market research bulletin
you need
Barbara Gassaway The Research Group President & Founder
to know
J u l y , 2 0 1 3
From The Editor
Last Month
market research bulletin
An Interview with
KEN ROE M a r c h , 2 0 1 3
In this month’s issue, we’re very happy to FEATURE 20 Researchers You Need To Know. In today’s research environment, technologies and approaches to market research projects are more demanding than ever… and the expertise behind these unique techniques and methods is even more intriguing. Starting on page 26, here are 20 researchers we think you need to know in 2013. We invite you to meet the experts. In this issue, the Go-Innovate column by Greg Heist starts a 5 part series entitled “From Complexity to Clarity – The Future of Insight Curation”. Ipsos SMX Shares Why Integrated Local Expertise Will Help Your Global Organization Connect with Consumers via Social Media to Build Better Insights, and Michael Allenson explores the question “Should Researchers Be Like Mike?” in SURVEY SAYS. We hope you enjoy this month’s issue of SURVEY Magazine as much as we enjoyed preparing it for you. R. Jon Leiman Editor
SURVEY Magazine SURVEY Magazine gives business readers the insider information they need to stay connected to the research industry with cutting edge methodologies, insightful executive interviews and people that shape our business community. This is the business magazine Where Leaders Speak.
002 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Creating a World of Better Understanding Research Now enables you to leverage the latest innovations in Digital, Mobile and Social Media data gathering to create a world of better understanding. Digital
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CONTENTS. J u l y , 2 0 1 3
D E PA R T M E N T S Online Research
Even As Shopping Shifts Online The Package Still Matters! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Qualitative Research
*VUZ[Y\J[PVU 0UK\Z[Y` )LULÄ[Z -YVT Qualitative Research Methods In New Product Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Qualitative market research techniques are gaining an ever increasing foothold in the construction industry. QRCA
International Research
International Research: Overcome Challenges and Drive Success. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
Social Research
Web Surveys Get Socail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 The vast world of social media is full of opportunities to make connections.
International Market Research and Overcoming Cultural Barriers . . . . . . . 7 6 The Key to Global Connection is a Local Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0
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Meet the research experts we think you need to know in 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
In The News uSamp Announces New Smartphone Feature That Allows 4VIPSL 9LZWVUKLU[Z [V ;HRL :\Y]L`Z 6MÅPUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 ;5: HWWVPU[Z 4PJOHLS ) .YPMÄ[OZ HZ .SVIHS ,_WLY[ PU ,[OUVNYHWO` HUK *\S[\YL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5 1;5 9LZLHYJO L_[LUKZ TVIPSL YLHJO ^P[O *VUÄYTP[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 MARKET PROBE ANNOUNCES WINNERS OF THE 2013 MULTI-SECTOR CUSTOMER ADVOCACY MONITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Toluna Provides Clients Ability to Link to Simmons® National Consumer Study An ,MÄJPLU[ ,MMLJ[P]L >H` [V .SLHU +LLWLY 0UZPNO[Z VU *VUZ\TLY )LOH]PVY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Civicom Marketing Research Launches Arabic as a Gateway to Markets in the Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0 2PULZPZ (KKZ 5L^ .HTPÄJH[PVU HUK 5LZ[LK 3VVW -LH[\YLZ [V 0[Z Market-Leading Survey Programming Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0 95 of the Top 100 U.S. Business Schools Have Standardized on Qualtrics To Conduct Cutting-Edge Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 InContext Introduces ShopperMX™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2
5 0 Years Joseph H. Rabin President
Joseph H. Rabin founded Rabin Research Company on February 1, 1963. Located just down the street from where they are now at 500 N. Michigan, Ave, the company opened its doors at 720 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Since then, Chicago-based Rabin Research has been providing insight-driven, strategic marketing research services to large and small companies around the globe.
006 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Nina Weil Mueller Vice President
Rabin Research Company celebrates 50 years of delivering high quality, cost-effective, custom marketing research services. History of Rabin Research Company and Joseph H. Rabin, President While working as an Account Executive at Gould, Gleiss & Benn and Assistant Director of Marketing Research at PaperMate Company, Joe Rabin had a dream: “I wanted nothing more than to provide high quality marketing research services to manufacturers, service providers, consultancies, and agencies.” PaWLY4H[L ^HZ [OL JVTWHU`»Z ÄYZ[ JSPLU[ ;OH[ was in 1963. Today, 50 years later, Rabin Research Company remains a viable full service marketing research organization. Still independent, the company competes with large and small marketing research suppliers.
Michelle Elster Vice President
As part of the company’s dedication to total client service, Joe encouraged deep client relationships – helping his clients organize their departments, develop their research techniques HUK WVSPJPLZ HUK PU THU` JHZLZ ÄUK X\HSPÄLK researchers to build their departments (then training them to do the studies). In fact, in one `LHY 1VL OLSWLK WLVWSL ÄUK WVZP[PVUZ H[ OPZ clients’ companies. A virtual pioneer in the industry, Joe has served in many capacities outside the company, as: American Marketing Association National President; American Marketing Association Chicago Chapter President; American Statistical Association Chicago Chapter President; Market Research Institute Director; U.S. Census Bureau Advisory Committee Member; University of Toledo Business Advisory Council; and, DePaul University Kellstadt Center Advisory Council.
CONTENTS. J u l y , 2 0 1 3
COLUMNS Survey Says with Michael Allenson
Be Like Mike? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
The Key to Global Connection is a Local Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 Go-Innovate Ta l k i n g i n n o v a t i o n w i t h G r e g H e i s t
-YVT *VTWSL_P[` [V *SHYP[` ;OL -\[\YL VM 0UZPNO[ *\YH[PVU . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8
Following Annie Where Research Meets Social Media
Sampling for Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
008 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Ipsos SMX Shares Why Integrated Local Expertise Will Help Your Global Organization Connect with Consumers via Social Media to Build Better Insights.
Even As Shopping Shifts Online
The Package Still Matters! Seven Steps for Ensuring Success
010 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
That dire prediction was made over a decade ago, as the design industry encountered the introduction of PeaPod and similar web-based shopping services. While that prediction was grossly inaccurate – and the packHNL KLZPNU PUK\Z[Y` OHZ JVU[PU\LK [V ÅV\YPZO VUSPUL ZOVWWPUN has grown tremendously and now accounts for roughly $145 billion in the U.S. alone. And although web-based shopping is strongest in non-CPG categories (books, apparel, electronics, L[J [OLYL»Z UV KV\I[ [OH[ [OPZ WOLUVTLUVU OHZ PUÅ\LUJLK how shoppers think and act when buying CPG products. So while online purchases are still less than 5% of overall CPG sales, marketers and retailers must pay close attention to this JOHUULS ^OPJO PZ WVPZLK MVY M\Y[OLY NYV^[O HUK PUÅ\LUJL With that thought in mind, Perception Research Services (PRS) recently conducted a series of In-Depth-Interviews among consumers that regularly shop online, assessing their shopping for Health & Beauty Aids (such as vitamins, OTC medications, cosmetics, skin and hair care products). We focused here because these types of CPG products are more likely (than food, beverage, etc.) to be purchased online. The research process included using PRS Mobile Eye-Tracking to document what these shoppers did - including what they saw and missed - as they went through typical online shopping trips. Afterward, we conducted follow-up interviews to better understand their thoughts during the process.
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“Online shopping will mean the end of packaging as we know it!� Overall, we found that packaging plays a very important role in the web-based shopping experience, albeit in ways that vary somewhat from the brick-and-mortar
For online shoppers, searches instead lead to a myriad of individual items to consider. And to simplify the process, we saw that they initially rely on packaging
Across categories, one important dynamic of the online shopping experience is the initial search. Certainly, search processes can vary based on the site (for example, a general search engine such as Google, as opposed to particular retailer or manufacturer such as or or the shopperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intent (a misZPVU [V Ă&#x201E;UK H WHY[PJ\SHY [`WL VM WYVK\J[ HZ VWWVZLK to browsing for whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new or on sale). But in nearly all cases, the package is a vital tool in performing the â&#x20AC;&#x153;de-selectionâ&#x20AC;? process, once the online shopper has conducted a search and arrived at the category of interest. In fact, the package may be more critical VUSPUL ILJH\ZL [OLYLÂťZ H TVYL SL]LS WSH`PUN Ă&#x201E;LSK [OHU in physical stores: Both big and small brands are typiJHSS` YLWYLZLU[LK I` VUL :2< HUK SHYNLY IYHUKZ Ă&#x201E;UK it harder to create â&#x20AC;&#x153;billboardsâ&#x20AC;? that dominate shoppersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; H[[LU[PVU HUK ILJVTL ZLSM M\SĂ&#x201E;SSPUN PU THPU[HPUPUN [OLPY category leadership.
Regarding the latter, we found that web shoppers VM[LU MV\UK P[ KPMĂ&#x201E;J\S[ [V Ă&#x201E;UK H WHY[PJ\SHY ]HYPHU[ ^P[OPU a line (e.g., form, formulation, scent, etc.), because they saw only one SKU at a time with other variants scattered among single SKUs of other brands. In fact, ZVTL ZOVWWLYZ ZPTWS` W\YJOHZLK [OL Ă&#x201E;YZ[ ]HYPHU[ [OL` encountered, without realizing it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t their usual variety. Later, once they have formed a smaller consideration set, the package also plays a central role in: Â&#x2039; Â&#x2039; Â&#x2039;
-LH[\YL HUK ILULĂ&#x201E;[ JVTT\UPJH[PVU Product/brand comparisons (often across screens or web sites) *VUĂ&#x201E;YTH[PVU VM JVYYLJ[ WYVK\J[ ZLSLJ[PVU PU the shopping cart, prior to purchase)
Of course, the web does typically allow for additional information delivery, beyond the package. And here, our eye-tracking research revealed some differences across products: 1. For health products (e.g., vitamins, pain relievers, etc.), online shoppers were more likely to read the text that appeared on the screen 2. For beauty products, shoppers typically relied on the package alone
Even As Shopping Shifts Online The Package Still Matters! Jonathan Asher is an executive vice president at Perception Research Services ( He can be reached at or (201) 720-2724. 79: PZ [OL ^VYSK»Z SLHKPUN WHJRHNPUN HUK ZOVWWLY YLZLHYJO ÄYT JVUK\J[PUN V]LY Z[\KPLZ HUU\HSS` to help clients “win at retail.”
014 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Across categories, we uncovered some concerns with how packages appeared online. In some cases, image quality was rather poor, leading to issues with brand recognition and/or detracting from quality impressions. And often, ZOVWWLYZ OHK KPMĂ&#x201E;J\S[` NH\NPUN WYVK\J[ X\HU[P[` as small packages looked similar to larger ones in an online context - and the quantity information was not always readily apparent. Predictably, this sometimes led to price/value concerns, as shoppers focused on price alone.
In addition, many HBA products have both a primary and secondary package (e.g., a bottle of pills inside a carton) - and occasionally the ¸^YVUNš WHJR ^HZ ZOV^U VUSPUL :WLJPĂ&#x201E;JHSS` the outer pack was shown in many cases, but the shopperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mental picture was based on the primary container that â&#x20AC;&#x153;livesâ&#x20AC;? in their bathroom. With online shopping, packaging also plays an PTWVY[HU[ YVSL PU [OL M\SĂ&#x201E;SSTLU[ WYVJLZZ >OLU the product arrives at home, the package JVUĂ&#x201E;YTZ P[ PZ [OL KLZPYLK VUL HUK YLHZZ\YLZ [OL shopper that it is genuine (â&#x20AC;&#x153;the real oneâ&#x20AC;?). Thus, in addition to providing basic product protection, the outer shipping container can be valuable as a marketing vehicle and branding element. Of course, it also creates an opportunity to add-value to the online shopping experience, by sharing additional information, product samples, etc.
Seven Steps for Ensuring Success As CPG manufacturers and retailers strive to win in the growing online channel, they will be wellserved to understand and respect the role of the package.
6SHFLĂ°FDOO\ WKH\ VKRXOG KDYH these fundamental objectives and tactics in mind:
Create a distinctive and memorable set of visual equities (via the package shape, color and/or graphic elements), to foster brand recognition online Utilize high resolution digital images of the package, to promote a quality brand/product impression
Use simple and legible copy, particularly related to size/quantity, to ensure the right price/value perception
Include secondary panels for shoppers seeking additional information
5 6 7
Determine which package (primary or secondary) is most important to shoppers and display it (or both) Find ways to quickly show the relevant product range, to provide context and help shoppers pick the right product Use the outer container to provide brand YLHZZ\YHUJL HUK HKK ]HSL H[ [OL M\SĂ&#x201E;SSTLU[ stage
By following these critical guidelines, online marketers and designers can help ensure that they fully leverage packaging to create a competitive advantage - and to â&#x20AC;&#x153;winâ&#x20AC;? at retail in this growing retail channel.
International Research:
Overcome Challenges and Drive Success International research poses several challenges to even the most experienced researcher.
+ Why is international YLZLHYJO KPMÄJ\S[& + What makes it more KPMÄJ\S[ [OHU H domestic project?
