Survey Magazine

Page 1

SURVEY Respondent


The Modern


Multi Tasking


market research bulletin

Simple Survey


10 Easy Steps

D e c e m b e r , 2 0 1 3


CONTENTS. D e c e m b e r , 2 0 1 3

D E PA R T M E N T S Mobile Research

Mobile Strategies in Maarket Research Embracing the Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8

Survey Design

Simple Survey Design: In 10 Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2

International Research

Multi-Tasking: The Modern Respondent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2

The Impact of “Other” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6

A n a l y t i c a l S u r v e y To o l s

The Closest Thing to a Crystal Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Disgruntled customers and analytic tools... SSI’s Knowledge & Data Analysis Specialist, Kristin Cavallaro, shares how to perform timely, relevant and actionable surveys.

Usability Testing 3.0 Optimizing This Research Technique to Maximize ROI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0





Survey Data Dashboards

The Case for Using Dashboards to Decode Survey Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 )\ZPULZZLZ YLS` VU VUSPUL Z\Y]L`Z [V JVSSLJ[ ÄYZ[OHUK PUMVYmation from their customers and employees, so they can make decisions that positively shape their customer and organizational strategies. However, data is only as powerful as the insights you are able to draw from it. If your insights are weak or unfounded, you won’t be able to exercise the sort of sound decision making that positively impacts companies.

In The News Toluna Adds Sophisticated Geo-Fencing Capability to TolunaMobile Diary™ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 20-20 Technology Hires VP of Sales & Development .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 Lightspeed Research Strengthens Global Leadership Team .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 QuestBack Expands With New U.S. Location in Austin, Texas ............................. 48 Toluna adds SmartSelect™ to QuickSurveys feature set ....................................... 49 uSamp’s Mobile Web Feature – New Survey Innovation .........................................49 New Research Hub by Decipher ........................................................................... 50 Social Media Effectiveness Index: Market Research Study .................................... 51 TNS Market Study: Chinese Auto Market .............................................................. 52 Zombie and cannibal products killing consumer brands ........................................ 53 iModerate Adds Two New Senior Executives ........................................................ 55 Aeroplan Advisors: New Insight Community ......................................................... 55


essentials. From The Editor

“FULLY MOBILE AND ADAPTIVE” On Our Cover Innovation is in the air! We’re moving into 2014 with entirely new web platforms. Yes it was time... FULLY MOBILE AND ADAPTIVE WEBSITES. GET SURVEY ANYWHERE - ANY TIME - ON ANY DEVICE. SURVEY Magazine gives business readers the insider information they need to stay connected to the research industry with cutting edge methodologies, insightful executive interviews and people that shape our business community. This is the business magazine ~ Where Leaders Speak.

We hope you enjoy this month’s issue of SURVEY Magazine as much as we enjoyed preparing it for you.

SURVEY Experts 2013 See who was named SURVEY Expert’s of the year for 2013 in this issue of SURVEY Magazine. We’re very happy to honor a handful of research experts that continue to innovate their craft and provide outstanding service to those who seek their expertise.


We also honor the work of Mr. Pete Cape, Director of Global Knowledge for SSI as we name him one of SURVEY’s Research Experts as well. Pete has authored a very nice article entitled Multi-Tasking: The Modern Respondent. I’m sure you’ll enjoy his insight. We’d also like to bring your attention to a very practical article written by Cvent Web Surveys; Simple Survey Design in 10 Easy Steps.


In this month’s issue, we’re very happy to FEATURE Mobile Strategies in Market Research - “EMBRACING THE LOVE” written by Leslie Townsend, President of Kinesis Survey ;LJOUVSVNPLZ 3LZSPL VWLYH[LZ OLY ÄYT VU [OL MVYLMYVU[ VM TVIPSL survey technology and shares why it’s important to embrace the [LJOUVSVN` HUK P[Z ILULÄ[Z 3LZSPL PZ HSZV UHTLK VUL VM SURVEY’s Research Experts in this issue.


R. Jon Leiman Editor

INSTANT GRATIFICATION The ability to know what they're thinking, the moment they're thinking it, is now a reality. uSampTM Mobile Solutions empower customers to be your eyes and ears in the field, capturing their insights in real time. For consumer insights on the go and on the mark, partner with uSamp, the leader in mobile research. Call us at 888-618-0292 or Learn more at Š Copyright uSamp (United Sample Inc.). All Rights Reserved.

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CONTENTS. D e c e m b e r , 2 0 1 3


Survey Says with Michael Allenson

Dueling Customer Experience Metrics? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 SURVEY Buzz QRCA Qualitative Research Consultants Association

The Latest in Survey Buzz . . . . . . . . . . 1 0

GETTING PROACTIVE ABOUT PRIVACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 by Betsy Leichliter

New Research Hub by Decipher

Market Research Directory

Featured Market Research Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6

Following Annie Where Research Meets Social Media

You’re a quallie and you don’t even know it! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2




SURVEY Blog Board

SURVEY Magazine Blog Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 A list of marketing and research industry TOP BLOGGERS is featured below. Scroll through our SPZ[ VM ISVNZ [V ÄUK `V\Y MH]VYP[L ISVNNLY PU[LYHJ[ with them on social media and get plugged-in [V YLHS [PTL PUMVYTH[PVU ÅV^ MYVT [OLZL [OV\NO[ leaders.




Optimize the business value of your market research

IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter enables you to extract more value from customer feedback and survey research with less effort. Learn how its intuitive interface can help business users easily generate reports HUK \UJV]LY PUZPNO[Z [V THRL TVYL WYVÄ[HISL decisions.

iPoll - uSamp’s New Mobile Survey App Enhancements \:HTWàZ UL^ TVIPSL app enhancements allows smartphone respondents to progress through surveys with poor network connections, creating a more stable and faster survey experience.


Empowered Customers Bring a Wealth of Business Insight Empowered customers have changed the business landscape. Successful buyer/seller relations today can no longer be Aberdeen Groupmanaged through a “oneZPaL Ä[Z HSS¹ HWWYVHJO )\ZPULZZLZ ULLK [V [\UL PU[V [OL rapidly changing needs of buyers to delight them in a timely fashion. Customer interactions are an opportunity to resolve issues and deliver valuable insight. This recent Aberdeen Group report examines how organizations leverage the customer voice to optimize customer retention and other performance metrics.

Discover how best-in-class companies:

New Research Hub by Decipher Harpeth Marketing Releases 4th eBook on Marketing & Sales for Market Research Firms

This eBook, written for ÄYTZ PU [OL THYRL[ YLZLHYJO industry, focuses on helping the reader get the most out of their tactical execution… on making things happen to achieve results. Each JOHW[LY KLSP]LYZ ZWLJPÄJ ideas/tips/how-tos on topics like email marketing, social media marketing, creating great presentations, SEO, building a sales team and more.

/HYWL[O 4HYRL[PUN ^VYRZ L_JS\ZP]LS` ^P[O ÄYTZ PU [OL market research industry to put in place marketing & sales programs and systems that improve outcomes and increase revenues. Marketing & Sales for the Market Research Firm: The Top 10 Tips for the Top 10 Tactics can be downloaded for free by going to:


Voice Of The Customer: Free Report



Decipher’s New “Research Hub” Brings Market Research Collaboration into the Future.

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Retain 91% of customers compared to 69% for Industry Average (JOPL]L H ÄYZ[ JVU[HJ[ YLZVS\[PVU YH[L [OYV\NO an improved voice of the customer initiative as compared to 35% for Industry Average Improve response time to customer requests by 11.9% compared to 3.4% for All Others

New hub increases data accessibility and powers collaborative management of market research projects through Beacon, Decipher’s market research and reporting platform

W E L C O M E T O T H E A G E O F M O B I L E Q U A L I TAT I V E . . .


[ moh-buh l ] adjective 1. capable of moving or being moved readily 2. flowing freely, as a liquid Your respondents are on the go. Now you can be too.

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Combining research innovation with 25 years of research experience, 20|20 is a global leader in online qualitative research. Our products are used by 1000s of researchers in over 90 countries in over 20 languages. We are here to serve you. How can we help you?

TRUE 46% The number one “something else” is watching TV. Almost half of multi-tasking survey takers are watching TV.

Where is the respondent?

Is it quiet where they are?


The Modern In traditional methods

In online methods



In traditional methods we assume that the interviewer has the respondent’s undivided attention. There may be distractions for the PU[LY]PL^LY I\[ [OLZL HYL ÅLL[PUN and in the case of face-to-face might equally be distractions for the interviewer.

In online, and increasingly so now that online include mobile, the environment in which the survey is being taken may start to play are part. Where is the respondent? Is it quiet where they are? Is the respondent concentrating solely on the survey?

(telephone and face-to-face)




(online and mobile)

Is the respondent concentrating solely on the survey?

FALSE Both the US and the UK multi-task the same when taking online surveys. Almost no Brits watch TV and do surveys at the same time. Only 2% of those multi-tasking in the UK said they were watching TV.

Respondent Written By: Pete Cape Director, Global Knowledge, SSI



TRUE 1 in 5

6UL PU Ä]L YLZWVUKLU[Z HYL KVPUN “something else” at the same time as taking the survey.

New research from SSI covering [OL <: HUK [OL <2 ÄUKZ HSTVZ[ VUL PU Ä]L YLZWVUKLU[Z HYL KVPUN “something else” at the same time as taking the survey. There is no cultural dimension to this. Both Brits and Americans multitask at the same rate. The number one “something else” is watching TV. Almost half of multitasking survey takers (46%) are watching TV. But here comes the ÄYZ[ J\S[\YHS KPMMLYLUJL (STVZ[ UV Brits watch TV and do surveys at the same time. Only 2% of those multitasking in the UK said they were watching TV. In the US this rises to a staggering 56%!





The Modern Respondent 03


TRUE 13%

An overall 13% of online survey multi-taskers are Z\YÄUN [OL internet when taking a survey.

The turn-around comes with the number two activity: Z\YÄUN [OL 0U[LYUL[ ;OPZ comes a distant second with only 13% overall doing this, but it is much more a UK thing than an American one. A quarter of UK multitaskers are doing this in addition to the survey, compared to only 10% of Americans.

TRUE 1 in 10

Less than 1 in 10 survey multi-taskers are texting or emailing when taking a survey.



The majority of survey respondents are in loud environments Only a very small minority (2%) said they were in a loud environment.

Just less than one in ten are texting or emailing (both in the UK and the US) and just slightly fewer are chatting to someone in person. So where are they when they take their survey? The vast majority are at home – just under nine out of ten – mostly at their own home, but also at others’. Six per cent of Americans were completing the survey while at work, compared to only 1% of the British.



And the environment? For the majority (72%) they would class it as “somewhat quiet” through to “extremely quiet”. Only a very small minority (2%) said they were in a loud environment. So, even today when we feel like we are all on the move all the time, the typical survey taker is at home, quietly doing the survey with no distraction. Even the substantial minority who are multi-tasking should be concentrating on the survey… shouldn’t they?

In fact a third of multi-taskers, 6% of the entire sample, told us that the survey actually wasn’t the most important thing they were doing!



Almost half of multi-


tasking survey takers (46%) are watching TV. But here JVTLZ [OL ÄYZ[ J\S[\YHS difference. Almost no Brits watch TV and do surveys at the same time. Only 2% of

0U [OL ÄUHS HUHS`ZPZ KVLZ it really matter?

those multitasking in the UK said they were watching TV.


In the US this rises to a

staggering 56%!

0U [OL ÄUHS HUHS`ZPZ KVLZ P[ YLHSS` TH[[LY& Do people who are doing surveys “on the side”, or doing other things as well make more or fewer mistakes than those who are paying it their undivided attention?

Pete Cape Director, Global Knowledge, SSI

Unsurprisingly perhaps, those taking the survey whilst doing something else of greater importance were 10 times more likely to make a simple mistake on a single-coded question than those paying full attention.


For the moment we can be reassured that our respondents are paying good attention to the surveys and answering diligently and honestly.

They were also four times more likely to make a mistake on numeric data entry than those giving more attention. But the absolute numbers of errors are small. In total, including those not paying undivided attention, only 0.3% of respondents made an error at the single-coded question. For the moment we can be reassured that our respondents are paying good attention to the surveys and answering diligently and honestly. Any increase in errors made, associated with multi-tasking, is, for the moment, negligible.


The Modern Respondent 016



Your SSI CATI Team: it’s as if we’re right outside LJŽƵƌ ŽĸĐĞ ĚŽŽƌ͘ With SSI running your CATI projects, you stay in touch and in control. Expect flexible solutions from engaged researchers, 1,700 seats – so we start as soon as you say “go”– and a dedicated team of interviewers you can personally brief. We deliver constant communication from the field with on-demand videos and reports, seamless transition between modes, and a refreshing absence of “Did we cover that?” panics. Put the largest, most experienced CATI team in the business on your project – and right outside your office door.





President, Kinesis Survey Technologies @LeslieatKinesis




02 01 EVERY MOMENT IS MOBILE. Indeed, that statement summarizes both the opportunity and dilemma for our industry. Our mobile devices are always with us. Three-quarters of us now keep them with us even as we sleep.


They are a more integral part of our lives than our desktop devices ever were. When asked, the majority of smartphone owners say they “LOVE” their smartphones, while few of us might use such a strong emotion to describe our attachment to PCs.


