Papilio By Surya Catalog 2014-2015

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Lifestyles 2014-2015 relax by romance

Papilio specializes in bringing affordable and stylish handmade rugs, grouped in market adapted lifestyle collections, each of which contains several price points, making the collections accessible to a variety of consumers and exemplifying Papilio’s philosophy that “design doesn’t have to be expensive.”

Papilio est spécialisée dans la fourniture de tapis faits main abordables et stylés, regroupés dans des collections de style de vie adaptées au marché, dont chacune contient plusieurs gammes de prix, rendant les collections accessibles à une variété de consommateurs et exemplifiant la philosophie de Papilio que “le design ne doit pas être coûteux.”

reborn rebel

Papilio has a reputation for being an innovator in the rug business and has won several international design awards for its recycled rugs, including the Red Dot Design Award and Henry Van de Velde Design Award.


Our dedicated design team located in Belgium creates rug collections and concepts, supported by textile technicians who are masters in the art of rug making. These innovative products are then produced in countries around the globe.

Papilio a la réputation d’être innovante dans le domaine des tapis et a gagné plusieurs prix internationaux de design pour ses tapis recyclés, incluant le Red Dot Design Award et le Henry Van de Velde Design Award. Nos styles de vie sont vendus aux consommateurs via des distributeurs de premier rang dans chaque marché:

Our lifestyles are sold to consumers via top ranked distributors in each market.

Nous proposons à nos clients: une sélection de tapis livrés depuis nos entrepôts de Belgique, avec une faible taille minimale de commande.

We offer our customers: A selection of rugs serviced from our warehouses in Belgium, with low minimum order size.

Une vaste collection, développée selon vos besoins, avec des quantités de commande réduites.

A wider collection to choose from, developed and sourced to your needs in surprising low MOQ (marked in our catalogue as “upon request”).

Des tapis et des concepts, complètement construits et adaptés à vos désirs et aspirations.



Rugs and concepts to cater for your brand or your specific requirements.

Papilio es una firma especializada en la confección de alfombras hechas a mano asequibles y elegantes, agrupadas en colecciones de estilos de vida adaptados al mercado, cada una de ellas tiene diversos precios, haciendo que las colecciones sean asequibles a una amplia variedad de consumidores, y ponen de manifiesto la filosofía de Papilio en el sentido que “el diseño no debe ser caro.” La reputación de Papilio es la de un innovador en el mercado de las alfombras, y ha obtenido diversos premios internacionales de diseño por sus alfombras recicladas, inclusive el Red Dot Design Award y el Henry Van de Velde Design Award. Nuestros estilos de vida se venden a los consumidores a través de distribuidores clasificados en cada mercado: Ofrecemos a nuestros consumidores: Una selección de alfombras directamente desde nuestros almacenes en Bélgica, con baja exigencia de pedido mínimo. Una colección más amplia para elegir, desarrollada y originada para sus necesidades en una CMP sorprendentemente baja (indicada en nuestro catálogo como “contra pedido”). Tapices y conceptos para proveer para su marca o sus requerimientos específicos.

We are the Papilio family, I’ve got all my sisters with me We are the Papilio family, Get up everybody and sing Living life is fun and Pepper has just begun in rags and shags she’s commanding her share graphic and whimsical trendy and hip could you deny her, we wouldn’t dare


Poem has joined us with romance abound her pretty muted colours to soften your day and blooming in countryside hues she’s too charming only for us to say


In praise of luxurious elegance here’s Pride warm rich colours with charm and soul in timeless esthetics she’s so refined the glamour she brings we cannot hide


Pure has a heart too big for this world her love for an authentic natural surround spoils of leather and bamboo aside it’s with style that she can be found


Count on Planet wanting to go far away so great the oriental influences she brings ashore with ethnic and baroque mingled in its abundance of history, we think it’s galore


Rejoice we can share our five lifestyles so close our goal it will be to give in a family dose that’s what we call our golden rule you it will be, our next family jewel We are the Papilio family, I’ve got all my sisters with me We are the Papilio family, Get up everybody and sing

The Papilio Sisters


L i f e s t yle Pepper


in rags and shags she’s commanding her share graphic and whimsical trendy and hip could you deny her, we wouldn’t dare

Pepper A spicy mix of trendy and hip rugs for fun loving teenagers and the younger ones.

Un mélange pimenté des tapis tendances et prestigieux pour les adolescents qui adorent s’amuser et pour les plus jeunes.

Una mezcla condimentada de alfombras innovadoras y modernas para adolescentes que les encanta la diversión y para los más jóvenes de la casa.

L i f e s t yle Pepper

Living life is fun and Pepper has just begun

High content recycled materials used


L i f e s t yle Pepper Small variations possible

Pantone TPX: 17-0205

MILITARY Recycled Tents, Leather l etters & Eyelets 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pepper



L i f e s t yle Pepper

This collection with its high degree of rock-‘n-roll can best be described as trendy and cool. The denim sense feels nice and has an impeccable quality. The fabric is 100% cotton and has a striking pattern. A tad rough, a tad special. The exciting texts and the robust finish with iron eyelets give this collection a young and spontaneous look.


Costaud et imperturbable - la meilleure description de cette collection d’une grande valeur rock-‘n-roll. La sensation denim est agréable, d’une qualité infaillible. Cent pour cent coton avec un stylisme frappant. Une pincée de robustesse. Une pincée d’exclusivité. Des textes frappants en combinaison avec une finition solide et des anneaux de voile en fer donnant à cette série un charisme jeune et spontané.


Robusta y sobria, es la mejor descripción para esta colección con un alto índice de rock-’n-roll. La agradable sensación de denim, infalible en su calidad. Ciento por ciento algodón y con un diseño que a nadie deja indiferente. Un poco robusta. Un poco aparte. Textos apasionantes y un acabado robusto con ojetes de acero, ofrecen a esta colección un atractivo joven y espontáneo.


100% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, Flat Pile 4’x6’, 5’x8’

100% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, Flat Pile 4’x6’, 5’x8’

Used Colors: Pastel Pink, Bisque, Taupe, Mocha

Used Colors: Charcoal, Lavender, Gray, Mocha

Pantone TPX: 14-1907, 15-1512, 15-1308, 17-1330

Pantone TPX: 18-3916, 19-3907, 14-3904, 17-1501, 17-1330



L i f e s t yle Pepper

QUOTE 100% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, Flat Pile 4’x6’, 5’x8’ Used Colors: Ash Gray, Olive, Mocha Pantone TPX: 16-0613, 17-0618, 17-1330



L i f e s t yle Pepper QUOTE Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pepper

Used Colors: Gray, Lemon, Dark Forest Pantone TPX: 18-0201, 12-0643, 19-0303



100% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, Flat Pile 4’x6’, 5’x8’

Used Colors: Gray, Carnation, Ash Gray Pantone TPX: 18-0201, 15-2718, 13-0000

QUOTE 100% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, Flat Pile 4’x6’, 5’x8’


skulls & studs This is definitely a visually dominant rug line. The skulls & bones design calls to mind old bonds of friendship and alliances. The rugs, with their repetitive design in bright fluorescent colours, evoke a clear, young and contemporary image. There are plenty of adjectives and superlatives in order to describe the “Metal” line with its typical strong tone and ambiance. Call it tough, hip, gothic, funky, harley, underground or whatever you want… In any case they are full of character, daring and very contemporary thanks to the nailed letters on recycled rubber. Indeed very “Metal”!

