Handcross Village Directory 2015 2016

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2015 - 2016


Including Balcombe, Ardingly & Slaugham

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A5 local directories.indd 1

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18/02/2015 10:05:04


Welcome Welcome to the Handcross Annual Village Directory. One of a series of Village Directories across Sussex. This directory is delivered free of charge to every home and business in Handcross as well as Balcombe, Ardingly and Slaugham. It contains details of the local clubs, societies, churches etc. In fact all the information that is useful to residents. Village Directories keep residents informed, shopping locally and using local services. Our aim is to support the community and the directory devotes 50% of its content free of charge to useful local information. The end of 2014 saw the retirement of Christine and Allan Haddrell after starting Village Directories 28 years ago with the reins being taken over by Tim Clark from Sussex Magazines Ltd. We would like to wish Allan and Christine a very happy retirement and whilst maintaining the fundamental principles that have made the business successful over the years we look

forward to imbuing Village Directories with a new lease of life. We welcome your feedback on what you would like to see featured in the Directory.

Published by: Sussex Magazines Ltd. 10 HOLLINGBURY ROAD, BRIGHTON, EAST SUSSEX. BN1 7JA Tel: 01273 551021 e-mail: info@villagedirectories.com web: www.villagedirectories.com Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the information within this publication is accurate, Sussex Magazines Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies that may occur. Reproduction and transmission of any part of this publication is not permitted without prior consent, in writing from the publishers. Sussex Magazines Ltd. do not officially endorse any advertising material included in this publication. Cover illustration by Anne-Marie Sonneveld www.ams-illustrations.com

Copyright The Francis Frith Collection – www.francisfrith.com




Balcombe Gardeners’ Association holds a Spring Show on 28th March run jointly with the Flower Club and an Autumn Show on 5th of September. We take a coach party to Wisley Gardens annually and arrange other occasional visits and lectures. Plant Sale on 16th May. Members can take advantage of discounts on seed orders and garden supplies. Life membership is £10 (£2 for senior citizens).

There are allotments in the centre of the Village. For further information

CONTACT: Rosemary Robertson TELEPHONE: 01444 811800

HANDCROSS ALLOTMENTS These are Council allotments in the village, run as an association. The cost of an allotment varies according to the size of plot. If you want to get fit – this could be for you! CONTACT: Parish Clerk: Sally McLean TELEPHONE: 01403 733881

BALCOMBE FLOWER CLUB There is an annual subscription of £15.00 with a £2.00/meeting payment for members and a £4.00/meeting payment for guests. If you enjoy flowers and would like to have an opportunity to see a variety of arrangements then come along and give it a try. Members are novice and experienced and with the help of each other and demonstrators you can bring a different slant on how you see a “bunch of flowers”. MEET: CONTACT:

CONTACT: Parish Clerk: Sally McLean TELEPHONE: 01403 733881

Parish Room, Balcombe Last Friday monthly 7.30 for 8.00 pm (not in August or December) Glenis Green 07971 259404 or Lois Fenn 01444 811531

CUCKFIELD EVENING FLOWER CLUB This is a friendly club aiming to promote the friendship and fun of flowers. We hold monthly meetings with demonstrations and various other special activities throughout the year. New members and visitors warmly welcomed. MEET: Queens Hall 2nd Friday Monthly 7.45 pm Except January CONTACT: Mrs Maureen Surrey TELEPHONE: 01444 482353

Bolney Nursery Trees - Shrubs Terracotta Bedding Plants

Conifers Compost Perennials

Cowfold Road, Bolney

01444 881784


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UNDER 5s HANDCROSS PLAYGROUP Your Community Pre-School


For all parents with babies and toddlers A fun caring environment, valuing and nurturing children to support life-long learning. For children (0-3 years). £1.50 per child, £2.50 per family per session. two years - school age. MEET: Tuesday 9.30 am - 11.30 am MEET: The Sports Pavilion, Term-time only Recreation Ground, Handcross All Saints Church, Handcross Monday - Friday 9 - 12 noon Tues and Thursdays until 3pm. CONTACT: Becky Pula TELEPHONE: 01444 401452 Lunch clubs until 1pm (except Wednesdays) TELEPHONE: 07763047758 EMAIL: Handcrossplaygroup@yahoo.co.uk NATIONAL CHILDBIRTH TRUST Are you pregnant? Do you have young children? WEBSITE: www.handcrossplaygroup.co.uk Well, why not join your local NCT group. We offer classes for pregnant women, social events for parents and children or perhaps you would just BALCOMBE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP like to join us for a coffee and a chat once a For babies & toddlers (0-3) with parents/carers week. £1.50 per session per family group, refreshments are available. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL:

Bramble Hall, Bramble Hill Thursday 9.45 am - 11.45 am, termtime Libby Taylor 07966576794 craig_libbyuk@yahoo.co.uk

TIGGERS PRE-SCHOOL BALCOMBE (ages 2 - school age) Our aims are simple - we want to provide the children with a safe, fun and caring place where they can play, learn and socialise with other children. £10.74 per session. MEET: Balcombe Parish Rooms, Stockcroft Road Monday to Friday (termtime) 9.15 am - 12.15 pm Tuesday 9-15pm -3pm With a daily lunch club available 12-15pm - 1.15pm CONTACT: Clare Clarke-Jones TELEPHONE: 07890 022846

TELEPHONE: 0300 330 0700 WEBSITE: www.nct.org.uk LA LECHE LEAGUE

Can help you with getting breastfeeding off to a good start – avoiding or overcoming difficulties. Your local group organises monthly informal meetings in members’ homes. Babies and young children are welcome. Books are available to borrow. To find out more: CONTACT: WEBSITE:

0845 120 2918 www.laleche.org.uk

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Colemans Solicitors

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01444 405750 www.ousevalleypractice.nhs.uk

