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3 33
hanover Welcome to The Hanover Directory!
It’s always lovely at this time of year to see the signs of spring like daffodils and buds on the trees. Venturing outside seems a much more welcome prospect. This month we have an article by a local historian on Brighton’s first woman doctor, Helen Boyle, who in 1899 set up the Lewes Road Dispensary for Women & Children in Islingword Road, as well as an update on what’s happening currently with the proposed Brighton General health hub. Our featured local resident is Jeanette Philpott, who teaches the Alexander Technique, which can help us in all sorts of ways, and we have local news from Councillor Elaine Hills. Have a good month!
Contents Page 4 Old Photo
Page 7 Local Person…Jeanette Philpott Page 9 The Gallery Restaurant Page 11 A Most Remarkable Woman Page 12 Planet-Friendly Tips Page 12 International Women’s Day Page 13 Brighton General Plans Page 14 HCA News Page 16 Music and Wine at St Luke’s Page 16 Hanover Queens WI
The Hanover Directory Team info@hanoverdirectory.co.uk www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
Page 17 Councillor News…Elaine Hills
Publisher: The Hanover Directory 01273 551021 info@hanoverdirectory.co.uk www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk Printer: Gemini Press. The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors.
Page 19 ‘Car-free’ city centre Page 19 Councillor Details Page 20 Hanover Action Page 21 Sleep Easy
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5 Hanover history‌
Carlton Row Carlton Row, looking south to Carlton Hill, in March 1928.
This street ran between Sussex Street and Carlton Hill (now Kingswood Street), in the area between Circus Street and Nelson Row, before it was demolished in the slum clearance in the 1930s. The winter sun touched only its east side. It was lit by only three lamps, one at each end and one in the middle of the street, all attached to the walls of the houses. Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at: www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com
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6 BALLET BRIGHTON dance with joy and inspiration
Clair Thomas ARAD, PDTD Ex Professional Ballerina with English National Ballet 07588 420660 • info@ballet-brighton.com • www.ballet-brighton.com Clair Thomas - Ballet Brighton
Tuesday: Energy For Life Studio 75 Sussex Street 9:45 - 10:15 Pre-Primary 10:15 - 10:45 Nursery The Exeter Street Hall 16-17 Exeter Street 3:30 - 4:00 Nursery 4:05 - 4:45 Pre-Primary 4:50 - 5:30 Primary Friday: Energy For Life Studio 75 Sussex Street 3:30 - 4:00 Pre-Primary 4:00 - 5:00 Primary Saturday: The Yellowave 299 Madeira Drive 9:10 - 9:50 Pre-Primary 9:50 - 10:30 Primary 10:30 - 11:30 Grade One FREE TASTER CLASS NURSERY 24 MONTHS PRE-PRIMARY 4 YEARS
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77 7
hanover hanover Meet a Hanover resident…
Local Person…Jeanette Philpott
Jeanette Philpott lives in Belgrave Street and teaches the Alexander Technique. What is the Alexander Technique?
The Alexander Technique is a gentle, self-care skill and is suitable for all ages. It is a mind/body skill. It does not try to separate out the mind and body – mind affects body and vice versa. By learning the Alexander Technique we learn to recognise, understand and avoid our habitual responses to the endless stream of stimuli that come our way in our lives. We learn to move more freely in a more coordinated and balanced way, using less effort and tension. How did you start teaching it?
I first discovered the Technique when I was looking for something to help me with chronic back pain. When I started learning the Alexander Technique, I discovered a skill that puts me in control. I was so impressed with how it helped me that I chose to train as an Alexander Technique teacher – a three-year, full-time course that I did in Brighton.
The Alexander Technique A gentle, self-care skill to improve balance & movement Relieve joint & muscular pain, stiffness & tension
Jeanette Philpott
www.positivepoise.co.uk positivepoisebrighton@gmail.com Phone 07500 750 240 to advertise, please call
What can it help with?
The Alexander Technique is used to help reduce tension and stress. It is used to reduce and manage pain, increase ease of movement and balance and is used to help with back and neck pain. It is taught in the world of performance – to singers, musicians and actors and in public speaking. Because it is unique, it helps the individual in whatever way they need it to. We can use it in all our daily activities. So, if you sit working at a computer all day or do a lot of driving, it can help you avoid the problems that can arise when we don’t pay attention to our coordination and posture – it can even help us open jam jars more easily! How long have you lived in Hanover?
I moved to Hanover thirty years ago and, apart from a period where I lived in Oxford and abroad, I have been here ever since. There is a friendly atmosphere here and I like the fact that I can just walk up the hill and out onto the South Downs. What do you like to do when you’re not working? I love walking, hiking and camping and love the feeling of freedom that this brings. I love gardening and music and play the guitar. For more information, visit www.positivepoise.co.uk.
