Poets Pages October 2019

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October 2019

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Welcome to Poets Pages... Contents We have details of plenty of events for you this October, including the Ageing Well Fes val, where anyone over 50 can try new ac vi es. Other events this month include the Brighton Early Music Fes val, Sussex Art Fairs at Brighton Racecourse and a new exhibi on at the Royal Pavilion of items of art and furniture formerly owned by George IV and now on loan from Buckingham Palace. Local historian Rachel Bridgeman tells us about the sinking of HMS Hampshire 100 years ago during World War One, our Poets Person is Anya Pa erson who teaches yoga at The Snug and the Westbourne councillors tell us what they’ve been up to during their first six months in the job. Have a great month! The Poets Pages Team info@poetspages.co.uk www.poetspages.co.uk Cover picture: Jane Galvin Publisher: Sussex Magazines Ltd. Printer: Gemini The views expressed by individuals in any le er or ar cle included at the discre on of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publica on will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of adver sers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommenda on but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publica on may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors. We take complaints you make about our adver sers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an adver ser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the adver ser concerned and no fy them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts.

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News from the Friends of Stoneham Park Poets Person...Anya Patterson Old Photo Sussex Art Fairs (East) Ageing Well Festival Councillor News Where in Poets Corner? Brighton Early Music Festival 2019 Local Firework Displays Lord Kitchener Drowned News from the West Hove Forum

Page 24-25 What’s On Page 27 Plans for Knoll House Page 28 Hospice Care Week Page 28 A Prince’s Treasure

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A local update…

News from the Friends of Stoneham Park October 31st is always a date filled with dread and fear. This year, 31st October will be even more dreadful and frigh ul: it will be downright terrifying. No, no, not because of that, silly! No, this year Halloween will be more scary because the Friends of Stoneham Park’s annual Halloween Fes val will be even be er than before! This year the fes val will, actually, be on Saturday 26th October. Like in previous years, we will be carving pumpkins in the park. What you do is pick up a pumpkin (as ever we are grateful to local supermarkets for dona ng these), get some of the tools from our carving sets, and hew your own Halloween lantern. It is always great fun and, for parents, all of the mess stays in the park and not at your lovely, clean home! At the same me, Tamworth Road resident David Jarvis will be pu ng on another Halloween show. You probably remember in previous years there was puppet show Peter Pumpkinhead and its sequel, the Haunted Schoolhouse, followed by last year’s Ghostly Tales. This year’s performance is different.

The new climbing frame under construc on

It will be immersive: a haunted maze with cobwebs, dry ice mist, a scary soundtrack and other surprises. You will jump out of your skin, or your money back!* Speaking of money, the funds raised will con nue to be spent on improving the park, in the li le ways we can. We do hope the City Council will go along with our plan to refurbish the basketball hoops (we have been asking them for several months now, with li le to show for it, sadly). We will cover the paint costs of local street ar st ‘Fek’ and con nue to fund the ac vi es of the Gardening Club. Although the new climbing frame (pictured, under construc on) was paid for en rely by the City Council, we were pleased to have had some valuable input. The original plans included a plas c slide and no monkey bars. We met with the local authority and made some sensible sugges ons, the wisest of which was to retain the metal slide we had waited almost a year for in 2017. Thankfully good sense prevailed, with the slide now facing the other way to avoid hea ng up in the sun. As we enter autumn, our thoughts will soon be turning to our Christmas Market on 7th December. We are desperate for some hands-on help. If you like what we do, why not drop us a line and get involved? Richard Hearnden *Not literally.

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Meet a local yoga teacher...

Poets Person...Anya Patterson Anya Pa erson lives in Shirley Street and runs yoga classes at The Snug in Stoneham Park. How long have you lived in this area? I’ve lived in the area for about five years now. It’s such a friendly and community minded part of the world. I’ve always felt welcome, and really enjoy raising children here. When did you first start prac sing yoga? I have been prac sing yoga for 15 years now. For me, it just felt like the fundamental process that my life needed. I prac se more than one style of yoga – each brings out a different mental and physical response. Prac sing dynamically is a moving medita on but some mes a slower yoga is needed to really get into a ght spot. Tell us about your classes... My classes are light-hearted and full of choice. I want everyone that comes to feel they can go as far as they want, that the journey of yoga is theirs. I judge the energy of the class at the start to see if we start lying down or standing and, from there, I sequence a class around an area of the body. It’s called wind-down yoga because the focus is very much on coming to the end of the day, of breathing, finding space, and relaxing. Early next year, I will be star ng pre-natal yoga classes, as well as classes for mums and babies, and can’t wait – for me yoga while pregnant and in the early days of motherhood can ground you and connect you to yourself and your baby in a very special way. What are the benefits of yoga? The benefits vary so much person to person. It’s an incredibly personal path. Overall though, moving, grounding and stretching the body can only be good. The real benefits for me come in the no cing – no cing the body, no cing the breath, no cing the mind. And if that slowly filters into daily life, we become more present, more aware, kinder to ourselves and others. What do you like to do when you’re not working? When I’m not working, I spend as much me as possible with my two small children. They’re young for such a short me. We are lucky in this area we’ve such a variety of lovely parks to take them, out into nature and fresh air. For more informa on, contact Anya on 07725 162831, visit www.yogawithanya.co.uk, or email anyalily@ hotmail.com

