Alexandria Antiques
GOLD in any condition
December 2014
2 Dear Santa Please can I have a new pub near me for Christmas? Great food, beers, Ciders and wines, perhaps open earlier in the day so I can have coffee or tea with friends too? Oh, and Live music. And Comedy perhaps, maybe a quiz, that sort of thing. Hope it’s not too much to ask?!
xx Hanover
The Greys - 105 Southover St. - 01273 608734 -
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Welcome to the December Edition of the Hanover Directory
Firstly we have to start with wishing all residents and businesses of Hanover a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!! We hope you have a lovely festive period and memorable 2015. Couple of things of note in this edition that may even add to you and your families’ enjoyment of the Yuletide. We have managed to arrange two competitions for our Christmas edition - you are in with a chance of winning a family ticket to Holiday on Ice at the Brighton Centre and if that isn’t enough there is also a competition to win a group of 4 tickets for Cinderella the Pantomime!! Good luck!
Many thanks to Lisa Holdcroft for the fantastic cover. Lisa is a Hanover girl and has a stall at the Open Market coming up to Christmas where the cartoon we feature as our cover amongst other great local cartoons are available as Christmas cards. Have a lovely time and see you next year! The Hanover Directory Team Publisher: The Hanover Directory 01273 551021 info@hanoverdirectory.co.uk www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk Printer: Gemini Press The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.
Page 4 Hanover Dad Page 5 Church of Annunciation Page 7 Gourmet Girls Page 9 Local Person Page 11 HASL Page 13 Wine Woman and Holiday on Ice Comp Page 14/15 HCA Page 17 Cinderella Performance Page 19 Biking Gardener Page 21 Local Business: STOCK Page 23 Community Care Page 25 HEGLAT Page 26 Index of Advertisers
Yoga Classes in Hanover and Kemptown Drop-In classes suitable for all levels! MONDAYS Hatha yoga 10am-11.15am £7 Hanover Centre, Southover St WEDNESDAYS Chakra yoga 7.30-8.45pm £8 Anahata Health Clinic Edward St THURSDAYS Hatha yoga 10am-11.15am £7 7.15pm to 8.30pm £8 Hanover Centre, Southover St
FRIDAYS (term time)
Every Friday starting 7th February @ Hanover Community Centre
@ Hanover Community Centre Baby Class 12.30 - 1.30pm 1+ Class 9.30 am- 2.30pm Mixed 1-3 years Class 1.30 Baby Class 12.30pm Introductory FREE CLASS FREE TASTER Contact Belinda McBrideSESSION 07582 256957 or Contact Belinda McBride 07582 256957 belinda.mcbride@musicalbumps.com
“I feel stretched physically and relaxed emotionally and mentally. Highly recommended” Jassy Hanover Resident
emily@yogaflowbrighton.co.uk / 07905207476 www.yogaflowbrighton.co.uk www.rasalilayoga.wix.com/chakrayoga
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
hanover Hanover Dad and his popular monthly account of life as a...Hanover Dad...
Hanover Dad… Greece is the word
It seems only a short time ago that we were basking in one of the hottest summers on record, but the seasons have definitely changed now. Despite it being seasonally mild for this time of year, my lovely wife told me the other morning that she had no “winter jeans” in her wardrobe. I also realised that Christmas was just around the corner as she then asked me to buy them for her. In all honesty, I feel a bit unprepared for Christmas this year; it’s got here a bit too quickly. I still haven’t covered the barbecue over yet, or finished painting the fence, let alone start thinking about presents and mince pies. I’m just not ready for it. So I’ve done a bit of research and found out that, according to the old Julian calendar, the Greeks celebrate Christmas on January 7th. This would suit me very well and give me the time I need to get organised. I’ve decided therefore that I want a Greek Christmas in my house this year. This is quite an uninformed choice for me to make, bearing in mind the only experience I’ve had of Greece was a trip to Faliraki when I was 19, but I love Greek food, and enjoy it far more than I do turkey and Christmas pudding.
I’ve carried out some extremely dubious and limited research and found out that Santa Claus is in fact Greek. From all accounts he was a rich Greek who used to donate his money to the poor. This is a good start and hopefully should satisfy the kids when I tell them about my plans. I also found out that at Christmas in Greece all workers get a bonus of one month’s salary by law. This is a very good idea in my opinion and I’m interested to see how my boss will react to this request.
And finally, it is universally agreed that Athens was the birth place of democracy, which should help greatly when setting the scene for the conversation with my wife about her needing £100 from me to buy “winter” jeans. I think this Greek Christmas idea is a winner, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all ‘Kala Hristouyienna’ and ‘Kali Hronia’ (merry Christmas and happy new year) and see you at mine for some ouzo in January!
ALAN PATCH CARPENTRY AND BUILDING Rooms in the roof Complete refurbishments Extensions From architectural drawings to the last lick of paint Supplier of all trades and of course a hoover!