MOBILE LOVE + Summing up the love many feel for their mobile devices, one mobile subscriber writes on the manufacturer’s blog: “I fantasized, as a child, about an entertainment device that was small and I could take anywhere. I never dreamed it would also connect me to the whole world. And I am connected to the whole world. From the most mundane, listening to a book while I tap off my groceries in the grocery store to talking to my friends in India in the middle of the night on FB [Facebook]. I love, love, love it!”


Much of the strategizing is concerned with the delivery of research activities:

Should a browser based or app approach be utilized?


EMBRACING THE LOVE Mobile Demos Kinesis is the most experienced mobile survey solution provider in the world.

Whether a respondent uses an advanced smartphone, a limited-function cell phone, or a tablet, Kinesis Survey™ recognizes the device type HUK MVYTH[Z [OL Z\Y]L` [V Ä[ the screen accordingly.

It is our job to embrace the love! As an industry, we are increasingly embracing mobile YLZWVUKLU[Z 5LHYS` VUL [OPYK VM 2PULZPZ» Z\Y]L` [YHMÄJ is now generated by mobile devices.

To view the demos, please visit from your mobile device or scan the QR code.











Should a browser-based or app approach be utilized?



There are advantages and disadvantages to both browser and app approaches; selecting one does not exclude the other. The browser approach is less expensive and quite simple to implement. Usage may also be higher as respondents are already using their browsers for many experiences.

On the surface, this might lead us to believe that apps are the best approach for our industry, but are they?

Some industries have experienced KPMÄJ\S[` ^P[O [OL HWW HWWYVHJO ;OL newspaper and publishing industry have MV\UK P[ KPMÄJ\S[ [V Q\Z[PM` KL]LSVWTLU[ expenses while battling low app adoption rates among their readers. As a result,




Furthermore, implementation of HTML5 is advancing quickly. Many items that require an app today will be feasible within a browser in the future. Currently, however, drawbacks to this approach include more limited capabilities than most apps and less control of the respondent experience.

(WW HUHS`[PJZ ÄYT -S\YY` YLJLU[S` reported that across all online use on smartphones, the app has won out over browser-based methods. Flurry reported that only 20% of US consumers’ online mobile activity is conducted via browsers; the remainder is conducted via apps. Of this, Facebook and other social networking apps account for almost one-quarter of total app usage.



some are moving back to browsers. The jury remains out on which approach will be most common in market research, and currently both approaches deliver viable market solutions, depending upon the functionality required.



Apps also have their own drawbacks. To cost-justify the ongoing development expenses of an app and especially across a range of device types, it must achieve a “critical mass” of usage. From the respondent’s perspective, an app T\Z[ KLSP]LY H ILULÄ[ [V ongoing engagement or it will quickly be abandoned. After initial rollout, acceptance of future software updates and invitations also requires ongoing subscriber commitment. Approximately one-quarter of all apps are abandoned after only one use. Market research apps are abandoned at far higher rates, as high as 75%.

An app can overcome the limitations of a browserbased approach and tap into the rapidly evolving buyer experience. Consumers now depend upon their mobile devices to research offers, utilize coupons, and link with loyalty programs. A natural by-product is the need for brands to link their customer’s mobile data and experiences into a broader context, such as customer feedback panels, communities, and surveys. Much of this data can be collected within a brand’s app via visits to their website, ad clicks, and other means. Additionally, apps are the preferred approach for projects entailing location capture or tracking, bar code scanning, image upload, and other features that cannot be gracefully executed via browsers. Apps are in a better position to collect metadata about phone and app usage in the background as well as any other data enabled by sensing devices within the phone.





As an industry, our greatest strategy should be to “win back” respondents who have fallen out of love with us during the online era. To win the love, we must provide engaging respondent experiences that are appropriate to the device being used.


Projects should be deployed that observe the wide set of mobile best practices available – and above all, they should be brief. Whatever the approach, app or browser or both, let’s show ourselves to be worthy of a respondent’s time. Let’s embrace the love and see if we can get some back in return.




Customer, Employee and Member Need Programs Making the decision to launch a customer, employee or member feedback program has the potential to become a major turning point for your organization. Not only does deploying a well-designed survey make you privy to the otherwise unknown perspective of your target participants, it helps you create a far plan for better meeting their needs.




Survey Expertise ... There are thousands of research professionals and market research companies around the globe offering a variety of research related products or services. Only a handful of these professionals or operating companies are presented the SURVEY Magazine Expert Seal of Approval.

While the prospect of actually designing your survey can be daunting, don’t let that deter you from beginning or YLÄUPUN `V\Y Z\Y]L` LMMVY[Z (Z `V\ WYVNYLZZ [OYV\NO [OL design process, make sure you follow these ten simple steps for an effective survey that is optimized to deliver the data you need.

Cvent Web Surveys receives the 2013 SURVEY Magazine EXPERT award for Customer and Employee Feedback. About Cvent Web Surveys: Cvent is an industry leader in Enterprise Feedback Management and works with organizations around the globe to help them collect feedback from their various constituents.

Simple Survey


in 10 Steps 1 2 3 4

Set Goals

Use Multiple Question Types

6 7 8 9


Integrate Relevant Logic

10 Test it Out

Find a Champion Keep it Simple

Randomize Answers Promote Participation $VVHVV &RQðGHQWLDOLW\ 5HTXLUHPHQWV Go Mobile MORE >

Simple Survey


Breaking it down in 10 easy steps 1

Set Goals – Before you begin the survey process, you need to settle on a goal for conducting the

Z\Y]L` PU [OL ÄYZ[ WSHJL +V `V\ ^HU[ [V PUJYLHZL J\Z[VTLY SV`HS[`& 9H[JOL[ \W `V\Y LTWSV`LL YL[LUtion rates? Whatever result you’re looking for, without establishing a goal, you won’t know what direction to steer your survey, nor will you have a way to determine if your survey program was successful. For an effective survey that focuses on collecting the data you need to implement changes, set a goal!


Find a Champion – Every survey needs someone to


Keep it Simple – No one wants to take a survey

“Find a Champion” The champion can act as a gatekeeper




[HRL V^ULYZOPW V]LY [OL LU[PYL WYVJLZZ MYVT Z[HY[ [V ÄUPZO This not only ensures that one person will be responsible for making sure reports are generated upon completion, it also prevents too many people from getting involved in the survey’s initial creation. The champion can act as a gatekeeper, balancing the needs of different departments with the goal of keeping the survey focused and succinct.

that looks generic, unprofessional and inconsequential. Make sure your participants know you value their input by branding your survey with professional graphics and ensuring that it’s easy to complete and not too long. Let participants know approximately how long it will take [OLT [V ÄSS V\[ ;OL YPNO[ VUSPUL Z\Y]L` [LJOUVSVN` ^PSS allow your participants to view a progress bar as they are taking the survey. You should also consider format when designing your survey. Most people prefer to complete surveys swiftly and online.


Use Multiple Question Types

“Keep it Simple”

Both close- and open-ended questions can provide you with valuable data. Close-ended questions force attendLLZ [V JOVVZL MYVT H ÄUP[L ZLSLJ[PVU of answers, delivering measureable and easily comparable data. Openended questions, on the other hand, give you greater qualitative insights into why your respondents feel the way they do. For the most complete picture, you should use both question types, but make sure you don’t use too many open-ended questions. Openended questions require more of your respondents’ time, effort and cognitive energy. If you inundate them with needless open-ended questions, they’ll be more likely to abandon the survey all together.

No one wants to take a survey that looks generic, unprofessional and inconsequential.


Integrate Relevant Logic

You can enhance your respondents’ survey experience by using advanced survey logic. More sophisticated survey software will allow you to deploy logic to eliminate irrelevant or redundant questions. For example, if you are asking customers to rate one of your products, but in the previous question a customer said they never used that particular product, skip the question and automatically direct the customer to a more relevant one. Logic will ultimately keep your survey personalized and increase your response rates.


Simple Survey Design

No matter how welldesigned your survey is, if you don’t raise awareness among your intended audience, you won’t be able to gather the data you need.





Randomize Answers

Randomize answers – For the most statistically accurate results, randomize your multiple choice answers so they appear in a different order for different respondents. This will minimize the skewed data you get when respondents ZLSLJ[ [OL ÄYZ[ HUZ^LY SPZ[LK ^P[OV\[ YLHKPUN [OL question. However, don’t randomize answers that only make sense in a logical order like months, years or number ranges. This could confuse your respondents, prompting them to select the wrong answer accidentally.


Promote Participation

No matter how well-designed your survey is, if you don’t raise awareness among your intended audience, you won’t be able to gather the data you need. Spread the word where your target respondents will hear about it, and don’t forget to use multiple channels. You can promote your survey using social media, wordVM TV\[O I\aa WYPU[ Å`LYZ KPYLJ[ THPS HUK email. Advanced web survey tools have the capability to send personalized, automated email invitations to your target audience. You can automate reminder emails to go out to those ^OV KPKU»[ ÄSS V\[ [OL Z\Y]L` ;OL ILZ[ WYHJ[PJL is to promote the survey and then send two or three reminders once it’s live.

Promotion 101 – During your survey promotion, be transparent and introduce your survey so respondents know why they should take the time to complete it. You should disclose who is conducting the research and why; how long the survey will take to complete; whether or not the responses will be collected anonymously; and how the target audience was selected to participate.



Depending on the type of survey you’re conducting, you need to determine whether or not you will collect your respondents’ answers anonymously. If it’s a customer satisfaction survey, you may want to track individual response data. By knowing ^OV ZHPK ^OH[ `V\»SS IL HISL [V MVSSV^ \W HUK ÄUK V\[ ^O` J\Z[VTLYZ ^LYL OHWW` or unhappy with their experiences. This information is important to log in customer relationship management systems. Similarly, if you’re using your survey tool as a training assessment, you’ll need to tie responses to individuals so you can see how each person performed. In the case of employee satisfaction surveys, it’s important to protect your employees’ anonymity, and let them know that you intend to do so. Respondents will feel more comfortable giving honest answers if they don’t fear repercussions. In addition to guaranteeing they remain anonymous, steer clear of KLZPNUPUN H Z\Y]L` ^P[O HU` \UPX\L PKLU[PÄLYZ -VY L_HTWSL PM `V\Y ^VYRWSHJL VUS` has one female accountant on staff, don’t ask about job function and gender.

9 Go Mobile More organizations have shifted to online surveys for the sake of their participants’ convenience. However it’s also important to remember that participants will access these online surveys from all different devices – not just traditional laptops and desktop computers. To ensure that your online survey remains easy to complete, think about using survey software that is compatible with both desktop browsers and mobile devices. When designing your survey, keep mobile viewers in mind by increasing font size, decreasing the amount of images and cutting down on unnecessary text.


Test it out

Before you start soliciting actual responses, you and a test group within your organization should take the Z\Y]L` ÄYZ[ ;OPZ ^PSS OLSW Ä_ HU` KPZJYLWHUJPLZ PU KLZPNU HUK ÅV^ ZV `V\Y Z\Y]L` PZ HZ LMMLJ[P]L HZ WVZZPISL @V\ should look to make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. If you’re using logic, ensure that it’s fully functioning. Also, take note of how long the survey takes to complete, so you’ll be able to give respondents an accurate estimate.

*YLH[PUN HU LMMLJ[P]L Z\Y]L` JHU IL [OL RL` [V Z\JJLZZ H[ HU` VYNHUPaH[PVU" OV^L]LY P[»Z VUS` OHSM VM [OL W\aaSL 6UJL `V\Y YLZWVUZLZ ÅV^ in, it’s time to analyze the data. Online survey software streamlines this process and presents your data in a way that’s easy to understand. With a data analysis process that’s conducive to tracking, analyzing and recording your results, you’re well on your way to implementing positive organizational changes. About Cvent Web Surveys: Cvent is an industry leader in Enterprise Feedback Management and works with organizations around the globe to help them collect feedback from their various constituents – i.e. customers, employees, partners, etc. With Cvent’s web survey software, organizations can streamline the way they collect feedback and timely business intelligence. Professionals use Cvent’s web survey software to test markets, qualify leads, measure program effectiveness, enhance company culture and gauge stakeholder opinions. The web survey solution provides organizations with survey management, data collection and the reporting tools needed to get the most out of the organization’s budget and staff. For more information on survey best practices, visit Cvent Web Surveys.

The Case for using Dashboards to decode Survey Data

Businesses rely on online Z\Y]L`Z [V JVSSLJ[ ÄYZ[OHUK information from their customers and employees,


o they can make decisions that positively shape their customer and organizational strategies. However, data is only as powerful as the insights you are able to draw from it. If your insights are weak or unfounded, you won’t be able to exercise the sort of sound decision making that positively impacts companies.


Jumpstart your 2014 feedback initiatives with Cvent Web Surveys! Purchase our ‘Professional Jumpstart Kit’ before December 13th and get the rest of 2013 for free! Leading professionals use Cvent Web Surveys to gain insights into what drives satisfaction and engagement, increase revenue by attaining answers to their most important questions, and leverage findings to drive future strategy and action plans.

