Hayley is currently enrolled in Kwantlen Polytechnic University, working her way towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Journalism, and is also a member of Kwantlen’s President’s Ambassador Team, a group of students from different educational disciplines working together to represent their school.

Emily Wright - 22 Emily Wright is a co-founder of Excel Basketball Academy, a community based, player-focused basketball academy that strives to develop young athletes both on and off the court. MEDIA SPONSOR


Come hungry.


Leave happy. 8170 - 120th St, Surrey Corner of 82nd & Scott Rd.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 27

Your community Your classifieds.



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We have Gifts & Information CULLEN, Jeannie (Chase) nee Rouault June 26, 1930 - June 16, 2011



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FOUND: COCKATIEL, Sunshine Hills, June 14. Call 604-599-5060. LOST - DOG: Chihuahua - 6/mo old female, last seen June 13th, 70/144A area. REWARD. Please call: (604) 306-7460 or 514-8330. LOST: DOG, Large reward for safe return of young female Chihuahua. (brown with darker snout) Lost on afternoon of June 13 in the vicinity of 70/144. Call (604)781-0442



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HELGASON, Drew August 12, 1991 - June 4, 2011

Drew passed away unexpectedly at the age of 19. He was known for his beautiful smile, generosity and many friends. He will be truly missed by all. The family wishes to thank everyone involved for all their love and support. Celebration of Life to be held on June 26 (Sunday) 2pm at North Delta Secondary School Auditorium, 11447 82nd Ave, Delta. Donations to Salvation Army or the Cancer Society in lieu of flowers would be appreciated.


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LIVE-IN CAREGIVER to care for 2 children aged 2 yrs & 14 yrs. FullTime. $9.50 hr. North Delta area. Grade 12 or equivalent. Must have at least 1 yr. exp. Contact Melanie at 604-572-0378

CGA firm is seeking a receptionist/secretary for our White Rock location. Candidates must possess excellent English and communication skills (verbal and written), be well organized and proficient with Microsoft Office. The ability to multi-task and work in a fast paced environment is essential. Exposure to tax preparation/bookkeeping/accounting a definite asset. Exceptional customer service skills a must. Please reply with resume by email (with job application in the subject line) to No phone calls please. Thank you to all applicants, however only those being interviewed will be contacted.

108 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COKE & CANDY Vending Route. Local Hi-Traffic Locations. Earn $40+ per year. Fast & Safe Investment Return. Secure Your FutureBe the Boss! Factory Direct Pricing 1-888-570-0892 Must Sell Could YOU use a few hundred dollars a day? If you can read and speak, YOU’RE HIRED! No selling! 1-800-446-3268

Flower Store Wake up & smell the roses be your own boss! Existing 20 year old turnkey franchise available in Victoria. $49,900. Serious inquiries only to GET PAID DAILY! NOW ACCEPTING: Simple P/T & F/T Online Computer Related Work & Paid Surveys is available. No fees or charges to participate. Start Today, Make $$$ being your own boss! No Experience Necessary. 100’s of Business and Franchise Opportunities. LOW cost! FREE information! Visit

MISTER TRANSMISSION franchise available, 72nd and King George. Great opportunity. 1-800-373-8432 for info.

109 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES with Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers. We are seeking enthusiastic self-starters for newly developed positions at our Grande Prairie and Prince George auction facility. Equipment Manager - Grande Prairie & Equipment Inspector - Prince George. To learn more, please visit our careers website at: Sales & Marketing Manager Req’d F/T Sal: $22/hr Duties: Plan, direct and evaluate activities of sales department; establish distribution network for products and services; initiate market research studies; analyze findings; assist in product development; direct & evaluate marketing strategies. Contact Jagjiwan@ Email: Ph: 604-543-6473 Location: Surrey, BC


DGS CANADA 2 DAY FORKLIFT WEEKEND COURSE Every Saturday at 8:30am #215, 19358-96 Ave. Surrey NO reservations: 604-888-3008 Ask about our other Courses... *Stand up Reach *Fall Protection *Aerial Lift *RoughTerrain Forklift *Bobcat *WHMIS & much more. “Preferred by Employers



Sales / Marketing Manager Required for an established, medium size Logging and Construction Equipment Dealership located in Southeastern British Columbia. Qualified applicant must have “hands-on” experience in the Sales / Marketing of machines, parts, rentals, service and product support from utility to heavy construction and logging equipment. For more information on what it would take for us to re-locate you to the casual living of the Kootenay’s, the land of great all seasons indoor and outdoor activities.

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Some great kids aged 12 to 18 who need a stable, caring home for a few months. Are you looking for the opportunity to do meaningful, fulfilling work? PLEA Community Services is looking for qualified applicants who can provide care for youth in their home on a full-time basis or on weekends for respite. Training, support and remuneration are provided. Funding is available for modifications to better equip your home. A child at risk is waiting for an open door.

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HARDWORKING AESTHETICIAN & hairdresser req. f/t. 5 yrs exp needed. Must be fluent in English. Days & weekends. Email resume to:



Dhesi Enterprises Ltd. 5 Truck Drivers req’d; Class 1 or A Driver’s license; completion of high sch; 1-2 yrs of related exp; knowledge of Punjabi an asset: $24/hr full time; email resume: Girn Trucking Ltd 12553-61a Avenue Surrey requires truck drivers for long haulage. Should have Class1 or A driver license. Airbrake (Z) endorsement required. On job training will be provided. Salary $24/hr. will be paid with other benefits. Please send resume to: 604-599-4078 or email to: GRAVEL TRUCK DRIVER req’d, must know lower mainland for deliveries. (604)575-7271 778-899-8095 ROLL-OFF TRUCK DRIVER req’d immed for busy recycling plant. Good driving record & prev roll-off exp a must. Hi-paced, F/T position offering good pay & excellent benefits. Fax resume to 604-524-3946 or e-mail to Attn: Fleet Mgr. RR PLETT Trucking Ltd. requires Long Haul Truck Drivers. Class 1 Driver’s license required. Drive straight or articulated trucks, plan trips, maintain log book, inspection reports etc. $23.50/hr, 50hrs/week. Send resumes #2 20085 100A Ave Langley, British Columbia V1M 3G4 By Fax: (604) 513-9952.



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Aman Transport Looking for Drivers Long distance driving In the U.S & Can. & 10 western states. Min 2 yrs exp. Class 1 Drivers Lic. Able to travel to U.S. Extended Medical Coverage.

Call (604)953-2626 ext 230 or 604-761-2083 Ask for Sandy CANADIAN FARMS PRODUCE Inc., located in Surrey requires F/T general farm workers to start in 2011. Accommodation avail. Wage $9.28/hour. Must be in good physical shape. Training provided. Heavy lifting req’d. Please fax resume to: 604-574-5773

CASUAL SUPPORT WORKER Would you like to work in a job that allows you to give back to your community? One where you have the opportunity to fulfill your passion for people? Langley Assoc. for Community Living is seeking support workers who have experience in supporting people with disabilities. Successful applicants will also have a class 5 driver’s license, clear criminal record check and standard first aid & cpr. Starting wage $15.54/hour. Please check our website at Quoting Competition #: LACLCASJUN11 fax resume to 604-534-4763 or email Thank you to all those who apply, only those selected for interview will be contacted. CERTIFIED TCP and Lane Closure Techs required. Exc. wages. Must have vehicle. Call 604-996-2551 or email

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Customer Service Rep We are a leading Canadian manufacturer of plastic packaging products with companies located across Canada. We currently have a CSR position available at our Vancouver facility. To qualify, candidates should have a minimum of One Year experience in a manufacturing environment in Customer Service with excellent communication skills. The successful candidate needs to be computer literate; a team player; articulate in handling daily customer requests and capable of maintaining accurate inventory figures. We are a progressive organization with opportunities within the company to grow. If you are interested in the position, please send your resume to the following email address: FLAGGERS NEEDED If not certified, training available for a fee. Call 604-575-3944

COME and Join the Formations Team!! Formations is a Wholesale Ditribution company expanding into the BC Market. We are currently looking for warehouse personnel to work in our Port Kels branch. Experience driving forklift is a must. Experience with products used by the cabinet, millwork and furniture industries would be considered an asset. To pursue this opportunity please send resume to Only those selceted for an interview will be contacted.



Fraserway Meats Ltd at 12047-80th Avenue in Surrey requires retail meat cutters for retail and whole outlet. On job training will be given. Previous experience as meat cutter on Indian Ethnic retail meat shop is an asset. Duties would be to cut the meat into desired portions, marinating the meat, display in the show case for resale. A salary of $ 16/hr will be given with other benefits. Minimum work of 40 hrs/week will be given. Must be available on evenings and weekends. Please fax your resume at 604-592-2900.

ZONECHECKER The Surrey North Delta Leader is looking for energetic and customer friendly individuals for its Circulation Department. The right candidate must have excellent communication and organizational skills. Your attention to detail and ability to work with minimum supervision set you apart from other applicants. Basic knowledge of MS Word, Excel and Outlook Express recommended. Duties include overseeing 200+ youth carriers, recruiting and hiring new carriers, surveying old and new delivery areas, monitoring carrier performance and following up on reader delivery concerns. A reliable vehicle is a must. Vulnerable sector criminal record check is also mandatory. This permanent part-time position would suit students or retired individuals available for afternoon and early evening shifts. Please forward your resume to: Circulation Manager Surrey North Delta Leader #200 – 5450 152nd Street, Surrey, BC V3S 5J9 No phone calls please.


