Smp curriculumvitae&bibliography

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STEVEN MAURICE PODOS, M.D. November 7, 1937 – October 10, 2009


Princeton University, A.B., Major: Chemistry Honors: Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi


Harvard Medical School, M.D.


Internship (Straight Medicine), University of Utah Affiliated Hospitals, Salt Lake City, Utah


Residency (Ophthalmology), Barnes Hospital; Assistant and Fellow (NINDB) in Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri


Chief Resident and Assistant Ophthalmologist, Barnes Hospital; Instructor and Special Fellow (NINDB) in Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri


Clinical Associate, Ophthalmology Branch, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland


Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine; Assistant Ophthalmologist, Barnes Hospital; and Consultant, St. Louis City Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri


Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine; Associate Ophthalmologist, Barnes and St. Louis Children's Hospital; and Consultant, St. Louis City and County Hospitals, St. Louis, Missouri



Professor of Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine; Ophthalmologist, Barnes and St. Louis Children's Hospitals; and Consultant, St. Louis County Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri


Professor and Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Director of the Department and Ophthalmologist-in-Chief, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, N.Y.

2005 -

Professor and Chair Emeritus, Department of Ophthalmology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, N.Y.

2006 -

Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, N.Y.

CERTIFICATION Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners, 1963 Diplomate of the American Board of Ophthalmology, 1968


American Academy of Ophthalmology American College of Surgeons


Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Pan American Association of Ophthalmology American Association for the Advancement of Science American Medical Association Medical Society of the State of New York Medical Society of the County of New York International Society on Metabolic Eye Disease New York Academy of Medicine, Section on Ophthalmology The American Ophthalmological Society International Glaucoma Committee The Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom The American Glaucoma Society

EDITORIAL BOARDS Survey of Ophthalmology, 1972-1997 Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 1973-1978 American Journal of Ophthalmology, 1974-1982 Journal of Metabolic Ophthalmology, 1975-1981 2


EDITORIAL BOARDS (Cont'd.) Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Editor-in-Chief, 1983-1988 Archives of Ophthalmology, 1988-1994 Clinical Vision Sciences, 1989-1992 Eyenet, 1997-2002 AWARDS, BOARDS, ORGANIZATION LEADERSHIP Exhibit: Cataracts and Dislocated Lenses Associated with Congenital and Hereditary Systemic Disorders, Edward Cotlier and Steven Podos, XXI International Congress of Ophthalmology, Mexico City, 1970, awarded the first prize Advisory Panel on Ophthalmology, United States Pharmacoepia, 1975-2000 Member, Visual Sciences Study Section A; National Institutes of Health, 1976-1980 Scientific Advisory Board, Fight for Sight, Inc., 1975-1984; Co-Chairman, 1979-1988, Research Scientific Advisory Board 1988Scientific Advisory Board, Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc., 1976 Award of Merit, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, 1976, Senior Award of Merit, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1987. Representative of AAOO to the National Committee for Glaucoma Education, 1977-1982 Board of Trustees, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 1977-1982 Board of Directors, National Society to Prevent Blindness, Inc., 1977-1987, Vice President, 1981-1987 Chairman, Glaucoma Section of ARVO, 1977-1978 President, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, 1982 Chairman, Scientific Research Committee, National Society to Prevent Blindness, Inc., 1981-1988 Advisory Board, Pennsylvania Lions, 1980-2005 Board of Trustees, Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO), 1983-1989, President, 1988 Chairman, Board of Scientific Advisors, Alcon Research Institute, 1982-1992, Executive Committee, 1992-2005 Alternate Councillor, American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1990 Scientific Affairs Advisory Committee, Allergan Inc., 1990-1992 President, New York Glaucoma Society 1993-1995 Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology, 1995-2005 Mildred A. Weisenfeld Award, ARVO, 1998 Jacobi Medallion, Mount Sinai, 1999 Alcon Research Institute Award, 2001 Guest of Honor, AUPO Meeting, 2005 Alcon Research Institute Establishment of annual Steven Podos Keynote Lecture, 2005 Distinguished Alumnus Award, Washington University Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2005 Scientific Advisory Panel of Research to Prevent Blindness, 2006Guest of Honor, American Glaucoma Society Meeting, 2007 Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize, Co-author on 2006 paper that won, 2007



PATENTS Method for Reducing Intraocular Pressure, U.S. No. 147, 172, Steven M. Podos, M.D., Theodore Krupin, M.D., Bernard Becker, M.D. Method for Reducing Intraocular Pressure and Treating Glaucoma, U.S. No. 596, 533, Steven M. Podos M.D., Janet Serle, M.D., Thomas W. Mittag, Ph.D. 8-iso Prostaglandins for Glaucoma Therapy, U.S. No. 6,037,368, Steven M. Podos, M.D., Thomas W. Mittag, Ph.D., Bernard Becker, M.D. U.S. No. RE 39,609, Steven M. Podos, M.D., Thomas W. Mittag, Ph.D., Bernard Becker, M.D. (5/1/07) SABBATICAL Business Techniques in the Health Care Industry, Allergan, Inc., June-July 1987.

GUEST LECTURES New York Medical College, 1970 Duke University School of Medicine, 1970 Stanford Ophthalmology Conference, 1972 Colorado Ophthalmological Society, 1972 Houston Ophthalmological Society, 1972 Wills Eye Hospital, 1972, 1975, 1982 University of Arkansas, 1973 Los Angeles Society of Ophthalmology, 1973 Louisville Academy of Ophthalmology, 1974 So. Illinois University School of Medicine, 1974 University of Florida, 1974 University of Illinois, 1974, 1978 New Jersey Academy of Ophthalmology, 1974 Nebraska Ophthalmological Society, 1975 Phoenix Eye Institute, 1975 Long Island Jewish Hospital, 1975, 1981, 1983 Rochester Ophthalmological Society, 1975 New York University, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1990 University of Tennessee, 1976 Nassau County Ophthalmological Society, 1976 Yale University, 1976 Chicago Ophthalmological Society, 1976, 1979 American Assoc. Pediatric Ophthalmology, 1976 University of Iowa, 1976 San Antonio Ophthalmological Society, 1976 Brooklyn Ophthalmologic Society, 1976 Connecticut Ophthalmologic Society, 1976 Brooke Army Medical Center, 1976 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology, 1976 Philadelphia Ophthalmic Club, 1976 Westchester Academy of Ophthalmology, 1976 4


GUEST LECTURES (Cont'd.) New London Post-Graduate, 1977 Lenox Hill Hospital, 1977, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1994 Albert Einstein School of Medicine, 1977, 1988, 1996 Tufts University, 1978 Albany Medical College, 1978, 1992 University of Utah, 1978 University of Pennsylvania, 1978, 1979, 1982 Washington University, 1978, 1984, 2005 New York Academy of Medicine, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 St. Louis Ophthalmological Society, 1979, 1984 New Jersey Ophthalmological Society, 1979 Washington Hospital Center, 1980 Louisiana State University, 1980 Memphis Ophthalmological Society, 1980 Fort Worth Ophthalmological Society, 1980 Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society, 1981 University of Michigan, 1981 Colorado Ophthalmological Society, 1981 Phoenix Ophthalmological Society, 1982 Kresge Eye Institute, 1982 Hershey Medical School, 1982 St. Vincent's Hospital, 1984, 1986 New York Hospital, 1984 Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1994, 1996 East Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, 1984 University of Wisconsin, 1987 Cornell School of Medicine, 1989, 1997, 2002 Englewood Hospital, New Jersey, 1989, 1991, 1992 Columbia University P&S, 1989, 1997 University of Oxford, UK, 2005 NAME LECTURES Canadian Ophthalmological Society Lecture, Toronto, 1982 Ticho Memorial Lecture, Jerusalem, 1983 Japanese Ophthalmological Society Lecture, Kyoto, 1985 Glaucoma Trust Lecture, New Zealand, 1985 Lorand Johnson, M.D. Memorial Lecture, Cleveland, 1988 Bernard Becker, M.D. Lecture, St. Louis, 1989 The Harvard Lecture and Professorship, Boston, 1991 Allergan Glaucoma Lecture, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, 1993 Charles May, M.D. Lecture, New York Academy of Medicine, 1995 Robert Coles, M.D. Lecture, New York, 1995 H. Saul Sugar, M.D. Lecture, Detroit, 1996 Glover-Lisman Lecture, New York 1996 Lewis Rudin Lecture, New York 1997 5