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The Case for

using Dashboards

to decode

Survey Data The best way to gain valuable insights from your surveys is to break your results down into smaller parts. You have to take a closer look at certain metrics and points of view that are important to your organization to understand the big picture. Simply viewing your survey feedback in the aggregate won’t provide you with a deep enough look into underlying issues. That’s where survey dashboards come in. Dashboards allow you to quickly break down `V\Y KH[H ZV `V\ JHU ZLL P[ PU ÄULY KL[HPS >P[O KHZOIVHYK ÄS[LYZ `V\ JHU PUZ[HU[S` zero in on your key performance indicators (KPIs) on a single screen and populate realtime results for distribution throughout your organization without the hassle of creating multiple, separate reports. Essentially, survey dashboards can help you easily analyze your survey feedback, conveniently distribute pertinent results to the appropriate groups within your organization, and help your organization make better decisions. Here is how to get started:

Dashboards are a very useful reporting mechanisms. They can help your organization delve deeper into the data and zero in on performance indicators, areas for improvement, and key trends. By gaining a more complete look into your organization you will be able to make decisions that improve customer loyalty, increase employee retention and help generate more revenue.

If your organization wants to implement an effective survey program that produces actionable insights, but doesn’t have the resources or expertise to devote to creating and managing P[ ÄUK V\[ OV^ [OL *]LU[ >LI :\Y]L`Z Professional Services Group can help. Our Professional Services Group can take over any part of your survey, no matter how big or small, and lend their expertise to help design your survey, collect data and provide advanced analytics and custom reporting.





Determine KPIs for your dashboard: There are countless ways to break up and manipulate your survey results. In order to actually derive actionable insights from your feedback, you need to decide what performance indicators your organization wants to track. It’s critical to establish KPIs even if you don’t have survey dashboard technology. Your KPIs show you how you are progressing toward your overall goals. For example, if your goal is to increase your customer loyalty, you should make net promoter score (NPS) a KPI. If your goal is to increase customer service, you should make customer service satisfaction levels a KPI.

:LNTLU[ HUK ÄS[LY `V\Y YLZ\S[Z! 6HJPHQWLQJ DQG ðOWHULQJ \RXU GDWD DUH WZR SRZHUIXO IHDWXUHV RI VXUYH\ GDVKERDUGV 2QFH \RX KDYH VHW \RXU .3,V you can begin to do a thorough analysis. For example, if you’re tracking your customer service satisfaction, you will want to see how responses vary across different geographic areas, so you can zero in on those corresponding customer service representatives at your organization. With segmenting, you can create different data groups for each different geographic area. 6UJL `V\ OH]L KPMMLYLU[ ZLNTLU[Z `V\ JHU ILNPU [V ÄS[LY `V\Y YLZ\S[Z IHZLK VU `V\Y JOVZLU JYP[LYPH 0M ^HU[ [V ZLL [OL ZH[PZfaction levels of customers in the Northeast who had their problem resolved by your customer department, you would simply ZLSLJ[ `V\Y 5VY[OLHZ[ ZLNTLU[ HUK ÄS[LY YLZWVUZLZ [V VUS` ZOV^ [OVZL J\Z[VTLYZ ^OV YLWVY[LK OH]PUN [OLPY WYVISLT YLZVS]LK

Tie KPIs to ROI: Sophisticated survey technology will have the functionality to integrate your customer relationship management software into your survey results. For example, if you want to see how NPS is affecting sales, you can view the historical data for both metrics and see how they have progressed. If you notice a certain segment that has a weak NPS, you’ll know where to improve your sales efforts. Tying your KPIs to measurable ROI metrics gives you the visibility you need to see how your feedback-based decisions are impacting your bottom line.

Distribute Real-Time Results: $QRWKHU EHQHĂ°W RI GDVKERDUGV LV WKDW WKH\ DOORZ \RX WR YLHZ \RXU VXUYH\ UHVXOWV LQ UHDO WLPH 7KLV LV LPSRUWDQW EHcause it provides your organization with the information it needs to make agile business decisions. For example, if you ZLL H ZOHYW KLJYLHZL PU LTWSV`LL ZH[PZMHJ[PVU HJYVZZ H ZWLJPĂ„J KLWHY[TLU[ `V\ ^PSS IL HISL [V HKKYLZZ [OL PZZ\L HUK Z[H]L off any major threats to retention. Additionally, dashboards enable you to show executives at your organization the results on [OL Ă…` @V\ JHU PUKP]PK\HSPaL [OL KH[H IHZLK VU ^OH[ [OL` HYL PU[LYLZ[LK PU ZLLPUN HUK WYV]PKL [OLT ^P[O H YLWVY[ PUZ[HU[S` rather than creating several time-consuming Excel spreadsheets.


The Closest Thing to a

Crystal Ball Imagine a scenario where you are on the phone conducting a customer satisfaction survey when you reach a disgruntled customer. After the completion of the survey you ask the customer if they would like to be contacted directly by a customer service representative to speak about [OL KPZZH[PZMHJ[PVU (STVZ[ PTTLKPH[LS` H UV[PÄJHtion is sent and the customer service representative calls the respondent to make amends. Now imagine that you work for a public relations ÄYT HU_PV\Z [V IL [OL ÄYZ[ [V [HSR [V WLVWSL HIV\[ the latest hit television series. You put an online Z\Y]L` PU [OL ÄLSK HUK ^P[OPU Q\Z[ H ML^ OV\YZ in the middle of the night, you have the top-line results to release to the press. Real-time survey analytics tools are sweeping the market research industry. Not only do they allow YLZLHYJOLYZ [V ^H[JO [OLPY Z[\KPLZ ^OPSL PU ÄLSK I\[ [OLYL HYL H SV[ VM WV[LU[PHSS` OPKKLU ILULÄ[Z HZ ^LSS like the two scenarios mentioned above.

Real-time survey analytic tools and their contribution to market research By Kristin Cavallaro, Knowledge & Data Analysis Specialist Survey Sampling International, SSI




Timely Real-time survey analytics software allows researchers to see their data quickly and clearly. With minimal set up in most cases, researchers can begin monitoring key variables HSTVZ[ PTTLKPH[LS` HM[LY ÄLSKPUN begins. With some software, trend analysis can also be viewed in realtime allowing researchers to identify trends much quicker than having [V ^HP[ MVY ÄLSKPUN [V ÄUPZO HUK [OL ÄUHS KH[H [V IL W\SSLK ;OLYLMVYL if there are sudden changes, or trending increases or decreases in key measures such as satisfaction or awareness, the researcher can make timely associations with actual events or make on the spot decisions.

Relevant Data analytics tools offer up-to-date information – rather than waiting for full KH[H ÄSL ¶ ^OPJO THRLZ [OL KH[H MYLZO HUK TVYL ZPNUPÄJHU[ [V [OL [HZR H[ OHUK In some instances, data collected a week ago is not nearly as valuable as the fresh real-time data. In our second scenario, the 79 ÄYT ^V\SK UV[ OH]L [OL Z\JJLZZ VY [OL “breaking” news if they had to wait for even a top-line view of the data.

Customizable Most survey analytic tools are customizable, meaning that researchers have the ability to build their data in the way [OH[ ILZ[ Ä[Z [OL ULLKZ VM [OLPY YLZLHYJO project. Cross tabulations are easily run HUK ÄS[LYZ HYL YLHKPS` H]HPSHISL IHZLK on the information collect from each respondent. For example, a company may want to look at customer satisfaction data on a regional level, then on a store level and even at an employee level.

Actionable ;YHKP[PVUHSS` YLZLHYJOLYZ OHK [V ^HP[ MVY [OL Z[\K` [V ÄUPZO HUK HUHS`aL [OL M\SS KH[H ZL[ :PUJL survey analytics tools make the data is up-to-the-minute, researcher can make decisions or [HRL HJ[PVU T\JO X\PJRLY -VY L_HTWSL HZ TLU[PVULK PU [OL ÄYZ[ ZJLUHYPV J\Z[VTLY ZLY]PJLZ representatives could connect in a timely manner to ensure the best chance at remediation; all because of the ability to look at the data in the “now” rather than later. Likewise, if a marketing campaign tests the response to a new product, service, or advertisement and the initial results are not promising, a decision can be made quickly to either change the campaign or let it run its course. The possibilities are endless.

Quick and Easy Top-Line Reporting

As mentioned in the second scenario, real-time survey analytics provide prompt and trouble-free top-line reporting when information needs to be disseminated quickly. This makes the tool WLYMLJ[ MVY WVSP[PJHS WVSSPUN 79 ÄYTZ THYRL[ [LZ[PUN J\Z[VTLY satisfaction surveys and more. The best part is that in many cases, the survey analytics tool works with all modes of data collection whether it be telephone (CATI), face-to-face (CAPI), or online / mobile.

0U HKKP[PVU [V HKKPUN J\Z[VT ÄS[LYZ survey analytics software also allows researchers to segment data with ease based on an algorithm built into the Z\Y]L` ¶ H ZWLJPÄLK YLZWVUZL ]HYPHISL or demographics. This view is helpful if [OLYL HYL ZWLJPÄJ ]HYPHISLZ [OH[ ULLK [V be monitored more closely than others VY PM [OL YLZLHYJOLY ÄUKZ H ULLK [V V]LY YLJY\P[ [V H JLY[HPU ZLNTLU[ TPK ÄLSK

SSI’s Data Express™ tool provides real-time access to survey data, as well project details like incidence, cooperation and interview length. In addition, Data Express provides analytical tools SPRL JYVZZ [HI\SH[PVU HUK HK]HUJLK ÄS[LYPUN [OH[ PZ \UWHYHSSLSLK the industry. Additionally, data can be downloaded directly from [OL ZP[L PU ,_JLS HUK :7:: MVYTH[ [V NP]L \ZLYZ [OL ÅL_PIPSP[` [V access important data when it’s needed the most.

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The impact of “other” By Ryan Sullivan, iModerate

Last year’s elections saw a numILY VM OPZ[VYPJ ÄYZ[Z ¶ [OL ÄYZ[ 4VYTVU [V

Y\U MVY WYLZPKLU[ VU H THQVY WHY[` [PJRL[ [OL ÄYZ[ openly LGBT and Buddhist members of the SenH[L HUK [OL ÄYZ[ /PUK\ [V ZLY]L PU [OL <: *VUNYLZZ Add these members to the mix of Latinos, American Indians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, and other minority members already serving in Congress and you have a poignant representation of the increasing diversity of the United States. Far too often, however, market research fails to acknowledge this reality. In the X\LZ[ [V ÄUK PUZPNO[Z [OH[ ^PSS SL[ V\Y JSPLU[Z YLHJO the greatest populations, we often let the less visible minorities fall by the wayside. When being asked to identify their ethnicity, Caucasians, African-Americans, and Latinos almost invariHIS` ÄUK [OLPY NYV\WZ SPZ[LK ^OPSL ZTHSSLY NYV\WZ are forced to relegate themselves to an “other” category. From a statistical standpoint, this makes sense. More than 80% of the United States’ popula[PVU PKLU[PÄLZ HZ VUL VM [OVZL [OYLL KVTPUHU[ L[OUPJ groups and you’re more likely to reach the base ZPaLZ ULJLZZHY` [V YLJVNUPaL H Z[H[PZ[PJHSS` ZPNUPÄcant trend. However, consider how the term “other” can be interpreted by somebody whose ethnicity is central to their identity. They’re essentially being told that their ethnicity is so inconsequential that it doesn’t even merit being listed. They will only be viewed in the aggregate, lumped together with other individuals whose only similarity is being a member of a less represented ethnicity. Not only is this frustrating for the respondent but it could potentially even engender their ill will and affect the quality or veracity of their responses. Fortunately, this invisibility and frustration can be easily avoided by creating more inclusive answer choice lists. Consider expanding the available op[PVUZ [V PUJS\KL (ZPHU 7HJPÄJ 0ZSHUKLY VY 5H[P]L /Hwaiian, and American Indian. Similarly contemplate adding a multiracial option or allowing respondents to select all of the races with which they identify. Because a growing percentage of the population PKLU[PÄLZ ^P[O TVYL [OHU VUL YHJL VUS` HSSV^PUN them to identify one aspect of their racial identity forces them to misrepresent themselves. By being more inclusive, you allow respondents to represent themselves as accurately as possible and improve the quality of your data. Questions asking for a respondent’s religion similarly emphasize the largest groups and exclude the smallest. These questions most often revolve around the Judeo-Christian tradition, offering respondents a list of different denominations such as, Other Christian, Jewish, and Other. As with

ethnicity, the United States is becoming increasingly religiously diverse and we should consider adding Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Atheist/Agnostic to the commonly listed answer choices. If you’re asking your respondents to answer a question about their relationship status, consider including “In a civil union” and “In a domestic partnership” as potential options. Because the laws governing same-sex marriage and these statuses vary from state to state, and even between different cities within a state, you run the risk of leaving this categorization open to personal interpretation. One person in a domestic partnership might label themself as married due to the level of commitment in their relationship while another might mark themself as single because gay marriage isn’t recognized where they live. Recent research estimates that anywhere between 3% and 10% of the US population is LGBT and that means that your data is likely to include a few of these individuals. By including these options, you’re allowing people to more accurately identify themselves while leaving yourself the option to NYV\W [OLZL JH[LNVYPLZ OV^L]LY `V\ ZLL Ä[ The beauty of this more inclusive approach is that it doesn’t have any drawbacks. The time commitment is minimal – literally only adding a handful of minutes to programming and processing times. Depending on the sample size, greater inclusivity could yield some interesting, unexpected, and statistically ZPNUPÄJHU[ YLZ\S[Z 0M UV[ `V\ Z[PSS OH]L [OL MYLLKVT to group the data for all of these individuals under a generic “other” umbrella on the back end. Accounting for diversity allows people to more accurately identify themselves, improves the quality of your data, and validates minority groups that are so often overlooked. Ryan Sullivan, Quality Control Manager iModerate

> Dueling Customer Experience Metrics? When conducting customer experience research, most studies are focused on a recent transaction. Companies want to understand how they performed.

