new world same la ndmark
Milkbreak 2.0
The traditional Milkbreak meeting for staff has also transformed into a Google Meet, though technology and time constraints have clearly altered the feel of this daily Landmark tradition. Where many staff would once take a breather together over coffee and snacks, and much professional business and decompressing would get done in a convivial atmosphere, now the allotted 15 minutes necessitates a briskly paced agenda, limiting the ability to do mini-inservices and presentations. Before Milkbreak is called to order, the buzz is missing as a mixture of remote and on-campus teachers have their cameras on but spontaneous conversation is limited by the technology.
Sharing What We Know Landmark Outreach Provides Content to Help Teachers Navigate New Classroom Environments By Kaia Cunningham and Lauren Murphy
Lean and Mean
The campus itself is quieter, partly because it is less populated but also because travel is designed purposely to minimize contact. Events happen outdoors—if at all, and parents and visitors are not present. Fall Parents’ Days in November were a strange cyber-version of the usual over-crowded agenda, with conferences happening virtually, and the social feel replaced by an ability to access a link. At a top level, many things remain the same. A Google Earth drone’s view of Landmark would still bring up the familiar buildings and grounds. But closer inspection would show many adaptations, both physical and cultural, brought about by the health-and-safety response to a global pandemic. 24
The Lantern
During this challenging time in education, Landmark
Outreach has made changes in response to the needs of educators while staying true to our mission to empower students with language-based learning disabilities (LBLD) by offering educators meaningful and effective professional development grounded in theory and practice. Though the needs of educators have changed drastically as a result of the pandemic, what has remained the same is the importance of supporting students with language-based learning disabilities in new school environments. FALL 2020/WINTER 2021