01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
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Open Monday - Friday 8am Established - 6pm 1990 Established 1990 1990 1990 Open Monday Friday 8am -Established 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am --6pm 6pm Established 1990 Established Open Monday - Friday 8am 6pm 1990 Open Monday Fridayto8am -Established Children 6 months 5 years Children Children 66 6months months to to5 555to years years Children months to years Children months to years Full or part-time - hours suit Full Full or or part-time part-time hours hours to to suit suit Full or part-time hours to suit Full or part-time hours to suit Mature, experienced & qualified staff
Esta Esta Esta
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Mature, Mature, experienced experienced &qualified qualified staff staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Mature, experienced & qualified staff Extra nursery activities & including Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Music & Dance, Forest School Extra nursery activities including Spanish, Children 6 months to 5 years full or part-time - hours to suit Children 6Open months to 5 years full or part-time hours to suit Open Open Monday Monday Friday Friday 8am 8am- -6pm 6pm Open Monday Monday Friday 8am 8am -Dance, -6pm 6pm Open Monday ------Friday 8am Open Monday Friday 8am ---6pm 6pm Open Monday-----Friday Friday 8am Open Monday Friday 8am --Dance, 6pm Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Music & Forest School Open Monday Friday 8am 6pm Music &Dance, Forest School Music & Forest School Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Music & Dance, Forest School Children Children 6 6 months months to to 5 5 years years full full or or part-time part-time ----hours hours to suit suit Children months years - hours toto suit Children Children 66 months to toto 55 years years full or part-time part-time ----hours hoursto tosuit suit suit Children 6 months years----full -full fullor or part-time hours Children 6 months months to 5suit years- --full fulloror orpart-time part-time hours to suit Children months to years or part-time hours Children 6 to 5 years full part-time hours to suit Children 66&months months to 555 full or part-time hours to suit •Extra Mature, experienced &including qualifi ed staff •plus Extra nursery activities including French, Music &D e, experienced qualified staff •years nursery activities French, Music & Dance, trips outdoor to enjoy the park Well-equipped space regular Well-equipped space regular Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early t School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Early Years • Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff • Extra nursery activities including French, Music &Y D •Extra Mature, Mature, experienced experienced & qualifi qualifi ed staff staff Extra Extra nursery nursery activities activitiesincluding includingFrench, French,Music Music e, experienced & qualifi staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music &&& experienced xperienced && &qualifi qualifi ed eded staff staff •••••Extra nursery nursery activities activities including including French, French, Music Music &Dance, Dance, Dance, trips to enjoyed the ••Extra Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff •••Education Extra nursery activities including French, Music trips to enjoy the park experienced qualifi ed staff nursery activities including French, Music Dance, trips to enjoy the park Early Years Foundation Stage Mature, experienced & qualifi ed staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music experienced & qualifi staff Extra nursery activities including French, Music & Dance, trips to enjoy the park Foundation Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • regular After-school Club including school colY ion Stage• Education •ed Registered by Ofsted • regular After-school Club including school collections Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus trips to enjoy the park • Early tchool School Well-equipped outdoor space plus to enjoy the • Early Years Forest Forest School School • • Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regular trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park • • Earl Ear School chool • • Well-equipped Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus plus regular regular trips trips to to enjoy enjoy the the park park • • Early Early Years Years Forest School • Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Ear Well-equipped outdoor outdoor space space plus regular trips to to enjoy enjoyStage the park park Early Years Forest School • Registered Well-equipped outdoor space plus regular trips to enjoy the park • Ear chool •• Well-equipped plus regular trips the •• Early Years Early Years Foundation Education Early Foundation Stage Education by Ofsted Early Years Foundation Stage Education Foundation Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted • After-school Club including school col ion Stage Education • Registered by Ofsted •Years After-school Club including school collections
Foundation Foundation Stage Stage Education Education ••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted ••••After-school After-schoolClub Clubincluding includingschool schoolc Early Years Foundation Stage Education nStage StageEducation Education ••••Registered Registered by byOfsted Ofsted •Stage After-school Club Club including including school school collections collections Foundation Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school Stage Education Registered by Ofsted •••After-school After-school Club including school collections Foundation Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school Stage Education Registered by Ofsted After-school Club including school collections Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Br
rsery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Registered by Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Registered by Ofsted Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Br 1273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk rsery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Limited spaces available from October 2019 Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), ery, ery, Queens Queens Park Park Road Road (adjacent (adjacent to to Queen's Park), Park), Brighton Brighton BN2 BN2 0GL 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), B ery, Queens Park Road (adjacent to Queen's Park), Brighton BN2 0GL Orchard Day Nursery, Queens Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@ 1273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Orchard Orchard Day Day Nursery, Nursery, Queens Queens Park Park Road, Road, Brighton Brighton BN2 BN2 0GL 0GL (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Telephone 73) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Telephone (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday 273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Day (01273) Nursery, Queenswww.orchard-daynursery.co.uk Park Road, Brighton BN2 0GL orchardday Telephone (01273) 622883 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday 273) 622883 Orchard www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk (01273) 622883 www.orchard-daynursery.co.uk orchardday@yahoo.co.uk CELEBRATING 28 YEARS!!
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9 99 9
hanover hanover Simon Lightfoot reviews The Gallery Restaurant at Brighton’s MET College…
The Gallery Restaurant
It’s longer than I care to remember since I last ate on a college campus. (In fact, it’s longer than I can remember!)