Michael Allenson

Strategic Consulting Director Maritz Research




Inherently they believe (and we agree) that by improving the customer experience, they can drive bottom line results for the company. The typical CEM survey usually includes two different types of summary measures. Some of these measures are focused on the experience itself (e.g. overall satisfaction with the customer experience), while others are relationship focused (e.g. overall satisfaction with brand or likely to recommend brand), that is, the culmination of ALL of the customer’s experiences. For their most prominent key performance indicator (KPI), companies tend to choose relationship- based measures.

Correlated by Association? (Z TVZ[ ÄYZ[ `LHY Z[H[ Z[\KLU[Z RUV^ H JVYYLSH[PVU is a measure of association between two things. A strong correlation means they are closely related, and a weak means they are less-closely related. Using CEBenchmarks and our measures of over 40 different transactions, the relationship between these summary metrics across all of these transactions reveals a wide range of correlations, from very strong to moderate (see Figure 1).

Correlation Between Likely to Recommend and Overall Visit Experience By Industry Transaction Type Figure 1.

So, why do these correlations vary as much as they do? There are a number of contributing factors that are somewhat obvious when you look at the data. New customers/large purchases – As a new cus[VTLY HSTVZ[ I` KLÄUP[PVU `V\Y W\YJOHZL L_WLYPLUJL represents your entire relationship with the brand and therefore the gap between the likely to recommend measure and experience satisfaction is very small.

Engagement Level – Satisfaction with online

transactions have, without exception, weaker relationships between experience satisfaction and likely to recommend. Online transactions are “low involvement” and don’t seem to impact the overall relationship, which leads to lower correlation. Conversely, insurance claims and calls to insurance agents, tend to be high engagement and quite important to the customer. So these experiences are very much tied up with overall feelings toward the brand.

Consistency – Many companies have frequent

interactions with the customer in one form or another. Some of these industries offer consistent experiences, while others, not so much. Consider drug stores and auto parts stores: both have customers using them frequently and they tend to have pretty much anything you want in stock. Assistance is also easily found when needed. Compare these retail types with grocery stores or big box retailers. Within grocery stores customers are buying fresh produce, meats, and baked goods. Sometimes the quality is great and sometimes it can be not so good. In addition, prices Å\J[\H[L JVUZPKLYHIS` 0U IPN IV_ YL[HPSLYZ ^P[O WYPTHYily self-service experiences, the company’s ability to meet customers’ needs varies widely.


Obviously there are a lot of reasons why satisfaction with experience is not correlated consistently with likely to recommend. Our analysis shows what most CEM practitioners already know: management is judging them on a metric (likely to recommend or overall satisfaction) that is at least somewhat, if not greatly independent of performance for a given transaction. :V ZOV\SK [OPZ TL[YPJ JVUÅPJ[ IL ZVS]LK I` shifting away from using overall metrics? Not so fast. It remains important to understand both transactional satisfaction and overall brand satisfaction. Further analysis of the two metrics within several of these industries shows some interesting additional learning.

A Momentum Metric? For AT&T and Wal-Mart, their overall experience ratings are consistently higher than their likely to recommend ratings. For Target, Costco and Verizon, the pattern is exactly the opposite. Technically what this means is that Wal-Mart and AT&T are consistently outperforming customers overall brand perception with individual experiences. While the other three brands are getting lower ratings for their experiences than their overall brand perceptions, these brands also have much higher scores.

Satisfaction with Experience vs. Likely to Recommend By Brand (mean scores) Figure 2.

This demonstrates that when it comes to customer experience, brands have both momentum and inertia. The consistency of the gap in performance vs. likely to recommend over the past two years makes it clear that it is hard for brands to change the customer experience momentum they have. The logical question that management should be asking is ‘Given that our target is to improve overall satisfaction measures (that often correlate strongly with business performance) what do we need to do to change our customer experience momentum?’ Implications Rather than recommend using either transactional or relationship metrics as the one most important KPI, I am going to suggest door number three. Both metrics have value for understanding the customer experience and how the company is performing. But if the goal 038



is to change performance, there are two other elements that companies might well consider. 1) Try to understand what elements of the customer experience are changing the trajectory of your relationship with customers. What are companies doing to wow customers and get them to think of the company differently? Conversely, which experiences are turning customers off in a way that seriously impacts their overall perception of your brand? Companies should be seeking to identify the game changing experiences so that they can maximize long term impact on their Customer Experience. 2) Start focusing on the holistic customer relationship. This analysis shows that the customer relationship includes many opportunities to engage with the brand over time, each of which has the

chance to meet, exceed or fall short of expectations. Perhaps if companies begin to have an ongoing dialog with customers they can begin to truly understand the relationship they have with customers. And, oh by the way, they may also learn how to better meet their long term needs, changing the customer experience momentum of the brand. Companies can become hyper-focused on singular metrics and that is underZ[HUKHISL NP]LU [OL KPMÄJ\S[` PU NL[[PUN HU organization to focus as one on a customer experience goal. Nevertheless, to truly impact the future of their customer experience performance and their ability to leverage that into an ROI, a different approach is needed.

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Usability Testing 3.0

Optimizing This Research ;LJOUPX\L [V 4H_PTPaL 960 If you get the wrong users, or if you don’t get enough users, your usability studies will not generate the results you deserve and your credibility could suffer as a result. The Importance of Determining Eligibility Website usability research is a well established tool employed to improve visitor satisfaction of a company’s website by assessing various factors. These may include: LMMLJ[P]LULZZ LMÄJPLUJ` ºSLHYUHIPSP[`» ºTLTVYHIPSP[`» LYYVY prevention and recovery, and search (user) satisfaction. Usability testing is a key element to both the web designer and to the research professional. The designer is concerned with ensuring stickiness, look and feel, optimized navigational abilities, search functions, content as well as effecting the changes recommended by the usability research. For purposes of this article, we will take the perspective of the research professionals and leave the design and implementation issues for another day. Also, our intention is to focus on why online testing is preferable to SHI IHZLK HUK TVYL ZPNUPÄJHU[S` ^OV ^L JOVVZL HUK OV^ we optimize the selection process. Until very recently, we assumed that the challenges associated with conducting usability studies would have fallen into 2 categories: 1. Are we able to recruit the right individuals? 2. Are the costs associated with these studies affordable? But now, we have the opportunity to use today’s technology to reduce the impact of these 2 major challenges.




Online Website Usability Session – What is it and how does it work? The method of conducting online website usability research is very similar to traditional website usability analysis. The process includes recruiting and screening; asking the seSLJ[LK WHY[PJPWHU[Z [V JVTWSL[L [OL YPNO[ [HZRZ" HUK ÄUHSS` actually observing the individual without interruption to fully and completely analyze their experience of the website. With the evolving web and the proliferation of corporate and eCommerce websites, users can easily abandon a site to access another, competitive one, without any hesitation. As Jakob Nielson, Ph.D. (the controversial but generally acknowledged guru of usability and co-founder of Nielsen Norman Group) states:

On the Web, usability is a necessary condition for survival. If a website is difficult to use, people leave.

Instead of recruiting an individual to meet in-person, the recruited participant simply downloads an easy-to-use applet and logs in to the platform along with a moderator, at a previously agreed upon time. Participants are then asked to perform a series of relevant tasks, monitored concurrently by the moderator who can interact with the participant via chat or by telephone. The system will capture mouse clicks, navigation choices, responses to direction and corresponding timing. The user behaviour is captured in the back-end, which is easily accessible for further analysis. Essentially, the platform combines live-screen capture technology with chat-based communications to deliver behavioral and attitudinal data, from which the researcher can draw insights.

Flexibility of Online Testing The method of conducting traditional in-person website usability research consists of: recruiting and screening to obtain the right audience to test; and ensuring that these participants are able to travel to the research lab at a designated day and time. Once at the lab, each participant is asked to complete a series of tasks. The researcher observes mouse clicks, navigation choices, responses to direction and corresponding timing, and draws conclusions about the relevance of content, website feature viability, etc. In order to ensure that the results are not contaminated, the researcher must ensure that the test audience completes the tasks on their own. This enables the reZLHYJOLY [V SLHYU HIV\[ [OL ZWLJPÄJ WP[MHSSZ VM H ^LIZP[L ^OLU P[ PZ PU \ZL I` HU HJ[\HS customer. Accordingly, it is essential that the researcher leading the study has the relevant expertise to collect the insights that will provide the key data points to marketers that will ultimately serve to optimize the visitor experience. The costs associated with conducting these tests, at minimum may include: facilities rental fees, transcription and recording services, travel costs, accommodation, meals, increased incentives, etc. Additional costs, including the time commitment required to recruit for in-person sessions, not only as it relates to the participant, but also the company conducting the research are substantial, in comparison to online testing. Today, and as a result of many factors including increased demand, marketing L_LJ\[P]LZ OH]L SP[[SL JOVPJL I\[ [V [HRL HK]HU[HNL VM [OL ILULÄ[Z HZZVJPH[LK ^P[O virtual website usability testing. No longer mandated to use a physical, in-person, usability ‘lab’ with the aforementioned associated expenses of travel, time and large budgets, today’s online, moderH[LK TL[OVKVSVNPLZ LUZ\YL [OH[ [OL ILULÄ[Z VM JVZ[Z YLK\J[PVU HUK ZWLLK` [\YUHYV\UK VM YLZ\S[Z HYL YLHSPaLK (KKP[PVUHSS` ZWLJPÄJ KLTVNYHWOPJ HUK NLVNYHWOPJ targeting is much more easily accomplished, given the ease with which the online population can be approached.


Recruiting Key Segments In the past, in order to ensure a representative sampling, researchers were forced to conduct in-person sessions in multiple locations across the country (or the globe!). As digital capabilities developed, these previously mandatory expenses associated with in-person studies have been reduced because the requirement to travel cross-country to obtain quality sample has diminished. ;OPZ HIPSP[` [V YLHJO H ZWLJPÄJ ZLNTLU[ VM [OL NLULYHS population is particularly relevant today with respect to highly in-demand segments like that of 12-18 year VSKZ [OL º`V\[O H\KPLUJL» >P[O HU` ºKPMÄJ\S[ [V YLHJO» audience the online world provides an unparalleled opportunity to capture insights and improve overall understanding. Through the online world, researchLYZ HYL HMMVYKLK HJJLZZ [V WYL]PV\ZS` KPMÄJ\S[ [V YLHJO individuals. This in turn provides marketing professionals and CMO’s with a richer representative sampling, so they are less likely to have to concern themselves with potentially skewed results based on sampling, or [OL OPNO JVZ[ MVY [OL YLJY\P[TLU[ VM KPMÄJ\S[ [V YLHJO audiences. The online environment has also made it easier to access another highly in-demand yet challengingto-reach audience, diverse ethnic groups. As online accessibility improves, researchers are increasingly able to utilize web-based methodologies such as virtual website usability testing to target ethnic groups who can participate in their own environment making the recruitment process more effective.


”...the only

Again, according to Jakob Nielson,

place you shouldn’t skimp is on recruiting representative users”. We must ensure that throughout the process, we do not bias respondents’ actions or their responses. While YLZLHYJOPUN [OPZ HY[PJSL P[ ^HZ ZPTWSL [V ÄUK YLWVY[Z about how to avoid bias in the moderator of a study but precious little on how to circumvent it in a participant. It’s imperative that we are scrupulous in our selection process and ensure that our respondents are free of product, location, brand or other biases that will distort the results of any usability study. This is a key ILULÄ[ VM ]PY[\HS ^LIZP[L \ZHIPSP[` [LZ[PUN Z[\KPLZ ;OLZL allow the respondent to participate in their “natural” environment free from the sterile environment of the lab and produces better real-world analysis, which the lab is often criticized for not providing.




Minor Shortcoming of Online Website Usability A virtual website usability testing session allows participants to remain in their natural environment, as opposed [V ILPUN [LZ[LK PU H JVU[YVSSLK SHI (S[OV\NO [OL ILULÄ[Z far out-weigh the disadvantages, in some circumstances, CMO’s and marketing research executives prefer the in-person interaction that the lab offers. This interaction enables them to view the participants’ physical reactions and body language during the session, adding context MVY [OL YLZWVUKLU[Z» WYVÄSLZ HUK [OL YLZLHYJO Z[\K` HZ H whole. When compared to an in-person experience, the online environment does not generally provide nuance in the interaction (non-verbal cues, facial expressions, tone of voice, etc.). Webcam technology, which can easily and effectively compensate for long distance conversations, can help to overcome this issue. In addition, by implementing eye-tracking capabilities in the lab, reZLHYJOLYZ HYL HISL [V VI[HPU H ÄYZ[ OHUK \UKLYZ[HUKPUN of the interaction between users physical senses and the overall design of the website. But again the eye-tracking apparatus that the respondent wears can be fraught with issues which can lead to a different experience in the lab versus the “real-world” at home in front of the computer. With the introduction of innovative ways of collecting insights online executives across industries have realized [OL ]HYPV\Z KLÄJPLUJPLZ VM JVUK\J[PUN [YHKP[PVUHS PU WLYson research to optimize their websites. Now that they OH]L [OL VW[PVU VM [OL OPNO ]HS\L HS[LYUH[P]L [V VMÅPUL research techniques to assess website performance, many are making the transition to virtual website usability testing. As technology adoption increases across industries and throughout various audience segments, it’s important for marketing professionals to take advantage of new and available opportunities to connect and communicate in a manner that delivers maximum reach and minimal biases.

