Body Systems

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Ana Anderson Mrs. Bauer Science/Period 5 Body Systems

Ana Anderson

Body Systems

Body Systems Table of Contents

Circulatory System ................................................................................1 Digestive System .................................................................................2 Endocrine System ................................................................................3 Excretory System .................................................................................4 Immune System ..................................................................................5 Muscular System .................................................................................6 Nervous System ..................................................................................7 Reproductive System ..........................................................................8 Respiratory System .............................................................................9 Skeletal System ...................................................................................10 Works Sited .........................................................................................11


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM PURPOSE: The circulatory system keeps your heart beating and the blood flowing through your body carrying fresh blood and O2.

DESCRIPTION: The main parts are the heart, arteries, capillaries and the blood movers or the veins. The heart helps the circulatory system pump blood throughout your body. Blood leaves the heart from the left ventricle then it goes into the aorta which happens to be the largest artery in the whole body! After the blood leaves the aorta it is full of what we breath in OXYGEN! Cells carry the oxygen, and blood around the whole body. Once the cells reach the lungs the CO2 or carbon dioxide (a waste product) is let out of the blood and replaced by the oxygen from our lungs and mouth and/ or nose.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: There are two common diseases that can happen in the circulatory system. Coronary arteries , are two small branches that help deliver oxygenated blood to the body and they supply the heart with nutrients too! The Coronary arteries play a part in two of the diseases. Angina pectoris causes really bad or severe pain in the left upper part of the chest when insufficient amounts of O2 are carried in by the coronary arteries. Nitroglycerine dilates these particular arteries and provides some temporary relief. Heart attacks or Myocardial infarcton mainly occurs when the heart is not getting the full supply of oxygen that it needs. For example, sometimes a clot is formed by blood or cholesterol deposits (also known as plaque) and makes the arteries clog. Coronary artery blockage is the most usual cause for heart disease.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: The circulatory system works with the respiratory system and the digestive system by the circulatory system absorbing nutrients from the digestive system and the respiratory system supplying needed oxygen for the process of the circulatory system and the rest of the body.


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM PURPOSE: The purpose of the digestive system is to take the food into the stomach the stomach where the muscles churn the food to get out the nutirents, minerals, and other things the body needs for energy. It also takes the foods parts that are not needed and turns them into waste.

DESCRIPTION: The digestive system interacts with the mouth, the esophagus, and the stomach. The mouth begins the digestive process by mechanically breaking down the food that enters it. The esophagus continues the process by acting as a pipe leading the food from the mouth to the stomach. In the stomach the stomach acid is added to separate the food. Then it goes through the small intestine (as if it were a track). Then it heads for the large intestine and the waste product is excreted.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: There are two kinds of IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases). One is Crohn's disease - when the small intestine becomes inflated and causes an enormous amount of pain, fever and later in the older years of life may become cancer. The other is Ulcerative Colitis - when the colon/large bowel becomes inflated due to the inner lining of mucosa inflating (a membrane that lines hollow organs or body cavities). Usually it begins at the bottom of the large bowel and may grow and spread throughout the entire large bowel.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: The digestive system works very very close with the circulatory system so it can get the nutrients, minerals, proteins, and vitamins around the body. The circulatory system also carries chemical signals from the endocrine system that control the speed of digestion.


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM PURPOSE: The endocrine glands are the glands that make hormones, which are a chemical messenger that regulate many functions within the body such as growth.

DESCRIPTION: The endocrine system controls lots of the biochemical pathways that are in our bodies. The main tool that is used is called a hormone. The human body uses dozens of the hormones to help your body control your growth, digestion, body tempurature , and sugar metabolism. One single hormone released by the endocrine gland can travle through the body and change the activity of cells from other systems.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: Because the endocrine system is delicate there are many things that can go wrong. The worst example is if a gland that won't work or stops working, but it is more likely to work more or less than it normally should. Another type of problem is goiters, they can happen if you don't take in enough iodine from food the thyroid gland can have issues and even grow to the size of a baseball. Those are called goiters.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: The two main systems that work with the endocrine system are the circulatory system and nervous system. The circulatory system is like a transporter system for the endocrine information. While that happens the nervous system uses these neurons, the endocrine chemicals with the hormones must rotate throught the body via blood vessels.


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 EXCRETORY SYSTEM PURPOSE: The purpose of this system is to remove solid waste from the body and also the liquid waste. The liquid waste is from the body trying to even out the amount of water and salt it has.

