Miss Manners
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can hardly believe that he would sanction this, particularly as he taught us that money should never be a motivating factor in our lives. Would it be rude of me to forgo the request for a financial contribution and bring an actual gift to the party, along with my sincerest wishes for a happy and healthy retirement? Incidentally, his contributions to my life have been priceless. GENTLE READER: It perplexes Miss Manners when hosts neglect core duties — providing the food and drink is a common one — only to assume others: in this case, bullying the guests about a gesture that should be both personal and optional. Just stop it. When it happens anyway, you are free to thank your host and say that you have already taken care of getting him a present. But better to put the gift in the mail than to draw attention by bringing it with you to the party. DEAR MISS MANNERS: When my significant other of almost 20 years and I married — my second marriage, his third — we did not want any big celebrations. Therefore, we eloped alone while we were on vacation. We were very happy with the small ceremony and telling our families and friends when we returned, and everyone was very happy for us. Now we have received a monetary gift from a dear relative congratulating us on our nuptials. While I am extremely grateful, I do not feel it was necessary, especially since we did not provide a party or celebration for others to receive dinner and drinks. The sender of the gift is not in a good financial situation, whereas we are doing OK. How do I return the gift without insulting the giver? We very much appreciate the kindness, but feel awkward accepting it. Do I just keep it and send a thank-you note for fear of insulting the gift-giver, or is it OK to return it? And if I return it, how do I do so with tact? GENTLE READER: Returning it would be insulting. Presumably, the giver is aware of their own financial circumstances — and of yours, at least roughly — and would not have sent it if they could not afford it. (Miss Manners will spare readers yet another lecture about giving money as a present, but ... case in point). Write a profuse letter of thanks with a future invitation for a meal at your house. Wedding presents should not be given for services rendered, but at least you may quiet your own mind, knowing that this person got a private reception in return. ••• Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, www.missmanners.com; to her email, dearmissmanners@gmail.com; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.
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