016 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
The simple answer is that the lack of familiarity causes the biggest challenge. Experience shows, that by following a few simple guidelines, international projects do not need to be intimidating. From the start, the researcher must place him or herself into a different mindset. The project won’t be like domestic one. There are clear “mistakes to avoid” and “best practices to follow” when undertaking your next international project.
Positioning for success means avoiding certain practices:
It’s easy to believe, or simply forget, that what you do here is the same way your international clients will do it. The world is a big place, full of many cultures and heritages. The challenge is dealing with unique cultures and how they react to the stimuli. Generally, the expectation is that they would react equally and any difference is due to the way cultures use scales. However, it is not HIV\[ H ZJHSL P[ PZ HIV\[ YLÅLJ[PVU VM [OL J\S[\YLZ Cultures react to stimuli differently. This is not an easy subject with easy solutions. The best advice is to allow extra time for a soft launch, giving you time to review the data and make adjustment. Another mistake to avoid is leaving translations to an amateur. There are many free translation tools, such as Google Translate, but trusting a free tool or a non-native speaker will result in differences that can change the meaning of your survey. Language is full of nuances that free tools and non-native speakers will miss. The best approach is to have the translation done by a professional agency, and then have someone familiar with the language and culture review it.
Lastly, when conducting international research, it’s best to work with a single point of contact at your client. Clients can be organized with layers of hierHYJO` [OYV\NOV\[ KPMMLYLU[ VMÄJLZ >OH[ `V\ ^HU[ to avoid is dealing with twenty people saying, “my business is different.” They probably are unique, but it’s your client’s challenge to compromise internally, not yours.
The good news is that a few simple best practices can make all the difference to your international project success:
01 02
First, researchers must leverage their local agency. If chosen correctly, their agency should know the local scene and will be able to provide insight on brand lists, appropriH[L ÄLSKPUN [PTLZ YL^HYKZ PU]P[H[PVU ^VYKPUN HUK T`YPHK other details. Translation is not only on the “mistakes list” but also on the list of best practices. The recommended best practice is to start with your own native language, have a professional translation company translate to the local language, [OLU OH]L ZVTLVUL Å\LU[ PU [OL SHUN\HNL YL]LYZL [YHUZlate back to English, and comment on local nuances. ;OPZ H]VPKZ [OL JVTTVU ¸TV]PL ÄST¹ VY ¸MVV[IHSS ZVJJLY¹ miscues. Respondents in English-speaking countries like Australia, Canada and UK can be especially sensitive to seeing US language in surveys. The same applies to the difference in the Spanish between Spain, Mexico and Argentina. (UK SHZ[S` IL WYLWHYLK [V IL ÅL_PISL ^P[O `V\Y TL[OVKology. This seems counterintuitive for researchers who care so much about consistency of approach, but the insistence on using identical approaches in sampling and survey design can produce less comparable results than a custom mixed-mode approach. For example, a survey showing product packaging graphics or videos might work very well online in the US, but due to slow Internet connections, a door-to-door methodology might be a better and even more economical approach in rural China. Adhering to one overall message in the questionnaire, but adjusting the methodology for regional differences will yield the best results.
It’s important to remember there is no normal and there is no expected when conducting international research. Be open to other countries and cultures and learn everything you can about your target audience to help your next global research project run smoothly.
For the last 13 years, Michel Guidi, Managing Director, Europe for SSI has been leading global research projects. Michel recently presented a webinar on this subject. The full presentation can be found on SSI’s website at:
018 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Your SSI CATI Team: it’s as if we’re right outside LJŽƵƌ ŽĸĐĞ ĚŽŽƌ͘ With SSI running your CATI projects, you stay in touch and in control. Expect flexible solutions from engaged researchers, 1,700 seats – so we start as soon as you say “go”– and a dedicated team of interviewers you can personally brief. We deliver constant communication from the field with on-demand videos and reports, seamless transition between modes, and a refreshing absence of “Did we cover that?” panics. Put the largest, most experienced CATI team in the business on your project – and right outside your office door.
Be Like Mike?
For those of you old enough to have witnessed the greatness of Michael Jordan in his hey day, you probably also remember the Gatorade ad campaign that featured the motto and jingle: “Be like Mike. If I could be like Mike.” When benchmarking, companies tend to follow the same mantra when it comes to customer experience within their industries. They want to be like the superstar performer. Using Maritz CEBenchmarks results, we examined the performance spread among the largest performers in each of six industries. Each industry shows a very different pattern of performance. For auto purchases as well as upscale hotels, performance varies in a narrow range regardless of the size of the company. In mid-scale hotels, there seems to be a correlation IL[^LLU [YHMÄJ HUK J\Z[VTLY L_WLYPLUJL WLYMVYTHUJL *VTpare these performances with general merchandise retailers, fast food restaurants or retail banking. What do these three industries have in common? In each of these industries, one or more sales leaders are also the lowest rated when it comes to overall satisfaction.
Michael Allenson
Strategic Consulting Director Maritz Research
020 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
If these sales leaders are such bad performers, how are they maintaining their position? Are they on the precipice of business decline? Are they particularly vulnerable to competition? Most of these big players have struggled with modest growth over the last several years, but none appear to be in immediate danger. So why is there such a gap with customer experience leaders in their industries? Should their goal be to match the leaders? By nature, personal service is the central component to upscale hotels. If you don’t serve customers well in an upscale hotel, your entire business is probably at risk. Similarly, new car purchases involve a high degree of personal service. Mid-scale hotels are noteworthy because hospitality is still a major component of their offering, but their offering is less luxurious and less costly than upscale hotels, in essence a trade-off. Brands that are giving the ILZ[ OVZWP[HSP[` MVY [OL TVUL` HYL ILPUN YL^HYKLK ^P[O [YHMÄJ When it comes to fast food restaurants, general merchants and retail banks, offerings have varying degrees of limited service. -\Y[OLY I\ZPULZZ TVKLSZ ]HY` ZPNUPÄJHU[S` :VTL HYL WVZP[PVULK around low prices, some are positioned around convenience and some are even positioned around excellence in some component of their offering, like taste, selection or exclusive offerings. There is little doubt that these large companies have an opportunity to improve their performance with customers. But make no mistake, part of the difference in performance is related to the fact that they operate under a different business model. Recently there have been several stories about McDonalds putting a renewed focus on customer experience. Some have suggested that McDonalds should use chains like Five Guys or In-N-Out Burger as a model. This performance comparison is simply not apples to apples.
When making benchmark comparisons, consider the following:
Start with competitors that have a similar business model
Make sure you are best in YOUR class
Pay attention to customer experience leaders in your industry, as well as those in other industries. Learn from their example.
If a company seeks to be as good or better than an industry leader that does business using a different model, they may simply be tilting at windmills.
Don’t be like Mike. Become a superstar using a formula that is uniquely yours.
Be Like Mike?
Overall Satisfaction vs. Size of Customer Base
Represents brands within in each industry Represents sales leaders 022 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
You don’t need more data. You need a way to solve the problems flowing deep inside the data. Introducing Capella. It’s the only system that can uncover the biggest, baddest customer issues—and then guide you, step by step, through the process of fixing them. That means you can now go beyond“what-ifs” and into true action planning: assigning teams, uncovering causes, and achieving trackable outcomes. So don’t just stand there absorbing data. Start using it to get results. Visit us at
Following Annie Where Research Meets Social Media
Annie Pettit, PhD Vice President, Research Standards Research Now
Sampling for Today What’s the easiest way to get the wrong answer to your research question? Collect data from the wrong people! We would never generalize survey results from women who buy a new Prada purse every month to men who’ve had the same wallet for 25 years so why do we collect opinions from Twitter and generalize them to everyone? Researchers “get” sampling but we often forget that sampling applies to all forms of research, not just surveys and focus groups.
024 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Is it really that big of a deal in social media? I collected a few verbatims, ok a few million verbatims, for a few different brands and evaluated the sentiment they generated last month. Verbatims about Adidas were 39% positive on Twitter but 54% positive on YouTube. Verbatims about iPhone were 31% positive on Tumblr but 46% positive on Blogspot. Verbatims about Mercedes were 31% positive on Reddit but 71% positive on DailyMotion. Would you care to generalize results from one website to anywhere else? When researchers make serious business decisions on differences of 5 percentage points, I doubt you’d do the same for differences of 40 points. Now also consider that your social media KH[HZL[ KVLZU»[ YLÅLJ[ [OL WLYJLU[HNL VM people using that website, but rather the percentage of verbatims coming from that website. This could easily mean that your dataset is 70% Twitter, not 6% Twitter,
the true internet proportion. Or that your dataset is 70% YouTube as opposed to 33% YouTube, the true internet proportion. These two factors underscore the massive importance of proper sampling and weighting in social media research. Brand scores will be outright incorrect if important websites are ignored or if websites are over or under-represented in the mix. Of course, no matter where opinions are gathered, they are true, valid, and important opinions. They just can’t be generalized outside of the website from which they were gathered. Twitter generalizes to Twitter. But until you sample the entirety that is the internet, you won’t be able to generalize anywhere else. Annie
Annie Pettit, PhD is the Vice President, Research Standards at Research Now and the Chief Research OfÄJLY VM *VU]LYZP[PVU :[YH[LNPLZ :OL specializes in social media market YLZLHYJO Z\Y]L` YLZLHYJO HUK KH[H X\HSP[` (UUPL PZ [OL ,KP[VY PU *OPLM VM 490(»Z =\L THNHaPUL HUK PZ H member of the CASRO, MRA, and ,:64(9 ZVJPHS TLKPH YLZLHYJO JVTTP[[LLZ :OL PZ H ZV\NO[ HM[LY RL`UV[L speaker and has presented at conferLUJLZ Z\JO HZ 0149 89*( ,:6MAR, ARF, CASRO, MRA , and MRIA HUK OHZ W\ISPZOLK U\TLYV\Z HY[PJSLZ (UUPL [^LL[Z H[ '3V]L:[H[Z ^YP[LZ [OL 3V]L:[H[Z THYRL[PUN YLZLHYJO ISVN HUK PZ [OL H\[OVY VM ;OL 3PZ[LU 3HK` H UV]LS HIV\[ ZVJPHS TLKPH YLZLHYJO
In this month’s issue, we’re very happy to FEATURE 20 Researchers You Need To Know. In today’s research environment, technologies and approaches to market research projects are more demanding than ever… and the expertise behind these unique techniques and methods is even more intriguing. Here are 20 researchers we think you need to know in 2013. We invite you to meet the experts.
026 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Jamin Brazil Decipher, Inc. Co - CEO
028 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Jamin Brazil Decipher Inc. Co-CEO
With more than 12 years of experience in the marketing research industry, Jamin Brazil brings a long record of accomplishment, innovation and expertise to his position as the Co-CEO of Decipher. Brazil develops the strategy and vision that enables Decipher to attain both its short-term and long-term goals. Overseeing the implementation VM ^LSS KL]LSVWLK PUP[PH[P]LZ )YHaPS LUZ\YLZ ÄUHUJPHS NYV^[O HUK operational growth are successfully maintained. 7YPVY [V JV MV\UKPUN +LJPWOLY )YHaPS ZLY]LK Ä]L `LHYZ HZ =PJL President for MACRO Consulting based in Palo Alto, California. Responsible for web-based research development and implementation, Brazil created and developed the necessary tools to ensure MACRO Consulting remained competitive in the marketing research industry. While with the company, Brazil’s client base included numerous leading companies across a broad range of sectors, including AT&T, 3L]P :[YH\ZZ *VTWHU` HUK 7HJPÄ*HYL
A marketing research services provider, Decipher specializes in online survey programming, data collection, data processing/reporting and custom technology development. Utilizing Web-based applications, Decipher integrates state of the art technology with traditional research techniques. Decipher’s survey tools and data reporting suite provide \ZLYZ ^P[O [OL HIPSP[` [V H\[VTH[L WVZ[ ÄLSK WYVK\J[PVU ZPNUPÄJHU[S` increasing the accuracy and quality of research reporting.
Location Fresno, CA
Contact (559) 436.6940
To Learn More
Rebecca Wynberg TNS Qualitative CEO
I’ve been working as a qualitative researcher since arriving in the UK from South Africa in 1981, when I became Managing Director of The Research Business where I worked for eleven years. In 1994, I founded Sadek Wynberg Research which became the world’s largest independent qualitative agency. It was sold to Millward Brown in 2003 and I then took up the role of CEO of Millward Brown’s UK qualitative arm.
030 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Rebecca Wynberg TNS Qualitative CEO
Appointed CEO of TNS’s global qualitative research practice in January 2012, Rebecca Wynberg heads up a team of over 600 qualitative researchers worldwide, and is responsible for growing and building the company’s qualitative expertise in delivering inspiring insights to clients. She works closely with Anita Watkins, SVP TNS Qualitative - North America, who has been building an exciting team of qualitative experts. Prior to joining TNS, Rebecca worked as a consultant and strategic advisor to a number of multinational clients, particularly partnering with Unilever to raise standards of qualitative work carried out on their behalf through a far-reaching global training and accreditation programme. Rebecca continues to lead its implementation worldwide, including in the US where the programme has just started. Rebecca is based at TNS’s headquarters in London, UK and holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. ABOUT TNS QUALITATIVE
Our experts are trained in the art and science of qualitative research, and focus on understanding precisely what your business needs to grow. Qualitative research is fundamental to delivering the exact understanding of individual customer motivations and behaviours that are needed to help our clients identify growth opportunities, in every type of work, every time.
