10 minute read

What’s On - March/April 2023

Event organisers please enter your event details on www.sussexlocal.net/events-add/ We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all eight editions distributed to over 54,000 addresses. Charity, community and non-profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for April events to be put on website - 4th March



2nd Mar & 2nd Apr 8:00 PM The CancerWise 2023 Fundraising Challenge Quiz Supporting people, families and carers affected by cancer across West Sussex info@virtualquizevents.com £5 www.VirtualQuizEvents.com

19th Mar 9:30 AM The Children's Trust Surrey Hills Hike Take on the Surrey Hills, starting and finishing at The Children's Trust Tadworth KT20

5RU Adult: £10 Child: £5 Lucy enquiries@thechildrenstrust.org.uk www.thechildrenstrust.org.uk/surreyhillshike

25th & 26th Mar 9:00 AM Arundel Castle Abseil

Abseil down the side of the 180-foot tower to be knighted with a bespoke castle medal Arundel Castle BN18 9AB St Barnabas Hospices events@stbh.org.uk www.stbarnabashospice.org.uk/events/arundel-castle-abseil/

28th Mar 7:30 PM Date2Donate - find love while spreading love Meet local singles and raise money for a good cause Muchos Nachos Pub

Chichester PO19 8HT £5 Jovita 07515 597297 jovita.ivinskaite@act4africa.org www.meetup.com/date2donate-find-love-whilespreading-love/events/291436383

15th Apr 10:00 AM Billinghurst Macmillan Coffee Morning including cakes, preserves, crafts, Tombola and raffle Billingshurst Centre RH14 9EW 07711 470635 terriashpool@uwclub.net


1st Mar 12:00 PM West Chiltington Probus Club

Members lunch for retired professional or business men resident in or near the village Roundabout Hotel West Chiltington RH20 2PF David 01798 812481 david.g8tfk@gmail.com

4th Mar & 1st Apr 10:30 AM Parkinson's Support Group Support group for people with Parkinson's and their families Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £2 Gillian 01903 746871 gillian.chard@btinternet.com

6th Mar & 3rd Apr 8:00 PM Felpham Singles

Social Club Friendly singles club for over 55's

The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Anne 01243 821530 anniecook555@yahoo.co.uk www.felphamsingles.yolasite.com

7th Mar 2:00 PM

Pulborough Computer Club The Latest Scams & How to Avoid Them Learn how to spot scams, and how to protect against them Pulborough Village Hall RH20 1LP £3 / Members £2 Chrissie 01798 872 266 chrissie@wisborough.com www.pcclub.org.uk

7th Mar 7:00 PM Storrington Museum AGM Members only meeting followed by talk from local author on writing historical fiction for Children Storrington Museum RH20 4LL 01903 740188 storringtonmuseum@hotmail.com

12th Mar 11:00 AM Caring for CoultershawVolunteer Day Coultershaw Heritage Site near Petworth GU28 0JE Tony 07860 186847 admin@coultershaw.co.uk coultershaw.co.uk

13th Mar 7:30 PM Pulborough Meadows WI Visitors welcome Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £1 Mary Walker 07920 326000 mary.walker50@gmail.com

21st Mar 7:30 PM West Chiltington Floral Club

Area Demonstrator: Barbara Caldecourt West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ Visitors Free. Carol 01798 813608 / Brenda 01798 813712 wchiltfloralclub@gmail.com

22nd Mar 2:30 PM Storrington Flower Club

Affiliated to NAFAS welcome new members and visitors Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP £6 01903 742102 chrissyldesmond@gmail.com


17th Mar 6:30 PM Worthing Climate

Engagement and Action XR Worthing - twice monthly meetings - all are welcome CREW Worthing BN11 3AL xrworthing@protonmail.com

- please contact event organisers to check for changes

25th Mar 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast Community

Event Talk by Colonel Edward Armitstead CBE ex Coldstream Guards Chichester Park Hotel PO19

7Q £10 07813 024585 immanuelchichester.com/ community/mens-breakfast peter@ppsutton.co.uk