METAL Close-up


Sans aucun doute une série de tapis iconique. Des dessins de têtes de morts et d’os nous rappellent les liens d’amitiés et les alliances datant depuis le début des temps. Le motif répétitif avec des couleurs fluo donne au tapis une image claire, jeune et contemporaine. Il y a des adjectifs et superlatifs en abondance pour décrire la série “Metal” avec sa tonalité et son ambiance pimenté typique. On peut l’appeler dur, branché, gothique, funky, harley, secret, … à vous de décider. Les tapis ont certainement du caractère, sont très osés et contemporains avec les lettres clouées sur du caoutchouc recyclé. En effet vraiment très “Metal”.

Sin más, una serie de tapices determinados por las imágenes. De tiempos inmemoriales, los motivos de Skulls & bones invocan en la memoria vínculos de amistad y alianzas. Diseño repetitivo en llamativos coloures fluorescentes, evocan en las alfombras una imagen clara, joven y moderna. Hay una gran cantidad de adjetivos y superlativos para describir la serie “Metal” con su típico tono y ambiente riguroso. Llámele robusta, hip, gótica, funky, harley, underground o como quiera... Seguramente son llenas de carácter, atrevidas y muy modernas con sus letras clavadas sobre caucho reciclado. ¡Efectivamente muy “Metal”!


L i f e s t yle Pepper

Used Colors: Dark Forest, Magenta, Lemon, Sky Blue, Apple Green Pantone TPX: 19-0303, 17-2520, 12-0643, 15-4825, 15-0545



70% Rubber, 15% Felted Wool, 12% Metal, 3% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, Medium Pile 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’

Used Colors: Dark Forest, Gray Pantone TPX: 19-0303, 14-5002

METAL 70% Rubber, 15% Felted Wool, 12% Metal, 3% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, Medium Pile 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’



L i f e s t yle Pepper


L i f e s t yle Pepper


BONES 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’ Used Colors: Slate Blue, Lemon Pantone TPX: 14-4505, 12-0642



L i f e s t yle Pepper PEACE Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pepper


Used Colors: Slate Blue, Hot Pink Pantone TPX: 14-4505, 18-2143

PEACE 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’



L i f e s t yle Pepper WICKED


100% Recycled Printed Cotton 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Pantone TPX: 11-4201, 18-1856

WICKED Close-up


High content recycled materials used


L i f e s t yle Pepper

Small variations possible

Pantone TPX: 11-4201, 18-4334

WICKED 100% Recycled Printed Cotton 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


crocheted FLUO Nowadays the forgotten knitting and crocheting techniques from our grandmothers’ days are modern, cool and hip again. The “Granny” collection is a joyful allusion to the post stiches and tricot knitting of olden days. The nicely thick and deep-pile rugs of this collection with their genuine bright colours breathe out an atmosphere of well-being and security. Definitely a “must-have”.


Des techniques oubliées de tricotage et crochet de l’époque de notre grand-mère sont redevenues modernes, gaies et branchées. La collection “Granny” est un clin d’œil envers les piqûres et les tricots d’antan. Ces tapis agréablement épais aux longs poils avec des couleurs vives et authentiques sont, sans aucun doute, un “must-have”.

Antiguas y olvidadas técnicas de tejido y ganchillo de los tiempos de la abuela, vuelven a renacer de manera moderna, divertida y a la moda. La serie “Granny” es un guiño más que alegre a los puntos y tejidos de antaño. Una alfombra de pelo largo y deliciosamente gruesa con auténticos y nítidos coloures, respira un ambiente de bienestar y seguridad. Definitivamente un “must-have”.

L i f e s t yle Pepper


L i f e s t yle Pepper

PEPPER 34% Acrylic, 33% Cotton, 33% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’ Used Colors: Aloe, Hot Pink Pantone: TPX: 12-5201, 17-1937



L i f e s t yle Pepper PEPPER Close-up


PEPPER Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pepper

Used Colors: Aloe, Apple Green Pantone TPX: 12-5201, 15-0146



34% Acrylic, 33% Cotton, 33% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’

Used Colors: Aloe, Lemon Pantone TPX: 12-5201, 12-0643

PEPPER 34% Acrylic, 33% Cotton, 33% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’



L i f e s t yle Pepper

Used Colors: Aloe, Hot Pink, Lemon, Poppy, Burnt Orange, Bisque Pantone TPX: 12-5201, 17-1937, 12-0643, 17-1462, 18-1535, 16-1710



34% Felted Wool, 33% Cotton, 33% Acryclic Hand Woven, Made in India, Medium Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Ivory, Hot Pink, Poppy, Dark Forest, Bisque Pantone TPX: 11-0602, 17-1937, 17-1462, 180130, 16-1710

STEPS 34% Felted Wool, 33% Cotton, 33% Acryclic Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pepper

STEPS Roomshot



L i f e s t yle Pepper SHINE Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pepper




34% Acrylic, 33% Cotton, 33% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

34% Acrylic, 33% Cotton, 33% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Aloe, Hot Pink

Used Colors: Aloe, Apple Green

Pantone TPX: 12-5201, 17-1937

Pantone TPX: 12-5201, 15-0146

SHINE 34% Acrylic, 33% Cotton, 33% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile


SHINE 34% Acrylic, 33% Cotton, 33% Polyester Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile

2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Aloe, Poppy

Used Colors: Aloe, Lemon

Pantone TPX: 12-5201, 17-1462

Pantone TPX: 12-5201, 12-0643




L i f e s t yle Pepper CRASH Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pepper





100% Polyester, Hand Woven, Made in China, Medium Pile/No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’

100% Polyester, Hand Woven, Made in China, Medium Pile/No Pile 4’x6

Used Colors: Olive, Apple Green

Used Colors: Olive, Brick

Pantone TPX: 18-4005, 15-0545

Pantone TPX: 18-4005, 18-1547



100% Polyester, Hand Woven, Made in China, Medium Pile/No Pile 4’x6 Used Colors: Olive, Aqua Pantone TPX: 18-4005, 17-4432


L i f e s t yle Pepper BOXY Close-up


High content recycled materials used


L i f e s t yle Pepper

Used Colors: Carnation Pantone TPX: 16-2124

BOXY 30% Paper, 70% Polyester Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pepper Extend the aftertaste of your chocolate bar, crisps or candy by having its wrapper woven into your very own tuttifrutti carpet. Now that’s really a taste for recycling!!