Conclusion If we are rigorous in our selection techniques, our participants are comfortable with the content and we use the latest technology available to reduce bias, we will be able to provide our marketing partners with the results and the recommendations that will improve their visitors’ ^LIZP[L L_WLYPLUJL PUJYLHZL ^LI [YHMÄJ HUK JVYYLspondingly, augment their revenue expectations.

Written by:

Jason Ten-Pow,

President, Research Operations, OnResearch Inc.

.H\ 5HTXLUHPHQWV IRU 0RELOH 5HVHDUFK For research providers and buyers/users June 2013 (Parenthetical numbers refer to full code on 1.

GETTING PROACTIVE ABOUT PRIVACY by Betsy Leichliter Mobile devices now give research participants more ways than ever to share rich information quickly, using written words, voice, photos, or videos. But they can also raise the risk that participants won’t feel trusting enough to participate in market research if they worry that their personal information might be misused. This includes information that they knowingly share (in any form) before, during, or after they participate, as well as geo-location or other data that might be captured passively from their mobile devices. To help overcome these concerns, the global market research association ESOMAR formed a Mobile Privacy Task Force to identify proactive ways to reduce privacy risks for people who participate in market research that involves mobile devices. This Task Force 1) updated the ESOMAR’s detailed Professional Standards regarding mobile research (available on and 2) created two lists shown here, to help research providers and users take proactive steps to protect participants’ privacy and gain their trust. “12 Key Requirements for Mobile Research� is a concise checklist of things for research providers and buyers/users to consider when designing, conducting, and reporting or archiving mobile-enabled research.




Be open and transparent when asking people to participate in research. Always specify the purpose of the research, the information you plan to collect (including any photographs or recordings), how you plan to collect it, how it will be protected, and with whom it will be shared and in what form (2.3). 2. During recruiting and throughout the project always provide your privacy policy and do so in a way that is easily accessed and understood by participants (2.3). 3. Ensure that any personal information that could be used to identify a participant is kept securely. Be especially careful with photographs and recordings (2.4). 4. Ensure that any information collected as part of a research project is never used for any purpose other than research without the participant’s prior consent (2.1). 5. All information shared with clients or others must be dePKLU[PÄLK PUJS\KPUN WPJ[\YLZ HUK ]PKLV \USLZZ `V\ OH]L L_WSPJP[ JVUZLU[ [V ZOHYL P[ PU HU PKLU[PÄHISL MVYT 6. 5L]LY ZOHYL HU` WLYZVUHSS` PKLU[PÄHISL PUMVYTH[PVU PU HU` form with your client unless you have explicit consent from the participant and there is a formal agreement in place specifying that the information will be protected from disclosure and used only for research purposes (2.4). 7. Never ask participants to do anything that might risk [OLPY WLYZVUHS ZHML[` JVTWYVTPZL [OLPY JVUÄKLU[PHSP[` damage their device, or harm them in any way. This also means covering any additional costs (such as roaming or texting charges) they might incur as part of the research (2.5). 8. 5L]LY JVUK\J[ HU` YLZLHYJO ^P[O JOPSKYLU ^P[OV\[ ÄYZ[ gaining the consent of a parent or legal guardian (2.6). 9. Always understand and obey all relevant laws of the country where the research is being conducted and comply with relevant industry codes (2.2). 10. Take special care in the design and delivery of any downloadable or web-based apps to ensure they are bug-free; easy to use on small screens; do not alter the settings of the device; only collect information for which the participant has given consent; do not denigrate performance of the device; and can be uninstalled easily at the conclusion of the research (3.1). 11. When conducting passive data collection such as geolocation tracking, or web browsing behavior, ensure that the participant is aware of the type of information being collected and how it will be used (3.2). 12. Do not collect or use personal information about third parties that may be stored on a participant’s mobile device such as in contacts list, recently called numbers, email histories, etc. without the consent from those whose personal information is being collected (3.5)

“Our Commitment To You As A Research Participant� provides a starter template that providers and users can customize for use when recruiting or inviting participants to engage in mobile research.

Your participation in this research is important and valued. When you share feedback, opinions, and other information with us we are able to help our clients improve their products and services for people like you.

1. Your participation is voluntary Before we collect any information from you, we will describe the purpose of the research and the information we plan to collect. We will also explain how we will collect it, how it will be protected, with whom your information might be shared and in what form. Sometimes research may require tracking your location or your browsing or communications activities. If we intend to do so, we will tell you in advance and let you know exactly what data are being captured. For this research project we plan to collect the following information: Note: List the type of information that will be collected. General examples are given: [personal information from screening] [personal information the participant provides during the research] [visual information the participant provides] [other] We will ask for your consent before collecting the information, and if any of these change during the course of the research, you will be informed and given the opportunity to renew your consent. You may withdraw from the research at any time.

2. We will protect your personal information

We will not share any information about you, including pictures or video clips, with anyone unless we have your specific permission to do so or we have taken steps to ensure that you cannot be identified. We invite you to review our privacy policy here [insert link]. Among other things, it guarantees that you will not receive marketing or advertising messages as a result of participating in this research.

3. Participation is free Your incentive for participating includes an amount to cover any incremental mobile fees you might incur for roaming or texting.

4. Your safety is important We will never ask you to do anything that is dangerous (such as texting while driving or taking photos in areas or situations where photography is prohibited).

5. We will not damage your device

Any software we ask you to install will be thoroughly tested and proven safe so that it does not harm your device. When the research is complete we will instruct you on how to remove it.

6. We always obey the law We will never knowingly violate the laws that apply where you are or ask you to do so as part of the research.

7. We are here to help

We recognise that not everyone is a technical expert, so if you need help with technical tasks (such as downloading an app or uninstalling it when the project is over) we will provide it. If you want to know more go to [insert link] or contact

Betsy Leichliter is a member of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association (QRCA). Leichliter Associates provides innovative qualitative and interactive research for new products, services, environments, and experiences, based on the belief that Open Minds Open MindsÂŽ. A proud associate of the network. QRCA is celebrating 30 years of leadership in Qualitative Research, 1983-2013.

In The News Toluna Adds Sophisticated Geo-Fencing Capability to TolunaMobile Diary™ (Wilton, CT) Toluna, one of the world’s leading online research respondent and technology providers, today announces that the company’s TolunaMobile™ Diary can now use geo-fencing to target survey respondents based on their location. As Carol Haney, Toluna’s Senior Vice President of Group Product Marketing, explained, “The ability to push surveys to Toluna’s panelists based on their location presents limitless opportunities for in-the-moment market research. The TolunaMobile™ Diary is ideal for any brand interested in capturing in-the-moment feedback through diaries, ethnography, and tracking across diverse topics in nearly any language worldwide.” The TolunaMobile™ Diary is available for use on smartphones HUK [HISL[Z ;OL HWW MLH[\YLZ H ÅL_PISL TL[OVK VM WYLZLU[ing questions and responses to users’ in-store, including the ability to present and upload video, images, and read UPC barcodes. The app can send automatic and customized reminders to prompt respondents to enter information based on location and event, optimizing engagement. Now, the TolunaMobile Diary can push surveys to respondents as they LU[LY H ZWLJPÄJ SVJH[PVU VY NLV MLUJL [O\Z NL[[PUN HZ JSVZL [V in-the-moment research as possible. The geo-fencing capability is available in countries in multiple countries. Surveys are available in over 30 different languages. Click here to learn more about TolunaMobile™ or download a White Paper, or Case Study.


20-20 Technology Hires VP of Sales & Development NASHVILLE, Tenn. (December 3, 2013) — 20/20 ReZLHYJO H NSVIHS YLZLHYJO [LJOUVSVN` HUK ZLY]PJL ÄYT has named Angela Williams vice president of Sales & Business Development for the company’s 20/20 Technology subsidiary. Williams will be in charge of developing and executing the company’s sales and product enhancement strategies, as well as overseeing revenue growth for the 20/20 division that develops and implements new market research technologies. “Along with heading her own company, Angela brings over 20 years of strategic sales experience scaling global teams in high growth environments for American Express, and other global brands,” said Jim Bryson, CEO and Founder of 20/20 Research. “She will be a strong asset to 20|20 and our clients.”

Based in Nashville, Tennessee since 1986, with clients and projects in more than 65 countries, 20/20 Research has pioneered online qualitative research techniques for researchers, moderators and end clients around the world.

About TolunaMobile™ Toluna offers best-in-class mobile surveying technology, coupled with access to ‘on-the-go’ members of Toluna’s multi-million-member community of cooperative survey respondents. Toluna can deliver on all varieties of mobile survey designs, including in-home-use and product testing, diary studies, ad testing, mystery shopping, mobile communities, and mobile qualitative studies.

Williams most recently headed her own services company, AR Williams & Co., which was based in Franklin, Tennessee. Prior to that, she held a progressive series of management and executive positions over 22 years with [OL (TLYPJHU ,_WYLZZ *VTWHU` ÄYZ[ PU [OLPY ,Z[HISPZOment Services division, then in the corporation’s Enterprise Growth division. Those positions had her based in Atlanta, New York and, most recently, in London. Earlier in her career she was a sales representative with Pitney Bowes in Nashville.

To learn more about the TolunaMobile™, and TolunaMobile™ Diary Studies, click here:

She has an MBA from The University of Memphis and a BA in Business Administration from Middle Tennessee State University. She also holds a Six Sigma Black Belt.



Lightspeed Research Strengthens Global Leadership Team

Warren, NJ (December 9, 2013) – Lightspeed Research (LSR), the leading provider of technology-enabled online research capabilities for market research, today announced it has strengthened its global leadership team with the appointment of David Shanker to the newly created role of ;OL (TLYPJHZ *OPLM ,_LJ\[P]L 6MĂ„JLY HUK [OL WYVTV[PVU VM Daniel S. Fitzgerald to the global position of Chief Client and 4HYRL[PUN 6MĂ„JLY David Shanker joins Lightspeed Research from PINCHme, a New York City based digital marketing/market research provider, where he was CEO since 2012. Previously, he served in executive management roles at Ipsos, OTX Research and Information Resources Inc. In his new role, he will lead both the Lightspeed Research and the GMI brands in the Americas region, focusing the company’s world class talent and technology to meet clients’ evolving needs. Chris Urinyi has been named COO Americas, and will be responsible for optimizing operations and driving excellence in client delivery across the Americas region. In a second organizational change, Daniel S. Fitzgerald OHZ ILLU HWWVPU[LK *OPLM *SPLU[ HUK 4HYRL[PUN 6MĂ„JLY and will lead the company’s global product development, marketing, research-on-research and corporate development efforts. Dan is charged with ensuring the voice and experience of the client are central to all business activities. He will work closely with the global and regional leadership teams to execute Lightspeed Research’s strategy to fully PU[LNYH[L H JSPLU[ Ă„YZ[ J\S[\YL ^OPJO MVJ\ZLZ VU KLSP]LYPUN excellent client engagements to drive outstanding business performance. Dan served as Vice President, General Manager of GMI Americas since 2007, and led the combined GMI and LSR Americas external business following the acquisition of GMI by LSR in September 2011. Both senior executives will report to David Day, President and Global CEO. Day commented, “David and Dan have demonstrated business success in leading high performance teams, and both bring an intense focus on achieving excellence in all aspects of client service. This new organizational structure leverages their expertise and will sharpen our focus on the evolving research needs of our diverse

client base. These changes position Lightspeed Research to continue to lead the industry today, and to remain at the forefront as we take on the challenges of tomorrow.� About Lightspeed Research Lightspeed Research ( is the market researcher’s choice for digitally accessing and deriving insight from consumer opinions and behaviors whenever, wherever and in whatever segments needed. The industry’s most thorough panelist pre-screening process and large global pool delivers business-ready results quickly and cost-effectively. From proprietary online access panels to specialty panels, custom panels and innovative mobile surveys, Lightspeed Research offers the industry’s highestquality and most complete combination of qualitative and quantitative online research. This is backed by an expert client operations team that provides a range of data collection services, from sample management and survey design to programming and reporting. Part of Kantar, a division of WPP, Lightspeed Research serves clients and cultivates onSPUL WHULSPZ[Z HJYVZZ [OL (TLYPJHZ ,\YVWL HUK (ZPH 7HJPÄJ About GMI GMI empowers insights. From intelligent sampling to award-winning survey engagement software to sample management and custom reporting, GMI adds value at every stage of the research process. With millions of deeply WYVÄSLK KV\ISL VW[ PU WHULSPZ[Z HJYVZZ WYVWYPL[HY` WHUels throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and (ZPH 7HJPÄJ HUK ^P[O YLHS [PTL YLZWVUKLU[ ZV\YJPUN HUK advanced sample balancing capabilities, GMI offers a wide range of respondent access in a single, trusted partner. Along with a full suite of data collection services including specialty panels, custom panels and communities, mobile surveys, and observed digital behavior and ad tracking, GMI delivers the industry’s most complete and highest-quality online research. GMI is part of Lightspeed Research, the leading provider of technology-enabled solutions and online respondents for global market research. For more information, visit and www.


