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Susana Anรกgua Selected recent Works www.anagua.wordpress.com

Disambiguation Page, CTT Building , Castelo Branco, 2012 As a concept I asked to a several people from different backgrounds to read some technical instructions pages from Metal-Mechanism company losted in 1944. I knew they wouldn’t be able to understand the context so I asked each one to make a interpretative draw of that page. There was 6 different pages and 11 people; 6 artists , 1 architect , 3 mental disoriented people and a Technological Physicist .

Cristina Ataíde , 2012 INSTRUCTIONS 1944-2012

MATINHA 2010 (with the artist Ana João Romana) The first film of the series features Ana João Romana and Susana Anágua in dialogue on the respective trajectories and the way they cross in the project Matinha, a mutual collaboration in an industrial abandonee place . An old Gasometer was explored in several aspects, Ana found and interviewed the old workers and later se wrote on the place the stories of then in white vinyl installation and Susana Anágua filmed a tour around the 360º of the path inside the structure. The music is made in an collaboration after the video was done.

Matinha l 2009 Ana João Romana & Susana Anágua music "8551120 Assemblage Project" voice over Bob Grist 2'49'' from the original piece (6' 08'')

MATINHA 2010 (with the artist Ana Jo達o Romana) Installation, writing in place with vinyl words

MATINHA 2010 (with the artist Ana Jo達o Romana) Video installation, writing in place with vinyl words

MATINHA 2010 (with the artist Ana Jo達o Romana) BOX , hand made box covered with Fabric . Inside: video dvd player and 9 photos.

MATINHA 2010 (with the artist Ana Jo達o Romana) Video installation, writing in place with vinyl words

Critical text: Maria do Mar Fazenda Festina Lente Festina Lente (Make haste slowly) Two interpretations transcribed from/on/in the same space. The lessons described open up two distinct premonitions about a specific site. The device and the individual. Two concomitant times that act on a place that closes multiple continuities into itself. The active (working) past, the memory in the present (the intimate). The cadence that results from the research conducted by Ana João Romana and Susana Anágua around the (inactive) Gas Factory in Matinha refers to a fragment from Giorgio Agamben that says “this festina lente, this alternating astonishment and lucidity, discovery and loss, passion and action constitute the rhythm of the study”. A study in duet. two seconds of black film. Scene: EASTERN AREA OF LISBON: GASOMETERS OVERLOOKING THE RIVER. EXTERIOR. DAY. Characters: FORMER WORKERS. TWO ARTISTS. A FOREIGNER. a panorama with the structure of a gasometer at the centre, where the gaze is framed by the network of pipes through which the various stages of the gas have passed (tar, ammonia, sulphur). The impalpable made physical, visible albeit secret. The reason for the design produced by these pipes is enigmatic. Though their surroundings, circularity and distribution favors their understanding. As if the design were explanatory of itself. The presence of man hangs between the nature’s energy and the technology’s device. Here, it is remembered. the foreign voice, of the character that has nothing to do with the place, describes the space that is being presented to us. Oscillating between factual observations about the construction and outdatedness of the place and small episodes from the lives of former workers. The participants are introduced in this story that takes place between various times and unfolds in a space that is in suspense. (the voice off is simultaneously diegetic and non-diegetic, when the text relating directly with the narrative, sometimes, coincides with the texts that were inscribed in the place of action. At other times, these snippets of text on which the gaze of the camera falls work as intertitles integrated into the picture. In turn, the voice adopts this breathing space between pictures.) fade in. the place is materialized by the word, is like Marc Augé describes the ability of places that are the opposite of what he identifies as non-places. The “Matinha” project, which revolves around what could be described as a non-place, gives it the right to speak again, that is, transcribes the identity of

a memory, discovers the relational intimacy, describes the historic bridge; bestows its interpretation a feeling of festina lente.

Maria do Mar Fazenda Independent curator and art critic, was born in Lisbon in 1977. Graduated in Fine Arts from the Slade School of Fine Art, University College London. Completed a post-graduation course in Curatorial Studies at the Faculdade de Belas Artes - Universidade de Lisboa, in 2005. Curator of the Portuguese representation in the 10th International Biennial of Contemporary Art – Gyumri, Armenia and also of the exhibitions Finisterra (2008), at Centro Cultural de São Lourenço, Algarve; Só e Possível se formos 2 (2007), Serralves Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art, Porto and Centro das Artes de Sines, Sines; Trabalhar cansa (2007), Galeria Arte Contempo, Lisbon; A Hurtadillas (2004), Galeria Los 29 Enchufes, Madrid. Writes regularly for the monthly magazine L+Arte (Lisboa) and for catalogues and other specialized magazines. Text for the catalogue Matinha| Ana João Romana & Susana Anágua - arteportugal’s current exhibition. Until August 27, 2009.

Carris. Arte em Movimento. Quatro propostas e quatro artistas. Alexandre Farto, Vasco Araújo, Susana Anágua, Susana Mendes Silva. «… que despertaram os sentidos para uma nova paisagem urbana de bairros históricos alfacinhas, através da (re)descoberta destes quatro emblemáticos veículos, classificados como Património Nacional»

IN_TER_SEC_ÇÃO, 2010 Magnifying Lents in a steel structure 180cmx30x25cm

IN_TER_SEC_ÇÃO, 2010 Magnifying Lents in a steel structure 180cmx30x25cm

Natureza Mecância , 2006 Solo Exhibition. Photography, sculpture and video. Presença , Gallery Oporto.