So, when we were invited to The Gallery Restaurant, run by the catering and hospitality students at Brighton’s MET, I was excited to see if I’d be reminded of my school dinners. Well, this was as far away from school food as you can imagine. (Either that, or my memory is far worse than I thought!) Stepping into the restaurant, we were struck by the warm, informal atmosphere, and were shown to our table by the effervescent Restaurant Supervisor, Georgia. With everyone eating at the same time there was an excited buzz that many hoity-toity restaurants would give a Michelin star to achieve, as we were all offered drinks and a choice of breads. That evening the menu was French cuisine, and our starters of Roast and Confit Quail and Hot Smoked Salmon were presented with the elegance of a Parisian bistro. Although the quail felt it was slightly missing something, it still hit the spot and the salmon was absolutely delicious. As were our mains of Root Vegetable Tarte Tatin and Pan-Fried Sea Bass. I’m not a fan of foams in food - they’re pretentious and cheap and predominantly air (I’m still a firm believer that we shouldn’t have to pay for our air). A purée
jack bond ELECTRICAL
however, when served in the right volume, I’m on board with. And my pan-fried sea bass was served with a delicious broccoli purée that was the perfect accompaniment, in both taste and amount.
Our desserts of White Chocolate Parfait and Chocolate Mousse were also both stylishly served, the former in a wine glass, the latter a teacup. The richness of both rounded the evening off with a real sense of fine dining indulgence.
The Gallery is such a worthy venture: as well as offering three courses for a phenomenal £18, it provides students with an invaluable chance to hone their skills in a “live setting” as it were, serving the normally baying public in an understanding environment, where all the diners are aware that they are still learning their trade. Not that the food was necessarily reflective of their inexperience. Whilst it may not quite be Michelin standard, you can clearly tell that these young aspiring chefs are well on their way to achieving great things, and their culinary skills and easy hospitality made for a wonderfully enjoyable evening. Simon Lightfoot
The Gallery Restaurant is on Whitecross Street. For more information or to make a reservation, call 01273 667711 or email gallery.restaurant@gbmc.ac.uk.
24 Lynton Street Hanover Brighton t: 01273 692860/ m: 07789553617 e: jackbondelectrical@gmail.com
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10 Best Care of The Deceased 2017 Funeral Director of the Year 2014
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1111 11
hanover hanover This article is by local historian Rachel Bridgeman…
A Most Remarkable Woman In the late Victorian age, Brighton and Hove were notorious for the grinding poverty in which many working people lived. Women and girls were disproportionately affected by the deprivation – less food, poorer education; financially dependent on others. They lived a repeated cycle of pregnancy and childbirth whilst coping with the distressingly high rates of infant mortality. Into this environment in 1897 came a most remarkable woman – a medical pioneer in the field of women’s mental health – Dr Helen Boyle (1869–1957). Cutting her teeth in the East End of London, Dr Boyle had observed the detrimental effects of deprivation on the mental health of women and their deterioration due to lack of treatment. Appalled that they were given no help before reaching crisis point (when the lunacy laws for paupers incarcerated them in asylums along with the chronic cases), she promoted early intervention, believing patients could recover and return home.
“I saw mental patients ... neglected and maltreated until after days, months or years ... they were turned into the finished product – lunatics – and were certified.” On establishing her General Practice in Hove, she became Brighton & Hove’s first woman doctor. Forthwith, she worked tirelessly to provide free and low-cost services for the towns’ poor women - in 1899, setting up the Lewes Road Dispensary for Women & Children at 145 Islingword Road (free or low-cost consultation with female doctors). She went on to establish the revolutionary Lewes Road Hospital at
101 Roundhill Crescent (the first in Britain for early intervention for mental illnesses). Relocating to Hove in 1911, it was renamed the “Lady Chichester Hospital for the Treatment of Early Mental Disorders”. Today, as the Aldrington Centre, it provides children’s mental health community services, early intervention & learning disability services. Dr Boyle was the first woman consultant psychiatrist at the Royal Sussex County Hospital; first woman president of the Medico Psychological Association; co-founded the National Council for Mental Hygiene (now MIND); and was decorated twice for service as a doctor in Serbia during the First World War.
To learn more about the history of our city, join a guided historical walking tour led by a local historian. Hove Actually Walking Tours are fun, informative and best suited to the incurably curious. Whether it’s your first visit or you have lived here your whole life, the tours are a great way to discover and uncover the area. And the natives in Hove are very friendly! For information, email hoveactuallywalks@gmail. com or Facebook (Hove Actually Walking Tours). Rachel Bridgeman - local historian & tour guide
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hanover A few ideas for travelling responsibly...
A local event…
Planet-Friendly Tips
International Women’s Day
These are Friends of the Earth’s top tips for travelling responsibly (see more at friendsoftheearth.uk). We’d love to hear your tips – email us at info@hanoverdirectory.co.uk. Take the train
• •
• • • • •
Fly less long-haul – taking one long-haul flight is as bad for the climate as a whole year’s worth of driving.