In The News QuestBack Expands With New U.S. Location in Austin, Texas QuestBack Expands to Austin, Texas, Bringing Advanced Customer and Employee Feedback Solutions To One Of The Largest and Fastest Growing Economies In The U.S.

Optimize the business value of your market research

IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter enables you to extract more value from customer feedback and survey research with less effort. Learn how its intuitive interface can help business users easily generate reports and uncover PUZPNO[Z [V THRL TVYL WYVĂ„[HISL KLJPZPVUZ

AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 21, 2013: QuestBack, a global leader in enterprise feedback management (EFM) and social CRM, today announced the opening of a new U.S. location in Austin, Texas as part of its expansion plans in the U.S.

will focus on providing solutions for enterprises that capture customer and employee feedback and use it to help make smarter business decisions. QuestBack will help area enterprises implement Enterprise Feedback Suite 10, a feedback and engagement platform that adapts to any mobile device and integrates social media engagement with online feedback. Enterprises seeking to understand sentiment through the Voice of the Customer (VoC) and the their own employees through Voice VM [OL ,TWSV`LL =V, JHU ILULĂ„[ ZPNUPĂ„JHU[S` MYVT [OLZL MLH[\YLZ

QuestBack, headquartered in Bridgeport, Conn., considered several options and selected Austin as the most suitable location to expand its North American operations due to the city’s combination of healthy economic development, skilled local workforce and proximity to a concentration of Fortune 1000 compaUPLZ PU ;L_HZ ;OL VMĂ„JL ^PSS IL SLK I` QuestBack will also offer solution Jeff Jones, General Manager, Sales 360 Degree Feedback, a highly and Operations, QuestBack US. customizable service for human resources designed to assess “QuestBack is executing its planned strengths, weaknesses, skills and expansion in the U.S. to meet market development areas for executives demand for enterprise feedback and top management. The results management solutions. The U.S. from QuestBack’s 360 Degree economy is strengthening and Feedback help organizations allocate companies are seeking competitive YLZV\YJLZ LMĂ„JPLU[S` [V PTWYV]L WLYadvantages gained with dynamic sonnel processes and identify areas enterprise feedback solutions to for improvement. accurately measure and react to customer and employee sentiment,â€? said 8\LZ[)HJRÂťZ UL^ (\Z[PU VMĂ„JL WSHUZ QuestBack CEO Frank Mollerop. to hire employees from the local “QuestBack’s software offerings enworkforce and seeks to capitalize on able unique, scalable engagement opportunities in industries such as to help enterprises become more energy, telecom, travel and highresponsive to their customers and tech. foster better employees. The Austin region is an ideal location to expand 8\LZ[)HJRÂťZ (\Z[PU VMĂ„JL PZ SVJH[LK our U.S. operations.â€? at 9442 Capital of Texas Hwy North Arboretum Plaza One, Suite 500 In the Austin region, QuestBack Austin, TX. 048



The Marketing Workshop New Marketing Research Manager – Jennifer Cox <: IHZLK YLZLHYJO HUK JVUZ\S[PUN Ă„YT ;OL 4HYketing Workshop –MW- has recently announced the hiring of Jennifer Cox to the position of Marketing Research Manager. Cox will be assigned to one of MW’s account teams and will report to a Senior Account Manager in the capacity of supporting several existing accounts. Jennifer is not new in to the research industry. She has most recently been In Marketing Research and Consumer 0UZPNO[Z YVSLZ ^P[O .LVYNPH 7HJPĂ„J HUK 3L_PZ 5L_PZ “I am eager to being part of a cohesive, collaborative team of researchers working together to provide the best insights possible to our clients. I welcome this opportunity to learn from my colleagues and, in so doing, improve my skill set in order to be a valuable, contributing member of the team. Learning and using new research methodologies and discovering new, creative ways of telling the stories that our research uncovers – these are just a few examples of how I hope to expand my analytical “tool box.â€? It’s clearly a very exciting time for The Marketing Workshop, and I’m thrilled to be on board!â€? Cox said. “Jennifer’s experience and knowledge will contribute to the company’s growth goals. We are very excited to have her in our team, she represents a valuable addition to MW’s teamâ€? said Scot Layne, MW president.

Jennifer Cox

Toluna adds SmartSelect™ to QuickSurveys feature set

uSamp’s Mobile Web Feature – New Survey Innovation Researchers Can Now Cost-Effectively Collect Photo and Video Responses from Mobile Web Browsers

Industry-leading respondent selection methodology bolsters Toluna’s on-demand survey platform. LONDON, UK, 10th December 2013: Toluna today announced the coupling of SmartSelect™, its respondent selection methodology for promoting sample representativeness, with Toluna QuickSurveys, its on-demand survey platform. Toluna has also enhanced its QuickSurveys weighting algorithm, AskTheNation, to accommodate additional variables. Where necessary, it now ^LPNO[Z ÄN\YLZ MVY HNL ZL_ YHJL ethnicity, education, region and household income at the push of a button to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. Initially, both features will be available only for surveys of adults who reside in the US. SmartSelect relies on statistical matching rather than probability sampling to select survey respondents, an approach that the American Association for Public Opinion 9LZLHYJO PKLU[PÄLK YLJLU[S` HZ ¸[OL most promising non-probability approach for surveys.” SmartSelect has also been recognised for its contribution to the advancement of market research, having been nominated for the 2013 Innovation in Research Methodology Award by the British Market Research Society.

“This is a perfect example of Toluna’s vision and ongoing commitment to infuse best-in-class technology, QuickSurveys, with state-of-the-art methodologies, SmartSelect,” stated George Terhanian, PhD, Toluna’s Group Chief Strategy & Products 6MÄJLY ¸.V]LYUTLU[ HJHKLTPJ and corporate researchers often desire and even require a credible, ZJPLU[PÄJHSS` KLMLUZPISL HS[LYUH[P]L [V probability sampling when commissioning or conducting survey research. SmartSelect is designed with their precise needs in mind.” John Bremer, Toluna’s Chief ReZLHYJO 6MÄJLY HKKLK! ¸>L YLTHPU committed to working closely and even collaborating with academic researchers who are committed to further improving non-probability approaches, such as SmartSelect, for surveys.” Phil Ahad, Vice President, Toluna QuickSurveys, concluded: “The QuickSurveys team constantly pushes the limits to not only meet but also to anticipate the needs of our diverse client base. With SmartSelect, QuickSurveys is now the only platform to offer it all: real-time survey research that is inexpensive and of premium quality.” For more information on Toluna QuickSurveys, please visit www. or contact

LOS ANGELES (December 4, 2013) — uSamp (United Sample, Inc), a leader in providing targeted audiences for global consumer and business insights, announced [VKH` [OL ÄYZ[ HUK VUS` TVIPSL [LJOUVSVN` [OH[ LUHISLZ researchers to collect photo and video responses from survey participants on mobile devices without requiring the use of an app. With this new development, uSamp is removing a barrier that will expand its footprint and continue to provide clients greater mobile consumer reach in real time. “uSamp’s mobile Web feature is a powerful new way for researchers to easily send surveys to their vast list of contacts without requiring an app download,” said Lisa Wilding-Brown, Senior Vice President of Mobile )\ZPULZZ :VS\[PVUZ \:HTW ¸:PNUPÄJHU[S` V\Y TVIPSL feature will combat existing mobile survey challenges, such as high app uninstallation rates, while also providing consumers with a better overall experience and rich media features, like photo or video.” Rich media capture helps give researchers more qualitative insight into what consumers are thinking, hearing and seeing at pivotal, decision-making moments. Nearly two-thirds of all adult cell phone owners are browsing online from their mobile device, and uSamp is seeing monthly mobile visits to its survey platform in excess of 2.5 million. As these numbers are only growing, uSamp is creating a paradigm shift in the mobile research space to capture more supply. Overall, the new mobile feature will enable uSamp clients to reach a wide breadth of demographic groups in a more cost effective, representative and engaging way. For more information on uSamp’s mobile solutions, visit:

In The News New Research Hub by Decipher Decipher’s New “Research Hub” Brings Market Research Collaboration into the Future.

New hub increases data accessibility and powers collaborative management of market research projects through Beacon, Decipher’s market research and reporting platform FRESNO, Calif. – December 3, 2013 – Decipher, a comprehensive market research ZLY]PJLZ ÄYT [VKH` HUUV\UJLK [OL SH\UJO of its new “Research Hub”, a centralized research and data management portal. The Research Hub functions as the backbone of Beacon, the company’s market research and reporting software platform. The Hub’s collaborative project management environment increases data visibility and accessibility to give users a comprehensive understanding of the total health of their organization’s research practice – regardless of the data source. “In an industry that is becoming increasingly siloed, with multiple methods and suppliers, many of our clients are looking for something that brings all of their data together to create a complete picture of their research,” said Jamin Brazil, co-CEO and co-founder of Decipher.





Access to detailed project views with powerful search and sorting capabilities for increased data visibility and accessibility Enhanced sharing of project details and data for a more collaborative research environment. A central location for storage of study related documents like questionUHPYLZ T\S[P TLKPH ÄSLZ HUK YLWVY[PUN deliverables for a detailed project level archive Easy uploading of data from other survey and marketing platforms for comprehensive reporting and metrics across all research initiatives The ability to analyze data across multiple surveys for a full picture of research practice health ( YLÄULK HUK L_WHUKLK VUSPUL 2UV^Sedge Base, with added “Walkthough” functionality, enabling a contextual overlay tutorial

Jayme Plunkett, also co-CEO and coFounder of Decipher, said, “The Research Hub serves as a central location where clients can look strategically at ALL of their research initiatives and ensure that the data is truly driving important decision making. By unifying all research in a single location, client side researchers and full service providers alike stand to save

H ZPNUPÄJHU[ HTV\U[ VM [PTL HUK TVUL` by addressing visibility and accessibility of their disparate research initiatives.” Beacon is Decipher’s robust survey and reporting software suite that features an easy-to-navigate, user-friendly interface and a whole suite of custom survey tools for authoring and deploying professional online surveys. The Research Hub adds H SH`LY VM LMÄJPLUJ` HUK M\UJ[PVUHSP[` [V provide wide-ranging management of and reporting on a company’s overall market research strategy. About Decipher A marketing research services provider, Decipher specializes in online survey programming, sampling, data collection and data reporting. Utilizing proprietary Web-based applications, Decipher integrates state-of-the-art technology with traditional research techniques. Decipher is all about uncovering opportunities in whatever territory is explored with clients. As a true partner, Decipher isn’t interested in just data, but also about what that data represents for each client. The company focuses on technology and research systems that bring data to life, and in doing so, helps reveal how even seemingly small discoveries can yield meaningful insights.

Hispanic Omnibus Survey – ThinkNow

Social Media Effectiveness Index: Market Research Study Blueocean Market Intelligence Ranks Social Media Effectiveness of Top U.S. Retailers.

November 14, 2013, BURBANK, CA – ThinkNow Research, one of the nation’s leading Hispanic market YLZLHYJO Ă„YTZ [VKH` HUUV\UJLK the launch of Omnibus Plus+, a nationally representative Hispanic monthly custom omnibus that not only helps their clients to answer questions about Hispanic consumers, but also compares those responses to the General Market population as a whole. “Think about this way‌â€? said Mario Carrasco, co-Founder of ThinkNow Research. “An omnibus might tell us that 57% of Hispanics prefer light beer, but is that number lower, higher or about the same as the population in general? Because comparison data is included with Omnibus Plus+, our clients can now understand those differences within the context of the General Market population.â€? /PZ[VYPJHSS` [V Ă„UK JVU[L_[ ^P[O Omnibus study results, researchers had to hunt down old data to compare to, or worse, commission a completely separate study. With Omnibus Plus+, those issues and expenses no longer exist. According to Roy Kokoyachuk, co-Founder of ThinkNow Research, ¸>L KL]LSVWLK [OPZ Ă„YZ[ VM P[Z RPUK methodology after listening to our clients tell us that they felt like they were analyzing data in a vacuum‌ that they had no easy or inexpensive way to compare and contrast [OLPY Ă„UKPUNZ >LÂť]L HKKYLZZLK those issues in two ways. First, because the broad market data is collected at exactly the same time at the Hispanic consumer data, comparisons are easy and accurate. Second, the ‘gen pop’ data is included in every Hispanic Omnibus study we conduct at no additional charge‌ in essence, providing more research for the same dollar.â€? To learn more about ThinkNow Research’s Hispanic Omnibus Plus+, Click Here.

Second edition of Social Media Effectiveness 0UKL_ TLHZ\YLZ I\ZPULZZ PTWHJ[ PKLU[PĂ„LZ [VW 10 performers heading into holiday shopping season. GET THE SOCIAL MEDIA EFFECTIVENESS INFOGRAPHIC! SEATTLE – (Nov. 14, 2013) — As consumers dive deeper in the holiday shopping season, YLZLHYJO HUK HUHS`[PJZ Ă„YT )S\LVJLHU 4HYRL[ Intelligence announces the results of its “2013 Social Media Effectiveness Index (SEI) for Retailers,â€? a global study assessing the business impact of top retailers’ social media efforts. It found retail brands with positive scores across multiple social media dimensions have the greatest potential for market leadership and PUĂ…\LUJL V]LY J\Z[VTLY L_WLYPLUJLZ Blueocean Market Intelligence captured conversations on social networks and online communities, and correlated their impact with key business metrics, including advocacy, revenue and brand value. It also measured businessto-consumer interactions in social media, PUJS\KPUN OV^ [VW PUĂ…\LUJLYZ VU ;^P[[LY HUK engagement on Facebook drive site visitors and purchase behavior. The following brands comprise the 2013 top 10 SEI Retail: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

AutoZone BJ’s Wholesale Club Wal-Mart Costco Walgreen IKEA Bed Bath & Beyond Ralphs Dollar Tree

The complete ranking based on the top 100 YL[HPSLYZ HZ KLĂ„ULK I` [OL 5H[PVUHS 9L[HPS -LKeration), as well as leading performers across numerous industry categories, is available in the full report and will be refreshed online every month.