NAME LECTURES (Cont'd.) Mahlon Barlow Memorial Lecture, Baltimore 1998 Francis Heed Adler Lecture, Philadelphia 1998 Robert N. Shaffer (Amercian Academy of Ophthalmology), New Orleans 1998 Alcon Research Institute Millenium Award and Address, 2001 Irving Leopold Lecture, ODSTU, California, 2004 Gifford Lecture, Omaha, 2004 FACULTY Neuro-Ophthalmology Course: Inherited Diseases, Washington University, 1970 Round Table on Pediatric Ophthalmology: American Academy of Pediatrics Meeting, 1971 Instruction Course: Current Concepts in Glaucoma, Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, 1970; Angle-Closure Glaucoma,1972; Congenital and Secondary Glaucomas,1973; Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma, Recent Advances, 1975, 1976; Laser Iridectomy, 1979-1984; What's New in Glaucoma, 1986-1988 Continuing Education Course: Biochemistry and Physiology of the Eye, Metabolic Diseases and Glaucoma, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology,1972-1973; Chairman,1974-1975, Consultant, 1976, 1983 Faculty Workshop in Glaucoma: University of California, San Francisco, 1973 International Symposium: The Eye and Systemic Disease, University of Iowa, 1973 Symposium on Glaucoma: New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology, 1974; Washington Hospital Center, 1974; Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital, 1983 International Glaucoma Symposium: Horacio Ferrer Institute, 1973, Munich, Germany, 1974, Albi, France, 1974, Miami, 1977 Glaucoma Course: American Society for Contemporary Ophthalmology, 1975, 1976 Symposium on Education in Ophthalmology, Brown University, 1976 Ocular Therapy Update, Irvine, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987 Kresge Institute Post-Graduate Course, Detroit, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 Columbia University Post-Graduate Glaucoma Course, 1977, Alumni Meeting,1978 Conference: Jules Stein Institute Glaucoma, 1977, University of Minnesota,1977, Pennsylvania Academy of Ophthalmology, 1977 Mount Sinai Post-Graduate Course, 1977, 1978, 1984 Glaucoma Symposium: American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chairman 1978, 1980, 1982, 1991, 1996 Glaucoma Symposium: Louisiana State University, 1978; Caracas, Venezuela, 1979; Ohio State University, 1979; Cleveland Clinic, 1980; Ottawa, Canada, 1980; Tel Aviv, Israel, 1980; University of Pennsylvania, 1982; Jerusalem, Israel, 1983; Ottowa, Canada, 1992 Canadian Ophthalmological Society, Guest of Honor, 1982 International Glaucoma Symposium: Nara, Japan, 1978, Carmel, California, 1982, Bussum, Netherlands, 1986, Bali, Indonesia, 1990, Toronto, Canada, 1994, Edinburgh, Scotland 1998, Vancouver, Canada 2006 Japanese Ophthalmological Society, Guest of Honor, 1985 Glaucoma International: New York, 1986 Glaucoma Pharmacology Symposium, Vancouver, 1990 Glaucoma Seminar, MEETH, 1992 Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, San Diego, 1993 The Main Event, N.Y. Society of Clinical Ophthalmology, 1998 Irving H. Leopold Teaching Day, N.Y., 2004 6


FACULTY (Cont’d.) New Frontiers in Clinical Glaucoma, N.Y., 2004 Glaucoma Foundation Think Tank: Nanotechnology, session moderator, 2006 AUPO Symposium: Transition of Chairs, moderator, 2007

GRANTS (Principal Investigator) NIH Grant, 1975-1981, In Vivo Inhibitors of Ocular Prostaglandin Synthesis NIH Grant, 1981-1989, Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Vanadate NIH Grant, 1985-1991, Glaucoma and Alpha Adrenergic Antagonists RPB Grant, 1976-2004, Unrestricted Grant for Department of Ophthalmology NIH Grant, 2005-2008, A Bovine Eye Model for Steroid-Induced Glaucoma GRANTS (Co-Investigator) NIH Grant, 1975-1985, Multidisciplinary Research Training Grant NIH Grant, 1977-2009, Interdisciplinary Research (CORE) Center NIH Grant, 1981-1989, Prospective Trial of Radial Keratotomy NIH Grant, 1987-1990, Protein Phosphatase, Vanadate, and Intraocular Pressure

INTRAMURAL ACTIVITIES Chairman, Beth Israel Medical Center Ophthalmology Search Committee Member, Mount Sinai Medical School, Pathology, Medicine, and ENT Search Committees Chairman, Subcommittee to Define Full-Time Chairman, Mount Sinai Hospital Constitution Committee Chairman, Mount Sinai Medical Center Medicolegal Committee Member, Mount Sinai Research Administrative Committee Member, Mount Sinai Medical Center Appointments and Promotions Committee Member, Executive Faculty, 1975-1983 Chairman, Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Board Committee on Ambulatory Care Chairman, Elmhurst City Hospital Ophthalmology Search Committee Vice President, Mount Sinai Medical Board, 1981 Chairman, Mount Sinai Space Committee 1981-1985 President, Mount Sinai Medical Board, 1982 Executive Committee, Mount Sinai Medical Board, 1980-1987 Member, Institutional Review Board, 2005BEST DOCTORS LISTS New York Magazine, 1980, 1991, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Town and Country, 1984, 1989 Good Housekeeping, 1991 American Health, 1996 Ophthalmology Times, 1996 Castle-Connolly (America) 1992, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 7



Liebman, S.D., Pollen, A., and Podos, S.M.: Treatment of experimental total hyphema with intraocular fibrinolytic agents, Arch. Ophthal. 68:72, 1962.


Podos, S.M., Liebman, S.D., and Polen, A.: Treatment of experimental total hyphema with intraocular fibrinolytic agents, Part II, Arch. Ophthal. 71:537, 1964.


Podos, S.M., Fingerman, L.H., and Becker, B.: The effects of corticosteroids on the resorption of partial hyphema in rabbit eyes, Invest. Ophthal. 4:76, 1965.


Podos, S.M., and Freeman, M.I.: A diagnostic sign in head trauma - To contact lens wearers, Amer. J. Ophthal. 60:148, 1965.


Lieberman, T.W., Podos, S.M., and Hartstein, J.: homocystinuria, Amer. J. Ophthal. 61:252, 1966.


Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: Krukenberg's spindles and primary open-angle glaucoma, Arch. Ophthal. 76:635, 1966.


Podos, S.M., Becker, B., and Morton, W.R.: High myopia and primary open-angle glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal. 62:1039, 1966.


Sanders, T.E., and Podos, S.M.: Pars plana cysts in multiple myeloma, Trans. Amer. Acad. Ophthal. Otolaryng. 70:951, 1966.


Gundersen, T., Liebman, S.D., and Podos, S.M.: Chapter 8, Ocular Manifestations of Pediatric Systemic Disease; The Pediatrician's Ophthalmology, S.D. Liebman and S.S. Gellis, (eds.), C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, 1966.


Sanders, T.E., Podos, S.M., and Rosenbaum, L.J.: Intraocular manifestations of multiple myeloma, Arch. Ophthal. 77:789, 1967.


Podos, S.M.: Chapter 15, Ophthalmic Manifestations of Inherited Metabolic Diseases, Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, B. Becker and R.C. Drews, (eds.), C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, 1967.


Lieberman, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: Chapter 16, Homocystinuria, Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, B. Becker and R.C. Drews, (eds.), C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, 1967.


Fingerman, L.H., and Podos, S.M.: Chapter 19, Urokinase in the Treatment of Traumatic Hyphema, Current Concepts in Ophthalmology, B. Becker and R.C. Drews, (eds.), C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, 1967.


Rosenbaum, L.J., and Podos, S.M.: Traumatic ectopia lentis, some relationships to syphilis and glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal. 64:1095, 1967.


Acute glaucoma, ectopia lentis, and


PUBLICATIONS (Cont’d.) 15.

Podos, S.M.: Chapter, Retinal Pigmentary Disease; Clinical Concepts in Neuro-Ophthalmology, International Ophthalmology Clinics, Vol. 7, No. 4, A.J. Gay and R.M. Burde, (eds.), Little Brown & Co., Boston, 1967.


Minas, T.F., and Podos, S.M.: Familial glaucoma associated with elevated episcleral venous pressure, Arch. Ophthal. 80:202, 1968.


Podos, S.M., Minas, T.F., and Macri, F.J.: A new instrument to measure episcleral venous pressure, comparison of normal eyes and eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma, Arch. Ophthal. 80:209, 1968.


Smith, M.E., Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: Light-induced angle-closure glaucoma in the domestic fowl, Invest. Ophthal. 8:213, 1969.


Podos, S.M., and Canellos, G.P.: Lens changes in chronic granulocytic leukemia; possible relationship to chemotherapy, Amer. J. Ophthal. 68:500, 1969.


Podos, S.M., Einaugler, R.B., Albert, D.M., and Blaese, R.M.: Ophthalmic manifestations of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, Arch. Ophthal. 82:322, 1969.


Podos, S.M.: Hyperpyruvicemia with hyper-alaninemia, Report of a case with neuroophthalmologic abnormalities, Arch. Ophthal., 83:504, 1970.


Podos, S.M.: Chapter, Oculocutaneous Disease; Clinical Dermatology, D.J. Demis, R.J. Crounse, R.L. Dobson, and J.S. McGuire, (eds.), Harper and Row, New York, 1972.


Krupin, T., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: The effect of optic nerve transection on osmotic alterations of intraocular pressure, Amer. J. Ophthal. 70:214, 1970.


Podos, S.M., Kolker, A.E., and Becker, B.: Topical Cortico-steroids; Dissociation of Effects, Symposium on Ocular Anti-inflammatory Therapy, H.E. Kaufman, (ed.), Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 1970.


Podos, S.M., Krupin, T., and Becker, B.: Optic nerve transection and intraocular pressure response to various drugs, Invest. Ophthal. 9:492, 1970.


Krupin, T., Podos, S.M., Lehman, R.A.W., and Becker, B.: The effect of optic nerve transection on intraocular pressure in monkeys, Arch. Ophthal. 84:668, 1970.


Becker, B., Krupin, T., and Podos, S.M.: Phenobarbital and aqueous humor dynamics, effect in rabbits with intact and transected optic nerves, Amer. J. Ophthal. 70:686, 1970.


Marcus, D.F., Krupin, T., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: The effect of exercise on intraocular pressure I: Human beings, Invest. Ophthal. 9:749, 1970.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 29.