“No futuro vejo a necessidade de devolver à arte os momentos de contemplação”, defende Susana Anágua (Torres Vedras, 1976). “Gosto da envolvência contemplativa entre o observador, o objecto e o artista, mas sempre com uma vertente conceptual. Sempre gostei muito dos conceitos que envolvam a ideia de ciclo, de rotação, encantamento e de paisagem. Como um catalisador de uma experiência individual, um encantamento, uma hipnose que nos vira para dentro e nos devolve a nós mesmos”.

Natureza Mec창ncia, 2006 metal boxlight 126x126x15cm Duratran digital Photgraphy

ESTRANHA COMPANHIA, 2006 metal boxlight 126x126x15cm Duratran digital Photgraphy

DESORIENTAÇÂO, 2006 metal box light 126x126x15cm Duratran digital Photography

DESNORTEAR, 2006 126x126cm , metal and compasses, motor and magnetic field Sculpture

DESNORTEAR, 2006 126x126cm , metal and compasses, motor and magnetic field Sculpture DESNORTEAR, 2006 Video mini dv, loop .

Desert’s Rose 1999/06 Fundação PMLJ Iron box, motor

Desert’s Rose 1999/06 Fundação PMLJ Iron box, motor

MOINHO DE BOLAS 2005 Concrete Machine at CIMPOR Company Video mini DV, 9´min , sound. Music by Paulo Sousa.

pré-Homo FP1 , 2005 Still video

pré-Homo FP2 , 2005 Still video

NORTHLESS 2008 Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Project room, Camjap . http://www.e-vai.net/content/view/1230/44/

(on-line interview) Ideas such as the loss of spatial references and the effort involved in recovering them are at the origin of this artistic proposal by Susana Anágua. In one of the videos we witness an insect’s experience while in reconnaissance of an inhospitable environment – a white sheet of paper – and looking for its way back into Nature. In another video, the radar at Lisbon’s airport gyrates uninterruptedly searching for and identifying coordinates. In a third work, a large panel of compasses confuses the viewer: a magnetic field of artificial magnets subjects the pointers to uncontrolled movements, thereby stripping them of their function and exhibiting a transgression of the magnetic polar laws. Leonor Nazare

Susana Anágua Desnorte 17 de Julho a 26 de Outubro de 2008 Sala de Exposições Temporárias do CAM Curadora: Leonor Nazaré http://cam.gulbenkian.pt/index.php?article=69982&visual=2&queryParams=orderby|&positi on=17&queryPage=1&langId=1

Caterpillar, 2008. Video mini DV, loop.

POLAR, 2008. 2600 compasses on a panel , glass, motor and magnetic field

RADAR, 2008. Video mini dv , loop

Desnorte = Northless: [catálogo da exposição] With texts of : Leonor Nazaré /curator and Jorge Molder / Artist and Art Director

“New 7 Wonders of the World” 07-07-07 the Election “Para fazerem parte do projecto "7 Maravilhas edp", a empresa desafiou 7 artistas plásticos nacionais de renome para criarem obras da sua autoria, adequadas a cada monumento das 7 Maravilhas de Portugal - Joana Vasconcelos, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Ângela Ferreira, Fernanda Fragateiro, João Tabarra, Miguel Palma e Susana Anágua. Luz, electricidade, energias renováveis, comunidade, efémero e arquitectura foram as linhas orientadoras para o processo criativo inerente a este projecto. A inauguração das obras dos artistas será feita já a partir deste mês, e até Maio de 2008 os monumentos serão também palco de um concerto com um dos 7 músicos nacionais “

7Maravilhas de Portugal, 2008. 3Instalation, iron , acrylic tube, motor and water Mosteiro da Batalha

7Maravilhas de Portugal, 2008. 3Instalation, iron , acrylic tube, motor and water Mosteiro da Batalha

7Maravilhas de Portugal, 2008. 3Instalation, iron , acrylic tube, motor and water Mosteiro da Batalha

7Maravilhas de Portugal, 2008. 3Instalation, stones and iron Mosteiro da Batalha

Campo de Batalha 2007 Project room, Arte Lisboa, Fil Video Loop from a energetic field Susana Anágua 12/7/10 13:01 Formatted: Font:TimesNewRomanPS-Bol dMT, 10 pt, English (US)

Campo de Batalha 2007 Project room, Arte Lisboa, Fil Light Box and duratran photography 7 / 10 : Mário Pires Cordeiro, Isabel Simões, Susana Anágua, Marta Sicurella, Rodrigo Oliveira, Mafalda Santos, Samuel Rama

7 Artistas ao 10.º Mês 11 de Outubro de 2005 a 8 de Janeiro de 2006 Galeria de Exposições Temporárias da Sede - Piso 01 Curadora: Leonor Nazaré Isabel Simões, Mafalda Santos, Mário Pires Cordeiro, Marta Sicurella, Samuel Rama, Susana Anágua, Rodrigo Oliveira http://cam.gulbenkian.pt/index.php?article=70025&visual=2&queryParams=orderby|&position=17&queryPage=3&lan gId=1

Author: Jorge Molder; Leonor Nazaré; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon). Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão. Publisher: Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão, 2005.

Mechanical Landscape , 2005

7 Artistas ao 10.º Mês Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Glass, iron magnetic and electric motor

LisboaGás, 2005

Photography, industrial machinery

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