2 minute read

Chichester Town Council News

through the door

Council News 13


Chichester City Council Edited extracts from the minutes of the Chichester City Council meeting held on 11th September 2019. Reports from Chichester District and WSCC members  Councillors were advised that the Charles Avenue Hub would be opening shortly. Also, work on the Westhampnett Junction would be completed soon and works to raise kerbs to prevent flooding in the Oving Road area were nearing completion. In addition, the new bus shelter in Swanfield would be considered by the City Council in October.  Councillors were further informed that the new traffic lights in Florence Road would be switched on by the end of the month and that delays to this work had been caused by issues with underground cables.  Councillor F then responded to an earlier discussion under the Notices of Motion regarding the cost of planting new trees which had been stated as being charged by West Sussex County Council at a rate of £150 per tree. Councillors were advised that this figure covered the cost of the licence to plant, the tree and the planting of the tree rather than just the licence alone. The issue of the Chichester Vision for the City Centre was also raised. Councillors were assured that all interested bodies were working together on the Vision, including the possibility of planting further trees, the use of better surfaces for the pedestrian areas and the im

portance of feasibility studies and surveys to map underlying structures and forgotten services prior to any work being undertaken.  Applications for Government grants aimed at revitalising large towns were currently in the process of being submitted.  Councillor B raised the issue of the most recently installed pedestrian crossing next to the Giggling Squid restaurant on the junction of St Pancras and The Hornet. He expressed concerns about the increase in congestion that the positioning of this crossing had caused and asked whether there was any possibility of this crossing being removed or repositioned. It was advised that, in the short term, this would not be possible. The traffic lights had been incorrectly positioned and that, due to the proximity with the Market Road crossing, it was necessary to synchronise both sets of lights, causing all traffic to be stopped for approximately 30 seconds every minute. It was further advised that, as a planning consent had expired, it was now feasible to either remove the pedestrian crossing completely, or replace it with a pedestrian friendly zebra crossing. www.chichester.gov.uk Chichester Council House

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