1 minute read
Great leaps!
Rainier Oregon Historical Museum offers historical treats to visitors


Story and photos by Joseph Govednik Cowlitz County Historical Museum Director
Spring is in the air, and with that you can expect to see more fun activities at your local museums. For example: the City of Rainier and the Rainier Oregon Historical Museum (ROHM) are ready to welcome visitors with some new outdoor and publicly-accessible historical treats.
Formed in 2015, the Rainier Museum has made great leaps in its short history. The museum has secured gallery space at City Hall, and recently participated in celebrating the city’s recently-installed historically themed banners along “A” and “B” Streets which highlight a mixture of Rainier’s celebrations, veterans’ recognition, and historical imagery.
Another highlight for visitors will be the installation of 11 kiosks, each with up to four historical pictures of what life was like along the waterfront in the early 1900s. The terminus for the kiosks is planned to be one block from the site where the new ROHM will be constructed, which will secure additional dedicated space to preserve Rainier’s history.
After enjoying the banners and walking through this compact downtown, please come visit the museum located upstairs in the historic Rainier City Hall at 106 West “B” Street. Inside, you will enjoy exhibits highlighting the industries that shaped Rainier, such as logging, soap manufacture, and, of course, maritime influences.
The museum is building a reference library of local high school yearbooks so you may browse the existing collection or consider donating a copy to fill any voids in the collection. The museum is open on Saturdays from Noon-4pm, though it is always a good idea to call first at 360-751-7039. The museum’s website will also have helpful information: www.rainiermuseum.org
101/Hwy 103) Long Beach, WA. 360-642-2400 • 800-451-2542
• South Columbia County Chamber Columbia Blvd/Hwy 30, St. Helens, OR • 503-397-0685
• Seaside, OR 989 Broadway, 503-738-3097; 888-306-2326
• Astoria-Warrenton Chamber/Ore Welcome Ctr 111 W. Marine Dr., Astoria 503-325-6311 or 800-875-6807
For information about sponsorship opportunities: publisher@crreader.com or Ned Piper, 360-740-2632.