Profitez plus longtemps de l’arrière-goût de votre barre de chocolat, vos friandises ou bonbons en utilisant son propre emballage tissé dans votre propre tapis tuttifrutti. Ceci est le summum du goût pour le recyclage!!

Amplíe aún más el regusto de su barra de chocolate, tostadas o golosinas teniendo su envoltorio tejido en su propia alfombra tuttifrutti. ¡Esto es realmente tener sabor para el reciclado!!

High content recycled materials used


L i f e s t yle Pepper

Small variations possible Used Colors: Violet, Aloe, Gray Pantone TPX: 18-2326, 12-5201, 14-5002

TUTTIFRUTTI 70% Cotton, 30% Recycled Packaging Material Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


t-shirts Shirt is a carpet full of colour, both ecological and playful. 100% composed of fabric from old T-shirts, cotton saved from the incinerator after having been a second skin. Worn down to the threads? Grown tired of the look? Or did you outgrow it? Don´t throw it away. Give it here. It´s back in fashion. It´s even lying at your feet.

Shirt est un tapis bariolé, écologique et également fantaisiste. Il est composé à 100% d’une étoffe de vieux T-shirts. Du coton sauvé de l’usine d’incinération après avoir fait office de seconde peau. Votre T-shirt est usé jusqu’à la corde ? Vous l’avez assez vu ? Ou il ne vous va plus ? Il ne faut pas le jeter, il faut nous le donner. Il est à nouveau tendance. Il se trouve même à vos pieds.

Shirt es una alfombra llena de color, ecológica y divertida. Está tejida al 100% con tela de camisetas viejas, algodón rescatado de la incineradora después de una vida como segunda piel. ¿Está raída hasta transparentar? ¿Te has cansado de verla? ¿O ya no te va bien? No la tires; dale una nueva vida. Vuelve a estar de moda. Hasta se pone a tus pies.


L i f e s t yle Pepper SHIRT Close-up

SIR-8000 High content recycled materials used


L i f e s t yle Pepper

Used Colors: Lavender, Mauve, Cobalt, Ebony, Ash Gray, Violet Pantone TPX: 13-3802, 18-2525, 17-4021, 19-4004, 16-4702, 18-1706



100% Cotton Hand Loomed, Made in India, Plush Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’10’, 18” Sample

Small variations possible

Used Colors: Magenta, Ruby, Plum, Teal, Mauve, Coral Pantone TPX: 19-1860, 19-1758, 19-1522, 19-4726, 16-2107, 18-1629

POPCORN 100% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pepper

Used Colors: Dark Forest, Aloe, Hot Pink Pantone TPX: 19-0303, 12-5201, 18-1663



100% Polyester Hand Tufted, Made in China, Low Pile 4’x6’

Used Colors: Dark Forest, Charcoal, Ash Gray, Mauve, Ruby Pantone TPX: 19-0303, 19-3900, 12-4302, 18-1633, 19-2041

PUNK 100% Polyester Hand Tufted, Made in China, Plush Pile 4’x6’



L i f e s t yle Pepper

PUNK 100% Polyester, Hand Tufted, Made in China, Low Pile 4’x6’ Used Colors: Mauve, Cobalt, Ash Gray, Gray Pantone TPX: 19-2009, 19-4027, 12-4302, 14-5002



L i f e s t yle Pepper SHUTOUT Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pepper

Used Colors: Ivory, Moss Pantone TPX: 11-0601, 16-0439



100% Polyester Hand Tufted, Made in China, Plush Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’

Used Colors: Burnt Orange, Ivory Pantone TPX: 17-1353, 11-4201

DUNK 100% Microfiber Hand Tufted, Made in China, Plush Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’



L i f e s t yle Poem


her pretty muted colours to soften your day and blooming in countryside hues she’s too charming only for us to say

Poem Spring is in the air with this collection of blooms in coutryside hues and pastel nuances.

Le printemps est dans l’air avec cette collection florissante caractérisée par les nuances rurales et les pastels.

La primavera se hace sentir con esta colección de flores en matices campestres y tonos pastel.

L i f e s t yle Poem

Poem has joined us with romance abound

3d structures 44

L i f e s t yle Poem

Are you looking for elegant and exclusive rugs? The 3D collection has everything that is needed in order to evoke a romantic atmosphere. This line, flat-woven or in a thick 3D texture, with romantic pastel shades and a combination of different structures, keeps on surprising. Furthermore, the woollen rugs are of top quality and excel as to resistance, durability and softness.

Êtes-vous à la recherche de tapis élégants et exclusifs ? La collection 3D a tout ce qu’il faut pour évoquer un soupçon de romantisme. Cette gamme de tapis, tissés à plat ou avec une texture 3D épaisse, aux tons pastels et une combinaison de structures différentes, continue de nous étonner. En outre, les tapis en laine, d’une exceptionnelle qualité, brillent de résistance, durabilité et douceur.

Other colours available in Pride page 70-71 Used Colors: Lime, Magenta, Bisque Pantone TPX: 13-0715, 17-2031, 16-1610

HANNAH 100% Wool Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


¿Busca un recubrimiento para suelos elegante y exclusivo? La serie 3D tiene todo para evocar una pizca de romanticismo. Tejido plano o con una textura gruesa y acolchada, con románticas tonalidades pastel y una combinación de 3D estructuras, hacen que esta serie sea siempre sorprendente. Por otra parte, las alfombras de lana son de excelente calidad. Destacan por su resistencia al desgaste, durabilidad y suavidad.


L i f e s t yle Poem

HANNAH Close-up



L i f e s t yle Poem


L i f e s t yle Poem

AMBER 100% Wool Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Lime Pantone TPX: 13-0715



L i f e s t yle Poem


L i f e s t yle Poem

AMBER 100% Wool Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Lime, Olive, Pastel Pink, Aloe Pantone TPX: 13-0715, 12-0619, 14-1508, 14-5706



L i f e s t yle Poem Bamboo fiber, praised as ‘the natural green and eco-friendly new type of textile material of the 21st century’, returns completely to nature at the end! Bamboo non-woven fabric is made of pure bamboo pulp, which has similar properties as viscose fibers.

La fibre du bambou qu’on estime être le nouveau type de matériel textile naturel, vert et écophile du 21ième siècle retourne à la fin complètement à la nature! Le tissu de bambou est fabriqué de pulpe de bambou pure, qui a des qualités similaires aux fibres viscose.

La fibra de bambú, elogiada como ‘el nuevo tipo de material textil verde y ecológico para el siglo XXI’, al finalizar su ciclo, ¡vuelve completamente a la naturaleza! Las telas no tejidas de bambú son confeccionadas de pura pulpa de bambú, la que tiene propiedades similares a las fibras de viscosa.