29th Mar 10:00 AM Carer Marketplace Unpaid carers can learn more about local services and support available Norfolk Centre Arundel BN18

9PA luke.hutchinson@carerssupport.org.uk www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/arundel-carermarketplace-event-tickets-522387905287? aff=odcleoeventsincollection


1st Mar 10:00 AM Getting started with Ancestry.co.uk workshop to get you started with your family and local history research West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £7.50 / £6.50 for members www.westsussex.gov.uk/ro 01243

753602 record.office@westsussex.gov.uk

11th & 21st Mar 8:30 AM Birdsong Masterclass

Identify birdsong at RSPB Pulborough Brooks

RH20 2EL £20.50 members / £25.50 nonmembers Lydia lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk 01798

875851 events.rspb.org.uk/pulboroughbrooks

26th Mar 9:30 AM Birding for absolute beginners If you’re new to birdwatching, this is the session for you RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members / £25.50 nonmembers Lydia lydia.fletcher@rspb.org.uk 01798

875851 events.rspb.org.uk/pulboroughbrooks

5th Apr 10:00 AM Reading old handwriting One workshop to get you started with your family and local history research West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £7.50 / £6.50 members 01243

753602 record.office@westsussex.gov.uk www.westsussex.gov.uk/ro


1st - 5th Mar 10:00 AM Natalia Samarina: My Art exhibition Join Natalia Samarina for her first exhibition Colonnade House BN11 3DH Paula 01903 221142 paula.tollett@adur-worthing.gov.uk colonnadehouse.co.uk/

1st Mar - 2nd April 10:00 AM Birds & Beasts: The Wild Escape Discover a wild array of prints and drawings of birds and beasts by artists Pallant House Gallery PO19 1TJ 01234 774557 info@pallant.org.uk pallant.org.uk/

1st - 24th Mar 11:00 AM Anne Grebby in Chichester | Artist Residency artist Anne Grebby will undertake a three month residency at Chichester Cathedral PO19 1PX info@chichestercathedral.org.uk www.chichestercathedral.org.uk

7th Mar 10:00 AM Stemmed exhibition presenting Lucy’s soft, woven forms and Ellie’s defined, linear glassworks Colonnade House BN11 3DH Paula 01903 221142 paula.tollett@adur-worthing.gov.uk colonnadehouse.co.uk

16th Mar - 30th Apr 10:00 AM Arundel Museum

Exhibition: Ralph Ellis - Artist and Inn Sign

Designer The Arundel resident who was one of England’s most successful inn sign painters

Arundel Museum BN18 9PA Adult: £4.50 Child: £3.50 01903 885866 www.arundelmuseum.org office@arundelmuseum.org

18th Mar 10:30 AM Slindon History Exhibition of Local Scenes dated mid-1900's Exhibition of watercolour paintings by former Slindon House Butler Coronation Hall Slindon BN18 0QZ Free. Moira www.slindon.com 01243 814725 moira.wordpower@btinternet.com

21st - 26th Mar 10:00 AM

Steve Gallagher at Colonnade House: "Cloth, Paper, Steel" Fine art photographs exhibition by Steve Gallagher

Colonnade House BN11 3DH 01903 221142 paula.tollett@adurworthing.gov.uk colonnadehouse.co.uk

1st & 2nd April 10:00 AM The Sussex Guild Contemporary Craft Show The Sussex Guild is exhibiting again in The Henfield Hall BN5 9DB £3 01273 479565 info@thesussexguild.co.uk thesussexguild.co.uk/sussex-guild-events/ henfield-contemporary-show/

4th - 8th Apr 10:00 AM Mark Munroe-Preston Mark Munroe-Preston “Treescapes” Colonnade House BN11 3DH paula.tollett@adurworthing.gov.uk colonnadehouse.co.uk/event/ mark-munroe-preston-treescapes/

11th - 15th Apr 10:00 AM Rosemary Jones: Fabric Printing with Linoblocks Artist specialises in linocut printmaking Colonnade House BN11 3DH paula.tollett@adur-worthing.gov.uk colonnadehouse.co.uk