Jeannine passed away peacefully with family at her side, after a long and courageous struggle with Parkinsons Disease. Survived by 1 brother, 3 sisters, 4 children, 4 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Her family and many friends will sadly miss her. Thank you to the wonderful loving staff at Kinsman Place Lodge for their love and support over the many years. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Wednesday June 22, 2001 at 11:00 am at Notre Dame de Lourdes, 828 Laval Square, Maillardville, Coquitlam, British Columbia, father Mariano Barreto officiating. Reception to follow in the Church hall. In lieu of flowers donations to the Parkinsons Society Canada would be greatly appreciated. On line condolences can be left at:

Receptionist/ Secretary


Interested in SALES? Outgoing? Motivated? Gregg distributors (BC) Ltd. is looking for individuals to fill outside sales positions. Knowledge of the Industrial & H.D industries are an asset. Training will be provided to help achieve you full potential.






Are you an experienced, high-energy graphic designer looking for ON-CALL work? Do you have strong interpersonal skills? Would you like to work in the exciting, fast-paced newspaper industry? We are looking for a graphic designer to work alongside our award-winning design team on an ON-CALL basis. You will be responsible for creating eye-catching ads using your comprehensive working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite 3: InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator on Mac OSX. You must have outstanding creative skills, a strong work ethic, and be able to work effectively with others within deadlines, while paying close attention to detail. Must be able to speak, write

and communicate fluently in English. Apply today by sending your resume to:

Glory Wilkinson Creative Services Manager, The Leader email:

28 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 130





LANDSCAPERS with experience installing block retaining walls. Starts @ $16./hr Fax 604-462-7853




Lemare Lake Logging is currently seeking Driller/Blasters for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time, union wages. Please email resume to: or fax to 250-956-4888. Live-in-Caregiver Req’d F/T w/exp to look after elderly providing timely meals and ; providing required medication on time, providing care & assistance; helping in daily activities. Salary: $9/hr Knowledge of English, Punjabi is an asset. E-mail: Contact Gurjeet @ 604-616-8670 Location: Surrey, BC Live-in-Caregiver Req’d F/T with exp. to look after kids; supervision of kid’s activities; taking care of general hygiene; preparing and providing meals. Salary: $10/hr. Must have knowledge of English, Punjabi is an asset. Contact: Manmohan Phone: 778-928-9447 Location: Surrey, BC MEAT CUTTER. The Grocery People Ltd. (TGP) requires a Meat Cutter for their Super A store located in Fairview, Alberta. The successful candidate must have a thorough knowledge of all aspects of meat cutting, and have the ability to work quickly and effectively. Applicants’ must have previous retail meat cutting experience. The successful candidate must be able to provide a clean security clearance. If you have the skills and abilities to meet our expectations, forward your resume in confidence to: Human Resources Officer, The Grocery People Ltd., 14505 Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton, AB, T5L 3C4. Fax 780-447-5781. Email:

FULL TIME Green House workers $10/hour. Apply in person 13460 Rippington Rd., Pitt Meadows.

HVAC SERVICE TECH We are looking for career minded HVAC Service Techs. Exp working with building controls and heating/cooling systems is preferred. On the job training will be provided. Submit resume with salary expectation to:

MODERN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT LTD. Unit 104, 9547 152 St. Surrey, BC V3R 5Y5 Fax: 604-588-1012

Salesperson req’d for Indian Clothes and artificial Jewels; 2 yrs. exp; Permanent; F/T; Sal $12.5/hr Duties: Display and discuss type, quality and quantity of Clothes and jewels, cut clothes as per need, operate cash register, maintain sale record discuss type,. Lang: Speak Hindi, Punjabi & English; Contact Sukhdev from Sudersham Cloth House Surrey, BC. E-mail Resume: or Fax: 778565-5560

E-Mail: LABOURERS & ROOFERS, F/T for PLANET ROOFING serving the Lower Mainland. Exp. preferred. Must have valid B.C. Drivers Lic. Wages $12-15 depending on exp. Gurmukh 778-863-5044


Marketing + promo company looking to hire + train a few outgoing people to work. No sales. F/T, 18+. Going back to school? Not a problem! Scholarship program available. Call Destiny at 604-777-2194

Sweet Pepper Grower

Required for Windset Farms (Canada) Ltd. Responsible for direct greenhouse operations in Sweet Pepper Crop. Post secondary education in a related field &/or 10+ years of experience a must. Start Date: July 1, 2011 Great Wages & Benefits Package! Fax Resume: 604-952-2763 E-mail:

The Lemare group is currently seeking contract coastal hand fallers for the North Vancouver Island area. Full time, union wages. Email resume to: or fax 250-956-4888.





Exp. Dishwashers / Kitchen Helpers needed.

Seeks Receptionist / Administration Assistant for our head office in Surrey. • Must speak fluent English. • Must be computer literate with knowledge of Excel, Word & Adobe • Web design an asset • Estimating exp. an asset • Experience with blueprints an asset Fulltime $15 - $17 (depending on experience) Plus OVERTIME and BENEFITS Fax resume to 604-507-4711 or Email:

Required for busy Greek restaurant. Apply @ 7953-120 St. Delta. ORIGINAL BHAIA SWEET SHOP & RESTAURANT LTD. in Surrey is hiring 1 F/T INDIAN COOK ( sweet maker ) with three years experience in making Indian sweets like besan, burfi, rasgulla, gulab jamun, kaju roll, snack items, etc. Salary would be $17/hr with 40 hours per week. Knowledge of Hindi or Punjabi is required & English is an asset. Interested applicants may email resume to: ROYAL FLAVOURS RESTAURANT & LOUNGE IN SURREY Is hiring 2 fulltime Indian Cooks and 1 fulltime Indian sweet maker cook .indian cooks must have 3 years experience in making indian dishes like butter chicken, tandoori chicken, shahi paneer, veg. curries, rice, naan etc. Sweet maker also required to have 3 years experience in making indian style sweets like gulab jamun, rasgulla,gajrella ,ras malai and desserts etc. Salary for both positions would be $ 15.00 per hour with 40 hours week, knowledge of hindi or punjabi is required. Interested applicants please email resume at


LIVE-IN CAREGIVER needed for our sister, stroke survivor, ambulatory, aphasic. Need one honest, thoughtful, empathic, woman with good English. Live on farm. Please send references to: Box 636, c/o bcclassified, 818 Broughton St, Victoria, BC, V8W 1E4.



142 OFFICE SUPPORT/CLERKS LANGLEY Renovation/Construction office requires a full time Receptionist/Office Assistant. Your skill set should include excellent communication skills and phone etiquette, effective time management, attention to detail, computer literate and construction knowledge. Please fax resume to 604-533-5059 or email Deadline June 30, 2011.







Seeks Excavator Operator for various projects in the lower mainland. Must have own vehicle. Min. 2 year experience in construction related equipment operation. Fulltime $20 - $25 (depending on experience) Plus OVERTIME and BENEFITS Fax resume to 604-507-4711 or Email:


• SINGLE-PLY ROOFERS • SLOPED ROOFERS • LABOURERS Required for Hazelmere Roofing Company. Full - Time opportunity available. Excellent Wages! Start Now! Andy 604.808.1655 E-mail : Two full-time permanent, Plasterer Helpers required by Taggar Drywall Ltd. in Surrey. 7mo. to 1 year exp. would be an asset. Duties incl. load, unload construction material, assist main plasterer, mix, pour & spread material, etc. Wages $15 -$20./hr. E-mail resume:



AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for Journeyman Welders, $31. $35. per hour. 2nd/3rd year apprentices, hourly rate based on experience. Full benefits after 90 days. Profit sharing semi-annual after 90 days. Fulltime career minded individuals preferred. This job is located in Kitscoty, Alberta. 10 minutes from Lloydminster. Send resume to: or call ATM at 780-846-2231 to set up an interview. Carpenter Supervisor Req’d F/T with several yrs of exp Sal: $28/hr Duties: Supervise co-ordinate & schedule activities of staff; maintain record of supplies & materials; hire/train new staff; prepare work schedules; resolve work related problems. Basic English required, Punjabi is an asset. Contact: Kashmir Vinning Phone: 778-885-9534 Location: Surrey, BC

JOURNEYMAN MILLWRIGHT BCTQ Millwright certification mandatory. Full time opening @ West Coast Reduction Ltd. in Vancouver. Competitive wage and benefits. Resumes or more information, email: JOURNEYMEN Fabricators & CWB Ticketed Welders required. Days & Afternoon shifts avail. Gloucester Industrial Park. Fax: 604-856-2363 Visit our website

Labourers Seeks Labourers for project in Vancouver. Must have own vehicle. Min. 1 year experience in construction labour. Fulltime $16 - $19 (depending on experience) Plus OVERTIME and BENEFITS Fax resume to 604-507-4711 or Email:

Entry level positions Job entails: Lift 25-100lbs, repetitive manual labor, working outdoors, long hours, travel in BC, strong work ethic, team player, multitasking, self-motivated. Ability to take direction, valid BC drivers license, clean abstract, reliable transportation. Mechanically inclined an asset. Provide resume and drivers abstract to: or fax to 604-888-4206. No phone calls.


PERSONAL SERVICES Diesel Engine Mechanics CULLEN DIESEL POWER LTD. Surrey B.C. requires experienced Diesel Engine mechanics with overhaul and repair experiences for the Surrey Truck Engine shop. Preference given to applicants with DDC & MBE engine exp.


NEW Girls, BEST Service

E-mail resume: or Fax to 604 888-4749




This is a fantastic opportunity to develop a rewarding career in advertising and marketing.