DESCRIPTION: One of the excretory system parts is the kidneys. The kidneys help the body regulate the processing of body fluids and salt levels. The kidneys are like a filter. All of the blood in the body passes through the kidneys and then the kidneys are able to filter it. The kidneys take out the harmful molecules of your blood stream and just leave the ones that are good. Also, the kidneys play a key role in regulating how much liquid your body stores and how much it expels.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: There are many diseases of the excretory system, but even more dangerous problems can be created by an incorrectly functioning set of kidneys. Blood pressure is closely tied to the amount of fluid in your body. If a kidney does not work and cannot filter properly, the blood pressure can increase to dangerous levels. Also, urea could gather in the body’s tissues and would slowly poison the cells of the body. People with one or two incorrect functioning kidneys usually need to go through dialysis which that means they are hooked up to this machine that will filter their blood for them and act as a kidney.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: This system works with the circulatory system because the circulatory system moves the blood through one of the two kidneys and then the blood is put back out after being filtered. The endocrine system also works with the excretory system because it is a big controller of the excretory system. One way it works is as a big controller, if you drink too much water then hormones are released to allow more urine production.


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 IMMUNE SYSTEM PURPOSE: The purpose of the Immune System is to help your body fight off different illnesses.

DESCRIPTION: There are many different organs, tissues, cells, chemicals, and functions which help the body protect it's self from infection and disease. The immune system's main parts are the skin, thymus, spleen, bone marrow, and white blood cells. Other parts of the immune system are the lymphatic system and secondary lymphoid structures, and antibodies. All these work together in a coordinated way, like a well disciplined army, that is there to maintain the body's health, prevent and fight disease.There are many different ways the immune system can attck different things like one way for a cut, sperate way for pollen and hey fever, and then another way for the common cold.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: There are different types of diseases that can happen to the immune system, but the most known one is AIDS. That is a disease where specific cells like helper-T and inducer-T are killed. Without those cells our immune system won't work properly and simple or minor diseases could kill the infected person. Other diseases and /or disorders could be genetic. One type of genetic problem is allergic reactions. They happen because some people cannot accurately handle allergens. That is where inflammation and hay fever can come from. A normal individual can destroy those allergens, but people who can't or are allergic can't defend themselves.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: The immune system works with the circulatory system so that it's helpers can get around to every organ and tissue in our body. It also works with the lymphatic system which provides a production of lymphocytes.


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 MUSCULAR SYSTEM PURPOSE: The purpose of the muscles system is it provides the body's network of tissues which controls both movement of our body and within it (like our heart's pumping action and the movement of food through the gut). That movement is generated by the contraction and relaxation of specific muscles.

DESCRIPTION: The body has over 600 muscles; most of them are attached to the skeletal system. The muscular system is about 40% of the body’s overall weight in an average sized kid or adult. The muscular system also has more than just the muscles in it, but it also has connective tissue and nervous tissue. The muscular system is responsible for the body’s ability to move. Each muscle is dedicated to its own movement; however, a group of muscles might be responsible for a single body part, such as one muscle may move the leg forward, but a different muscle moves the leg back. While each individual muscle has its own dedicated job, it takes the working of many together for muscles to move an entire body part.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: If ever there is a part of a muscle that refuses to move that might mean the problem is most likely resulting in an injured connection of some muscle or tendon. It could be because of tearing of a tendon or other related injury that could have possibly disconnected a specific part of a muscle from its opposite bone. There may also be difficulty that is caused by interference in the nerve impulses.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: The muscle system works with the nervous system, the brain sends signals to the nerves which send a signal to the nerves in the muscle system that tell them to move in a certain way. The muscular system also works with the digestive system. They work together to move food through the digestive system.


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 NERVOUS SYSTEM PURPOSE: The nervous system is like a reactor. The eyes see the image, the brain figures it out and tells you to move and then the nervous system gets the message and then sends it to the muscle system and then you react usually with a movement of some sort.

DESCRIPTION: Not only is your nervous system a reactor but it also senses activity going on inside of your body. The nervous system responses inside of the body's is not in our control. Our body can immeadiently senses it and reacts to stinulus. For example, if you think about eating your lunch, as you’re eating the nervous system triggers the beginning of the digetion proccess and releases hormones and enzymes into your body.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: Agnosia is a very rare disorder where a person fails to recognize and identify objects and people around them, even though they realize the characteristics of the object or the person. The person might also fail to recognize something as simple as a cough, sneeze, or even a laugh. Agnosia can result from strokes, it typically results from damage to specific brain area. There is also Schilders diseases. Symptoms may include seizures, personality changes, poor attention, muscle weakness, headache, and maybe vomiting. Schilders disease is a rare progressive disorder which usually begins in childhood.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: The nervous system interactes with every other system in your body. For exapmle, cells need the circulatory system to get oxygen in them the muscle system and all of your tissues and organs need the nervous system for instructions and directions ( like up down).


