5 minute read


Midsummer fest

‘At last!’, Mrs Strachan, Head of Drama at Midhurst Rother College’s first words after three years without a school production. Covid has taken its toll on a lot of things, but the Arts have felt the full brunt of its devasting force. In 2020 we were ready to perform the show in May before we went into full lockdown in March. Everyone was devastated. Students and staff had worked so hard and after that, getting back the enthusiasm and confidence for Drama performances has been difficult. ‘Midsummer Fest 2022’ was Mrs Strachan modern take on Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Robyn (Puck) is a social media influencer controls people’s thoughts and opinions to the point that our four teenagers lose trust and respect in each other, friendships form that create laughs and embarrassment at a Music Festival run by Theseus and Hippolyta. A group of bad musician’s form ‘The Mechanicals’ led by Quince and the infamous Nick Bottom. A social media blog that Titania (Lady Gaga – Pop star) interprets Bottom to be the next star while Oberon (Elton John – Pop star) encourages to take revenge! Fairies as litter picks, Narrators that tell the audience the story and keep us on our toes and a dad feeling the full force of a teenager on the edge! Local primaries filled the theatre for dress rehearsals and the house was full for both of the following nights. The feedback was overwhelming for this amazingly talented bunch of students from year 7 all the way through to year 12. Not just the cast, but our Year 10 band members, Year 9 dancers and the fantastic Sixth formers who helped front and backstage! www.mrc-academy.org


Midhurst C of E Primar y School

Time for reflection

In another busy, action-packed term at Midhurst Primary School, it has been good for the children to take time to pause and reflect too. We have strong links with the local church – Dave our vicar and Beth the Youth and Children’s Minister lead a collective worship assembly each week. We were thrilled this term when they organised and led a prayer and reflection day. This is an annual event where the children are given opportunities to reflect upon our Christian values whilst being involved in a whole host of activities to support this process. Each class visited the area for an hour. Activities included quiet reflection in the tepee; making flowers for a peace garden; celebrating community and everyone’s place in it; writing ‘jigsaw’ prayers; reflecting on our friends and how important they are, and writing ‘Big Questions’ about God and creativity. Some of our Year 6 children also supported our youngest children, guiding them through the activities. Watching and listening to the children as they use the space is always humbling and really highlights how thoughtful and caring they are. Our Year 1 children visited Chichester Cathedral this term to explore why the Cathedral is a special and sacred place. They had a lovely time touring round, looking at the different areas of the cathedral. Chichester Cathedral was also the venue for the Year 6 Leaver’s Service. It was lovely to see so many families taking part in the service and supporting the children and the school. The children sang the hymns beautifully, read their prayers with real confidence and all our banner and cross bearers performed their duties with a true sense of occasion. All the children savoured this incredible experience of taking part in a service within the cathedral. The children finished the occasion off with a leisurely lunch in the sunshine within the cathedral grounds. www.midhurst-primary-school.co.uk

Farewell to headteacher Johnny Culley

As we all rush headlong towards the end of term at Easebourne Primary, we are also preparing to say a fond farewell to our amazing head teacher Johnny Culley, who is retiring at the end of August. Johnny has worked tirelessly to ensure that children at Easebourne are given a voice, that their voice is heard and that know they can make a real difference, however young they may be. He has instilled in us all a passion for inclusion, and his No Outsiders Everyone Welcome initiative has been inspirational. Johnny believes passionately in community, and it follows that his legacy at Easebourne CE Primary is just that – a strong connection between our families, St. Mary’s our Church, our volunteers, our patron Lord Cowdray and the Cowdray Estate and our locality of Rother Valley Schools to mention just a few, and that connection is both genuine and real. We are fortunate to have a Nurture provision and this is another part of Johnny’s legacy. He has worked hard to fund an independent Nurture, securing grants from local charities. The work Gemma Purser and her Nurture team provide, ensure that children in our school who are struggling with social, emotional or mental health problems can experience strong modelled relationships, they share food with one another and work towards resolving their issues so that they can return to their classes on a full-time basis. I consider myself incredibly privileged to be taking on the role of head teacher in September. I share Johnny’s belief that schools need a strong sense of community, his passion for Nurture and inclusion and that giving our children a voice is essential, and I look forward to building on his work in the future. I know that everyone who have worked with Johnny, or been a parent or child in his school, will join me in thanking him and wishing him every happiness in his retirement. Caroline Hulbert, Deputy Headteacher. www.easebourne.w-sussex.sch.uk

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