Contact Alan on 07796 094760 patchcarpentry@yahoo.co.uk
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5 The Secret Heart of Hanover
The Church of the Annunciation
To mark its 150th anniversary, the Church of the Annunciation in Washington Street opens its doors to host a festival of art, music, and drama. Father Michael Wells, aka Spike Wells, renowned jazz drummer, and Brighton diva Marcia Bellamy, Festival Artistic Director, invite you to discover what is happening at the Annun, the secret heart of Hanover. We are also giving advance notice of our forthcoming visit from the world famous Chichester Cathedral Choir on Sunday 18th January at 4pm.
Carols For Kings
The Church of the Annunciation in Washington Street welcomes young and old to Carols For Kings, a special event for the festive season. Come and join the Three Kings as they make their way to Bethlehem, following a star. You may even get to meet Cedric the Camel! The Annunciation Choir will lead the singing of carols, including such favourites as We Three Kings. Join in with us, or just come to listen if you like. For the children, there will be lots of audience participation. Kids of all ages will enjoy this early evening event, directed by Joy Gilliver. Local residents are also very welcome to join us for Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve from 11.30pm, and for our Christmas Morning Mass.
This will be a unique chance to hear one of the nation’s most beloved choirs singing Evensong in this beautiful, candlelit setting. It promises to be one of the highlights of our 150th anniversary celebrations, and a very special homecoming for Raphael, a member of the Annunciation family, currently in his fourth year as a Chichester chorister.
Specialist Pharmacy Services Our Pharmacy is now able to extend patient choice and access to treatment by supplying some prescription medicines, without prescriptions. Specialist pharmacists supply these medicines by ‘patient group directions’ (PGDs) after providing treatment information to patients and carrying out screening checks. Medicine is supplied only if strict qualification criteria are met. These services are available directly to the patient and not a representative.
Keep out the Cold with our cold and coughs remedies. Our team is here to help you fight the winter ailments with advice and support.
Regular updates on forthcoming events will appear in the Hanover Directory. For more information: www.annunciationbrighton.org.uk or check the notice board outside the church.
SERVICES AVAILABLE Malaria Prophylaxis Malarone or generic atovaquone/proguanil doxycycline or Lariam Erectile Dysfunction Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, including low dose daily Cialis Influenza Vaccination From 3 years (vaccination off-premises available) Hepatitis B Vaccination Referral required (vaccination off-premises available) Salbutamol Inhalers 1 asthma inhaler, surgery informed of supply
We would like to wish our customers a Happy Xmas and a Healthy New Year.
O’FLINN pharmacy 77-78 Islingword Road, Brighton. BN2 9SL
01273 681630
info@oflinnpharmacy.co.uk www.oflinnpharmacy.co.uk
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
Beacause we value the community we live and work in... ...we will make a donation to the Hanover Community Association every time we sell a home in Hanover... ...helping them to be here for Hanover residents, old and new.
Tel: 01273 622664
Selling homes with style
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Hanover‘s Gourmet Girls Pub Review...
The Hanover Pub, Queen’s Park Road
A Wednesday night at The Hanover proved to be a really good night for us lovely ladies. When we arrived we happily realised there was a 2 for 1 pizza offer, which we hadn’t seen advertised anywhere – but great bonus! (By the way offer is only before 8pm.) There was also an offer of a bottle of house wine (white or red) before 9pm at £11.25 – good stuff! Staff informed some of the members of our group about the wine and food offer but not all of us were told. We ordered four different styles of stone-baked pizza – Florentina – Hoso – Diavolo – Four Seasons – chips and salad. Could not argue about value for money and it was more than plenty for five of us. But it’s not only pizza – there are other things to choose from – burgers, sausage & mash, pasta, soup and salads – mains from £7.95-£10.95.
Adam, behind the bar, was really friendly, super attentive and really accommodating, even organising us a green salad that wasn’t on the menu. As locals from the Hanover area, we know this pub has changed hands a few times over recent years, but in our eyes it has come on leaps and bounds – popular quiz night on Tuesday, good food, great space, family-friendly, pub garden, extensive wine selection, friendly atmosphere and great value for money pizza. We do kinda miss the pool table, but you can’t have everything! Comments from the girls about The Hanover: Excellent service – really helpful, lovely people. Would bring family for a meal any day. Big space, family-friendly. Value for money pizza offer amazing.
Scores on the doors out of 5 (5 being the highest): Food: 3.5 Staff: 4 Value for money: 5 (one of our girls said 6!) Atmosphere: 3.5
FLAT PACK MAN For all your Flat Pack Problems Any Carpentry & Other Small Jobs Welcome Reliable & Reasonable Rates. Discounts for OAPs NO JOB TOO SMALL
Mob: 07910091846
01273 677261
The Hanover Pub – 242 Queen’s Park Road – http://www.hanoverbrighton.co.uk/
01273 679902. Private room hire also available.