Location London, UK
Contact + 44 20 3130 7498
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Ileen Branderbit
Focus Pointe Global Executive VP and Head of Sales IN HER OWN WORDS
“My years in the industry have taught me that at the core level, customer service and creative thinking are what make the difference between acceptable and outstanding. It is my goal to make sure Focus Pointe’s clients enjoy an outstanding research experience.”
032 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Ileen Branderbit Focus Pointe Global Executive VP and Head of Sales
Ileen has 20 years of marketing research experience spanning virtually every aspect of project development, from initial RFP through the completion of the study. As the industry adopts emerging technologies at an astounding rate of speed, Ileen works closely with key clients to develop unique solutions for their ever-changing project requirements. Her skill at assessing the scope of a project quickly, offering the best solution and delivering exceptional results has made her the go-to project liaison for some of the biggest researchers in the industry.
Focus Pointe Global sets the industry standard for high-quality qualitative and quantitative marketing research services. With over 25 years of experience, FPG owns and operates state-of-the-art focus NYV\W MHJPSP[PLZ PU THQVY THYRL[Z ^P[O ÄLSKPUN PU HU` <: JP[` -7.»Z ever-expanding FPG QualPanel™ includes consumers, business leaders, medical professionals, patients, and caregivers who represent a vast array of existing and emerging demographics. Whether a research project is a single-market focus group, a multi-market qualitative-quantitative “mixed mode” study, a Mystery Shopping project, or an online bulletin board, Focus Pointe Global recruits from over 802,000 double op-in panelists to provide articulate, engaged respondents who match the unique demographics their clients require.
Location Philadelphia, PA
Contact (215) 701-1500
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Matt McNerney
Ipsos President, Ipsos Loyalty
034 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Matt McNerney Ipsos President Ipsos Loyalty
Matt McNerney is the President of the Ipsos Loyalty USA. Ipsos in the largest provider of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty research in the world. Matt joined Ipsos in June of 2008 and has 20+ years of experience in providing customer feedback and insight to many of the largest multinational companies. Prior to Ipsos, Matt spent many years as President of the TNS specialty research area including: Brand and Advertising, Customer Satisfaction and advanced analytics. His early career was spent in the NYC Advertising Agency world. He is highly sought out as a Public Speaker and has won many best in class awards for his speeches. ABOUT IPSOS LOYALTY
Ipsos Loyalty is the global leader in customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty research and consulting with over 1,000 dedicated professionals located in over 40 countries around the world. Our creative solutions build strong relationships which lead to better results for our clients. This has made us the trusted advisor to the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading businesses on all matters relating to measuring, modeling, and managing customer and employee relationships. We are the recognized THYRL[ [OV\NO[ HUK [LJOUVSVN` SLHKLY PU V\Y Ă&#x201E;LSK
Location Parsippany, NJ
Contact +1.973.658.2161
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Jim Medick
Precision Opinion President
>> Survey Magazine > July 2013 030 >> Survey Magazine > 036
Jim Medick
Precision Opinion President & Implementation Specialist ABOUT JIM MEDICK
With a 20-year track record in global market research, Jim Medick has developed customized strategies and analysis for some of the country’s most renowned companies. He has lent his expertise to marketing giants like Procter & Gamble, Mattel and to mass media companies such as NBC, CBS, Warner Brothers and the Discovery Channel. Medick has expert knowledge in a slew of industries spanning from consumer products to gaming. He has worked with some of the most notable casinos in Atlantic City and on the Las Vegas Strip. His experience with providing expert opinion and forecasting socioeconomic trends with polling has established Medick as one of the leading authorities in market research and secured his position as a credible resource for media, speaking engagements and consulting projects. ABOUT PRECISION OPINION
Precision Opinion for the past 20 years has been The Most Trusted Name in Market Research® providing services via Precision Phone, Precision Online and Precision Focus+. Offerings span the testing of television pilots and movies in a 48-seat theater; product placement services; traditional and social science telephone research for corporations and government agencies; and the game-changing online survey system Precision Engage. Precision’s Focus+ facility contains three focus group and two IDI suites with private client lounges and Vegasstyle catering services. Precision Phone is home to 450+ CATI stations powered by Voxco and Pronto 6 predictive dialers. Known as the most technologically-advanced market research services company in the U.S., Precision Opinion is headquartered in a 30,000 sq.-ft. progressive facility 100 yards from the world-famous Las Vegas Strip.
Location Las Vegas, NV
Contact (702)-483-4000
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Sonya Turner
iModerate Director of Insights & Analysis IN HER OWN WORDS
Before joining the iModerate team, Sonya was Director of Account Services at the Winter Group where she developed marketing programs for clients in the education and publishing industries. Sonya also worked as a Senior Developmental Editor for Peterson’s, a Thompson Learning Company. In this position she managed all aspects of line of more than 40 books, magazines and online products at educational publishing company. Sonya graduated from Davidson College with a BA in Spanish language and literature. She also received her MS in publishing from New York University.
038 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Sonya Turner
iModerate Director of Insights & Analysis ABOUT SONYA TURNER
As Director of Insights and Analysis, Sonya oversees iModerate’s deliverable and reporting operation. This includes everything from THUHNPUN [OL HUHS`ZPZ [LHT [V J\S[P]H[PUN [OL ÄYT»Z WYVWYPL[HY` analytical framework, to creating and enforcing reporting guidelines and Z[HUKHYKZ /LY LMMVY[Z OH]L ZPNUPÄJHU[S` PTWHJ[LK [OL WYVQLJ[ WYVJLZZ and the collaboration that exists around it. On her watch, iModerate’s insights have come to be packaged differently – in a way that’s more digestible and relevant. Previously, Sonya was iModerate’s Director of Moderating Services. In this role she raised the bar of iModerate’s qualitative conversations through hands-on management, as well as the creation of training programs and quality control measures.
At iModerate we offer you a different type of market research. Not only do we conduct online one-on-one conversations, but our approach and our people also differentiate us. Everything we do is based on an in-depth understanding of consumers, how they think and why they behave the way they do. In addition, each of our employees is encouraged to explore further for our clients, to discover the insights that matter most to you and your business.
Location Denver, CO.
Contact (303) 333-7880
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Barbara Gassaway The Research Group President & Founder ON THE COVER
As a researcher, Barbara is expert in inspiring client teams, managing project priorities, and creatively implementing methodologies to discover intimate, underlying feelings from respondents.
040 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Barbara Gassaway The Research Group President & Founder
As President and Founder of The Research Group, she has cultivated a reputation among clients and colleagues as a national thought leader who understands marketing principles, as well as pioneering current methods in the qualitative sciences. Loyal clients refer to her as “the rock star of moderators” and “the complete package.” A Master Moderator, contributing author to the Journal of Market Research, recognized as One of Maryland’s Top 25 Business Women, and trainer of qualitative sciences at RIVA Market Research, Barbara’s passion for the research industry is contagious, as is her stamina and work ethic which create a powerful presence in this industry.
The Research Group is a full-service market research team of experts skilled in the disciplines of psychology, sociology, anthropology, neurolinguistics, technology, and neuroscience. Devoted to innovation through discovery, we employ pioneering studies for world-renowned health care institutions, pharmaceutical companies, health care payers, health care systems, government agencies, and CPG companies to advance understanding of their target audiences.
Location Baltimore, MD
Contact (410) 332-0400
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Dr. TA Rao
Market Probe President & CEO
Recognized as one of the top diversity-owned businesses in the United States, Market Probe is JLY[PÄLK HZ H TPnority-owned and operated company by the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). We appear among the Honomichl list of Top 50 US Firms.
042 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Dr. TR Rao Market Probe President & CEO
TR Rao serves as President and CEO of Market Probe, and oversees global marketing research operations in 9 countries with more than 360 full-time and as many as 1000 part-time employees worldwide. His PhD in marketing and more than 30 years of consulting experience have helped position Market Probe as a leader in the market research PUK\Z[Y` 0U HKKP[PVU [V MV\UKPUN [OL ÄYT HUK SLHKPUN P[ MVY V]LY [OYLL decades, Dr. Rao has more than 25 years of teaching experience at the university level. The depth of insight he shares with Market Probe clients has made him an in-demand speaker at workshops, conventions and educational forums the world over.
Market Probe is a full-service global marketing research and consulting ÄYT ZWLJPHSPaPUN PU Z[HRLOVSKLY TLHZ\YLTLU[ LUNHNLTLU[Z HZ ^LSS HZ H wide array of custom research assignments. We strive to build long-term partnerships with our clients, based on our team of professionals with research savvy, industry knowledge and technical experience. Market Probe’s customer, brand and employee-satisfaction expertise reaches businesses around the globe. In addition to our corporate headquarters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, we have full-service YLZLHYJO VMÄJLZ PU UPUL JV\U[YPLZ HUK OH]L MVYTLK ZL]LYHS Z[YH[LNPJ WHY[ULYZOPWZ ^P[O ÄLSK HNLUJPLZ HYV\UK [OL ^VYSK >L HWWLHY HTVUN the Honomichl list of Top 50 U.S. Firms.
Location Milwaukee, WI
Contact (414) 778-6000
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Carol Haney
Toluna Senior Vice President of Product Marketing ABOUT CAROL HANEY
Carol Haney joined Toluna as Senior Vice President of Product Marketing in January 2012. Carol’s principal research areas are social media and online quantitative research. Recently, she led all of the formative research for CDC anti-smoking ads from message platform development through copy testing, working with Legacy Foundation, Arnold Worldwide, the Plowshare Group, and Golin Harris. The research was declared “transcendent” as well as “among the year’s most memorable advertising and perhaps among the best-ever work in its category” by AdWeek. ABOUT TOLUNA
>P[O VMÄJLZ PU ,\YVWL 5VY[O (TLYPJH HUK (ZPH 7HJPÄJ ;VS\UH ^VYRZ with many of the world’s leading market-research agencies, media agencies and corporations. Toluna’s survey research has informed stories in the Financial Times, Advertising Age, Wired and Time Magazine. Toluna is the pioneer of a one-of-a-kind approach to recruiting and engaging members through, its online social voting community. Recently the company launched SmartSelect, a sophisticated respondent selection methodology for assuring sample representativeness and increasing response accuracy. Toluna provides the industry’s leading survey technology suite, enabling hundreds of organizations worldwide to create online and mobile surveys, manage panels and build their own online communities. Toluna products include PanelPortal™ Online Communities and Toluna QuickSurveys™.
Location Wilton, CT
044 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Contact +1 203 834 8585
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Carol Haney
Toluna Senior Vice President of Product Marketing
Before joining Toluna, Carol was the thought leader in the development of Research LifeStreaming at Harris Interactive, an industrychanging method of doing data collection by panel-based social media listening. Previous to Toluna, Carol has served in leadership roles at TNS, SPSS, and the National Opinion Research Center. Specialties: Market and Social Research; Social media research analytics including sentiment analysis and text analytics; CAPI, CATI and Web data collection platforms; Quantitative Analysis; and Large-N datasets.
Trent Buskirk Ph.D.