Marcus, D.F., Krupin, T., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: The effect of exercise on intraocular pressure II: Rabbits, Invest. Ophthal. 9:753, 1970.


Krupin, T., LeBlanc, R.P., Becker, B., Kolker, A.E., and Podos, S.M.: Uveitis occurring in association with topically administered corticosteroid, Amer. J. Ophthal. 70:883, 1970.


Podos, S.M., Krupin, T., and Becker, B.,: Effect of small-dose hyperosmotic injections on intraocular pressure of small animals and man when optic nerves are transected and intact, Amer. J. Ophthal. 71:898, 1971.


Becker, B., Krupin, T., and Podos, S.M.: Diphenyhydantoin and dexamethasone-induced changes of plasma cortisol; Comparison of patients with and without glaucoma, J. Clin. Endocrin. 32:669, 1971.


Krupin, T., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Effect of diphenyl-hydantoin on dexamethasone suppression of plasma cortisol in primary open-angle glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal. 1:997, 1971.


Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: 71:1153, 1971.


Podos, S.M., Krupin, T., and Becker, B.: Mechanism of intraocular pressure response after optic nerve transection, Amer. J. Ophthal. 72:79, 1971.


Asseff, C., and Podos, S.M.: Microsurgical procedures in open-angle glaucoma: A review, Surv. Ophthal. 15:374, 1971.


Podos, S.M., Krupin, T., Asseff, C., and Becker, B.: Topically administered corticosteroid preparations: Comparison of intraocular pressure effects, Arch. Ophthal. 86:251, 1971.


Sugar, A., Bigger, J.F., and Podos, S.M.: Hallermann-Streiff-Francois Syndrome, J. Pediat. Ophthal. 8:234, 1971.


Lehman, R.A.W., Krupin, T., and Podos, S.M.: The effect of intracranial hypertension on intraocular pressure, J. Neurosurg. 36:60, 1972.


Podos, S.M., Becker, B., Asseff, C., and Hartstein, J.: Pilocarpine therapy with soft contact lenses, Amer. J. Ophthal. 73:336, 1972.


Becker, B., Stamper, R.L., Asseff, C., and Podos, S.M.: Effect of diphenylhydantoin on glaucomatous field loss, Trans. Amer. Acad. Ophthal. Otolaryng. 76:412, 1972.


Internalize, externalize or filter?, Amer. J. Ophthal.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 42.

Becker, B., Podos, S.M., and Asseff, C.F.: Symposium on microsurgery of the outflow channels: Clinical research, Trans. Amer. Acad. Ophthal. Otolaryng. 76:405, 1972.


Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Intraocular Pressure Effects of Dilute and New Topical Corticosteroids, Symposium on Ocular Therapy, Vol. 5, I.H. Leopold (ed.), C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1972.


Podos, S.M.: Hereditary eye disease: Approaches to prevention, Sight Saving Review, 1972.


Holm, O., Becker, B, Asseff, C.F., and Podos, S.M.: Volume of the optic disk cup, Amer. J. Ophthal. 73:876, 1972.


Podos, S.M., Becker, B., Beaty, C., and Cooper, D.G.: Diphenyl-hydantoin and cortisol metabolism in glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal. 74:498, 1972.


Phelps, C.D., Asseff, C.F., Weisman, R.L., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Schlemm's Canal, Arch. Ophthal. 88:625, 1972.


Podos, S.M., Becker, B., and Hartstein, J.: Chapter 28, Pilocarpine Delivery With Soft Contact Lenses, Soft Contact Lens Symposium, A.R. Gasset and H.E. Kaufman, (eds.) C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1972.


Kass, M.A., Podos, S.M., Moses, R.A., and Becker, B.: Prostaglandin E1 and aqueous humor dynamics, Invest. Ophthal. 11:1022, 1972.


Becker, B., Podos, S.M., Asseff, C.F., and Cooper, D.G.: Plasma cortisol suppression in glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal. 75:73, 1973.


Asseff, C.F., Weisman, R.L., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Ocular penetration of pilocarpine in primates, Amer. J. Ophthal. 75:212, 1973.


Podos, S.M., Becker, B., and Kass, M.A.: Indomethacin blocks arachidonic acid-induced elevation of intraocular pressure, Prostaglandins 3:7, 1973.


Podos, S.M.: Editorial: Progress in glaucoma therapy, Invest. Ophthal. 12:3, 1973.


Keltner, J.L., Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: Effect of diphenyl-hydantoin in ischemic optic neuritis, Trans. Amer. Ophthal. Soc. 70:113, 1972.


Blood reflux into


PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 55.

Kaufman, P.L., and Podos, S.M.: Subretinal fluid butyrylcho-linesterase, I. Source of the enzyme and factors affecting its concentration in subretinal fluid from primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachments, Amer. J. Ophthal. 75:627, 1973.


Weisman, R.L., Asseff, C.F., Phelps, C.D., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Vertical elongation of the optic cup in glaucoma, Trans. Amer. Acad. Ophthal. Otolaryng. 77:157, 1973.


Phelps, C.D., and Podos, S.M.: Chapter, Genetics of Glaucoma, in Genetic and Metabolic Eye Disease, M.F. Goldberg (ed.), Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1974.


Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: Diphenylhydantoin and its Use in Optic Nerve Disease, Symposium on Ocular Therapy, Vol. 6, I.H. Leopold (ed.), C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1973.


Kaufman, P.L., and Podos, S.M.: The subretinal fluid in primary rhegmatogenous detachment: A review, Surv. Ophthal. 18:100, 1973.


Podos, S.M., Becker, B., and Kass, M.A. pressure, Invest. Ophthal. 12:426, 1973.


Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Editorial: Tonography - Current Thoughts, Amer. J. Ophthal. 75:733, 1973.


Honda, Y., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: The effect of diphenyl-hydantoin on the electroretinogram of rabbits: I. Effect of concentration, Invest. Ophthal. 12:567, 1973.


Honda, Y., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: The effect of diphenyl-hydantoin on the electroretinogram of rabbits: II. Effects of hypoxia and potassium, Invest. Ophthal. 12:573, 1973.


Krupin, T., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Alterations of intraocular pressure after third ventricle injections of osmotic agents, Amer. J. Ophthal. 76:948, 1973.


Jaffe, B.M., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Indomethacin blocks arachidonic acid-associated elevation of aqueous humor prostaglandin E, Invest. Ophthal. 12:621, 1973.


Zink, H, Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Inhibition of imidazole of the increase in intraocular pressure induced by topical prostaglandin E, Nature New Biology 245:21, 1973.


Obstbaum, S.A., Podos, S.M., and Kolker, A.E.: Small-dose oral ethanol and intraocular pressure, Amer. J. Ophthal. 76:926, 1973.

Prostaglandin synthesis, inhibition and intraocular



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 68.

Kaufman, P.L., and Podos, S.M.: Subretinal fluid butrylcholin- esterase, 2. Reoperated rhegmatogenous detachments and diabetic traction detachments, Amer. J. Ophthal. 77:19, 1974.


Obstbaum, S.A., and Podos, S.M.: Editorial: Axoplasmic Transport, Invest. Ophthal. 13:81, 1974.


Wilensky, J.T., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Prognostic indicators in ocular hypertension, Arch. Ophthal. 91:200, 1974.


Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Fenoprofen and ocular prostaglandin production, Invest. Ophthal. 13:235, 1974.


Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Prostaglandins and the Eye, Symposium on Ocular Therapy, Vol. 7, I.H. Leopold (ed.), C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1974.


Sugar, A., and Podos, S.M.: Ophthalmic Aspects of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, International Symposium on the Eye and Systemic Disease, F.C. Blodi and F.A. Mausolf (eds.), C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1975.


Green, K., and Podos, S.M.: Antagonism of arachidonic acid-induced ocular effects by 'tetrahydrocanabinol, Invest. Ophthal. 13:422, 1974.


Wilensky, J.T., Podos, S.M., and Burke, K.M.: Recurrent malignant glaucoma, Surv. Ophthal. 18:431, 1974.


Wilensky, J.T., and Podos, S.M.: Chapter, Prognostic Parameters in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma, Symposium on Glaucoma, New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology, C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1975.


Wilensky, J.T., Buerk, K.M., and Podos, S.M.: Krukenberg's spindles, Amer. J. Ophthal. 79:220, 1975.


Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: Hypersensitivity to glucocortico-steroids and primary open-angle glaucoma, Albi Glaucoma Symposium, 1975.


Zink, H.A., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Modification of the ocular response to prostaglandin E by imidazole, Invest. Ophthal. 14:280, 1975.


Cantrill, H.L., Palmberg, P.F., Zink, H.A., Waltman, S.R., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Corticosteroids: Comparison of in vitro potency with ability to rise intraocular pressure, Amer. J. Ophthal. 79:1012, 1975.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 81.

Obstbaum, S.A., and Podos, S.M.: Ocular compression and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, Amer, J. Ophthal. 79:1008, 1975.


Bensinger, R., and Podos, S.M.: Editorial: Cyclic nucleotide metabolism in the retina, Invest. Ophthal. 14:263, 1975.


Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: Diagnosis and management of glaucoma, Hosp. Med. p. 52, 1975.


Podos, S.M., and Krupin, T.: Central nervous system control of aqueous humor dynamics, International Symposium on the Genesis of Glaucoma, Doc. Ophthal. 16:177, 1977.