We’d like to say a HUGE Happy Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all our readers. (We know there are at least two of you!!)
We would also like to reiterate that we do this as a real life group of friends. We aren’t paid or given anything for free – just bringing our honest findings to you. Hope it’s helped. We’ve loved it!
Hanover Gourmet Girls Facebook page is on its way – we will let you know the details in the next Hanover Directory. We’d love to hear your feedback and ideas of where to go next!
CINDERELLA Windmill Theatre Hove 29th Dec - 4th Jan Tickets from £10 Box Office 01273 565130
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Est 1978 Presented by: A.H.Ahmed Three showrooms with new variety of stock weekly. 3 Hanover Place (Lewes Road) Brighton BN2 9SD
URGENTLY NEEDED - Gold and Amber - TOP PRICES PAID Tel: 01273 688793 / 07880 625558 alexantiques1@yahoo.co.uk 90 Warren Road Woodingdean,
Brighton, BN2 6BA
Tel: 01273 699123
Mon - Sat 9am to 6pm Sunday 10am to 6pm No minimum card payment fee!
General Hardware - DIY Sharpening - Key Cutting Gifts - Paint - Kitchenware Cleaning ware & much more for the
Home - Garden Children
Gift Vouchers & Loyalty Card Dogs Welcome
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Here we feature a local Hanover person...
Hanover Person... Sophie Hebb What is your name and where in Hanover do you live? My name is Sophie Hebb and I live near the Dover Castle pub. How long have you lived in the area? I moved here from London over 12 years ago and live with my husband and two sons. What do you most like about living in Hanover? It’s a great place to raise a family and walking distance to all the key places for work, rest and play. What would you most like to see improved in the area? Parking has become really problematic. It’s time to claim our streets back from the commuters and day trippers!
We notice you are a jewellery designer. Tell us more? I studied at the London College of Fashion and worked in fashion design and marketing until I moved to Brighton to raise a family. Making jewellery was a hobby at first which evolved into selling at local fairs, markets and the Bungeroosh Gallery Open House. In 2012, I opened my online shop, Missy T Rocks on Etsy (an online marketplace for handmade and vintage items). I specialise in making unique, affordable designer jewellery for all ages, genders and budgets using gemstones and unusual vintage,
recycled and modern components which I collect from all over the world.
Being a child of the 70s and loving Art Deco design, colour, pattern and attention to detail, from bead to clasp, are vital in my work. My style is refined, eclectic, bohemian and timeless. I’m set up like a little open house and have customers who visit me by arranged appointment. I’m fully insured, accept cash and card payments and endeavour to provide excellent customer service. What is the most enjoyable part of your job? Sourcing interesting, original materials and the stories behind them are my passion and I love receiving donations and commissions of forgotten treasures which I can redesign into unique, contemporary pieces. I’m always happy to help with any enquiries. Where can people see what you make? Find me online at www.missytrocks.etsy.com or www. facebook/MissyTRocks or to visit my studio call 07702 308622 and I am now selling at Darryl Black’s Eco Design Emporium on The Level (Ditchling Road side, Unit 25 of the Open Market).
What is your greatest claim to fame? This summer a lovely lady bought three of my silver swallow cuff bracelets (see photo), one of which is to be an Xmas gift for her niece, Birdy, the young and amazingly talented singer/songwriter of the beautiful songs “Skinny Love” and “People Help The People”. I hope she likes her Missy T Rocks gift! Please consider Missy T Rocks if you want an easy, friendly local shopping experience this Christmas and beyond. Hanover residents pay no postage fee for online orders by using coupon code BN2FREE at checkout AND get an introductory 10% discount for purchases made in studio.
T !! H
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
JL PROPERTY SERVICES • Painting and decorating ( Interior and Exterior) • Wallpaper Hanging • Tiling • Plastering • Coving • General Maintenance • Fully insured • FREE QUOTES LOCAL TRADER
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01273 325854 or 07860 815477 staffs@btinternet.com www.lwlheating.com
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11 11
hanover Hanover Action for Sustainable Living...
Zero carbon Hanover?
In September we made our annual visit to Germany. Besides being a train trip I would recommend for comfort, speed and scenery, it was also my opportunity to catch up with the latest in renewable energy and building technology. Germany set the pace for solar energy from the 90s onwards and I was amazed to read that the cost of electricity from new household solar installations is now below that provided by electricity companies; they have reached the major milestone of “socket parity”. As the cost of solar energy continues to fall year on year, attention has turned to combining storage and solar power to provide energy when the sun does not shine and, within the next year or so, systems are coming to the domestic market that promise near or total electricity self-sufficiency for a similar cost to being connected to the electricity grid. All very interesting you say, but so what? How is this relevant to Hanover?