Marketing Systems Group VP of Statistics & Methodology
+Y )\ZRPYR OHZ ILLU appointed as a Research Associate Member with the >HZOPUN[VU <UP]LYZP[` School of Medicine and was a statistical consultant for numerous companies and research VYNHUPaH[PVUZ +Y )\ZRPYR ^HZ HSZV HU (ZZVJPH[L ,KP[VY HUK (K]PZVY` )VHYK 4LTILY MVY [OL ,UJ`JSVWLKPH VM :\Y]L` 9LZLHYJO 4L[OVKZ HUK PZ J\YYLU[S` ZLY]PUN VU ((769»Z ,TLYNPUN ;LJOUVSVN` ;HZR -VYJL
046 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Trent Buskirk Ph.D. Marketing Systems Group VP of Statistics & Methodology
Trent is instrumental in the development of proposed sampling plans for survey research projects; he assists with statistical analyses and development of technical documentations for company products; and develops business opportunities related to survey sampling, analytics and methodology. A distinguished academic with many publications to his credit, Dr. Buskirk has taught for more than a decade at both the University of Nebraska and Saint Louis University where he was an Associate Professor of Biostatistics with the School of Public Health. ABOUT MARKETING SYSTEMS GROUP
Marketing Systems Group is a major provider of innovative products, ZLY]PJLZ HUK PUMVYTH[PVU ZVS\[PVUZ KLZPNULK ZWLJPĂ&#x201E;JHSS` MVY [OL Z\Y]L` research community. The company has been in operation for more than 25 years. MSG continues to invest in people and technology to meet the needs of the research community. Its products include the Genesys sample generation system, the PRO-T-S researchPredictive dialing system, and the ARCS panel management system. Marketing Systems Group is headquartered in Horsham PA in suburban 7OPSHKLSWOPH ^P[O H IYHUJO VMĂ&#x201E;JL PU 9LZLHYJO ;YPHUNSL 5* 0[ LTWSV`Z over 50 dedicated professionals. The company is part of the AUS family of companies, providing exceptional consulting and market research products and services to clients throughout the United States and internationally. For more info about Marketing Systems Group visit
Location Horsham, PA
Contact 800.336.7674
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Karin A. Ferenz
Customer Lifecycle LLC. Managing Partner & Founder
048 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
2HYPU ( -LYLUa Customer Lifecycle, LLC. Managing Principal & Founder
Karin is the founder and managing principal of Customer Lifecycle, LLC. She is an industry leading expert in the discipline of customer loyalty research and its applications. She has held senior leadership positions ^P[O ZVTL VM [OL SHYNLZ[ NSVIHS THYRL[PUN YLZLHYJO ÄYTZ PUJS\KPUN /HYYPZ Interactive and Maritz. She holds a BA in Behavioral Science from the University of Chicago and an MBA in Marketing Research from George Williams College. With nearly 30 years of experience in conducting research and analysis around the customer lifecycle, Karin has Z\JJLZZM\SS` OLSWLK OLY JSPLU[Z [YHUZMVYT Z\JJLZZ PU[V ZPNUPÄJHUJL
Customer Lifecycle, LLC is a research based consultancy that works with clients to get more value and better business results from research [OYV\NO ZPNUPÄJHU[S` PTWYV]LK JVVYKPUH[PVU KLWSV`TLU[ HUK PU[LNYH[PVU VM YLZLHYJO ÄUKPUNZ HUK J\Z[VTLY YLX\PYLTLU[Z PU[V [OL day-to-day management and operations of the organization. We help companies avoid costly mistakes by focusing on thorough front-end planning, appropriate support for research execution, and in-depth deployment consulting and implementation at the back end. This ensures that the results are effectively owned and used by key functional areas, regardless of who conducts the research.
Location Bolingbrook, Il
Contact (630) 412 8989
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Oliver Truman
B2B International Director of B2B Research IN HIS OWN WORDS
On a day-to-day basis, my role comprises managing all manner of research projects MYVT Z[HY[ [V ÄUPZO·MYVT PUP[PHS WYVWVZHS [OYV\NO [V ÄUHS WYLZLU[H[PVU VM YLZLHYJO ÄUKPUNZ and client recommendations. Most projects involve a comIPUH[PVU VM VUSPUL HUK VMÅPUL data collection methods (both quantitative and qualitative), and the majority of these studies are international in nature.
050 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Oliver Truman B2B International Director of B2B Research
Oliver Truman is a Director of global business-to-business research specialist B2B International. He joined the company in 2004 and has, in that time, amassed vast experience of all aspects of the market research industry. His particular area of interest is Information Technology and, in addition to his role as a Research Director, Oliver is a Director of the Company with special responsibilities for development of analytical approaches and new research techniques at B2B International. He has built up a particular interest in the development and downstream implementation of business-to-business segmentation schemes. Oliver counts among his recent multinational clients the likes of E.ON, /LURLS 2HZWLYZR` 3HI 4HZ[LY*HYK 6MĂ&#x201E;JL +LWV[ :HTZ\UN HUK Shell. ABOUT B2B INTERNATIONAL
B2B International is a specialist business-to-business market research consultancy that provides customized b-to-b market research and intelligence studies on a global scale. With 30 years experience in b-to-b market research, B2B International has built up an impressive client portfolio. 0[ OHZ VMĂ&#x201E;JLZ HJYVZZ [OYLL JVU[PULU[Z 5VY[O (TLYPJH ,\YVWL HUK (ZPH where its research specialists have researched all the major geographical areas of the world.
Location New York, NY
Contact +1 914-761-1909
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Jason Scott
EMI Online Research Solutions Senior Vice President
Jason teaches with a passion and without a selling bias with the motto of “a rising tide raises all boats.”
052 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Jason Scott
EMI Online Research Solutions Senior Vice President ABOUT JASON SCOTT
Since joining EMI in August of 2005, Jason has served in both a Business Development and Client Services capacity. His clients include ;VW 4HYRL[ 9LZLHYJO ÄYTZ ^OV YLS` VU 1HZVU MVY [OLPY NSVIHS VU SPUL and mobile sample needs. He has also served as manager over EMI’s Client Services team. Jason’s leadership over the sales team has made EMI a two-time INC 5000 honoree with growth over 400%. He has hosted and coordinated multiple webinars and symposiums on topics ranging from global online sample to how to choose online sample suppliers.
EMI Online Research Solutions has one job, providing sample to our clients, and our dedication in doing so makes us the leading market research sample provider in the industry. /PZ[VYPJHSS` ZLY]LK TVZ[ VM [OL [VW 4HYRL[ 9LZLHYJO ÄYTZ HUK [OLPY clientele, most of which have typically been Fortune 500 companies. :LY]PUN HZ [OL VYPNPUHS ZHTWSL IYVRLY ^L OH]L PKLU[PÄLK HUK ]L[[LK more than 200 research panels to ensure the sample we provide our clients is the highest quality and lowest costs available for each unique project. EMI’s only “bias” is to our clients in providing them the correct sample solution on a project by project basis, not trying to squeeze their ZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ PU[V ¸V\Y WHULS ¹
Location Cincinnati, OH
Contact (513) 871.1178
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Isaac Rogers 20/20 Research CIO
Today, 20|20 is considered one of the most innovative and technologically HK]HUJLK ÄYTZ PU [OL industry. Even so, we never forget our roots of service to our clients and dedication to the practice of excellence in research.
054 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Isaac Rogers 20/20 Research CIO
Responsible for software development and support, Isaac joined 20|20 in 2008, where he uses his IT experience to adapt today’s technology to qualitative research. With a Vanderbilt University MBA, Isaac formerly was in strategy and marketing at Eyeris Intelligence Business Consulting and served as sales and technical expert at
20|20 is a worldwide leader in traditional and online qualitative research. Since our founding in 1986, 20|20 has been dedicated to research excellence. Our qualitative facilities in Nashville, Charlotte and Miami are annually “Top Rated” by our clients in both industry surveys and our own satisfaction surveys. Since 2001, the QualBoard® bulletin board research system has been one of the most widely used and innovative research platforms in the world. Today, QualBoard® is available in over 20 languages and has been used in over 90 countries. It has expanded to include a wide array of capabilities not available on any other platform. In addition, 20|20 has developed and supports other research platforms that researchers trust around the world. (Z HU LHYS` SLHKLY PU VUSPUL X\HSP[H[P]L c HZZ\TLK H ZPNUPÄJHU[ YVSL to show others how to best utilize the capabilities of online qualitative. Now, 20|20 trains more researchers in online qualitative than any other organization in the world through our free online webinars.
Location Nashville, TN
Contact (615) 777-2020
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Maria Domoslawska
Research Now Vice President Global Digital Strategy & Research
Passionate about creating a valuable intellectual capital and delivering actionable recommendations to clients, she aims to inspire through thought leadership and a practical application of new research methods.
056 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Maria Domoslawska
Research Now Vice President, Global Digital Strategy & Research ABOUT MARIA DOMOSLAWSKA
Maria serves as Vice President of Global Digital Strategy and Research, responsible for designing and implementing a global digital strategy for Research Now. Maria brings over 15 years of experience in technology, the advertising agency side, and market research dedicated to business growth through innovation and new product creation. Her involvement with digital market research started in the early online days at Digitas Boston, and has continued to expand throughout the years to include a variety of technologies and different markets in the Americas, EMEA and APAC. Maria has held various management and senior management level research positions with EmSense, Digitas Boston and Tribal Fusion, where she worked with a number of Fortune 500 clients across a variety of sectors. ABOUT RESEARCH NOW
Research Now, the leading digital data collection provider, powers market research insights. We enable companies to listen to and interact with the world’s consumers and business professionals through online panels, as well as mobile, digital and social media technologies. 6\Y [LHT VWLYH[LZ PU VMÄJLZ NSVIHSS` HUK PZ YLJVNUPaLK HZ [OL market research industry’s leader in client satisfaction. We foster a socially responsible culture by empowering our employees to give back. ;V ÄUK V\[ TVYL VY ILNPU H JVU]LYZH[PVU ^P[O \Z visit
Location Plano, TX
Contact (214) 365-5000
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Alex Hunt
Brainjuicer Executive Vice President
Alex Hunt is an experienced market research professional who has a track record in building solutions that deliver insights rooted in his clients’ issues.
058 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Alex Hunt
Brainjuicer Executive Vice President ABOUT ALEX HUNT
With over a decade in communications testing, Alex Hunt is an experienced market research professional who has a track record in building solutions that deliver insights rooted in his clients’ issues. Before joining BrainJuicer, Alex began his career at Millward Brown spending many years working across a range of large CPG, media, ÄUHUJPHS HUK YL[HPS JSPLU[Z PU IV[O [OL <UP[LK 2PUNKVT HUK <UP[LK States. /PZ ZWLJPÄJ HYLHZ VM L_WLY[PZL SPL PU LHYS` Z[HNL JVUJLW[ HUK communications testing, brand strategy and brand equity research. A native of the UK, Alex has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and enjoys playing rugby and travelling in his spare time. ABOUT BRAINJUICER
BrainJuicer® Group PLC is a marketing consultancy founded in 1999. It turns human understanding into business advantage by applying the latest developments in psychology, behavioural economics, and the social sciences to help clients understand and predict consumer behaviour. BrainJuicer specializes in helping clients with their innovation programmes, generating and evaluating ideas, insights, concepts, communications and behaviour design. BrainJuicer’s innovative approach has led to many clients and commentators recognising them as a true thought leader and change agent. BrainJuicer was founded by CEO and Chief Juicer, John Kearon, and has been traded on London’s AiM (Alternative Investment Market) since 2006. The Company is headquartered in the United Kingdom, has VMÄJLZ PU 5VY[O (TLYPJH )YHaPS *OPUH :PUNHWVYL 0UKPH HUK HJYVZZ continental Europe.
Location London, UK
Contact +44 (0)20 7043 1000
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Robert Clancy uSamp™ Vice President Insights & Strategy
060 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Robert Clancy
uSamp™ Vice President of Insights & Strategy ABOUT ROBERT CLANCY
Robert Clancy is the Vice President of Insights and Strategy at uSamp™. He has worked extensively in packaged goods and retail industries, providing him with the unique ability to bring insights expertise to all stages of the product and shopping life cycles, from product development and innovation to the in-store experience. His insights leadership has contributed to increased sales and distribution and built customer relationships for PepsiCo, Blockbuster, Diageo, and JCPenney. Robert holds a Master of Marketing Research degree from the University of Georgia and a B.B.A. in marketing from Texas Christian University, where he currently sits on the M.J. Neeley School of Business Marketing Advisory Board. ABOUT USAMP
([ \:HTW ^L ILSPL]L [OH[ HU` YLZLHYJO WYVQLJ[ UV TH[[LY OV^ ZWLJPÄJ can be solved by recruiting, surveying and rewarding online. And we built a business by circling the globe and recruiting 12 million informed and motivated respondents to participate in panels and answer questions for our clients. Then we backed it up with cutting-edge technology, a commitment to customer service and a unique combination of real-world experience and innovation.
Location Encino, CA
Contact +1-818-524-1218
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Dave Fish Ph.D. Maritz Research Senior Vice President
Dave’s done most every job you can do in marketing research from tabulating data, to number crunching, to storytelling. He enjoys the process of discovery--what marketing research is all about.
062 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
+H]L -PZO 7O +
Maritz Research SVP, Strategic Marketing & Product Development ABOUT DAVE FISH
Dave has almost 20 years of applied research experience in both organizational and consumer contexts. In his current role, he is responsible for global marketing and product development for Maritz Research. Academically, Dave worked in the Drucker School of Management and served as Adjunct Professor at Cal State Dominguez Hills for several years. He honed his client side experience working at American Savings Bank as an OD consultant and as Research Manager in Strategic Research for Toyota Motor Sales. In 2000, Dave was lured to the supplier side and served a brief spat at JD Power and Associates as Director of Proprietary Research and then was hired at Maritz Research where he’s been for 11 years. ABOUT MARITZ RESEARCH
Every full-service research company designs studies, collects data, performs analysis and reports the results. What really differentiates a “suitable” research vendor from an exceptional research partner is the people you work with to solve your business problems. Maritz Research goes well beyond the nuts and bolts of marketing research to help you improve your business with our greatest asset: our people. We have 700 full time marketing research consultants working every day, worldwide. We match our clients with a customer solution for their ZWLJPÄJ ULLKZ >L MVJ\Z UV[ VUS` VU [OL PTTLKPH[L TLHZ\YLTLU[ needs of our clients, but also include a strong emphasis on enabling our clients to continuously improve their performance.