Palmberg, P.F., Mandell, A., Wilensky, J.T., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: The reproducibility of the intraocular pressure response to dexamethasone, Amer. J. Ophthal. 80:844, 1975.


Krupin, T., Mandell, A., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: pituitary-adrenal function, Arch. Ophthal. 94:919, 1976.


Krupin, T., Oestrich, C., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Alteration of intraocular pressure after third ventricle injections of prostaglandin E1 and arachidonic acid, Amer. J. Ophthal. 81:346, 1976.


Kaback, M.B., Podos, S.M., Harbin, T.W., Jr., Mandell, A., and Becker B.: The effects of dipivalyl epinephrine on the eye, Amer. J. Ophthal. 81:768, 1976.


Krupin, T., Podos, S.M., Becker, B., and Newkirk, J.B.: Valve implants in filtering surgery: A preliminary report, Amer. J. Ophthal. 81:232, 1976.


Harbin, T.S., Jr., Podos, S.M., Kolker, A.E., and Becker, B.: Visual field progression in open-angle glaucoma patients presenting with monocular field loss, Trans. Amer. Acad. Otol. Ophthal. 81:253, 1976.


Ho, C.K., Kaufman, R.L., and Podos, S.M.: Ocular colobomata cardiac defects, and other anomalies: A study of seven cases including two siblings, J. Med. Genet. 12:289, 1975.


Podos, S.M.: Animal models of human glaucoma, Trans. Amer. Acad. Ophthal. Otol. 81:632, 1976.


Podos, S.M.: XII. Some answers about new drugs, in Symposium on Glaucoma, O.M. Ferrer (ed.), Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 1976.


Effect of topical corticosteroids on


PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 94.

Mason, G.I., Bottone, E.J., and Podos, S.M.: Erwinia endophthalmitis associated with perforating injury by a plant, Amer. J. Ophthal. 82:709, 1976.


Podos, S.M.: The effect of cation ionophores on intraocular pressure, Invest. Ophthal. 15:851, 1976.


Podos, S.M. and Becker, B.: Comparison of ocular prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors, Invest. Ophthal. 15:841, 1976.


Besinger, R., Shin, D., Kass, M.A., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Pilocarpine ocular inserts, Invest. Ophthal. 15:1008, 1976.


Harbin, T.S., Jr, Kaback, M.B., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Comparative intraocular pressure effects of adsorbocarpine and isoptocarpine, Ann. Ophthal. 10:59, 1978.


Podos, S.M.: Prostaglandins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and eye disease, Trans. Amer. Ophthal. Soc. 74:637, 1976.


Krupin, T. and Podos, S.M.: Chapter 7: Primary Glaucomas, in, The Glaucomas, K. Heilmann and K.T. Richardson (eds.), Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, 1978.


Candia, O.A., Montoreano, R., and Podos, S.M.: Effect of the ionophore A23187 on chloride transport across the isolated frog cornea, Amer. J. Physiol. 233(2):F94, 1977.


Krupin, T., Bass, J., Oestrich, C., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: The effect of hyperthermia on aqueous humor dynamics in rabbits, Amer. J. Ophthal. 83:561, 1977.


Krupin, T., Jacobs, L.S., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Thyroid function and the intraocular pressure response to topical corticosteroids, Amer. J. Ophthal. 83:643, 1977.


Podos, S.M.: The effect of imidazole on ionophore-induced ocular hypertension. Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 16:853, 1977.


Hargett, N.A., Ritch, R., Mardirossian, J., Kass, M.A., and Podos, S.M.: Inadvertent substitution of acetohexamide for acetozalamide, Amer. J. Ophthal. 84:580, 1977.


Oestrich, C.J., Krupin, T., and Podos, S.M.: Acidosis, alkalosis and aqueous humor dynamics in rabbits, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 16:997, 1977.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 107.

Mandell, A.I., and Podos, S.M.: Dipivalyl Epinephrine (DPE): A new prodrug in the treatment of glaucoma, in Symposium on Ocular Therapy, Vol. 10, p. 109, I.H. Leopold and R. Burns (eds.), John Wiley & Sons, 1977.


Podos, S.M., Spaeth, G.L., and Weiss, D.I.: Dialogues in Ophthalmology, I. Diagnosis and Management of Open-Angle Glaucoma, P. Henkind (ed.), Harper and Row, Hagerstown, 1977.


Podos, S.M.: A department of ophthalmology; a personal view, R.I. Med. J. 60:187, 1977.


Ritch, R., Hargett, N.A., and Podos, S.M.: The effect of 1.5% Timolol Maleate on intraocular pressure, Acta Ophthal. 56:6, 1978.


Krupin, T., Grove, J.C., Guggenheim, S.M., Oestrich, C.J., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Increased intraocular pressure and hypothermia following injection of calcium into the rabbit third ventricle, Exp. Eye Res. 27:129, 1978.


Ritch, R., Kass, M.A., Hargett, N., Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: Retail cost of antiglaucoma drugs in two cities, Amer. J. Ophthal. 86:1, 1978.


Ritch, R, Podos, S.M., et al: Lack of association of histocompatibility antigens with primary open-angle glaucoma, Arch. Ophthal. 96:2204, 1978.


Moss, A.P., Ritch, R., Hargett, N.A., Kohn, A.N., and Podos, S.M.: A comparison of the effects of timolol and epinephrine on intraocular pressure, Amer. J. Ophthal. 86:489, 1978.


Murray, D.L., Podos, S.M., Wei, C.P., and Leopold, I.H.: Ocular effects of topical labetolol, a combined alpha- and beta- adrenergic antagonist, in normal rabbits, Arch. Ophthal. 97:723, 1979.


Kohn, A.N. Moss, A.P., and Podos, S.M.: Relative afferent pupillary defects in glaucoma without characteristic field loss, Arch. Ophthal. 97:294, 1979.


Kohn, A.N., Moss, A.P., Hargett, N.A., Ritch, R., Smith, H., and Podos, S.M.: Clinical comparison of dipivalyl epinephrine and epinephrine in the treatment of glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal. 87:196, 1979.


Candia, O.A., Podos, S.M., and Neufeld, A.H.: Modification by timolol of catecholamine stimulation of chloride transport in isolated cornea, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 18:691, 1979.


Podos, S.M.: The effect of dipyridamole on prostaglandin-induced ocular hypertension in rabbits, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 18:646, 1979.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 120.

Aviner, Z., Henley, W.L., and Podos, S.M.: The effect of intracorneal cartilage implants on the survival of corneal xenografts, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 18:366, 1979.


Podos, S.M.: Present trends in glaucoma research, in Glaucoma Update, G.K. Krieglstein and W. Leydhecker (eds.), p. 141, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1979.


Aviner, Z., Henley, W.L., Severin, C., and Podos, S.M.: Chapter 27: Lamellar corneal xenograft rejection and host sensitization, in Immunology and Immunopathology of the eye, A.M. Silverstein and G.R. O'Connor (eds.), p. 141, Masson Publ. Inc., New York, 1979.


Atkin, A., Bodis-Wollner, I., Wolkstein, M., Moss, A., and Podos, S.M.: Abnormalities of contrast sensitivity in glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal., 88:205, 1979.


Podos, S.M., Kels, B.D., Moss, A.P., Ritch, R., and Anders, M.D.: Continuous wave argon laser iridectomy in angle-closure glaucoma, Trans. Amer. Ophthal. Soc. and Amer. J. Ophthal. 88:836, 1979.


Gallin-Cohen, P.F., Podos, S.M., and Yablonski, M.E.: Oxygen lowers intraocular pressure, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 19:43, 1980.


Friedman, A.H., Halpern, B.L., Friedberg, D.N., Wang, F.M. and Podos, S.M.: Transient open-angle glaucoma associated with sickle cell trait, report of four cases, Brit. J. Ophthal. 63:832, 1980.


Podos, S.M., and Sugar, A.: The use of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs in ocular conditions, in Proceedings of the 1978 Columbia Alumni Meeting, B.D. Srinivasan and K. Eakins (eds.), Raven Press, 1980.


Krupin, T., Kaufman, P., Mandell, A., Ritch, R., Asseff, C., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Filtering valve implant surgery for eyes with neovascular glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal. 89:338, 1980.


Ritch, R., and Podos, S.M.: Timolol versus epinephrine in the control of intraocular pressure, Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., International Congress and Symposium, Series No. 21, London, Academic Press, 1980, p. 143.


Schenker, H.I., Luntz, M.H., Kels, B., and Podos, S.M.: Exercise-induced increase of intraocular pressure in the pigmentary dispersion syndrome, Amer. J. Ophthal. 89:598, 1980.


Krupin, T., Becker, B., and Podos, S.M.: Topical vanadate lowers intraocular pressure in rabbits, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 19:1360, 1980.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 132.

Ritch, R., and Podos, S.M.: Argon laser treatment of angle- closure glaucoma, Persp. Ophthal., 4:129, 1980.


Podos, S.M.: Pharmacology of ocular drugs. 2. Epinephrine, Ophthalmology, 87:721, 1980.


Atkin, A., Wolkstein, M., Bodis-Wollner, I., Anders, M., Kels, B., and Podos, S.M.: Interocular comparison of contrast sensitivities in glaucoma patients and suspects, Brit. J. Ophthal., 64:857, 1980.


Podos, S.M., and Ritch, R.: Epinephrine as the initial therapy in selected cases of ocular hypertension, Surv. Ophthal., 25:188, 1980.


