1 minute read

Butterfly of Joy

The Mosquito of Worry buzzes near the ear


Should I…?

Will I…?

Could I….?

Still I….

What if I can’t…?

What if I don’t…?

So many fears I can’t slap away

The Goldfish of Boredom bumps against his bowl starved for something different but doesn’t quite know what

The Octopus of Curiosity extends her reach with every arm and every arm has its own nosy playful brain puzzling and problem-solving what it prods navigating through mazes, remembering solutions, filling gaps in knowledge until she knows a lot

The Dog of Disappointment tail between her legs head down and her ears drooping flops in the doghouse

The Spider of Satisfaction spins his inner song waits and hopes someone else will notice his wondrous web

The Cat of Contentment curls up beside you and purrs spreads calm seeds peace in your heart

The Fox of Jealousy stalks and creeps

Unbidden Unwanted but slyly stealthily fills you with feelings



The Trumpet Swan of Trust gathers two soft gray cygnets under snowy plumage glides on glassy darkness speckled with light With other fledglings following all head to safe harbor

The Wolf of Fear emerges in the dark marks his territory prowls for his prey lands in a single leap in the shadows in your room Real or imagined?

The Serpent of Surprise snoozes in the sunshine coiled not expecting you who is not expecting it

The Maggot of Disgust squirms in its vile pile worms its way into your mind’s eye so you can’t unsee EWWW!!

The Bull of Anger charges with fury lashes out clenches tenses crashes hope of solving whatever made you mad

The Turtle of Loneliness pulls into his shell to keep others out hides hints of hurt shies from shame of being isolated within

The Kite of Resilience in blue skies after rain soars high on wide wings leaving troubles behind another kite alongside Thin piping calls remind you: Chee you you you and me you and me

We’re here

Two kites in blue skies

The Bear of Frustration lumbers with heavy footfalls sulks and says “Can’t do it anyway”

Hindered, he hollers “Don’t you get it? I can’t.”

Stymied, he screams, “I hate this!”

The Oyster of Hope starts when a grain of sand slips inside its shell builds layer upon layer until it glimmers shimmers

The Snail of Anticipation slogs along leaving a trail maybe of jitters maybe of joy

The Peacock of Pride spreads his feathers



Dances can’t-beat-that feat can’t-top-that sweet sweet moment




The Elephant of Sadness descends with a suddenness that crushes a suddenness that sobs dry and heaving heavy with fear for the known and the unknown

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