Location Fenton, MO
Contact (877)462-7489
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With “start-up” in his genes, Jason Raguso joined Gongos in January 2013 to forge the company’s new data integration practice. An established senior analytics executive and change agent, Jason is passionate about challenging the status quo and invoking new thinking. “We’re setting out to solve a broader set of problems for our clients, understanding that they often make choices in constrained environments,” says Jason. “Gongos’ ability to quickly adapt, paired with its deep client partnerships, provides an ideal ecosystem to transform insights for clients as they navigate this complexity.”
064 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Jason Raguso Gongos Research Vice President
Jason Raguso Gongos Vice President
As Vice President of O2 Integrated, Jason is developing Gongos’ new consultative business unit which fuses enterprise data and primary research to reshape customer-centric decision making. O2 Integrated serves organizations by building retained extension teams that harmonize disparate data sources spanning enterprise, third-party and primary market research. O2 teams work with clients to operationalize insights across company divisions. Beyond developing integrative strategies, O2 will reconcile the signal-to-noise paradox to strengthen and socialize decision-making for its client teams. ABOUT GONGOS
Based on pure drive to see its clients succeed in the marketplace, Gongos Research forms long-term relationships with industry leading companies. Employing both innovative and foundational approaches to consumer research, the company blends deep expertise with a hands-on, yet consultative style. Its practice areas of Consumer Products, Retail & Services, Financial +P]LYZPÄLK HUK ;YHUZWVY[H[PVU ;LJOUVSVN` ^VYR JSVZLS` ^P[O P[Z 4HYRL[PUN :JPLUJLZ [LHT [V WYV]PKL Z`U[OLZPaLK ÄUKPUNZ [OH[ SLH]L HU organizational imprint.
Location Auburn Hills, MI
Contact 248.239.2300
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Bob Fawson
Survey Sampling International *OPLM (JJLZZ 6MÄJLY
066 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Survey Sampling International *OPLM (JJLZZ 6MÄJLY ABOUT BOB FAWSON
)VI -H^ZVU PZ *OPLM (JJLZZ 6MÄJLY H[ ::0 7YPVY [V ::0 OL ZLY]LK [OL same role at Opinionology, which later joined with Survey Sampling International to form SSI. While at Opinionology, Fawson expanded the company’s portfolio of online sampling methods and improved methods for managing online panel inventories. Known for his expertise across diverse topics – from panel recruiting and sample routing to Address-Based Sampling – he is a MYLX\LU[ ZWLHRLY H[ THYRL[ YLZLHYJO L]LU[Z -H^ZVU ÄYZ[ QVPULK Opinionology to manage its online client service and project management team. He holds a master’s degree in political science and a master’s degree in applied economics from Utah State University.
SSI is the premier global provider of sampling, data collection and data analytic solutions for survey research, reaching respondents in 78 countries via Internet, telephone, mobile/wireless and mixed-access offerings. (KKP[PVUHSS` ::0 Z[HMM VWLYH[LZ MYVT VMÄJLZ PU JV\U[YPLZ [V VMMLY CATI, questionnaire design consultation, programming and hosting, online custom reporting and data processing. SSI serves more than 3,000 clients, including 48 of the top 50 research organizations.
Location Shelton, CT
Contact (203) 567-7200
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068 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Construction PUK\Z[Y` ILULÄ[Z MYVT
r e s e a r c h m e t h o d s in new product development
By John Cashmore
Qualitative market research techniques are gaining an ever increasing foothold in the construction industry.
Typically, manufacturers and distributors of products conduct very little research, with the exception of Customer Satisfaction Measurement (CSM). CSM typically uses quantitative, statistically-meaningful techniques to develop a scorecard.
4VYL HUK TVYL ÄYTZ, selling in the construc-
tion distribution channels – from manufacturers, to distributors, to dealers, to contractors/end users are becoming even more interested in the why. Qualita[P]L YLZLHYJO PZ [OL TVZ[ LMÄJPLU[ WYVJLZZ [V NHPU [OPZ why understanding, which is particularly important in new product development.
4HU` ÄYTZ [OH[ ZLLR [V KL]LSVW new products have discovered that when they use qualitative market research in the process, the target market helps them with the development. This market-back approach, rather than factory-forward approach, to new product development can substantially increase the odds for success, since actual buyers have been involved in the development process and supply the development team the what and the why. Manufacturers and qualitative research consultants team together to assure JVUÄKLU[PHSP[` HUK [OH[ [OL TVZ[ LMÄJPLU[ X\HSP[H[P]L [LJOUPX\LZ are used during the process.
There are countless stories about hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars being spent on retooling or investing in steel and concrete, only to OH]L [OL WYVK\J[ ÅVW ^OLU PU[YVK\JLK to the marketplace because market research was not utilized.
INNOVATION Through innovative qualitative techniques such as ideation sessions, ethnography, on-line and traditional focus groups and one-on-one individual interviews, the new product or service is OVULK [V Ä[ THYRL[ needs.
There are also cases where some construction industry professionals feel they do not want to make a decision based on what eight people say in a traditional focus group setting. However, it is rare in the new product development process to only conduct one focus group or deploy only one qualitative research technique. More recently, the hybrid method of conducting this product development research has gained favor and has offered insights to enable cross-functional teams to create products and services for which the market is willing to pay. Hybrid methods may incorporate qualitative and quantitative methods or a combination of individual interviews and focus groups, mixed with ethnography. It just makes sense to deploy more than one method in such new product development since none is a “magic bullet” by itself. If company sales, marketing, engineering and operations personnel, however, are not all on the same page and in sync with the THYRL[ ZHSLZ ILJVTL TVYL KPMÄJ\S[ HUK strife is accentuated between company disciplines. Smart companies are utilizing involvement of all teams in the research process. Clearly, if a sales person sits in front of a potential buyer with a proposed new product, the buyer will in many cases give the product at least a luke warm rating for success. They don’t want to offend the sales person. Also, if the product engineer accompanies the sales person to the interview, the engineer actually explains everything about the product and does a “sell-job” on the potential buyer. This process really accomplishes nothing other than making the team of interviewers feel good about what has been created. Also, the why is generally not understood from the potential buyer. Professional researchers can help companies achieve better results because they know not to directly ask why, but utilize techniques to get to the why with the interviewee voluntarily.
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Construction PUK\Z[Y` ILULÄ[Z MYVT
r e s e a r c h m e t h o d s
in new product development
By John Cashmore
The construction industry is evolving in its use of proper market research. The factory forward days for new product development are sun-setting rapidly. Utilizing the hybrid cross-functional teams approach to new product development will reduce research and developmental costs. When cus[VTLYZ KLZPNU [OL WYVK\J[ [V Ä[ [OLPY perceived need, it’s tough to fail.
John Cashmore is a member of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association (QRCA) and owner of 6WPUPVU +P]L 4HYRL[ 9LZLHYJO *VUZ\S[PUN H M\SS ZLY]PJL THYRL[ YLZLHYJO ÄYT ^P[O `LHYZ VM L_WLYPLUJL in industries including building materials and construction, industrial products, heavy equipment, lawn and NHYKLU HUK HNYPJ\S[\YL ;OL ÄYT»Z NVHS PZ [V JYLH[L JVZ[ LMMLJ[P]L THYRL[ YLZLHYJO [LJOUPX\LZ [V HZZ\YL HJtionable information for clients. QRCA is celebrating 30 years of leadership in Qualitative Research, 1983-2013.
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We b S urv e y s Get
Social The vast world of social media is full of opportunities to make connections. Although itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commonly viewed as an outlet to link up friends, family and professional contacts, the sheer scope and interactive nature of social media make it an ideal tool for businesses as well. In fact, best-in-class customer service organizations monitor their customersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; feedback using an average of six different channels, social media frequently being one of the six. On social media, businesses can make personal connections with consumers in a place where they are comfortable, candid and spend a great deal of time.
That’s why it’s important to leverage your company’s presence on social media by using survey sharing options. Here’s why it should be part of your overall customer service strategy:
Sharing surveys on social media helps organizations gain more customer insights and build loyalty.
Increased Exposure Depending on the purpose of the survey, organizations can target current customers on their Facebook fan page or prospects on Twitter. Associations and companies can distribute member satisfaction surveys quickly on LinkedIn or to their circles on Google+. A social media integration feature helps orgaUPaH[PVUZ KYP]L H SHYNL ]VS\TL VM [YHMÄJ VY H targeted cluster of people to their surveys in a timely, cost-effective manner. However, even though your survey will be seen by more people, you still need to make sure you make it easy for respondents to take. If you don’t, response rates will suffer. Here are a few basic guidelines:
Set Objectives – Before you draft the survey, identify what information is most important to you so your survey is short and MVJ\ZLK PUZ[LHK VM L_OH\Z[P]L HUK KPMÄJ\S[ [V complete.
Make it professional – Surveys that look generic or unrelated to your brand won’t inspire participation. Take the time to create a polished survey, so your respondents know P[»Z PTWVY[HU[ LUV\NO [V [HRL [OL [PTL [V ÄSS out.
Reward Participation – Whether `V\ ÄUPZO ^P[O H ZPTWSL ;OHUR @V\ VY KLliver incentives for participation, you need to acknowledge that participants are doing you a favor by completing the survey. If you don’t, they might not be so responsive in the future.
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Opportunities for Endorsements In addition to obtaining more exposure, surveys provide another avenue for organizations to get endorsements on social media. Sophisticated web survey tools like Cvent’s have social media integrations that make it LHZ` MVY ZH[PZÄLK J\Z[VTLYZ [V NV YPNO[ [V your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn page at the end of the survey. Advanced technology can funnel respondents to different Thank You pages based on their level of satisfaction or if say they would recommend your organization to a friend or family member. And this exposure is important for your brand. In a poll of over 2,000 online consumers, 82 percent considered user-generated reviews extremely valuable or valuable. When it comes to making purchasing decisions in this hyper social age, consumers are not content to sit back and simply take the company’s word for it. They don’t have to be. It’s easy for anyone to access reviews from other customers, especially if those other customers are people they know and trust. By prompting a customer to Like you on Facebook, follow you on Twitter or give you an endorsement on LinkedIn, you are essentially getting them to refer your organization to their network. Think about it: when a customer Likes you on Facebook or shares one of your statuses, their network of friends and family are able to see it on their news feeds. It’s the equivalent of a positive wordof-mouth review or endorsement. Twitter and LinkedIn are equally as powerful. You
JHU NLULYH[L TVYL [YHMÄJ [V `V\Y ^LIZP[L and pique the interest of prospects by asking survey respondents to tweet out a link to your homepage or retweet an important update. If your organization is trying to attract more members or recruit employees, asking current members or employees for an endorsement on LinkedIn will provide your organization with very visible proof of its competence. For organizations in the hospitality industry, having a survey tool that can be integrated with review websites like TripAdvisor is critical. Cornell University’s Center for Hospitality reported that 49 percent of travelers won’t book a property without reviews. The Center also found that a hotel can increase its price by 11.2 percent and maintain the same occupancy rate if it increases its review score by one point. Similar to social media integrations, the right technology will allow you to develop different Thank You pages based on how your customers respond to certain questions, so only the happy customers will be prompted to write a review. To increase participation, you can personalize the call to action. For example, if they give your hotel’s restaurant a high rating, you can craft the Thank You page to read, “You said you really enjoyed dining with us. Would you mind sharing your positive experience on TripAdviZVY&¹ >OPSL THU` ZH[PZÄLK J\Z[VTLYZ ^VU»[ take the time to seek out TripAdvisor on their own, if they are directed to the site in a convenient manner, they are more likely to spend a few minutes recounting their positive experience.
Social media is powerful tool for any organization looking to obtain feedback, strengthen its brand and increase its bottom line. Use your survey tool to enhance your Voice of the Customer program and empower your most loyal customers. People trust people they know. When you turn customers into your own brand ambassadors, their networks will take notice. Make sure you select a survey tool that allows you to fully harness the power of social media so your organization can gain the responses rates, reviews and loyal following it needs. For more information about Cvent Web Surveys, visit
International Market Research and Overcoming Cultural
Barriers We are living in an era of rapid globalization. Technology, notably high speed internet, is seemingly erasing borders and bringing once separated cultures into constant contact. Businesses now have quicker and easier access to new and developing THYRL[Z HUK UVU WYVÄ[ VYNHUPaH[PVUZ ^P[O HU L`L towards development, environmental conservation, or human rights can conduct work in just about every corner of the globe. With these new opportunities opening up, it’s not surprising that international online market research is growing rapidly. While increased globalization presents many exciting possibilities, we need to think about the way differences in culture can both positively and negatively impact conducting research. If we want [V ZLL [OL WVZP[P]L ILULÄ[Z VM PU[LYUH[PVUHS THYRL[ research (and avoid the negative aspects), we must take the time in advance of projects to learn about and asses our audience in order to formulate a more relevant research plan. This plan must take PU[V HJJV\U[ HSS WOHZLZ MYVT KLZPNU [V ÄLSKPUN [V analysis. Why is this crucial? Are there really that many pitfalls when you conduct global research? Forget the obvious issues such as time differences that can complicate international research, and think outside the box for a second. Different cultures take serious VMMLUZL [V [OPUNZ [OH[ THU` V[OLYZ ÄUK PUZPNUPÄJHU[ For example, you wouldn’t want to ask questions surrounding personal income when conducting research in Japan, as this is perceived as highly personal. Lead with this and you risk alienating and offending your respondents. But address issues like this in the design phase, and you can expect a much smoother study.
