2 minute read
from Natural Awakenings January 2020 ANNUAL Issue
by Natural Awakenings, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, Florida


33 SE 4th St, Ste. 102 Boca Raton FL 33432 888-287-3989 AntiAgingCenterOfBoca.com
Specializing in taking years off your face and body without invasive surgery, injections or other painful procedures. Plus acupuncture, facials, waxing and much more. See ad page 37.
cHiropracTic pHysician
DR. BeRnARD BuRTon, D.C.
7800 W Oakland Pk # 110, Bldg. D Sunrise FL 33351 954-742-0332 BetterBacks.com
Dr. Bernard Burton is a holistic doctor who uses chiropractic, nutrition, applied kinesiology, acupuncture, and craniopathy to find and fix the cause of your symptoms.
neW Life uppeR CeRviCAL ChiRopRACTiC
820 S State Rd. 7, Plantation FL 33317 954-389-8297 TopDocFL.com
Upper Cervical Chiropractic, light force extremity adjusting, whole-food nutrition, Applied Kinesiology, The Emotion Code, Energy medicine, Mysofascial release.
colon THErapy
A CoLon CARe CenTeR
Michele Miglino, LMT/CCT 837 SE 9th St. Deerfield Beach FL 33441 954-421-0703 954-695-6595, cell AColonCareCenter.com
Colon hydrotherapy is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellness, and to keep your body functioning at peak efficiency.
MM18325, MA0007506.
Sandra Herrington, BSc, AP, DOM, LMT/CT 2544 N Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale FL 33305 954-566-0444 PhysicalHealthComplex.com

Cleansing for health/energy. Constipation, impaction, bowel rehabilitation, digestive disorders, candida detox, nutrition, living foods/ wheatgrass. Individualized plans or Rx followed. Physician/ instructor administered. Established 1964. Clean, private, caring environment. MM966, MA6884. See ad page 8.
TRue CoLon hYDRoTheRApY SpA
Laura Hernández 508 NE 13th St. Fort Lauderdale FL 33304 954-296-1218 TrueColon.com
• Colon Hydrotherapy in the modern Open System with the latest state-of-the-art camera monitoring. • Infrared-Sauna built with nontoxic or chemically treated wood with Chromotherapy lighting for a full body detox. • CBD infused & Kava Kava root abdominal massage. • Liver detox treatment combined with a colonic session for the ultimate inner cleansing experience.
coMpounding pHarMacy
Dr. C. Mac McMillan 12 N Federal Hwy., Ste. A Pompano Beach, FL 33062 954-283-7075 rx@yhPharmacy.com yhPharmacy.com
Dr. Mac McMillan is the owner of Your Health Pharmacy, a fullservice pharmacy providing alternative holistic patient care for both their prescriptions, over-thecounter nutraceuticals, and regenerative medicine with stem cells.
Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been. ~Jimmy Buffett
natural living directory index
body sculpTing 54 cHiropracTic pHysician 54 colon THErapy 54 colonics 55 coMpounding pHarMacy 55 counsEling 55 counsEling/THErapy 57 craniosacral
THErapy 57 day rETrEaTs 57 dEnTal HEalTH 57 EdiTing 59 EducaTion 59 EfT Tapping 59 EnErgy & sound HEalEr 59 EnvironMEnTal arTisT 59 facE yoga 59 faMily MEdiaTion / divorcE 59 fErTiliTy coacH 59 HEalTH sTorE 59 HolisTic MEdical cEnTEr 58 HolisTic podiaTrisT 59 HoMEopaTHy 59 HypErbaric oxygEn
THErapy 61 Hypno-birTHing 61 Hypnosis 61 individual & couplEs THErapy 61 inTEgraTivE Hypnosis 61 lifE coacH 61 MassagE THErapy 61 Music 61 nuTriTion 63 pronunciaTion coacH 63 psycHoTHErapy 63 salon 63 spiriTual cEnTErs 63 spiriTual consulTanT 63 spiriTualiTy 63 sTEM cEll paTcH 63 THErMograpHy 63 vEgan snacKs 63 WEllnEss cEnTEr 63 WHolisTic pHysician 65 yoga 65 yoga sTudio 65