778-395-3939 10am-10pm 14045-104th Ave. Surrey

SHANGHAI. Summer Special $10 off with ad, 10am-12am 604591-1891, 16055 Fraser Hwy, Sry


The Burnaby NewsLeader & New Westminster NewsLeader are divisions of Black Press Ltd., Canada’s largest independent newspaper company, with more than 180 community, daily and urban newspapers in B.C., Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii, and extensive online operations with over 250 websites. Black Press is also Western Canada’s largest privately-held commercial printer with 14 printing plants. The NewsLeader is the recent recipient of the Suburban Newspapers of America 2009 First Place Best Community Newspaper, circulation 37,500+, plus has won or been nominated in eleven categories for the 2010 SNAs, CCNAs, and BCYCNAs, including winning a CCNA Blue Ribbon award. If you are a highly creative individual with an ability to multi-task in a fast-paced team environment and have good interpersonal and sales skills, we would like to meet you. To apply, please forward your resume with a cover letter to: Tracy Keenan, Publisher 7438 Fraser Park Drive Burnaby, BC V5J 5B9 Email: Deadline for applications is: June 30th, 2011 Burnaby

New Westminster



• Surrey-North Delta • Must own 3/4 to 1 ton cargo van • Pick up newspapers from our warehouse and deliver to carrier’s homes. If interested please call 604.575.5312

RURAL DRIVERS • Mailbox delivery to rural mailboxes • Reliable transportation and valid driver’s license required If interested please call 604.575.5312

ADULT FLOATER • On-call position for door-to-door routes that need a substitute • Reliable transportation and valid driver’s license required If interested please call 604.575.5342


BEST HANDS IN TOWN. Hot Oil. 10am - Midnight. 10077 Whalley Blvd. 604-719-5628


Burnaby NewsLeader New Westminster NewsLeader


$12.00 PER HOUR on all odd jobs. Painting, yardwork, lawncutting, etc. Call 778-239-9517.


Advertising Representative


Want to advance your career? Drillers Assistants (labour)

DHOOM Restaurant Ltd. in Surrey is hiring 2 F/T INDIAN COOKS with 3 years experience in making Indian food dishes like tandoori chicken, butter chicken, shahi paneer, paneer tikka, naan, rice etc. Salary would be $18/hr with 40 hours per week. Knowledge of Hindi or Punjabi language is required and English is asset. Interested applicants may fax resume to: 604-598-1165




Bergamonte- The Natural Way To Improve Your Glucose, Cholesterol & Cardiovascular Health! Call today to find out how to get a free bottle with your order.! 888-470-5390





Inside Sales Specialist Black Press Digital has an outstanding opportunity for an Inside Sales Specialist. In this role you will place outbound calls and are responsible for identifying, qualifying and closing sales. You must be articulate and able to cultivate relationships with businesses and online advertisers. You’ll actively track and manage lead pipeline, and ensure 100% customer satisfaction. You will also educate prospects on Online Advertising opportunities with over 110 Websites in the family of Black Press Digital. Qualifications: • Knowledge of computer usage in a web-based environment • Previous telesales experience preferred especially in advertising or directories • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Solid analytical and technical skills • Exposure to formal sales methodologies • Maintain records of correspondence • Excellent organizational and time management skills • Excellent interpersonal and client interaction skills with strong attention to detail and accuracy • Must possess a calm/professional telephone presence • Able to assume responsibility and work autonomously in a professional manner • Ability to remain focused and flexible during rapid change Black Press Group Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all applicants are given equal consideration. We will only respond to those applicants who most closely match the job specifi cations and requirements. We thank you for your interest in our career opportunities. Please forward you resume by June 27, 2011 to: Attn: Lisa Farquharson

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 29 PERSONAL SERVICES 175 CATERING/PARTY RENTALS













Furnace Boilers, Hot Water Tanks Hot Water Heat, Plumbing Jobs. Furnace cleaning with truck mounted machine


Resid., Commer., & Indust. ALL WORK GUARANTEED! Unique Taste, Unique Menus... Gourmet, Customized Menus Tailored To Your Function... • Dinner Parties • Executive Meetings • Family Gatherings • Weddings / Banquets • B-B-Ques • Funerals We Come To You! Doing It All, From Set-Up - Clean-Up.

Kristy 604.488.9161 182

James 604-220-8347


YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899







ACTION CARE Carpet CLEANING. Spring special ❖ 604-945-5801❖

A-TECH Services 604-230-3539

3 rooms for $269, 2 coats WESTERLY


C/W Trailers

BOBCATS C/W attachments

FARM TRACTORS C/W attachments

(604)531-5935 269


CHRIS’S GARAGE DOORS SERVICE: Special Broken Springs Replacement. New Doors & Openers. Competitive Prices. 604-970-0868



Japanese style yard care. Trimming, Fencing, rubbish removal. pressure washing. 604-502-9198. Always! Pwr. raking, grass cutting, fertilizing, hedging, pruning, Rubbish rem. Free Est. 604-230-0627 GARDEN & LAWN MAINT. Hedge trim/prune, pwr rake, aerate, mulch. Reas Rate. 604-282-1793 GARDEN & LAWN Maint. Pruning, Hedge trim, Power Raking, Aeration. Free Est. Jason 604-614-5954


GUTTER & WINDOW CLEANING Prices starting from for 3 lvl. hm. $95/gutters, $95/windows. 2 lvl. hm. $75/gutters, $75/windows. Excellent Service Since 1976. 778-861-0465 Always! Gutter, window cleaning, pressure washing, lawn maintains, yard clean-up. Simon 604-230-0627 DEMOSSING. Gutter Cleaning. Repairs. Roofing. Power Washing, painting, cedar ridgecap. Jeff’’s House Ext. 604-802-6310 GUTTER, roof, power raking, aeration, siding driveway, deck cleaning. Call Victor 604-589-0356

284 HEAT, AIR, REFRIGERATION COMM/RES. Heating, heat pump, A/C, restaurant, coolers, freezers. Sales & Service. 778-552-0691

Furnace & Duct Cleaning

1 CALL DOES IT ALL. Reno’s, bathrooms, kitchens, ceramic tiling, hardwood, laminate, granite tops. Call: Carlo (604)818-5919. A-1 CONTRACTING. Renos. Bsmt, kitchens, baths, custom cabinets, tiling, plumbing, sundecks, reroofing. Dhillon 604-782-1936. BEAUT BATHROOM & KITCHEN Plumbing + Drywall + Elect. + Tubs & Showers & Sinks + Toilets & Tile + floors + countertop + painting. Sen disc. Work Guar. 21 yrs exp. Call Nick 604-230-5783, 604-581-2859.



Exceptional Quality On Time, On Budget, As Promised...

Bonniecrete Const Ltd Free Est & Warranties

Hobby size greenhouses for sale Ideal for both patio & garden use Dome was $40 - Now $20 24’’ ‘A’Frame was $30 - Now $15 10’’ ‘A’ Frame was $20 - Now $10 Visit us on line at To learn all about our patented greenhouse system.

Quality Renovations

Over 25 yrs exp.

* BBB * Licensed * Insured * WCB

604.230.2217 / 604.999.5890 Serving Since 1993

F All types of concrete work F F Re & Re F Forming F Site prep FDriveways FExposed FStamped F Bobcat Work F WCB Insured

EXP. CARPENTER / HANDYMAN All types of work! No job too small! Over 20 yrs exp! Ed 778-888-8603 FINISH CARPENTER Finish Carpentry-Mouldings, sundecks, stairs, siding, painting, drywall. Refs. Rainer cel 604-613-1018

778-231-9675, 778-231-9147 FREE ESTIMATES


A Call to Vern. Free Est. Guarant’’d. Drywall, Reno & Texture Specialist.

“No job too small”. 604-825-8469 Mahil Drywall Ltd. Boarding, Taping. Res/Comm. Call for a Free Estimates. (778)896-8334 Malkiths Ultra Drywall M.U.D. Prompt professional quality work. Big or small jobs. Refs available. Free est. Sonny 604-719-2012 PSB DRYWALL ★ All Boarding, Taping, Framing & Texture. Insured work. Call Parm (604) 762-4657



#1 QUALITY WORK, Big or sm. Exp. Electrician avail. Reas.rates.604-773-0341. Lic#9902





JANZEN ROOFING Residential Roofing & Repairs Cedar Conversions Ashphalt Shingles, Gutters

* Painting Contractor

Free Estimates Guaranteed Work. WCB Insured

* Residential / Commercial * New construction * Re-paint Interior / Exterior We provide the hi-end quality. Price includes HST WCB, Insured, Free Est’s! Call Henry 778-288-4560


(604)617-8843 JJ ROOFING. New Roofs/Re-Roofs / Repairs. Summer Special ~ 20% Off. Free Est. Refs. WCB Insured. Member BBB. Jas @ 604-726-6345

~ PRO PAINTERS ~ INTERIOR / EXTERIOR Quality Work, Free Estimates


Member of Better Business Bureau

PRINCE LANDSCAPING Pressure wash, Airretion, Lawn/Garden care, Hedge & Shrub Trim, Cedar Fence. Junk Removal. 778-991-2054


Great price refs Paul 604-328-0527


QUICKWAY Kitchen Cabinets Ltd. ****Mention this ad for 10% Off **** Call Raman @ 604-561-4041.


Vincent 543-7776

Roofing Experts. 778-230-5717 Repairs/Re-Roof/New Roofs. All work Gtd. Free Est. Call Frank.

SL PAINTING Interior/Exterior. FREE Estimates. Quality job. Fully insured - WCB Please call Sonly.


