5 minute read


School council, poetry by heart & Pallant House gallery

Our school council is busy working alongside our four house captains to explore the idea of ‘courageous advocacy’ – it’s big idea for young children, but a really important one for us this year. Our children are passionate about the injustices they see in the community and the wider world around them and they want to be part of the change that makes a difference. We are working together to discuss the key issues that the children really care about and these are local, national and global concerns. The list is long and so far includes loneliness, hunger, homelessness and issues surrounding the environment and sustainability. Once they have agreed on four, our house captains will each take one to champion over the year. And, as a school, we will work together with them to try and make a difference, through fundraising and by giving the children a chance to have their ideas and hopes for change heard. We have just launched this year’s Poetry by Heart competition; all children from Reception to Year 6 choose a poem to learn from memory just before half term. They will recite them to our wonderful panel of judges in a couple of weeks’ time and they will select those children who have done well enough to be put through to the regional finals. Last year we had a national winner and the year before a national finalist – so the children have been working hard and are hoping to build on that success again this year. Squirrels have been out to Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, spending an amazing afternoon creating their own art works inspired by artist Joe Tilson. We have bought some second hand picture frames and have created our own art gallery in school to display the children’s work. Caroline Hulbert, Deputy Headteacher. www.easebourne.w-sussex.sch.uk


Midhurst C of E Primar y School

School trips, forest school & Sumdog West Sussex maths contest

As usual, we have had a busy term at MPS so far. Lots of classes have been out and about on trips to learn from first hand experiences and to enjoy the many features of living in the heart of the South Downs. Years 1 and 2 have been on two trips so far this term. They have been to visit Pizza Express at Haslemere, making their own margherita pizzas and learning about the history of pizzas. They donned their chef hats to knead the dough, make their pizzas and add their toppings. We then returned to school to enjoy eating the pizzas! The Key Stage 1 children have also had a brilliant day at Goodwood Home Farm, learning about where our food comes from. They had a tour of the farm, saw the cows being milked, learnt all about organic farming and even churned their own butter. Our Year 3 and 4 children have been on a trip to Coultershaw Heritage Site where they saw a working beam pump and an Archimedes Screw, made and tested boats, identified creatures from the river and then created their own from clay and followed the Wind in the Willows trail. It was a brilliant day with lots of learning and seeing the beam pump in action was a real wow moment. This term, Years 4 and 6 have been having their Forest School sessions. So far they have cooked popcorn, hot dogs and damper bread along with the usual marshmallows and s’hmores with hot chocolate. The children have also experienced whittling, weaving, den building, fire lighting, clay modelling and playing games in the woods. Years 3 and 4 took part in the Sumdog West Sussex maths contest. The children had to answer 1000 maths questions each over 7 days which they did both in school and as part of their homework. They amazingly, Year 3 came 1st overall and Year 4 came 2nd! www.midhurst-primary-school.co.uk

Beyond the classroom

With educational visits back in full swing, it’s been an exciting time for students at Midhurst Rother College with opportunities for wider life experiences on offer for all to take advantage of. Music and theatre featured strongly with 250 students from across the College venturing out and about for performances. Key Stage 3 students visited Chichester Festival Theatre to see Famous Five the Musical, Key Stage 4 travelled to The Mayflower Theatre in Southampton to see An Inspector Calls supporting their study of this for GCSE English and Key Stage 5 music students took a trip to the famous Glyndebourne Opera. For some this was the first educational visit during their time at the College, for others their first since Covid and for some their first ever visit to the theatre. All thoroughly enjoyed their chosen performances, enriching their time at MRC. Upcoming for the music and drama departments, is the Music for Youth Proms at the Royal Albert Hall. A spectacular concert like no other where full-scale symphony orchestras are showcased alongside some of the best young jazz bands, chamber g rou ps, ban ds an d si ng ersongwriters from across the UK. To support their studies, Year 10 and 12 textiles students took a trip to the Knitting and Stitching Show Trip to Alexandra Palace, which brought together hundreds of workshops, demonstrations, interactive features, professionally curated textile art galleries, as well as leading specialist suppliers. The visit provided inspiration and ideas for upcoming projects for their GCSE and A level studies and resources. www.mrc-academy.org

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