Bisque Pantone TPX: 14-1309



80% Bamboo, 20% Cotton Hand Loomed, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used Used Colors: Ivory Pantone TPX: 11-4201

High content recycled materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

PURE 80% Bamboo, 20% Cotton Hand Loomed, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Poem

Other colours available in Pride page 68-69 and in Pure page 112-113

Used Colors:



L i f e s t yle Poem CHLOE Close-up


also suitable for indoor use

innen High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content recycled materials used

Used Colors: Ivory Pantone TPX: 11-4201

CHLOE 100% Linen Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Poem

High content recycled materials used


L i f e s t yle Poem Used Colors: Ivory Pantone TPX: 11-4201

LAURA 100% Microfiber Machine Made, Made in China, Medium Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Poem




L i f e s t yle Poem JULIA Close-up


also suitable for indoor use

innen High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content recycled materials used

Pantone TPX: 11-4800, 16-1108,16-1212

JULIA Modern Structured Flatwoven Jute, Polyester & Natural Fiber 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Poem

High content recycled materials used


L i f e s t yle Poem Bisque, Olive, Sienna, Peach, Pastel Pink Pantone TPX: 14-1307, 16-1110, 18-1441, 13-1024, 14-1508

NIKI 30% Cotton, 30% Leather, 30% Polyester, 10% Felt Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


Small variations possible

Used Colors:


L i f e s t yle Poem

NIKI Roomshot


Other colours available in Pride page 84-85


L i f e s t yle Poem Used Colors: Pastel Pink Pantone TPX: 14-1508



100% Polyester Machine Made, Made in China, Thin High/Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Ivory Pantone TPX: 12-5202

DOLCE 100% Polyester Machine Made, Made in China, Thin High/Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Poem




L i f e s t yle Pride


L i f e s t yle Pride

In praise of luxurious elegance here’s Pride warm rich colours with charm and soul in timeless esthetics she’s so refined the glamour she brings we cannot hide

Pride Timeless sophistication is the key in this elegantly coloured and styled collection.

Sophistication intemporelle est l’âme de cette collection distinguée avec ses couleurs gracieuses.

La sofisticación atemporal es la clave en esta colección estilizada y de elegantes coloures.


L i f e s t yle Pride Used Colors: Gray, Ash Gray, Charcoal Pantone TPX: 14-0000, 15-3800, 18-5102, 16-1107, 14-0002, 19-3900



100% Bamboo Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’

Used Colors: Gray, Olive, Taupe Pantone TPX: 14-0210, 15-1116, 16-1212

SILENCE 100% Bamboo Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’



L i f e s t yle Pride

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

SILENCE High content natural materials used




L i f e s t yle Pride SILENCE Close-up


High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content recycled materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content recycled materials used

Used Colors: Ash Gray, Moss, Gray, Slate Blue, Charcoal Pantone TPX: 14-0000, 15-4305, 15-4706, 18-5102, 14-42006, 19-3900

SILENCE 100% Bamboo Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’



L i f e s t yle Pride



L i f e s t yle Pride Bamboo fiber, praised as ‘the natural green and eco-friendly new type of textile material of the 21st century’, returns completely to nature at the end! Bamboo non-woven fabric is made of pure bamboo pulp, which has similar properties as viscose fibers.

La fibre du bambou qu’on estime être le nouveau type de matériel textile naturel, vert et écophile du 21ième siècle retourne à la fin complètement à la nature! Le tissu de bambou est fabriqué de pulpe de bambou pure, qui a des qualités similaires aux fibres viscose.

La fibra de bambú, elogiada como ‘el nuevo tipo de material textil verde y ecológico para el siglo XXI’, al finalizar su ciclo, ¡vuelve completamente a la naturaleza! Las telas no tejidas de bambú son confeccionadas de pura pulpa de bambú, la que tiene propiedades similares a las fibras de viscosa.

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content recycled materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content recycled materials used

Other colours available in Poem page 50-51 and in Pure page 112-113

Used Colors: Slate Blue, Moss Pantone TPX: 16-4109, 17-4111, 16-5304

PURE 80% Bamboo, 20% Cotton Hand Loomed, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Pride



L i f e s t yle Pride HANNAH Close-up


Other colours available in Poem page 44-45


L i f e s t yle Pride

Used Colors: Cream, Slate Blue, Moss Pantone TPX: 12-0710, 17-4408, 16-4408



100% Wool Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Cream, Grey Pantone TPX: 12-0710, 16-1107, 15-0000

HANNAH 100% Wool Hand Woven, Made in India, Medium Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pride RIGA Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pride

Used Colors: Gray, Moss, Ivory, Gold, Iris Pantone TPX: 17-1210, 17-5111, 12-5202, 16-0945, 19-3936



100% Wool Hand Woven, Made in India, Medium Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’

Used Colors: Gray, Moss Pantone TPX: 17-1210, 17-5111

RIGA 100% Wool Hand Woven, Made in India, Medium Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’



L i f e s t yle Pride Used Colors: Chocolate Brown, Taupe, Beige Pantone TPX: 19-0912, 16-1334, 17-1328, 16-1120

CABLE 50% Wool, 50% Viscose Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pride

CABLE 50% Wool, 50% Viscose Hand Woven, Made in india, Medium Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Chocolate Brown, Gray, Taupe Pantone TPX: 19-0812, 18-1210, 18-1108



L i f e s t yle Pride Used Colors: Gray Pantone TPX: 14-1107



100% Viscose Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Dark Forest Pantone TPX: 19-0608

BOGATA 100% Viscose Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pride

BOGATA Roomshot



L i f e s t yle Pride BELLAGIO

80% Viscose, 20% Cotton, Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin PIle



80% Viscose, 20% Cotton, Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin PIle

2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample

2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Chocolate Brown

Used Colors: Chocolate, Ebony

Pantone TPX: 19-0915

Pantone TPX: 19-0840, 19-1101


80% Viscose, 20% Cotton, Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin PIle 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Gray Pantone TPX: 16-0606, 17-1210




L i f e s t yle Pride



80% Viscose, 20% Cotton, Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin PIle 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Slate Blue Pantone TPX: 17-4408, 16-4411


L i f e s t yle Pride CRYSTAL Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pride

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

CRYSTAL 100% Bamboo Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’ Used Colors: Gray, Charcoal, Olive Pantone TPX: 18-0201, 18-0601, 18-4005



L i f e s t yle Pride CAPUCCI Close-up

CPU-9000 / CPU-9001 / CPU-9002

CPU-9000 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’ Used Colors: Charcoal Pantone TPX: 19-4005


L i f e s t yle Pride

CPU-9002 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’ Used Colors: Charcoal Pantone TPX: 19-4005

Used Colors: Charcoal Pantone TPX: 19-4005

CAPUCCI 50% Wool, 50% Viscose Hand Loomed, Made in India, Medium Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’



