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Midhurst Rother College

A newly planted tiny forest


Working with Chichester District Council, delivery partner of the HM Treasury Shared Outcome Fund, coordinated by Defra, the tiny forest is part of research trials aiming to increase tree cover outside of woodlands across England. A principal area of research is how to support an increase in urban trees whilst providing spaces that are accessible for people for reduced costs.

The “Tiny Forest” concept is a relatively new approach to establishing trees in the UK. Developed by the Japanese botanist Dr Akira Miyawaki, they have proven to be a popular approach to increasing urban trees and restoring degraded land in South and East Asia for a number of years. The Tiny Forest (a.k.a. Miyawaki method) has also been shown to have positive impacts

on wildlife biodiversity and carbon sequestration where they have been established. Using an approach that focuses on soil rehabilitation, avoidance of herbicides and relying on native vegetation, the “tiny forests” create a wooded environment with a much higher density of planting than conventional tree establishment methods. Following identification of a suitable site by Sophie Hamnett, Tree Project Officer at CDC, the 270m2 plot was prepared and fenced by Council contractors. Planting took place at the end of February, with students and staff helping to plant the 422 saplings made up of an intimate mix of native species informed by local species records. A plan of care is now in place for the trees and the project will be monitored by CDC’s Project Officer. www.mrc-academy.org

Midhurst C of E Primar y School

A summer of celebration

At MPS we have been enjoying a fun-packed term of learning and the children have been out and about in the local community and beyond. Our Reception Class had its first ever school trip, heading out on our minibuses to Little Street in Chichester. There were so many things to do - a cafe, hair dressers, farm, builders and theatre to name a few. The children were brilliant at sharing the resources and acting out different scenarios. As part of their ‘Fire and Ice’ topic, Year 1 children visited Midhurst Fire Station. They looked at all the equipment, sat in the fire truck and best of all tried out the hoses! At the end of half-term, we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, with a Street Party for the whole school. We sang the National Anthem, enjoyed an outdoor lunch together, listened to music through the decades, and the children took part in competitions like ‘Name the Corgi’ and decorate your bike or scooter as a royal carriage. We have also made decorations for the Rother Valley Together group who asked if the children could help them cheer up the space they were using in the Grange for their Jubilee lunch. As ever the teachers and children were only too happy to help and created bunting, placemats, table decorations and posters – all with a jubilee theme. Eco club have been busy creating artwork from our collection of bottle tops, making a 3D turtle mural. They are keen to share the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle = Respect’ message and we have entered the artwork into a national competition. In addition, we have run a prayer day, classes have visited Midhurst library, we have helped out at church Friendship teas and continued to participate in local sporting events. A busy term, with lots of fun learning! www.midhurst-primary-school.co.uk

Jubille celebrations & school trips

Jubilee Celebrations As part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, our whole school came together to complete a variety of actives and have a wonderful 'playground' party. The children explored how the Queen has been the head of our royal family, what this means and where she has visited around the world. This fits in well when our children learn more about the Commonwealth, when they discuss the 2022 Commonwealth Games later in the summer term. During our party, the children sang our national anthem, enjoyed the wonderful weather and some even had a dance as the music played. It was lovely to see the children enjoy themselves after they had worked hard during this half-term. Trips, trips and more trips... It has been great to see our children embark on numerous trips over the last couple of weeks. Most of our children visited our local library to see what they have to offer. Our year six children spent the day at Chessington World of Adventures as they start their new design and technology theme about rollercoasters. Rowan Class, our year two children, visited the South Downs Planetarium as part of their theme for the term. Next half-term we have children visiting the Recycling Centre at Ford, Air Arena, Chichester Cathedral, Marwell Zoo, different sporting tournaments (football, cricket and rounders), trip to the Amex to see England and we even have a 'sleepover' at school with the theme 2022 Commonwealth Games. Headteacher John Galvin www.petworth.w-sussex.sch.uk

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