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Other problems that can arise, such as sample issues due to uninformed assumptions, can have a detrimen[HS LMMLJ[ VU ÄLSKPUN >OLU ^L OH]L expectations of reaching certain groups abroad that we are able to reach in the U.S., we can be in for a very rough ride. Illustrating this is the heavy skewing of the online sample universe toward younger ages in developing countries such as Brazil and Korea. Generational
process. But the tricky thing about culture is that we don’t think about it in our daily activities – we perceptive it as common sense or ‘normal’. Culture provides us with the ways of interpreting and understanding the world. You can imagine that when people from different cultures communicate misunderstanding is common because people are perceiving things through different lenses. Research
difference in technology is more pronounced in countries where mainstream use of technology is a newer phenomenon. Assuming that you are easily going to reach the 50 plus crowd in these markets is an error that can throw the whole project askew.
is essentially communication, and for effective communication across cultures we need to overcome the barriers the best we can.
Another misstep often occurs in the ÄUHS YLZLHYJO Z[HNL 6\Y HUHS`ZLZ can misinterpret the feedback/ data if we view it through our own cultural lens and not the lens of those we are trying to learn from. For instance, in the United States we have a very individualistic self-identity. However, many other cultures are more communal based and thus group identity takes precedence. This means that when analyzing questions that explore how a product contributes to one’s identity, it might be the case that OV^ [OH[ WYVK\J[ Ä[Z PU[V [OL NYV\W is more important than how it plays into their individual identity. As you can see, cultural barriers can easily pop up if we don’t think about them through the research
;OL *VUÅPJ[ 9LZLHYJO *VUZVY[P\T at the University of Colorado identiÄLZ [OYLL J\S[\YHS IHYYPLYZ [OH[ JHU obstruct cross-cultural communication: 1) Cognitive; 2) Behavior; and 3) Emotional (http://www.colorado. LK\ JVUÅPJ[ WLHJL WYVISLT J\S[YIHY O[T ;OL ]LY` ÄYZ[ Z[LW PZ [V be aware of these issues; however, awareness is by no means the solution to improving international research. We simply need to know a bit about the culture before we design our research projects. Will this pre-research add to our prep time, and possibly require more resources? It’s very likely. However in the end, learning about the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional HZWLJ[Z [OH[ PUÅ\LUJL JVTT\UPJH[PVU PU ZWLJPÄJ J\S[\YLZ ^PSS UV[ only allow for a smoother research process, but, more importantly lead to deeper, more relevant insights.
From Complexity to Clarity The Future of Insight Curation a
part series
Greg Heist,
VP, Research Innovation Gongos Research
go-innovate blog >> CLICK HERE
Gongos has formed O2 Integrated, a con
to fusing enterprise data and primary res
customer-centric decision making for Gl
as announced by president & CEO Cam
start-up executive Jason Raguso has be the company’s new business unit.
“O2 Integrated is the result of a year-long
role Gongos will play in the future of dec
078 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
“The art of curation isn’t about the individual pieces of content, but about how these WPLJLZ Ä[ [VNL[OLY ^OH[ Z[VY` [OL` [LSS I` ILing placed next to each other, and what statement the context they create makes about culture and the world at large. Great curation is also about pattern-recognition – seeing various pieces of culture and spotting similarities across them that paint a cohesive picture of a larger trend.”
Based on our trend work, we anticipated that it would be an evolutionary step to socializing insights, yet reactions suggest it may just be more of a revolution – an idea whose time has indeed come. ;V [OH[ LUK ^L OH]L ÅLZOLK V\[ H Ä]L WHY[ ZLYPLZ [OH[ will systematically explore the many facets of this fascinating and groundbreaking idea. In the coming months you can expect to read about: 1. How the history of Curation inspires the present…and the future. 2. /V^ ^L»YL KLÄUPUN 0UZPNO[ *\YH[PVU ^O` UV^ is the right time to embrace it. 3. The transformational journey from Researcher to Curator. 4. What Insight Curation will bring to the modern corporation.
- Maria Popova, BrainPickings
Amy and I have recently introduced the idea of insight curation to the industry—she at IIR’s “Future of Consumer Intelligence” in May and I at MRA’s “Insights & Strategies Conference” in June. The idea had been brewing for a year, and we chose these engagements to unveil the theory underpinning this future practice. While it’s no surprise we’re personally jazzed about the notion of curation, the reaction from both clients and agencies signals that we’re onto something big – something that will bring clarity to the complex matrix of knowledge that organizations grapple with day to day.
nsultative unit dedicated
We’re excited to share this journey with you and hope at the end of this series you’ll be as intrigued about Insight Curation as we are.
Nicita. “Jason has been a growth leader in the decision support
“We’re setting out to solve a broader set of problems for our cli-
space since 2007, and we are thrilled to have him join our team
ents, understanding that they often make choices in constrained
and drive this new area of business for our company.”
environments,” adds Raguso. “Gongos’ ability to quickly adapt, paired with its deep client partnerships, provides an ideal
search to reshape
lobal 1000 companies,
mille Nicita. Analytics
een appointed to lead
O2 Integrated will serve organizations by building retained exten-
ecosystem to transform insights for clients as they navigate this
sion teams that harmonize disparate data sources spanning
enterprise, third-party and primary market research with applied mathematics. O2 teams will work with clients to operationalize insights across business units. Beyond developing integra-
g discussion about the
tive strategies, O2 will reconcile the signal-to-noise paradox to
cision intelligence,” states
strengthen and socialize decision-making for its clients.
The Key to Global Connection is a
Local Touch Ipsos SMX Shares Why Integrated Local Expertise Will Help Your Global Organization Connect with Consumers via Social Media to Build Better Insights.
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A recent survey indicated, social media research solutions like Communities and Social Listening are becoming a critical component of the market research toolkit. Although this survey is focused on the US and western developed markets, we are starting to see a similar strong interest in other parts of the world from our global clients.
As these social media research capabilities become more prevalent and mature, the question arises how regional and global companies should organize these programs in order to drive ROI.
01 As these social media research capabilities become more prevalent and mature, the question arises how regional and global companies should organize these programs in order to drive ROI.
Based on our experience, we strongly believe that embedding these in the local country and organization is critical to deliver maximum impact, for the following reasons:
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Engagement requires a
local touch:
Engagement based solutions like Communities are so powerful because they appeal to peoples’ intrinsic motivations to participate. However, we have learned that although engagement based solutions work around the globe, how you encourage and maximize engagement can be very different depending on the country and target group – as an example, the notions of privacy, anonymity and individuality are very different in a country like Japan than in the United States. A thorough understanding of local social, cultural and personal preferences is required in order to connect and interact with people in a meaningful way, and also design a mix of engagement techniques that are relevant and ultimately maximize the value that we can create. A combination of local social media research experts, moderators and researchers is critical to achieve this.
Capturing insights requires a local touch: Few insights are universal, most of them are relative: what is an insight for one person is irrelevant (or old news) for the other. IrreZWLJ[P]L VM [OL KLÄUP[PVU VM HU PUZPNO[ RL` PZ that it contains a formerly unknown human truth for the target group under study, and that it can trigger a business opportunity for the client. An in depth understanding of the local culture, language, context, category, and client allows the research team to avoid YLK\UKHU[ PYYLSL]HU[ VY Z\WLYÄJPHS PUMVYTHtion. The differences, for example, in usage of Spanish between Latin American countries could lead an analyst to misrepresent a comment because they don’t know the local slang. A local understanding of the client is also essential as key to many insights from social media is a connection to additional research initiatives on the client side.
Delivering impact requires a local touch: The beauty of social media research is that it allows organizations to learn earlier, faster, TVYL VM[LU HUK TVYL LMÄJPLU[S` ^OPJO ultimately inspires and accelerates business growth. Prerequisite here is the involvement of the local client research team and decision makers, working in close collaboration with the local agency. This buy in and involvement of local client stakeholders is essential to maximize the value that a client can get out of a community, and will ultimately ensure insights are turned into action locally. Also, close collaboration between the local client and agency is crucial to reHSS` ILULÄ[ MYVT [OL HNPSP[` VM ZVJPHS TLKPH research solutions. While global alignment is important, reliance on solely regional or global intermediaries typically inhibits this.
Local Touch +
So, whereas the Internet is taking away many barriers and is connecting us globally at the speed of light, for social media research the world is not so ÅH[ ;OPZ KVLZU»[ TLHU [OH[ MVY multinational clients there are no LMÄJPLUJPLZ VM ZJHSL HUK PUJYLmental learnings by coordinating these programs at a high level centrally, however to maximize the business impact at a local level, hence maximize the ROI, it is imperative to embed.
In The News uSamp Announces New Smartphone Feature That Allows Mobile Respondents [V ;HRL :\Y]L`Z 6MÅPUL
\:HTWàZ 5L^ 4VIPSL HWW LUOHUJLTLU[Z allows smartphone respondents to progress through surveys with poor network connections, creating a more stable and faster survey experience Encino, Calif. (July 16, 2013): uSamp, a leader in providing mobile audiences for consumer insights, today announced a new feature to its mobile app, iPoll, which will allow smartphone respondents to more easily progress through a survey, even if they encounter poor network connectivity. “Despite advancements in mobile technology, network strength still varies based on proximity to cell towers, building obstructions and population density. With this new feature, uSamp is taking into account the uncontrollable variable of network strength”, said uSamp Co-Founder Gregg Lavin. “By doing this, we’re able to improve our offerings and provide our users with the best possible smartphone experience.” Now, when a user begins an iPoll survey with an existing network connection, the entire contents of that survey are imme084 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
diately downloaded to the mobile device. Once the contents are downloaded, a network connection is no longer required MVY [OL \ZLY [V ÄSS V\[ [OL Z\Y]L` X\LZ[PVUZ even if they are asked to submit photo and video responses. If the connection is lost while answering the survey, the user PZ WYVTW[LK [V \WSVHK [OL ÄUHS YLZWVUZLZ once a connection is established. This network tolerance also creates a faster survey experience for respondents used to having to wait for each photo/video response to be fully submitted before being able to move on to the next question. .P]LU [OL YLSH[P]LS` SHYNL ÄSL ZPaL VM ZVTL of these responses, and the sometimes poor network connection, this could take several minutes. Because the contents of the survey are now downloaded at the very beginning, a user can quickly progress through the survey without having to wait for each subsequent question to load. The iPoll app is available on both iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
;5: HWWVPU[Z 4PJOHLS ) .YPMÄ[OZ HZ Global Expert in Ethnography and Culture Leading research consultancy TNS, today announced the appointment VM +Y 4PJOHLS ) .YPMÄ[OZ HZ 8\HSP[Htive Research Director and Global
of the business and deliver excellence in qualitative research services for clients across China.
Expert in Ethnography and Culture. Based in Shanghai, Michael will initially report to Anjali Puri, Managing Director, TNS Qualitative in (ZPH 7HJPÄJ
Speaking about his appointment, Michael said, “I am delighted to be joining TNS and for the opportunity to strengthen the ethnography offer. TNS has fantastic qualitative capabilities and incredible practitioners in [OPZ ÄLSK ^OPJO 0 ÄUK [Y\S` PUZWPYPUN I look forward to putting my knowledge, skills and expertise to work.”
Michael joins TNS from Ogilvy & Mather where he has served as Director of Ethnography in the consumer insights and trends unit for the past three years. Commenting on the hire, Anjali Puri said, “I am thrilled that Michael is joining TNS. Michael brings not only an outstanding knowledge and experience of Chinese consumer culture and expertise as an ethnographer, but also immense energy and enthusiasm to drive growth within our business and for our clients who are facing increasingly complex challenges.” In his new role, Michael will be responsible for building TNS’s ethnographic suite of services and delivering powerful, culturally relevant insights to clients. Michael will also work closely with the China Qualitative team to further expand this part
Michael is the latest hire to TNS’s NSVIHS X\HSP[H[P]L WYHJ[PJL YLÅLJ[ing the organisation’s continued commitment to uniting some of the world’s most experienced qualitative researchers under the leadership of Rebecca Wynberg. Michael joins TNS on 15th July 2013. About TNS ;5: HK]PZLZ JSPLU[Z VU ZWLJPÄJ growth strategies around new market entry, innovation, brand switching and stakeholder management, based on long-established expertise and market-leading solutions. With a presence in over 80 countries, TNS has more conversations with the world’s consumers than anyone else
and understands individual human behaviours and attitudes across every cultural, economic and political region of the world. TNS is part of Kantar, one of the world’s largest insight, information and consultancy groups. Please visit for more information. About Kantar Kantar is one of the world’s largest insight, information and consultancy groups. By uniting the diverse talents of its 13 specialist companies, the group aims to become the preeminent provider of compelling and inspirational insights for the global business community. Its 28,500 employees work across 100 countries and across the whole spectrum of research and consultancy disciplines, enabling the group to offer clients business insights at each and every point of the consumer cycle. The group’s services are employed by over half of the Fortune Top 500 companies.