Mindel, J.S., Shaikewitz, S.T., and Podos, S.M.: Is pivalyl phenylephrine a pro-drug? Arch. Ophthal., 98:2220, 1980.


Bhuyan, K.S., Bhuyan, D.K., and Podos, S.M.: Cataract induced by selenium in rat. I. Effect on the lenticular protein and thiols, I.R.C.S. Med. Sci., 9:194, 1981.


Bhuyan, K.C., Bhuyan, D.K., and Podos, S.M.: Cataract induced by selenium in rat. II. Increased lipid peroxidation and impairment of enzymatic defense against oxidative damage, I.R.C.S. Med. Sci., 9:195, 1981.


Candia, O.A., Schoen, H.F., Low, L., and Podos, S.M.: Chloride transport inhibition by piretanide and MK-196 in the bullfrog corneal epithelium, Amer. J. Physiol., 240:F25, 1981.


Candia, O.A., and Podos, S.M.: Inhibition of active transport of chloride sodium by vanadate in the cornea, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 20:733, 1981.


Bhuyan, K.C., Bhuyan, D.K., and Podos, S.M.: Evidence of increased lipid peroxidation in cataract. I.R.C.S. Med. Sci., 9:126, 1981.


Schenker, H.I., Yablonski, M.E., Podos, S.M., and Linder, L.: Fluorophotometric study of epinephrine and timolol in human subjects, Arch. Ophthal., 99:1212, 1981.


Boas, R.S., Messenger, M.J., Mittag, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: The effects of topically applied epinephrine and timolol on intraocular pressure and aqueous humor cyclic-AMP in the rabbit, Exp. Eye Res., 32:681, 1981.


Bhuyan, K.C., Bhuyan, D.K., and Podos, S.M.: Selenium-induced cataract: Biochemical mechanism in, Selenium in Biology and Medicine, ed. by Spallholz, J.E. et al, AVI Publishing Co., Westport, 1981, p. 403.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 145.

Rabin, S., Kolesar, P., Podos, S.M., and Wilensky, J.T.: A visual field screening protocol for glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal., 92:530, 1981.


Mindel, J.S., Yablonski, M.E., Tavitian, H.O., Podos, S.M., and Orellana, J.: Dipivefrin and echothiophate: Efficacy of combined use in humans, Arch. Ophthal., 99:1583, 1981.


Yablonski, M.E., and Podos, S.M.: Glaucoma Secondary to Elevated Episcleral Venous Pressure in the Secondary Glaucomas, ed. by R. Ritch and M.B. Shields, C.V. Mosby, St. Louis, 1982.


Kaiden, J.S., Schecter, R., Bader, B.F., and Podos, S.M.: Angle-closure glaucoma in a patient with Hunter Syndrome, J. Ocular Ther. Surg., 1:250, 1982.


Bhuyan, K.C., Bhuyan, D.K., and Podos, S.M.: The role of vitamin E in the therapy of cataract in animals, N.Y. Acad. Sci. 393:169, 1982.


Eichenbaum, J.W., Feldstein, M., and Podos, S.M.: Extended wear aphakic soft contact lenses and corneal ulcers, Brit. J. Ophthal. 66:663, 1982.


Ritch, R., Manusow, D., and Podos, S.M.: Remission of pigmentary glaucoma in a patient with subluxed lenses, Amer. J. Ophthal. 94:812, 1982.


Sobel, L., Serle, J., Podos, S.M., Krupin, T., Chubak, G., Yablonski, M.E., and Severin, C.: Topical nylidrin and aqueous humor dynamics in rabbits and monkeys, Arch. Ophthal. 101:1281, 1983.


Stein, A., Pinke, R., Krupin, T., Glabb, E., Podos, S.M., Serle, J., and Maren, T.: Topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and aqueous humor dynamics in rabbits, Amer. J. Ophthal. 95:222, 1983.


Lustgarten, J.S., and Podos, S.M.: Topical timolol and the nursing mother, Arch. Ophthal. 101:1381, 1983.


Ritch, R., and Podos, S.M.: Laser trabeculoplasty in exfoliation syndrome, Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 59:339, 1983.


Atkin, A., Podos, S.M., and Bodis-Wollner, I.: Abnormalities of the Visual System: Seeing Beyond Routine Perimetry, Proceedings of the International Glaucoma Symposium, Carmel, California, in Glaucoma Update II, G.K. Krieglstein and W. Leydhecker (eds.), Springer-Verlag, p. 107, 1983.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 157.

Krupin, T., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Ocular Effects of Vanadate, Proceedings of the International Glaucoma Symposium, Carmel, California, in Glaucoma Update II, G.K. Krieglstein and W. Leydhecker (eds.), Springer-Verlag, p. 25, 1983.


Krupin, T., Reinach, P., Candia, O.A., and Podos, S.M.: Transepithelial electrical measurements on isolated rabbit iris-ciliary body, Exp. Eye Res., 38:115, 1984.


Bobak, P., Bodis-Wollner, I., Harnois, C., Maffei, L., Mylin, L., Podos. S.M., and Thornton, J.: Pattern VEPs and ERGs in glaucoma and multiple sclerosis, Amer. J. Ophthal., 96:72, 1983.


Krupin, T., Kaufman, P., Mandell, A.I., Terry, S.A., Ritch, R., Podos, S.M., and Becker, B.: Long-term results of valve implants in filtering surgery for eyes with neovascular glaucoma, Amer. J. Ophthal., 95:775, 1983.


Atkin, A., Bodis-Wollner, I., Podos, S.M., Wolkstein, M., Mylin, L., and Nitzberg, S.: Flicker threshold and pattern VEP latency in ocular hypertension and glaucoma, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 24:1524, 1983.


Hernandez, M.R., Wenk, E.J., Weinstein, B.I., Abumohor, P., Podos, S.M., Dunn, M.W., and Southren, A.L.: Glucocorticoid target cells in human outflow pathway: autopsy and surgical specimens, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 24:1612, 1983.


Lustgarten, J.S., Podos, S.M., Ritch, R., Fischer, R., Stetz, D., Zborowski, L., and Boas, R.S.: Laser trabeculoplasty: A prospective study of treatment parameters, Arch. Ophthal., 102:517, 1984.


Zborowski, L., Ritch, R., Podos, S.M., and Boas, R.: Prognostic features in laser trabeculoplasty, Acta Ophthalmol., 62:142, 1984.


Podos, S.M., Lee, P., Severin, C., and Mittag, T.: The effect of vanadate on aqueous humor dynamics in cynomolgus monkeys, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 29:359, 1984.


Ritch, R., Forbes, M., Hetherington, J., Jr., Harrison, R., and Podos, S.M.: Congenital ectropion uveae with glaucoma, Ophthalmology, 91:326, 1984.


Bhuyan, K.C., Podos, S.M., and Bhuyan, D.K.: Evidence of lipid peroxidation in hereditary cataract of mouse, in Oxygen Radicals in Chemistry and Biology, ed. by Bors, W., Saran, M., and Tait, D., Gruyter & Co., Berlin, p. 907, 1984.


Lee, P., Podos, S.M., and Severin, C.: Effect of prostaglandin F2 on aqueous humor dynamics of rabbit, cat, and monkey, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 25:1087, 1984.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 169.

Serle, J.B., Stein, A.J., Podos, S.M., and Severin, C.: Effect of corynanthine tartrate on aqueous humor dynamics in rabbits and monkeys, Arch. Ophthal., 102:1385, 1984.


Lee, P., Podos, S.M., Severin, C., and Mittag, T.: Effect of topically applied forskolin on aqueous humor dynamics in cynomolgus monkeys, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 25:1206, 1984.


Bodis-Wollner, I., Podos, S., Atkin, A., Nitzberg, S., and Mylin, L.H.: Psychophysical studies of spatial contrast deficits in glaucoma, in Ocular Hypertension, ed. by Krieglstein, G.K., and Leydhecker, W., Springer-Verlag, 1984, p. 69.


Mittag, T.W., Serle, J.B., Podos, S.M., Cohen, L., and Liebowitz, F.: Vanadate effects on ocular pressure, (Na+,K+)-ATPase and adenylate cyclase in rabbit eyes, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 25:1335, 1984.


Lee, P., Howard-Williams, J., Podos, S.M., and Severin, C.: Measurement of aqueous flow: A comparison of a slit-lamp fluorophotometer and the Fluorotron Master, Chinese J. Ophthal., in press.


Mittag, T.W., Tormay, B.A., Messenger, M., and Podos, S.M.: Ocular hypotension in the rabbit: Receptor mechanisms of pirbuterol and nylidrin, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 26:163, 1985.


Mittag, T.W., Tormay, A., Severin, C., and Podos, S.M.: Alpha adrenergic antagonists: correlation of effects on intraocular pressure and receptor binding specificity in the rabbit eye, Exp. Eye Res., 40:591, 1985.


Ritch, R. and Podos, S.M.: Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty in Secondary Glaucomas in Advanced Techniques in Ocular Surgery, ed. by Jacobiec, F.A., and Sigelman, J., W.B. Saunders Co., 1984, p. 123.


Teitelbaum, C.S., Podos, S.M., and Lustgarten, J.S.: Comparison of standard and computerized tonography units on human eyes, Amer. J. Ophthal., 99:403, 1985.


Camras, C.B., Feldman, S.G., Podos, S.M., Christensen, R.E., Gardner, S,K., and Fazio, D.T.: Inhibition of the epinephrine- induced reduction of intraocular pressure by systemic indomethacin in humans, Amer. J. Ophthal., 100:169, 1985.