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Portland Road Crowds turn out for the laying of the founda on stone at the Pentecostal Church, Portland Road, in February 1929, later known as the Elim Community Church. The church was between Bolsover Road and Grange Road. It closed in 1994 and the building is now occupied by Hopscotch nursery. Photo from the Argus photo archive Š Newsquest Sussex Ltd, brightonandhovestu.co.uk

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A great event for art lovers this October...

This festival is now up and running...

Sussex Art Fairs (East) Ageing Well Festival Brighton Racecourse, Freshfield Road, Brighton BN2 9XZ Following the success of our first event in May, our second event Sussex Art Fairs (East) takes place at Brighton Racecourse overlooking the coastline of Brighton, where 125 ar sts, galleries and collec ves will come together to exhibit Picture by Helio Teles and sell 1000s of affordable artworks star ng from £50 for prints and smaller works to over £5,000 for an outstanding masterpiece. Taking place over three days, the event starts from 6pm on the Friday ‘Preview Evening’. Visitors will be able to chat with the ar sts and gallery owners whilst browsing their favourite artworks with drinks from our full bar and be the first to view exhibitors’ beau ful collec ons. The fair will then be open all weekend for visitors to find something to suit every budget and every type of art buyer. Fair facili es include a full café serving teas, coffees and snacks and a bar serving refreshing alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks throughout the weekend. The venue is wheelchair accessible and has dy toilet facili es. All purchases will be wrapped by our specialist wrapping team ‘artPAKK’ located near the exit. In order to give back to the local community, Sussex Art Fairs will be collabora ng with Sussex Wildlife Trust who will be offering original artworks for sale donated by our exhibitors with all profits going to the Trust. Be sure to visit their stand for an original bargain! Sussex Art Fairs is the perfect place to begin or add to your art collec on, so come visit us this October for this special event. Friday 11th - The Preview Viewing (6pm to 9pm) - £12 entry per person

The Ageing Well Fes val for anyone aged 50+ runs from 30th September un l 13th October and there are over 100 events to choose from - here are just a few of the events in Hove... Ac ve Forever 2019 Wed 2 October, 10am-2pm (reg from 9.15) Free, drop-in King Alfred Leisure Centre Informa on stalls and 15+ taster events including walking cricket. Explore Your Local and Family History Thurs 3 October, 12-2pm Free, drop-in Vallance Centre, Conway Court Get help with star ng your research, using a range of online and other tools. Have a Go Morning Thurs 10 October, 10am-12pm Free, drop-in King Alfred Leisure Centre Ac vi es include walking netball and table tennis. Summery Cream Tea Sat 12 October, 2-4pm £2.50, drop-in Hove Methodist Church Beat the autumn blues with a summery cream tea and musical entertainment. Summer hats op onal. To get a programme call 01273 322940 or book online at ageingwellfes val.org/events

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News from Westbourne councillors Carmen Appich and Chris Henry…

Councillor News... We have now been councillors for almost six months and have been able to get stuck into the priori es we campaigned on during the elec on. There are many distrac ons (mee ngs, mee ngs and more mee ngs) but we are determined not to have our focus on our residents shi ed. We toured the West Hove seafront with the Chair of the West Hove Forum to assess the state of the promenade and facili es. We want to channel some money into a spruce-up and give it some a en on so that it remains a beau ful, historic area. The two renovated shelters will be unveiled soon, forming part of this plan. Our discussions have also begun in earnest regarding play facili es on the West Hove Lawns. We’re determined to bring some family ac vi es here as there is the space and it seems crazy to expect the whole of West Hove to pile into the Lagoon or travel to Brighton paddling pool. And talking of the beach, we’re excited to be involved in improved beach accessibility for disabled people. Many local residents cannot equally access the beach and the sea as current beach access is not adequate for people