More events on www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes













Textile Art


Admission: Adults £3 Students and Children Free

Family Entertainment

25th Mar 12:00 PM Point to Point Racing at Parham See the INEOS Grenadier 4x4 off-road and enjoy a day out Parham Point to Point RH20

2ER Carolyn caroylngorman@gmail.com www.facebook.com/p2patparham


2nd & 16th Apr 2:30 PM High Salvington Windmill Open Afternoon High Salvington Windmill BN13 3BP £1 - extra for tour of the mill 07799 333267 lucindafbrooks@outlook.com

15th Apr 9:00 AM Ploughing Match & rural exhibition Vintage Tractors ploughing as they did in 1920 - 1960 The Venue Woodmancote BN5 9BA £8 Gilly 07767 621387 cebvintage@hotmail.co.uk


8th Mar 7:00 PM Storrington Rotary Film NightElvis Starring Tom Hanks & Austin Butler Bar + Raffle Sullington Village Hall RH20 3PP £5 Ken 01903 740745 kandjcoll@btinternet.com

9th Mar 6:45 PM Foreign Film evening The Worthing Twinning Association classic French Film evening West Tarring Baptist Church hall BN14 7LU £5 Pam 01903 232196 pambennett8@btinternet.com

20th Mar 7:30 PM Pulborough Film Night

Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £7 Terri 07711 470635 terriashpool@uwclub.net


5th, 21st Mar & 23rd Apr 2:00 PM Manor of Dean garden open for the National Garden Scheme Manor of Dean Petworth GU289AP £5 01483 211535 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk

8th Mar 7:15 PM Talk by Nikki BarkerRhododendrons, Camellias & Magnolias

Experienced horticulturalist talks about her favourite group of plants West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ £3 visitors / members free Carys carys.pickett@btinternet.com 07792 817399 www.westchilthortsoc.wordpress.com

More events on www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes

12th Mar & 10th Apr 10:30 AM Beautiful Garden at the Old Vicarage This Garden opens for The National Garden Scheme The Old Vicarage Pulborough RH20 4AS £7 01483 211535 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk

25th & 26th Mar 1:30 PM National Garden Scheme garden at Down Place South Harting Enjoy an afternoon at the National Garden Scheme garden at Down Place Petersfield, GU31 5PN £5 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk

25th Mar 2:00 PM Walberton Gardeners Club Spring Flower Show Walberton Village Hall BN18 0PJ £1 www.walberton-gardeners-club.com walbertongcshows@outlook.com 07881 552980

31st Mar 11:00 AM National Garden Scheme: Judy’s Cottage Garden Judy’s Cottage Garden open in March, June and September Judy’s Cottage Garden Worthing BN13 2AE £5 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk

11th Apr 2:00 PM The garden at Peelers Retreat Pick up the National Garden Scheme booklet at local outlets Peelers Retreat Arundel BN18 9EX £5 01483 211535 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk

16th Apr 2:00 PM National Garden Scheme: Gardens and woods full of bulbs and wild flowers open garden Newtimber Place Hassocks BN6 9BU £5 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk

Every Thurs 10:30 AM The Old Vicarage The Street open for The National Garden Scheme

The Old Vicarage Washington, Pulborough RH20 4AS £7 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk


Every Mon 7:30 PM HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Free taster to all new Clients - Suitable to all levels Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £10 07872 968708 ldlovesfitness@yahoo.com www.instagram.com/ldlovesfitness


3rd Mar 7:30 PM 60 Minutes of Classical Music Studio 1, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £6.50 under 25's - £3.50 Contact Hazel Latus: www.alexandratheatre.co.uk 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk

More events on www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes Visit

• westsussexconnecttosupport.org

5th Mar 3:00 PM Worthing Philharmonic Orchestra presents A Spring Concert Elgar

Cockaigne Overture Rachmaninov Piano

Concerto No.2 Walton Symphony No. 1

Worthing Assembly Hall BN11 1HE Various prices worthingphilharmonic@gmail.com www.worthingphil.co.uk/