Take the train – train journeys are much better for the climate than short-haul flights. Book well in advance for the cheapest fares. If you really need to fly, try to limit yourself to one flight a year.
Saturday 7 March, 10am – 5pm, Brighton Museum Foyer
Brighton Museum is hosting a free special event for International Women’s Day, in partnership with Brighton Women’s Centre and Brighton Dome. The jam-packed day will celebrate women’s achievements with inspiring speakers, activists, performances and much more. It will include a green magic show with Megan Swann, the first woman to be made an officer of the Magic Circle, and a stage fighting workshop with Alison de Burgh. There will also be a talk with photographer Anita Corbin, whose 100 First Women Portraits exhibition, celebrating 100 pioneering women of the 21st century, is currently on show at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery.
alk or cycle – cars emit a lot of greenhouse gases. Many of W these journeys could be made by foot or bike. Choose public transport – you will clock up fewer climatechanging emissions than when driving around in a private car. witch to an electric car – UK electric cars emit 50% less S carbon pollution than diesel engines. Hire a car or join a car club.
Megan Swann will give a green magic show
Green your driving habits – for example, regularly check your tyre pressure, remove the roof rack and keep windows closed to reduce drag.
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1313 13 13 News from the council…
Brighton General health hub The Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT) is leading a project to redevelop the Brighton General Hospital site. SCFT owns the site and is proposing to create a new community health hub, new facilities for the Sussex Rehabilitation Centre, a children’s nursery and Trust offices on site. The new state-of the-art facilities will bring health and care services together in a modern, consolidated campus, including: community nurses and therapists; child development centre; local authority children’s centres; falls prevention; health and wellbeing; adult mental health services; therapies and podiatry; GP surgery and pharmacy (new services); and rehabilitation services for people with neurological impairment. The 4.6 hectare site currently houses the Trust’s administrative offices and a range of communitybased health and social care services, based in more than 20 buildings. It is a steeply sloping site, making it difficult to deliver services and for people with mobility issues to access specialist clinics. Some of the buildings date from the 1860s and around half of the site is underused. The council are exploring what they can do to deliver affordable housing on the site while also enabling a fully-funded healthcare scheme. In December 2019 the council entered into a non-disclosure agreement with the Trust, so that they can share sensitive financial information in commercial confidence. New healthcare investment will need to be paid for by the release of land which will be surplus to NHS requirements. Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT) estimates that 3.5 hectares could be released for the development of new housing and community facilities and that around 700 homes could be built on-site. An outline business case for the health hub plan has been approved by the SCFT Board and the Trust’s commissioners, NHS Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group. The Trust will be seeking approval from its regulator, NHS Improvement, this year which will give the project team the green light to work up detailed plans and begin planning consultation. The Trust’s preferred location for the community to advertise, please call
Brighton General Hospital
health hub is the north-west corner of the site, with street level access from Elm Grove. The total area for redevelopment is around 12,500m2. SCFT is talking with South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) about purchasing their adjoining site to enable the health hub to be located at the front of the site to make it more visible and easier to access. The Trust is working towards completing the new health hub by the end of 2024. For more information visit www.sussexcommunity.nhs.uk/about-us/ brighton-general-community-health-hub.htm
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from within by targeting deep stabilising muscles 2018 Beginner courses in January A posturally based body method which builds strength from within by conditioning targeting deep stabilising muscles Beginner courses in January 2018 from within by targeting deep stabilising muscles 10 week beginner courses starting w/c 8th January Beginner courses in January 2018 10 week beginner courses starting w/c 8th January Classes in Brighton Beginner courses in January 2018 10 week week beginner courses starting w/c 8th 8thHall January Beginner courses in January 2018 Mondays 3pm Rottingdean Village 10 beginner courses starting w/c January 10 week beginner courses startingVillage w/c 8thHall January Mondays 3pm Rottingdean Beginner courses in January 2018 10 week beginner courses starting w/c 8th January Classes in Brighton Mondays 7.15pm St Marys Church Hall Kemptown Mondays 3pm Rottingdean Village Hall 10 week beginner courses starting w/c 8th January Hanover and Kemptown and Mondays 3pm Rottingdean Village Hall Mondays 7.15pm St Marys Church HallRottingdean Kemptown
Classes in Brighton
