1 minute read
Wholistic Being
from Natural Awakenings Magazine, Broward County, Florida, February 2023
by Natural Awakenings, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, Florida
by Chatelaine
As a people, we are human kind, As a oner, we each have a mind; Opinions, beliefs, prejudices, too, Such primitive thinking, it’s time for new. The great shogun overcomes by not opposing. Pray to stand upright; know we are still learning how to “be” after centuries of doing before analyzing/knowing the possible conse quences of that doing for at least seven times seven generations to come.
Deep and wise ecology—individual, planetary, cosmic, Cosmic Mother Nature—is our best guide. Indwelling— that still, small voice heard only in the private quietude of one’s personal space—she is complemented by her male energy within (Shakti/Shiva, Prakriti/Purusha, Yin/Yang). Indwelling in the spine of every functioning human on Earth, the two energies intertwine, marrying, for inner Unity, helping to create a wholistic Being. The many personalities that have developed in us in response to life unify into one (pineal gland).
Shakti and Shiva, married within, Unifying all “I’s” in the Eye of the Pin (pineal gland in the mid-center of brain), Making us Whole, Complete, all “IN”. No agenda; no self; Free form; win-win.
Ongoing inner peace becomes the wedding gift for this merger. This doesn’t mean there will not be challenges; challenges are always aplenty in this dimension of Earth, however, readily resoulved and used as catalysts for synchronicity, harmony and positive growth in an organic evolution happening everywhere, all the time.