Here’s How Colors Influence Your Purchase decisions

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Color Psychology has evolved into a topic that has garnered attention and interest of many psychologists and marketers from around the world. It has emerged as one of the most important elements that marketers use in order to boost their campaigns. Here’s a quick guide as to how the colors can impact buying decision of your potential customers. The info graph can help you in designing your next successful campaigns.

According to a research, 80% of consumers recognize the brand through their trademarked colors and 93% purchase decisions are based on visual appearance. This is exactly why appearance and colors have emerged as critical elements that

consumer psychologists now focus upon. Brands now select color themes around which they align their entire branding efforts like designing a logo and making a website.

Here is the list of colors that you can use for your next branding campaign. Each color is known to instigate different psychological feeling. Yellow is the color of happiness, it is used by many brands to create a feeling of bliss and cheerfulness. Red is a color of urge and passion. It is also known to instill hunger and appetite which is why many famous restaurants have their in house designed with a lot of red color.

Blue inculcates trust and loyalty, this is why majority of banks, big corporations and some NGOs use it as their primary color theme. Green is used by healthcare organizations or businesses that are more into nature. It reflects feelings of safety, hope and endurance. Pink is the color of love and used in feminine products. Black and Gray, the two most widely use colors portray professionalism and seriousness. That is why they are used to market luxury products and technology.

Some of the well-known brands classified with their brand colors. The YellowishGolden Mcdonald’s arches, Samsung’s Blue logo and Cadbury’s purple color. Aren’t we all too familiar with the color themes? Imagine Cadbury going yellow or McDonalds going purple. Makes you quiver, right? That’s how colors work.

Blue is the personal favorite of both the genders. Take a look at how colors appeal to different genders. Brands that are gender-specific can take great advantage of it.

Beware, don’t use these colors for your brand as they might put your consumers off. Brown and orange are the least favorites for both genders.

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