11 minute read
It’s A Dog’s Life
Unless the weather changes very dramatically between my paws clacking on the keyboard, and your September copy of Sussex Living magazine gracing your autumnal coffee table, it’s been a particularly dry spell. I, personally, blame ‘Them Indoors’. Having moved to a new house in the spring, they planted lots of plants in our garden, and if that isn’t an invitation for a prolonged spell of drought, necessitating weary rounds with the watering can, then I don’t know what is.
And it’s not even possible to use a hose pipe as that has been banned. At our previous house, we had the definitive collection of rainwater butts, including one so big that people used to think it was the oil tank – not the oil delivery driver thankfully – so rainwater has always been the preferred garden option. I think this autumn will see another mass installation of water butts so we will be better equipped for next summer, which should make it With it being the driest summer on record since ’76, Teddy has been ruminating on water conservation, communal water consumption and misadventures with moorhens, as pawed by Helen Stockton, his human translator
the wettest on record! I can’t say I’m keen on the wet stuff myself, other than to drink of course. I prefer the water in my bowl to be pristine and fresh so I’m averse to those communal water bowls provided by well-intentioned people in public places. I once went for a summer walk on the Ashdown Forest, and ‘Her Indoors’, thinking I’d be thirsty, took me after to the communal bowl at the Visitors’ Centre. The look I gave her was apparently equivalent to the look ‘Him Indoors’ would likely give if he was invited to drink from a bowl shared by other random members of the public.
I’m not too keen on water in all its other guises either. Rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and even the sea, are fine for a little dabble if it’s really hot, but I never go further than my paws. I’ve watched all those BBC Wildlife programmes and you don’t know what’s lurking beneath. The apprentice, Bear, got caught out earlier this year. We regularly walk in a lovely, shady wood that has several ponds, one of which is covered in green algae. Deceived by this, and the fact that a couple of moorhens seemed to be walking on it okay, Bear charged forward to investigate said moorhens at close quarters. She immediately found herself up to her fufee in brackish pond water, looking a bit surprised. She was even more nonplussed to find that her little adventure meant an unsympathetic dousing with clean water from a watering can, when she got home. She’s lucky there’s a hosepipe ban, or it could have been worse. Every cloud has a silver lining, but we haven’t seen many clouds, silver lined or not, during this particular summer. l

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“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my
We are a small team of UKs leading inshadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so “I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet home pet end-of-life specialists in Sussex. Say goodbye to your beloved pet in your arms at home with our gentle two-step long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning “I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star
“I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked euthanasia - safe & loving for everyone. you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t h for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who l them xx”. long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t h for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who l them xx”. “I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love
Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. JOANNA 5I you all for your compassion to animals and the people who love them xx”. Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyes at home in Sussex since 2005. Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home them xx”. JOANNA 5I them xx”. Call 07962 423 567 Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home Quality of life consultations and gentle dignified two-step pet euthanasia at home Call 07962 423 567 peacefulpetgoodbyes.co.uk in-home vet service Images above are actual Vets2Home Call 07962 423 567 peacefulpetgoodbyes.co.uk in-home vet service peacefulpetgoodbyes.co.uk in-home vet service “I cannot Express just how much our dog meant, he was my shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. shadow, my companion, my best friend. You gave us the chance to spend time with him in his own comfortable surroundings. Call 07962 423 567Call 07962 423 567 peacefulpetgoodbyes.co.uk in-home vet service Images above are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from Vethelpdirect.com Images above are actual Vets2Home vets. Reviews from Vethelpdirect.com His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless His brother was there to sniff goodbye too. He had been ill for so long and Dr Jo came out to see him. All this was at the beginning of the pandemic so it was iffy times. But we couldn’t have asked for a better service. Peace, compassion, respect and time. Bless peacefulpetgoodbyes.co.uk in-home vet service
When ‘that’ time comes, there is so much pain and confusion.
Our darling Winnie had to make her journey over the rainbow bridge and thank goodness we called Vets2Home. Dr Suzen was professional, compassionate and made Winnie’s passing so peaceful, I cannot thank her enough! Every stage was explained to make sure we understood and we were able to spend time giving Winnie lots of last cuddles. Winnie has left a huge hole in our lives and my heart is broken. Thank you Dr Suzen and them xx”. Vets2Home for helping us through this very difficult time. Louise, Brighton Dr Suzen, CEO & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, Senior Vet Dr Suzen, Founder & Cert. Palliative Care Vet and Dr Jo, giving pets 5 StarSenior Vet giving pets 5 Star peaceful goodbyespeaceful goodbyes at home at home in Sussex in Sussex since 2005. since 2005.
Call 07962 423 567