In The News JTN Research extends mobile YLHJO ^P[O *VUÄYTP[
Engaging, interactive mobile solution drives growth in consumer panels 5L^ @VYR 5@ HUK 6ZSV 5VY^H` HUK 3VUKVU <2! 1\S` ! *VUÄYTP[ the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience, Employee Engagement and Market Research is pleased to announce that JTN Research has broadened its mobile survey coverage across its entire portfolio of proprietary panels using [OL *VUÄYTP[ /VYPaVUZ WSH[MVYT 1;5 Research, one of the leading online Market Research companies in Central and Eastern Europe, implemented *VUÄYTP[ /VYPaVUZ HZ P[Z JVYL Z\Y]L` design and programming solution less than a year ago. The share of mobile device users has ZPNUPÄJHU[S` PUJYLHZLK PU [OL SHZ[ ZP_ months among panelists in Central HUK ,HZ[LYU ,\YVWL ¶ HUK ZWLJPÄJHSS` in Turkey, Russia and Croatia. This supports JTN Research’s decision to invest in a Market Research (MR)
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platform that offers enhanced mobile capabilities, alongside online MR services, to drive survey engagement and response rates. JTN Research plans to utilize the mobile channel more extensively in the ÄLSK HZ WHY[ VM P[Z VUNVPUN JVTTP[ment to improve panelist experience. Its survey design team has worked ^P[O *VUÄYTP[ V]LY [OL SHZ[ TVU[OZ to improve the user experience by: Simplifying the survey screen for mobile respondents; Introducing sophisticated graphics and ‘fun-to-use’ interactive elements within the link to the survey itself; Providing a seamless yet engaging experience to maintain interest levels and sample quality at all times. ¸*VUÄYTP[ OHZ LUHISLK \Z [V SL]LYHNL the widespread adoption of mobile by our respondents and achieve steady growth not only in size, but also in specialization. We have been able to effortlessly develop a more detailed WYL ZJYLLUPUN X\HSPÄJH[PVU ZL[ PU [OL
ÄLSKZ VM OLHS[O JVUKP[PVUZ ZWVY[Z and leisure practices and domestic/ international travel in each of our 11 consumer panels which now reach more than 490,000 respondents,” said Marieta Popova, managing director at JTN Research. The company has also dramatically improved the speed and depth of analysis and initial feedback ahead of survey completion which it provides to its clients. JTN Research’s clients increasingly require a more comprehensive display of data as it becomes available. Popova explained: “We OH]L \ZLK *VUÄYTP[ 9LWVY[HS [V provide a very clear view of even the most complex data sets, collected KPYLJ[S` MYVT [OL ÄLSK ;OPZ JVU[YPIutes greatly to the decision-making process of our clients which is the ultimate goal.” 7VWV]H L_WLJ[Z *VUÄYTP[ [V JVU[PU\L to provide the scalability, stability and security that are essential for a growing MR business in the long term.
¸*VUÄYTP[ JVU[PU\V\ZS` Z[YP]LZ [V WYV]PKL enhanced MR capabilities in response to market demand for a more user-friendly and interactive panelist experience. We have `L[ [V ÄUK HU VWLYH[PVU [OH[ ULLKZ [V IL performed in our day-to-day operations that *VUÄYTP[ JHUUV[ HKKYLZZ ^P[O LHZL >L HYL WYV]PKLK ^P[O WYVVM VM *VUÄYTP[»Z JVTTP[ment to excellence on a daily basis. We OH]L [V[HS JVUÄKLUJL [OH[ *VUÄYTP[ ºOHZ V\Y back’ thanks to its professional support staff who provide excellent help and guidance, and a near perfect uptime record which is essential to providing a reliable service to our customers.” ;PT /HUUPUN[VU ,=7 *VUÄYTP[ HKKLK! ¸>L HYL KLSPNO[LK [OH[ *VUÄYTP[ OHZ LUHISLK JTN Research to extend its MR offering by making full use of mobile across all 11 panels and to grow its business as a whole. The MR industry is evolving to engage with increasingly time-pressured respondents in new and innovative ways while providing more dynamic and immediate insight for its clients and we are pleased that JTN 9LZLHYJO OHZ WHY[ULYLK ^P[O *VUÄYTP[ [V achieve this vital business objective.” About JTN Research JTN Research ( was established in 2007 aiming to provide high quality, online marketing research services to the market research industry worldwide. ;OL JVTWHU` PZ IHZLK PU :VÄH )\SNHYPH and specialises in online marketing research, providing large, quality samples in Central and Eastern Europe. JTN Research provides all-inclusive solutions to its clients. It has the experience in managing all aspects of the online survey-
ing process – from identifying client’s needs [V KLSP]LYPUN [OL ÄUHS YLZ\S[Z HUK HUHS`ZPZ JTN Research is an ESOMAR member and strictly follows the industry standards and codes. It is also a member of the Bulgarian Marketing Association. $ERXW &RQðUPLW *VUÄYTP[ PZ [OL ^VYSK»Z SLHKPUN :HH: ]LUKVY for multichannel Voice of the Customer, Employee Feedback, and Market Research HWWSPJH[PVUZ ;OL JVTWHU` OHZ VMÄJLZ PU Oslo (headquarters), Cologne, Guildford, London, Moscow, New York, San FranJPZJV =HUJV\]LY HUK @HYVZSH]S *VUÄYTP[»Z software is also distributed through partner resellers in Barcelona, Kuwait City, Madrid, Milan, Pattaya, Sydney, and Tokyo. *VUÄYTP[ [HYNL[Z .SVIHS JVTWHUPLZ and Market Research agencies worldwide with a wide range of software products for feedback / data collection, panel management, data processing, analysis, and reporting. Customers include A&N Media, Aurora, British Airways, Dow Chemical, Farmers Insurance, GlaxoSmithKline, Ipsos, Morehead Associates, Nielsen, The NPD Group, Swisscom, Symantec and The Wellcome ;Y\Z[ =PZP[ ^^^ JVUÄYTP[ JVT MVY TVYL information.
In The News MARKET PROBE ANNOUNCES WINNERS OF THE 2013 MULTI-SECTOR CUSTOMER ADVOCACY MONITOR This multi-sector survey found that companies with higher levels of Customer Advocacy had higher levels of new customer acquisition, sales and retention. Milwaukee, WI – June 27, 2013 – Market Probe, H NSVIHS YLZLHYJO ÄYT PZ WSLHZLK [V HUUV\UJL [OL winners of its national consumer survey on Customer Advocacy. These companies scored the highest in each of their respective categories and are recognized for their exceptional ability to produce and sustain advocacy behavior. This national consumer survey of 6,000 households compared the advocacy WYVÄSLZ ^P[O [OL [VW IYHUKZ PU ZP_ THQVY PUK\Z[Y` ZLJtors including banks, investment companies, credit card companies, auto-manufacturers, casual dining chains and major retailers. The national survey asked customers to evaluate their recent customer and brand experiences to assess their impact on Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score and Advocacy. Over 80 leading U.S. companies were included in the national study. Winning Banks Chase Bank led the way for Customer Advocacy in the category of National Banks. SunTrust and BB&T ranked at the top of the Super Regional Banks category, and Huntington Bank and Union Bank scored highest among Regional Banks. Winning Investment Companies Edward Jones ranked highest in the Brokerage Category and Vanguard scored highest in the Asset
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Management Category. Customers cited the ease of doing business and investment products these companies had to offer. Winning Credit Card Companies Co-Winners for the Credit Card Category, Discover Card and American Express, showed that branded cards do slightly better on customer advocacy than bank issued credit cards. Winning Auto Manufacturers Co-Winners Honda and Hyundai lead the way in sector advocacy having established powerful emotional connections with consumers. Winning Casual Dining Restaurants Co-Winners Red Lobster and Outback Steakhouse offer specialized menus and enjoy higher levels of customer advocacy than their counterparts. Winning Retailers Co-Winners Kohl’s and Target showed that lower prices do not guarantee higher levels of customer advocacy; quality and value are both important. Market Probe will present the results of the 2013 Customer Advocacy Monitor at the IQPC 2013 Digital Marketing Exchange, taking place at the Claremont Hotel and Resort in San Francisco, California, September 22nd – 24th, 2013. Final results and winning companies will be recognized during Market Probe’s Thought Leader Session on Monday, September 23rd. A brief awards presentation followed by a cocktail reception will take place that evening.
Toluna Provides Clients Ability to Link to Simmons® National Consumer Study An ,MÄJPLU[ ,MMLJ[P]L >H` [V .SLHU +LLWLY 0UZPNO[Z on Consumer Behavior
When presenting their advocacy research, Market Probe will introduce an actionable and cost-effective approach to managing a Customer Experience Measurement Program based on the model developed for Market Probe’s 2013 Multi-sector Customer Advocacy Monitor. Dr. TR Rao, President and CEO of Market Probe, says, “Whether you are managing a mid-size bank, a restaurant brand or a department store, this actionable approach allows companies to cost-effectively manage their customer loyalty and positively impact revenue growth.” Market Probe is a full-service global marketing reZLHYJO HUK JVUZ\S[PUN ÄYT ZWLJPHSPaPUN PU Z[HRLOVSKLY measurement engagements as well as a wide array VM J\Z[VT YLZLHYJO HZZPNUTLU[Z ;OL ÄYT Z[YP]LZ [V build long-term partnerships with its clients, based on its team of professionals with research savvy, industry knowledge and technical experience. Market Probe’s customer, brand and employee-satisfaction expertise reaches businesses around the globe. In addition to their corporate headquarters in Milwaukee, >PZJVUZPU [OL` OH]L M\SS ZLY]PJL YLZLHYJO VMÄJLZ in nine countries and have formed several strategic WHY[ULYZOPWZ ^P[O ÄLSK HNLUJPLZ HYV\UK [OL ^VYSK Market Probe employs over 350 full-time employees worldwide and as many as 1000 part-time employees. They appear among the Honomichl list of Top 50 U.S. Firms.
Toluna, one of the world’s leading providers of online survey research respondents and enabling technologies, can now make available purchase, preference, and media consumption data from the Experian Marketing Services’ Simmons® National Consumer Study (NCS). Joint clients of Toluna and Experian Marketing Services with a license to the Simmons NCS, will be able to view custom survey questions and/or custom segmentations through the Simmons NCS. “A brand, market research company or advertising agency can continue to use Toluna to pre-test variations of possible advertisements in advance of upcoming campaigns,” stated Carol Haney, Toluna’s Senior Vice President of Product Marketing. “Through our relationship with Experian Marketing Services, clients will now be able to examine consumer responses by consumers’ preferred communications channel (e.g., text messaging, Facebook, television) without having to burden respondents by re-asking those preference questions within the pre-test. This new relationship is a great example of the respondent-friendly, value-add services that we seek to provide our clients.” Experian Marketing Services produces a syndicated, national consumer research product, the Simmons National Consumer Study (NCS), based on thousands of interviews each year which reports on more than 60,000 data elements including consumer purchase, brand preferences, and media consumption information in addition to demographic, attitudinal and behavioral information.
In The News Civicom Marketing Research Launches Arabic as a Gateway to Markets in the Middle East Civicom Marketing Research Services has expanded its worldwide language capabilities with the addition of Arabic to its marketing research tools for real-time online discussions. Clients can now conduct online IDIs (Individual Depth Interviews) or Focus Groups completely in Arabic and can also include English, if desirable, in the same discussion. Projects can be run in any Arabic-speaking country, or with any groups outside those countries where using Arabic is desirable. Groups in Arabic can also include a mix of respondents from several countries simultaneously. Increased Globalization Globalization has led to an increased need for cultures to connect and discuss issues. Marketers also want to understand the product needs of their current and potential customers. The ability to conduct interviews or discussions directly in the Arabic language opens up an entire new world for clients with interests in the Middle East. Civicom client projects have already included representatives in countries throughout the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain, Iraq, Egypt and Morocco. Projects can also be conducted in non-Arab countries where researchers want to talk with an Arabic-speaking population. Civicom Arabic Tools Civicom Marketing Research Services also offers its asynchronous multimedia board, Civicom Chatterbox®, in Arabic. This tool allows researchers to conduct discussions over time by having respondents log in and answer questions at their leisure or at designated times. In addition, Civicom Marketing Research Services also offers its clients the ability to conduct live interviews or focus groups over the phone in Arabic, in real time, using its advanced audio technology. Researchers can also conduct mobile qualitative studies and market research surveys in Arabic. Online research discussions and real-time phone IDIs and focus groups can also be recorded for marketing researchers to later review and analyze, if needed. Transcription and translation services are also available.
090 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
2PULZPZ (KKZ 5L^ .HTPÄJH[PVU HUK Nested Loop Features to Its MarketLeading Survey Programming Solution Kinesis Survey Technologies LLC (Kinesis), the industry leader for future-proof market research software solutions, today announced availability of the latest version of its online survey solution, Kinesis Survey™, which includes several major functional enhancements. Kinesis Survey is the survey programming and execution component of Kinesis’ premier market research software platform, which also includes comprehensive panel management and community solutions. This latest version, Kinesis Survey 5.7, further streamlines online survey programming tasks and also provides new cutting-edge capabilities to enhance the survey participation experience MVY YLZWVUKLU[Z 2L` ILULÄ[Z VM [OL UL^ ]LYZPVU PUJS\KL!