GET RESULTS! Post a classified in 123 newspapers in just a few clicks. Reach nearly 2 million people for only $395 a week - only $3.22 per newspaper. Choose your province or all across Canada. Best value. Save over 85% compared to booking individually. or 1-866-669-9222

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“ ABOVE THE REST “ Int. & Ext., Unbeatable Prices, Professional Crew. Free Est. Written Guarantee. No Hassle, Quick Work, Insured, WCB. Call (778)997-9582

1 CALL ABOVE all Handyman Serv Elect Plumb Appls All Gen Repairs kitchen, baths renos 604-588-2828 CARPENTER - HANDYMAN Quality repairs, main’ t, installation. 30yr exp WCB Larry 604-916-3407 TOP NOTCH ASSOCIATES Electrical, plumbing, bathrooms, kitchen, expert caulking & sealing, handyman services, small jobs okay. Quality work, Best value. Mike 604-594-4791.

SAVE ON ROOFING New Roofs, Re-Roof, Repairs. Free Est. Refs. * WCB * Fully Insured.

604-328-6387 Stardust






10% DISCOUNT ! Interior & Exterior. Member of BBB since 1975 Call John (604)889-8424

Simar 778-892-1266



1PRO MOVING & SHIPPING. We move - We ship - We recycle. Senior- Student Discount available. 604-721-4555 or 604-800-9488. ABE MOVING - $35/Hr. Per Person *Reliable Careful Movers. *Rubbish Removal. *24 Hours. 604-999-6020 A FAST MOVING & CLEANING. Professional movers. *Garbage removal *Big/small. Insured, great rates. Free est. 778-888-9628

JUNK REMOVAL EARTH FRIENDLY On Time, As Promised, Service Guaranteed!



MR. SUNNY GILL 604-807-4763


EZ GO MOVERS Quick & Reliable Movers

From $48/per

604-580-2171 RYAN’S MOVING 604-782-3610 Starting from $29/hour. SPARTAN Moving Ltd. Fast & Reliable. Insured Competitive rates. Wknd Specials. Call Frank: (604) 435-8240 WE MOVE YOUR HOUSE OR OFFICE for the lowest rate. We guarantee that. We are bondable & insured. Call (778)552-0959


GARDENING Reas Rates S Quality Work Yard Clean-Up, Gardening Lawn Maintenance, Pruning, Power Raking, Aeration, Moss Control, Gutter Cleaning Pressure Washing. Free Est.

Best Deal DEMOLITION/RUBBISH Removal *concrete *drywall *stucco *trees *junk *etc. Ph: 604-354-4397

From 1, 3, 5, 7,10 Ton Trucks Licenced ~ Reliable ~ 1 to 3 Men Free estimate/Seniors discount Residential~Commercial~Pianos

A Honest Man Moving & Delivery. Packing, cleaning & carpets. Handyman Services etc. 604-782-3044




Building Customer Confidence

Ross 604D535D0124




Local & Long Distance

• Fencing / Decks • Water Damage • New Kitchens • New Bathrooms • Finished Basements • 24 hr. Emergency Service • Grow-Op Remediation & Repair Ask about our Referral Program

D House & Garage Floors D Driveways D Patios, etc. D Raise to Proper Height D Eliminate Trip Spots D Provide Proper Drainage

David (778)881-2877



Concrete Lifting Specialist

Call Ian 604-724-6373 ROOF, gutter, window, siding, deck, driveway cleaning. Call Victor 604-589-0356 TOPLINE PRESSURE WASHING Siding, gutters, & tile roofs. We use SOAP. WCB insured 604.861.6060





Special pkg $89. Call 604-945-5801



(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services.

Rot repairs, Building envelope repairs, new deck construction, full deck restoration, exterior cladding. We do work for home owners and strata’s. Free consultation.






SEMI-RETIRED FLOORLAYER: Carpet, Lino, Tiles, Laminate. Good service.By hr or sq. ft.604-787-8141


Call 604-531-5935




2 LEVEL home 2500 s/f. max. $200 incl outside gutters and complete exterior of house. 604-729-9130. ACE PRESSURE WASHING *House Ext *Gutters *Driveways, *Trucks *Equip. Res./Comm. Free est. WCB Ins.Ph Bob 778-846-2212

• Insured • WCB • Written Guarantee • Free Est. • 20 Years Exp.

6 ways to wide blades


AAH ABOVE ALL APPLS REPAIR Quality work. Also appls for sale. Elect & plumb serv 604-588-2828 ABDUL APPLIANCES: Cert’d tech. 20/yrs exp. 1/yr parts & labour warr. 24/7. Buy / Sell. Zeb: 604.596.2626. Dawn Appliance Service. (Sry) Fast in-home repairs, all makes & models Certif’d tech. 1 Yr parts & labour warr. 7 days/24 hrs. 604-512-5936

604.723.8434 Top Quality Painting Exterior / Interior

4 X 4 C/W bracker & hoepack

6 FOOT HIGH CEDAR FENCE. $11/foot. Low Prices. Quality Work. Free Est. Harbans 604-805-0510. 6 FT FENCING, Retaining Walls, Blacktop/Concrete driveway’s, Reno’s, Roofing, Bobcat Service. Snow Removal. Gaary Landscaping (604)889-8957, 778-861-0220



Copy of Certificate for soil test available upon request

Running this ad for 7yrs

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Meets or exceeds BC Landscape Standard Spec.




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Planter mix or turf mix


AVOID BANKRUPTCY - SAVE UP TO 70% Of Your Debt. One affordable monthly payment, interest free. For debt restructuring on YOUR terms, not your creditors. Call 1-866-690-3328 or see web site: GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. If you own a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS will lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161. $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-7761660.


Gas Fitter ✭ Plumber

AAA PRECISION PAINTING. Quality work. 778-881-6096.





ALLAN Const. & Asphalt. Brick, conc, drainage, found. & membrane repair. 604-618-2304; 820-2187.

RUBBISH REMOVAL Almost for free! (778)997-5757, (604)587-5991



10% OFF if you Mention this AD! *Plumbing *Heating *Reno’s *More Lic.gas fitter. Aman: 778-895-2005 $38/HR!Clogged drains,drips,garbs sinks, Reno’s toilets. No job too small! Lic’d/insured. 778-888-9184 ABDUL Plumbing & Drainage. Low rates, same day service, guar’d qual work. 24/7. Zeb 604-596-2626



Haul Anything... But Dead Bodies!! 604.


Serving The Lower Mainland Since 1988 Honest Man Rubbish removal. Fast on his service,best rates, clean-up, handyman Services. 604-782-3044

Residential, Commercial Licensed & Bonded Free Estimate Emergency Service Available 604-889-0949 778-889-9345

~ Certified Plumber ~ ON CALL 24 HOURS/DAY

329 PAINTING & DECORATING NEW HOME framing all kinds of renos. specializing in sundecks/stairs. 778-862-3461 or 604-761-8236. RenoMan. Kitch & Bath, Drywall, Patching & Taping, Tiling, Ext Painting, Laminate floors. All Big and small Jobs. Call 604-728-3849


Reno’s and Repairs Furnace, Boilers, Hot Water Heat Plumbing Jobs ~ Reas rates

Take a walk through the Classifieds for the best bargains around!

Forget the Rest Call The Best! Harry 604-617-0864

~ 604-597-3758 ~

MILANO PAINTING. Int./Ext. Prof. Painters. Free Est. Written Guar. Bonded & Insured. 604-551-6510

FIXIT PLUMBING & HEATING H/W Tanks, Reno’s, Boilers, Furn’s. Drain Cleaning. Ins. (604)596-2841

Phone 604-575-5555

Rubbish Removal & more Small Haul Help.


30 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011 HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 359 SAND, GRAVEL & TOPSOIL


Always! deliver Top soil, bark mulch, sand & gravel. 7days/wk. Simon 604-230-0627 will spread LITTLE LOAD SPECIALIST. Sand & gravel delivered. Small orders welcome. Topsoil available. Call (604) 532-0662 days/eves.


TREE SERVICES A1-TRI-CRAFT Tree Serv. Dangerous tree removal, spiral pruning hedge trimming, stump grinding, topping. Insured, WCB Free Est Arborist Reports

Andrew 604-618-8585 $ Best Rates $


PETS 477


Boston Terriers pups, ckc reg, vet checked, reputable breeder, excellent pedigree. (604)794-3786 CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866 CKC Reg.soft coated Wheaten Terrier pups, hypo-allergenic. Guarntd. Vet ✓ $1200. Call 604-617-3470

Morris The Arborist DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL * Pruning * Retopping * Falling Service Surrey 25 years FULLY INSURED **EMERGENCY CALL OUT** Certified Arborist Reports

Morris 604-597-2286 Marcus 604-818-2327 Aluminum patio cover, sunroom, railing, gates. 604-521-2688

PRO TREE SERVICES Quality pruning/shaping/hedge trimming/ removals & stump grinding. John, 604-588-8733/604-318-9270



Vinyl or wood. Stairs, Railings, etc. 40 Yrs exp call Don (604)596-0652



AN EXPERIENCED TILE SETTER Interior / Exterior Call BRUCE @ 604-583-4090 We always advertise with “THE LEADER”



AKC Papillon Pups. Classy and cute! 360-224-0903 BICHON Pups CKC Reg. $750. Adorable. Hypo-allerg, vet chk, 1st shots, guart’d. 604-617-3470


DOGO ARGENTINO MASTIFFS PB, Rare Breed. Born April 20. Ready to go. 3F, 1M. $1500. 778-242-0862 ENGLISH BULLDOG puppies, Male/Female, pb, mircochiped dewormed, Vet check, health guar’d Call Andrei 604-970-3807 ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS Champion bloodlines, CKC, $2,800. Call or email; 604-465-3254,


PETS 477


GERMAN Shepherd pups & young adults. Quality German & Czech bloodlines Reg/Guar. 604-856-8161 KITTENS $35 ea. Short hair tabbie mix. Varied markings 604-8560386, 604-839-4808 NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or P.B. Chocolate LAB female. 5 mo old. partially trained. All shots. Spayed. $650. (604)796-3669 PITT BULL PUPPIES 2 males. 6 weeks old. One red, one white. Ask for lines. $350. firm. 604-504-0738. PRESA CANARIO pups, $700$1200. Black, fawn & brindle. Dad 150lbs, Mom 120lbs. 778-552-1525 RETRIEVER / LAB puppies, simply irresistible, 4 left, comes w/ extras. $450 ea. (604)869-0424 SHELTIE SABLE PUPPIES, 3 1/2 months old, asking to go out! $400$600 (604)826-6311 SHIH TZU puppies born 03/11/11 part trained, $350 2M, 1F, view parents (604)826-6634 / 604-615-5320 WEST HIGHLAND TERRIERS, 10wks, vet checked, 2nd shots, dewormed, family raised, paper/crate trained, 2 males, $1000. 316-8691 small to LARGE ads get results in 604-575-5555


PETS 477


Wanted: 1000 Saints

All animals deserve to have hope for a better tomorrow. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 509


Farm Equipment, Horses, Antiques, etc... June 25th 2011 at 11:00am.


