11 minute read
Outings & Events Non-Calendar / Hikes / Farmers Markets
Miss Manners from page 30 something you believe will please the couple, and that you can afford. Where they are being married has nothing to do with it.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is it considered rude or in bad taste to ask someone how much money they received in a greeting card as a present?
GENTLE READER: Prior to mugging the recipient? Miss Manners can think of no other reason to inquire.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: How does one politely leave a Zoom conversation when the host has signed up for unlimited time, and everyone knows you have no place to go?
GENTLE READER: The same way you leave any party that is in full swing long after the expected time. You put on your brightest smile, say to the host, “This was great fun, but I’m afraid I have to leave now. Goodbye, everyone!”
Submission Guidelines
Letters to the Editor (up to 200 words) relevant to the publication’s purpose — helping readers discover and enjoy the good life in the Columbia River region, at home and on the road — are welcome. Longer pieces, or excerpts thereof, in response to previously-published articles, may be printed at the discretion of the publisher and subject to editing and space limitations. Items sent to CRR will be considered for publication unless the writer specifies otherwise. Writer’s name and phone number must be included; anonymous submissions will not be considered.
Political Endorsements CRR is a monthly publication serving readers in several towns, three counties, two states and beyond and does not publish Letters to the Editor that are endorsements or criticisms of political candidates or controversial issues. (Paid ad space is available.) Unsolicited submissions may be considered, provided they are consistent with the publication’s purpose. Advance contact with the editor is recommended. Information of general interest submitted by readers may be used as background or incorporated in future articles.
Outings & Events calendar (free
listing): Events must be open to the public. Non-profit organizations and the arts, entertainment, educational and recreational opportunities and community cultural events will receive listing priority. Fundraisers must be sanctioned/sponsored by the benefiting non-profit organization. Businesses and organizations wishing to promote their particular products or services are invited to purchase advertising.. And it is even easier now to make a quick exit, because the “Leave Meeting” button is closer than the door would have been. Miss Manners keeps warning people not to make up excuses, even in person. They are not necessary, and you will be found out. ••• (Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, www.missmanners.com; to her email, dearmissmanners@gmail.com; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.)
Computer, phone, tablet bugging you? I can help! Hands-on lessons with your electronic devices at your home or CRR’s Downtown Longview office. Call or text: 360-270-0608 PERRY PIPER PRODUCTIONS
Send your non-commercial community event basic info (name of event, beneficiary, sponsor, date & time, location, brief description and contact info) to
Or mail or hand-deliver (in person or via mail slot) to:
Columbia River Reader 1333-14 th Ave Longview, WA 98632
Submission Deadlines
Events occurring:
Oct 15 – Nov 25:
by Sept 25 for Oct 15 issue
Nov 25 – Jan. 15:
by Nov. 5 for Nov 25 Holiday issue.
Calendar submissions are considered for inclusion, subject to lead time, general relevance to readers, and space limitations. See Submission Guidelines, at left. Outings & Events
Performing & Fine Arts, Music Art, Theatre, Literary Recreation, Outdoors
Gardening, History, Pets, Self-Help
As we re-open in Phase 2 and 3, please submit info (deadlines below), and watch these pages for Outings & Events details!
See ad, page 13
1418 Commerce Avenue , Longview, Wash • Tues-Sat 11–4
Featured artists:
Sept: Joe Green, broadside prints; Marquita Green, woodturning and carving (guest artists)
October: Mary Fortner-Smith, jewelry; Adrienne Stacey, watercolor and multi-media art. First Thursdays and classes are cancelled until further notice, due to Pandemic.

We have Artisan Masks $7
Social Distancing will be observed, Gallery members and customers must wear masks. Staff will follow cleaning procedures according to state mandates. Keep updated on our website. See new work on our FaceBook and Instagram Page: the-broadway-gallery.com , Broadway Gallery on Facebook, and broadway_gallery_longview on Instagram.

