33 minute read
from Natural Awakenings Palm Beach, January 2021
by Natural Awakenings, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, Florida
Are you ready to make the changes that bring you true health?
• Dementia/Parkinson’s • Bio-identical hormones • Subclinical hypothyroidism • Gut/nutritional balancing • Depression/Anxiety • Arthritis/joint pain • Improving energy/vitality • Body composition analysis • Sex therapy/psychotherapy • Mindfulness and focus

Healing Pets Holistically
Integrative Vets Treat Root Causes
by Julie Peterson
“Restore balance from the inside out.”
917-454-8444 thebodymindmd.com
4800 N Fed Hwy, Boca Raton, FL E mma, a mini-schnauzer mix, was 4 years old when she started acting like a senior lacking zest for running or playing. After being treated by an integrative veterinarian for one month, she regained vibrancy. “She’s 6 years old now, and she’s her normal, barky, running, zig-zagging self,” says Yvonnda Agent, a volunteer with animal transport rescue operations, near Rockvale, Tennessee.
Agent’s practitioner determined Emma had kidney issues that were slowing her down. Upon deeper investigation, these problems were found to be the only visible symptom of a tick-borne illness. Once given immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory and liver-detox herbs, the dog made a full recovery.

Expanded Options
Getting to the root cause of the condition is what integrative veterinarians are known for. They combine both conventional and holistic medicine, may use fewer drugs and limit vaccinations.
“With conventional medicine, we tend to treat the symptoms, versus treating the root cause of disease, which is why a majority of the time, the symptoms return when the drug is finished,” says veterinarian Katie Woodley, in Fort Collins, Colorado, who blogs at TheNaturalPetDoctor.com. “With a holistic approach, we look at the nutrition, gut health and how all the systems are connected … and resolve the imbalance.”
Holistic veterinarians may specialize in acupuncture, herbal medicine, kinesiology, chiropractic, laser therapy or any of many other natural modalities as an adjunct to conventional medicine. They first must earn a doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) degree and then may pursue optional holistic training. Following this path can take a great deal of time.
Natural Nutrition
At the Franklin Road Animal Hospital, in Brentwood, Tennessee, Mark C. Ingram, DVM, has found inadequate nutrition from low-quality foods at the root of most health problems. High-quality food helps animals absorb nutrients needed for
optimal well-being. “The first ingredient should always be meat, and we like limited-ingredient foods due to the numerous allergies we see,” says Ingram. “Every case of cancer that we have seen in the last 20 years has food allergies. Every torn cruciate and every paralyzed dog with disc problems has food allergies. It is also the most underlying cause for ear infections and cystitis.”
This was the case with Gabby, a 3-year-old mini-schnauzer that Agent rescued about a year ago. “She came to us with a bottle of ear solution and a history of green pus in her ears,” says Agent. Gabby’s medical history indicated that the ears, in addition to digestive problems, had been unsuccessfully treated with antibiotics and changes in diet.
“Our holistic vet recommended a raw diet with no grains and no starchy vegetables. Gabby hasn’t had a single instance of ear irritation since,” says Agent, who believes that whole foods served as medicine and now serve as prevention for her pets.
Vexing Vaccinations
There is ongoing debate whether pet vaccination boosters that may be required by law or strongly recommended by vets provide increased protection or are harmful. Mounting evidence says that they are often overdone: for example, both five-pound and 100-pound dogs receive the same dosage. Yet vaccinations do prevent some serious diseases. “We do not like to over-vaccinate, but provide appropriate protection by minimal vaccination and encourage titers,” says Ingram. Titers are blood tests used to determine if a pet’s antibodies are high enough from a previous vaccination to warrant a booster shot for the specific disease.
“Many of the core vaccines that your pet needs to be protected from diseases like parvovirus and distemper actually provide lifelong immunity with one vaccine,” says Woodley.
Choosing a Veterinarian
Commonly, people seek holistic veterinarians after they have had success with human integrative medicine. But finding such a provider isn’t simple. “My clientele regularly travels one to four hours for a consultation,” says Ingram, who fully understands that demand is outstripping supply for integrative veterinary care.