DOCTORS: Dr Janet Hardingham, BMedSci, BM BS, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFFP Dr Caroline Smith, MB BS, MRCGP, FP Cert. Dr Katie Briggs, MBBS BSc nMRCGP DRCOG Dr Tiziana Camilleri, MBChB BSc nMRCGGP DFFP DCH DRCOG Dr Soumen Basak MBBS, BSC, nMRCGP SURGERY: Monday-Friday 8.30am-6.00pm Pharmacy closed 12.30 - 2.00pm Dumbledore Primary Care Centre London Road, Handcross, W Sussex, RH17 6HB Fax: 01444 401166 For NHS Dental Service call 01444 400088 Gilletts Surgery

This is a new service that’s being introduced to make it easier for you to access local NHS healthcare services. You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get the right help, whatever the time. SOCIAL SERVICES Adult Services (Carepoint) 01243 642121 Children’s Services 01243 642555 RED CROSS MEDICAL LOAN 29 Paddock Hall Rd, Haywards Heath CONTACT:

08000 280831

Deanland Road, Balcombe, W Sussex.RH17 6PH (Closed 1.00pm-2.00pm for lunch)

Cowfold Based • Trained by Ron Moore with 50 years experience in the industry


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Burgess Hill Symphony Orchestra is a friendly, inspirational orchestra who are always interested in welcoming new members. We do not audition, but please contact us for more information. We practise once a week, except school holidays and perform two concerts a year in May and November.

Named after the Victory Hall in which it performs. The Group run theatre visits, play and poetry readings and social events. Membership is open to any Balcombe resident or non-resident when sponsored by a Balcombe resident member. Subscription for Members is £10 and for Friends is £7.50.



Wednesday 8.15 - 10.15 pm Membership Secretary 07773 286349 afatkins@btinternet.com www.bhso.org.uk

WARNINGLID PLAYERS Two productions a year - late Spring and late Autumn. Social events, new members most welcome both for stage and backstage, no experience needed. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: GEORGE POTBURY EMAIL:

Seaforth Hall, Warninglid Rita Still 01444 461391 5/3/08 11:20 Page 1 rita.still@btopenworld.com

Robin Williamson 01444 811519 www.victoryplayers.co.uk

HAYWARDS HEATH OPERATIC SOCIETY A club for everyone any age.  Acting and non-acting members performing two musical productions every year (April and October). MEET:

Various venues Haywards Heath area


Tuesdays & Wednesdays 8.00 - 10.00 pm Michael Wates 07702 591085 www.hhos.co.uk




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FENCING All types supplied and erected

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Household Waste Recycling Site


Burgess Hill

(including Pease Pottage, Handcross & Warninglid)

TELEPHONE: 01444 243041 OPEN 8am-5pm (Winter Time) 8am-7pm (Summer time

PARISH CLERK: Sally McLean TELEPHONE: 01403 733881 WEBSITE: www.slaughampc.co.uk

WEEKENDS & BANK HOLIDAYS 9am-5pm (Winter) 9am-7pm (Summer)


Sue Hance 01444 400575

BALCOMBE CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU Oaklands, Paddock Hall Road, Haywards Heath TELEPHONE: Advice line 0344 4771171 OPEN: Advice Sessions

Monday-Friday 9.30 am - 4pm Telephone advice Monday-Friday 9.00 am - 5 pm




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Rosemary Robertson 01444 811833 parish.clerk@btconnect.com www.balcombeparishcouncil.com


Alison Stevenson 01444 811676

The Parish Council normally meet each month in Bramble Hall at 8.00pm. The Public are welcome to attend. There is a Parish Council Notice Board opposite the Victory Hall where all Parish  Council notices are displayed. District councillor: Gary Marsh County councillors: W. Acraman LOCAL MP: Rt Hon Francis Maude MP

Airports – Docks – Holidays Long or short distances

Courier – parcel and document deliveries

Holds regular surgeries for his constituents. If you wish to discuss matters in person please make an appointment with his constituency office. TELEPHONE: ADDRESS: WEBSITE:

01403 242000 House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA www.francismaude.com

Ring for a Quote Lower Beeding

(01403) 891677 Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com




Applications for membership are welcome from anyone in the Handcross area. Weekend matches home & away. New members always welcome.

As ‘the Ramblers’ group for the Mid Sussex area, we offer a varied programme of walks throughout 2014 to suit all ages and walking abilities.

MEET: Bowling Green (back of the Sports & Social Club) Daily between April & September Practice Tuesday CONTACT: Les Jones TELEPHONE: 01293 408829


BALCOMBE BOWLS CLUB Small friendly club open to anyone of any age. Meet socially and also hold coffee mornings for fund raising. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

Pavilion – Wednesday from 6.30 pm (from April - end of Sept) Practice roll up – weekdays after 12 noon Matches every weekend &  midweek, sometimes away. Mrs Lynn Dean 01342 458684

LES BONNES BOULES DE HANDCROSS Petanque Club - affiliated to the English Petanque Association and Southern Counties Petanque Association. New members welcome. MEET: Handcross Recreation Ground Sunday 10.00 am - 1.00 pm (Wednesday 10.00 am - 1.00 pm during the winter) (5.30 pm - sundown during the summer) CONTACT: Jane Sibbring TELEPHONE: 01825 723640 or 01444 819387 E-MAIL: contactus@handrcrosspetanque.org.uk WEBSITE: www.handcrosspetanque.org.uk BALCOMBE RIFLE CLUB A miniature rifle club for 12 years and over, shooting live .22. All equipment supplied. For further information

Tony (MSR Publicity) 01444 483053 publicity@midsussexramblers.co.uk www.midsussexramblers.co.uk

