Results and follow up for CSA The stakeholders that signed the CSA and were actively involved in the CSA in Action in different roles and capacities, evaluated very positively the implemented Governance model and also the individualised piloting experiences run in the local territory of Lordelo do Ouro. All the stakeholders had the chance, throughout the CO.RE project, to establish a local network which could be further developed in order to strengthen the community and its development.
CSA in Action: Seville, Spain
The territory
In Spain, the CO.RE piloting phase has been implemented in the Province of 2 Seville, which has a surface of 14.042,3 Km and a population of 1.928.962 inhabitants. The population has grown by 30,48% in the last 20 years, and represents 22,9% of the entire Region of Andalucía. Within this context, the Spanish group wanted to find out about the population of the province of Seville who were living in conditions putting them at risk of social exclusion and work with this group of people under the CO.RE framework. As a starting point, they working group decided to base its work on different articles from the Spanish Constitution: article 9, establishing that Public authorities must guarantee effective equal rights for all, and promote the participation of all citizens in political, economic, cultural and social life; and article 35, stating that all Spanish people have the duty and right to work, and to the free election of profession and promotion through work. Accordingly, the central aspect of the Spanish project was the definition of social groups that may be considered at risk of social exclusion, and thus potential beneficiaries of CO.RE measures. Taking into account the legislation, these are the categories of people that may be considered at risk of social exclusion: People receiving minimum income support or similar benefits and members of the unit of co-existence of the recipients. People who have no access to benefits. People lacking the required period of residence or remuneration (for depletion of perception of the legally established maximum period of perception). Young people aged between 18 and 30 years, from child protection institutions. People with addiction problems, in rehabilitation and re-integration programmes. Prison inmates, and former prison inmates. Institutionalised Minors whose position gives them access to employment, those who are on probation status and former inmates. People of alternative accommodation centres, authorised by the Autonomous Communities. People from prevention services and social integration authorised by the Autonomous Communities. 28