The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, which has 1,500 members, has a search-by-state feature that also lists the modalities practiced by each veterinarian at ahvma.org/find-aholistic-veterinarian. In addition, Woodley, Ingram and others offer telehealth or long-distance consults. In lieu of finding a vet that is listed as holistic, pet parents can call clinics to ask questions about alternative treatments. Some facilities are more flexible than others.
Choosing a veterinarian is a personal decision for owners. “I feel that traditional versus holistic care is simply sick care versus well care,” says Agent. “Their quality of life is so important to me and they’re solely dependent on the choices I make for them. I’m going to choose well care.”
Julie Peterson writes from rural Wisconsin and has contributed to Natural Awakenings for more than a decade. Contact her at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.

How Healthy Are You-Really?
Tired? Anxious, Nervous, Depressed? Indigestion, Bloating? Heartburn, GERD? Hot Flashes, Night Sweats? Trouble Sleeping? Dizzy, Lightheaded? Headaches, Sinus Congestion? IBS-D, IBS-C or Mixed? Constantly Getting Sick? Unresponsive To Treatment?
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William H. Stager, DO, MS, MPH,
Clinical Assoc. Professor, Dept. Family Medicine, NSUCOM Clinical Asst. Professor, Dept. Family Medicine, LECOM • AOBNMM Board Certified: Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine • AOBFP Board Certified: Family Practice • Cranial Osteopathy • Medical Acupuncture
Serving each person in body, mind and spirit to reach their highest light
“Dr. Stager’s practice in West Palm Beach consists of integrating the best of Eastern and Western medicine, especially using gentle hands-on body work, body/mind energy work and acupuncture. Dr. Stager treats a wide variety of patients from all over the world, of all ages, ranging from newborn to elderly; from common general health to neuromusculoskeletal problems.”
Physician is a Medicare Provider

Acupuncture is being rediscovered in America and flourishing with a momentum matched only by its efficacy. Acupuncture is both old and new. It has been found in various forms in various cultures for thousands of years, and new and exciting discoveries about its mechanisms of action and ability to treat most illnesses and injuries surface every day. Professional and popular books, journals and research papers in every language are just the tip of the iceberg promoting and explaining this exciting phenomenon. So where did it come from and how did it get here?
Acupuncture’s long and winding road began thousands of years ago when ancient peoples around the world began using sharp objects to treat their ailments. Stone needles were invented in China around 4000 B.C. The most important written records in China began with the “Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Diseases” (from about 500-200 B.C.), which formed the basis for the hundreds of Chinese textbooks on the subject that followed over the centuries.
The ancient Egyptian papyrus scrolls from 1550 B.C. discuss lines of energy throughout the body, which we now call meridians. Acupuncture was used by the Ayurvedic physicians in India for thousands of years. Various forms of acupuncture, using simple sharp objects, were practiced by such diverse groups and cultures as South African Bantu tribes, Arabs in North Africa and Arabia, Eskimos (Inuit) and South American natives. Chinese acupuncture concepts spread all over Asia, including and especially in Japan, Korea and Southeast Asian countries, where it blended with and was shaped by the local populations.
Since the 16th century, acupuncture and acupuncture texts were translated and brought to Europe, especially France and Germany, where it is taught today in many modern medical schools as part of the curriculum for physicians in training. Again, acupuncture is refined and modified with each culture, even in modern Europe. The French especially have provided some of the most important research and advances in ear acupuncture, called auriculotherapy or auricular medicine, where the entire body can be diagnosed and treated thru the ear, using either tiny needles or electrical stimulation.
In America, acupuncture came over from Europe with the early colonists. Dr. Franklin Bache, Benjamin Franklin’s great grandson, wrote the first medical acupuncture article in the U.S. in 1825, entitled “Memoirs on Acupuncture” and translated French acupuncture textbooks into English. Dr. Edward Warren’s 1863 medical and surgical text discussed the use of acupuncture and acupressure, and acupuncture was used during the U.S. Civil War. Sir William Osler, one of the most famous physicians of the 19th century, in his “Principles and Practice of Medicine” textbook for doctors in 1892, recommended acupuncture for the treatment of many conditions, especially back pain and sciatica. He wrote, “For lumbago, acupuncture is, in acute cases, the most efficient treatment”.
