Noir Fiction

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She opened the door to her expensive sedan. The soft smell of her perfume and her dirty blond tresses contrasted with faint traces of liquor and tobacco. Her predatory smile beckoned to me.

It was the smile of a woman who knows what feeble creatures men can be.

“Don’t worry baby,” she said, “I’ve never seduced anyone and ruined their lives.”

“At least as far as I know.”

“DAMN! I’m lucky. Thanks for pickin’ me up”

“Most dames treat guys like me … like SUCKERS!”

It’s hot as hell out here …and this dame was attractin heat in a dress that was as black as the Devil. Looks like she busted a tire. “Hey lady? Do you need some help with that flat tire?” She smiled “Baby I ain’t gonna make you change my tire out here. That would be like USING you wouldn’t it?” “Nah” I said “ I just like to help out.” “How sweet of you baby. Where’s your car?” “I aint got no car. I’m hitchin my way to Lima.”

“Oh” I could almost swear I saw her eyes glow red for a second. “You can ride with me.” “Are you sure? You oughta have more sense than to take chances with strangers like this.“ “Honey.”She purred “All the people I ever knew were strangers when I met them." “Where you comin from Miss ….Uh sorry I didn’t catch your name.”

“Dia Bolique.. and I don’t like to talk about my past.”

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