7th Mar 2:00 PM 2 O'Clock Club Mitchell

Armstrong Studio 1, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £6 Hazel www.alexandratheatre.co.uk 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk

16th Mar 7:00 PM Stripped Back 3 Acts Totally Acoustic, Totally Stripped back Fauna Taproom

Arundel BN18 9AT Marcus 07786 156897 marcusjones7@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/PublicImagePromotions

18th Mar 7:30 PM A Spring Spectacular Concert The Southdowns Concert Band and the Midhurst Community Choir Midhurst Memorial Hall GU29 9DH £10 bbailey93@btinternet.com 07881 552980 southdowns-concertband.com

18th Mar 7:30 PM Chilcott Requiem & Rutter Requiem By Arun Choral Society with The Sinfonia of Arun Arundel Cathedral BN18 9AY £15 / under 18s £7.50 www.arunchoralsociety.co.uk enquiries@arunchoralsociety.co.uk

24th Mar 7:00 PM Music Makes Memories

Charity Concert for Dementia Support My Special Event a charity evening of music

Newtown Sports and Social Club Bognor Regis PO21 5EU £5 12+ only myspecialevent.co.uk 07587 158999 info@myspecialevent.co.uk

24th Mar 7:00 PM

PiP Presents | Underground Sessions Four performers brought together for one evening of music. Arundel Jailhouse BN18 9AP £10 07786 156897 marcusjones7@hotmail.com

26th Mar 7:00 PM Sandgate Singers Choral Concert Spring Concert Our Lady of England Church Storrington RH20 4LW £12 01903 741256 johnandsylvi@btinternet.com www.SandgateSingers.com

More events on www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes

26th Mar 7:30 PM Passiontide Meditation The Chantry Quire at Boxgrove Priory PO18 0EE £15 Sarah webmaster@chantryquire.org.uk www.chantryquire.org.uk

30th Mar 7:30 PM PiP Presents | Mr Jones Community Open Mic The Maypole Inn Yapton BN18 0DP marcusjones7@hotmail.com 07786 156897 facebook.com/PublicImagePromotions

30th Mar 7:30 PM Spring Concerts The Rowland Singers Choir concert before Easter Offington Park Methodist Church BN14 7TN Adult: £12 / Child: £4 Janet jan@robertsummers.co.uk www.rowlandsingers.co.uk

1st Apr 7:00 PM 80s night in aid of Wolfram Syndrome charity event with 80's electro pop from Synthony 101 The Factory Live Worthing BN14 8BX £15 admin@wolframsyndrome.co.uk www.wolframsyndrome.co.uk

2nd Apr 3:00 PM Maya Irgalina at The International Interview Concerts what makes Maya tick in interviews @rtsspaces@sionschool

Worthing BN11 4BL Adult: £14 / Child: £2 interviewconcerts@gmail.com www.facebook.com/TheInterviewConcerts


18th Mar 9:00 AM Arundel Farmers Market

Discover local growers, bakers, meat, poultry, flowers, plants and food and drink Arundel BN18 9AA www.arundelfarmersmarket.co.uk/

18th Mar 9:30 AM Cheeki Monkeys Big Baby & Childrens market Buy or sell toys, clothes and equipment The Shoreham Centre BN43 5WU £1.50 www.facebook.com/Cheeki-MonkeysBrighton-BN2-and-Shoreham-by-Sea107135655022217

18 Mar 1:00 PM 12th Chichester Scout Group

Jumble Sale 12th Chichester Scout Group HQ PO19 3AB 30p 12thchichester.org.uk 07796 144541 secretary@12thchichester.org.uk

25th Mar 9:00 AM Pulborough Monthly Market

Eggs, bread, cakes, crafts, vegs and cafe

Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF Terri 07711 470635 terriashpool@uwclub.net

15th Apr 10:15 AM Junktique, Collectables & Clutter Sale Indoor sale of quality items West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ £1 Carol 01798 813608 / Brenda 01798 813712 wchiltfloralclub@gmail.com

More events on www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes


25th Mar 9:30 AM Fishbourne Literary Festival with authors, stalls and refreshments