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS PURPOSE: The purpose of the reproductive system is to able the human and animal to have babies.

DESCRIPTION: The organs and functions of the reproductive system allows for new life. The main organs are the vagina and the penis. The vagina is where the ovary is held until it comes out or is fertilized. The penis is where the sperm comes out into the vagina to make a baby.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: Aids is one of the many sexually transmitted diseases. Another sexually transmitted disease is


INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: It interacts with the circulatory system in order to move the sperm and ovary through your system. Another system is the nervous system which helps tell your reproductive system what to do and when to do it.


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM PURPOSE: The purpose of our respritory system is to get oxygen from the air into the body. Oxygen travels through the nose and the mouth to get to the blood cells so they can take it to other parts of the body. The system consists of the right lung 3 lobes, the left lung 2 lobes, nasal cavity, mouth, nose, larynx, trachea (windpipe), lungs, bronchi and the diaphrgam.

DESCRIPTION: All humans and animals need oxygen to live. WIthout oxygen in the body we could only live for a few minutes. When somebody is breathing it just naturally comes, it is involuntary. One reason we breath is one to live and two so we can get rid of the carbon dioxide. The trechea is one of the most important parts of this system because as the air comes in it filters the oxygen. The lungs are important the lungs give the oxygen to red blood cells which take them to other cells and other part of the body.

COMMON DISEASES/DISORDERS: One of the many diseases for the respiratory system is atherosclerosis (it is for the part of the aorta). This is when little fat deposits decide to have a little get together and stick to the aortic walls. If this condition is left untreated the condition may get worse and may lead to HYPERTENSION and sometimes it can also lead to ANERURYSM which is a swelling of the vessel wall which can be fatal.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: This system interacts with the circulatory system the most because these two systems work together to deliver oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide. The respiratory system also interacts with the muscular system. They interact when the chest muscles expand to make room for more air inside your body.


Ana Anderson Science, Bauer, P 6th April 13, 2008 SKELETAL SYSTEM PURPOSE: The purpose of our skeletal system is to provide protection for our organs, heart and brain.

DESCRIPTION: The body has skeletons to give use a frame like a picture, without it we would be a giant blob of watery tissue. The skeleton also creates the framework for the muscles and organs connect to. The skull and ribs protect some of the most important things in the body, your brain and the internal organs.

COMMON DISEASES/ DISORDERS: Three disorders that I found are Bursitis, Osteoporosis, and sprains. Bursitis is the kind of disorder which causes pain at any of the body's joints. The pain and disorder mainly occurs in or around the shoulders and hip joints. Bursitis occurs by inflammation of the bursa sack which is in between the bone and the muscle. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes loss of bone tissue. Sprains are injuries related to the tissue or ligament that covers the body's joint. The sprain is something that happens from an injury that tears or stretches the tissue or ligaments.

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER BODY SYSTEMS: The skeletal system works with the muscle to produce movment. The skeletal system also works with the circulatory system because our skeletal system is made of cartilage and calcified bone that work together. The calcified bones of our system work with the circulatory system. Marrow inside your bones helps produce red and white blood cells then the circulatory system fills them up with oxygen and takes them around the whole body.


Works Cited "immune system." The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. EHM0779&SingleRecord=True (accessed April 25, 2008). "cardiovascular system." The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. EHM0506&SingleRecord=True (accessed April 25, 2008). "endocrine system." The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. EHM1125&SingleRecord=True (accessed April 25, 2008). "musculoskeletal system." The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. EHM0384&SingleRecord=True (accessed April 25, 2008). "nervous system." The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. EHM0308&SingleRecord=True (accessed April 25, 2008). "reproductive system." The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. EHM1283&SingleRecord=True (accessed April 25, 2008). "urinary system." The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. EHM1212&SingleRecord=True (accessed April 25, 2008). “Endocrine System.” 2007 Andrew Rader Studios . April 24, 2007 <>. “Immune System.” 2007 Andrew Rader Studios. April 23, 2007 <>. “Excretory System.” 2007 Andrew Rader Studios. April 24, 2007 <>. “Digestive System.” 2007 Andrew Rader Studios. April 23, 2007 <>. “Respritory System.” 2007 Andrew Rader Studios. April 23, 2007 <>. “Circulatory System.” 2007 Andrew Rader Studios. April 24, 2007 <>. “Musculatory System.” 2007 Andrew Rader Studios. April 24, 2007 <>.

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