Mondays 3pm Rottingdean Village Hall Hanover and and Rottingdean Thursdays andKemptown Fridays 6pmstarting in Hanover Community 10 4.45pm week beginner courses w/c 8th January Centre Mondays 3pm Rottingdean Village Hall Mondays 7.15pm St Marys Hall Kemptown Mondays 7.15pm St Marys Church HallRottingdean Kemptown Thursdays 4.45pm andKemptown Fridays 6pmChurch in Hanover Community Centre Mondays 3pm Rottingdean Village Hall Mondays 7.15pm St Marys Church Hall Kemptown Hanover and and Thursdays 6pm Hanover Saturdays 9am Kemptown Crypt Community Centre Centre Mondays 7.15pm St Marys Church Hall Kemptown Thursdays 4.45pm and Fridays 6pm inHanover Hanover Community Thursdays 6pm Mondays 3pm Rottingdean Village Hall Thursdays 4.45pm and Fridays 6pm in Hanover Community Saturdays 9am Kemptown Crypt Community Centre Centre Hanover and Kemptown and Rottingdean Mondays 7.15pm St Marys Church Hall Kemptown Thursdays 4.45pm and Fridays 6pm in Hanover Community Centre Thursdays 4.45pm and Fridays 6pm in Hanover Community Centre Saturdays 9am Kemptown Crypt Community Centre “Make that New9am Year resolution now! Book your with Jan and Thursdays 6pm Mondays 7.15pm St10am Marys Church Hallplace Kemptown Saturdays Kemptown Crypt Community Centre Fridays Rottingdean Thursdays 4.45pm and Fridays 6pm inHanover Hanover Community Centre Saturdays Kemptown Crypt Community Centre “Make that New9am Year resolution now! Book your place with Jan and Fridays 10am Rottingdean Thursdays 6pm Hanover commit to a longer, leaner, more supple, flexible and mobile body and banish Saturdays 9am Kemptown Crypt Community Centre Thursdays 4.45pm and resolution Fridays 6pm inBook Hanover Community Centre “Make that Newleaner, Year resolution now! Book yourmobile place with Jan and commit to athat longer, more10am supple, flexible and body andand banish Saturdays 9am Crypt Community Centre “Make New Year now! your with Jan Fridays Rottingdean “Make that New YearKemptown resolution now! Book your place place Hanover with Jan and those aches and pains” Saturdays 10.15am Kemptown, 11.45am commit to a athat longer, leaner, more supple, flexible and mobile body and banish Saturdays 9am Kemptown Crypt Community Centre “Make New Year resolution now! Book your place with Jan and those aches and pains” Saturdays 10.15am Kemptown, 11.45am Hanover commit to longer, leaner, more supple, flexible and mobile body and banish Fridays Rottingdean commit to athat longer, more10am supple, flexible bodyJan andand banish “Make Newleaner, Year resolution now! Book and yourmobile place with those aches and pains” Prebeginner course special offer 1:1pains” 1hr sessions £35 vs £45 commit to athat longer, leaner, more supple, flexible and mobile body andand banish those aches and Saturdays 10.15am Kemptown, 11.45am Hanover “Make New Year resolution now! Book your place£35 with those aches and pains” Prebeginner course special offer 1:1 1hr sessions vsJan £45 commit to a longer, leaner, more supple, flexible and mobile body and banish those aches and pains” Saturdays 10.15am Kemptown, 11.45am Hanover Prebeginner course special offer 1:1 1hr sessions £35 vs £45 commit to a longer, leaner, more supple, flexible and mobile body and Contact Jan now to reserve a place those aches and pains” Prebeginner course special offer 1:1 1hr sessions £35 vs £45 Prebeginner courseJan special offer 1:1 1hr sessions £45 banish Contact now toand reserve a place£35invs April. 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@ Hanover Community Centre Every Friday starting 7th February @Hanover Hanover Community Centre @ Community Centre Class 12.30 1.30pm @ Baby Hanover Community Centre Baby1+ Class 12.30 - 1.30pm class 9.30am Mixed 1-3 years12.30 Class 1.30 -- 2.30pm Baby Class - 1.30pm Mixed 1-3 1.30 2.30pm 2+years classClass 10.30am FREE CLASS MixedIntroductory 1-3 years Class 1.30 - 2.30pm Introductory FREE CLASS Baby McBride classFREE 11.30am Contact Belinda 07582 256957 or Introductory CLASS Contact Belinda McBride 07582 256957 or belinda.mcbride@musicalbumps.com Contact Belinda McBride 07582 256957 or Contact Belinda McBride 07582 256957 belinda.mcbride@musicalbumps.com belinda.mcbride@musicalbumps.com belinda.mcbride@musicalbumps.com
hanover Your monthly update from the Hanover Community Association...
Hanover Community
HCA is the small charity that manages the Hanover Cen who live locally. We always welcome your feedback and centre and have comments, compliments or complaints Garden Club The elements have stopped play a few times over the winter but hopefully March will allow us to do a bit more - we will be sowing our wild flower garden, grass seeding the bare patches in the lawn and planting for a good space to be enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Ross’s dad for donating the plants. Come along on a Tuesday afternoon from 2.00pm until 4.00pm and join Ross, Jan and Jill or just sit and watch us work! Baby Sale Sunday 29 March, 9.30am – 12pm. The ever-popular baby and kids table-top sale pings back for Spring. Rejuvenate your rascals and recycle their rarely-used raiment. Entrance is 50p and kids enter for free. Cake and refreshments will be available. Baby Sensory For those of you who attend the Baby Sensory classes on Thursdays, Aggie is moving on and we wish her well. Please welcome Ali who is now running the sessions. Find out more: https://www.babysensory.com/ brighton-central/ https://www.facebook.com/brighton.babysensory/
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– 4:30
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See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk
15 1515
y Association News
ntre on Southover Street. The charity is run by a committee of voluntary trustees d suggestions, so please get in touch if you’ve attended an event or activity at the s. Repair Café takes a break… The helpful folks who run Repair Café will not be at the Centre for their regular session in March or April, but they will be back again TWICE in May! 10.30am – 12.30pm, Saturdays 2 and 30 May. Amend your diaries now! https://www.facebook.com/brightonrepcafe/ Suzie Poyntz - Art For All Some of you may know Suzie Poyntz for her kids’ art classes, so you may be excited to learn that she has also started adult classes too on Wednesdays. Visit her Facebook page – Suzie Poyntz Art classes for more information. Contact her for details of the next course on suziepoyntz@ icloud.com, or 07766 135986.