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with a wide range of needs. Exci ng plans include working with the Beach Access Team and approaching the universi es to see whether design students might be able to come up with solu ons. Our local Westbourne community deserves safe and well-policed streets, so when it felt like there was a spike in crime and break-ins we joined with Peter Kyle MP so that our united voices could get the police to sit up and listen. Hopefully that worked and mee ngs with the Chief Superintendent will con nue over the rest of the year. We have been assured that you will get to see more community police around your neighbourhood. Finally, whilst it hasn’t been great summer weather for children, it’s been very lovely for pavement weeds! A ban on weedkiller in the city has meant council gardeners clearing weeds by hand and whilst some residents have commented on the charm of “living streets”, it’s not good if pavements become obstructed or drains become blocked. We’ve therefore been in constant contact with the council team and tried to direct resources to the worst areas. Moving forward we will ask the Environment Commi ee to source a nontoxic weedkiller for next summer! Cllr Carmen Appich and Cllr Chris Henry, Westbourne Ward

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Our local quiz...

Where in Poets Corner?


These photos were taken by Richard Hearnden. Do you know where? You can find the answers on page 21.



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An exploration of 700 years of music...

Where to find a fireworks display this year...

Brighton Early Music Festival 2019 Local Fireworks 25th October to 10th November The 2019 programme for the Brighton Early Music Fes val is all about change and changing mes. Taking ‘Metamorphosis’ as its theme, the fes val, which focuses on music wri en before 1800, presents 35 events in 11 dierent venues across the city this autumn and winter. From concerts for pre-schoolers, a community ceilidh and music from Handel’s Dramma per Musica; photo by Robert Piwko oratorios to medieval music with a trance-style light show, there’s sure to be something for everyone. All venues are easily accessible by public transport. For those who prefer to a end day me events, there are several on oer in the centre of the city – St Paul’s Church, West Street, hosts lunch me concerts from up and coming ar sts Dramma per Musica (26 October) and Improviso (9 November); as well as a ernoon concerts including Bach: A Musical Oering performed by The Bach Players (3 November). There’s also a seasonal treat of Renaissance choral music, mulled wine and mince pies (7 December). Other city centre events include a family concert at Friends’ Mee ng House (12 October). Hove-based audiences can enjoy a full-scale opera produc on taking place at The Old Market (8 & 9 February 2020) following a week’s intensive coaching for a talented cast of rising star opera singers. Tickets can be booked online at the fes val website - bremf.org.uk where you can find the full programme of events, or phone Brighton Dome Ticket OďŹƒce on 01273 709709.

The Nevill Fireworks 2019 7pm on Saturday 2nd November (gates open 5pm) Nevill Sports Ground, Nevill Road opposite the Greyhound Stadium A firework display produced by the award-winning team from Brigh ire Pyrotechnics will be choreographed to a fantas c musical soundtrack, with some very familiar tunes and a few surprises too. There will be stalls inside the grounds selling food, glow s cks and flashing toys. You can buy your ckets in advance to save queueing on the night. nevillfireworks.co.uk Sussex Cricket Fireworks Night 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th November (gates open 6pm) 1st Central County Ground, Eaton Road Tickets will be available at www.sussexcricket.co.uk

Offering a range of fresh fish, shellfish and seafood products. Committed to being plastic free so only use 100% compostable pots made of veg/plant based matter, waxed paper and paper bags. Open Thurs through to Sun 10am - 4.30pm.

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Local history from Rachel Bridgeman...

Lord Kitchener Drowned... A century ago, the news of Lord Kitchener’s death stunned the na on. He was to the First World War what Churchill would later be to the Second World War. Tough and ruthless, the Secretary of State for War embodied the Bri sh war effort - his was the face that persuaded thousands of young men to sign up and fight for their country – from Poets Corner they went in their droves to the recruitment office at 20 Church Road. Though scarcely remembered today, the sinking of HMS Hampshire with Kitchener on board was seen as nothing short of a na onal disaster at the me. The public reac on was akin to the death of President Kennedy – everyone would remember where they were when the news broke. In “Testament of Youth”, Vera Bri ain describes how “..during that day, Alexander Stringer; almost everyone in England must have dropped his occupa on to photo from Brighton & Hove City Libraries stare, blank and incredulous, into the shocked eyes of his neighbour. ..sad .. subdued….so great had been the authority over our imagina on of that half-legendary figure, that we felt as dismayed as though the ship of state itself had foundered in the raging North Sea.” During a fierce storm on 5th June 1916, whilst en route to secret talks with Tsar Nicholas II, HMS Hampshire had struck a German mine two miles off the Orkneys. She sank in just 15 minutes and although most men survived the explosion, they ended up dying of exposure or drowning – of the crew of 737 only 12 managed to reach the Orkney shores. Bodies would wash up for weeks a erwards. And for two Hove families, the news would be even more devasta ng. One was the family of 23-year-old First Class Stoker Alexander Stringer of Tamworth Road who had worked locally as a sawyer and boxmaker. He is commemorated on The Portsmouth Naval Memorial, the Kitchener Memorial in the Orkneys and on the Hove Roll of Honour. To learn more about the history of Hove, join a guided historical walking tour led by a local historian. Hove Actually Walking Tours are fun, informa ve and best suited to the incurably curious. Whether it’s your first visit or you have lived here your whole life, the tours are a great way to discover and uncover the area. To receive the Hove Actually Walking Tours programme of walks, Answer to “Where in Poets Corner?” on page 17 email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com. Picture 1: Gates to Inman’s Auctioneers, Rutland Road Informa on also available on Facebook (Hove Actually Walking Tours). Picture 2: Old fire signage, 44 Poets, Rutland Road Rachel Bridgeman - local historian and tour guide