Acupuncture research has blossomed and expanded exponentially in the last fifty years, mostly in China, Japan, Europe, America and Canada. Tens of thousands of research articles and books have been printed in dozens of languages. Almost all known diseases, every organ system in the body as well as psychiatric conditions are affected by acupuncture and have all been researched using acupuncture. The many systems with their multiple effects help describe a working model of a multisystem information network all contributing to the explanations of the various aspects of acupuncture. The latest scientific equipment, including scans and microscopy have been used to examine and explain everything from the acupuncture points themselves For instance, acupuncture points as seen under the microscope are found to be vertical columns with the tissue, nerves and blood vessels concentrated and organized in a distinctive fashion. Acupuncture points have a lowered electrical resistance, allowing for increased electrical conductance along fascial planes in the body. Technetium 99, a radioactive tracer, when injected into acupuncture points, diffuses in trajectories which topographically correspond to classically described acupuncture pathways or meridians, giving substantial and modern proof of these ancient phenomena.
Interestingly, acupuncture analgesia is the most thoroughly researched physical modality in medicine. More is known about its mechanisms of action than many of our modern drugs, especially the anesthetic gases. The FDA, in 1996, has reclassified acupuncture needles as medical devices, and the National Institutes of Health is spending millions of dollars on acupuncture research. Legislation is in Congress right now trying to get acupuncture accepted by Medicare. The World Health Organization (WHO), recognizes and encourages the use of acupuncture for a variety of conditions, and mainstream medical organizations like the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) “recognizes that acupuncture may be a part of the armamentarium of qualified and licensed physicians.”
We encourage our readers to explore and investigate the old and new world of acupuncture and discover for yourself its many natural benefits.

William H. Stager, DO, MS, MPH, FAAFP, FAMA, FAAO, FACOFP AOBNMM Board Certified: Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine/ Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. AOBFP Board Certified: Family Medicine. Medical Acupuncture. Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine, NSUCOM. Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, LECOM Medical Director, Flagler Institute for Rehabilitation, Inc. 311 Golf Road, Suite 1100, West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Tel. 561-832-1894, Fax 561-832-1590.
I love beginnings. If I were in charge of calendars, every day would be January 1. ~Jerry Spinelli
NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. Email Admin@NaPalmBeach.com to submit online.
“Life as a Spiritual Journey” You are invited to join a Free Spiritual Audio Café at 11:00 am – a one hour conference call format discussion hosted by Eckankar. Come share the joy of connecting with positive like-minded friends for a lively and inspirational one-hour discussion on a wide-variety of spiritually related topics. “We hope you can make it!” Presented by The Palm Beach County Eckankar Center, a chapter of Florida Satsang Society, Chartered Affiliate of Eckankar. For more information call our local Eckankar Center at (561)434-2003, find us on www.meetup.com/eckankarinpalmbeach or Facebook at Eckankar Palm Beach County. For information about Eckankar—The Path of Spiritual Freedom visit www.eckankar.org.
JANUARY 1, 2021
THE LANES at Bowlero Jupiter ! Start off 2021 with a strike! We’re offering special packages for New Year’s Eve day, New Year’s Eve night and New Year’s Day! Having your own lane and unlimited bowling during your reservation is the perfect way to celebrate with family and friends. Book online and enjoy contactless payment and a faster check-in experience. 350 Maplewood Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458 (561)743-9200
SDI Wreck Specialty Course Jupiter
Dive Center, 561-745-7807. 1001 N Alternate A1A Ste 113, Jupiter, FL 33477 Jupiter FL. Live Music Every Saturday Harbor side Tommy Bahama Restaurant & Bar Live Music: Thu-Sat: 4-8PM | Sun: 2-6PM 561.406.6631 tion Hours at the South Florida Science Center and Aquarium. On the 1st Saturday of each month, all families affected by autism spectrum disorder are invited to explore SFSCA during a special morning visit from 9-10 a.m. – before we open to the public (please note: this time has been changed to fit our new COVID-19 guidelines*).*Note: The mask requirement is relaxed during this time only since there are fewer people in the building and social distance can be kept. Experience our exhibits without heavy crowds when we have softened general lighting and decreased the noise level and visual stimulation on interactive exhibits wherever possible. Our facility is also ADA accessible and wheelchair friendly! South Florida Science Center and Aquarium 4801 Dreher Trail North, West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sat - Sun 10:00am - 6:00pm (561) 832-1988 Learn to dive with Jupiter Dive Center! Jupiter Dive Center, 561-745-7807 1001 N Alternate A1A Ste 113, Jupiter, FL 33477 Jupiter FL
JANUARY 7, 2021
MacBeach Speaker Series Public ·
Hosted by John D. MacArthur Beach State Park. Our monthly MacBeach Speaker Series has moved to every first Thursday of the month from 5pm-6pm!! Join Rachel Shanker, coordinator and manatee master at Manatee Lagoon – An FPL Eco-Discovery Center, as she talks all about manatees in a fun, yet in-depth look at their biology and behavior. Ms. Shanker will draw from her extensive knowledge as one of the center’s educators to share intriguing facts and features of these fascinating marine mammals, including when and why these animals frequent the waters surrounding the center located in Riviera Beach, Florida. Have fun testing your newly-gained manatee knowledge in a quick round of trivia and discover even more by getting answers to your manatee-related questions.