I have previously written about Zero Carbon Britain and how its proposals would affect (and improve!) Hanover. If we look to 2025, perhaps we could have not only reduced our energy consumption radically, but we could also have become largely self-sufficient
by bedecking our roofs with solar panels alongside discreet community energy storage. All this could be for less cost than electricity from the grid. Any takers for setting up the Hanover Community Energy Company? Paul Early
Shop Local - Eat Local - Drink Local
In Hanover we are really lucky to have a growing range of local shops, pubs and cafés. Local shops and pubs keep communities alive. Sometimes it’s tempting to get all your shopping at once in the supermarket and now Tesco Express is destined for the bottom of Elm Grove, our small independent retailers are under threat. Tesco profits go out of our area, many staff aren’t paid a living wage and farmers are held to ransom, often seeing their “imperfect” fruit and vegetables rejected and wasted. Shopping local supports local traders, and local producers who are more likely to buy locally. It also means we will keep our convenient local shops, meet each other for a chat, not buy more than we need and so waste less food.
Outgoing Chair Paul Norman reports to the HASL AGM
Historical Hanover was full of shops (see the Brighton Books publication “Hilly Laine to Hanover”). Let’s keep this generation of shops and pubs and cafés alive and thriving.
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
ROOF & FIREWALL Specialists Have you got damp in the corner of a bedroom or along the ceiling of an upstairs wall? Nine times out of ten it’s faulty lead flashings and firewalls causing these problems. The majority of Brighton homes are at least 100 years old and so are their firewalls. Many firewalls are coming to the end of their natural lives. If you want them to last another 100 years we are the FIREWALL experts. If it’s not the lead or the firewall we can help with most other roofing problems from complete reroofing to minor repairs.
Call Mark or Darren for a free estimate 07713436942 / 07500305027
T !! H
Joe Wheeler
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T: +44 (0) 1273 672821 M: +44 (0) 7866 067530 riversbirtwell.co.uk
“You could not find more attentive, friendly, and diligent tradesmen to produce exactly ANOV what you want”
kitchens / fitted furniture / treehouses bathrooms / one-off pieces / storage whole house restoration / shelving green oak frames / extensions / windows outside furniture / loft rooms / doors wardrobes / staircases / orangeries tables / cupboards / bedroom furniture shop fitting / recycled wood pieces / beds fire places / hundreds of references available across Brighton and Sussex
hanover Win a family ticket to Holiday on Ice Starring Dancing on Ice All Stars winner – Ray Quinn The Brighton Centre is delighted to announce that after two years away the most popular ice show in the world, Holiday on Ice, is returning to the UK for one week only with their 70th anniversary show PLATINUM featuring Dancing on Ice All Star winner, Ray Quinn.
Featuring some of the world’s most talented skaters, glamorous costumes, modern staging and exciting scenes make PLATINUM a firework of energy and joie de vivre! Tickets are available from www.brightoncentre.co.uk or by contacting the box office on 0844 847 1538. COMPETITION Terms & Conditions
Tickets are valid to see Holiday on Ice: PLATINUM at The Brighton Centre on Tuesday 6th January 2015 at 8pm only. Family ticket can be used by any combination of a total of 4 adults and children. At least 1 adult must be present. No purchase necessary. Tickets are non-exchangeable. Closing date for entries is 15th December; entries received after this date will not be counted. Winners will be required to collect their tickets from box office on the night of the show. Any travel and accommodation will not be included
Running from Tuesday 6th to Sunday 11th January at The Brighton Centre only, PLATINUM is a tribute to 70 years of Holiday on Ice which has been appearing at the venue since 1978. Traditional elements and surprising moments combine to create an incomparable show experience, which will enchant audiences of all ages. Taking the audience through the history of figure skating, the show will be accompanied by a mix of music from electro and waltz to swing, gospel and samba. The show will end with the absolutely essential lightup Brazilian finale and extra features that maintain the show’s energy and the celebratory feel, thus ensuring the ovation will continue for Holiday on Ice for many years to come. COMPETITION: We have one family ticket to give away (4 tickets including 1 adult). To enter, answer the following question: In which soap did Ray Quinn appear as a child? Email your answer to info@hanoverdirectory.co.uk or post your answer, name, address and phone number to Holiday On Ice competition, Sussex Magazines, 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA. The winner will be selected at random after the closing date.
The Wine Woman
The leaves are falling, the goose is getting fat and our thoughts are turning to Christmas. Time to get planning our festive tipples.
Whilst these days a British Christmas can range from an Indian banquet to an expat beach BBQ, today we are sticking like Christmas pud to wines to match the classics.
For fuelling the early gift opening, partner a Crémant de Loire, an affordable Champagne alternative, with a croissant. Crisp Chablis will add zing to your seafood starter, or perhaps an oaky Chardonnay with a creamy prawn cocktail. To add juice to your turkey, steer clear of tannic reds and try a decent Beaujolais or New World Pinot. Tawny port, rich with nutty and figgy depth, will nicely complement that pud and, the obvious match of port and Stilton aside, whites are a safer bet for many cheeses. Tangy Sancerre elevates a rustic goat cheese, and a slightly oily white Burgundy pairs beautifully with creamy Bries. If you make it to the end, then a tot of a traditional digestif of whisky or cognac in your cocoa will see you sleep soundly to Boxing Day, where the classic combination of water and indigestion tablets needs no introduction!