HANDCROSS VILLAGE FOOTBALL CLUB Three adult teams play in the Mid Sussex League. 1st team in Division 4 and 2nd in Division 8 and 3rd in Divison 9. Supporters and new members most welcome, especially young players. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL:

Play weekend matches at the Recreation Ground Train Tues & Thurs evening Anthony Kidd 07802 955764 handcrossvillagefc@gmail.com

BALCOMBE STOOLBALL CLUB All ladies club playing in the Central Sussex Stoolball League - New members always welcome playing from May to the end of August. Practice sessions before the start of the season. Home and away games. Junior team started 2004. MEET: Cricket Field for home games CONTACT: Karen Hazelden TELEPHONE: 07788 160264 WARNINGLID CRICKET CLUB Membership open to everyone who likes to play cricket. We have one team that plays Sunday friendly matches. MEET: Warninglid Recreation Ground (behind the Half Moon) CONTACT: Nigel Tarr TELEPHONE: 01444 461353

CONTACT: Mr R Jones TELEPHONE: 01444 811323


To advertise in any Village Directory please call 01273 551021



Cricket Club has members from nine years old upwards, we have a flourishing senior section with three adult teams playing in the Mid Sussex Stoner League on Saturdays and a friendly XI who play on Sundays, outdoor net sessions are held on Wednesday nights from 6pm. We have recently started our junior section back up with an Under 9s & 11s team who train on Friday nights at 6pm and play their matches on Sunday mornings. Our ever successful Cricket week is held in July commencing Saturday 18th and ending with a barbecue at the Cricket Ground on Saturday 25th July. Senior Cricket

New members welcome. MEET: Victory Hall, Monday 8 pm (1st Monday Sept. - Last Monday in April) CONTACT: Beryl Glover TELEPHONE: 01444 400054

CONTACT: Adrian Ruzicka TELEPHONE: 07985 537073 EMAIL: aruzicka@balcombecc.net Juniors CONTACT: Gary Botting TELEPHONE: 07788 108290 EMAIL: gbotting@balcombecc.net WEBSITE: www.balcombecc.net BALCOMBE TENNIS CLUB New members always welcome. Some social events. Newly cleaned courts. Membership renewable in April. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

Balcombe Tennis Club, Oldlands Avenue, Balcombe Michelle 01444 811269

BALCOMBE LADIES AFTERNOON BADMINTON CLUB This is a small, friendly group meeting once a week. New members with some badminton experience welcome. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

Victory Hall Monday 2 pm - 4 pm (October- end of April) Sally Dowsett 01444 811898

HANDCROSS SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB In the Village for 56 years offering varied activities including darts, pool, bar billiards and a full size snooker table in a separate room. Good size function room holds about 100 people with its own bar facilities. Membership moderate cost. CONTACT: The Club TELEPHONE: 01444 400328 (Evenings) HANDCROSS RIFLE CLUB Provide facilities for target shooting. Membership open to anyone – subscription payable. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

Adjacent to Parish Hall Monday, Tuesday & Friday 7.30 - 9.30 pm John Holdsworth 01403 263879

LOWER BEEDING & HANDCROSS  JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB Under sixteen teams play in the Horsham and District League. Matches take place on Saturday mornings at Handcross Park School, Handcross Recreation Ground and Lower Beeding Association Playing Field and also Cowfold Village Green. Train at various times and venues CONTACT: Ian Jewell TELEPHONE: 07881 298830 BALCOMBE FOOTBALL CLUB Two men’s teams play in the Mid Sussex Football League. Both teams train at Oathall School Haywards Heath. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: WEBSITE:

Wednesday 7.00pm Adrian Ruzicka 07985 537073 www.balcombefc.co.uk

Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com




WARNINGLID PRIMARY SCHOOL Slaugham Lane, Warninglid, W Sussex RH17 5TJ

All welcome to guided, free, sociable, HDC walks, from 1.5 to 7 miles, led by trained volunteers; no need to book, just turn-up at the start point (if you are new to our scheme please arrive 15 minutes before the start time for registration). Various grades of walk and distance are included to suit beginners, the elderly, people recovering from illness or accident to the more regular walkers. Programme booklet containing over 200 walks is available by contacting the Walks Co-ordinator on 01403 215269 or by downloading from the website (enter Horsham DC Walks on a search site, e.g. Google). Beginners are recommended to contact the Walk Leader to discuss suitability.

TELEPHONE: 01444 461329 FAX: 01444 461696 EMAIL: office@warninglid.w-sussex.sch.uk WEBSITE: www.warninglid.w-sussex.sch.uk HEADTEACHER: Mrs Verena Powell CHAIR OF GOVERNORS: Mr Kenneth Turnbull Warninglid is a small County Primary School with 66 pupils currently on the roll, aged 4 - 11. We are a welcoming and friendly community where we believe that everyone is important and that we all need to work together to give our children an excellent start. We strive to help our children achieve the best they can and we celebrate their successes in all areas of the curriculum. If you would like any further information please contact Mrs Verena Powell. HANDCROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL

Cuckfield Bathrooms design and supply

Supplying Sussex with high quality bathrooms, from over 100 national and international manufacturers. The Clock House High Street Cuckfield RH17 5JX

www.cuckfieldbathrooms.co.uk 12

London Road, Handcross, Haywards Heath West Sussex RH17 6HB TELEPHONE: 01444 400291 FAX: 01444 401176 EMAIL: office@handcross.w-sussex.sch.uk HEADTEACHER: Mrs Gillian Pedersen CHAIR OF GOVERNORS: Jan Elliot At Handcross Primary School, every child is special. We aim for every child to feel safe, happy, respected, cared for and have a sense of belonging. In this nurturing atmosphere, we ensure that each individual thrives and achieves their absolute best in every aspect of a broad and balanced curriculum. (We achieve very good scores!) The children enjoy a very rich and exciting curriculum based on plenty of first hand experiences. We promote life long learning and aim to prepare our children to have the confidence and ability to lead a successful life within our fast changing society, where they can achieve economic and personal well being, and make a positive contribution. Come and have a look at what we do – you will be given a warm welcome.