JANUARY 12, 2021
at STEM Studio Jupiter is now virtual! Second Tuesday of every month from 5:30pm - 6:30pm Due to us going virtual, the Wednesday class will be temporarily merged with Tuesday's and the in-person benefits will not be offered. GEMS will continue to be offered virtually for the time being. Each virtual class is $5 per session. Girls have a bright future in Science and GEMS Club will continue to help them shine! It offers the perfect opportunity for young girls in grades 3 - 8 to learn and grow as they discover the exciting world of math, science, engineering and technology. Join our Virtual Sessions with a live educator as we explore different STEM principles and hands-on activities you can do at home. Gift of GEMS 2021 Yearly Enrollment Pass now available! Save time and register ahead for the entire year vs. every month. Click here for the Science Center class (last Tuesday of the month) or here for the STEM Studio Jupiter class (second Tuesday of the month).
JANUARY 26, 2021
“Turning Points-A Gift of Growth” You are invited to join a Free Spiritual Audio Café at 11:00 am – a one hour conference call format discussion hosted by Eckankar. Come share the joy of connecting with positive like-minded friends for a lively and inspirational one-hour
discussion on a wide-variety of spiritually related topics. We hope you can make it!” Presented by The Palm Beach County Eckankar Center, a chapter of Florida Satsang Society, Chartered Affiliate of Eckankar. For more information call our local Eckankar Center at (561)434-2003, find us on www.meetup.com/eckankarinpalmbeach or Facebook at Eckankar Palm Beach Count. For information about Eckankar—The Path of Spiritual Freedom visit www.eckankar.org.
JANUARY 15, 2021
JANUARY 29, 2021
Zoom Booksignings. Murder on the Beach Bookstore 7 pm. Karen Kendall w/a KD Alden will speak and sign A Mother's Promise $16.99. This event is free and open to the public. Please email murdermb@gate.net for link. Murder On the Beach Mystery Bookstore 104 W Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33444 Phone: (561) 279-7790 DEADLINE: 10th of the PRECEDING MONTH. Prepay at $6.00 per word for 3 months. Email your Classified Ad and Credit Card information to: Admin@NaPalmBeach. com Three month minimum.
Acupuncturist with existing practice to join established busy Jupiter day spa. Call Tammy, 561.745.9944.
Negative energy removed and replaced for health, prosperity, and life. Energy healing or home/business cleaning. Proven. Referrals. Call/Text Laura 561-762-2311.
“Discover the Wisdom of Your Body’s Natural Energetic Field and its Potential to Get Back to Balance” MyRoadToWellness.com
What if you could ask your body what it wants? Now you can, by interacting energetically with your body, The ZYTO software will essentially “ask your body questions” and record your body’s responses or answers. An easy-to-read report displays a ranking of items whose digital signatures resulted in biological coherence, or preference. Observing patterns, relationships, and trends in the report, data can provide valuable insight to help you make better wellness decisions.

Call us today and schedule your Bio-feedback scan! 561-906-2902 • 700 S Rosemary Ave, Suite 204, WPB FL 33401

Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. Deadline: 10th of the PRECEDING MONTH (e.g. Nov. 10th for Dec. Edition) Email Admin@NaPalmBeach.com to advertise.