-HZ[LY LHZPLY WYVNYHTTPUN HUK ¸VU [OL Å`¹ TVKPÄcations to complex, nested quotas Advanced nested loop capabilities, with automated control for randomization sequences across lists and faster time-to-launch for large lists Image-based radio and check-box questions that Z\WWVY[ NHTPÄJH[PVU LSLTLU[Z Improved mobile support for Blackberry 10, Windows 8, and Google Chromebook devices
“While the industry continues to introduce many simpleto-use, streamlined DIY survey tools that address basic YLZLHYJO ULLKZ H ZPNUPÄJHU[ WVY[PVU VM THYRL[ YLZLHYJO companies require deeper functionality to support more sophisticated research studies,” said Kinesis CTO Juha Vehnia. “Kinesis’ focus continues to be on delivering market-leading capabilities for highly complex survey projLJ[Z ^OPSL HSZV LUOHUJPUN WYVNYHTTPUN ZWLLK HUK ÄLSKPUN LMÄJPLUJ` [V WYV]PKL [OL PUK\Z[Y`»Z OPNOLZ[ 960 ¹ Kinesis Survey is the leading multi-mode and multilingual survey solution. It provides a robust platform to support diverse survey research projects and participation via all online device types (desktop, tablet and mobile). It is fully integrated with Kinesis Panel™ and Kinesis Community™ to deliver unparalleled data synchronization and insight generation capabilities. More information about Kinesis Survey is available at:
95 of the Top 100 U.S. Business Schools Have Standardized on Qualtrics To Conduct Cutting-Edge Research
)\ZPULZZ ZJOVVSZ HYL WYLWHYPUN 4)( NYHK\H[LZ MVY KH[H PU[LUZP]L JHYLLYZ News Synopsis Qualtrics, the world’s leading provider of enterprise data collection and analysis software, today announced that Qualtrics Research Suite is the standard research platform for 95 of the top 100 U.S. business schools, as ranked by U.S. News and World Report. Because of the ease with which Qualtrics helps institutions conduct research, Qualtrics has seen rapid and widespread adoption at the nation’s premier business schools Key Facts The top 10 business schools as ranked by U.S. News & World Report have standardized on Qualtrics, including Northwestern University (Kellogg), Stanford and the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton). More than 1,300 colleges and universities use Qualtrics Research Suite, allowing faculty, administrators and business school students to conduct sophisticated research. Over 250 institutions have adopted Qualtrics as their institution-wide data collection platform. Business schools use Qualtrics Research Suite for a variety of applications, including market research, experimental design, administration of programs, course evaluations, event registration, student surveys and alumni contact. Industry Context The Research Edge for New Hires One of the advantages for business schools using Qualtrics Research Suite is the ability to train students for data-intensive careers by introducing them to the enterprise survey platform used by more than half of the Fortune 100.
Su-Ting Yang, an MBA graduate from the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson, used Qualtrics in her academic research and now leverages that experience as a marketing research analyst at Nuance Communications. Yang\’s experience underscores how research competency can be an advantage in today\’s hyper-competitive job market. According to a 2012 study*, a majority of employers report that college new hires tend to lack the capabilP[` [V KV YVI\Z[ YLZLHYJO ÄUKPUN [OH[ [OL` C¹VIZJ\YLK the research techniques needed for solving information problems\” and \”rarely used any of the more traditional forms of research.\”
Supporting Quotes “I think it is safe to say nearly every single MBA student knows Qualtrics,” said Danielle Wanderer, CMO
at Qualtrics. “Today, the majority of university research – whether from faculty, administrators or students – is conducted using Qualtrics Research Suite.” “Being well-versed in Qualtrics allowed me to make an impact right away,” said Su-Ting Yang, an MBA graduate from the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson. “Many of the research techniques I learned using Qualtrics provided the foundation for me to seamlessly transition to the workforce. Because I was already very familiar with the technology, I was able to have an immediate and on-going positive impact in my job.”
Resources Qualtrics academic case studies ;OL C¹3LHYUPUN *\Y]LC¹ 7YVQLJ[ 0UMVYTH[PVU 3P[LYHJ` 9LZLHYJO 9LWVY[ 6J[VILY
ShopperMX Supports the Full Concept Development Process
In The News InContext Introduces ShopperMX™ The First Web-Based Shopper Platform to Simulate Product, Shelf, Store, Merchandising and Marketing Concepts, so Manufacturers and Retailers Can Anticipate How New Ideas Will Perform before Investing 0U*VU[L_[ :VS\[PVUZ OHZ PU[YVK\JLK [OL ÄYZ[ ^LI WV^LYLK virtual shopping platform that supports an end-to-end in-store concept development process—from generating new ideas to evaluating their viability to implementing them in the market. With ShopperMX, manufacturers and retailers can integrate new ideas in an exact replica of the in-store environment—and collaborate in real time with partners around the world to share, validate and perfect their vision. They can see their concepts in action—in the Z[VYL·ILMVYL [OL` NV [V THYRL[ ;OLYLMVYL [OL` ZPNUPÄcantly reduce the investment risk around launches. “Whether you’re looking at a product, shelf, category or the entire store, creating new retail experiences that drive sales is a critical but challenging process,” says Mark Hardy, CEO of InContext. “ShopperMX overcomes the traditional concept development hurdles, with a unique, web-driven approach that lets internal and external teams easily share up-to-date information—seeing the same conJLW[Z H[ [OL ZHTL [PTL [V KL]LSVW HUK L_LJ\[L H \UPÄLK vision. Everyone can visualize ideas exactly as they will appear in store—and contribute to building and perfecting those concepts to deliver optimal sales, right from day one of launch. Providing a real-world simulation that duplicates the retail experience, ShopperMX slashes the time, cost and logistical complexity of introducing new concepts and strategies.” To ensure accurate insights into launch performance, Shopper MX includes a range of tools and metrics that provide information on shoppers’ thoughts, attitudes and decision process. Visual Attention Analyses explain what H[[YHJ[Z ZOVWWLYZ» L`LZ HUK PUÅ\LUJLZ [OLPY HJ[PVUZ ;OLU behavioral and attitudinal measures pinpoint the leading concepts that deliver sales results.
092 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
Shopper MX supports and streamlines the entire concept development process—from ideation to evaluation to activation. It provides a fully-integrated approach that empowers companies to:
.LULYH[L PKLHZ HUK JVSSHIVYH[L [V YLÄUL [OLT >P[O KYVW and drag tools, users can move store aisles, change category adjacencies or reformat planograms. In addition, they can import artwork to create and place new marketPUN ZPNUHNL VU [OL Å` Test and evaluate concepts to inform decisions. Shopper MX lets stakeholders incorporate data to validate concepts…understand eye tracking patterns with Visual Attention heat maps…and evaluate sales performance using behavioral and attitudinal shopper metrics. Then it allows users to visualize changes with color blocking and integrated analytics. Share concepts, and activate plans. Developers can download snapshots and videos directly from ShopperMX and email them to stakeholders to ensure compliance. In addition, they can export new concepts and integrate them with shelf planning tools.
:OVWWLY4? 0Z +LZPNULK MVY ;VKH`»Z .SVIHS VU [OL 4V]L >VYSK ShopperMX was created for collaboration around the world—and on-the-go. Its web-based platform lets users share their screens, email images or create videos to support global teamwork and decision making. “ShopperMX fully supports anytime, anywhere collaboration,” according to Hardy. “Users can demonstrate their ideas on tablets or PCs when they are on the road—or create powerful largescreen presentations with they are in the boardroom. In addition, with its software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, ShopperMX lets users log in from any place in the world, from any web accessible device. There are no costly technology infrastructure investments, lengthy waits for deployment or extra costs for special hardware VY 0; YLZV\YJLZ 7S\Z V\Y \UPX\L WSH[MVYT NP]LZ \ZLYZ [OL ÅL_PIPSP[` [V [HPSVY JVUJLW[Z MVY ZWLJPÄJ YL[HPS L_WLYPLUJLZ·HUK J\Z[VTize their vision to the unique needs of every target audience.”
Market Probe Announces the Winners of 2013 Multi-Sector Customer Advocacy Monitor Banks
Investment Companies
Credit Cards
Auto Manufacturers
Casual Dining
The national survey asked customers to evaluate their recent customer and brand experiences to assess their impact on Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score and Advocacy.
Market Probe World Headquarters 2655 N. Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 Phone: (414) 778-6000 Email:
¿QG \RXU UHVHDUFK H[SHUW WRGD Perception Research Services
Hagen/Sinclair Research Recruiting
Since 1972, Perception
SSI (www.surveysam-
We have the resou
Research Services has is the pre-
the know-how, an
specialized in research
mier global provider of
solid persistence t
to help marketers “win
sampling solutions and
at retail” by breaking
data collection for survey
research responde
through clutter, connect-
research. SSI reaches
for any kind of qua
ing with shoppers and driving sales. Today, PRS
respondents in 78 countries via Internet, telephone
study. We use a focused and professional a
conducts over 800 shopper studies annually on a
and mobile/wireless. Value-add services include
proach to recruit consumer and B2B focus
global basis ...
questionnaire design consultation, survey program-
interviews, and site visits as well as newer o
and ethnographic methodologies.
tion, and data processing. SSI serves more than
3,000 clients, including 48 of the top-50 research
Rabin Research Company Started in 1963, Rabin Research, a full-service
QualTopics™ is an
marketing research com-
text-based qualita
research tool whic
pany headquartered in downtown Chicago, has
Interview Services of America
lows a moderator
ISA is one of the largest
live, one-on-one w
studies for hundreds of major companies world-
data collection and re-
a respondent, usin
wide. Our extensive controls ensure accurate, high
porting companies in the
platform similar to instant message, to gain
quality study results.
United States with 325
insight into opinions and perceptions. QualT
CATI stations across 3
provides high impact research to further unc
phone centers in the U.S.
valuable consumer insights which can help
conducted about 5,000
IDG Research Services At IDG Research we have two primary focus areas; Marketing and Media-Related Research and Employee Engagement. Our clients range from top technology companies to educational institutions, but our focus on quantitative research remains the same. We service advertising agencies, media companies, b2b and b2c marketers and HR professionals. READ MORE >> 094 >> Survey Magazine > July 2013
We are known for our superior service and offer a
your key strategic business decisions.
wide range of data collection options including F2F, qualitative capabilities and advanced, innovative technologies for IVR and “Flash” online research.
We also offer a user friendly ORT. With our full suite
e-Rewards®, Inc
of data collection offerings, we can handle any proj-
global leader in pe
ect. We have been multicultural experts for over 30
sion-based digital
years specializing in Asian and Hispanic Americans
collection and rep
and emerging markets, providing in-language data
headquartered in
collection worldwide.
Texas. With over 1
employees worldwide, the company operat through its business units.
Complete Research Connection The CRC team is excited to announce that we have recently opened a brand new research facility. This fully-equipped, modern
facility is conveniently located in Grandview Heights, just 15 minutes from the Port Columbus International Airport. Our new location, has all of the amenities of a downtown location with a suburban feel. The facility consists
of four rooms tailored to meet the size of your
PeopleMetrics can help you transform your customer experience and make better
nd the
project needs from small to large. CRC features an
decisions using sophisticated market research methods. We use a combination of
IDI room, two focus group suites, and a large multi-
analytical expertise, methodologies and proprietary software to help clients acquire
purpose room.
insights into customers, employees and markets. And this is just the beginning,
g Inc.
transforms customer experiences, creates an engaged workforce, and optimizes
we always help clients take action on these insights. The right action is what marketing spend.
B2B International B2B International is a
specialist business-to-
business market research consultancy that pro-
vides customized b-to-b market research and
n online,
ch al-
r to chat
ng a deeper
intelligence studies on a global scale. With 30 yearsââ&#x201A;Źâ&#x201E;˘ experience in b-to-b market research, B2B International has built up an impressive client portfolio. 0[ OHZ VMĂ&#x201E;JLZ HJYVZZ [OYLL JVU[PULU[Z 5VY[O (TLYPca, Europe and Asia) where its research specialists
have researched all the major geographical areas of
Decipher specializes in online survey programming, data collection, data processing
the world.
& reporting and custom technology development. Utilizing Web-based applications READ MORE >>
cover guide
K\J[PVU ZPNUPĂ&#x201E;JHU[S` PUJYLHZPUN [OL HJJ\YHJ` HUK X\HSP[` VM YLZLHYJO YLWVY[PUN As a pioneer in online feedback QuestBack aims to work in partnership with our clients to
c. is the
ensure they get the most
value out of our software
l data
solutions. Whether they are a world wide organiza-
tion undertaking a highly customised B2B satisfac-
tion program or a small enterprise seeking cus-
tomer feedback solutions we have the know-how
to help you get up and running or manage large or
Decipher integrates state of the art technology with traditional research techniques.
all parts of the project for you.
Gongos Research