1 minute read


Have you have ever thought about training within a style of martial arts, whether it be a Korean style, Japanese, Brazilian or one of the other popular styles? Tang Soo Do expert Chloe Bruce shares her thoughts on why you should definitely give martial arts a try, and/or start your children within martial arts today. I started a Korean style of martial arts called Tang Soo Do, at the age of 7. I was painfully shy, and such an introvert. I found it hard to socialising and hanging out with friends was something that I tried avoiding at all costs. Martial arts for me was so much more than just a hobby or a sport, it shaped me as a person, gave me the self-belief and confidence I needed to succeed in life and the motivation and perseverance to become World, European and British Champion! Today I am a world-renowned martial arts instructor coaching some of the top martial artists in the world.

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