Picture 3: Door of Little Gem, Coleridge Street

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News from the West Hove Forum Electric charging points At September’s mee ng of the West Hove Forum, the issue was raised of the council’s installa on of electric vehicle chargers. 200 lamp-post charge points are due to be installed across the city this year and ini al loca ons have been revealed (see electricbrighton.com/planned) but are s ll subject to change. Charging points have already been installed in Saxon Road and Wish Road, although there are no road markings to say that they are for vehicle charging, so currently anyone can park there. Some forum members were concerned that this will reduce the number of parking spaces for non-electric cars and that there seems to be no public consulta on on sites and how these will be regulated. Our ward councillors agreed to find out more about this.

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Police recruitment and 101 calls Sussex Police are recrui ng 800 more officers over three years, including civilian staff. Resources will be concentrated on high crime areas. The police 101 service has been improved – if they can’t answer the call they will ring you back. You should dial 101, not 999, to report less-urgent crime, eg a stolen car, which doesn’t require an immediate response. 999 should only be used when there is a crime in progress or a threat to life. You can also report non-urgent crimes online at sussex. police.uk/ro/report/

Blooming Boundary Wish ward councillors and 45 people from the Blooming Boundary group have filled five new planters in Boundary Road/Sta on Road, with the help of Kate Bradbury from Gardeners’ World. They have also repaired the exis ng planters.

King Alfred Leisure Centre Following the withdrawal of developer Crest Nicholson from the King Alfred development, the West Hove Forum are concerned that improvements to the Western Esplanade are being linked to the development of the leisure centre. It looks as if the project will have to go back to the drawing board. The Crest Nicholson scheme wasn’t popular with the public and forum members agreed that

there was a need for a wide public consulta on, looking at all op ons. West Hove Forum mee ngs are a ended by ward councillors and a wide range of community representa ves. The next West Hove Forum mee ng will be at 2pm on Wednesday 23rd October at Hove Methodist Church Hall. If you would like to a end on behalf of a group or business, please email westhoveforum@gmail.com.

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What’s On... Monday Pilates 9.30am-12.30pm Hove Methodist Church 07970 047799 helsdouglas@hotmail.com Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Monday Guild Fellowship and friendship 2.30pm, Hove Methodist Church Beavers 4.30-6.30pm Hove Methodist Church enquiries@6thhove.org.uk Holis c Yoga 6-7.45pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Neela on 07796 562494 or info@yogashanta.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners Plus: 6.30pm-7.25pm Int/Adv: 7.30pm-8.25pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street, 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com 5th Hove Guides 7pm-9pm Hove Methodist Church 5thhoveguides@gmail.com Brighton Theatre of the Air Radio Drama Meetup group 8pm, Goldstone Ex Service Club, 20 Shirley Street btota.co.uk; 07818 118062 Warrior Mind Medita on and Study Learn the mindset of Japan’s Samurai warriors (not Zen); Six-week course, 7pm 07719 510749 Shinobl1957@gmail.com

Tuesday Badaboum! French music playgroup Drop-in; £5; term- me only 9.30-10.30am, The Snug 07917 282679 badaboum@talktalk.net Food & Friendship Lunch Club 12.30pm; £4 Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office)