5Rhythms Dance – Making Waves in Hanover… There’s still an opportunity to try out the new 5Rhythms dance class in March. Join Paul Smith as he leads the group through dynamic sessions of improvised movement. No previous experience is necessary, the class is open to all abilities. Everyone welcome! See https:// www.5rhythms.com/ for more information on 5Rhythms, and https://www.facebook. com/5Rhythms-Brighton-1526991920848535/ for details of local sessions. Talk to Us! If you would like to join in with our projects, run a course, volunteer or enquire about a booking or a class, then please leave a message or email with a daytime phone number and we’ll call you: Hanover Centre, 33 Southover Street, BN2 9UD Email: office@hanovercommunity.org.uk Website: www.hanovercommunity.org.uk Phone: 01273 694 873 (24 hours) Join our Facebook group: “The Hanover Centre” The office is open Monday – Friday, 10am-12pm.
to advertise, please call
01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
16 hanover Two jazz trios coming to St Luke’s Church in March…
Our column from the local WI…
Music and Wine at St Luke’s
Hanover Queens WI
We have two concerts this month, both jazz trios.
We meet again on Thursday 12th March, 7.30 to 9.30pm, at the Church of the Annunciation, 89 Washington Street, BN2 9SR. Should be a fun and gently active evening with Kate from Magic Moves Dance as we try out some BollyMoves - “Bollywood Dance for all”. Do come along if you’d like to join us for this and to meet us all. New faces are always very welcome. Find out more on Facebook or contact us on wihanoverqueens@ gmail.com.
The Anöna Trio
Another recipe to try... On Friday 6th March we welcome back The Joss Peach Trio, this time re-imagining classic material from the wonderful Beatles canon. From a funked-out Sergeant Pepper to a reflective Nowhere Man, expect to hear interesting interpretations of some wonderful familiar classics. And on Friday 20th March we will hear the Anöna Trio, featuring Imogen Ryall (vocals), Mark Edwards (piano) and Julian Nicholas (saxophone), to take us on a sonic journey of venturesome arrangements of much-loved standards alongside well-crafted originals.
The concerts take place at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Road, at 7.30pm. Tickets £7 / £5 under-25s / under-16s free. Disabled access. Wine and refreshments served. For more information, please visit www.musicandwineatstlukes.com or contact musicandwineatstlukes@gmail.com.
FLAT PACK MAN For all your Flat Pack Problems Any Carpentry & Other Small Jobs Welcome Reliable & Reasonable Rates. Discounts for OAPs NO JOB TOO SMALL
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Celeriac and feta bake
Layer thinly sliced potato in a greased pie dish with sliced celeriac, leeks, garlic, chives and crumbled feta. Top with a layer of celeriac and half cover with vegetable stock. Bake for 50 minutes (200/gas 6) covered with foil and 20 minutes uncovered.
LOVE TO ALL MOTHERS this Mothers Day from
The HANOVER Directory See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk
17 17 An update from Elaine Hills, Green councillor for Hanover & Elm Grove…
Councillor News…Elaine Hills
Home to school transport: Problems at the beginning of the school year with transport services for children with special educational needs and disabilities led to a number of the city’s most vulnerable children being unable to get to school. The Labour administration brought in a cost-cutting consultancy to try to save money on services, but unfortunately, this backfired spectacularly. Instead, many journeys weren’t covered, costs spiralled and a number of children and their families were left stranded and distressed. I’m on a panel of six councillors looking into what happened. By listening to those involved, from contractors, to school representatives, to parents, we are piecing together what went wrong in the hope that this never happens again. Monthly councillors’ surgeries at Elm Grove School: To most, the word ‘surgery’ brings to mind medical procedures or teeth extraction. So it may seem odd to some that ‘surgery’ is the word we use to describe our friendly, monthly meetings, in which anyone living or working in Hanover and Elm Grove can come and say hello to their councillors and share their concerns or ask questions. It’s a great way for us to connect with local people and hear what’s going on. While many people email us and tell us they’re coming, you can just rock up. As there are three of us, we normally have time to see everyone who comes.