Since our March concert was canceled, we've remained committed to our role as a catalyst for bringing live orchestra music, and dedicated to our mission to foster a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant community. Many have donated time and dollars to help. Thank you! We are so grateful for this support. We are happy to announce that SWWS received challenge grants from the Wollenberg Foundation, and David & Ginger Walworth. Up to $6,000 of donations will be matched. Donate between 12:01am. and midnight on September 24 at swwasymphony.org. For more more info, visit Givemore24.org. Thanks to you... the music WILL go on. P.S. ANOTHER REASON TO SUPPORT: The Federal Cares Act includes a $300 "above the line deduction" for all taxpayers. That means if you pay taxes, you can deduct up to $300 in donations to nonprofits, no matter what you earn! This deduction applies to individuals and households (not donor advised funds). All gifts made in 2020 are eligible.
This friendly club welcomes newcomers. For more info please call the hike leader or visit mtsthelensclub.org. RT(round trip) distances are from Longview.E=easy, M=moderate, S=strenuous, e.g.=elevation gain.
with Mt. St. Helens Club
Due to the uncertainty of the pandemic, please note the following: 1) Hikes will take place only if the hike leader thinks it is safe to do so on that date. 2) Hiking groups may be limited, at the discretion of the hike leader. 3) Call the hike leader for any further information or instruction. 4) Always be safe and protect yourself, be considerate of others during this pandemic.
Wed, Sept. 16 Lake Sacajawea (E)
Walk around the whole lake (3+ miles) or walk half the lake (1+ mile). Leaders: Trudy & Ed 360-414-1160.
Wed, Sept 23, Stub Stewart State Park (M)
Drive 90 mi. RT to the Welcome Center. Hike 5-mile loop with 200 ft. e.g. through forest past Unfit Settlement viewpoint.
Leader: Bruce (360) 425-0256 or (360) 846-7940 cell
Sat, Sept 26, Falls Creek Trail (S)
Drive 210 mles RT. Hike 9 miles between Indian Heaven and Trapper Creek Wilderness Areas. Key pass, so elevation gain or loss is 2,200 ft. Leader: Bruce (360) 425-0256 or (360) 846-7940 cell
Wed, Sept 30, Steigerwald/Lewis & Clark Trail - Washougal (E)
Drive 120 mi. r.t. Hike 3 to 5 miles RT along a level path on the Columbia River. Leader: John (360) 431-1122
Sat, Oct 3, Indian Heaven (M)
Drive 210 miles RT. Hike 10 miles with 1,500 ft. e.g. on a loop from Placid Lake, passing through grand meadows and several iconic lakes. Leader: George W (360) 562-0001
Wed, Oct 7, Tickle Creek (E)
Drive 133 miles RT. Hike 3.5 miles RT with 166 ft. e.g. along pretty little Tickle Creek. Leader: Bruce (360) 425-0256 or (360) 846-7940 cell
Community / Farmers Markets
Astoria Sunday Market
Sundays • 10–3 thru Oct 13 Downtown on 12th, just off Hwy 30, Astoria, Ore. • 503-325-1010 www.astoriasundaymarket.com
Castle Rock Farmers Market
Sunday thru Sept • 1–5pm Haircut Express parking lot, 151 Huntington Ave.N, across from Castle Rock Bakery
Columbia-Pacific Farmers Market
Fridays •12–3pm thru Sept Downtown Long Beach, Wash. www.longbeachwa.gov cpfmmallory@gmail.com 360-224-3921
Cowlitz Community Farmers Market
9–2, Tues (thru Sept) and Sat (thru October) 1900 7th Ave, Cowlitz Expo Center, Longview, Wash. Wear masks, follow posted protocols, enter at north end. www.cowlitzfarmersmarkets.com Laurie Kochis 360-957-7023 lauriekochis@msn.com

Ilwaco Saturday Market
Saturdays, 10am–4pm Port of Ilwaco 165 Howerton Ave., Ilwaco Wash. www.portofilwaco.com
Trunk Sale & Farmers Market Elochoman Marina, Cathlamet
Fridays thru Sept 27 • 3–6pm thru Sept 500 2nd St,, Cathlamet, Wash. cathlametmarina.org Deb Holland, Mgr: 360-849-9401
Scappoose Community Club Farmers Market
Saturdays thru Sept 26 • 9am–2pm Behind City Hall next to Heritage Park, 2nd St., Scappoose, Ore. www.scappoosefarmermarket.com Bill Blank 503-730-7429 scappoosefm@gmail.com
Lower Columbia School Gardens Produce Sale
Order online, lcschoolgardens.org, Wednesdays after 5pm. No-contact pickup process Friday afternoons at Northlake School Garden, 2210 Olympia Way, Longview, Wash. info@lcschoolgardens.org Questions: 360-200-8919
CRR gladly lists community-based Farmers Markets selling local produce in the Lower Columbia region. Send information to publisher@crreader.com. Please indicate “Farmers’ Market listing” on the subject line.