Fishbourne Church & St. Peter's Place Near Chichester PO19 3XT £25 Simon www.fishbourneliteraryfestival.co.uk 07718 512860 fishbourneliteraryfestival@gmail.com


3rd Mar 2:30 PM Weather Lore in StorringtonFact or Fiction? How reliable are weather sayings? Storrington Museum RH20 4LL £8 / £6 members 01903 740188 storringtonmuseum.com storringtonmuseum@hotmail.com

7th Mar 2:00 PM The Arts Society West Sussex Monthly Talk Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1JB Visitors £7 Jackie theartssocietywestsussex.org westsussex@theartssociety.org

7th Mar 7:30 PM Talk by Nick Hall from BBC's Bargain Hunt Small friendly club Field Place

Worthing BN13 1NP Non members £7.50 07984 403890 www.worthingantiqueclub.com worthingantiqueclub@yahoo.co.uk

8th Mar 7:30 PM Lavant Horticultural Society

Talk by Martin Duncan Lavant Memorial Hall PO18 0BA Non-members £3 Susan 01243 527725 suejackson23@tiscali.co.uk lavanthortsoc.org.uk

9th Mar 12:30 PM Nelson Mandela Talk by Colin Chambers, visiting Prison Chaplain Robin Island Cape Town Chichester Park Hotel PO19 7QL £20 Frank 01243 527068 frankgriffiths@yahoo.com chichesterprobus.club

13th Mar 10:00 AM The Arts Society Steyning Making Sport: Jane Austen and the Art of Satire by Annalie Talent The Steyning Centre BN44 3X Members free, £10 donation for visitors The Chairman steyning@theartssociety.org www.theartssocietysteyning.org.uk

16th Mar 7:30 PM

Midhurst Camera Club

Speaker Evening Talk by David Smith "The Great Silk Road Today" The Old Library Midhurst GU29 9DQ Visitors £6 midhurstcameraclub.co.uk membership@midhurstcameraclub.co.uk

More events on www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes

21st Mar 7:00 PM Arundel Museum Talk: Ralph Ellis A complementary talk to the exhibition Arundel Museum BN18 9PA £7 members/£9 non members marketing@arundelmuseum.org

22nd Mar 7:15 PM The Great Train Robbery1963 The story about what happened Bassil Shippam Centre Chichester PO19 7LG £3donation rcts.org.uk/branches/branch-chrchichester 07403 885061 chichester@rcts.org.uk

4th Apr 7:30 PM A talk on Georg Jensen, Danish Silversmith Small friendly club Field Place

Worthing BN13 1NP £7.50 per talk 07984 403890 worthingantiqueclub@yahoo.co.uk www.worthingantiqueclub.com

12th Apr 7:30 PM Lavant Horticultural Society

Talk by Steve Edney Lavant Memorial Hall PO18 0PA Non-members £3 Susan 01243 527725 suejackson23@tiscali.co.uk lavanthortsoc.org.uk


9th - 11th Mar 7:30 PM 'London Road' Best Musical in 2011 Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £18 Child: £10 Hazel Latus 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk www.alexandratheatre.co.uk

17th Mar 7:30 PM 'ABBA Forever' at the Regis Centre Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £29.50 Hazel www.alexandratheatre.co.uk 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk

23rd - 25th Mar 7:30 PM 'High Society' from theatrical DNA of the highest order Alexandra Theatre Regis Centre PO21 1BN £20 Hazel alexandratheatre.co.uk 01243 867676

28th Mar 7:30 PM 'Come What May’ starring Robin Windsor Alexandra Theatre Regis Centre PO21 1BN £32.50 Hazel alexandratheatre.co.uk 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk

30th Mar 2:00 PM 'When You're Smiling'

Afternoon of music Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £14.50 alexandratheatre.co.uk

01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk


7th, 10th & 22nd Apr 10:30 AM Reptile safari RSPB Pulborough Brooks WF17 0EE £12.50 members / £15.50 Non members 01798 875851 lydia.fletcher@rspb.org.uk events.rspb.org.uk/pulboroughbrooks

More events on www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes


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