Reconnecting With Your Soul

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Reconnecting with your soul CHAPTER ONE

THE CHANGING FACE OF REALITY Love is a point On a bird’s wing . . . Flying into the sunrise Of our awareness. Since time began, we’ve lived in a world where darkness has been the dominant force—where an uplifting life is the exception rather than the rule. Isn’t it finally time to take charge of this tragedy and co-create the cooperation and oneness that will finally make us whole? At this special time in our history, our world is being offered a monumental evolutionary opportunity. With enormous support from the Forces That Be, our individual and collective consciousness is being deliberately accelerated for the purpose of rousing us out of our Ego’s primitive patterns of reactive negativity. It’s the second coming of Christ that’s been proclaimed for centuries! But this coming is not going to happen in a physical form. This time It’s emerging as a new, more enlightened focus of awareness within us all! This new consciousness will bring those who choose to accept It into the full realization of “Who They



Have Always Been”—an integral part of God and all life everywhere! As Jesus said, “What I can do, you can do also, and more!" This shift in consciousness isn’t something that will happen “someday.” It’s already well into its realization. I’m sure you’ve noticed the quickening of time, the electrifying pace, the heightened Energy, the exponential growth, the creative expansion, the escalating challenge, the rapidly-evolving oneness and the obvious disintegration of our old reactive ways of being. As this transformation has escalated, our world has been polarizing in two distinctly different directions—the “old way” and the “new way.” The direction we decide to take will be up to each of us. We can decide to embrace the new Energy of God’s Unconditional Love and Unlimited Creativity—or—we can cling to our Ego’s worn-out patterns of fear, conflict and limitation.. This is a choice we’ve all spent lifetimes preparing for and are now ready to make—whether we remember this choice or not. It’s time now to move beyond our Ego’s endless cycle of negative drama and connect with the more sublime unfolding that’s right now taking place. As this new Age of Enlightenment—or Soul-Consciousness—emerges within us, the aspects of our society that still adhere to our Ego’s old unworkable patterns have been breaking down, i.e. politics, business, finance, organized religion, health care, education, law, ethics and morality. At the same time, primitive emotions like hatred, aggression, violence, victimhood, retribution, dishonesty, cruelty, fear, blame, greed, gluttony, lasciviousness and insensitivity have been stepping into the spotlight for scrutiny. Like the Phoenix rising from its own ashes, old ways of being must first selfdestruct before they can resurrect themselves at a more enlightened focus of consciousness. As this transformation process unfolds, those who are awake enough to notice will suddenly become acutely aware of the serious glitches in our social mores— glitches that previously eluded us. When we open our eyes to the current condition of our world, we’ll suddenly “see” we’ve been blinded by our universal obsession with survival at any cost—with its relentless destruction of all living things. We’ll have to own up to the fact that our old way of life has created such overwhelming stress that most people experience some degree of physical and/or emotional dysfunction most of the time. Then there’s our out-of-control debt and inflation, our unexplained scarcities in the midst of abundance, the vicious and mindless rape of our global environment, and our excessive materialism and self-involvement—all pointing to



an inexplicable refusal to take charge of the way we live our lives. It’s time to face the crisis we have created through our own unawareness! When we open our eyes even further, we’ll discover our sense of beauty and sensitivity has been compromised in favor of senseless violence, a fascination with darkness and dumbness, and an insidious lowering of ethical and moral standards. We’ll see that our ability to communicate with one another has been sabotaged by an endless circling of personal and national agendas, and that millions have died through the ages defending religious interpretations that have nothing to do with their original truth. We’ll discover that we’ve relinquished our Soul’s inner knowing to our Ego’s out there information, and that our power elite have strangled our world in a relentless grip of greed. And then—as our blinders finally fall away—we’ll discover that the driving force behind all this fear and ignorance has been our own media—shouting its repetitious alarm messages and controlled information from an endless assortment of “communication” devices. It’s like an insidious shadow of darkness pulling the curtains closed on a bad play. Most people are afraid to think about all this, and keep themselves busy with a million little things that don’t matter. It’s where their debilitating need to be “busy” all the time comes from. But the worry is there—deep inside—gnawing at them. The world is having trouble staying asleep because of the growing pressure of these self-made nightmares. Clearly it’s time to commit to a new Way of Being! It’s time to face the crisis our own lack of awareness has created! The decision of which polarity we decide to support will be up to each of us. Those who choose the new frequency of God’s Unconditional Love and Unlimited Creativity will find their life growing more satisfying and synchronistic with each passing day—while those who continue to buy into their Ego’s primitive patterns of programmed reaction, conflict and subjugation will find things falling apart with an ever-increasing intensity. Life has grown weary of our indefensible resistance to our own evolution. It all depends on how gracefully we can each align ourselves with the Energy of this new age and release our misguided definitions of what works and what doesn’t. The ultimate goal of this new social/spiritual paradigm is the dissolution of our Ego’s reactive programming and the full acceptance of God’s Essence—as a benevolent Presence that lives within us all.