L i f e s t yle Pride DOLCE Close-up


DLC-9000 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Olive Pantone TPX: 17-0510

DLC-9005 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Ivory


Pantone TPX: 12-5202

L i f e s t yle Pride

DLC-9001 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Olive Pantone TPX: 18-1112

Other colours available in Poem page 60-61

Used Colors: Charcoal Pantone TPX: 18-0601

DOLCE 100% Polyester, Machine Made, Made in China, Thin High/Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pride SONATA Close-up


SNT-1002 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Dark Forest, Beige, Gold Pantone TPX: 19-0303, 16-0920, 14-1012


L i f e s t yle Pride

SNT-1000 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Dark Forest, Chocolate Brown, Gold Pantone TPX: 19-030, 19-1218, 15-0927

Used Colors: Dark Forest, Ash Gray, Gray Pantone TPX: 19-0303, 16-1105, 14-5002

SONATA 60% Polyester, 40% Cotton Hand Loomed, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


outdoor Outdoor rugs turn lounging on a terrace into a refined feast. After all, rugs are real atmosphere creators. Furthermore, this collection is extremely powerful, both as to structure as well as to design. These rugs are resistant to every climate condition. The collection gives style to the new form of lounging in the open air. Are you looking forward to the summer as well?

Flâner sur votre terrasse devient un festin raffiné grâce aux tapis extérieurs. Après tout, des tapis sont de véritables créateurs d’atmosphère. Cette collection est d’une construction solide et d’un stylisme exceptionnel. Ces tapis résistent à toutes les conditions climatiques. Cette gamme donne un style à la nouvelle forme de flâner en plein air. Attendezvous aussi l’été avec impatience?


L i f e s t yle Pride Pantone TPX: 17-5102, 19-0515, 18-0201

HADIS Flat woven 100% Polypropylene 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


Las alfombras para exterior hacen que las reuniones en cualquier terraza sean una elegante celebración. Las alfombras son al fin y al cabo verdaderas creadoras de ambiente. Por otra parte, esta colección es muy fuerte en cuanto a su confección y diseño. Las alfombras soportan cualquier momento climatológico. La colección le ofrece estilo a la nueva manera de estar al aire libre. ¿Le dan ganas de que el verano llegue lo más rápidamente posible?


L i f e s t yle Pride

HADIS Flat woven 100% Polypropylene also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Pantone TPX: 17-1418, 19-0515, 18-0201



L i f e s t yle Pride



also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content recycled materials used

Pantone TPX: 16-0207

NAKHON Woven PP Ribbons 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Pride

High content recycled materials used

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content natural materials used

L i f e s t yle Pride

High content recycled materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content recycled materials used

Pantone TPX: 17-5102, 19-0515, 18-0201

PENANG Woven PP Ribbons 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pride

PENANG Roomshot


outdoor crocheted Not only, mammy reflects a cozy feeling in house, she is also warming up the atmosphere outdoor, by having her own outdoor -rug crocheted to create an even warmer outside feeling. The ultimate outdoor experience! Back to origin, handmade as it’s best! These series are also suitable for indoor use.

Ce n’est pas qu’à l’intérieur de la maison que mamie crée une ambiance chaleureuse. Elle donne aussi la chaleur au jardin avec son propre tapis outdoor, crocheté pour un feeling encore plus chaleureux. L’ultime expérience outdoor ! Retour à l’origine, fait main. Cette série est aussi utilisable à l’intérieur.

No solamente la madre refleja una sensación acogedora en la casa, ella también calienta el ambiente al aire libre, con su propio exterior con respaldo de ganchillo para crear una sensación exterior aún más cálida. ¡Una experiencia exclusiva al exterior! Volver al origen, ¡hecho a mano es lo mejor! Estas series también son aptas para su uso en interior.


L i f e s t yle Pride PURA


2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Pantone TPX: 18-0201

PURA Close-up


also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content natural materials used

High5’x7’6”, content recycled materials 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


Pantone TPX: 16-0207

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


High content recycled materials used

Pantone TPX: 17-1418

PURA Crocheted polypropylne 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Pride



L i f e s t yle Pride Pantone TPX: 17-000, 11-4800

PULAU Flat woven Polypropylene 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pride

PULAU also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used



FANBELT This carpet once drove engines: it’s made of old fan belts from cars and industrial machines. Its robust look indicates recycled sustainability. No possible doubt: this is a carpet that fits perfectly indoors, but that will win its spurs outdoors as well. Throughout the year, even. The polypropylene it contains makes it virtually indestructible. And if you listen carefully, you can hear it still turning at full speed somewhere inside. 98

Autrefois, ce tapis a entraîné des moteurs. Il est fait à base de vieilles courroies de ventilateur de voiture et de machines industrielles. Son look robuste indique une durabilité recyclée. Il n’y a aucun doute, il s’agit d’un tapis qui a parfaitement sa place à l’intérieur, mais qui se plaît aussi beaucoup à l’extérieur. Durant toute l’année, même. Le polypropylène qu’il contient le rend quasiment indestructible. Et si on écoute bien, on entend quelque part à l’intérieur encore ronronner les moteurs.

L i f e s t yle Pride Pantone TPX: 19-0405, 19-0509

FANBELT Recycled fanbelts and Polypropylene 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


Hubo un tiempo en que esta alfombra propulsaba un motor: está fabricada con antiguas cintas de ventiladores de coches y maquinaria industrial. Su robusto estilo remite a durabilidad y reciclaje. No hay duda: es una alfombra que encaja perfectamente en interiores, pero que también hará un buen papel al aire libre. Todo el año. El polipropileno que lleva hace que sea prácticamente indestructible. Y si escuchas atentamente, oirás que por dentro sigue funcionando a toda máquina.


L i f e s t yle Pride

High content recycled materials used

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

FANBELT Close-up



L i f e s t yle Pride TRUCK Close-up


also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used


L i f e s t yle Pride

Pantone TPX: 17-0510, 19-0509

TRUCK Recycled Truck Tyres & Polypropylene High content recycled materials used

2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pure


L i f e s t yle Pure

Pure has a heart too big for this world

her love for an authentic natural surround spoils of leather and bamboo aside it’s with style that she can be found

Pure Stylish collection inspired on the natural beauty that surrounds us.

Une collection gracieuse inspirée par la beauté naturelle qui nous entoure.

Elegante colección inspirada en la belleza natural que nos rodea.

rock The Rock: Specially-processed leather, cut into strips and woven by hand into an exceptional carpet with a unique vintage look. This is leather with a past, entirely in the style of now. Vintage lives.

Le Rock. Du cuir spécialement travaillé, coupé en lamelles et tissé à la main afin d’en faire un tapis exceptionnel possédant un look vintage unique. C’est du cuir avec une mémoire, entièrement façonné au goût d’aujourd’hui. Le vintage est vivant.


