6 minute read

Good gut health can make or break a person and is well worth investing in. Sara Whatley finds out more about this amazing and complex bodily system
Once upon a time, it was believed that our gut and digestive system was relatively simple. Today it is understood that it is a hugely complex body system and is the subject of increasing research in the medical profession.
Studies have shown links between good gut health and our immune systems, mood, mental health, heart health, brain health and digestion, and maintaining a healthy gut can even help to prevent some illness and disease.
There are signs to look out for which indicate our guts are not performing at their peak: an upset stomach, poor sleep (serotonin, the hormone which helps us sleep, is largely produced in the gut), sugar cravings and eating a high sugar diet, food intolerances, and illness such as skin irritation or autoimmune conditions caused by inflammation in the gut.
Thankfully there are simple ways to improve gut health and help contribute to a healthy gut microbiome (made up of trillions of bacteria, fungi and other microbes), such as eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, eating slowly and mindfully, reducing stress and getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water and taking a prebiotic or probiotic supplement.
Good gut health is vital for our immune systems – 80% of our immune cells can be found in the gut. Eating fermented foods, which are high in probiotics is brilliant for our guts, providing it with living bacteria to add to the good bacteria already present. And eating prebiotics provides our guts with food for the good bacteria to keep them going.
Despite the relatively new understanding of the significance of our guts on our overall health, age old phrases such as, ‘Follow your gut instinct’, ‘Listen to your gut’, ‘Gut feeling’, and ‘Gut reaction’, show us that the

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importance of our guts has been recognised for a long time, not just on a physical level but on an emotional one as well. If something is bothering us it can manifest in a tummy ache, especially for children. If we eat something bad or overindulge, we can feel it uncomfortably in our gut. And conversely, if we eat well, stay hydrated and take an appropriate amount of exercise, our guts thank us by not being bloated, functioning well and feeling good.
It’s one of those funny things, the gut; if it is working properly and in good health we don’t really notice it, but when it is unhealthy it can have drastic consequences for our body and mind. Even if you change just one thing today to help improve your gut health, your tummy will be smiling at you. l

How to Choose A Dentist
Do you feel comfortable with the dentist?
1This may be a gut-instinct but do you feel they are listening to you and giving you bespoke advice related to your mouth and habits. You only have one set of teeth so be careful who you entrust them to. Remember this should be a relationship for life; if you do not feel comfortable, find someone else.
Choosing a Dentist can be confusing and a bit daunting, so having the right dentist can help calm any fears you have about an impending dental visit
Ask questions
5The most important thing to remember is to ask questions! Make a list of questions to ask before your appointment as you may forget.
Is the practice well established?
2Experience and continuity of care can be very valuable. Will the dentist or hygienist be there next time you have your check-up? It takes time to build a relationship on both sides. They will get to know your mouth, what materials work best in your mouth and how often to review you. Changing dentists regularly can mean you end up with more restorative work undertaken.
It is best if you can get referrals from as many sources as possible
6Ask some of your relatives, colleagues or friends if they can recommend reliable dentists.

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Do they have a dental hygienist?
3Healthy gums are as important as healthy teeth. Does the hygienist clean your mouth thoroughly? Do they guide you in what are the best oral hygiene aids for your mouth?
Training and further education
4Look for award winning practices and those committed to continuing education. “I wanted to finally express my appreciation for everything the staff at Oakmead have done for me over the past 20 years. Yes, I was surprised it had been that long”

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Discover The Christmas Cellars!
★ The bricked and arched Georgian cellars of East Hoathly Village Stores provide a fabulous venue to discover a treasure trove of Christmas gifts. The Christmas Cellars open late October.
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Coopers Croft, Herstmonceux, BN27 1QL www.truggery.co.uk 01323 832314 ✶
Sarah Lacey Dry Cleaning
★ At Sarah Lacey Dry Cleaning we have a range of beautiful Gisela Graham Christmas decorations and gifts to choose from.
1 College Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 1QN 01444 416644
www.sarahlacey-drycleaning.co.uk ✶
Flicker Rose ✶
★ Parkminster candles and diffusers make perfect gifts, especially in scents ‘Noel’ and ‘Frankincense & Myrrh’. Pop in to see our full range of Christmas!
Shop 2. Cobblestone Walk, Steyning BN15 0QD ✶Find us on Facebook: & Instagram: @flickerrose 01903 814264 flickerrosesteyning@gmail.com Shuna’s Vintage Clothes
★ Want to find something for Christmas? Look no further than Shuna’s Vintage Clothes. Shuna is an ex-costume designer and sells beautiful vintage clothes and accessories at Heathfield market on Tuesday mornings or by appointment.
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Smiffy Bears
★ Smiffy Bears in Steyning will be closing after Christmas. Owner Jackie Smith, who has been restoring bears for over thirty years, will continue with her teddy bear restoration service from her home in Goring-by-Sea and can be contacted on her mobile.