As our reactive negativity loses its hold over us, a growing momentum of positive change will take its place. If everyone does their part, it can become an age where the inner guidance of our Creator becomes the focal point of our lives. God’s Energy will then express at last through a fully awakened and receptive humanity. This incredible blessing will be ours when we decide to accept “God” as “a Great Spirit of Unconditional Love and Unlimited Creativity—eternally evolving through the unfolding consciousness of all life everywhere.” This means we are all Co-Creators with God and, as such, must become totally accountable for our special part of what life is forever becoming!

EXPLORING OUR NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD To begin this journey into our mutual awakening, let’s imagine we’re observing our lives through Gods eyes. When we utilize this more elevated perspective, our so-called “reality” abruptly transforms itself. It now becomes a direct reflection of how we’re each deciding to position our share of God’s Energy. Whenever things appear negative in our lives then, life is trying to show us what we need to evolve within ourselves in that moment. And when our experience is positive, It’s mirroring our progress. Life is a Self-reflecting process. Actively cooperating with this divine process places a new emphasis on inner accountability—rather than outer control—and evolves us all in the direction we were meant to go. “Evolution,” by its very nature, is a continually unfolding event—emerging out of what’s undeveloped and growing forever into what’s more developed or different. Any time you want to become more enlightened or more competent in any area of your life, it always requires the trial and error of correction, development and practice. By resisting this natural process—and constantly trying to look good when we don’t feel good—we’ve inadvertently disregarded our sacred role in God’s eternal evolution! Surely something we’ll want to correct as soon as possible! When we finally decide to become fully accountable for what’s “happening to us,” we’ll recognize that all our negative scenarios have simply been the product of our allowing someone or something else to position our share of God’s Energy for us. By fully accepting this fact, we’ll never again have to feel at the effect of what someone else has “done to us,” or how others have “made us feel.” We’ll at last realize we were born to co-create—not react—and become conscious participants in the evolution of all life everywhere!



Welcoming Your Soul’s Evolutionary Assignments “Evolutionary Assignments” are here defined as what your so-called “problems” can evolve into when you decide to become totally accountable for the direction of your part of God’s Energy. When you decide to perceive your challenges as Evolutionary Assignments like this, your “problems” will no longer be a negative experience! They’ll have transformed themselves into your Spiritual Teachers— there to invite you into a cooperative relationship with both your eternally evolving Soul and the collective consciousness of all life everywhere. This no-fault approach to life will continually encourage the deepening of everyone’s self-confidence and help us heal our relationships with others! When there is no blame or fault, there is no more reason for conflict or condemnation. Can you even imagine the positive impact it will have when we each decide to accept our failures and transgressions as the beginning stages of our next Evolutionary Assignment—and then support one another in that process? It will open us all to a new way of evolving together for God!

A Real Life Example of an Evolutionary Assignment Imagine with me now that you’ve just had a fairly long term experience with good health. Feeling healthy like this is, of course, a demonstration of your unblocked connection with the natural flow of life. Because life is all about an evolutionary interaction between your Ego’s challenges and your Soul’s resulting realizations however, this temporary feelgood must now surrender itself to the next stage of your evolutionary process. This next stage will ask for your conscious intervention into the old unworkable beliefs and behaviors that are getting in the way of your Soul’s evolution. This is when you might “catch” a bad case of the flu that’s “been going around.” We’ll further imagine that this misery and its related symptoms lasts for about three weeks—just long enough to get your full attention. Finally then, when you return to your usual good health, you find you have a renewed sense of what you previously took for granted. By temporarily departing from your good health like this—and then returning to it—you’ve sharpened both your awareness and your appreciation of that awareness. At this point, you’re apt to make determined declarations like “I’ve got to start taking better care of myself!” or “I’ll finally learn how to relax and enjoy myself!” or “I’ll stop trying to prove myself all the time!” or “I’ll learn to ask for help when