L i f e s t yle Pure Pantone TPX: 19-1218

ROCK Flatwoven Leather 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


La colección Rock: Cuero trabajado de un modo especial, cortado a tiras y tejido a mano hasta crear una alfombra extraordinaria con un estilo vintage único. Es cuero con un pasado, pero con el estilo más actual. ¡Viva el vintage!


L i f e s t yle Pure

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used



Flatwoven Leather 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Pantone TPX: 18-4105

Cuban atmosphere


L i f e s t yle Pure

How can you evoke an atmosphere of pure authenticity by means of rugs? That was the main issue for the designers of this attractive and warm “Havana” collection. The answer is as overwhelming as it is sublime. This collection demonstrates how materials are full of meaning. The dead honest wool and strips of cowhide with their warm look and composition call to mind the wonderful exotic Cuban atmosphere. Add the dark and warm matching colours and the party is complete. Care for a Daiquiri or a Mojito?

Comment évoquer une atmosphère d’une véritable authenticité par le biais d’un tapis? Tel était la question fondamentale pour les dessinateurs de cette collection “Havana” séduisante et chaleureuse. La réponse est aussi bien impressionnante que sublime. La gamme montre comment les matériaux peuvent avoir un sens particulier. La laine franche comme l’or et des bandes de peau de vache évoquent la merveilleuse ambiance exotique cubaine. Ajoutez les couleurs foncées chaudes assorties et la fête peut commencer. Un Daiquiri ou un Mojito vous tente?

¿Cómo evocar un ambiente de íntegra autenticidad con un recubrimiento de suelos? Esa fue la pregunta clave para los diseñadores de esta seductora y cálida colección “Havana”. La respuesta es tan contundente como sublime. La colección demuestra de que manera las aplicaciones del material pueden ser llenas de significado. La lana más pura y trozos de cuero de vaca rememoran con su cálida presencia y composición, la deliciosa y exótica animación en Cuba. Añada a esto los adecuados y cálidos matices oscuros, y la fiesta es completa. ¿Le dan ganas de servirse ya un Daiquiri o un Mojito?

Used Colors: Chocolate Brown, Mocha Pantone TPX: 19-1314, 19-1015, 19-1020, 18-1033, 19-0912

HAVANA 36% Leather, 36% Wool, 28% Polyester Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pure

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used



36% Leather, 36% Wool, 28% Polyester Hand Loomed, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Taupe, Gray, Charcoal, Chocolate Brown Pantone TPX: 19-080, 14-4501, -15-1309, 17-0205, 18-0403, 19-0912

High content natural materials used


L i f e s t yle Pure LODGE

LDG-5000 High content recycled materials used


Ce coton canvas durable est recyclé des tentes. Chaque pièce est unique, chaque trait a son histoire inconnue. Esta durable Lona de Algodón ha sido reciclada de carpas. Cada pieza es única, cada raya es un historia que no se ha contado.

Small variations possible Pantone TPX: 16-1105, 19-1934, 19-4037, 19-0516

LODGE Recycled Canvas overprinted, Eyelets & Cowhide application 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pure

This durable Cotton Canvas is Recycled from Tents. Every piece is unique, every scratch is an untold story.


L i f e s t yle Pure also suitable for indoor use

TEXAS Close-up

TEX-8000 High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used


L i f e s t yle Pure




100% Leather, Hand Crafted, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

100% Leather, Hand Crafted, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Mocha, Gold

Used Colors: Dark Forest, Beige, Chocolate Brown

Pantone TPX: 18-1130, 18-1029, 18-1048, 14-1012

Pantone TPX: 19-0303, 13-5304, 19-0912, 19-1317, 18-1027

TEXAS 100% Leather, Hand Crafted, Made in India, Thin Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Mocha Pantone TPX: 18-1130, 18-1029, 18-1048




L i f e s t yle Pure Bamboo fiber, praised as ‘the natural green and eco-friendly new type of textile material of the 21st century’, returns completely to nature at the end! Bamboo non-woven fabric is made of pure bamboo pulp, which has similar properties as viscose fibers.

La fibre du bambou qu’on estime être le nouveau type de matériel textile naturel, vert et écophile du 21ième siècle retourne à la fin complètement à la nature! Le tissu de bambou est fabriqué de pulpe de bambou pure, qui a des qualités similaires aux fibres viscose.

La fibra de bambú, elogiada como ‘el nuevo tipo de material textil verde y ecológico para el siglo XXI’, al finalizar su ciclo, ¡vuelve completamente a la naturaleza! Las telas no tejidas de bambú son confeccionadas de pura pulpa de bambú, la que tiene propiedades similares a las fibras de viscosa.

Used Colors: Light Gray, Taupe, Olive Pantone TPX: 16-1106, 16-0205, 17-1310



80% Bamboo, 20% Cotton Hand Loomed, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

Used Colors: Gray Pantone TPX: 17-0205, 18-1210, 13-0403

High content recycled materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

PURE 80% Bamboo, 20% Cotton Hand Loomed, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 9’x13’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Pure

Other colours available in Poem page 50-51 and in Pride page 68-69

Color (Pantone TPX): Taupe(16-0205),Light Gray(16-1106),Olive(17-1310)



L i f e s t yle Pure Banana Fiber: The banana fiber is extracted by hand stripping and decortication. It’s a 100% eco-friendly fiber. This fiber looks like bamboo fiber. It is strong, shiny, lightweight and biodegradable. Banana fibers were used for making ropes and mats till recent past. With its many qualities getting more popular, the fashion industry is also fast adopting this fiber for the making of various fashion clothing and home furnishings.

Fibre Banane : La fibre banane est extraite par décapage à la main et décorticage. C’est une fibre 100 % respectueuse de l’environnement. Cette fibre ressemble à la fibre Bambou, elle est forte, brillante, légère et biodégradable. Dans un passé récent les fibres bananes étaient utilisées pour la fabrication des cordes et des paillassons. A cause de la croissance de la popularité de ces multiples qualités, l’industrie de la mode est en train d’adopter rapidement cette fibre pour la fabrication de divers vêtements de mode et revêtements de maison.

Fibra de plátano: la fibra de plátano se extrae por descascarado y descortezado a mano. Se trata de una fibra 100% ecológica. Esta fibra tiene el aspecto de una fibra de bambú. Es fuerte, brillante, liviana y bio-degradable. Hasta hace poco, las fibras de plátano se utilizaban para la confección de cuerdas y alfombras. Gracias a todas estas cualidades, se ha hecho más popular, la industria de la moda también adoptó rápidamente esta fibra para la confección de varias prendas de vestir de moda y mobiliario doméstico.

