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things to do in 92067 FEBRUARY + MARCH 2020
FEB. 1 – 29 31 st Annual San Diego Museum Month Half-off admissions to over 40 museums throughout San Diego Pick up a pass at over 75 libraries in San Diego County www.sandiego museumcouncil.org FEB. 13 – 23 San Diego Theatre Week Annual event highlighting the variety and talent of the local performing arts community Various locations throughout the county www.sandiegotheatreweek.com
FEB. 14 Valentine’s Day
FEB. 12 Stroke Awareness Join Scripps Health for an informative presentation on how to modify risk factors for stroke prevention, recognize symptoms, and hear about current treatment options; call 858-756-3041 to register 2 p.m. | RSF Senior Center www.rsfseniors.org

FEB. 13 In Celebration of Presidents’ Day Author, speaker, and broadcaster Richard Lederer will off er a treasury of insights into American presidents; seating is limited 2 p.m. | RSF Senior Center www.rsfseniors.org Love Your Heart Free blood pressure screenings to the public at select sites throughout San Diego www.livewellsd.org
FEB. 17 Presidents’ Day

FEB. 26 The Benefi ts of Volunteering Learn more about the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and Senior Volunteers in Action (SVA), the benefi ts of volunteering, and opportunities to participate 2 p.m. | RSF Senior Center www.rsfseniors.org FEB. 27 Gut Feelings: Brain, Gut, Diet, and Microbes Presentation by Joseph Weiss, M.D. 2 p.m. | RSF Senior Center www.rsfseniors.org
MARCH 6 – 8 Gem Faire Fine jewelry, costume jewelry, precious and semi-precious gemstones, beads, crystals, gold and silver, tools, jewelry boxes, and more from over 70 exhibitors Friday: 12 – 6 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds www.gemfaire.com
MARCH 7 – 15 12 th Annual San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering Hands-on events for all ages throughout San Diego www.lovestemsd.org
MARCH 8 Daylight Saving Time Starts
MARCH 14 Sowing Seeds of Success Springtime luncheon and fundraiser to benefi t the students of Casa de Amistad 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fairbanks Ranch Country Club www.casadeamistad.org
MARCH 16 – 20 San Diego Women’s Week A week of leadership events to inspire, empower, and connect women www.sdwomensweek.com
MARCH 17 St. Patrick’s Day

MARCH 23 6 th Annual 15-Inch Cup Hole-in-One Challenge Take the challenge on the driving range, with four distances ranging from 50 to 125 yards; benefi ting nonprofi t Operation Game On 1 – 4 p.m. Fairbanks Ranch Country Club www.operationgameon.org
MARCH 25 #SKY6Year Community Celebration and Charity Fundraiser Enjoy cocktails, appetizers, and a chance to win more than $8,000 in SKY treatments, plus meet Dr. Yoo and learn from SKY experts about skin care, injectables, and laser treatments; benefi ting The Country Friends 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 16918 Dove Canyon Rd., #208 www.skyfacialplastic surgery.com/blog/sky6year MARCH 29 25 th Annual Ugly Dog Contest Not just for ugly dogs! A fun, family-friendly event celebrating all dogs; hosted by San Diego Coastal Chamber of Commerce and Del Mar Kiwanis 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds www.sandiegocoastal chamber.com
MARCH 31 Cesar Chavez Day
MONDAYS Guided Meditation and Discussion 10 – 11 a.m. | RSF Library www.rsfseniors.org Classical Music Appreciation 1 – 3 p.m. | RSF Senior Center www.rsfseniors.org
TUESDAYS Moms & Tots Play Dates (Newborns Through Preschool) 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Private homes, parks, and local attractions www.rsfcc.org

WEDNESDAYS Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club Meeting 12 p.m. | RSF Golf Club www.rsfrotary.com 3 RD THURSDAYS Rancho Santa Fe Business and Professional Women’s Association RSVP no later than the Monday prior to the Thursday meeting Networking: 11:15 a.m. – 12 p.m. Lunch and speaker: 12 – 1:30 p.m. Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club www.ranchosantafe bizprowomen.com
SUNDAYS Rancho Santa Fe Farmers Market 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. 16079 San Dieguito Rd. www.ranchosantafe farmersmarket.com
Where Hearts and Minds Grow Great and True

At the Nativity School, we seek what is true, love what is great and lead by example. We are a Catholic school dedicated to teaching Christ-centered values that develop the whole person: mind, body and spirit.
Come Grow with Us Preschool-8th Grade To schedule a tour call 858-756-6763 or email mzures@nativitymail.org