I need it!” If you’ll notice, you’re so excited about your rediscovered good in one area of your life, you want to take it into the other areas as well. There are two responses to this spontaneous spike in your awareness: You can do what most people do and experience a short burst of resolve, followed by an almost immediate return to your previous unawareness—or—you can embrace the Assignments your Soul has offered you through your impulsive declarations and deliberately orchestrate a more enlightened focus of your consciousness. If you choose to ignore your presenting Assignments, you leave your Soul no recourse but to create more intense wake-up calls. This is why so many people go from one apparent negative to another and finally end up with some kind of crisis or tragedy. It’s well to note here, that these evolutionary messages will escalate the level of their intensity until you pay attention to them! It’s their job! If you choose the second option, and decide to consciously evolve yourself, you’ll take charge of your old crazy-makers—like your lack of accountability for your own health, your hyper-busyness, your obsession with getting other people’s approval, and your old “I can do it myself” mind-set. By consciously accepting these free-flowing Assignments, you’ll co-create a healthier lifestyle, a balance between your activity and your rest, a new inner support system, and the ability to ask for help when you need it. Yo! That’s what your flu was all about! It wasn’t a bad thing! It was a good thing! And you didn’t “catch it” because “it was going around.” You co-created it in order to evolve yourself!

And so, whenever you work through an apparently painful challenge to the rewarding realizations on the other side, you, God, and all life everywhere have evolved together. It’s how we gradually open ourselves to the reciprocal magic of God’s Unconditional Love and Unlimited Creativity!

Trying On Your New Soul Perspectives The following list of new Soul perspectives will summarize the positive changes that await you in our new Age of Enlightenment. As I share these gifts with you, invest some real time in truly imagining, and then experiencing, how each of them might become real in your life. •

All your apparent “negatives” will now be redefined as the positive Evolutionary Assignments they were meant to become.


Everything you react to as unfair, hurtful, sinful, bad, wrong, and/or evil will now represent a divine invitation to evolve some aspect of God’s Unconditional Love and Unlimited Creativity within yourself.

Every perceived insult now becomes a signal to ferret out your own unconscious negatives and learn to Love yourself Unconditionally from within.

All change and disruption can now be welcomed as affirmative proof that you’re ready to evolve again for God and all live everywhere.

All apparent negatives now become sacred Messages— calling for an expansion of God’s Love and Creativity in your life.


Ask yourself now: Did you willingly imagine your self into your Soul’s possible future here? Or did you close yourself off from any new input? This exercise has two responses: It can either feel like an invitation or a threat. The way you responded will tell you whether you’re a part of the “old way” or the “new way.”

CHAPTER SUMMARY To sum it all up then, EVERYTHING that “happens to you”—or anyone else—has an evolutionary purpose. When you decide to embrace this more all-inclusive approach to life, you’ll be officially acknowledging God’s Unconditional Love and Unlimited Creativity as an integral part of “Who You Already Are.” There quite simply is no more powerful realization than this! As we each become a part of the profound awakening that is the essence of our current Age of Enlightenment, there’ll be no official recognition or public celebration. The media won’t mention it, and only a precious few will even be aware of it. This is because, at first, it won’t happen out there. It will happen in there. For some, it won’t happen at all, because they’ll be too busy defending their Ego’s old unworkables. When you finally decide to become an active participant in the grand evolution of God—or ALL THERE IS—you’ll be irresistibly drawn into this powerful new Energy of Light and Love. Suddenly, you’ll KNOW “Who You Really Are” with a conviction that goes beyond anything you’ve ever experienced! In this magical moment, you’ll find you’ve opened yourself to what lies beyond the prison of your Ego’s challenging reactions and you’ll at-last embrace your God-given



divinity! When you’re ready to make this leap of faith, you’ll find there’ll be no other choice. It will s-w-e-e-p you into a glorious reunion with “Who You Have Always Been”—a Co-Creator with God!

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” I Corinthians 3:16

Susan Christopher is the creator of The Possibility Factor—an original Soul-connection program that ran successfully from 1970 to 1998. This program offered counseling, speaking, workshops and ongoing classes. Susan has a BA in Education and an MS and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and is certified in Hypnosis, Neural Linguistic Programming, Reiki Healing, Bioenergetics, Transcendental Meditation and Channeling. Learn more at her website and blog at

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