Preview June 24th, 2:00pm to 7:00pm. 9230 Ladner Trunk Road, Delta BC. 604-596-7072 All the details on the auction are at:





Want to get into shape?? Hoist V3 Home gym

Perfect condition, hardly used. Patented 3-D articulating chest press, arm & leg press.

Paid $3500, sacrifice $1000. Downsizing must sell.

Call: 604-309-6206



ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Escape: Tornados, Floods, Hurricanes, Wildfire, Earthquake, Landslide and Crime. N.IDAHO PEACEFUL COUNTRY CABIN on 30 ac. Get more magic from life.

615 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY STEEL BUILDING SALE...SPECIALS from $5 to $12/sq.ft. Great pricing on ABSOLUTELY every model, width and length. Example: 30’Wx50’Lx16’H. NOW $10,500.00. End walls included, doors optional. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers 1-800668-5422.




DOUBLE BURIAL PLOT, at Valley View Memorial Gardens, 72nd Ave. Garden of Nativity, beautiful spot. Current value $6479, asking $4200. (604)539-1050


FRESH LOCAL STRAWBERRIES $9.99 flat. Picked / U Pick Avail. 5180 - 152 Street. Surrey Farms. 604-574-1390



SONY 27” TV w/ chrome stand $50 JVC 27” TV w/ chrome stand $50, Chrome Bunk Bed Frame - Double dwn. Single up - $75, 2 Solid wood China Cabinets - beautiful condition - $100 each. Solid wood rectangle dining table w/ 4 chairs - $100. OPEN TO OFFERS. 604.787.8782


GATED Community. Age 45+, 1440 sq ft, 2 bdrm Rancher near all facilities and transportation. Must sell, health reasons. Huge deck, low strata fees. $275,000. Call 604-5970616 or email: House on large lot for sale 10237 - 123A St. 5 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 storey, approx. 1200 sf upper, 68 x 315 ft lot. 24’ x 32’ garage. Dead end street, very quiet + great view from back deck of South Fraser & New West. Development potential or raise a family. 1957 house with thermopane upgrades. $489,000 or offers. I’m retiring & moving. (604)582-3907



LAND LIQUIDATION 20 Acres $0 Down, $99/mo. ONLY $12,900 Near Growing El Paso, Texas (2nd safest U.S. City) Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Money Back Guarantee FREE Color Brochure 800-755-8953

RF9 Lots in Summerfield, South Surrey

just on different days! We’re introducing a new publishing schedule tailored to you - our readers and advertisers. Same great news, local content and great flyers!

STERLING PIANO Low style. Very good ring. $800. Call 604-557-9644

SAWMILLS - Band/Chainsaw SPRING SALE - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. MAKE MONEY and SAVE MONEY In stock ready to ship. Starting at $1,195.00. 1-800-566-6899 Ext.400OT

CHERRIES: Juliette or Carmine Jewel at $6.99/tree for full box of 90. Also Evans Cherry, Haskaps, Raspberries, Black Currants, Saskatoons, Sea Buckthorn. 1-866873-3846 or





Still delivering


Prices starting @ $319,000: Call for info package Michelle Perreault @ Sutton West Coast Rlty 604-728-2817



MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE! Sat. June 18 9am - 2pm Lots of great deals! 11130 80th Ave, N.Delta


MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE June 23 & 24 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 13925-113 Ave. Furniture, household items and more! SALE! June 26th, 2898 - 267A St Aldergrove 10 - 4. Off Equip, Tools, Sports Mem, Artwork & more!


Canadian CSA Modular, Manufactured, and Park Model Homes @ US factory direct wholesale prices. Starting @ 39,824 better features + more options = best value. The Home Boys 877-976-3737 or 509481-9830 We will beat anyone’s price. Guaranteed!


Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. Langley


CUSTOM POWELL RIVER Ocean View home, no HST, 3-bed 2-bath, granite, covered decks, view this perfect retirement home with rental suite. $420,000 1-604-413-2099.


CAN’T GET UP YOUR Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift. Call 1-866-981-6591.






CLEAN 1 & 2 BDRM SUITES (some w/ensuites) in Park-like setting. Cable, heat, & hot water incl. Laundry rest area on each floor.

604-588-8850 604-584-5233

Cloverdale, 17683-57 Ave. 2 Walk up Apartments, 1 bdrm and 1 bdrm & den. Rents start at $650/mo. Cloverdale, 16547-63B Ave. Upper level 4 bdrms, 3 bathrms. Lam floors. Fenced yd. N/S. N/P. Avail now. $2100/mo.

604-535-8080 Croft Agencies Ltd. view pictures at: CLOVERDALE Apts: 1 Bdrm $750; Incl heat, h/w & prkg. N/P. Secure bldg. Lndry facilities. 604-576-8230 CLOVERDALE BENBERG APTS. 17788 57 Ave. Senior building,1 & 2 bdrm suites avail now. Starting at $700 to $850/mo. 604-574-2078 CLOVERDALE. SHERWOOD APT. 5875-177A St. 1 bdrm - $775, 2 bdrm - $950. Lndry facility. NP/NS. Avail immed. LEASE. Member of Surrey Crime free Multi-Housing Program. Call Lloyd at 604-5751608. ASCENTPM. COM CLOVERDALE Updated 1 bdrm, 3rd flr, $775 incl heat, h/w, prk. N/P. July 1st. 604-576-1465, 612-1960

DELTA WEST 4895 - 55B St, Ladner Spacious 1 bedroom & Bachelor Suites Balconies, rent incl heat & h/w. Prkg avail. Refs req’d, N/P

Call 604.946.1094 Bayside Property Services Ltd.

GUILDFORD - 1 Bdrm apt. 520 sq/ft with 2 appliances. Located in a nice parklike setting near shops & bus. $750/mo incl heat & hot water. No Pets. BAYWEST Mgmt Corp.

To view 604-501-4413 GUILDFORD

FAMILY FRIENDLY COMPLEX Rental Incentives... 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms available. Close to shopping, bus, school, park. Small pets welcome. Call: 604-585-1966. Guildford Mall / Public Library

EVERGREEN APARTMENTS Crime Free Multi-Housing Certified Spacious Suites, very competitive prices. Extra large 1 & 2 BDRM ste’s, lots of storage. Heat/hot water included. Access to Vancouver via freeway, 1 bus to Skytrain. Clean, quiet bldg’s. No pets. Outdoor Pool!

Phone 604-582-0465 LANGLEY


Large 1 Bdrm. Apts $150 Move-In Allowance Please call for details. On-site manager. Suites include fridge, stove, drapes & carpeted throughout. Hot water & parking included. Close to shopping & schools, on bus route. Seasonal swimming pool & tennis court. Some pets welcome.

Call 604-533-0209 LANGLEY

CLAYMORE APTS 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts Avail $200 Move-In Bonus!! Close to shopping & schools. Seasonal Swimming pool, and tennis court. 3 Appliances (fridge, stove dishwasher), blinds hot water and parking included. Carpeted throughout. Some pets welcome.

5374 - 203rd St, Langley



Call 604-533-9780

ADVANCE ENGINE SUPPLY. Specials on all remanufactured marine applications, starting at $1600 with a 2 season, unlimited hour warranty. Call toll free 1-877-465-2702. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1866-884-7464.


Can’t Get Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1866-981-5991 **HOME PHONE RECONNECT** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348.

CITY LIVING IN a Westcoast setting! Beautiful rentals available now in Wesbrook Village at UBC. Studios, 2-bedrooms and Townhouses. Call 604-228-2025 today, or mail DiscoverWesbrook@

N.DELTA. 7500 Scott Rd. Brand new 1 bdrm apt. Top floor. Rent or lease. Avail. now. $1000/mo. 604614-8280 or 604-417-7468. NEWTON. 2 BDRM, adult bldg. Heat, h/wtr, sec prkg. Near amens. NS/NP. Avail now. 604-572-4675. SOMERSET GARDENS (S. Sry) Family housing, 1851 Southmere Cres. E. 2bdrm appt. starts at $875. Pet friendly, nr all amen, heat, Community garden. 604-451-6676 SURREY, 13380 - 108 Ave. Brand new, 1 bdrm apt., 5 new appls, aval now. $950/mth. (604) 825-5321. SURREY 92/120. 3 Bdrm, 2000 sf PENTHOUSE modern, quiet 2 baths 5 appls, $1485 604-951-7992 Surrey: 9278-120St. Newer 2/Bdrm, 2/ba, luxury 1100 s/f 3rd floor Penthouse with view, u/g parking, 5appls. $1125/mo. 604-951-7992.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Surrey/North Delta Leader 31 RENTALS 706








Large 1 Bedrooms Available Immediately, quiet bldg. in a park-like setting. 3 Full size appl’s, Washer & dryer. Close to Guildford Mall & theatre.



