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Local Plan update and Planning Application

Edited extracts from draft minutes of the Planning and Conservation working group on 3rd Feb 2022 Local Plan - District Council reported review of housing allocations made by Central Government and testing numbers for viability. Reported numbers allocated didn’t look achievable due to lack of suitable infrastructure. Members advised it was hoped existing brownfield sites could be used for provision of new affordable housing. Asked if consideration of Central Government’s recent Levelling Up agenda included in discussions on Local Plan and if Local Plan remained relevant. Planning Application - CC/22/00033/FUL - 10 Lavant Road Chichester West Sussex PO19 5RQ Demolition of 3 flats and associated garages, erection of 6 flats and one 3 bed dwelling and associated works. Planning Adviser summarised history of application circulated to Members with agenda. Explained previous proposals and amendments made. Members advised key issues raised by revised application were: 1 • History of applications for development on site. Further floor among alterations applied for objected. Amended plans submitted altering roof and omitting additional floor, resolving objection and approved. • Variation of application proposes further changes to layout of approved apartment, providing additional living space with further floor again proposed as a mezzanine and associated fenestration alterations. • Principle of planning system is to approve development unless causes harm to matters of public interest. Limit to level of development and occupation which proposal site can provide without harm to residents. Increased development, living space, occupation and activity on site, with reduced ratio of outdoor space, would harm amenity of proposed/surrounding residents and impact local character. Limit of development site can provide exceeded by proposal. Discussed new application & agreed concerns raised by Planning adviser in report. Recommended: Object additional living space due to consequent levels of activity/intensity of site use and ratio of living space to outdoor space. www.chichestercity.gov.uk


Midhurst Town Council

Public Participation Session and Tree Applications

Edited extracts from draft minutes of the Planning and Infrastructure Committee on 24th Jan 2022 Public Participation Session - Mr and Mrs Triska addressed meeting about planning application (SDNP/21/06432/FUL) for a Class C2 (Extra Care) development comprising 84 units (King Green East) and 14 dwellings (Superintendent's Drive), care facilities, internal and external communal amenity areas and car park. This doubles original planning application for 50 homes. Given class of housing being proposed, concern raised about impact on local infrastructure, especially Riverbank surgery. Noted that Elysian Residence intend to deliver an American style leasehold retirement village in a remote location. Elysian Residence have stated their target population will be affluent, fit and healthy. This intent is to deliver a Class C2 development. Also noted that traffic survey carried out on King’s Drive completed during the working week, when nation was in lockdown. Action: Town Clerk to capture concerns and submit them to SDNPA via their planning portal. Tree Applications - 019.01 SDNP/22/00021/ TCA 21 Petersfield Road Midhurst GU29 9JH Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Cypress tree (T1). Crown reduce by 1.5m on 1 no. Pittosporum tree T2. No objection to application. 019.02 SDNP/22/00023/TCA 23 Petersfield Road Midhurst GU29 9JH Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Silver Birch tree (T1). Decision: MTC has no objection to this application. 019.03 SDNP/21/06193/TCA The Silver Horseshoe North Street Midhurst West Sussex GU29 9DH Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Conifer tree (T1). Decision: No objection to application. P/021/21 - Actions provided to committee before meeting. Outstanding actions closed. P/021/22 – Build and Custom Housebuilding Register The SDNPA are seeking comments on proposed local connection test for the Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register. Council support approach and asked the Assistant Clerk to respond. Action: Assistant Clerk to send a supportive response to SDNPA. www.midhurst-tc.gov.uk

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