Merry Christmas to all and more wines to come in 2015. Next month - Lighter wines for the January detox
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
Hanover Communit
HCA is the small charity that manages the Hanover Ce Trustees who live locally. We always welcome your fee activity at the Centre and have any comments, complim
Cheers, Steve!
Jan Davies
B S c , M S c , M B A ( Wa r w i c k ) , M B C PA , M R E P S , c e r t E C B S , M BT PA , M F I C H T
Suffering back pain? Want a leaner, fitter, flexible and toned body? then try... BODY
A posturally based body conditioning method which builds strength from within by targeting deep stabilising muscles
Ongoing beginner plus/intermediate/advanced classes in Hanover and Kemptown. See details of these and all Jan’s other classes on her website Next batch of local beginner courses in January ‘15. Contact Jan to be on the waiting list for details. Special offer of £35 for 1:1 sessions to be booked by Dec 10th to use by Dec 20th (normal cost £45.00) Jan will be teaching in Spain next Sept www.cortijo-romero.co.uk... come and join me for an intensive week of pilates and therapies in a truly magic setting in Andalucia in guaranteed sunshine
Teaching Pilates since 2001
07904 187257
jan@movementandhealth.co.uk w w w. m o v e m e n t a n d h e a l t h . c o . u k
After many a year on the HCA committee as a trustee, and more recently as Chairman, Steve Chapman has decided to step down. Steve has given vast amounts of time and effort to the Community Association in all kinds of ways – communications, from the printed Hanover Herald to the HCA website; centre improvements, from creating an efficient bookings system to energy saving building projects; social events, including the ever-popular beer festival which raised £6,500 this year, and countless visits to the centre to sort out those little things that happen to crop up! On top of all this, in his role as Chair, he has ably represented the HCA in meetings with our landlords Brighton & Hove City Council and other significant organisations. We are sure that you would like to join us in thanking Steve for everything that he has contributed to the HCA and centre. However, it’s not all sad news because we will be welcoming a new HCA volunteer...Steve Chapman! Unable to tear himself away entirely, Steve will be focusing his work on projects such as the website and building improvements. We are sorry to say goodbye to Mark Robinson too. Mark, who was our centre caretaker, is sailing off on an exciting Caribbean adventure. Many thanks go to him, and we wish him a safe and jolly journey.
Jonny and the Christmas Trees
No, not a band but our local festive tree supplier! Beautiful luxury Christmas trees delivered seven
Please mention the hanover directory when responding to adverts
ty Association News
entre on Southover Street. The Charity is run by a committee of voluntary edback and suggestions, so please get in touch if you’ve attended an event or ments or complaints. days a week to homes and businesses throughout Christmas.
Hanover Christmas Trees will be in the Community centre garden at weekends: 29/30 Nov, 6/7, 13/14, 20/21 Dec. Times: Sat 9.30am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm. 7 days a week at The Woodstore Brighton, Circus Street OR place your order online www.HanoverChristmasTrees.co.uk 07462 590 905
up close and personal. £5 per child.
Big Bargains for Little People
Another popular Baby Clothes and Equipment Sale on Sunday 14th December. Come along to the centre 10am - 12 midday for some pre-Christmas bargains. 50p entrance fee.
Working Together for Hanover
We currently have two job vacancies, caretaker and centre co-ordinator, advertised on www.brightonandhovejobs.com. The closing dates are 9 Dec and 12 Dec respectively.
Talk to Us!
If you would like to join in with our projects, run a course, volunteer or enquire about a booking or a class, then please contact us:
All Creatures Great and Small...
Animal School will be visiting the Hanover Centre on Saturday 13th December between 2-4pm. Everyone welcome to drop in and meet the animals. There will be rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, bearded dragons, geckos, stick insects and snails. Animal School is an educational club with live animals. Lindsay has over ten years’ experience working with animals and selling pets at a pet shop. She is keen to promote responsible pet ownership and meet animals of all kinds. Her pets are hand tame and can be handled, allowing adults and children alike to get
Hanover Centre, 33 Southover Street, BN2 9UD Email: office@hanovercommunity.org.uk Website: www.hanovercommunity.org.uk Phone: 01273 694873 (24 hours) Join our Facebook group: “The Hanover Centre”
Rosemary is in the office every weekday morning except Wednesday, and is happy to arrange an appointment for you outside those times. Please leave a message or email with a daytime phone number and we’ll call you. All at the Hanover Centre wish you Happy Holidays and the best for 2015!
