6 minute read
Age group: 14-18
Cooperation, Tolerance, Argumentation.
Time required:
50 minutes
Number of people:
Minimum 15, maximum 25.
Equipment, materials, and space needed:
Story for each
participant, indoor. Activity explored and suggested by: Liceul Technologic Zeyc Domokos - Romania.
Aim of the method: To develop argumentation skills, to increase tolerance, to cooperate, and to improve the ability to compromise
Preparation: The facilitator hands out the story for each participant. The facilitator arranges the room for groups of 13 participants and an outside circle for observers.
INTRO The facilitator tells this story: “During an atomic attack, the Earth’s population is dying, leaving only 13 people alive in a bunker. However, they only have enough food for 8 people. select the 5 people that sould be left out (the ones who are needed the least), provided that the remaining 8 people can later become a healthy society again.”.
EXPERIENCE The roles are distributed among the players. Everyone takes on the role he or she has been given and the group has to decide together who to put out of the bunker. Of course everyone tries to argue why he or she should stay in the bunker. If there are more than 13 players, the others are observers. These are the role-cards received by the participants:
1. A 16 years old girl, expelled from high school, currently pregnant.
2. An officer dismissed for violent police behavior. He has a gun. Handsome man.
3. A 75 years pastor.
4. A 36 years old female doctor, with no child.
5. A 46 years old male violinist. Alcoholic.
6. A 20 years old conscript soldier, Syrian refugee, unskilled.
7. A 39 years old female, former prostitute (abandoned this activity four years ago).
8. A homossexual architect.
9. A 26 years old male law student.
10. The law student’s 25 years old wife, who has spent the past 9 months in a mental department and is still heavily sedated. They do not want to divorce.
11. A 38 years old teacher who has been physically disabled since birth because of a genetic defect and his future children have a high probability of inheriting the disability.
12. A 30 years old biology expert — single and does not want a child —, good farmer and expert in cloning.
13. A 70 years nuclear physicist from a social minority group.
The participants start by making individual decisions and then making group decisions, having to work together as a team to arrive at a common denominator.
DEBRIEFING The facilitator promotes a discussion about what happend, asking: “Was it difficult to decide?”, “Could you argue for your own decision?”.
CLOSING The facilitator thanks the participants for their cooperation.
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