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content recycled materials used

BNA-6002 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Taupe, Mocha High content natural materials used Pantone TPX: 18-1312, 18-1409




High content recycled materials used

2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Used Colors: Eggplant, Chocolate Pantone TPX: 19-1619, 19-3316

Used Colors: Taupe Pantone TPX: 15-1215, 16-1310

BANANA 70% Banana Silk, 30% Cotton Hand Loomed, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Pure

High content natural materials used


L i f e s t yle Pure Camel down is the soft warm inner down of a bactrian camel with a fiber structure similar to cashmere, it does not felt easily. Baby camel top has grown more popular every year and offers a luxury fiber at a low price.

Le duvet de chameau est le duvet intérieur doux et chaud d’un chameau bactrien avec une structure de la fibre similaire au cashmere, il ne feutre pas facilement. Le peigné d’un jeune de chameau devient de plus en plus populaire chaque année et offre une fibre luxueuse à un prix bas.

Los hilos para este tapiz se han hecho de pelo de camello. La estructura de la fibra es igual a la cachemira, la que es reconocida por la resistencia de sus fibras. Con los años, la piel trasquilada de los animales jóvenes se ha hecho muy popular, y ofrece una lujosa fibra a un precio bastante razonable.


L i f e s t yle Pure

Used Colors: Chocolate, Sea Foam, Black, Chocolate Pantone TPX: 19-0915, 14-0105, 19-0303, 18-0930



80% Wool, 20% Jute Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used Used Colors: Chocolate, Sea Foam,

High content natural materials used

Black, Chocolate Pantone TPX: 19-0915, 14-0105, 19-0303, 18-0930

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

CAMEL 80% Wool, 20% Jute Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pure Continue reading your Sunday paper! Discarded newspapers have been collected, cut into strips and handcrafted into these creative rugs. As the paper’s structure has not been interfered with by neither glues nor any other chemicals, this recycling is truly innovative and ecoresponsible in its most honest form.

Continuez à lire votre journal de dimanche! Des journaux jetés ont été rassemblés et coupés en bandes pour fabriquer ces tapis créatifs faits main. Vu que la structure du papier n’a pas été traitée avec de la colle ou des produits chimiques, ce recyclage est complètement innovant et fait preuve d’une responsabilité écologique en sa forme la plus honnête.

¡Siga leyendo la edición dominical de su periódico! Se recolectan los periódicos desechados, se cortan en tiras y se convierten en estos creativos tapices. Puesto que en la estructura de papel no interfieren pegamentos ni otros productos químicos; este reciclado es verdaderamente innovador y ecológicamente responsable en su forma más honesta.


L i f e s t yle Pure

Used Colors: Light Gray Pantone TPX: 14-6305



59% Newspaper, 27% Jute, 14% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content recycled materials used

Small variations possible

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used High content recycled materials used


High content recycled materials used

Used Colors: Black, Taupe Pantone TPX: 19-0303, 16-1305

PAPER 59% Newspaper, 27% Jute, 14% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pure Making use of the age old technique of combining straw with kraft paper this rug is not intended to be a disposable, it will reward you over time with its enduring service and pleasing natural patina.

En utilisant la technique séculaire de la combinaison de la paille avec du papier d’emballage, on obtient un tapis qui n’est pas un objet jetable. Au contraire vous allez être récompensé avec son service durable et sa patine naturelle confortable.

Hacer uso de la antiquísima técnica de combinar paja con papel kraft en esta alfombra no significa que sea desechable. Dentro de un tiempo, le va a recompensar con su duradero servicio y agradable pátina natural.


L i f e s t yle Pure

Used Colors: Black, Olive, Beige, Black Pantone TPX: 19-0614, 17-1107, 13-1007, 19-0303



55% Paper Straw, 30% Cotton 15% Leather Hand Loomed, Reversible, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content natural materials used

High content recycled materials used Used Colors: Charcoal, Olive Pantone TPX: 18-0000, 17-1107

High content natural materials used


High content natural materials used


55% Paper Straw, 30% Cotton, 15% Leather Hand Loomed, Reversible, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pure Black, Gray, Ivory Pantone TPX: 19-0000, 17-4402, 11-0701

PAINT 100% Hair on Hide Hand Crafted, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


Small variations possible

Used Colors:


L i f e s t yle Pure by courtesy: Hotel Messeyne

PAINT Roomshot



L i f e s t yle Pure Used Colors: Black, Tan Black Pantone TPX: 19-0614, 17-1038, 19-0303



95% Jute, 5% Leather Hand Loomed, Reversible, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Black Pantone TPX: 19-0614

EQUUS 85% Leather, 15% Felt Hand Loomed, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Pure

EQUUS Roomshot



L i f e s t yle Planet


so great the oriental influences she brings ashore with ethnic and baroque mingled in

its abundance of history, we think it’s galore

Planet A worldly flavoured collection balanced with oriental, ethnic and baroque influences.

Une collection mondiale parfumée avec les influences orientales, ethniques et baroques.

Una colección de gusto sofisticada equilibrada con influencias orientales, étnicas y barrocas.

L i f e s t yle Planet

Count on Planet wanting to go far away


L i f e s t yle Planet POEM Close-up



L i f e s t yle Planet

Used Colors: Burgundy, Teal, Gray, Burnt Orange, Salmon, Teal, Gold, Tan, Gold, Teal, Burgundy, Irisl Pantone TPX: 19-1627, 19-4535, 17-1502, 16-1260, 15-1516, 18-4718, 18-0835, 18-1154, 15-0850, 15-5210, 19-1724, 19-3842



70% Polyester, 30% Cotton Hand Woven, Reversible, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Small variations possible

Used Colors: Teal, Forest, Violet, Olive, Black, Black, Olive, Eggplant, Taupe, Taupe Pantone TPX: 19-5217, 19-5406, 19-3730, 19-0307, 19-1101, 19-42018, 19-0810, 19-2816, 17-1316, 16-0906

POEM 70% Polyester, 30% Cotton Hand Woven, Reversible, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Planet PRIDE Close-up



L i f e s t yle Planet

Used Colors: Olive, Teal, Pastel Pink, Taupe, Mauve, Dark Forest, Mocha Pantone TPX: 17-1316, 15-1217, 17-4818, 19-0617, 18-3220, 16-1511, 17-1410, 15-1114, 16-3205



50% Natural Jute, 30% Polyester, 20% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Small variations possible

Used Colors: Dark Forest, Mocha, Olive, Violet, Squash, Burnt Orange, Ruby, Teal, Taupe Pantone TPX: 19-6311, 17-1327, 19-0511, 18-1018, 19-2430, 17-1048, 17-1140, 19-1555, 19-4914

PRIDE 50% Natural Jute, 30% Polyester, 20% Cotton Hand Woven, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Planet





100% Wool Hand Woven, Reversible, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

100% Wool Hand Woven, Reversible Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Magenta, Eggplant, Burgundy, Chocolate, Magenta, Mauve, Beige