Greenbaum, S., Lee, P., Howard-Williams, J., and Podos, S.M.: The optically determined corneal and anterior chamber volumes of the cynomolgus monkey, Curr. Eye Res., 4:187, 1985.


Serle, J.B., Podos, S.M., Lustgarten, J.S., Teitelbaum, C., and Severin, C.H.: The effect of corynanthine on intraocular pressure in clinical trials, Ophthalmology, 92:977, 1985.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 181.

Allen, C., Stetz, D., Roman, S.H., Podos, S., Som, P., and Davies, T.F.: Prevalence and clinical associations of intraocular pressure changes in Graves' disease, J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab., 61:183, 1985.


Teitelbaum, C.D. and Podos, S.M.: Glaucoma associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Glaucoma, 7:158, 1985.


Lee, P., Podos, S.M., Howard-Williams, J.R., Severin, C., Rose, A.D., and Siegel, M.J.: Pharmacological testing in the laser-induced monkey glaucoma model, Curr. Eye Res., 4:775, 1985.


Asbell, P.A., Chiang, B., Amin, A., and Podos, S.M.: Retinal acuity evaluation with the potential acuity meter in glaucoma patients, Ophthalmology, 92:764, 1985.


Marx, M.S., Podos, S.M., Howard-Williams, J.R., Bodis-Wollner, I., Teitelbaum, C.D., Severin, C., and Maclin, E.L.: Flash and pattern electroretinograms in normal and laser-induced glaucomatous primate eyes, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 27:378, 1986.


Howard-Williams, J.R., Siegel, M.J., Podos, S.M., and Brown, V.: Alteration of the blood retinal barrier by dipyridamole. Arch. Ophthal., 104:488, 1986.


Siegel, M.J., Marx, M.S., Bodis-Wollner, I., and Podos, S.M.: The effect of refractive error on pattern electroretinograms in primates. Curr. Eye Res., 5:183, 1986.


Bhuyan, K.C., Bhuyan, D.K., and Podos, S.M.: Lipid peroxidation in cataract of the human. Life Sci., 38:1463, 1986.


Van Buskirk, E.M., Weinreb, R., Berry, D.P., Lustgarten, J.S., Podos, S.M., and Drake, M.: Betaxolol in patients with glaucoma and asthma, Amer.J. Ophthal. 101:531, 1986.


Marx, M.S., Bodis-Wollner, I., Podos, S.M., and Teitelbaum, C.: The pattern ERG and VEP in glaucomatous optic nerve disease in the monkey and human, in Evoked Potentials, Frontiers of Clinical Neuroscience, R.Q. Cracco and I. Bodis-Wollner (eds)., Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, p. 117, 1986.


Bhuyan, D.K., Podos, S.M., and Bhuyan, K.C.: Antioxidants in prevention of oxidative damage to the lens and cataract in vivo, in Superoxide and Superoxide Dismutase in Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine, G. Rotilio (ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, p. 657, 1986.


Siegel, M.J., Lee, P-Y., Podos S.M., Mittag, T.W., and Wayne, R.: Effect of topical pergolide on aqueous dynamics in normal and glaucomatous monkeys, Exp. Eye Res. 44:227, 1987.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 193.

Mittag, T.W., Tormay, A., and Podos, S.M.: Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and intraocular pressure: Adenylate cyclase activation and binding sites for VIP in membranes of ocular ciliary processes, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 241:230, 1987.


Podos, S.M., Camras, C.B., Serle, J.B., Lee, P-Y.: Pharmacologic alteration of aqueous humor dynamics in normotensive and glaucomatous monkey eyes, Proceedings of the International Glaucoma Committee, Bussum, Netherlands, in Glaucoma Update III, G.K. Krieglstein (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1987, p. 225.


Lee, P-Y., Podos, S.M., Serle, J.B., Camras, C.B., and Severin, C.H.: Intraocular pressure effects of various ocular hypotensive agents applied in multiple doses to laser induced glaucomatous eyes in monkeys, Arch. Ophthal. 105:249, 1987.


Camras, C.B., Podos, S.M., Rosenthal, J.S., Lee, P-Y., and Severin, C.H.: Pathophysiological effects of multiple dosing of prostaglandin F2 or epinephrine on cynomolgus monkey eyes: I. Aqueous humor dynamics, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 28:463, 1987.


Yoshimura, N., Mittag, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: Analysis of protein kinase activities in rabbit ciliary processes: Identification and characterization using exogenous substrates, Exp. Eye Res. 45:45, 1987.


Camras, C.B., Bhuyan, K.C., Podos, S.M., Bhuyan, D.K., and Master, R.W.P.: Multiple dosing of prostaglandin F2 or epinephrine on cynomolgus monkey eyes: II. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy, aqueous humor analysis and fluorescein angiography, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 28:921, 1987.


Serle, J.B., Asbell, P.A., Obstbaum, S.A., Podos, S.M., and Ngoc, A.: The evaluation of corneal endothelial permeability in PERK patients, Brit. J. Ophthal. 72:274, 1988.


Mittag, T.W., Yoshimura, N., and Podos, S.M.: Phorbol ester: Effect on intraocular pressure, adenylate cyclase and protein kinase in the rabbit eye, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 28:2057, 1987.


Mittag, T.W., Tormay, A., Ortega, M., and Podos, S.M.: Effects of inorganic ions on rabbit ciliary process adenylate cyclase, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 28:2049, 1987.


Camras, C.B., Rosenthal, J.S., and Podos, S.M.: Neodymium: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy does not produce elevation of intraocular pressure in cynomolgus monkeys, Ophthal. Surg., 19:403, 1988


Chu, T.C., Candia, O.A., and Podos, S.M.: Electrical parameters of the isolated monkey ciliary epithelium and effects of pharmacologic agents, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 28:1644, 1987.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 204.

Lustgarten, J.S., Marx, M.S., Podos, S.M., and Bodis-Wollner, I.: Contrast sensitivity and computerized perimetry in early detection of glaucomatous change, Clin. Vis. Sci. 5:407, 1990.


Marx, M.S., Podos, S.M., Bodis-Wollner, I., Lee, P-Y., Wang, R.F., and Severin, C.: Signs of early damage in glaucomatous monkeys: Low spatial frequency losses in the pattern ERG and VEP, Exp. Eye Res. 46:173, 1988.


Marx, M.S., Bodis-Wollner, I., Lustgarten, J.S., and Podos, S.M.: Electrophysiological evidence that early glaucoma affects foveal vision, Doc. Ophthal. 67:281, 1988.


Mittag, T.W., Tormay, A., and Podos, S.M.: Manganous chloride stimulation of adenylate cyclase responsiveness in ocular ciliary process membranes, Exp. Eye Res. 46:841, 1988.


Camras, C.B., Friedman, A.H., Rodrigues, M.M., Tripathi, R.C., Tripathi, B.J., and Podos, S.M.: Multiple dosing of prostaglandin F2 or epinephrine on cynomolgus monkey eyes: III. Histopathology, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 29:1428, 1988.


Krupin, T., Ritch, R., Camras, C.B., Brucker, A.J., Muldoon, T.O., Serle, J., Podos, S.M., and Sinclair, S.H.: A long Krupin-Denver valve implant attached to a 180o scleral explant for glaucoma surgery, Ophthalmology, 95:1174, 1988.


Yoshimura, N., Mittag, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: Calcium-dependent phosphorylation of proteins in rabbit ciliary processes, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 30:723, 1989.


Grayson, D.K., Camras, C.B., Podos, S.M., and Lustgarten, J.S.: Long-term reduction of intraocular pressure following repeat argon laser trabeculoplasty, Amer. J. Ophthal. 106:312, 1988.


Podos, S.M., Camras, C.B., and Serle, J.B.: Experimental compounds to lower intraocular pressure, Aust. N.Z.J., Ophthal., 17:129, 1989.


Yoshimura, N., Mittag, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: Cyclic nucleotide- dependent phosphorylation of proteins in rabbit ciliary processes, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 30:875, 1989.


Camras, C.B., Siebold, E.C., Lustgarten, J.S., Serle, J.B., Frisch, S.C., Podos, S.M., and Bito, L.Z.: Maintained reduction of intraocular pressure by prostaglandin F2-1-isopropyl ester applied in multiple doses in ocular hypertensive and glaucoma patients, Ophthalmology, 96:1329, 1989.


Camras, C.B., and Podos, S.M.: The role of endogenous prostaglandins in clincally-used and investigational glaucoma therapy. The Ocular Effects of Prostaglandins and Other Eicosanoids, Bito, L.Z., and Stjernschantz, J., eds., Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, New York, 1989, p 419.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 216.

Wang, R.F., Serle, J.B., Podos, S.M., and Sugrue, M.F.: The effect of MK-927, a topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, on IOP in glaucomatous monkeys. Curr. Eye Res. 9:163, 1990.


Wang, R.F., Camras, C.B., Lee, P.Y., Podos, S.M., and Bito, L.Z.: Effects of prostaglandin F2, A2, and their esters in glaucomatous monkey eyes, Invest. Ophth. Vis. Sci. 31:2466, 1990.


Wang, R.F., Serle, J.B., Podos, S.M., and Sugrue, M.F.: The ocular hypotensive effect of the topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor L-671,152 in glaucomatous monkeys, Arch. Ophthal. 108:511, 1990.