In The News New Online Research Tool: Virtual Intercepts by 20-20 20/20 RESEARCH LAUNCHES VIRTUAL INTERCEPTS™: New online tool gives market researchers quick answers for little cost. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (November 12, 2013) — At any given time there are thousands of individuals participating in online surveys, a tantalizing pool for qualitative researchers who want to “get behind” a statement just made or a point just raised. Now researchers and moderators can immediately do that hasslefree. U.S. market research technolVN` ÄYT 9LZLHYJO [VKH` launched Virtual Intercepts™, an instant, interactive tool for researchers to gain qualitative feedback from respondents already engaged in online quantitative surveys. A platform extension of QualMeeting™, the company’s real-time webcam interviewing tool, the service provides a quick and easy process to intercept survey participants and move them to a live, one-on-one moderator-led qualitative interview. Participants can also be easily invited directly off Facebook, other social media sites or simple email lists. “This is a rapid way for researchers to spontaneously investigate the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ in any quantitative survey, ” explained Jim Bryson, CEO and founder, 20|20 Research. “Moderators have always wanted a way to gain faster insights ‘in the moment’ without the lag time of complicated recruiting, the worry of logistics or the high costs of both. We’ve given them the tool to do that.” The just-in-time recruiting service works with 20/20’s QualMeeting™, a web-based platform that uses webcam technology and streaming video to provide real-time “face-to-face” research. 052



During quantitative surveys, select participants are asked if they’d like to take part in a quick interview. Those who opt in are moved to the 20|20 virtual lobby HUK HZRLK H ML^ X\HSPÄJH[PVU questions. Once the moderator is free, the participant is ushered into a private QualMeeting™ session for a live webcam interview conducted by the researcher. 20/20 handles project set-up, WHY[PJPWHU[ ZJYLLUPUN HUK ÅV^ and technical support, freeing the moderator/researcher to focus on the interviews. “For a researcher, just knowing is not enough; we need to understand,” Bryson said. “Sometimes Virtual Intercepts™ might be used to follow up on customers who report in a quantitative survey [OL`»YL KPZZH[PZÄLK ^P[O H WYVK\J[ or service. At other times, it might be used to understand the views of a brand’s Facebook followers. This platform makes it easy for researchers to cost-effectively gain immediate insights in real time in almost any online environment.” The Virtual Intercepts™ tool joins a number of technology innovations launched by 20|20 over the SHZ[ Ä]L TVU[OZ 0U 1\UL [OL ÄYT PU[YVK\JLK 8\HS;YHUZSH[L [OL ÄYZ[ YLHS [PTL M\SS` PU[LNYH[LK human translation tool for online qual research, which was followed in September by its next generation QualMeeting 2.0™ internetbased video interviewing service, and its new In-Home Mobile Ethnography™, in October, which uses smart phone technology to take online research into the lives and homes of respondents.

TNS Market Study: Chinese Auto Market Bloated Chinese auto market gives rise to the super savvy shopper. New study reveals China’s car buyers are now in the driving seat. London, 27 November 2013 – When it comes to buying a new car, China is creating a new breed of savvy shopper LHNLY [V ÄUK [OL ILZ[ KLHS (Z J\Z[VTLYZ ^PZL \W [V [OL saturated market – there are now 379 car brands in China, up from just 64 ten years ago – international brands are being forced to radically re-think how they approach cashrich Chinese shoppers. Over three quarters (77 per cent) of Chinese car buyers were prompted to part with their cash by a special deal or promotion, compared to just 39 per cent in 2012, according to The Automotive Path to Purchase Study (TAPPS) from global research consultancy TNS. These shoppers are also seeking advice from a much wider range of sources than previously, including social media, blogs, car dealers and friends and family, in order to secure the best deal. As a result, shoppers are taking up to 40 per cent longer to make a decision than they were a year ago, as many realise that playing the ‘waiting game’ will lead to a better offer in the long run. However, international car companies must be careful not to discount their prices too heavily as Chinese shoppers are still status-conscious. The lesson for Western brands targeting China is that they must maintain a sense of aspiration – avoiding being seen as a bargain brand – while striving to reach shoppers across every channel they use. Andy Turton, Global Development Director at TNS, said: ¸;OL *OPUH VM [OL WHZ[ ^OLYL O\UNY` ÄYZ[ [PTL I\`LYZ dominated the market is gone; the balance of power has shifted into shoppers’ hands and they know it. As supply outstrips demand, international automotive brands need to provide clear and consistent messages across a much broader range of different media channels in order to convince these super bargain hunters to part with their cash.” ;OL SVUNLY I\`PUN J`JSL HUK PUÅ\LUJL VM ZV THU` KPMMLYLU[ sources means brands also need to work harder to ensure their messaging is clear and consistent at every stage of the process. This could be through TV ads, through social media, or through independent blogs and automotive websites. Continued ..

Those that fail to integrate these channels will lose out to ÄJRSL J\Z[VTLYZ VWLU [V ILPUN S\YLK H^H` ^P[O H IL[[LY VMMLY Only one in ten people in China eventually buy the car they have in mind originally at the start of their search. The number of car brands available has increased by over 400 per cent in the last ten years, while US and German car companies are increasingly dominating the market with combined sales of over four million vehicles in 2012¹. Turton added: “In this saturated market, car brands need to ensure they are reaching customers via every avenue WVZZPISL ¶ IV[O VMÅPUL HUK VUSPUL ¶ PM [OL` HYL [V WLYZ\HKL shoppers to buy. Yet while price positioning is important, companies need to remember that status and aspiration still carry real weight. “Those who discount too heavily risk losing a mass of potential buyers who then see that brand as the less credible or desirable option. Some international car companies have really struggled in China due to an over-reliance on deals and promotions, despite having strong equity in the West. Yet brands that can get this balance right are in a powerful position to shift their sales into the fast lane.” About TAPPS The Automotive Path to Purchase Study (TAPPS) provides powerful insights into actual consumer behaviour in developing and mature markets through their unique online and VMÅPUL WH[O [V W\YJOHZL ;OPZ YLHS [PTL VUSPUL Z[\K` HZZLZZLZ OV^ IYHUKZ JHU PUÅ\LUJL I\`LYZ H[ KPMMLYLU[ Z[HNLZ VM [OL journey through a range of media channels. The study was conducted among 1000 consumers in China over a four month period from November 2012 to February 2013. About TNS ;5: HK]PZLZ JSPLU[Z VU ZWLJPÄJ NYV^[O Z[YH[LNPLZ HYV\UK UL^ market entry, innovation, brand switching and stakeholder management, based on long-established expertise and market-leading solutions. With a presence in over 80 countries, TNS has more conversations with the world’s consumers than anyone else and understands individual human behaviours and attitudes across every cultural, economic and political region of the world. TNS is part of Kantar, one of the world’s largest insight, information and consultancy groups. Please visit for more information. About Kantar Kantar is the data investment management division of WPP and one of the world’s largest insight, information and consultancy groups. By connecting the diverse talents of its 13 specialist companies, the group aims to become the pre-eminent provider of compelling and inspirational insights for the global business community. Its 28,500 employees work across 100 countries and across the whole spectrum of research and consultancy disciplines, enabling the group to offer clients business insights at every point of the consumer cycle. The group’s services are employed by over half of the Fortune Top 500 companies. For further information, please visit us at

Zombie and cannibal products killing consumer brands Zombie and cannibal products killing consumer brands. Research consultancy TNS has conducted an analysis of over 3,500 consumer goods launches which reveals that only 15% of new brands launched are truly innovative and likely to add value to the existing portfolio (falling to as low as 6% for soft drinks). )PSSPVUZ PU SVZ[ WYVÄ[HIPSP[` MVY <2 companies 60% of new launches are failing to provide growth or eating into JVTWHUPLZ» WYVÄ[Z MYVT L_PZ[PUN products Companies have been damaging their business by launching ‘zombie’ and ‘cannibal’ products [OH[ LH[ PU[V [OLPY WYVÄ[Z HJcording to a landmark UK study by global research consultancy TNS¹. ‘Zombie’ products fail to provide long-term growth, acting as a ‘dead weight’ on the company, while ‘cannibal’ products simply transfer customers from other products in the portfolio, not only failing to provide top-line growth, but often leading to brand decline. The UK study of almost 3,500 consumer goods launches² including savoury snacks, laundry, soft drinks and skin care showed that 60% of new product launches were either zombie or cannibal products. Both of these product types, which are typically not detected until too late in the launch process, substantially increase the risk of a company wasting precious resources on nonproductive ideas. The food and drinks industry in the UK alone is wasting an estimated £600m per year on R&D, in addition to the billions in pounds of costs in launching over 3,600 zombie and cannibal products. TNS advises clients on speJPÄJ NYV^[O Z[YH[LNPLZ MVY [OLPY business. When working on

innovation programmes, it found that companies launching new products often rely on volume alone to determine the worth of an idea, without determining the positive or negative impact the launch will have across their portfolio. For example, Pringles Xtra – a new product which genLYH[LK ZPNUPÄJHU[ ZHSLZ OLH]PS` cannibalised the existing range, resulting in minimal franchise growth. Too often, these ‘cannibal’ launches fragment the resources and often lead to shrinkage of the total franchise. ;5: PKLU[PÄLK [OH[ VUS` of products launched are what TNS terms ’expansion innovations’: new products that attract sales which add to a company’s existing revenues. TNS believes the goal of all product innova[PVU ZOV\SK IL [V NLULYH[L WYVÄ[ through attracting new customers or increasing the share of wallet among current users, as opposed to eating into revenue from existing products. TNS calls this ‘true growth’. Phil Sutcliffe, Managing Director IPD UK at TNS, said: “Too many businesses are spending huge amounts of money on quasi innovation that only convinces existing customers to swap within their range. The key to unlocking true growth is to focus on genuine innovations that will draw in brand new customers or lead to greater frequency of use by existing customers. “The rewards for those that get it right are phenomenal. Launching a successful ‘expansion’ product, founded in genuine innovation, can rejuvenate a company’s fortunes and put it into a league of its own.” A recent example of an expansion innovation is McCain’s Jackets – one of the most successful launches of 2012 – which delivLYLK ZPNUPÄJHU[ ZHSLZ [OH[ ^LYL highly incremental to the existing brand franchise. More >

In The News Breakthrough Research Tool: Predict New Customer Lifetime Value – Playnomics Playnomics Introduces Acquisition Value Predictor (AVP), Breakthrough Research Tool That Predicts New Customer Lifetime Value. Marketing managers can forecast ROI within days of acquisition on campaigns with the new AVP tool, enabling reallocation of spend to maximize returns. SAN FRANCISCO, CA – November 13, 2013 – Playnomics, a pioneer of predictive marketing for mobile and web apps, today announced the open beta launch of the Acquisition Value Predictor tool that allows marketers to rapidly identify channels offering the greatest return and shortest payback. Marketers can then reallocate advertising spend to top-performing channels and campaigns in real time for maximum ROI. Results from the AVP closed beta show that the 5% of users predicted to be most valuable by the AVP tool, accounted for more than VM HSS YL]LU\L PU [OL ÄYZ[ days. Starting today all developers are open to join the open beta for early access to AVP.

variety of sources. With today’s launch, it’s now possible to remove the uncertainty marketers face in Ă„UKPUN [OL OPNOLZ[ ]HS\L J\Z[VTers by enabling more accurate forecasting instead of buying on a cost-only basis. The Acquisition Value Predictor utilizes Playnomics’ advanced machine learning stack that continually collects, analyzes, and scores user behaviors with greater predictive accuracy, even in rapidly changing digital environments. MobileAppTracking, an attribution analytics platform that works with clients like Supercell, EA, Square, and Kayak, recently partnered with Playnomics to offer the Acquisition Value Predictor to their clients. “MobileAppTracking provides app marketers a single SDK for unbiased attribution,â€? said Peter Hamilton, CEO of HasOffers. “By integrating with AVP, our clients can predict the lifetime value of their advertising partners and channels, effectively showing early signs of which sources will most likely be ROI positive. Access to predictive trends like this are a game changer for app marketers who want to quickly adjust their campaigns for better performance.â€?

“Accurately forecasting mobile, in-app user behavior is the most valuable insight a marketer can have at their disposal,� said Chethan Ramachandran, CEO of Playnomics. “Early results show our AVP tool predicts the lifetime value of installs with over 75% accuracy by marketing channel, either paid, referral or organic sources. It’s a huge leap forward in optimizing campaign spend and attribution for user acquisition managers.�

Pairing the Acquisition Value Predictor with Playnomics’ PlayRM suite of predictive segmentation and targeted messaging tools allows marketers to further maximize LTV with personalized user experiences. Utilizing custom messagPUN W\ZO UV[PÄJH[PVUZ [OPYK WHY[` static and video ads and more, apps are able to use Playnomics as an end-to-end mobile marketing solution.