Get Ac ve for Older Adults Age 50+; 10.30am; £5; St Barnabas Church - Contact suzy.hawker@ntlworld.com, 01273 726507 to reserve a place Singing for Pleasure 2pm, Hove Methodist Church Contact: Corinne 01273 565130 Singingforpleasure@hotmail. co.uk Young Actors Group Ages 5-7; 4pm-5pm Hove Methodist Church info@theyoungactorsgroup. com Beginners Yoga 7-8pm The Snug, Stoneham Park Contact Charlie Nash info@yogafrogs.com Brighton & Hove Camera Club 7-9.30pm, Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Hove Zen & Mindfulness Sangha Soto Zen group: si ng, walking, chan ng 7.30-9pm, Hove Methodist Church Dheeresh: 07758 574567 Antenatal classes 6.45pm, Holy Cross Church To pre-book call 07494 002577 or visit www.babies.uk.com Pilates Mat Classes Gentle Beginners: 9.4510.40am Beginners: 10.45-11.40am Beginners: 6-6.55pm Beginners Plus: 11.45am12.40pm , Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Ninjutsu and Jujutsu Tradi onal Japanese mar al arts 8-9.30pm; 16+ 07719 510749 shinobi1957@gmail.com Quiz Actually Very popular weekly quiz 8-10.30pm, The George Payne, 18 Payne Avenue Call 01273 329563 or email info@thegeorgepayne. co.uk to book 3rd Tuesday of the month Hove WI 10am to 12 noon Hove Methodist Church

29th October CHOMP Lunch and ac vity session for families relying on free school meals; Hove Methodist Church, Register at chompbrighton.co.uk

Wednesday Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free; 7.15am-8.05am www.meetup.com/HoveWeekly-Beach-Walks Li le Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church, David Taggart: 07758 008625, www.li lepicklemusic.co.uk Jumping Beans Preschool children, 10-11.30am, Holy Cross Church 01273 230899 Music with Mike 1.15-1.45pm & 2-2.30pm The Snug, Stoneham Park musicwithmike.co.uk Off The Blocks – Chris an Club, Primary school age, 3.45-5pm, Holy Cross Church, 01273 230899 Rainbows 4pm-5pm Hove Methodist Church 01273 324600 (HMC Office) Sama Karate 5-7pm, Hove Methodist Church samtsama@gmail.com Pilates Con go 6.15-7.15pm, The Snug 07875 634801 or pilates@con go.org.uk Holis c Yoga 7.30-8.45pm, The Snug 07796 562494 or info@yogashanta.com General Level Pilates 6-7pm, Tree of Life Centre Portland Road, Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Yoga 7.30-8.30pm, Hove Methodist Church DoYourOMThing@outlook.com Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 9.45-10.40am and 6.45-7.40pm Intermediate: 7.45-8.40pm Masons Yard, Westbourne Street, 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Mar al Arts An introduc on into the mar al arts, of the samurai and ninja of old Japan, tradi onal arts for the beginner, 16+, 7.30pm, 07719 510749 Shinobi1957@gmail.com

Night Howl Informal drop-in evening choir, no experience needed; babes in arms welcome; £5 drop-in, £4 pre-book, 7.30-9pm, The Poets, 33 Montgomery Street Email info@howl.org.uk or call 07960 245564 for more informa on

Thursday Pilates with Emily Gentle Pilates, 9.45-10.45am Tree of Life Centre To book: 07709 357622 or www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Li le Pickles Music for parents & toddlers 10-11am, Hove Methodist Church, David: 07758 008625 www.li lepicklemusic.co.uk Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 11-11.55am Intermediate: 10-10.55am Masons Yard, Westbourne Street, 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com Body Control Pilates 10.45-11.45am, The Snug mypilatesbrighton@gmail.com Beginners Pilates 11am-12 noon, Tree of Life Centre, Portland Road, Contact Emily to book: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk Food & Friendship Lunch Club For people with learning disabili es, and over-50s (termme only), 12.30pm, Hove Methodist Church cookingcaroline@outlook.com Physiotone Pilates Mum and Baby: 12-12.55pm and 1-1.55pm, The Snug, Stoneham Park Emma Bradley: Physiotone@ gmail.com, 07545 445656 Recorder Group University of the Third Age 2-4pm, Hove Methodist Church www.brightonandhoveu3a.org Social Club Quizzes, games, friendly banter and refreshments, 4.30-6.30pm Vallance Centre, Conway Court Speech & Drama Class with LAMDA Prepara on 5-8 years, 4-5pm (term- me), The Snug jude@speakingworks.co.uk 07900 301375 Slimming World 5-8.30pm, Hove Methodist Church, Contact Sarah-Jane 01903 530645 Wind-down Hatha Yoga 7.15-8.15pm & 8.15-9.15pm, The Snug, Contact Anya Pa erson on 07725 162831 or email anyalily@hotmail.com