Please call 604-589-1167

WANTED Houses, Townhomes, Condos & Suites!


Serving White Rock / S. Surrey, Surrey, Langley, Delta, Ladner, New West & Coquitlam


WALDON PLACE CO OP SURREY, Near Scott Rd. Is accepting applications.

2 BDRM $815 - 3 BDRM, $915

Call Now! 604-536-0220

No subsidy available. Share purchase $1,000.

or email info:

Call 604-598-1820 Leave name & phone # clearly. SENIORS WELCOME


LINDA VISTA Motel Luxury Rooms w/cable, a/c & kitchens. 6498 King George Hwy. Mthly, Wkly & Daily Specials. 604-591-1171. Canadian Inn 6528 K.G.Hwy. 604-594-0010

SUNCREEK ESTATES * Large 2 & 3 bdrm Apartments * Insuite w/d, stove, fridge, d/w * 3 floor levels inside suite * Wood burning fireplace * Private roof top patio * Walk to shops. Near park, pool, playground * Elementary school on block * Party room, tennis court * On site security. Sorry no pets

Office: 7121 - 133B St. Surrey 604-596-0916


N. DELTA, 90/Scott Rd. 3 bdrms, 2 bath duplex. $1050/mo. N/S. N/P. Avail July 1st. Call 604-937-3902.

Central Surrey 1 bdrm in family home Nr ament. Resp clean person $400 NS/NP Ref 604-589-8872 eve GUILDFORD. Fully furn rm. Incl util, cble, internet. $450. July 1. 604726-1892; 604-580-0844 aft 5pm SOUTH SURREY, rooms available. Full house privileges. No drugs. $400 + security. Call Jim 604-5757271 or 778-899-8095.





NEWTON MOBILE HOME PARK. Has 2 large lots available for your mobile. Call 604-597-4787.


SURREY: Across from skytrain, immac. lrg reno’d 2 bdrm apt, 2 bathr ms, 5 appl, f/p, u/g parking, gym/party rm/whirlpool in bldg. New fridge & stove. $1250/mo. Avail. now. (604)812-6516 SURREY CENTRAL. 1 Bdrm apt. Available now. N/P. $700/mo. Call: 778-317-5323 or 604-916-2906. SURREY CENTRAL. Lrg 2 bdrm apt 2nd flr. Clse to transit. Incl heat. Now. N/P. $825 mo. 604-589-2103


FLEETWOOD. 2 bdrms up, l/rm. kit. 2 bdrm dwn. kit & washrm. Garage. $1600 whole house. 604-783-5480. FRASER HEIGHTS 4 bdrm 4 bath priv yard with covered deck, lam flr, 2 car garage. NP/NS, clse to Hwy 1 & Golden Ears Bridge. $1900/mo Avail July 1. 604-727-4064 ..



Fabulous, affordable 1 bdrm + den from $800; 2 bdrm + den from $1000. Near SFU at Surrey Central Mall and all amen. Some suites with skylights & f/place. Incl’s. heat & hot water. N/P


SURREY CITY CENTRE ** 1 Month FREE Rent ** 1 bdrm. from $650 2 bdrm. from $800 • Clean & Spacious Suites • Great Location, close to skytrain & all amenities SMALL PETS OKAY! • Heat & Hot Water Included

To Arrange A Viewing Joyce 604-319-7517 Member of Crime Free Multi-Housing

SURREY ‘’CityPointe’’ 1 Bd + office, 4th flr, d/w, w/d. June 15, $950 + utils. Nr Skytrain. 604-290-4022 SURREY

DONCASTER APARTMENTS Newly Renovated Rent Incentive!! Apply within Family oriented bldg near Guildford Mall. Spacious 1 bdrm from $800/mo; 2 bdrm from $1000/mo. Some with laminate & carpet flooring with tile entrance. F/P, 4 appl’s, in-ste storage, large patio. Secure prkg. avail. Laundry on each floor. Heat & hot water. N/P. Well worth your inspection.

Call 604-589-1805

N DELTA,116/70 Ave. 4 BDRM. 2 kitchns. Fresh paint, new flrs. 2.5 bths,fncd yrd. $1750. 604-560-0652 N. DELTA. 78/118A. 3 bdrm rancher w/lg yrd. Nr all amens. $1199/mo incl lndry. SURREY, 90/149 upper flr 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, lg yrd, 4 appls. $1150/m. (604)589-0490 NEWTON, 72/141 St. 3 Bdrm + f/r l/r, split level, clean house. July 1st. $1350/mo. NP/NS. (604)329-8991 SURREY, 107/130th 2 bdrm rancher. Avail. July 1st. Refs. req. N/P. $900 + utils. Call 604-218-1982. SURREY, 144 St. & 101 Ave. 3 bdrm. rancher, lge. liv. area, fully reno, very clean. $1200 mo. + utils. 2 full baths, big yard. Quiet street. Nr. Guildford Shopping Mall, bus & schools. N/P N/S. July 1. 604-8253838, 604-767-7192 SURREY, 67/152. 3/bdrms Rancher. Fam rm, l/r, gas f/p, (no laundry). $1100/mo. Avail July 1. TJ @ Sutton Proact, (604)728-5460 SURREY 9683 162A St. 4 bdrm., 2.5 baths, N/P’s in. $1500 mo. + utils. Avail. now. (604)581-8392 SURREY, FRASER HEIGHTS. 4 Bdrm +den, nr good schls/all amens. N/S, N/P. $2175. Avail now. 604-765-1030 Surrey FRASER HEIGHTS 4 bdrms, 3½ baths, den, laundry. N/S. Avail. July 10. $2100 + 1/2 utils. l 604-930-3051 or 778-838-8557



Refreshingly Clean Meticulously Maintained

Surrey Gardens Apartments for your new one bedroom home It’sFrom time to$690.00 discover


Owner Managed Sorry, No Pets

Call for details! 604-589-7040



2 BDRM Basement Suite. Close to shopping, amenities and YMCA. Located near 150th street and 59th ave in Surrey. No smoking/pets/laundry. $800/month, includes utilities. Call 778-863-4373 for more info. 2 BR Very Large ground level basement suite (Boundary Park -Surrey). Laundry, Satellite, Utilities included. Cleaned, maintained, and renovated. Schools, transportation and other ameneties close by. No Pets, No Smoking. Available July 1st. $900 Contact : 604-218-3976 BEAR CREEK, 92/140th. 1 bdrm. $575 lndry. & hydro incl. N/P. N/S, no parties. Avail.Now.778-840-1588 BOUNDARY Park 61/125A bright 1 bdrm, n/p, $575 incl utils/cbl/lndry. Soundproof. Jul. 15. 604-501-4875 CEDAR HILLS 1 bdrm, nr amens. $600 incl heat/light. No lndry. Avail now. N/S, N/P. 604-583-3392 CEDAR HILLS 90/123 A. 2 bdrm g/l ste, ns/np. $650 incl util/cable. July 1/15. 604-897-5914 after 3:30pm CHIMNEY HILL. 1 & 2 bdrm suites. Incl utils. full cble. laundry, internet. ns/np, now/July1. $670 & $770. 604-729-8462 or 604-340-7302. CHIMNEY Hill. 1 bdrm. Nr amenits. $550 incl. heat/hydro. Avail immed. Np/ns 604-597-2082, 604-597-2042 CHIMNEY HILL brand new 1 bdrm with brand new appls, nr all amens, NS/NP, avail now. $595/mo incl hydro & cable. Call 604-649-6500. CHIMNEY HTS. 146th/76A. 2 Bdrm suite. $695 incl utils. No lndry. n/s. n/p. Avail now. 604-593-2056. CHIMNEY HTS. Exec priv 3bd, 2 ba, 9’ceilings, priv ent/yrd, f/p, h/wd flrs, new carpets, ns/np, Aug 1. $975 + utils. 604-532-5342. CLOVERDALE, 173A/64. Brand new 2/bdrm, N/S, N/P. no laundry. Incl util $800/mo. (604)209-6563 CLOVERDALE, 18460-56A Ave. 2 bdrm suite. 4 appls. full bath, gas f/p. blinds. $850 incl cable & hydro. July 1. N/S. N/P. 604-574-1807. CLOVERDALE, 189/55, 2 bdrm. $850/mo. Hydro, cable & laundry incl. Avail. immed. NS/NP. 778574-8283. CLOVERDALE 19050 69A Ave. 1 Bdrm bsmt ste. $700 incl utils/cbl, July 1st. 1-604-226-4284 CLOVERDALE, 192/68. Spac. 2 bdrm, own lndry. $910 incl utils/net. NS/NP. Immed. Jim 604-812-1766. CLOVERDALE brand new 1 bdrm. suite. Sep. priv. ent. All utils. incl. $750 mo. July. 1. 778-996-1095 CLOVERDALE/Clayton, 189/68. 2 bdrm, 975sf, Aug 1. $1000/mo incl utils/cbl/net. D/W, W/D. Quiet respectful landlords looking for same. Long term, N/S, (604)803-2060 CLOVERDALE lge. 1 bdrm. suite, N/S N/P. Utils. & cable incl. $800 mo. July 1. 778-240-2400 ENVER Creek 82/146 bright, lrg, 2 bd,, alarm, nr amen $725 incl utils, Ns/Np. 604-599-9364 FLEETWOOD 157/80A 2 bdrm g/l ste, avail July 1. $650 incl hydro & cbl, no ldry. NS/NP 604-599-7917 or 604-618-4848 FLEETWOOD 164/86, 2 bdrm bsmt suite, NS/NP, avail. Now $650/mo incl. utils. 604-716-3844. FLEETWOOD. 2 or 3 bdrm suite. Nice neighbourhood. N/S. N/P. Avail now. Call 604-825-1429. FRASER HEIGHTS. 2 bdrm. $700 cbl utils. ldry incl. NS/NP. Avail now. 604-930-4195, 778-883-1241. FRASER HEIGHTS 2 bdrm very clean side suite, lam flrs, nr freeway, elem, high school, ns/np. $800 Incl utils. July 1st. 604-727-4064