Tim the Gardener @hotmail.com
TEL: (01273) 381716 MB: (0778) 9827281 T !! H
0780 573 0838
Darren Clarke
Trees Hedges Lawns Fences Clearances
Residents from Belgrave Street recently came to see us, concerned that their road - along with Washington Street – is being used as a ‘rat run’, particularly by delivery vehicles cutting through to avoid Valley Garden roadworks. We’re looking into ways to have the situation monitored, reduce through traffic and get vehicles to slow down. We’ve also met with residents concerned about cars driving along pavements so they can park on the side of wider pavements in Elm Grove. Pavement driving is illegal and dangerous: one resident told us about a terrifying experience whereby a car whizzed along the pavement straight past her house while she was leaving with her small child. We need this to stop! We’re looking at how best we can put an end to antisocial drivers putting our residents’ safety in jeopardy. If you’re concerned about these or any other issues, please email us or come along to one of our surgeries. While we lack medical expertise, we do our best to make living in our ward better!
to advertise, please call
New lights/sockets to full re-wires Guaranteed low rates Free quotations Qualified/Part P Call Darren 07815145556 Eve: 01273 693083 www.qualifiedelectricianbrighton.co.uk
01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
Photo by Sarah Booker-Lewis
Along with many people in Brighton and Hove, I was sad to leave the EU. Around 19,000 EU nationals have made their home here, bringing vibrancy and cultural diversity to our city. At an emergency council meeting, I spoke about the effect of Brexit on our universities, how we must make sure that European students and staff feel very welcome here, and ensure their contribution to the lifeblood of our city is valued.
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hanover News from the council…
Council exploring ‘car-free’ city centre Brighton & Hove city councillors have agreed to explore the possibility of the city becoming ‘car-free’ by 2023. Members of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, meeting at the end of January, requested a report that explores the feasibility and costs of developing a car-free city. The report will be presented to them in October 2020. It will also look at costs and practicalities of any project or any possible exemptions. The committee’s chair, Anne Pissaridou, said: “We were elected on a manifesto pledge to make our city carbon neutral by 2030. We have declared a climate emergency and are making progress on decarbonisation. But we must take major steps to reach our ambitious target, so we are proud to work cross-party and champion a car-free city centre. Crucially though, this will be for the climate assembly to decide, as our residents must lead on how we combat the climate crisis.”
Councillors also noted that the joint notice of motion should be considered by the city’s Climate Assembly, which is due to meet this spring. Green councillor Amy Heley said: “I proposed this motion because I’ve been inspired by European cities such as Ghent and Oslo, who have demonstrated that a car-free city centre can be beneficial for all. Having a greater understanding of city-centre traffic is a realistic response to the emergency of the climate crisis. It offers an opportunity to deal with congestion, road safety, and dangerous levels of air pollution. This report will help the city understand what the proposals emerging from other UK cities could mean for Brighton & Hove and our ambitious climate targets.”
Councillor Details
The Green Party councillors for Hanover & Elm Grove, David Gibson, Elaine Hills and Steph Powell, hold an advice surgery every second Saturday in the month, from 10.15 to 11.15am at Elm Grove School. You can also email them at:
David.Gibson@brighton-hove.gov.uk (tel: 01273 291424 / 07810 150833)
Elaine.Hills@brighton-hove.gov.uk (tel: 07704 314867)
Steph.Powell@brighton-hove.gov.uk (tel: 07795 335967) See local reviews of this business at
to advertise, please call
01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
hanover This month’s article from Hanover Action…
Hug a Tree for March 2020 Could Hanover be the Mount of Olives or the Gardens of Babylon? For several years Hanover Action has been campaigning for more trees and a more verdant streetscape. Our street trees at Elm Grove School and Ewart Street have survived the Beast of the East and Storms Ciara and Dennis, but have yet to survive as long as the elms such as Stumpy by the Pavilion, The Level’s Del Boy and the surviving Preston Park elm tree twin, which have lasted through world war bombings, Hurricane ’87 and many snow storms. But our parks, streets and green spaces have ghosts of trees and gardens long gone that need replacing.
Hanover’s longest established agency, based in & serving Hanover since 2001
soapbox soapbox apbox soapbox
The rejuvenation of the Valley Gardens and the new orchard of Moulsecoomb Green are places to celebrate new trees with love and gain inspiration to get back our lost street trees. From St Peter’s
April 6th to April 17th 2020
DAILY / 8AM DAILY OPEN / 8AM - 8PM H -&8PM WAS RT . .£1.50 . .£1.50 . .£1.50 . £2.50 . £2.50 . £2.00
I Washing & ironing Br
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trousers. . . . . . . . . . Blouse . . . . . . . . . . . Duvet cover (small) Sheet (medium) . . . . Towel (large) . . . . . .
ighton & Hov e
Prices may vary slightly according to material, size and bulk.
ighton & Hov e
ighton & Hov e
ighton & Hov e
Che ap e
Washing & ironing
. £8.80 . £13.40 . £16.60 . £14.60 . .£9.20
£1.50 soapbox washes Service Wash, dry and fold washes Tel (01273) 691297 Duvet cleaning
Dry cleaning
Small wash up to 12lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two-piece suit . . . . . . . £10.95 Scarf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £4.45 Prices may vary slightly ording to Trousers. . . . 20lb. . . . . . . £6.45 Medium wash up. . .to . . . . .Blouse . . . according . (Plain) . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .£5.95 .to .... School Ware . . . . from £4.50 Coat . . size . . . . . . . . and . from £8.95 material, bulk. Large wash up to 27lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Curtains (unlined per sq yard) . . . £3.15 Sette Covers . . . . from £12.95 from . Football kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DRY CLEANERS &. LAUNDERETTE Staff counter OPEN openDAILY from/ 8AM 8.00am to 8.00pm Monday to/Friday - Closed Sleeping bag / Blanket Throw . . . bank . -. 8PM . holidays . . . . . . . . from .
