1 minute read

St Philips Catholic Primary school

Children’s Concert, Sports Event, Cross Country & Dance House


Chichester Children’s Concert: On 18th January 2023 Year 3, 4 and 5 loaded onto 2 coaches and went to Chichester Festival Theatre to watch the Chichester Children’s Concert. This annual event is usually attended by Year 3, but because many children missed out due to Covid we had a ‘mega’ trip and went altogether to see this special concert Performed by the Southern Pro Musica, conducted by Jonathon Willcocks and hosted by magician Neil Henry. The children learned about the instruments used and listened to extracts of classics by Holst, Tchaikovsky and Strauss. This was weaved with comical narrative songs and magic.

Deanery Sports Event: Year 6 children braved the rain at the start of January to catch the train to St Philip Howard School. There, they competed with our deanery schools, St Mary’s and St Richard’s in many different activities. The children were well behaved and enjoyed the experience. They represented the school well and came second. One of our Year 6 girls, Millie, was awarded ‘the best athlete’ award out of all the teams.

Cross Country: Following our success in the Locality Cross Country competition last year, some of our Year 5’s were invited to take part in the Southern Area Finals. They all completed the race and did extremely well. We are proud that two of our runners will go through to the County Finals. Dance House: We were delighted that our Junior Dance club, run by Charlotte Reader, were given the opportunity to perform in this year’s Dance House at the Alexandra Theatre. We had such positive feedback from the audience and organisers who stated the children showed ‘confidence and professionalism behind and on stage’. The children performed to a dance version of ‘Singing in the Rain’ and were a credit to our school.

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