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London Road, Balcombe, West Sussex RH17 6HS

Staplefield Nr Haywards Heath West Sussex RH17 6EN

TELEPHONE: 01444 811403 EMAIL: office@balcombeschool.co.uk WEBSITE: www.balcombeschool.sch.uk HEADTEACHER: Mrs Millbanks CHAIRMAN OF GOVERNORS: Jeff Thompson Balcombe School is a Church of England (Controlled) School with approximately 146 on roll between the ages of 4 and 11 years. “Successfully fosters a family atmosphere among its small community of pupils and the strong ethos of care and consideration leads to pupils’ good spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, good behaviour, attendance and enjoyment of school. Pupils have an excellent awareness of how to stay safe and contribute extremely well to the community in which the school plays an important part.” Ofsted June 2010 WARDEN PARK ACADEMY Broad Street, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 5DP. TELEPHONE: FAX: EMAIL: WEBSITE:

01444 457881 01444 417024 admin@wardenpark.co.uk www.wardenpark.w-sussex.sch.uk

HEADTEACHER: Mr Jonathan Morris BA(Hons), NPQH CHAIRMAN OF DIRECTORS: Mr Jonathon Ash-Edwards A mixed comprehensive academy for students from 11 - 16 years. An outstanding record of personal achievement by students in the academic, sporting and community areas over a long period of time has made the academy extremely popular. Warden Park became a specialist school for Modern languages, Mathematics and ICT in 2003 and a High Performing Specialist School in 2010. It is now a “Leading Edge” academy - an independent school maintained through government funding. Parents are invited to visit the school and see lessons taking place prior to their children applying to join.


01444 400398 01444 401244 office@st-marks.w-sussex.sch.uk www.st-marks.w-sussex.sch.uk

HEADTEACHER: Mrs Penny Kennedy CHAIR OF GOVERNORS: Mrs E Reynolds We are a small Voluntary Controlled Church school with 79 children currently on roll. We aim to provide a rich and challenging curriculum where learning is lively, fun and active. We have a caring, friendly, family atmosphere where governors, staff and parents all work very closely together to provide an excellent learning environment for the children. Please contact the school for further information. ADULT EDUCATION ADULT & COMMUNITY LEARNING Marle Place, Leylands Road, Burgess Hill West Sussex, RH15 8HZ TELEPHONE: 01444 810710 Adult Education classes cover a wide range of interests including GCSE, A-Level and other accredited courses. U3A The U3A provides an opportunity for older people, not in full time employment, to meet and share their interests in education, leisure and creative arts. Interest groups include languages, writing, art , music and jazz appreciation, poetry and play reading, science, walks, geology, local history, railway studies, birdwatching, scrabble, mah jong, computer and bridge. For further details: CONTACT: John Kinchington TELEPHONE: 01444 440452

Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com


Concerned about your home being sold to fund your future care fees? The Issue

You probably own your home as joint tenants if you are a couple and solely if you are single. For couples this means you own it wholly, jointly and severally. Ultimately therefore you do not own it 50:50 as you might have assumed. You actually own all of it together and when one partner dies the surviving partner owns it solely and absolutely. It is sole and absolute ownership that enables a property to be taken into consideration as an asset by the local authority and puts the property in danger of needing to be sold to fund care.

The Reality

The Law (C.R.A.G - charging for residential accommodation guide) allows local authorities to assess your assets to determine if you need to pay for your own care. Currently if you have assets above £23,250, you are on your own and require care, you will probably have to pay for it all - currently averaging around £800 per week. Savings, cash and income would be used first and then your property would need to be taken into consideration. You would be expected to pay for all of your care until such time as your assets were depleted to below the £23,250 threshold. You would then pay for a proportion of your care until your assets were below £14,000 - at which point all your future care would be paid for.

The Solution

For couples, simply by changing the way you own your property well in advance of any care considerations i.e from joint tenants to tenants in common and by setting up two Trusts within a properly structured Will at the same time will in most cases, prevent your home from being taken into account by the local authority altogether should you ever require care in the future.


To advertise in any Village Directory please call 01273 551021

For sole owners the process is simply to set up a Trust now and convey at least 1/2 of your property into it which will produce the same result.

The Reasoning

When you own your home as tenants in common you actually own half each. When the first partner dies, they leave their half into their trust. The surviving partner is the Trustee of that Trust and also the primary beneficiary which means that they have complete control over the property and what happens to it. The children and/or whoever else is also nominated as Trust beneficiaries for that particular Trust will subsequently have access to that half of the property when the surviving partner dies. The first half of the property then is 100% securely in Trust for the beneficiaries and will not be at risk. As a result of this simple strategy the survivor is protected from having to sell the property to pay for their care should they need it because it is not possible to sell just their half of the property and the Crag guidelines clearly state that the market value of half a property is ÂŁ0. The second half of the property will then ultimately go into Trust for access by the nominated beneficiaries when the surviving partner eventually dies. The beneficiaries will at that stage have both halves safe and secure in Trust and will be able to share and dispose of the property according to the wishes of the settlors (the original owners of both halves). By leaving 1/2 the property into Trust on first death, the surviving partner can still sell the property to downsize if they wish and are not restricted in any way with regards to what they wish to do to or with the property - it simply means that it is safeguarded and therefore will definitely be able to be appointed to the chosen beneficiaries when the time comes. For sole owners immediately conveying at least half of your property into Trust well in advance of any care consideration and becoming a Trustee and primary beneficiary of the Trust with others nominated to become beneficiaries after your death is usually enough to take away the risk of the property being considered as an asset to be sold if care is required as the property is not absolutely owned by yourself anymore and again it is not possible to sell half a house or force a Trustee to do something that is not in the ultimate best interest of the Trust beneficiaries. Call us now on 01273 911142 for a friendly chat about how this strategy could be of real benefit to you and your family. www.thywill.co.uk

Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com


SCHOOLS CHURCHES ST. MARY’S PARISH CHURCH SLAUGHAM Including All Saints Handcross, and the Villages of Pease Pottage and Warninglid RECTOR: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: EMAIL:

Rev. G Simmons The Rectory, Handcross 01444 400221 slaugham@btinternet.com

CURATE: Rev’d Christopher Sutton TELEPHONE: 07903 068366 (S) St Mary’s Slaugham (H) All Saints Handcross (ST) St. Mark’s Staplefield SERVICES 1st SUNDAY 9.00 am Holy Communion 1662 (ST) 10.30 am All Age Service (S) 2nd SUNDAY 9.00 am Holy Communion 1662 (H) 9.00 am Morning Prayer (ST) 10.30 am Holy Communion (S) 3rd SUNDAY 9.00 am Holy Communion (ST) 10.30 am ‘Cafe Church’ (S) 4th SUNDAY 9.00 am Holy Communion 1662 (S) 9.00 am Choral Matins (ST) 10.30 am Morning Worship (S) 5th SUNDAY 10.30 am United Holy Communion (S) (Every 10.30 am service at Slaugham has a creche and children’s groups MIDWEEK Home Groups – meet most weeks for fellowship, learning and outreach. ALPHA GROU PS for those wanting to know more about the Christian Faith. CONTACT: 01444 400221 SPOTLIGHT/DORCAS Group for more Mature Members of the Parish. 4th Wednesday each month for more information please see page 22 CONTACT: Janet Tink TELEPHONE: 01403 262079


YOUTH GROUP 14 - 18 years see page 24 AMIGOS 5-11 years see page 24 FIRST STEPS Informal Group for babies and toddlers. See page 5 PARISH MAGAZINE CONTACT: Brenda Dakin TELEPHONE: 01403 581093 WORTH ABBEY Worth Abbey, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4SB PARISH PRIEST TELEPHONE: EMAIL: WEBSITE:

r Aidan Murray F 01342 710313 jcutts@worth.org.uk www.worthabbeyparish.co.uk


Mandy Horton 01342 710313 mhorton@worth.org.uk

MASS TIMES: (all at the Abbey unless otherwise stated) Weekday Mass: 8.00am in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 5.30pm for the concelebrated Mass except in term time on Thursdays. Please check Parish website diary for Mass times in term time. The Saturday morning Mass: 9.00am Sunday Masses: Saturday (First Mass) at 5pm Sunday 9.00am concelebrated 11.30am at St Dunstan’s, West Hoathly On Holidays of Obligation: 8.00am, 5.30pm ZOAR STRICT BAPTIST CHAPEL High Street, Handcross PASTOR: R J Bradstock TELEPHONE: 01306 882774 SUNDAY Divine Services 11.00 am & 2.30 pm WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting 7.00 pm Visitors Welcome

To advertise in any Village Directory please call 01273 551021




Revd. Desmond Burton The RectoryHaywards Heath Rd, Balcombe RH17 6PA 01444 811249

Cuckfield Road, Staplefield

SUNDAY 1st 2nd WED

8.00 am Holy Communion 10.00 am Family Service 10.00 am Parish Eucharist (other Sundays) 6.00 pm Sung Evensong (1st Sunday) 10.00 am Holy Communion

Weekend Masses: Saturday 5.00 pm

CHURCHWARDENS: CONTACT: Mrs R Corder TELEPHONE: 01444 400373 PARISH MAGAZINE: CONTACT: Sue Etheridge TELEPHONE: 01444 811264 WEBSITE: www.stmarys-balcombe.org

PRIEST: Father Jakubas TELEPHONE: 01444 450139 EMAIL: stpaulshh@dabnet.org

If you are involved with a local community group within the distribution area of this Directory that isn’t currently listed please contact us for FREE inclusion in the next edition 01273 551021 info@villagedirectories.com

P & S GALLAGHER (Patrick, Sandy & Matthew Gallagher, formerly of Cuckfield)

Family Owned Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons Fraser House Triangle Road Haywards Heath RH16 4HW

Weald House 111 Lower Church Road Burgess Hill RH15 9AA

01444 451166

01444 239869


Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com


SERVICE SCHOOLS CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS SOCIETIES BALCOMBE CLUB Adjacent to Victory Hall Members only Club for anyone over age of 15 years - guests are welcome if accompanied by a member. Membership open to all residents of Balcombe and surrounding areas. There is a bar and dining room, meals served from Friday Lunchtime through to Sunday Lunch. Darts, pool tables, snooker and many other social and recreational facilities. Non member events, entry via paid tickets. TELEPHONE: 01444 811226 SLAUGHAM & STAPLEFIELD TWINNING ASSOCIATION Linked with St Martin Des Besaces (lower Normandy) we are two parishes of similar size and we arrange alternating exchange visits. Functions & events organised during the year include walks, barbeques and social evenings and many more. New members welcome. CONTACT: Rosie Gregory TELEPHONE: 01444 400256 WEBSITE: www.slaughamtwinning.co.uk BALCOMBE FRENCH ASSOCIATION Holds fun, French themed events throughout the year. Past events include wine tastings, day trips to France, boules competitions and a Casino Royale evening. Membership applies (renewable in March) CONTACT: Rachel Smith TELEPHONE: 01444 811478 EMAIL: rachelssmith1@hotmail.com HANDCROSS & DISTRICT OUTING CLUB The club has been running for 40 years and has about 90 members. We have one outing a month from April to October and an annual holiday. New members welcome. MEET: Parish Hall, Handcross October/November CONTACT: Mrs Sheila Lyon TELEPHONE: 01293 402867