Che ap e
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Wash, dry and fold
. . Small . . . . . . wash . . .43. Montreal . .up . . Road, . . .Brighton . .W.ASBN2 .H .&9UY . . . . £8.80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £8.80 Small duvet . . . . . . . .www.soapboxbrighton.co.uk . . . . . .to . . . .12lb . . . N. S. H..I.R..T . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. £12.60 IRO. . L.Y . . . . £13.40 0lb. . duvet . . . .. .. . ..wash .. .. . .. .. . .. ..up Large . .. .. . ..to .. . .. 20lb. . O. N. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. £16.20 Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £13.40 £1.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £16.60 Drywashes cleaning See this logo on adverts and find local reviews of that business at www.trustedandlocal.co.uk Prices may vary slightly according to material, size and bulk.
ighton & Hov e
. .£1.50 . .£1.50 . .£1.50 . £2.50 . £2.50 . £2.00
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Shirt . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trousers. . . . . . . . . . Blouse . . . . . . . . . . . Duvet cover (small) Sheet (medium) . . . . Towel (large) . . . . . .
Large wash up to 27lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £16.60 Wash, dry and fold Small wash up to 12lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £8.80
21 21 21
hanover A charity event...
Sleep Easy Sleep Easy is YMCA Brighton & Hove’s biggest fundraising event of the year.
Church to Brighton Palace Pier, native trees, wildlife-friendly trees and trees that could be the future mighty specimens that give pleasure to our great-grandchildren are being planted. It is a global arboreal community that can connect us from Persia to China, Trump trees to Japanese cherries. We can all have a tree, from the smallest bonsai to dwarf apples, blackbird-friendly rowans and the occasional purple beech. Come to our plant swap on May 2nd at the community centre and share your love of trees and plants. www.hasl.org.uk
People challenge themselves to spend a night outside to raise money for this local youth charity which works throughout the year to tackle the root causes of youth homelessness. This year’s event is on Friday 20 March.
Over the last two years Brighton & Hove has seen a 40% increase in young people reporting homelessness in the city, putting a huge strain on local support services. YMCA is encouraging everyone taking part to secure sponsorship and the money raised will help fund their vital services for local young people. To find out more or sign up, visit Sleep Easy: www.ymcadlg.org/get-involved/fundraise/ sleep-easy/
To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/ YMCADLGSleepEasy
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to advertise, please call
01273 551021 or visit www.hanoverdirectory.co.uk
22 hanover Aerials & Satellites Alpine Aerials & Satellites............... 18 After School Club Tarner............................................. 20 Alexander Technique Jeanette Philpott............................... 7 Bath Restoration The Bath Business.......................... 12 Blinds Bella Vista....................................... 23 Builders Drapers........................................... 17 Clarkes of Brighton......................... 18 Charity Fun in Action..................................... 4 Children’s Activities Magic Moves.................................. 15 Musical Bumps............................... 14 Cleaning JP Cleaning...................................... 4 Computer Repairs Hanover PC.................................... 13 Council Road Safety ..................................... 5 Dance Alexandra Dance Academy............ 14
Bollymoves..................................... 15 Ballet Brighton ................................. 6 Damp Solutions PEM Construction....................... cover Electricians Darren Clarke.................................. 17 Jack Bond......................................... 9 Estate Agents Q Sales and Lettings....... cover & back Paul Bott & Co................................... 2 Wheelers........................................ 20 Fencing Drapers........................................... 17 Firewood Brighton Log Centre ....................... 19 Flat Pack Assembly Flat Pack Man................................. 16 Funeral Directors ARKA ............................................. 10 Sussex Funerals............................. 21 Gardening Tim the Gardener............................ 17 Grocery Hilly Laine....................................... 18 Hairdresser Hair by Frankie.................................. 4
Kitchens Dream Doors ................................. 10 Laundrette and Dry Cleaning The Soapbox.................................. 20 Lettings Clarity . ........................................... 11 Locksmith Lee’s Locks..................................... 22 Nursery Orchard Day Nursery........................ 8 Painting & Decorating Queens Park Decorating................. 13 Pet Services Dapper Dogs................................... 23 Plastering Lewis Byard...................................... 9 Pilates Jan Davies...................................... 14 Plumbing & Heating DJ Plumbing................................... 11 ABBA Heat....................................... 3 Plum Heating.................................. 18 Roofing M. Marchant...................................... 6 MB Roofing....................................... 8 Ridgeline Roofing........................... 22
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“Amazing results, saved me £300, thank you!” Mrs B. Hove.
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