Without predictive metrics, calculating ROI and payback days by acquisition source and marketing campaign can require months of data collection across a wide

Contact support@playnomics. com to add the Acquisition Value Predictor and/or PlayRM SDK to your app or game. For more information, please visit http://www.




4VYWHJL :LSLJ[Z *VUĂ„YTP[ HZ )HJRIVUL of its Mobile Research Solution

Mobile Research Solution Partnership With a mobile app, researchers capture in-themoment feedback for rich consumer insight

needs,â€? said Morpace Vice President of Data Opera[PVUZ 2L]PU 3VUNĂ„LSK ¸>L can now collect data in LP[OLY HU VMĂ…PUL VY VUFarmington Hills, Mich and line mode depending on New York, NY: November wireless connectivity, and ! *VUĂ„YTP[ HUdeliver updates quickly and nounces that global market- YLTV[LS` *VUĂ„YTP[ OHZ H ing research and consulting very responsive support Ă„YT 4VYWHJL 0UJ OHZ QVPULK team who provides us \W ^P[O *VUĂ„YTP[ [V WV^LY with regular updates and its mobile research initiainformation on new features tives. and capabilities we can offer to our clients. All of these Morpace recently executed ILULĂ„[Z HSSV^ \Z [V J\Za three-year agreement tomize the exact technol^P[O *VUĂ„YTP[ [V SPJLUZL ogy and survey solution to *VUĂ„YTP[ :6+( H TVIPSL get our clients’ questions app that enables Market answered.â€? Research agencies and enterprises to reach target “Morpace is one of the audiences and gather rich fastest growing market in-the-moment feedback YLZLHYJO Ă„YTZ PU [OL ^VYSK from anywhere. and continues to move up the list of Top 50 U.S. As the research landscape 4HYRL[ 9LZLHYJO Ă„YTZ continues to rapidly evolve, placing 27th this year,â€? said Morpace is committed to :LHU *VUY` *VUĂ„YTP[ÂťZ =PJL expanding its solutions to President of Mobile Soluprovide deeper insights [PVUZ ¸*VUĂ„YTP[ PZ WYV\K [V to its roster of Fortune be selected by Morpace as 500 companies. As client the single source for powersatisfaction is paramount ing its mobile marketing reto Morpace, the company search. Mobile is more than sought after a mobile parta nice-to-have data collecner that would ensure ease tion channel. It’s a mustVM \ZL HUK Ă…L_PIPSP[` MVY P[Z have solution that provides global research initiatives, a unique way to engage such as support in nearly 30 with the consumer, opens languages. up hard-to-reach audiences and adds depth to existing “Mobile research is changresearch programs.â€? ing the way we undertake research for our global Gathering feedback via moclients across all indusbile browsers and applicatries, and having a partner tions offers immediacy and SPRL *VUĂ„YTP[ ^OV KLSP]LYZ validation that cannot be timely and reliable mobile gained through traditional data is critical,â€? said Morchannels. For more informapace President Duncan [PVU HIV\[ OV^ *VUĂ„YTP[ÂťZ Lawrence. mobile engagement solutions can help your busi“We chose to partner with ness deliver an outstanding *VUĂ„YTP[ ILJH\ZL VM [OL in-the-moment respondent WYV]LU Ă…L_PISL [LJOUVSexperience, please visit VN` [OH[ Ă„[Z V\Y JSPLU[ZÂť

Aeroplan Advisors: New Insight Community Vision Critical and Aeroplan Partner to Bring the Aeroplan Advisors Insight Community to Market. Aeroplan Advisors Joins Vision

iModerate Adds Two New Senior Executives iModerate Research Technologies, a leading qualitative reZLHYJO ÄYT YLJLU[S` OPYLK +H]PK /V^SL[[ HZ :=7 0UUV]H[PVU and Chris Smith as VP of Sales.

Dave Howlett is a seasoned product development, marketing and market research executive with social media expertise. Most notably, Dave was a co-founder of Umbria, [OL ZVJPHS TLKPH YLZLHYJO HUK HUHS`ZPZ ÄYT ^OPJO ^HZ ZVSK to McGraw-Hill/J.D. Power and Associates. He drove the business forward by overseeing the development of both [OL ÄYT»Z WYVK\J[ HUK WSH[MVYT 7YPVY [V <TIYPH +H]L founded or was part of the founding teams of four startup technology companies and served ten years in various product management and innovation capacities at the Sprint Corporation. Chris Smith comes to iModerate with a proven track record VM OLSWPUN JSPLU[Z KLÄUL [OLPY YLZLHYJO VIQLJ[P]LZ HUK Z[Y\Jturing projects that deliver actionable insights. Prior to joining iModerate, Chris worked at the Nielsen Company where he led the company’s sales and account development LMMVY[Z ^P[O ÄUHUJPHS ZLY]PJLZ JVTWHUPLZ PU [OL 4PK ([SHU[PJ and Southeast regions focused on consumer and B2B market segmentation. These analytics and consulting projects helped major banks, insurance companies and credit card providers determine their market share by segment, KL]LSVW WYVÄ[HIPSP[` TVKLSZ HUK JYLH[L [HJ[PJHS THYRL[PUN WSHUZ [V ZWLJPÄJ ZLNTLU[Z )LMVYL QVPUPUN 5PLSZLU OL ^HZ the founder of a successful start-up company, Banking Growth Sciences, where he helped executives at mid-size banks develop strategic marketing plans based on identifying and targeting high-value consumer market segments. “It’s not every day you get a chance to add such talented individuals to your organization. To have someone with David’s pedigree, creativity and business sense creating and implementing new solutions is invaluable. ” said Carl Rossow, iModerate’s CEO. “Just as important and hard to come by are people that can truly build relationships and become that trusted partner their clients lean on. That is what Chris Smith brings to the table.” To see David’s and Chris’ bios in their entirety, check out iModerate’s team page.

Critical’s Voice of the Market Offering to Create Canada’s Largest B2B Community news/vision-critical-and-aeroplanpartner-bring-aeroplan-advisorsinsight-community-market Vision Critical, the leading provider of insight community technologies, and Aeroplan, Canada’s premier coalition loyalty program, owned by Aimia Inc. (TSX: AIM), a global leader in loyalty management, today announced a strategic partnership to bring the Aeroplan Advisors insight comT\UP[` [V THYRL[ HZ *HUHKH»Z ÄYZ[ HMÅ\LU[ JVUZ\TLY HUK JVYWVYH[L decision maker panel with Vision Critical. A Vision Critical client for more than three years, Aeroplan’s insight community of 90,000 Canadian-based business-to-business, HMÅ\LU[ JVUZ\TLYZ ZTHSS I\ZPness owners, corporate decision makers and early adopters is now available to the global market for use in online survey research. Aeroplan will continue to maintain its Aeroplan Advisors insight community with Vision Critical for its own corporate consumer insights research. In addition to participating in ongoing Aeroplan research, respondents will be given an opportunity to participate in Voice of the Market projects. Vision Critical’s Voice of the Market offering consists of three robust market panels including Springboard UK, Springboard America and Angus Reid Forum with a total of 500,000 respondents. By partnering with Aeroplan, Vision Critical’s Aeroplan

Advisors will become its fourth market panel and latest Voice of Market panel to its over 650 community and partner clients, enabling them to gain market insights from audiences never before reachable in online panels. As part of the partnership, Angus Reid Forum respondents will have the option of converting incentives into Aeroplan Miles. “We’re excited that Aeroplan has decided to take its community of Aeroplan Advisors to market with Vision Critical,” said Rob Berger, managing director, market panels at Vision Critical. “By adding Aeroplan Advisors to our Voice of the Market offering, clients now have the opportunity to conduct a wide range of premium target research by tapping into the largest group VM HMÅ\LU[ *HUHKPHUZ HUK I\ZPness executives available on the market today, which has previously been unattainable. Aeroplan Advisors is a real complement to our existing Voice of the Market panels.” About Vision Critical Vision Critical is the world’s leading provider of insight communities, currently supporting over 650 brands worldwide. We build software and provide comprehensive services that empower organizations to engage groups of customers and stakeholders on a continuous basis for the express purpose of extracting and managing insight to drive better, faster decisions. Learn more about the fastest-growing solution in market intelligence meet our global partners and view our client stories at Follow us on Twitter at visioncritical.

The New Research Directory The Market Research Directory ( connects marketing research buyers and suppliers through online ZVS\[PVUZ [OH[ THRL P[ LHZPLY [V ÄUK HUK KV I\ZPULZZ PU [OL THYRL[ research industry.

Whether it’s enabling business marketers and buyers to do their jobs better … helping suppliers realize the awesome selling WV^LY VM [OLPY WYVK\J[ KH[H ¯ KLSP]LYPUN UL^Z HUK JVU[LU[ [V HU PUÅ\LU[PHS I\`PUN H\KPLUJL HUK TVYL PU L]LY`[OPUN ^L KV V\Y 6USPUL +PYLJ[VY` )\SSL[PU )VHYK VY 4HNHaPUL Leads to Research Business.


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Gongos Research

A list of marketing and research industry TOP BLOGGERS is MLH[\YLK ILSV^ :JYVSS [OYV\NO V\Y SPZ[ VM ISVNZ [V ÄUK `V\Y MH]VYP[L blogger, interact with them on social media and get plugged-in to YLHS [PTL PUMVYTH[PVU ÅV^ MYVT [OLZL [OV\NO[ SLHKLYZ Take a moment to get to know some of the bloggers we feature each month. It’s fascinating how much innovation occurs from the passion that these bloggers bring to their profession. Sometimes, they’re pretty funny too.




Find Your Favorite Blogger

>L»]L JHYLM\SS` ZLSLJ[LK ZVTL VM [OL TVZ[ HJ[P]L HUK WYVSPÄJ thought leaders in the research industry to include on our Blog Board. Take a few minutes to scroll through our list of bloggers and get caught up with their most recent posts or use these blogs as an instrumental resource to better understand the inner workings of research best practices and thought leadership. You’ll be glad you did.

Featured Bloggers

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Each of the blogs we’ve listed below include the social media buttons and blog feeds for these bloggers. Take advantage of the opportunity to connect with these leaders in the social media forums they use most. It’s a great way to interact with these bloggers and keep plugged in to real-time information that interest you most.

Meet Our Featured Bloggers

Each month, we highlight three (3) bloggers from our list and give you a more in-depth understanding of these authors and what drives them towards innovation. You’ll be fascinated to learn about these broad and diverse backgrounds, experiences, their passion for the market research industry and the craft that they’ve devoted their professional lives to.

Dr. TR Rao

CEO, Market Probe

Adam Rossow

VP Marketing, iModerate

Rebecca Wynberg

CEO, TNS Global Qualitative Research Practice

Following Annie Where Research Meets Social Media

Annie Pettit, PhD Vice President, Research Standards Research Now

@V\»YL H X\HSSPL and you don’t even know it!




The last time I checked, the average survey didn’t have options for “suck the big one” or “amazeballs <3” The last survey I answered forced me to think about the words I normally use and translate them into completely foreign concepts such as “Somewhat dislike” and “Strongly agree.” After I did so, a researcher would then be able to look at the box beside the words I checked off, and tape a number to them, a sentiment analysis system called Likert Scaling. Strangely, my personal opinions, my carefully chosen words, my unique thought processes, would be reduced to TLYL U\TILYZ ;OH[»Z JHSSLK X\HU[PÄJHtion. With social listening data, the tasks are ZO\MÅLK H IP[ ;OL VWPUPVU H\[OVY Z[PSS chooses words that are meaningful, such as “wickedest kicks ever” or “wallyworld is clutch,” but this time, the author gets to actually type their chosen words into a social media website. A researcher still collects those words, but this time, it is the researcher who runs the opinions through a word to number translator that is also called sentiment analysis. And once again, the author’s words are reduced to mere U\TILYZ ;OH[ [VV PZ JHSSLK X\HU[PÄJH[PVU

The fact of the matter is that when you assign numbers to words, the data has ILLU X\HU[PÄLK >OL[OLY P[»Z Z\Y]L` KH[H focus group data, interview data, or listening data, all data converted to numbers is quant data. Really, the only kind of data that is truly quantitative is purchase data. I bought 1 bottle for $2.99 and applied a 50¢ coupon and I have done this every 2 weeks for the last 6 months. The lovely thing about qualitative research is that it’s not embarrassed to be qualitative. It doesn’t pretend to be superior by hiding behind sentiment analysis systems, whether they be Likert or dictionary or NLP systems.


Annie Pettit, PhD is the Vice President, Research Standards at Research Now and the Chief Research OfÄJLY VM *VU]LYZP[PVU :[YH[LNPLZ :OL specializes in social media market research, survey research, and data quality. Annie is the Editor in Chief of MRIA’s Vue magazine, and is a member of the CASRO, MRA, and ESOMAR social media research committees. She is a sought after keynote speaker and has presented at conferences such as IJMR, QRCA, ESOMAR, ARF, CASRO, MRA , and MRIA and has published numerous articles. Annie tweets at @LoveStats, writes the LoveStats marketing research blog, and is the author of The Listen Lady, a novel about social media research.

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