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10 Council News

Easebourne PC


Getting involved - making a difference Easebourne had some wonderful support from volunteers in 2019. Without residents’ involvement the Parish would not be what it is. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and people can give as much time as they want. Every little helps. In 2020 we’re looking for volunteers to: - Help with Park projects - Litter pick - Work with the Midhurst Green Volunteers - Help with our Community Speedwatch activity We’re also on the look-out for people to join the Parish Council. For more information contact the Parish Clerk at parishclerk@easebourne.org or on 07342 166188. Green volunteers come to Easebourne We teamed up with the Midhurst Green Volunteers to work on the first of our community projects keeping greenery at bay. Volunteers did a great job of clearing nearly two tonnes of green waste from High Path. The work was completed on 25th January. We’re now looking for people to help out with future projects - both in Easebourne and Midhurst.

Midhurst Town Council Edited extracts taken from the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 9th December 2019. Finance Budget 2020/21 Following a short discussion, it was confirmed that the maintenance work on the boiler in Cemetery Lodge had been completed. The £10,000 allocated for the remaining project work on Cemetery Lodge (as identified by the survey) can now be reduced to reflect this. After this adjustment it was resolved to approve the financial budget 2020/21 and recommend to Council for adoption. Carron Lane Improvement Working Group It was confirmed that £6,000 had been agreed for a feasibility study; some of the work involved would be undertaken by Boher Architecture in respect of illustrations and plans and Hooli Design to create a logo, survey and possibly further marketing work. Using Survey Monkey, the survey will run for six weeks, it will be available in paper format (in a special edition of Midhurst Matters) and via links from the council website and Facebook page. A special edition of Midhurst Matters will go out in February which will feature an article on the feasibility study taking place along with the survey. The questions for the survey would be arranged and agreed by the working group in conjunction with Hooli. The Finance committee agreed to Hooli’s quotation for the logo design of £110-165 and The next dates and projects are: Saturday 1st February - Wheelbarrow Castle (South) - day 1 of 3 Tuesday 4th February - South Street and St Ann’s Hill Saturday 8th February - Wheelbarrow Castle (South) - day 2 of 3 Tuesday 11th February - Lambert’s Lane - day 1 of 2 Saturday 15th February - Lambert’s Lane - day 2 of 2 Tuesday 18th February - Taylor’s Field - day 1 of 3 Saturday 22nd February - Taylor’s Field - day 2 of 3 Tuesday 25th February - Taylor’s Field - day 3 of 3 Saturday 29th February - Wheelbarrow Castle (South) - day 3 of 3 You can find a longer list on the Easebourne Parish website or Facebook page (Easebourne village). easebourne.org

Meetings February 2020 Finance Committee 7th Feb - The Refectory (behind St Mary’s Church): 7.00pm Planning Committee 5th Feb - The Refectory (behind St Mary’s Church): 7.30pm

fees for the setup of the Survey via Survey Monkey £440 plus ongoing fees of £29.17 per month (for the duration of the survey). All social media and other promotional materials will be discussed at the next working group meeting with a view to the social media element being done in-house . St Ann’s Hill Being an historical interest and tourist attraction two proposals were put forward: 1) Midhurst Town Council to buy or lease the area from Chichester District Council. 2) Form a working party, incorporating interested parties along with Chichester District Council, to maintain it and see how best it can be used as a commercial benefit to the town. Grass Cutting West Sussex have now engaged a contractor for district grass cutting next financial year. Midhurst Town Council to discuss the possibility of engaging him to undertake the periods when WSCC will now not be grass cutting in Midhurst. Possible collaboration with Easebourne’s contractor should be progressed further as well. www.midhurst-tc.gov.uk © Jo Turner (cc-by-sa/2.0)

through the door

Edited extracts from the minutes of the Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 4th December 2019. Rosemary Gardens It was reported that a Councillor had expressed concern about the maintenance of Rosemary Gardens, advising that there has been over pruning. It was agreed that the contractor should be given a landscape management statement to follow in order to get the gardens back up to the required standard. Youth Shelter It was advised that the draft presentation to be given to young people will be available from January 2020 for the Open Spaces committee. It was advised the Clerk write to Lord Egremont to make him aware of the proposals for a youth shelter, outlining the consultation process and the rationale for the project. Sports Ground update It was reported that a letter from the National Trust has been received, advising that they aren’t willing to enter any conversations about a 25-year lease for at least 6 months. The Councillor advised that the Clerk has drafted a letter, requesting a meeting with representatives from the National Trust to agree a plan, however this has not yet been sent. It was suggested that as the leaseholders of the Sports Ground, the Town Council must take the lead in negotiations. Petworth Town Council

Council News 11

Visitors Information Point The Clerk advised that the Town Council can access grant funding of up to £10,000 to cover 50% of the total cost of the Visitors Information Point and that in order to submit the application, details of all project costs are still required. Sport England skatepark grant Following receipt of a recent email, Sport England remain interested in assisting with the funding of a skatepark. It was agreed at the upcoming meeting with representatives from Leconfield Estate, the Council will request some Estate land to install the skatepark; either through a lease or purchase of the land. One Councillor raised the possibility of installing a skatepark at one of the allotment sites, given that there are a number of unused plots. The committee welcomed this suggestion, which they agreed to consider further dependent on the outcomes from the upcoming meeting with Leconfield Estate. Proposals to 55 Sheepdown The committee received a request for changes to allotment plot 55 at the Angel Street site. Following discussion, this was approved on the condition that dwarf stock is used and maintained to ensure the height of the trees does not exceed specifications. .www.petworth-tc.gov.uk

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