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Charity & Community news

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18 Charity & Community

Sussex Snippets The Good Neighbours scheme is run for West Sussex County Council (WSCC) by the Royal Voluntary Service (RVS). It connects people who may be feeling isolated with volunteers who offer their help during 12 arranged home visits. The RVS is appealing for new volunteers to donate their time to help clients of the Good Neighbours scheme across West Sussex, particularly in the Crawley and Worthing areas where there are currently several people on a waiting list to receive assistance. 01903 257019 or email gnwscoastal@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk Community and environmental aviation group, CAGNE, is urging supporters to write to the Secretary of State for Transport and demand that the growth proposed by Gatwick Airport from the main runway is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) under the Planning Act 2008 examination as it “will add approximately 55,000 extra flights a year - 340,000 aircraft movements by 2033 with 61m passengers added to the current infrastructure.” A suggested letter can be found at www.cagne.org. The LoCASE programme is a unique opportunity for small to medium size businesses in East Sussex to improve their energy efficiency and overall performance. With free energy audits and grant funding of up to £10,000, businesses can cut overheads, gain a competitive edge, and enhance their brands. This will be achieved with support from Carbon Smart –selected by East Sussex County Council to deliver the LoCASE project. Eligibility rules apply. 01323 790030. A crowdfunding programme launched in May 2018 has seen more than 100 community-led projects in West Sussex hit their target and the window is now open until Thursday 13 February for community groups to put forward new initiatives and projects they would like to receive funding for. The West Sussex Crowd, run in partnership by West Sussex County Council and civic crowdfunding website Spacehive, invites communities to come together and propose ideas to regenerate their local areas. Since its launch, more than 2,800 local people, businesses, district/ borough and town/parish councils have backed projects across the county, collectively raising over £750,000 and showing the strength of community buy-in for their ideas. www.westsussexcrowd.org.uk. Following Eastbourne Borough Council’s declaration of a climate emergency for the town, a new organisation, Eastbourne Carbon Neutral 2030 (ECN2030), has been set up to tackle the challenge of achieving zero carbon emissions within a decade. Meanwhile Hastings Borough Council has confirmed it is now looking at two possible sites to install solar panels, both in Hastings Country Park. Hastings has also pledged to be carbon neutral by 2030.


A December meeting of the WSCC Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee expressed concern over the programme and the predicted savings of the Whole Council Design project launched in 2019. In response to a report on the project by Katharine Eberhart, Director of Finance and Support Services, members noted: • The use of a new consultant was queried as work had already been done and there was a risk that a £19m investment might only achieve £17m of savings • Non delivery of savings would not invalidate work done by the previous consultants as many savings were to be made in areas of Children’s Services, such as using ipads to update cases on the road, which had subsequently needed increased spending in administrative support • Savings from the programme were at significant risk as the projects hadn’t reached delivery stage, but advances in IT meant the position to make progress had improved and there was confidence that the programme would achieve savings • The projected overspend of £1.5m was reported in the Total Performance Monitor and would be mitigated or balanced from reserves A further report on the programme with details of costs and savings would come to the Committee in January. Notices to: info@sussexlocal.net

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20 Charity & Community

Storrington Conservation news Have an enjoyable carbon reduced New Year. Each one of us can play a part in reducing our impact on the environment. It helps to know the extent of our carbon footprint and how to minimise it. Those of us who use the internet can get guidance from footprint.wwf.org.uk. To act is a good start to the new year. It's a big problem even so individually we can make a difference. The work party on 4th January continued the management and restoration of the Fryern Lower Dell. We next meet on 1st February again at 10am at Fryern Dell, this time at the pond by the waterfall, clearing invasive vegetation. All comers are invited to join in, gardening clothes and wellies advised, other equipment provided. On 22nd February we have the Tea and Talk in the Village Hall at 2pm. Our speaker is Dianne Dodsworth WSCC/BIFFA Waste prevention in West Sussex, an introduction to waste treatment. All welcome to hear about this important subject. £3.50, refreshments included. www.storringtonconservation.org.uk Squires’ Chatter Natter tables…. February can be a lonely month, so if you would like some company then head to Squire’s Garden Centre at Washington, as their café has ‘Chatter Natter’ tables. Part of the Chatty Café scheme these tables are for anyone –if you’re on your own, in a couple, with a

Squires chatter natter tables

Notices to info@sussexlocal.net. - events to www.sussexlocal.net friend, young people, old people and anyone in between. It’s just about having good old-fashioned human interaction. There are Chatter Natter tables every Tuesday morning plus other days throughout the week too - simply look out for the signs on the tables. London Road, Washington, RH20 3BP. ….and a family fun pet event Meanwhile, children are catered for with lots of free fun activities including “meet furry friends” and face painting at their Pet & Aquatic event from 7th-9th February, with 15% discounts on most pet items. Storrington Probus Club news Storrington Probus had a busy run up to Christmas. Members enjoyed a visit to the Aviation Museum at Tangmere where the club was welcomed and given an interesting talk by one of its volunteers. He explained that Tangmere began as a fighter station in the First World War and in the Second World War became a staging post for agents on their way to France. After the war it was the base for high speed flights and the world air speed record was broken in 1946 and 1953 by Neville Duke. Some members had the chance to “fly” a simulator and finished the day with an excellent lunch at the Gribble Inn nearby. Later in the month members enjoyed The Annual President’s Ladies Dinner, The club president John Wilkinson and his wife Kathy officiated the proceedings ably assisted by Vice-President Roger OvertonSmith. More than seventy members, friends and family celebrated in style, with a fine meal provided by the chefs at The West Sussex Golf Club and afterwards members danced and thoroughly enjoyed music and vocal entertainment by Kerry Le Bern. The Christmas festivities were finalised with a trip to Gun Wharf Quays in Portsmouth where members went shopping in a super atmosphere of lights and decorations, then later saw a performance of The Nutcracker. www.storringtonprobus.com. tangmere-museum.org.uk

through the door


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