Orange, Rust, Burgundy, Olive, Tan, Gold, Taupe, Beige, Chocolate

Pantone TPX: 19-2025, 17-1608, 19-1522, 19-2118, 17-1818,

Pantone TPX: 18-1163, 18-1441, 19-1540, 16-0632, 18-1154,

15-1906, 13-1108

17-1045, 17-1223, 14-1116, 19-1020

Used Colors: Black, Mocha, Taupe, Olive, Olive, Olive, Olive, Taupe, Black Pantone TPX: 19-0614, 18-1033, 18-1017, 15-0513, 18-1110, 19-0809, 17-1310, 16-1010, 19-4008

TIBET 100% Wool Hand Woven, Reversible, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Planet

TIBET 100% Wool Hand Woven, Reversible, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Salmon, Olive, Burgundy Pantone TPX: 16-0526, 16-0526, 17-1623



L i f e s t yle Planet LIMA Close-up

RPLI01-2220 High content recycled materials used


L i f e s t yle Planet

Used Colors: Magenta, Aqua, Gold, Violet, Eggplant, Teal, Lime, Olive, Burnt Orange, Tangerine, Magenta, Lavender, Burnt Orange Pantone TPX: 17-1818, 17-4427, 15-0948, 19-3632, 18-1720, 16-5123, 14-0226, 18-0332, 18-1163, 15-1150, 18-2326, 18-3834, 18-1249



100% Recycled Silk Hand Loomed, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Ivory, Teal, Tangerine, Eggplant, Lime, Magenta, Olive, Magenta, Peach, Poppy Pantone TPX: 11-4202, 19-4324, 16-1164, 18-1720, 14-0226, 18-2326, 18-0332, 17-1818, 12-0826, 17-1553

LIMA 100% Recycled Silk Hand Loomed, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Planet TIGRIS Close-up



L i f e s t yle Planet

Used Colors: Teal, Violet, Gray, Olive, Plum Pantone TPX: 19-4726, 19-2410, 14-0210, 17-1028, 18-1725, 19-2814



100% Wool Hand Tufted, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample

Used Colors: Olve, Chocolate Brown, Rust, Burgundy Pantone TPX: 17-1109, 17-1028, 19-1218, 19-1540, 18-1537, 19-1535

TIGRIS 100% Wool Hand Tufted, Made in India, Low Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Planet Pantone TPX: 19-1314, 12-0404, 15-1214

AMARILLO Flatwoven Cotton & Jute, Printed 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample



L i f e s t yle Planet



Flatwoven Cotton & Jute, Printed 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample Pantone TPX: 16-1324, 15-1214, 12-0404

RECYCLED Canvas STOP the WAR! Rugs made of Recycled Army Tents. Every piece is unique, every scratch is an untold story. This CANVAS rug, part of the Memorial collection, was created by Papilio to remember and honor our loved ones who lost their lives during the worldwide wars. This rug is made of Recycled Army tents with a cross stitch technique in leather. 140

ARRÊTEZ la GUERRE! Des tapis en tentes de l’armée recyclées. Chaque pièce est unique, chaque trait a son histoire inconnue. Ce tapis CANVAS, une partie de la collection Memorial, a été crée par Papilio pour commémorer et honorer nos proches qui ont perdu leur vie pendant les guerres mondiales. Ce tapis est fait de tentes de l’armée recyclées en utilisant une technique de point de croix en cuir.

L i f e s t yle Planet 19-1116

CANVAS Patchwork of Recycled Canvas & Leather cross-stitch 2’x3’,2’6”x8”, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10, 18” Sample


Small variations possible

Pantone TPX: 15-0513,

¡NO MÁS GUERRA! Alfombras confeccionadas en con Carpas del Ejército Recicladas. Cada pieza es única, cada raya es un historia que no se ha contado. Esta alfombra CANVAS, que forma parte de la colección Memorial, fue creada por Papilio para recordar y honrar a todos aquellos que perdieron sus vidas durante las guerras mundiales. Esta alfombra ha sido confeccionada con Carpas del Ejército Recicladas con una técnica de costura en cruz de cuero.


L i f e s t yle Planet

CANVAS High content recycled materials used



L i f e s t yle Planet High content recycled materials used

OWI Close-up

OWI-8000 High content recycled materials used

This durable Cotton Canvas is Recycled from Tents. Every piece is unique, every scratch is an untold story.

Esta durable Lona de Algodón ha sido reciclada de carpas. Cada pieza es única, cada raya es un historia que no se ha contado.

Small variations possible Pantone TPX: 16-1324, 15-1214, 12-0404

OWI Recycled Canvas overprinted with Leather finishing 2’x3’, 2’6”x8’, 4’x6’, 5’x7’6”, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


L i f e s t yle Planet

Ce coton canvas durable est recyclé des tentes. Chaque pièce est unique, chaque trait a son histoire inconnue.



L i f e s t yle Planet

Used Colors: Taupe, Taupe, Chocolate, Eggplant, Olive, Olive Pantone TPX: 15-1304, 16-1305, 19-1118, 18-3712, 18-0928, 19-0809



100% Leather Hand Crafted, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’

Tan, Chocolate Pantone TPX: 17-1430, 19-0912

OLYMPUS 100% Leather Hand Crafted, Made in India, No PIle 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10’, 18” Sample


Small variations possible

Used Colors:


L i f e s t yle Planet

also suitable for indoor use

High content natural materials used

OLYMPUS 100% Leather Hand Crafted, Made in India, No Pile 2’x3’, 4’x6’, 5’x8’, 8’x10, 18” Sample Used Colors: Light Gray, Light Gray, Taupe, Beige, Taupe Pantone TPX: 14-0708, 14-1107, 15-1307, 14-1212, 17-1322

High content natural materials used


alphabetic summary

Amarillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138-139 Amber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-49 Banana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114-115 Bellagio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79 Bogata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-77 Bones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Boxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-75 Camel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-117 Canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-141 Capucci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82-83 Chloe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53 Crash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Crystal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-81 Dolce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60-61, 84-85 Dunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Equus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124-125 Fan Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-99 Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 Gentle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-121 Hadis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-89 Hannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-45, 70-71 Havana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-107 Honulu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-57 Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Laura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-55 Lima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-135 Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108-109 Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Military . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Nakhon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90-91 Namada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146-149 Niki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-59 Olympus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144-145 Owi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-143 Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122-123 Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118-119 Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Penang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-93 Pepper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-23 Poem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-127 Popcorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Pride. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-131 Pulau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-97 Punk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 Pura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94-95 Pure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51, 68-69, 112-113 Quote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11 Riga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-73 Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104-105 Shine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 Shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37 Shutout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41 Silence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-67 Sonata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86-87 Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110-111 Tibet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132-133 Tigris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136-137 Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-101 Tuttifrutti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 Wicked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Zip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

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