25 Pilates with Emily 6.15pm Improver Pilates 7.30pm Intermediate Pilates Hove Methodist Church info@pilateswithemily.co.uk or 07709 357622 Ninjutsu and Jujutsu Tradi onal Japanese mar al arts, 8-9.30pm; 16+ 07719 510749 shinobi1957@gmail.com Open Mic With regular featured performers; open to all and performers get £5 off any main meal and a free bo le of beer, 8.30–10.30pm, The George Payne, Visit www.facebook.com/ thegeorgepayneopenmic/ to message host or call 01273 329563, for more informa on 17th October Rela onships Goals 2.0 A regular event with a rela onship therapist on how to have a great rela onship and a happy family life. The session consists of a talk followed by an ac vity. Come alone, with your partner or a friend; 8–10pm, The Poets, 33 Montgomery Street Go to www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ rela onship-goals-20-curiosityckets-64793104921 to book ckets, or call 07428 396671 for more informa on 31st October Halloween Party 5-8pm, all welcome, Log Cabin, Ingram Crescent estate 31st October Haunted Pub Halloween Slime sessions from 2pm Miss Sparkle from 4pm The George Payne Call 01273 329 563 or email info@thegeorgepayne.co.uk to book your table 31st October Pirates of the Caribbean Halloween, Food specials, trick or treat fun, and kids colouring compe on, From 6pm The Poets, Montgomery Street

Friday Hove Earlybird Beach Walkers Meet in front of King Alfred car park, Free for all, 7.15am8.05am, www.meetup.com/ Hove-Weekly-Beach-Walks Slimming World 9.30-11.30am, Hove Methodist Church, Sarah-Jane: 01903 530645 Friday Support Group Drop-in tea and chat for people with isola on or bereavement issues, 10-11.30am Hove Methodist Church

Howl Child-friendly choir 10.30-11.30am (term- me only), Central United Reformed Church, Blatchington Road www.howl.org.uk Tamar: 07960 245564 Polka Tots Parents & Toddlers, 2pm; 0-5 years, Hove Methodist Church Mindful Body Yoga with Charlie Nash, 10.30– 11.30am, Drop in; pay by dona on; all levels The Snug, Stoneham Park info@mindfulbodyyoga.co.uk 07920 403657 General Level Pilates 12.15pm, Tree of Life Centre Portland Road Contact Emily: 07709 357622 www.pilateswithemily.co.uk IT Group for Older People Drop in; 2pm-4pm, Vallance Centre, Conway Court Sackville Road, 07934 351867 Vital Danza Dance for health and happiness 8.15-9.45pm; £10 The Float Spa, Third Avenue www.helenthatcher.com 25th October Comedy @ The Poets Michael Mooney hosts a monthly comedy night with special appearances from Mar n Warren, Prakash Jirjadhun, Dave Fensome, Julie Jepson and Don Biswas. All for only £8. 8:30pm – 10:30pm Visit www.facebook.com/ events/2568452396499110/ for cket link or call 01273 271 212 for more informa on

Saturday Pilates Mat Classes Beginners: 9-9.55am High Intensity Power Pilates: 10-10.50am, Masons Yard, Westbourne Street 07973 719363 claire@hovepilates.com YogaFrogs with Charlie Nash, Age 5-11; 10am-11am; £7, The Snug, Stoneham Park, Single classes £7 or 5-class pass for £30 Booking essen al: info@yogafrogs.co.uk or 07920 403657 Gentle Exercise Class for older or unfit people, followed by tea and a chat 4.30-6.30pm, Hove Methodist Church 2nd Saturday of the month Councillors’ Surgery for Wish Ward 11am-12 noon The Snug, Stoneham Park

5th October Hove - Brunswick to the Burbs A walking tour through Hove – discover how a single track village, with a dubious reputa on, developed into the eclec c and dis nguished place we know today. Starts from the Waterloo, Street Community Garden and finishes in Hove Street. 2pm; £8 (£5 concessions), For all enquiries and to reserve your place, please contact Tania on 07414 681197 or email sussextours@sky.com 5th October Soldiers, Saints, Celebri es & Saxons A Hove Actually Walking Tour of Aldrington (West Hove). This guided historical walking tour, starts near Hove Lagoon and ends at St Leonard’s Church. 10.30am-12.30pm; £10 (£8), For more informa on or to book a place: Email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com or visit www.facebook.com/ hoveactuallywalkingtours 5th October Oktoberfest Oompah music, German beer and food specials, All day at The George Payne, Call 01273 329 563 or email info@ thegeorgepayne.co.uk to book 12th October Hidden Hove: the ancient village through the ages A Hove Actually Walking Tour This guided historical tour starts at Marrocco’s (BN3 2WA) & ends, at St Andrew’s Church (BN3 2AD), 10.30am-12.30pm; £10 (£8), For more informa on or to book a place: Email hoveactuallywalks@ gmail.com, or visit Facebook Hove Actually Walking Tours 12th October Writ in Water Masterclass with Kay Sexton on how to write about water Open to all; £3 non-members; 11am-1pm, Wolseley Room, Hove Library, thehatcherywritersgroup. wordpress.com or hatchery.writers@gmail.com 12th October Summery Cream Tea With musical entertainment (part of the Ageing Well Fes val), £2.50 for cream tea & cakes, 2-4pm, Hove Methodist Church