GREEN TIMBERS. 1 Bdrm & den, g/l ste. July 1st. Alarm, own ht ctrl. $650/mo incl heat/light. NS/NP. Call 604-598-0468 or 604-908-0164. N DELTA: 114/93 Ave: Clean 2/bdrm ste, nr all amens. N/S, N/P. $650/mo incld hyd; no laundry. 604585-3642 or 778-242-3253 N. DELTA, 2 bdrm bsmt suite. $750/mo incl utils. N/P, N/S. Avail now. Call 604-585-1878. N. DELTA 80th/114 St. newer lge. 1 bdrm. above ground, near school, bus and shops. $600 mo. incl. utils. July 15. N/P N/S. 778-388-0274 N. Delta-Scottsdale area: 1 bdrm in priv home. Perfect for student or prof. n/p, n/s. $550 incl laundry, hydro & cbl. July 1 604-591-3731 NEWTON 130/65. 1 bdrm suite, $525 incl utils & cable. Avail now. N/P. N/S. 604-726-4244. NEWTON, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, grnd lvl, over 1500 sf, NS/NP, rent negot, incl. utils. Now. (604) 594-5276. NEWTON - 62 & 137 St. Ground level 2 bdrm, neat & clean. N/S, N/P. $625/mo incl. utils & cable. Avail. Jul. 1. (604)597-7176 Newton- Sullivan Station, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, new w/o bsmt suite of new house. Lam, carpet, walk to YMCA, shopping, schools & park. Street parking, N/s, N/p. no laundry. $950/mo incl utils. Avail. Now or July 1st. (604)765-6511 N SURREY: 10937 128A St. 2 bdrm suite, avail July 1. Nr. skytrain. Beautiful view. $750/mo incld heat & hydro. No cable. N/S NP. 604-930-5840 / 604-306-5025. N. SURREY, 92/162 St. 1 bdrm ste. $550 incl utils. cbl. & wrls net. Immed. NS/NP. 604-825-8123. PANORAMA. 62/126 St. Lrg 2 bdrm suite. Parking. Avail. immed. No smoking. No pets. 604-598-1975 . PANORAMA RIDGE. Brand new 2 bdrm bsmt. July 1. N/S. N/P. $750 incl ldry/cable/net. 604507-3286. SULLIVAN HEIGHTS, 61Ave/150A St, 2 Bdrm, np/ns, incl utils/laundry/ AC/fireplace, walk to school/bus/ shopping/YMCA, $750.00, Avail now. 778-565-1526 SURREY, 119/97. 1 bdrm bsmt in new home. Nr bus. July 1. N/S. N/P. $550 incl utils. 604-583-2923. SURREY, 12659-61B. 1 bdrm bsmt suite. N/S. N/P. Avail now. $500. NS/NP. 604-765-0764 SURREY 135/60. New 1 bdrm gr lvl ste. Avail now. NS/NP. $550 incl utils. (604) 728-9559 or 728-4594 SURREY: 1 bdrm in brand new house, n/s, n/p. Utils incl. No laundry. Avail. immed. 778-829-5785 or 604-501-4980 SURREY. 2bdrm, 1200sf, 2 prk, security, storage, gated. 2 blks to hosp., skytrain & univ. Ns/np. $800 incl hydro. July 1st. 604-585-1937 SURREY 2 bdrm. ground level bsmnt., big fenced yard, utils. incl. $700 mo. Avail. now. N/P N/S. (604)501-1862 or 604-773-9724 SURREY, 70th and 151 St. 2 Bdrm newer bsmt suite available immed. $650/mo incl hydro/cable. Call 778578-0378. SURREY - 7378 - 144A ST. 2 bdrm bsmt suite, grnd level. Avail. now. N/S, N/P. Phone (604) 5905094 or 604-710-2516 SURREY, 90/141. 1 bdrm suite. ns/np. Avail now. $550 incl cable. 604-572-1080 or 778-968-0986. SURREY, 9325-140th St. Clean and bright 2 bdrm, 1 bath + laundry. Central location. $900 incl utils. Avail now. N/S. N/P.

604-535-8080 Croft Agencies Ltd. view pictures at: SURREY 94/153A. 2 bdrm grd lvl bsmt. July 1. N/S. N/P. Nr elem schl & bus. $650. 604-585-9729. SURREY, BEAR CREEK large 1 bdrm. Ldry. & utils. incl. Ample prkg. Close to park, N/S N/P. $700 mo. Avail. now. 604-604-594-9260. SURREY,Chimney Hills. 148/76 lrg 2 bdrm suite, cute, bright, very nice. Nr amenits. $800 incl utils. cable, lndry, net. N/P. N/S. July 1. 604590-4231, 778-896-4231. Surrey, Chimney Hts. 2 bdrm. July 1. $725 incl utils/lndry. N/P, N/S. 604-594-2782 or 778-859-2782. SURREY. ENVER CREEK 1000 sq/ft 2bdrm bsmt suite, full bath, nr schools & transit. Avail now. NS/NP. $625/mo incl utils. Call 604-502-0266 SURREY FRASER HEIGHTS, brand new 2 bdrm. bsmnt suite. Close to school, bus and shopping. N/S N/P. Avail. immed. $950 mo. (604)807-5947 SURREY FRASER HTS, 2 bdrm, $875 incl utils & cable. Avail. now. NS/NP. Phone (604)930-4226. SURREY, Fraser Hts, 2 or 3 bdrm, sep. entr, full kitch, washer, full bath, $900-2 bdrm, $1100-3 bdrm, utils negot. N/S/NP. 778-898-8996. SURREY/Newton 70/150 St. 1 Bd ste. Avail immed. $550 incl hyd/cbl. No lndry. NS/NP. 778-829-6895. SURREY NEWTON grnd. lvl. 2 bdrm., utils. & cable incl. $675 mo. N/P N/S. (604)597-0926 after 4 Surrey, Panorama, 12865-63A Ave. 1 bdrm suite. N/P N/S. Hydro/cable incl. Immed. 604-597-7103. SURREY, Scott/90. 1 bdrm suite. N/P. N/S. $580 utils & cable incl. Avail. July 15. 604-591-8704. SURREY: SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom Bsmt 145&76 Ave. Newly painted, incl utilities, wi-fi. N/S,N/P, Near bus & school. $750/mo. 778-327-8674





SURREY Strawberry Hill 122A/77A 2 bdr deluxe gr/lvl ste, avail July 1. ns/np. $750 incl utils. 604-572-3659




3 Brdr Suite in Chimney Heights Avail July 1st. The suite is in a great quite neighborhood, walking distance to elementary school and the park aswell as all the other amenities. The suite has a private entrance, lots of storage, approx. 1300 sqft, 3 spacious bedrooms with 2 full bathrooms, seperate livingroom, a fireplace and laminate flooring. Inclds insuite laundry. We would like no pets and non smoking. The rent is $1150.00 plus 1/3 utilities. Contact # 604-418-4739. BOLIVER HEIGHTS: 4 bdrm, 3/bath upper. Laundry room, dble garage. N/S, N/P. $1200/mo. + util. Nr all amens. Avail Aug. 1. (778)833-1786. GUILDFORD. Large 3 bdrm, 1.5 baths, inste lndry. Fncd yrd. 1 car garage Nr bus. NS/NP. July 1. $1075 + util. 604-951-6416. NEWTON, 72/143. 6/bdrms upper suite. $2300/mo. Avail now. 604-594-5733, 778-388-4494 PANORAMA,6308 -134 St. 3 bdrm, upper flr, 2 baths, clean, $1300 + utils. Jul. 1st. Phone 604-999-5808. SULLIVAN Stn 58A Ave/153. Quiet bright 2bdrm, full bath, ns/np, Immed. Incl utils/cbl. 604-512-4228. SURREY, 10293-140th St. 2 bdrm upper suite. $875/mo. hydro & gas incl. Pet ok. Avail. July 1st. Call 604-574-4108 or 604-572-9957 WHALLEY, 2 bdrm, $990 incl. utils. Near SFU, bus, skytrain, shops. Avail. now. Call (604)880-7137.