Dr. Bill Rice, DC, LAc, DCBCN 4360 Northlake Blvd., 2nd Floor Palm Beach Gardens, 33410 561-439-6644 • Healthy-Answers.com
Experience Feeling Great! Dr. Rice – a wholistic physician serving patients since 1977 using Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Gentle Chiropractic care and Nutritional Counseling. We Listen • We Care We Get Results.
16244 S. Military Trail Suite 120 Delray Beach FL 33484 phone:561-498-1414 www.drelishaomd.com doctoresther@att.net
Dr. Esther Elisha, AP is a Hadassah Medical School graduate MD practicing alternative medicine. *Acupuncture *Homeopathy *Holistic Therapy *Tailored Wellness Programs *Pain Management *General Health Enhancement We accept all major insurance companies. Call to see if your’s covers acupuncture!

33 SE 4th Street, Suite 102 Boca Raton FL 33432 888-287-3989 AntiAgingCenterOfBoca.com
Specializing in taking years off your face and body without invasive surgery, injections or other painful procedures. Plus acupuncture, facials, waxing and much more.
5458 Town Center Rd, Suite 26 Boca Raton, FL 33486 Spalavage.com • erin@spalavage.com 561.617.0607
Spa Lavage is Boca’s premier colon hydrotherapy spa. Research studies suggest that a healthy colon promotes happiness. The atmosphere of Spa Lavage is one of tranquility and cleanliness. It features Grace, an open system, Class II medical device. Grace is similar in design to the Libbe and Angel of Water. The device features a thin, sterile, single-use nozzle and has a flow controller that can adjust the stream of water to provide a gentle and relaxing experience. Lic. MM34363, MA78533
Colon Care-since 1985 Tequesta / 561-745-9170 Lic #MA0006248 / Lic # MM27361
90% of all sickness starts in the colon. Detoxification center specializing in gentle, caring combination of colonics, massage, and energy work for mind, body and spirit. Disposable speculums & filtered systems. Only registered hydroenterologist in FL-1 of 26 members of American Hydroenterology Association. Ionized Footbath. Now offering AVACEN revolutionary therapy for pain relief and Microcirculation Boost An increase in microcirculation enhances oxygen delivery and nutrition to the skeletal muscles while carrying away toxins. The result… healthier, more relaxed muscles throughout the entire body. Call for details. DR. DEBORAH ARMENTI
www.AMysticalAge.com Empower Yourself/ Holistic, Healer/ Health Coach Life/ Relationship Guide Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 561-285-1479 email: amysticalage@yahoo.com
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The Massage Room at Back in Balance 7035 Beracasa Way, Ste 104 Boca Raton, FL 33433 BodyMassageAndBeyond.com 561-715-6185
Alternative Pain Management and Advanced Massage Therapies *Upledger Certified CranioSacral Therapy *Deep Tissue Massage *Reiki Master, Reflexology *Electro-Therapy Point Stim Certified (ETPS). I have developed innovative approaches to Pain Relief through the integration of these Healing Therapies for the treatment of: Car Accident Injuries, Headaches, TMJ, Stress, Sciatica, Neck and Back pain, Plantar Fasciitis, post surgical stiffness. Even Doctors have become my patients!! MA 14975; MM 10999
Delray 205 NE 5th Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 561-332-5883 ThermaeRetreat.com
Thermae Retreat Delray ~ An Organic, Wellness Retreat offering Finnish and Infrared Saunas, Organic Skincare, Sacred Body Work, Custom Massage, Holistic Healing, Meditation. Sauna Memberships available.
Brooke Sternberg BD, APD, CLC, RMT 561-403-2486 • SoulInspiredWellness.co
Offering a holistic approach to childbirth with continuous labor support and ayurvedic postpartum care to cultivate a deep connection between your mind, body, and baby.
561-367-5010 • JEFengShui.com
Juli Edwards has been practicing Feng Shui Consulting since 2009. Allow her keen, intuitive eye to safely view your home or office via ZOOM to determine what areas need corrections to help increase your finances and improve your health. Good Feng Shui will help to reduce stress; bringing in love, joy and tranquility. Sometimes a few simple changes can make all the difference. Call 561-367-5010 or visit JEFengShui.com
Functional Medicine / Holistic Psychiatrist 4800 N Fed Hwy Boca Raton, FL 33431 917.454.8444 * thebodymindmd.com
Western medicine would have you believe that medications will “cure” what ails you. I believe that the truth to your health starts with giving your body what it really needs to create health. Let me help you explore what imbalances are creating your symptoms, which toxins are causing dysfunctions in your system, and how to correct these to reverse and prevent “dis”ease. Fatigue, sleep issues, memory problems & dementia, mood changes, hormones, and disease prevention.