19th October Poets Corner & The Great War A Hove Actually Walking Tour This guided historical tour starts on School Road (BN3 5JA) and ends at the Methodist Church on Portland Road (BN3 5DR) 10.30am-12.30pm; £10 (£8 conc), For more informa on or to book a place: email hoveactuallywalks@gmail.com or visit Facebook Hove Actually Walking Tours 19th October Musical Bingo Bingo with music instead of numbers, and prizes to be won! 9-10.30pm, The George Payne Call 01273 329563 or email info@thegeorgepayne.co.uk to book your table 19th October Sports Quiz @ The Poets New monthly quiz focused around sport, 8pm – 10.30pm Call 01273 271 212 or email info@thepoets.co.uk to book your table 26th October Mobster, Mu ny and Military Me le A walking tour of Hove’s Old Cemetery, 11am & 2pm; £8 (£5 concessions), Meet by the chapel, South Cemetery. For all enquiries and to reserve your place, please contact Tania on 07414 681197, or email sussextours@ sky.com 26th October (4th Saturday of the month) Scribblers - Hatchery Writers subgroup Share and cri que one another’s work on a regular basis. 1- 3pm, Wolseley Room Hove Library Contact Vicky: scribblers. hove@gmail.com 26th October Halloween Fes val Stoneham Park 26th October Spin It Saturday Bring your own vinyl and take over the decks 9pm, The George Payne 2nd November The Nevill Fireworks 2019 7pm (gates open 5pm) Nevill Sports Ground, Nevill Road, nevillfireworks. co.uk

PLEASE SEND YOUR LOCAL EVENTS AND CLASSES TO: info@poetspages.co.uk IMPORTANT NOTE... We will update this list as soon as we receive informa on, but we strongly recommend phoning ahead to check when a ending an ac vity for the first me. Some classes may be term- me only.


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News from the council...

Plans for Knoll House... A proposal to change the kind of care delivered at Brighton & Hove City Council’s Knoll House adult social care centre in Ingram Crescent West was considered at a mee ng of the city’s Health and Wellbeing Board on 10 September. Knoll House is expected to become available soon for new council services. The changing needs of the city’s residents mean there is now a focus on priori sing mental health services. The plan is for Knoll House to deliver either: lower level supported accommoda on for younger adults with mental health needs to help them live more independently; or accommoda on for young people with higher levels of mental health needs but who do not require hospital treatment. Knoll House, along with Craven Vale in Brighton, currently delivers therapy and rehabilita on services for older people coming out of hospital with lower level needs. The nursing care at both centres was un l recently provided by the local NHS.

Knoll House and Craven Vale are not best placed to deliver these higher levels of care. So earlier this year the NHS told the council it was going to stop delivering nursing care at the centres, and deliver their rehabilita on services in other ways. The NHS have assured the council there will be no reduc on in the capacity or quality of their rehabilita on services.


; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

But health and social care needs are changing, with more and more people leaving hospital with high levels of complex needs and needing nursing care 24-7; and a big increase in the number of younger adults with mental health needs who need residen al care.

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Consulta on is underway with staff on plans to merge the two services and consolidate them into a single centre, offering respite care and suppor ng people with less complex needs who no longer need hospital care but are not yet well enough to move home. Craven Vale is the preferred site for this because it is much nearer to the Royal Sussex County Hospital. It is hoped that the merger and move to Craven Vale will be completed by the beginning of October. The Health and Wellbeing Board has given the goahead for full business cases to be worked up for the two proposed op ons for Knoll House. These will be brought back to the Board in January for a decision on a preferred way forward. The Board also asked for a further report detailing the capacity of the Clinical Commissioning Group to meet the needs of people who require more intensive and specialist nursing care following hospital discharge, as well as informa on on the impact of any new facili es being based outside Brighton & Hove.