D.J. Plumbing & Heating A family run business, who specialise in Plumbing, heating, boiler conversions and repair work. All work is guaranteed and fully insured.
Please call Daniel on 07789963969 www.danjohnstonplumbing.co.uk
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
01273 303842
BOILER & GAS CENTRAL HEATING REPAIRS Local Family Run Business Est. 22 years 503452
• Servicing & Repairs • Boiler change specialists • Unvented hot water specialist
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Win tickets to Cinderella
Probably the greatest and best-loved fairy tale of them all: Cinderella - will she go to the ball and meet the prince of her dreams and live happily ever after? Or will she remain in the evil clutches of her wicked stepmother and her two ugly sisters? Find out by going to the Windmill Theatre in Nevill Avenue, Hove. Ten performances of this traditional, magical, musical family pantomime, created and designed by Music Theatre 2000 and Simon Gray and Nathan Potter, for the whole family to enjoy, from Monday 29th December 2014 to Sunday 4th January 2015.
Cinderella is bursting with boos, cheers, songs and loads of fun and laughter, with a wonderful cast of singers, actors and dancers, plus a live band which brings this wonderful production to life. Tickets are from only £10.00 and can be obtained direct from cinderellapanto.co.uk , or group bookings and enquiries on 01273 565130. Cinderella pantomime tickets make ideal Christmas tickets - don’t leave booking too late as some performances will sell out quickly.
Competition Terms & Conditions
Tickets are valid to see Cinderella at The Windmill Theatre on 29th December at 7pm only. Tickets are non-exchangeable. Closing date for entries is 15th December; entries received after this date will not be counted. Winners will be required to collect their tickets from box office on the night of the show. Any travel and accommodation will not be included in the prize. Showtime Productions & Music Theatre 2000 present
Fundraising supporting
Care, compassion and support IN HOSPICE & AT H O M E
A traditional, magical, musical family Pantomime
We have one prize of four tickets to give away. To enter, answer the following question: In which year was the Disney film of Cinderella first released?
Answer to info@hanoverdirectory.co.uk or post your answer, name, address and phone number to Cinderella competition, Sussex Magazines,
10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA.
The winner will be selected at random after the closing date.
29th December - 4th January Windmill Theatre, Nevill Avenue, Hove BN3 7BW Tickets from £10.00 (Group Discounts) Box office: 01273 565130 (24hour ans) www.cinderellapanto.com Sponsored by:
Darren Clarke
New lights/sockets to full re-wires Guaranteed low rates Free quotations Qualified/Part P Call Darren 07815145556 Eve: 01273 693083 www.qualifiedelectricianbrighton.co.uk
It’s the time of year for your boiler MOT! Local plumber, Gas Safe Registered (220773) Service and safety check at a time to suit you. Guy Child 07879 494039 All aspects of plumbing work undertaken. Full references supplied if required
IRONING A bin bag of ironing - £20 max 8 kilos per bag Small repairs Has to be delivered and collected Hanover based
01273 625936
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
T: 01273 265189 M: 07771 522733 Please mention the hanover directory when responding to adverts
hanover Here is a new column written by gardening expert, The Biking Gardener...
Gardening with Hanover’s Biking Gardener It is now safe to say the magic word, dare I say it, Christmas!!! After working in the garden all year round, I would like to turn this gardening article to the home with some festive cheer. My top three plants for Christmas are: Forced hyacinths
Hyacinths: Spring bulbs are placed in a dark room for around 10 weeks. This forces them to flower. The scent from these bulbs is divine and the colours are beautiful. You can buy these at any local florist or garden centre. Hyacinths will be a great addition to the Christmas table. Poinsettia
The deep dark red of a Poinsettia plant is perfect for Christmas. The Poinsettia is forced with 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of sunlight. So if you want to keep the plant for next year, that is what you have to do from November onwards. Water when the soil starts to feel dry. Poinsettias are on sale locally. Mistletoe
Great for parties and to get that kiss you have always wanted. Mistletoe is a parasitic plant.
It will land on a tree via a bird and will suck water and nutrients from the tree in order to grow. So, if you’re out in the countryside, keep your heads up - you might just see some growing on the trees. With some knowledge of how these plants are grown you can share a bit of wisdom for Christmas. Wreaths
There is nothing more pleasing than making your own wreaths to hang on your door. In Brighton there are many workshops where you can make a wreath for your home and drink some mulled cider in the process. I would recommend the Garden House in Brighton. To book a place please go to www. gardenhousebrighton.co.uk . Wish you all a merry Christmas Biking Gardener @bikinggardener
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Here we feature a great new local grocers, based in Islingword Road...
Quality Hanover Grocers... STOCK
There seems to be no let-up with the current food revolution. We are becoming more interested in the provenance of the food we eat and the quality of the ingredients that stock our shelves. NumerMON – FRI 8.00am –- 7.00pm ous food festivals, street dining on a weekly basis, superb restaurants and even quality goods at SAT 9.00am 6.00pm - SUN 10.00am -– 4.00pm Brighton Station are putting Brighton firmly on the -–gastro map. In our local area, takeaways are upping their game significantly, and there are many places to grab a lunchtime snack or coffee that vendors in the Lanes would be proud of.