SLAUGHAM SOCIETY Looks after and preserves the local area for residents. Members of the local area are welcome to join. CONTACT: Linda Helliwell TELEPHONE: 01444 400092 CHRISTMAS TREE SOCIETY A small friendly group of volunteers who get together to erect a 25 ft Christmas Tree in the Village Square in December. A torchlight procession from the church to the tree on the last Saturday before Christmas from the Church with Mary, Joseph and a donkey precedes a Carol Service held around the tree. There is a barbecue, mince pies and mulled wine, Tombola and a Father Christmas Grotto. CONTACT: Mrs Gordon TELEPHONE: 01444 811372 HANDCROSS ASSOCIATION The object being the preservation of the beauty and amenities of Handcross and its surrounding area. In close co-operation with other organisations involved in the same work. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL:

Once a month Meeting place varies Neil Mitchell 07732 043323 handcrossassociation@gmail.com

WARNINGLID RESIDENTS SOCIETY Founded in 1959 to represent the interests of members of the village. Newsletter 10 months a year informing residents of all the functions, groups and activities in the Village and Surrounds. Summer and Christmas Party, Quizzes, Pimms & Croquet, Bonfire Night and other events. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL:

6 times a year Usually at the Seaforth Hall Chairman: Ed Hadfield 01444 461392 warninglid.residents@gmail.com

To advertise in any Village Directory please call 01273 551021

SERVICE CLUBS ORGANISATIONS & SOCIETIES SCHOOLS HANDCROSS & DISTRICT COMMUNITY BUS The Handcross & District Community Bus now runs 5 regular services on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays to Horsham, and on Thursdays to Crawley via Broadfield Shops, and in the afternoon to Burgess Hill via Balcombe. Timetable to change in the Autumn. Concessionary fares apply on all these routes. The bus is also available for private hire at other times as well as regular monthly excursions. TIMETABLE TELEPHONE:

01444 400212

ZODIAC CLUB For people on their own. Visiting many venues, it’s more fun to go with company. We are based in Mid Sussex and run a full social programme so if you’re alone, fifty upwards and young at heart, come and join us – get more out of life. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

Third Friday Monthly at 8pm Haywards Heath, Town Hall, Colin Payne 01273 841959

HANDCROSS ROSEMARY CLUB Over 55’s club. Varied activities including speakers, games and tea. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

HANDCROSS MUSTARD SEED GROUP A Parish ministry to mature friends of the four villages. Aim to provide at least two lunches, plus a Christmas lunch for each member between September and April enabling people from all areas of the Parish to come together in friendship over a 3 course meal in warm comfortable surroundings. MEET: All Saints Church, Handcross CONTACT: Dennis Dakin TELEPHONE: 01403 581093 BALCOMBE 61 CLUB Anyone over 60 years can join this friendly group. It is £1 to join and we have approximately 40 members. Entertainments, quizzes, speakers etc. We hold a Birthday and Christmas Party. We undertake Day and half day outings also. Parish Room 2nd and 4th Wed monthly 2.15-4.15pm CONTACT: Mrs Pam Scutt TELEPHONE: 01444 819027 MEET:

WORKAID Collects tools and sewing machines for Africa. CONTACT: Les & Christina Hampstead TELEPHONE: 01444 400212

3rd Wednesday 2.30 pm Parish Hall , Handcross Mrs Helen Arnold 01444 400643

MODEL TRAINS WANTED We buy new, used and broken model railway items. Any gauge and any makes wanted.


We can Clear, Clean, Repair or Replace Please call 07827 925516 or email: oodlesdoodles@googlemail.com

0790 002 0039


Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com


SCHOOLS INTERESTS WOMEN’S SPOTLIGHT/DORCAS GROUP It is a formal Service for the more mature members of the Parish, combined with the ladies who produce knitted/crocheted goods for the needy and homeless. We invite a different Speaker each month. We enjoy prayers and hymns, followed by refreshments and chat. We support charities including St.Catherine’s Hospice, Mother Teresa, and Faith in Action. Everyone welcome. MEET: All Saints, Handcross 4th Wednesday monthly 10.30am CONTACT: Mrs Janet Tink TELEPHONE: 01403 262079 ST MARY’S MOTHERS’ UNION (BALCOMBE) Part of a worldwide organisation attached to the Church the special interest being the family and children. MEET: Parish Room, Stockcroft Road 2nd Thursday Monthly at 2.15 pm CONTACT: Margaret Williamson TELEPHONE: 01444 811918

HANDCROSS W.I. MEET: Parish Hall, Handcross 2nd Monday each month 2.30 pm CONTACT: Mrs P Long TELEPHONE: 01444 400434 HANDCROSS (W.I. @Handcross) MEET: The Parish Hall, Handcross 3rd Tuesday each month 7.30 pm CONTACT: Aimee Seagar TELEPHONE: 07832 936601 BALCOMBE W.I. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

Victory Hall, Balcombe First Thursday Monthly 2pm Helen Sweetman 01342 719913

COUNTRY MARKETS LTD Ardingly Village Hall (Hapstead Hall) Thursdays 10.00 - 11.00 am. Open all year. CONTACT: Mrs Marchant TELEPHONE: 01444 892147 EMAIL: dayjenmar@btinternet.com

MAX AND PAT, Small words for little people by Anne-Marie Sonneveld

A set of 25 reading booklets in a display box. Designed for very young readers, in particular children aged 3 - 5. Price: £20. Sunny Field Publications