Send your local editorial features to info@poetspages.co.uk


News from Martlets hospice...

Hospice Care Week Hospice Care Week takes place on 7-13 October and Martlets is encouraging people to find out more about hospice care and the different services it can offer. Martlets want everyone affected by terminal illness to know they can s ll feel hope, purpose and possibility. It is working towards changing percep ons of hospice care. Pa ent Geoff Farmer who has been an outpa ent at Martlets for over two years commented: “Martlets has done prac cal things for me like ge ng me a blue disabled badge. I’ve also talked to a counsellor. Martlets has so much to offer that people just don’t know about.” Most people now receive hospice care in their own homes and visit the hospice for pain relief, physiotherapy, counselling, welfare advice and social ac vi es. Others choose to spend their final days at the hospice or a end as inpa ents for respite care or symptom management.

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Martlets care is free to local people with life-limi ng illnesses, who can be referred through their GP, consultant, pallia ve care team or district nurse. Visit www.themartlets. org.uk for more informa on or call 01273 273400.

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The Royal Collection returns to Brighton...

A Prince’s Treasure... Exquisite items of art and furniture owned by George IV have returned to the Royal Pavilion for the first me in 170 years. Items lent by the Queen from the Royal Collec on include majes c 15-foot high porcelain pagodas and the Kylin Clock, an extraordinary golden extravaganza featuring turquoise Chinese lions. The Royal Collec on loan of more than 124 decora ve items will return to the Royal Pavilion while extensive building work is being carried out in the East Wing at Buckingham Palace.

The Kylin Clock from the Royal Collec on Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019

All the items were originally commissioned or bought by the Prince Regent, who later became George IV, who transformed a former lodging house into an extravagant, exo c palace inspired by a roman c vision of Chinese and Indian design. This unique project will show the Royal Pavilion as it looked before the items were moved to Buckingham Palace by Queen Victoria in 1847 when it was thought the Royal Pavilion might be demolished. 21 September 2019 – Autumn 2021 The Royal Pavilion For further informa on, visit brightonmuseums.org.uk


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Local business at your service... Art Sussex Art Fairs ................................................................... 10 Lisa Holdcro ...................................................................... 16 Awnings SBI Ltd ................................................................................. 30 Bakery Dough Lover.......................................................................... 8 Blinds Bella Vista ........................................................................... 18 Building Services PEM Construc on .......................................................... Cover Café The Snug ............................................................................ 29 Viva Vinyl ........................................................................... 16 Chimney Sweep Andy Sweeps .................................................................. Cover Cleaning Li le Miss Do it All .............................................................. 11 Conservatories Countryman ........................................................................ 17 Dance Classes Brighton Tango ...................................................................... 7 Diner Dough Lover.......................................................................... 8 Domes c Appliances Carters ................................................................................ 26 Drainage 24 Hours Emergency Services ............................................. 18 Drives Affordable Drives and Landscapes ...................................... 22 Electricians Power Electric Services ....................................................... 14 Estate Agents Goldin Lemcke .......................................................Back Cover Healy and Newsom ............................................................... 2 Event TedX ...................................................................................... 3 Firewood Brighton Log Centre ............................................................ 28 Fishmongers Fish Shack ........................................................................... 19 Fitness Hove Pilates ........................................................................ 13 Gorilla Fitness ....................................................................... 5 Funeral Directors Bungards ............................................................................. 20 Sussex Funerals ................................................................... 23 Housing needed Acquisi ons Scheme ........................................................... 31 Garden Services Affordable Drives and Landscapes ...................................... 22 Kitchens & Bathrooms Brighton & Hove Kitchens ................................................... 12 Dream Doors ......................................................................... 4 Paul Vincent ........................................................................ 22 Locksmiths Lee’s Locks .......................................................................... 28

Nursery Hove Village .......................................................................... 4 La Casita ................................................................................ 9 St. Anthony’s Playgroup ........................................................ 6 Personal Training Gorilla Fitness ....................................................................... 5 Pet Services Dapper Dogs ....................................................................... 14 Plumbing Paul Yeates ............................................................................ 6 Roofing MB Roofing ......................................................................... 20 Clarkes of Brighton.............................................................. 28 Affordable Roofing .............................................................. 27 Solicitors Crosby & Woods ................................................................. 16 Seymour Solicitors .............................................................. 17 Toddler Group Bluebird Under 3 Group ...................................................... 29 Transporta on Kingsway Travel ................................................................... 21 Waste Clearance Fully Cleared ....................................................................... 16 Will Wri ng Camrass Wills ...................................................................... 22 Windows Countryman ........................................................................ 17


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