Up & running with lessons online... Music lasts a lifetime. Remember, we’re all in this together! Piano Lessons
A great investment in yourself or as a gift

Martin E. Kauble
Longview, WA
technique • theory • performance

by Mike Wallin
On the fence about selling your home?
On the fence about selling your some of us work — has fundamentally home? The time to jump is NOW! changed,” Smith and Garcia wrote. Yes, the economy is in the midst of a Then, there are others who dropped bit of a crisis, and for obvious reasons. out of the market at the outset of the There is, however, one bright spot and pandemic and have decided to re-enter. that is the housing market. If you’ve toyed with the idea of selling Traffic on a large real estate company’s your home, now is the perfect time. website “… is up about 40 percent, and Read on to learn why you should not let the National Association of Realtors this opportunity pass you by. announced that pending home sales The real estate market has always been a are up 15 percent from last month,” moving target and that hasn’t changed. according to NPR’s Stacey Vanek Smith One day mortgage rates are down, the and Cardiff Garcia. next day they rise. Likewise, nobody can A wide swath of American homebuyers predict the duration of what is currently is being propelled out of urban areas an amazing seller’s market. to suburbs and rural regions by “… The time to sell your home, if you been conditions related to coronavirus, and considering doing so, is right now. the understanding that the way … that (continued)
For the full article visit www.mikewallin.com
https://mikewallin.com/real-estate-blog/on-the-fenceabout-selling-your-home-the-time-to-jump-is-now/ Mike Wallin Five Star Broker, REALTOR Highest Rated Locally 360-560-3636 CELL Feel free to reach out to us if with questions on this or any aspect of the home purchase process. michaelkwallin@gmail.com 1140-11th Ave., Longview, WA By appointment only

MEDICAL MATTERS Pacific Surgical Institute continues to evolve By Jim LeMonds Pacific Surgical Institute opened in September 2006 on 9th Avenue in Longview. The tenant list included Longview Orthopedic Associates, Longview Urology, Pacific Imaging Center, Longview Physical & Sports Therapy, Northwest Medical Analytic Lab, and Pacific Surgical Center. While some of the names on the sign outside have changed, PSI’s commitment to quality care and patient convenience remains the Lisa Looney replaced Jack Berry same. as Director of Imaging Services Flourish Skin & Laser closed in 2016. That space, which totals 11,000 square feet, is now used by Longview at Pacific Imaging Center. PIC continues to offer some of the region’s shortest wait-times. Ortho’s billing department. This shift Pacific Surgical Center maintains a allowed for the addition of five new 98 percent patient satisfaction rate exam rooms. Drs. Bruce Blackstone and has expanded the number of and Dave Black retired, and Eric procedures that can be performed Hansen left the practice; they have without an overnight stay in a been replaced by A.J. Lauder, Jake hospital. McLeod, and Tony Lin. “We continue to innovate and “We apply proven non-surgical use new techniques to minimize methods for management of orthopedic discomfort and speed recovery from conditions,” said Dr. William Turner, surgery,” Turner said. “This has “with newer treatments such as PRP resulted in growing numbers of (platelet-rich plasma) injections patients receiving joint replacement adding to our options.” at Pacific Surgical Center and At Longview Physical & Sports returning home the same day.” Therapy, Dave Knoeppel retired ••• in 2014. John Kowalski joined Bruce Peterson as co-owner. LPST has expanded its staff of physical therapists and athletic trainers to 12. Additionally, the clinic added 2,100 Former R.A. Long High School English teacher Jim LeMonds is a writer, editor, and marketer who rides his mountain bike whenever square feet of therapy space. he gets the Longview Urology was acquired chance. He by PeaceHealth and reopened as PeaceHealth Longview Urology. Urologists Chad Chesley and Pat Lassen, along with the original staff, now work for PeaceHealth but occupy lives in Castle Rock, Wash. His published books are South of Seattle and the same space at PSI. Deadfall.