STOCK, located at the top of Islingword Road, just into Islingword Place, next to the popular new takeaway, Smoque.
NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR DELIVERY OF CHRISTMAS GOODS STOCK is described as a “quality grocer’s” by
The latest addition to the local food scene is
Rachel and James, who opened the shop at the end of June. They are familiar faces around Hanover, Holmansbridge Farm Turkeys having both worked in pubs in the area over the last Downsview Dairy Milk,and Cream, and Ice 15 years, lived in the area for Cream most of that time too. The idea to open STOCK came to them after Local Cheeses and Chutneys experiencing problems trying to find a range of qualTop Grade Christmas Trees ity ingredients locally to make a good meal.
Christmas Gifts and Mulling STOCK is still in its early daysKits and is working to
expand its range over the coming weeks with more
NEW OPENING HOURS MON – FRI 8.00am –- 7.00pm SAT 9.00am -– 6.00pm - SUN 10.00am -– 4.00pm
fresh and vegetables, and a bigger selection of Follow usfruit @stockbrighton
products from the Real Patisserie bakery. There has been significant demand for gluten-free products, prompting plans to introduce a range of baked goods. Facebook “f” Logo
CMYK / .eps
Facebook “f” Logo
CMYK / .eps
The yard adjacent to STOCK now been cleared 76b ISLINGWORD ROAD, BN2has 9SL
NOW TAKING ORDERS(TOP FOROF THE HILL andJUST is being setISLINGWORD up to house market stalls for local INTO PLACE) DELIVERY OF CHRISTMAS GOODS producers and will sell seasonal goods. STOCK 01273 945050 – stockbrighton@ @ @ gmail.com Holmansbridge Farm Turkeys Downsview Dairy Milk, Cream, and Ice Cream Local Cheeses and Chutneys Top Grade Christmas Trees Christmas Gifts and Mulling Kits Follow us @stockbrighton Facebook “f” Logo
CMYK / .eps
Facebook “f” Logo
CMYK / .eps
76b ISLINGWORD ROAD, BN2 9SL (TOP OF THE HILL JUST INTO ISLINGWORD PLACE) 01273 945050 – stockbrighton@@ @ gmail.com
plans to sell smokeless fuel and logs for the colder months; Christmas trees and decorations will be available throughout December, with a winter fayre feel being created in the yard. Free-range turkeys from Holmansbridge Farm will be available to order for Christmas, as well as goods from the Lewes Smoke House and Downsview Dairy.
STOCK has tried to keep convenient opening hours, being open until 7.30pm Monday to Friday, 6.30pm on Saturday and 4.30pm on Sunday. For more information, search on Facebook for STOCK, call 01273 945050, or email stockbrighton@gmail.com.
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23 23
We were dead chuffed to receive this article for publishing. Get involved if you can...
Community Care Scheme
Last year we ran the story of the Neighbourhood Care Scheme volunteer, Ali, who was visiting Anya, an isolated elderly neighbour. Several people responded to the feature and started volunteering too. Here is a story that came out of that piece. Fran/Joan
I was touched by the story in the Hanover Directory and the obvious affection between the volunteer and her new friend. I feel that older people are overlooked in our society and this seemed to be a wonderful way of helping to keep someone engaged in the wider community. I am quite time poor as I have a busy job and lots of hobbies, but everyone can find a couple of hours a week for a cup of tea and a chat. On my first visit Joan had laid out some cakes and I felt terribly spoilt! She is a hugely welcoming person and really enjoys making a fuss of you.
From the moment I met Joan we gelled! She has a wonderful smile and very expressive eyes! She does wicked impressions of all sorts of people and I really love her stories of Brighton – it’s rare to meet people born and bred in Brighton who can
Tarner Community Project Happy Christmas from everyone at Tarner Community Project. We look forward to seeing you at our After School Club or one of our Holiday Play Schemes in 2015. The Holiday Play Schemes run during every school holiday, apart from Christmas. Look out for 2015 dates in the new year. We end this year on a real high, as we have again been awarded OUTSTANDING by OFSTED. After school collections from: • • •
Carlton Hill Queens Park St Lukes
Telephone: 01273 679900 www.tarnerland.org.uk office@tarnerland.org.uk Registered charity: 1152321
tell you tales from before it became the place it is today.
I have met Joan’s lovely family who have been really welcoming. They even took me out to dinner one night! Joan’s daughter has also put me in touch with a fab handyman who has been a life saver – sounds like a small thing but if I hadn’t started visiting Joan I would probably still be looking around for someone to mend my toilet!