Wang, R.F., Camras, C.B., Podos, S.M., Lee, K.W., Bhuyan, K.C., and Bhuyan, D.K.: The role of prostaglandins in the para- aminoclonidine-induced reduction of intraocular pressure, Trans. Amer. Ophthal. Soc. 87:94, 1989.


Serle, J.B., Lustgarten, J.S., Lippa, E.A., Camras, C.B., Panebianco, D.L., and Podos, S.M.: MK-927, a topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor: dose-response and reproducibility, Arch. Ophthal. 108:838, 1990.


Podos, S.M., and Camras, C.B.: The ocular hypotensive effect of prostaglandins in primates, Proceedings of the International Glaucoma Committee, Bali Indonesia 1990, in Glaucoma Update IV, G.K. Krieglstein (ed.) Springer-Verlag, 1991, p. 198.


Serle, J.B., and Podos, S.M.: Topically active carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, in Applied Pharmacology of Glaucoma, S.M. Drance, A. Neufeld and R. Van Buskirk (eds.), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1992, p93.


Bhuyan, K.C., Bhuyan, D.K., and Podos, S.M.: Free radical enhancer xenobiotic is an inducer of cataract in rabbit, Free Rad. Res. Comm., 12(Pt 2):609, 1991.


Camras, C.B., and Podos, S.M.: Reduction of intraocular pressure by exogenous and endogenous prostaglandins in monkeys and humans, in Applied Pharmacology of Glaucoma, S.M. Drance, A. Neufeld and R. Van Buskirk (eds.), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1992.


Serle, J.B., Lustgarten, J.S., and Podos, S.M.: A clinical trial of metipranolol, a new non-selective beta-adrenergic antagonist, Amer. J. Ophthal. 112:302, 1991.


Podos, S.M., and Serle, J.B.: Editorial: Topically active carbonic anhydrase inhibitors for glaucoma, Arch. Ophthal. 109:38, 1991.


Lee, P.Y., Shao, H., Camras, C.B., and Podos, S.M.: Additivity of prostaglandin F2-1-isopropyl ester to timolol in glaucoma patients, Ophthal. 98:1079, 1991.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 228.

Schumer, R.A., and Podos, S.M.: Medical treatment of glaucoma, Curr. Opinion Ophthal. 2:140, 1991.


Serle, J.B., Steidl, S., Wang, R-F, Mittag, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: Selective alpha-2 adrenergic agonists B-HT 920 and UK14304-18: effects on aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys, Arch. Ophthal. 109:1158, 1991.


Wang, R.F., Serle, J.B., Podos, S.M., and Sugrue, M.F.: L-671,152 (MK-507), a topically active carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, reduces aqueous humor production in monkeys, Arch. Ophthal. 109:1297, 1991.


Camras, C.B., Krupin, T., and Podos, S.M.: Chapter 14: Glaucoma filtering valve implant to 180 degree scleral explant, in Glaucoma Surgery Atlas, S.A. Obstbaum (ed), Appleton & Lange, 1991, p 181.


Serle, J.B., Lustgarten, J., Lippa, E.A., Camras, C.B., Framm, L., Payne, J.E., Deasy, D., and Podos, S.M.: Six week safety study of 2% MK-927 administered twice daily to ocular hypertensive volunteers, J. Ocul. Pharmacol., 8:1, 1992.


Bhuyan, K.C. Bhuyan, D.K., Santos, O., and Podos, S.M.: Anti-oxidant and anti-cataract effects of topical administration of captopril in diquat-induced cataract in rabbits, Free Rad. Biol. Med. 12:251, 1992.


Lish, A.J., Camras, C.B., and Podos, S.M.: The effect of apraclonidine on intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients on maximally tolerated medications, J. Glauc. 1:19, 1992.


Camras, C.B., Schumer, R.A., Marsk, A., Lustgarten, J.S., Serle, J.B. Stjernschantz, J., Bito, L.Z., and Podos, S.M.: Intraocular pressure reduction in ocular hypertensive patients with PhXA34, a new prostaglandin analog. Arch. Ophthal. 110:1733, 1992.


Schumer, R.A., and Podos, S.M.: Medical treatment as the initial therapy for open-angle glaucoma, Seminars in Ophthal. 7:81, 1992.


Mittag, T.W., Yoshimura, N., Tormay, A., and Podos, S.M.: Polylysine stimulated protein phosphorylation in rabbit ciliary processes: casein kinase activities. Exp. Eye Res. 56:143, 1993.


Grayson, D.K., Ritch, R., Camras, C., Lustgarten, J.S., and Podos, S.M.: Influence of treatment protocol on the long-term efficacy of argon laser trabeculoplasty, J. Glaucoma 2:7, 1993.


Mittag, T.W., Tormay, A., Severin, C., Taniguchi, T., Lee, P-Y., Wang, R-F., and Podos, S.M.: Effects of Al+3 and Be+2 ions combined with NaF on ciliary process adenylyl cyclase activity and aqueous humor dynamics in the rabbit eye, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 34:606, 1993.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 240.

Wang, R.F., Lee, P-Y., Taniguchi, T., Becker, B., Podos, S.M., Serle, J.B., and Mittag, T.W.: Effect of oxymetazoline on aqueous humor dynamics and ocular blood flow in monkeys and rabbits, Arch. Ophthal., 111:535, 1993.


Schumer, R.A. and Podos, S.M.: Medical treatment of newly diagnosed open-angle glaucoma, J. Glauc. 2:211, 1993.


Wang, R-F., Podos, S.M., Serle, J.B., Lee, P-Y., Neufeld, A.H. and Deschenes, R.: Long-term effects of topical ethacrynic acid in ointment versus timolol on intraocular pressure in glaucomatous monkey eyes, Arch. Ophthal., 112:390, 1994.


Schumer, R.A. and Podos, S.M.: The nerve of glaucoma! Arch. Ophthal., 112:37, 1994.


Mittag, T.W., Tormay, A., Severin, C., Lind, G., Yoshimura, N. and Podos, S.M.: Role of Gproteins in ciliary process adenylyl cyclase response of the albino rabbit eye, Curr. Eye. Res., 13:243, 1994.


Krupin, T. and The Eye Valve Filtering Group, Krupin eye valve with disc for filtration surgery. Ophthalmology, 101:651, 1994.


Mittag, T.W., Serle, J.B., Schumer, R., Brodie, S., Stegman, D., Schmidt, K.G., Taniguchi, T., Rho, S.H. and Podos, S.: Studies of the ocular pulse in primates, Surv. Ophthal. 38:S183, 1994.


Lish, A.J., Lustgarten, J.S., Dunn, M.J. Meltzer, J.J., and Podos, S.M.: Segmental analysis of computerized optic nerve head imaging, J. Glaucoma, 3:232, 1994.


Serle, J.B. and Podos, S.M.: Update on dorzolamide, a topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, in Glaucoma Update V, Proceedings of the Society of the International Congress, Quebec,1994. G.K. Krieglstein (ed), Springer-Verlag, 1995, p261.


Wang, R.F., and Podos, S.M.: Effect of the topical application of nitroglycerin on intraocular pressure in normal and glaucomatous monkeys, Exp. Eye Res. 60:337, 1995.


Geyer, O., Bottone, E.J., Podos, S.M., Schumer, R.A., and Asbell, P.A.: Microbial contamination of medications used to treat glaucoma, Brit. J. Ophthal., 79:376, 1995.


Vickers, J.C., Schumer, R.A., Podos, S.M., Wang, R.F., Riederer, B.M., and Morrison, J.H.: Differential vulnerability of neurochemically identified subpopulations of retinal neurons in a monkey model of glaucoma, Brain Res., 680:23, 1995.



PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 252.

Serle, J.B., and Podos, S.M.: Topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in the treatment of glaucoma, in New Developments in Glaucoma, D.A. Lee (ed), Ophthalmology Clinics of North America, W.B. Saunders Co., Phila, 1995. p315.


Dreyer, E.B., Zurakowski, D., Schumer, R.A., Podos, S.M., and Lipton, S.A.: Elevated glutamate levels in the vitreous body of humans and monkeys with glaucoma, Arch. Ophthal., 114:299, 1996.


Camras, C.B., and the USA Latanoprost Study Group: Comparison of latanoprost and timolol in patients with ocular hypertension and glaucoma, a six-month, masked, multicenter trial in the United States, Ophthalmology, 103:138, 1996.


Camras, C.B. and the International Latanoprost Group: Latanoprost, a prostaglandin analog for glaucoma therapy: Efficacy and safety after one year of treatment in 198 patients, Ophthalmology, 103:1916, 1996.


Wang, R.F., Mittag, T.W., Podos, S.M., and Serle, J.B.: Effect of 5-methylurapidil, an α1aadrenergic antagonist and 5-hydroxytryptamine1a (serotonin) agonist, on aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys, Curr. Eye Res., 16:769, 1997.


Vickers, J.C., Hof, P.R., Schumer, R.A., Wang, R-F., Podos, S.M., and Morrison, J.H.: The Magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways are affected in a Macaque monkey model of open angle glaucoma, Aust. N.Z. J. Ophthal el. 25:239, 1997.


Geyer, O., Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.: Nitric oxide synthase activity in tissues of the bovine eye, Graefe’s Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthal., 235:786, 1997.


Wang, R-F., Schumer, R.A., Serle, J.B., and Podos, S.M.: A comparison of argon laser and diode laser photocoagulation of trabecular meshwork to produce the glaucoma monkey model, J. Glauc., 7:45, 1998.


