BLOGGER • Function: Bloggers write, edit, post, and promote the content on their web pages or websites. They generate and pitch ideas, compose and edit posts, market posts to readers, and conduct research. • How to use it in education: Teachers can use it to share assignments with students, homeworks, videos or links to websites according to the topic. Also students can create their own blog to express feelings and ideas, as a writing journal. • Link: https://fresitaynaranjita.blogspot.com/
PADLET • Function: Online virtual “bulletin” board, where students and teachers can collaborate, reflect, share links and pictures, in a secure location. Padlet allows users to create a hidden wall with a custom URL. Padlet creators can also moderate posts, remove posts, and manage their board 24/7. • How to use it in education: Teachers can share different links and create assignments for students to investigate about a topic and share their ideas in a creative way, sharing opinins, and comment others work. • Link: https://wwww.padlet.com/framos5/x4569k33jwch
Function:The Edmodo network enables teachers to share content, distribute quizzes, assignments, and manage communication with students, colleagues, and parents.
• How to use it in education: It is a great platform to share the class topics with students, check homeworks easily, assign different types of quizzez, let students shate with others and use technology responible in the classroom and at home.
KAHOOT • Function: Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. • How to use it in education: Kahoot is an awesome tool to evaluate students and be creative. Students have fun and they are competing against others but in a safe and healthy way. It can be applied in any topic.
MAGISTO / POWTOON • Function: Magisto is an online video editor with a web application as well as a mobile app for automated video editing and production aimed at consumers and businesses.
Powtoon is a web-based animation software that allows users to create animated presentations by manipulating pre-created objects, imported images, provided music and user-created voice-overs. • How to use it in education: Both apps can be used to make assignments more interesting and develop students creativity. Also to make lesson funnier, to explain with a short video or give instructions. • Link: https://www.magisto.com/video/b0cGKwANFzAtX0FiCzE?l=vsm&o=w&c=c https://www.powtoon.com/c/cSb7l7i33le/1/m