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Current planning applications

Edited extracts from draft minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting 20th October 2022. Current Planning Applications - SDNP/22/01018/ HOUS & SDNP/22/01019/LIS - Kennards Hog Lane - Barn restoration and conversion to create habitable space, ground floor side extension to connect the main house and barn, restoration of existing cattle shelter to match original for use as carports, facade and thatched roof restoration, internal refurbishment and all associated works. APC filed a no objection. Approved by HDC. SDNP/22/00734/HOUS & SDNP/22/00735/LIS - Boxwood Cottage - Demolition of existing C.20th conservatory and other C.20th additions. Erection of single storey rear extension to form a self contained studio holiday let. Remodelling of C.20th alterations to interior and replacement of C.20th. APC no objection to application, but would like to see appropriate conditions added to planning approval to ensure that extra accommodation can only be used as a holiday-let (to ensure no use as a residential accommodation – as per Neighbourhood Plan). Decision pending with HDC. SDNP/22/01179/HOUS - Mavic - Replacement of existing wooden sash windows on the ground and first floor at the front of the dwelling and the bathroom on the first floor to the rear of the dwelling. APC had no objections. Approved by HDC. SDNP/22/02368/LIS - Old Stack Cottage - Replacement of existing single glazed wooden framed casement windows with double glazed wooden framed casement windows (Listed Building Consent). Supported by APC. Approved by HDC. SDNP/22/02755/CND - Gin Trap Cottage Drewitts Farm - Variation of Condition 3 to amendments to previously approved application reference SDNP/14/01150/FUL (Erection of six dwellings (4x 3-bed and 2x 2bed) with garages and parking with access road replacing 1x 4-bed and 2x 5-bed dwellings approved under permission reference DC/10/1158). Variation sought to allow for two conservation roof lights in rear elevation. APC put in strong objection. Application in progress with HDC. www.amberley-pc.org.uk


Aldingbourne Parish Council

Update on local news & information for residents

Report of Aldingbourne Parish Council (APC) Meeting 4 October 2022 at ACSC Report from District Councillor Mrs Wallsgrove: • ADC has announced £3m funding for the Alexander Theatre in Bogor Regis. • The A29 northern section is going ahead but a date is yet to be determined. • Information on the cost-of-living emergency from ADC will come out shortly. • There has been no date set for the BEW Advisory Committee as there is currently a stalemate with developers. Report from PCSO Caroline Wilson: • Reports of quad bike stolen in Hook Lane; residents are reminded to be vigilant. • Concern is high throughout the County on issues relating to e-bikes and e-scooters. This has been escalated to the Roads Policing Department. • Caroline can be contacted on her e-mail address caroline.wilson@sussex.police.uk School public artwork project: The official unveiling will take place on Friday 14 October 2022 at 2.00 pm at the Aldingbourne Community Sports Centre. All are welcome to attend. The project has been funded by ADC and all 3 schools that participated in the design will be present. Other business: A reminder that there will be an Autumn Litter Pick on Saturday 22 October 2022 starting at 2.00 pm from the Aldingbourne Community Sports Centre, all equipment is provided and anybody that is able to help please contact Councillor Michelle Harbord. E-mail address is m.harbord@aldingbournepc.gov.uk. If residents would like to join the Street Scene Working Party, then again please contact councillor Michelle Harbord on the above e-mail. New CCTV has been installed at the Aldingbourne Community Sports Centre. www.aldingbourne-pc.gov.uk

Auditors report, Quarterly accounts and finance resource

Edited extracts from draft minutes of Finance Committee meeting 20th July 2022. Review Interim Internal Auditors report - May 2022 report discussed and noted. Recommendations to be carried out in a timely fashion. Council discussed processes to be reviewed and put into place, like maintaining Asset Register - when item Invoices are approved, items above the value of £500 should be immediately added going forward. Update wedding income process and further training given. Auditors report received in Sept and should be bought to review at next Finance Committee meeting, review Farmers Market fees for May meeting annually. Quarterly accounts - Town Hall Event Staff salaries hadn’t risen to same extent as income. Bookkeeper to check this figure. £10k agreed from Jackie Follis for new events, to check if additional income is coming. Require written confirmation from ADC. Reserves for Flood Defence - ATC always contributed £16k per year until last two years, this currently totals £32k. Would it be prudent to put in another £16k from Earmarked Reserves? Advised to wait until year end when we know more about costs for Atherley and Holmes Chambers roofs. Council could agree that if General Reserves are high at the year end we could put money into Flood Defence projects. Advised we should only do this now if money is required now. Review of finance resource - Discussed current system for handling income and expenditure and making it more efficient. Bookkeeper believes we are under resourced. Pre-covid Natalie from Mulberry and Co would post to Sage fortnightly. Now, Roisin is proactive and the role has grown with projects such as Farmers Market. To review process of Town Council finances. Do we need to add resource or alternative resources for workloads? To review how council activity is working. Is finance system currently fit for purpose? Mayor explained current process of how we deal with transactions through the Council. Discussed finance training for staff, including Town Clerk. Need more members of events staff to be able to use Sage. RFO to speak to Mulberry & Co to see if they can conduct Sage training. arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

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Reports and parking arrangements for The Square

Edited extracts from the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 18th October. County Councillor, District Councillor and PCSO reports - In response to enquiry, potential Controlled Parking Zone scheme for areas of Barnham mentioned. Explained process was detailed and needed to be led by local residents group, though Council would need to support any Scheme going forward. The group would need to identify 5 roads or more in the area the Scheme would potentially cover and canvas residents in those roads to gain support. They’d require 60% of those residents’ support. Information needed to be passed back to residents who initially raised the matter with a message the Council would consider assisting them through details of in next Newsletter if they gained enough public support to submit a request to WSCC. Council informed of new process for making Traffic Regulation Orders they could utilise for areas like Elm Grove and Church Lane to alleviate parking problems around schools. Agreed Penny Wycherley, Andrew Crawford and Trevor Bence would look to discuss matter further to potentially put in request. New Parking arrangements for The Square - Following introduction of new parking arrangements by the company who own shops and land in The Square, the Clerk, Chair and other Councillors received representations from residents who received parking tickets. Clerk took up matter with company’s representative in charge of managing the parking company and following various discussions these points and actions were noted: Signage - clearer additional signage to be erected informing people new restrictions apply at road entrance, with a tariff sign to be placed as you enter car park and new sign be placed in front of disabled bays until pay and display machine can be installed. Tariffs – 15 minute period to allow drop off/pick up. Weekend tariff be updated to allow £1 hourly rate. Disabled Parking – free until new pay and display machine be put in place as car park was too far to expect disabled people to walk there for a ticket. Double Yellow Lines – period rules of 15 minutes apply but if kerb is mounted ticket will be issued. barnhamandeastergate-pc.gov.uk

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