Serle, J.B., Podos, S.M., Kitazawa, Y., and Wang, R-F.: A comparative study of latanoprost (Xalatan) and isopropyl unoprostone (Rescula) in normal and glaucomatous monkey eyes, Jap. J. Ophthal., 42:95, 1998.


Wang, R-F., Lee, P-Y., Mittag, T.W., Podos, S.M., Serle, J.B., and Becker, B.: Effect of 8-iso prostaglandin E2 on aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys, Arch. Ophthal., 116:1213, 1998.


Camras, C.B., and the U.S.A. Latanoprost Study Group: Latanoprost treatment for glaucoma: Effects of treating for one year and of switching from timolol, Amer. J. Ophthal., 126:390, 1998.


Croft, M.A., Wang, R-F., Podos, S.M., Neufeld, A.H., and Kaufman, P.L.: Effect of ticrynafen on aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys, Arch. Ophthal., 116:1481, 1998.




Hof, P.R., Lee, P-Y., Yeung, G., Wang, R-F., Podos, S.M., and Morrison, J.H.: Glutamate receptor subunit GluR2 and NMDAR immunoreactivity in the retina of Macaque monkeys with experimental glaucoma does not identify vulnerable neurons, Exp. Neurol., 153:234, 1998.


Wang, R-F., Podos, S.M., Serle, J.B., Mittag, T.W., Ventosa, F., and Becker, B.: Effect of latanoprost or 8-iso prostaglandin E2 alone and in combination on intraocular pressure in glaucomatous monkey eyes, Arch. Ophthal., 118:74, 2000.


Geyer, O., Podos, S.M., Oron, Y., and Mittag T.W.: The effect of divalent cations on bovine retinal NOS activity, Molecular Cellular Biochem., 204:11, 2000.


Mittag, T.W., Danias, J., Pohorenec, G., Yuan, H-M., Burakgazi, E., Chalmers-Redman, R., Podos, S.M., and Tatton, W.G.: Retinal damage after 3-4 months elevated intraocular pressure in a rat glaucoma model, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 41:3451, 2000.


Danias, J., Rosenbaum, J., and Podos, S.M.: Diffuse retinal hemorrhages (ocular de-compression syndrome) after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C for neovascular glaucoma, Acta. Ophthal. Scand. 78:468, 2000.


Bayer, A.U., Mittag, T.W., Cook, P., Brodie, S.E., Podos, S.M., and Maag, K.: Comparisons of the amplitude size and the reproducibility of three different electrodes to record the cornea flash electroretinogram in rodents, Doc. Ophthalmologica, 98:233, 2000.


Wang, R-F., Serle, J.B., Gagliuso, D.J., and Podos, S.M.: Comparison of the ocular hypotensive effect of brimonidine, dorzolamide, latanoprost or artificial tears added to timolol in glaucomatous monkey eyes, J. Glauc., 9:458, 2000.


Bayer, A.V., Neuhardt, T., May, A.C., Martins, P., Maag, K-P., Brodie, S.E., Lutjen-Drecoll, E., Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.W.: Retinal morphology and ERG response in the DBA/2NNia mouse model of angle-closure glaucoma, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 42:1258, 2001.


Bayer, A.V., Danias, J., Brodie, S.E., Maag, K.P., Chen, B., Shen, F., Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.W.: Electroretinographic abnormalities in a rat glaucoma model with chronic elevated intraocular pressure, Exp. Eye Res., 72: 667, 2001.


Serle, J.B., Wang, R-F., Mittag, T.W., Shen, F., and Podos, S.M.: Effect of pilocarpine 4% in combination with latanoprost 0.005% or 8-iso prostaglandin E2 0.1% on intraocular pressure in laserinduced glaucomatous monkey eyes, J. Glauc., 10:215, 2001.


Tatton, W.B., Chalmers-Redman, R.M.E., Sud, A., Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.M.: Maintaining mitochondrial membrane impermeability: An opportunity for new therapy in glaucoma? Surv. Ophthal., 45 (Suppl):S277, 2001.


PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 275.

Danias, J., Shen, F., Goldblum, D. Chen, L., Ramos-Estabon, J. Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.: Cytoarchitecture of the retinal ganglion cells in the rat, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 43:587, 2002.


Chien, F.Y., Wang, R.F., Mittag, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: Effect of WIN 55212-2, a cannabinoid receptor agonist, on aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys, Arch. Ophthal. 121: 87, 2003


Danias, J., Lee, K.C., Zamora, M-F., Chen, B., Shen, F., Filippoulos, T. Su, Y., Goldblum, D., Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.W.: Quantitative analysis of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss in aging DBA/2NNia glaucomatous mice; comparison with RGC loss in aging C57/BL6 mice, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 44:5151, 2003


Tian, B., Wang, R.F., Podos, S.M., and Kaufman, P.L.: Effects of topical H-7 on outflow facility, intraocular pressure and corneal thickness in monkeys, Arch. Ophthal. 122:1171, 2004.


Shen, F. Chen, B., Danias, J., Lee, K.C., Lee, H., Su, Y., Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.W.: Glutamateinduced glutamine synthetase (GS) expression in retinal Muller cells after short-term ocular hypertension in the rat, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 45:3107, 2004.


Horowitz, R.E., Forbes, M., Podos, S.M., and Tsai, J.C.: Episodic elevations in intraocular pressure associated with blood in Schlemm’s canal, Arch. Ophthal. 122:1230, 2004.


Gabelt, B.T., Seeman, J.L., Dahl, D.B., Podos, S.M., Mittag, T.W., and Kaufman, P.L.: Aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys after topical 8-iso PGE2 , Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 45:892, 2004.


Gagliuso, D.J., Wang, R-F., Mittag, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: Additivity of bimatoprost or travoprost to latanoprost in glaucomatous monkey eyes, Arch. Ophthal. 122:1342, 2004.


Gerometta, R., Podos, S.M., Candia, O.A., Wu, B., Mittag, T.W., and Danias, J.: Steroid-induced ocular hypertension in normal cattle, Arch. Ophthal. 122:1492, 2004.


Wang, R.F., Podos, S.M., Mittag, T.W., and Yokoyama, T.: Effect of CS-088, an angiotensin AT, receptor antagonist, on intraocular pressure in glaucomatous monkey eyes, Exp. Eye Res. 80:629, 2005.


Stasi, K., Nagel, D., Yang, X., Wang, R.-F., Ren, L., Podos, S.M., Mittag, T., and Danias, J.: Complement component IQ (CIQ) upregulation in retina of marine, primate and human glaucomatous eyes, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 47:1024, 2006.


Danias, J., Shen, F., Kavalarakis, M., Chen, B., Goldblum, D., Lee, K., Zamora, M.F., Su, Y., Brodie, S.E., Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.: Characterization of retinal damage in the episcleral vein cauterization rat glaucoma model, Exp. Eye Res. 82:219, 2006.


Filippopoulos, T., Danias, J., Chen, B., Podos, S.M., and Mittag, T.W.: Topographic and morphologic analyses of retinal ganglion cell loss in old DBA/2NNia mice, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 47:1968, 2006


PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd.) 288.

Wang, R.F., Gagliuso, D.J., Mittag, T.W., and Podos, S.M.: Effect of a 15-Keto Latanoprost on intraocular pressure and aqueous humor dynamics in monkey eyes, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 48:4143, 2007.


Wang, H., Liu, X., Guo, L., Gabelt, B.T., Lee, PY., Podos, S.M., Wang, N., and Kaufman, P.L.: Effects of MISA A on actin cytoskeleton of cultured HTM cells and intraocular pressure of rats and glaucomatous monkeys, Curr. Eye Res. 32:843, 2007.


Wang, R.F., Gagliuso, D.J., and Podos, S.M.: Effect of flunarizine, a calcium channel blocker, on intraocular pressure and aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys, J. Glauc., 17: 73, 2008.


Gerometta, R., Podos, S.M., Danias, J., and Candia, O.A.: Steriod-induced ocular hypertension in normal sheep, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 50:669, 2009.


Mittag, T.W., Wang, R.F., Segal, K., Gagliuso, D.J., and Podos, S.M.: 8-iso Prostaglandins and aqueous humor dynamics in monkeys – Effect of 17-phenyl trinor 8-iso prostaglandin E2, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., submitted.

BOOKS Textbook of Ophthalmology, 10 volumes, edited by Steven M. Podos and Myron Yanoff, Mosby-Yearbook Publishers, London: Volume 1 -

Optics and Refraction, A User-Friendly Guide, David Miller, 1991

Volume 2 -

The Uvea, Uveitis and Intraocular Neoplasms, Narsing A. Rao, David J. Forster, and James J. Augsburger, 1992

Volume 3 -

Lens and Cataract, Norman S. Jaffe and Joseph Horwitz, 1992

Volume 4 -

Orbit and Oculoplastics, Richard R. Tenzel, 1992

Volume 5 -

Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology, Gary Diamond and Howard Eggers, 1993

Volume 6 -

Neuro-ophthalmology, Thomas Slamovits and Ronald Burde, 1993

Volume 7 -

Glaucoma, Paul Kaufman and Thomas Mittag, 1993

Volume 8 -

External Diseases, John Chandler, Henry Edelhauser and Joel Sugar, 1993

Volume 9 -

Retina and Vitreous, Jay I. Federman, Peter Gouras, Hermann Schubert, M. Madison Slusher and Tamara R. Varbec, 1994

Volume 10 -

Fundamentals of Ophthalmic Practice, Stephen A. Kamenetzky, 1994.


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