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Storrington history
through the door
59 History
Storrington High Street
In the early 1900s manure was a common sight on the roads as motorised horse power was still in its infancy.
Early 1900s
Was that preferable to the sort of flooding caused by the river Stor in the High Street, as in this 1980s occurrence. After more road and property flooding, work was done to improve the culvert running under the road.
Flooding in 1980s
This picture below from the opposite direction shows on the right the building that is now GL & Co estate agents and the area that is Place de Villerest. To the left the building that is now The Gallery and The White Room hairdressers.
On the right building that is now GL & Co and Place de Villerest.
Storrington Museum The Old School, School Lane, RH20 4LL 01903 740188 storringtonmuseum.com