Board Certified Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and Family Medicine 2900 N. Military Trail, Suite 245 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-994-2007 • BocaMed.com www.facebook.com/bocaimaginewellness
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Integrative Medicine * Age Management Medicine * Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy * Healthy Lifestyle Management * Weight Loss Programs Call 561/994-2007 to attend a free seminar on the Solution to Imbalanced Hormones. 21stcenturyrelief.com • 772-877-3748
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Flower Essence Therapy 725 N. A1A, D-103, Jupiter 561-768-9005 • HerbsAndOwls.com
Gina is a Certified Herbalist specializing in Flower Essence Therapy - a vibrational form of healing derived from living flowers that assists in emotional and energetic healing and personal growth.
14545 S. Military Trail Delray Beach, Fl 33484 Phenix Salon Suites Suite 102 Nw Corner Atlantic Ave/ Military 561-767-0371 • glistensalon.com glistenorganic@gmail.com
“ Where nature and beauty meet” A hidden jewel in the heart of Central Delray. Come and relax in the serene, private environment while receiving the finest in organic and conventional services and products. Let years of experience and professionalism guide you to Delrays First and Best Organic Salon. Celebrating 12 years.
Nancy A. Keller, DVM, CVH, CVA, CVC 222 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 561-740-1313 FAX 561-740-0819
Integration of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Medicine. Holistic Veterinary Care for our animal friends. By appointment only.
Institute of Colorectal Health & Wellness 218 SW Atlanta Ave, Stuart, 772-539-9556 InstituteHealthWellness.com
Anti-Aging, Functional and Regenerative Medicine. Colorectal Surgery and Functional GI, hormone replacement, food allergy and nutritional testing, IV vitamin therapy, heavy metals testing, medical aesthetics, THERMIva vaginal rejuvenation, ThermiSmooth skin tightening, HALO skin resurfacing, BBL BroadBand Light skin therapy, laser hair removal, botox and fillers, skin care, weight loss. DELIA WEISS MD & WELLNESS
Traditional Internal Medicine Holistic Health 2828 South Seacrest Blvd., Suite 208 Boynton Beach, FL 33435(561) 243–8783 DeliaWeissMD.com
Adult General Medical Care 18 years and older, we accept insurances, Medicare and direct pay. We routinely manage most medical issues (except surgery, and emotional health under age 35 yrs.). Acute/ chronic illness treated. Blood vessel health. Our separate Holistic Preventive Health practice is by direct pay, not covered by insurance or Medicare. Nutrition, Weight, Anti-aging, Dementia prevention, Nutrient supplement consultation. Serving South Florida Palm Beach County areas. You are invited to join Delia Weiss Internal Medicine take a New Direction in Health with: Telemedicine and private medical text messaging. Closer, accessible communication directly between you and Dr. Weiss. Stronger and faster proactive health and wellness approach, with healthy lifestyle resources. Home visits for Medicare homebound. Email inquiries to Info@DeliaWeissMD.com. Brand new office: 500 Gulfstream Blvd., Suite 202, Delray Beach, FL 33483. Located at the North border of Delray and Boynton Beaches, at the S.W. corner of Federal Hwy. and Gulfstream Blvd., one building West of Dunkin Donuts. (Note: Gulfstream Blvd. is the same street as S.E. 36th Avenue)
JANE GRAY FORD 561-827-3319 • janegrayford.com
ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY Healing starts and ends in the energy field of the body. Over time blockages occur in the the physical body through karmic, genetic or experiences in this lifetime. This may go on for years creating pain, discomfort and disease in the body. Medically the body is treated and the symptoms go into remission. BUT... the problem may still exist in the energy/auric field.! When this is addressed, the healing is completed. Jane Gray Ford for over 20 years has served the community by releasing the causes of disease through Hypnosis or through an Intuitive understanding of energy frequencies. After experiencing a disease or trauma such as cancer, it is critical that the energy in the auric field be rebalanced.