I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Joan, and visiting her is a little oasis of calm in an otherwise chaotic life. She always seems happy to see me – I hope she isn’t just being polite! If you have a spare hour or so a week, and would like to visit someone near you, please contact the NCS on 01273 775 888 or visit the NCS website page at www.bh-impetus.org
deadline for adverts and articles for the January edition is 10th December
to advertise, please call 01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
To advertise call 01273
551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
25 25
Here we bring you the latest news from the Hanover and Elm Grove Local Action Team...
More Street Surveys Come Back
A big thank you to the many volunteers who have surveyed their streets. Results have come in now for many more roads (see below). With around 1,000 surveys returned, we have a fairly good idea of what we the residents would like to see and some clear themes are emerging:Central Hanover (south of Islingword Road) are clearly looking for some kind of parking restriction. Opinions are more mixed between Islingword Road and Elm Grove up as far as Carlyle Street. However, in the triangle bounded by Carlyle Street, Elm Grove and Queen’s Park Road, residents (like those north of Elm Grove and east of Queen’s Park Road) strongly want to keep things as they are.
Lincoln Street Bonchurch Road Toronto Terrace Hallett Road Franklin Street Belgrave Street Queen’s Park Road Baxter Street Montreal Road Beaufort Terrace Bentham Road Newark Place Holland Street Southampton Street Hampden Road Milton Road Howard Road Hanover Terrace Islingword Place Islingword Street Grant Street Washington Street Coleman Street Ewart Street Cobden Road Quebec Street Carlyle Street Hanover Street Albion Hill (top) Lynton Street
There is interest in exploring one way streets, providing cycle racks and shortening yellow lines. Lots of people have made really interesting comments and a detailed summary of results will be put on the website and delivered to each street. The task now is to use all the data and comments to come up with the best possible plan to improve our streets for the areas that people want changed. A working group has been set up and it will meet several times up until February to come up with a plan. If you would like to join the group, and particularly if you can represent your street, help with data analysis, or explore ideas of interest such as a plan for one way streets etc, please contact Chris Taylor greysland@ sky.com and/or David Gibson davidsg@ntlworld.com.
THE LOGMAN Delivers dry, well seasoned logs sourced from the local area Any quantity from 1/4 cubic metres upwards Any size logs from 4 to 16 inches
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Clear majority support for some kind of controlled parking (CPZ)? Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Split Split Yes Yes Yes Split Split Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
The next HEGLAT meeting (Tuesday 2nd December at 7pm) will look at the survey results, especially to consider the impact controlled parking in parts of our area where residents want it, might have on the areas that don’t want it. The meeting will also hear from Mike Moon of Cityclean about progress on settling grievances with some drivers and hear where there are still problems with the refuse and recycling services.
01273 452825 07966 431930 salansonmark@yahoo.co.uk www.brightonfirewoodlogman.com
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551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
26 26
hanover After School Club Tarnerland............................10 Antiques Alexandria Antiques....cover/8 Artist Lisa Holdcroft......................26 Blinds Bella Vista ............................16 Sussex Blinds......................24 Building Services Hanover Building.................14 Down to Earth......................18 360 Home........................back JL Property Services...........10 Teamology...........................22 Carpenters George Birtwell....................10 Alan Patch.............................4 Children’s Activities Tarnerland...........................23 Musical Bumps.....................3 Computer Help Hanover PC........................15
Macman.............................20 Electricians Darren Clarke.....................17 Jack Bond..........................10 Cox & Taylor.......................26 Estate Agent Q Sales & Lettings.....cover/6 Events Cinderella..........................15 Firewood Logman ............................25 Flat Pack Assembly The Flat Pack Man..............7 Flu Vaccination Brighton & Hove Council...27 Funeral directors ARKA ..................................6 Sussex Funerals................18 SE Skinner.........................20 Groceries Stock .................................21 Guitar Lessons Brighton Guitar Tuition ......22
Hardware Johny’s Wares ....................8 Ironing Ironing................................18 Jewellery Missy T Jewellery ...............9 Key Cutting Johny’s Wares ....................8 Local Attraction Royal Pavilion....................10 Mosaic Class Lunamoon ........................20 Osteopaths Hanover Osteopaths.........19 Pharmacy O’Flinns................................5 Pilates Jan Davies.........................14 Plastering Lewis Byard.........................7 Plumbing & Heating FitzGeralds.........................11
ABBA..................................16 LWL ....................................10 DJ Plumbing.......................15 Hanover Heating................17 Public House The Dover Castle...........cover The Greys.............................2 Road Safety Brighton & Hove Council.....22 Roofing Ridgeline Roofing................20 MB Roofing..........................19 Mark Campbell.......................12 Shutters Sussex Blinds .....................24 Bella Vista............................16 Voting Brighton & Hove Council.......2 Woodburners Energy Wake Up.................22 Yoga Yoga Flow Brighton...............3
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“We’ve had our flu jab.”
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551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
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