2BDR/2BATH 3 level t/h in Sulivan area, includes appliances & laundry. Club house with pool & more.Great place to rent.n/s.n/p. available July 1st.$1400p.m. Ph 604 464 0849. CLOVERDALE 2bdrm, 2bth, 5 appl. f/p, nr bus/schl/shopping. $850 incl heat & h/w. Ref’s. (604)589-4813

KINGSTON GARDENS 15385 99 Ave. 2-3 bdrm T/H $815 $960/m, Close to Guildford Mall. Near amen’s 604-451-6676 LANGLEY

RIVERSIDE GARDENS FAMILY COMPLEX 2 & 3 Bdrm T/Homes Move-In Allowance!! Fridge, stove, dishwasher (in most), drapes. Outdoor pool. Some pets welcome. Resident Manager. Close to bus, shopping, schools and parks. #36 - 5210 - 203 Street, Langley

Call 604-532-2036 N. DELTA. Cougar Canyon Co-op is accepting applications for 2 bdrm T/H’s. Nr schools, shops. Priv yds, pet ok. $1900 share purchase. Send S.A.S.E. or P/U application at 6838 Nicholson Rd. V4E 3G5 or NEWTON 135/65 AVE. 3 Bdrm T/H W/D, quiet family complex. $940 + utils, no pets (604)596-1099. SURREY CENTRAL, Newer 3/bdrms T/H, 2/bthrms, 2/pkng. $1300/mo. Avail Now. TJ @ Sutton Proact, (604)728-5460 SURREY, Greenside Estate T/H, 2 bdrm rancher. $890/mo. Call 604530-6169 bet. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. SURREY, King George Blvd/80 Ave 3 Bdrm T/H, 2 baths, 2 lvl, new, $1250. Avail now. (604)518-4883. SURREY SUTTON PLACE 3 bdrm 13834 102 Ave. Family housing nr amens, transit, schools, Crime-free multi-housing. $900/month. On site laundry. Call 604-451-6676

Autos • Trucks • Equipment Removal FREE TOWING 7 days/wk. We pay Up To $500 CA$H Rick Goodchild 604.551.9022



FREE CASH WITH $0 DOWN at Auto Credit Fast. Need a vehicle? Good or Bad credit call Stephanie 1-877-792-0599 DLN 30309. Free Delivery



1981 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, carriage top, 318 cu in. 88,500 K, good cond. $4500 obo. (604) 852-9342. 1990 CADILLAC Allante convertible white, “rare”, 2 seater, 155,000 kms Must sell. $6,900. 604-309-4001 1993 BUICK CENTURY - 4 dr auto, low kms, a/crd. All power. A/C. Well maint. $700/obo (604)593-0377 2002 MUSTANG COUPE, like new, only 44,000 kms. Asking $9,900. 604-853-9778. 2005 PT Cruiser, 5 spd, 114000 KMS. Sunroof, pwr windows, pwr door locks, keyless entry, intermittent wipers, CD player, tilt steering wheel. Grey interior, clean and no accidents. $5995 OBO. (604) 6711748. Cloverdale.


FREE Scrap Vehicle Removal Up To $500 CA$H Today Fast Service. JJ 604-728-1965 SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Min. 10. Toll Free Call:1.877.334.2288 The Scrapper

821 CARS - SPORTS & IMPORTS 1992 NISSAN SENTRA 4 dr 4 cyl auto runs good $600. Call 604-8559587 (Abbotsford) 1995 NISSAN SENTRA - aircared. 261,000 kms. Automatic, 2 dr. Nice car. $1300: (778)552-6300 2000 ACURA 1.6 EL, std, green, 4 dr, 167K, exc cond,A/C, new tim. belt,1 owner, $5,895. 778-388-3052 2002 SATURN, auto 1.9, all power 103k. Grey, keyless entry, alarm. Like new. $4200. 604-502-9912. 2005 TOYOTA ECHO, 184,000 km. No accident. Full service records. $5500 obo. Day 604-327-3780, eves. 604-535-2615. 2006 MAZDA 5, 6 pass van, touring edition, loaded, auto, snrf, 17’’ whls. $10,000 obo. (604)309-4001. 2009 TOYOTA MATRIX 4/dr auto p/w, p/l, AC, cd player, 89K, silver. $8800. Call 604-825-9477. 2011 KIA RIO 5, h/b, auto, 11,000 kms. Black. Most options. $8000 firm. 604-538-9257.







#1 FREE SCRAP VEHICLE REMOVAL ASK ABOUT $500 CREDIT $$$ PAID FOR SOME 604.683.2200 AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673

Spacious & clean, 2 bdrm, new condition. NS/NP. 14846-76 A Ave. $750. Call agent first Roger Wiens Lighthouse Realty 604-649-4871.



847 SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 2005 JIMMY GMC - 2 dr, fully loaded, auto, 4WD, MUST SELL. Lady driven. $8900/obo. (604)728-2817.



1980 CHEV crane truck, 8 ton lift, $7000 obo. Call Doug @ 604-7500194 1994 Dodge Dakota 4x4 ext cab, good tires. Good cond. Magnum. Runs great $2150: (604)585-4252 1995 TOYOTA P/U TRUCK Reg. cab, 5 sp. Bedliner, CD Player 308,000 kms will probably go for 200,000 more, as the engine has been VERY WELL MAINTAINED. New Battery/Belts. A great worry free work truck! $2,995. 604-8283877. 1997 FORD AEROSTAR VAN, fully loaded, aircared $950. 604-8328944. 1999 F150 XLT V6 4.6L 8ft box 2 whl dr super cab, auto, p/w p/dl new mtr 200K. $3995. 604-501-0434 2003 LANDROVER V6 silver 135,405k loaded 4/whl dr $6999 778-908-7572,778-552-6300 2007 FORD Lariat Black, h.d Turbo Max V8, dual wheel, tow pkg. Loaded. $29,500: (604)536-8289

1993 PHOENIX 26’ Class A Motorhome, GM chassis, rear queen bed, awning, 62K, nice shape, $13,500. 604-536-8379.

1997 MIRADA 30QB

Public Notice Notice is hereby given: To recover our charges, under the provisions of the Warehouse Lien Act, total contents of the following storage unit(s) will be sold on or after:

June 29th 2011 31’ length overall 3 burner stove, microwave, awning, A/C & more. $19,995 (Stk.21461B) 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644 WE’RE ON THE WEB

INSTANT AUTO CREDIT Buying a used car is hard enough without having to worry about financing! Get APPROVED for your car loan in minutes: WANT A VEHICLE But Stressed About Your Credit? We Fund Your Future Not Your Past. Want a Visa? Any Credit, All Accepted. 1-888593-6095


Microwave, electric slide, create a breeze fan, awning, counter extension. $16,995 (Stk.30852A) 1-800-806-1976 DL #30644

The person(s) who appear in the following list, are liable to us for outstanding charges. Lisa Ann Ciminelli Contents of unit = 2-D64 Sonya Earle Contents of unit = 2-40H Jennifer A. Harrison Contents of unit = 2-41G Ryan P. Lane Contents of unit = 6C-2 Mark E. Patterson Contents of unit = 2-D6 Woody Perrault Contents of unit = 8E All goods will be sold at Bridgeview Self Storage, #103, 11125 124th Street, Surrey, B.C., or by auction.

32 Surrey/North Delta Leader Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Help Your Local Heroes AND WIN BIG Every day throughout British Columbia, thousands of heroes risk their lives to help others. Fire fighter Terry Hughes is one of those heroes – whose job it is to keep others safe, even if it means risking his own safety. He is also a Regional Director of the B.C. Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund, where he often meets heroes of another kind – burn survivors. With the loyal support of more than 3,800 fire fighters across the province who volunteer their time – not to mention generous members of the public who donate – the Burn Fund offers a variety of programs to support survivors of all ages. "With our annual summer Burn Camp for kids, we give children survivors a chance to be among their peers and really just enjoy the experience of camp," Hughes said, noting the Burn Fund's reach extends throughout B.C. and the Yukon. "Through the various programs run by the Burn Fund, we give burn survivors the ability to gain confidence and move forward through life." As one of the largest fundraisers for the Burn Fund (, Hughes said the money raised by the Hometown Heroes Lottery provides a large and important boost to the fund's programs. "We depend very much upon the Hometown Heroes Lottery," he said. "The funds help us to continue the good work that the Burn Fund does throughout the year, and we couldn't continue without


the generous support of the public." By purchasing a ticket for the Hometown Heroes Lottery, you have a chance to be a hero, too. Each ticket purchased supports the Burn Fund, as well as the highly trained trauma teams and medical specialists at VGH, UBC Hospital and the GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre.

great prizes, the real highlight of this year's Heroes Lottery are the four Grand Prize options. The life of luxury is offered with the prize home at Elgin Park Estates in South Surrey – a six bedroom family home with more than 6,000 square feet, complete with furnishings, hot tub and gym. If you prefer Urban Living, a charming, fully furnished Kitsilano character home near the beach could be just the prize for you. For the ultimate peaceful getaway winners can choose the Cultus Lake cottage option. In addition to the prize homes, winners can choose a whopping $1.6 million tax free cash option. Tickets are available online at, Phone: 604-648-4376, Toll Free: 1-866-597-4376, London Drugs, the Grand Prize homes and at VGH

With more than 3,000 prizes available to win– including four remarkable Grand Prize Options, this Heroes Lottery is not to be missed. There are also seven great Early Bird prizes, including a Porsche Boxster Spyder convertible, a Mini Cooper S convertible or one of five trips for two to fabulous Las Vegas as well as cash options (deadline midnight June 24). With tickets at only two for $50, six for $100 and 16 for $250, You have a chance to win some fantastic Early Bird prizes, and also support our local heroes. While the Early Bird option offers some

Support the courageous heroes in your community and the life-changing work they do by buying a ticket for the Hometown Heroes Lottery today.




Winner will choose 1 prize option; other prize options will not be awarded. Rules of Play: Chances are 1 in 390,000 (total tickets for sale) to win a grand prize. Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111

Know your limit, play within it.

BC Gaming Event Licence #33049

19+ to play!

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