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ~John Muir
LAURA NORMAN INSPIRED LIFE COACHING AND HOLISTIC REFLEXOLOGY Delray Beach • New York City • The Berkshires 561-272-1220 • 212-532-4404 • 413-854-2615 www.lauranorman.com
Laura created Inspired Life Coaching to empower you to: • Release old patterns that no longer serve you • Own your power • Get clear about your goals and priorities regarding relationships, career, prosperity, health and nutrition • Re-discover your greatness • Allow, embrace and manifest the life you desire
Experience a unique blend of tools for your mind, body and spirit, including: • Guided imagery and visualization • The power of conscious language • Breath work with Aromatherapy • Law of Attraction • Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude • Laura Norman Holistic Reflexology Claim your right to live an extraordinary life!
FL Lic#MA6733 Advanced Lymphatic Therapy™ The Therapeutic Alternative 301 Camino Gardens Blvd.,Ste.102 Boca Raton ~ 561-392-3340 www.TheTherapeuticAlternative.com
Beverly is a Certified Lymphatic Specialist with over 27 years experience. See and feel the results; glowing skin, reduced swelling/ puffiness, improved immune function and better digestion. Decreases post-workout and post-surgical recovery time. www.lovetomeditate.org English (561) 715-3996 ~ Dave Español (954) 646-1715 ~ Nestor
If you want more than just stress relief and relaxation, meditation on the Inner Light could be what you have been searching for. Join us for weekly meetings focused on spirituality and meditation. No charge, no donations.
“A Healing Playroom” Tracy McDonough MSW LMT 3200 N Federal Highway #107 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561.931.2187 • spa@healingmomentsfl.com Text HEALING to 55312 for more information
Visit our mind, body, spirit center. We offer Post-Surgery Lymphatic Drainage, Massage Therapy, Certified Health Coaching, Physical Therapy, Reiki/Quantum Touch Healing, Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy, Meditation, Chakra Balancing, BEMER Therapy, Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna, Kangen Water and many other healing products and services. We focus on goals such as Stress Reduction, Pain Management, Detoxification, Depression and Post Surgery Treatments. # Lic. MM 36169; MA 27196 Stephanie Hunter, Owner & Developer 185 E. Indiantown Rd., Ste. 118 Jupiter, FL 33477 561-747-8700 • DoYouHunter.com
Many people with pain feel frustrated and hopeless, masking symptoms, instead of getting the real relief they deserve. We offer an unconventional, proven approach that changes muscle memory. Our clients report significant, lasting relief from issues like Vertigo, Sciatica, Plantar Fasciitis, Frozen Shoulder and many more. Check out our website for: Testimonials • Self-Treatment Courses • DIY Muscle Therapy for Dogs • 1-1 Professional Treatments. MA15772 / MM24536
FL Lic# MA24690 Ortho-Bionomy The Therapeutic Alternative 301 Camino Gardens Blvd., Ste.102 Boca Raton ~ 561-392-3340 www.TheTherapeuticAlternative.com
Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle form of bodywork that reduces tension and discomfort. It works without being uncomfortable in the process. It is excellent for anyone seeking relief from pain, improved range of motion, increased flexibility, and improved postural alignment. Yini is a Licensed Massage Therapist and is certified as a Practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy by the Society of OrthoBionomy, International®. Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. ® and is used with permission.

LAURA NORMAN HOLISTIC REFLEXOLOGY Delray Beach • New York City • The Berkshires 561-272-1220 • 212-532-4404 • 413-854-2615 www.lauranorman.com
Visit world-renowned expert Laura Norman and her experienced associates and enjoy private sessions in Holistic Reflexology and Inspired Life Coaching to reduce your stress, increase your energy, improve your health and love your life! Read Laura’s best-selling book, FEET FIRST: A Guide to Foot Reflexology and practice with one of our Instructional Foot, Hand and Face Reflexology DVDs with Laura’s Reflexology maps, her new Laura Norman Foot • Hand • Face Aromatherapy line and Laura’s other unique wellness products. Call or visit us online to register for one of our:
• Holistic Reflexology and Inspired Life
Coaching Sessions • Free Introduction to Laura Norman
Reflexology Training Webinar • Holistic Reflexology Certification Training
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Lourdes Starshower is an Advanced Certified Tantra Educator, Sacred Sexuality Coach, Relationship Coach, Clairvoyant Energy Healer, Ordained Minister, Clinical Hypnotherapist and EMDR Therapist. Lourdes is the Founder of the Ecstatic Dakini Tantra Practitioner Certification Program, catalyzing the success of female Tantra practitioners in South Florida. She's the author of an online video program "Tantra Practices for Divine Ecstasy." She welcomes you to her private office in PBG as well as remotely on Zoom. More Info: www.tantrahealerflorida.com. Call Now for a free phone consultation 561-843-1261.