For info, feedback and to order online: visit



To advertise in any Village Directory please call 01273 551021



If you are a serving or ex-serviceman or woman or a dependant of one, you will never walk We are now a sub branch of Haywards Heath and as such have no officers or committee but alone once you get in touch with the Horsham Division of SSAFA. Whatever the problem we do retain our own standard. We still offer the are willing to lend a hand in any way we can. same care towards ex servicemen and their dependants, members or not. Unfortunately we These are some of the ways we can help: Maintaining family links, sorting out financial no longer hold regular fund raising events but problems, bridging the gap between service may do so in the future. and civilian life, applying for a war pension, CONTACT: SubBranch Representative &  arranging holidays on Medical Advice. If we can Standard Bearer Mr John Stephens help please ring: TELEPHONE: 01444 400584 CONTACT: Stephanie Lewis TELEPHONE: 07974 390052 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION EMAIL: wreckandstiff@yahoo.co.uk Balcombe Branch The Balcombe Branch of the Royal British Legion is one of the oldest in Sussex. We have a programme of social events and outings arranged for all our members. Once a month we have a supper and bingo night which are held on the third Thursday of the month, in addition there is a bowls competition against Balcombe Bowls Club in June and July. The primary purpose of the Legion is to keep alive the comradeship, developed among those who served in the forces. New members are welcome. CONTACT: John Dunford TELEPHONE: 01444 819188 EMAIL: johnnydunford@googlemail.com

PROBUS CLUB, Haywards Heath & District The club will be pleased to hear from retired or partially retired PROfessional and BUSiness gentlemen living in Haywards Heath or its surrounding areas who might wish in retirement to consider joining a club which offers friendship, fellowship, a variety of invited speakers at luncheon meetings, and other social activities. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: WEBSITE:

Lindfield Golf Club (formerly Paxhill Golf Club) Noon on 2nd Wednesday of each month Angus Robson 01444 482580 www.haywardheath-probus.org.uk

Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com




A voluntary group who organise transport for those with no other means of making essential trips. Mainly to hospital for appointments and visiting relatives and for other medical and dental appointments. Donations are essential to the continued provision of this service. If you need transport:

A local registered charity providing community mediation to Mid Sussex District area and beyond. Free, confidential, impartial and independent mediation in various conflicts including noise, parking, boundaries, anti-social behaviour, abuse, children, pets, hedges and more. We use trained volunteers. Individuals and agencies can make referrals.

CONTACT: Christina (Handcross Hardware) TELEPHONE: 01444 400212. Volunteer Drivers always needed – if you have some time to help please contact US... CONTACT: Ian Ratcliffe TELEPHONE: 01444 400763. PARKINSON’S UK

CONTACT US: 01403 258900 or write to Alphacom House, 8a Oakhill Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5SB E-MAIL: info@wsms.org.uk www.wsms.org.uk

The Horsham & District Branch cares about those with PD, carers and families. A friendly and supportive group.


MEET: Third Tues of each month alternate afternoons and evenings. 2 pm at North Heath Hall 7 pm at Brighton Rd, Baptist Church CONTACT: Carol Matthews TELEPHONE: 01403 263882

CARE provides practical, neighbourly help in the Haywards Heath area for those in need who have no other way of getting help. CARE is entirely staffed by volunteers, the service is free although many clients like to make a small donation to CARE’s expenses. CARE can help with: transport to medical appointments, Shopping - either with you or for you, Visiting especially the housebound.

FAMILY SUPPORT WORK A charity that helps Sussex families to overcome major difficulties in their lives. FSW offers emotional support and practical advice and short family breaks. It welcomes enquiries from families as well as from anyone wishing to volunteer or to donate food, toys, clothing or money. CONTACT: E-MAIL: WEBSITE:

01273 832963 admin@familysupportwork.org.uk www.familysupportwork.org.uk

CARE needs your help as a volunteer to provide its services as often or as little as you wish, if you think you may be able to help please call for more information.  CONTACT: WEBSITE:

01444 455955 www.CAREinhaywardsheath.co.uk

BALCOMBE CARE GROUP Help group for Balcombe Villagers. Financially self supporting. Offer help to people requiring assistance with transport to Health Centre, Optician, Hospital, Dentist etc. CONTACT: Mrs Etheridge TELEPHONE: 01444 811264


To advertise in any Village Directory please call 01273 551021



Provides a selection of manual and powered wheelchairs along with motorised scooters to anyone, young or old, who has problems walking around Horsham town centre, giving them greater independence and access to the shopping areas and leisure facilities. Available to those with limited mobility due to a permanent or temporary disability, frailty, accident or illness. Users do not have to be registered disabled to use the service. Horsham Shopmobility is situated on level two of the Swan Walk Car Park in the area behind Marks & Spencer and is sign-posted both outside and inside the car park. There is a parking area alongside the office with access to Swan Walk Shopping Centre and other areas of the town centre via the lifts nearby. Disabled toilet facilities are available in the office and also on the ground floor close to the lifts. Prior to need to use, it is essential to make an appointment for registration


OPEN: Monday to Friday10am-4pm Saturday 9am-4.30pm (not Bank Holidays) TELEPHONE: 01403 249015 MACMILLAN CANCER RELIEF A UK Charity which supports people living with cancer. Our goal is to help people from the moment they first hear they have cancer and ensure they get the best information, treatment and care. The Macmillan Cancerline is open between 9 am - 8 pm Monday - Friday. TELEPHONE: 0808 808 0000

34 Boltro Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 1BN 01444 255444 Monday: 9.30 am - 7.00 pm Tues to Thurs 9.30 am - 6.00 pm Friday & Sat 9.30 am - 5.00 pm

MOBILE LIBRARY Please call for further information NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Help to combat crime Many households in your area now benefit from Neighbourhood Watch schemes. By becoming a member you can help your neighbours and the police to strengthen your community. You can make your area a better place to live. For more information contact: Police Non Emergency Calls 101 REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES, BIRTHS & DEATHS West Sussex County Council Offices Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, RH16 1SU Opening hours by appointment only CONTACT:

01243 642122

BALCOMBE VILLAGE WEBSITE www.balcombevillage.co.uk

The publication of this Directory is made possible by the local trades and services that advertise in it. Please make every effort to support them.

Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com



YOYOS (You’re Only Young Once)


We are a Christian based youth club. Varied activities including discussion and games. New members welcome.


Thursday 5.30 - 6.45 pm


Tuesday 6.30 - 8.00 pm

BALCOMBE SCOUTS MEET: Thursday 7.00 - 9.00 pm TELEPHONE: 01444 811189 EXPLORERS (14-18) MEET:

Friday 7.30 - 9.30pm

The closest Guides group is in Cuckfield... BROWNIES 2nd Cuckfield - Tuesday evenings 3rd Cuckfield - Monday evenings BROWNIE GUIDER: Catherine Snashall TELEPHONE: 01444 454712 07775 932823 EMAIL: catherinefrogs@gmail.com K4C, 3rd GENERATION, QUEST & CRECHE Are Sunday School groups for children. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

Every Sunday, except 1st Sunday Within the 10.30 am service St Mary’s Slaugham Phil Hawksley 07880 844766

AMIGOS A Children’s club with fun, games, craft, sport, worship and activities, suitable for 5 - 11 years. MEET: Monthly - Sunday afternoons 3pm (term time) All Saints - Handcross Please call for more details. CONTACT: Phil Hawksley TELEPHONE: 07880 844766

Age 11-14 years


Holmstead Manor Handcross Slaugham Church Office 01444 400221

BALCOMBE YOUTH CLUB For all young people at secondary School. Subs are £1 per week, various activities, excursions and themed events. Opening from May. MEET: CONTACT: TELEPHONE:

Monday 7.00- 9.00 pm Bramble Hall, Bramble Hill Rosemary Robertson 01444 811833

HANDCROSS YOUTH CLUB For children in school years 6 to 8. Activities include a mixture of games, crafts, tuck shop and much more. MEET: Friday 6.30 - 8.00 pm Parish Hall CONTACT: Phil Hawksley TELEPHONE: 07880 844766 KANGAROOS A local registered charity which provides a wide range of events and activities for children and young adults with learning disabilities aged from 6 to over 30, throughout Mid Sussex. Our mission: To enrich the lives of disabled young people, and support their families by providing appropriate services with the aid of trained staff and volunteers, to increase their independence, self confidence, social competence and inclusion within the community. CONTACT: info@kangaroos.org.uk 01444 255120 WEBSITE: www.kangaroos.org.uk www.facebook.com/kangaroos.midsussex


To advertise in any Village Directory please call 01273 551021


Model Trains Wanted

LP Aerials..............................................................7

Model trains wanted..........................................19



Cuckfield Bathrooms.........................................12

Bolney Nursery.....................................................4

Childrens Books

Painting and Decorator

Max and Pat......................................................20


Chimney Sweep


Terry Healy..........................................................25


Estate Agents


Mansell McTaggart............................................27

Chris Myram.........................................................9

Marcus Grimes..................................................28

Tree surgery


George Potbury....................................................8

P & S Gallagher..................................................17


Gutter Clearance

Roffey Park...........................................................6

Sussex Gutters...................................................19




Sew Something..................................................21

Will Writers Thy Will Be Done.........................................14/15

Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com


SERVICE SCHOOLS INDEX OFORGANISATIONS VILLAGE INFORMATION Adult & Community Learning....13 Allotments...............................4 Badminton Clubs..................11 Balcombe Care Group..........22 Balcombe Club.....................18 Balcombe Village Website...23 Beavers..................................24 Boules Club...........................10 Bowls Clubs...........................10 British Legion........................21 Brownies................................24 Care.......................................22 Christmas Tree Club.............18 Churches .........................16/17 Citizens Advice........................9 Civic Amenities.......................9 Community Bus....................19 Councillors..............................9 Country Markets...................20 Cricket Clubs...................10/11 Cubs......................................24 Drama & Theatre Groups.......8 Doctors....................................7 Family Support Work............22


Flower Clubs............................4 Football Clubs.................10/11 French Association ...............18 Gardeners Association...........4 Handcross Association.........18 Health Walks.........................12 Help at Hand.........................22 La Leche League.....................5 Library....................................23 MacMillan Cancer Relief......23 Mediation Service.................22 Member of Parliament............9 Mothers Union......................20 Mustard Seed Group............19 NHS 111..................................7 National Childbirth Trust........5 Neighbourhood Watch.........23 Operatic Society......................8 Outing Club...........................18 Parent & Toddler.....................5 Parkinsons UK......................22 Parish Councils.......................9 Playgroup & Pre School..........5 ProBus...................................21

Ramblers’ Association..........10 Red Cross Medical Loan.........7 Registrar................................23 Rifle Clubs.......................10/11 Rosemary Club......................19 SSAFA (Forces Help).............21 Schools...........................12/13 Scouts...................................24 Shopmobility.........................23 Slaugham Society.................18 Social Care & Services...........7 Spotlight/Dorcas Group.......20 Sports & Social Clubs...........11 Stoolball.................................10 Symphony Orchestra...............8 Tennis Club............................11 Twinning Associations..........18 U3A........................................13 Warninglid Residents Society......18 W.I..........................................20 Workaid..................................19 Youth Club & Groups............24 Zodiac Club...........................19 61 Club ( over 60’s).............19

To advertise in any Village Directory please call 01273 551021

Email: info@villagedirectories.com Web: www.villagedirectories.com


Haywards Heath

01444 476200



01444 451818 01273 835104

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