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To the healthcare professionals who are risking their lives during this epidemic, thank you for fighting COVID-19 on the front lines.
Our standards aren’t standard anywhere else.

The Awakening of Humanity
By Lynne Girdlestone

Today we are all experiencing one or more of the negative effects of an incredibly destructive ‘agent of change.’ Although horrific things happen every day on this planet, they usually affect other people elsewhere. COVID-19, however, can potentially reach anyone, anywhere, upending our lives in a multitude of ways. The obvious questions—how do we stop this virus, will a vaccine help, will the global economy recover—are all unknowns. They occupy our thoughts and emotions with every newscast. For some, the crisis is merely an inconvenient interruption in their ‘business as usual.’ For others it has created new ways to profit at the expense of others. But for most, it’s an amplified survival issue. We know that nothing happens by chance: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” and “As you sow, so shall you reap.” What is happening today has its roots in everything that has gone before. When dysfunction reaches a tipping point, something extraordinary happens to get our attention. This pandemic may be saying “STOP... NOW ... look at the world you’ve built ... untold suffering amidst obscene excess ... all life forms and the planet itself in mortal danger!” The slowing and isolation are giving us the opportunity to consider these issues deeply and emerge with a better Plan B. That so many people are getting the message is an incredibly hopeful sign. Neighbors are helping each other; service organizations are expanding their roles and methods; scientific organizations around the world are sharing their research findings on possible treatments and vaccines; governments are trying to lift the financial burden of their citizens. What would happen if this behavior were to continue post-Covid-19? Could it lead to treating a recovering planet as a ‘global village’ and its citizens as the one human family it is? It would take time, but we can start by demanding of our ‘leaders’ that we all push the ‘reset’ button and begin to move in that direction!
Fortunately, at this very time, a little-known cosmic event is also taking place. As we move into the Aquarian age, characterized by energies of synthesis, unity and cooperation, the spiritual custodians of human evolution—the Masters of Wisdom—have once again sent one of their great ones into the world to act as a teacher for the coming time. Some of the past teachers we have known historically as Confucius, Krishna, Buddha, the Christ and Mohammed. Major world religions all expect another great teacher at some future time, and his imminent appearance has been foreseen by some writers since the late 1800s.
For more than 40 years, British esotericist and lecturer Benjamin Creme informed the world of a coming change— of the collapse of our old structures to make way for the new. He served as a herald for the World Teacher for this age, Maitreya—the one expected by many and longed for by millions (consciously or not), who has come now to guide us through this perilous time and into a cleansed and transformed new world.
Maitreya has advised humanity to make the needed changes to put our world on a saner, fairer path:
“He [Maitreya] will show that essentially men are one, no matter the colour or the creed, that the bounty of Earth belongs to all, and that sharing of that bounty is the key to man’s future. Only sharing, and the justice which it will bring, offers hope to man. Only justice wrought out of sharing will end the plagues of war and terror. Only sharing and justice can bring men to that Brotherhood which is their true inheritance. When men see this they will rise to the challenge and tackle one by one the many problems which daunt us now.” (Benjamin Creme’s Master from ‘Transformation,’ Share International magazine)
Maitreya and his group have worked behind the scenes for millennia to guide our human family. Now, with these powerful, incorruptible allies openly in the world for the next 2,000 years and beyond, we have the opportunity to build a new world that works for everyone. Will we take it? In response to today’s injustices, we are marching. We are protesting. We are sharing resources and helping others. We are agitating for change. We are on the right track! Let’s not even consider returning to ‘business as usual.’
For free information: Share-International.us 888-242-8272 info@share-international.us
In The Awakening of Humanity, Benjamin Creme leads us on a journey of hope for the joyful world-changing events that are on the way.
Free download at: https://share-ecart.com/ the-awakening-of-humanity-pdf/