Queens Park Living August 2016

Page 1


ueens Park Living August 2016 Edition I 01273 551021 I www.queensparkliving.co.uk


Park • n’s F ee

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Welcome to August in Queen’s Park!


Contents Page 4 & 5

Old Photo

Page 7

The Dance Space

Page 9

Local Police News

Enjoy the weather...whatever it is!!

Page 11

Music and Wine

Local Person

Page 13

Casserole Club


Page 14

List of Advertisers

Blimey !! I am sitting here writing this in my garden office and it is absolutely sweltering! However, such is the British weather that who knows what it will be like tomorrow and by the time you read this the chances of it still being this glorious are about the same as Leicester winning the Premiership again! Hmmm...wait a moment - much more unlikely than that! August is a funny month in the local magazine world with lots of people opting out due to holidays but even so we have done our best to bring you some kind of a publication for your enjoyment. Hope you find some things useful / interesting. The Queens Park Living Team info@queensparkliving.co.uk Cover Picture: Simon Dack

Publisher: Sussex Magazines 10 Hollingbury Road, Brighton BN1 7JA info@queensparkliving.co.uk Printer: Gemini printers Distributors: Mandy Distribution

The views expressed by individuals in any letter or article included at the discretion of the publishers are not necessarily the views of the Editor. Whilst every care has been taken in compiling this magazine and the statements contained herein are believed to be correct, the publishers of this publication will not hold themselves responsible for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of advertisers in this magazine is not necessarily a recommendation but we do hope they give a good quality service. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publishers and contributors We take complaints you make about our advertisers seriously. We have the following policy on this: First complaint about an advertiser is logged here in our offices, if we receive another complaint we write to the advertiser concerned and notify them we have had two complaints and if we receive another complaint we will no longer accept their adverts. If and when a third complaint arrives we will verify that all complaints received were genuine and inform the advertiser that we will no longer be promoting their business and inform them why.

Sunshine Day Nursery

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Please send locale-mail articlesinfo@queensparkliving.co.uk to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021 To your advertise or call 01273 551021

11/07/2016 10:45

Old Photo...



uary and Sanct Sup

If you have any old photos of the Queens Park area you would like to share with us, please email info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call us on 01273 551021

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Queens Park Rd Brighton

Look out, new school term is coming… We are taking bookings NOW for our hugely popular after school club, but places are going fast. To secure your place call: 01273 679900 or email kiki@tarner.org.uk or go to www.tarner.org.uk Based in Tarner Park, the children benefit from a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities, all year round. Our community garden will be renovated by the autumn, so gardening and cooking will be back! A hot & healthy 2 course meal is served daily! Tarner Community Project offers a vibrant range of after school clubs and holiday playschemes for children aged 4-11 years. With OFSTED outstanding accreditation, the children benefit from a wide range of activities and the wonderful outside space of Tarner Park,where the project is based.

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• • • • •

Magazines Pay zone facility Groceries National lottery Confectionery

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01273 623464

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Eastern Road

The first demolition of these old houses, probably about 130 years old, on 16 January 1966.

In the following year the process was accelerated and many others were removed along with the Lavender Street houses. Lavender Street took its name from the double hedges of lavender which flanked open gardens in the 1820s. Also seen in the picture is All Souls’ Church, demolished in 1968. Thanks to the Regency Society for this image from their photographic archives, The James Gray Collection. You can see thousands of more historic pictures of Brighton and Hove at www.regencysociety-jamesgray.com.

ORCHARD DAY NURSERY established 1990

Orchard Day Nursery has vacancies for babies from 6 months to children of 5 years.

We are situated on Queens Park Road. We are proud to have been educating and caring for children from the Queens Park and Hanover area for over 25 years. We are Ofsted registered and offer EYFE grant for 3 year olds and also some 2 year old funding places. Our After School Club: we collect children from Queens Park, and St Luke's Schools. We have vacancies for September.

To arrange a visit to discuss your needs please call us on 01273 622883 or email orchardday@yahoo.co.uk Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



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To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

08/05/2016 09:17

Local Charity...


News from South East Dance charity...

More dance for Brighton and more dance for the Queen’s Park community Did you know that there is an award-winning arts charity on your doorstep? South East Dance has worked to support and connect local communities with dance in Brighton and beyond for nearly 20 years.

Dance is important. You might not immediately agree, but on reflection you could change your mind. Dance has the power to change lives for the better. Whether we’re watching from the sidelines or getting stuck in on the dance floor, dance can foster a sense of community, enhance wellbeing and bring celebration into our lives!

At South East Dance, my team and I are constantly exploring opportunities for dance to improve lives. We support dancers and choreographers to make exciting new work, and connect them to local people. One of our current projects, Spring: Dance into Recovery, working with the Brighton Oasis Project, uses dance to support women in recovery from substance and alcohol misuse. In another project, we helped set up Three Score Dance Company – Brighton & Hove’s first contemporary dance company for the over 60s. Next up, we’re supporting a group of local girls to take lead roles performing alongside professional dancers in Men and Girls Dance, which will debut in Brighton in October. We have connected around 200,000 people with dance through our work in the past two years alone. Now we’re embarking on our largest project to date, to give dance the profile it deserves at the heart of Brighton & Hove in the form of The Dance Space, a new home for dance within the Queen’s Park ward, due to open in 2018.

Part of the Circus Street Market regeneration scheme,

Image of Dad Dancing by Second Hand Dance; photography by Zoe Manders

The Dance Space will provide state-of-the-art studios and a new performance space alongside other facilities including office space for creative businesses. We will be offering all sorts of classes for local people, as well as studio space for dance professionals. We’re in the final stages of raising money for this wonderful new community building and really need to fundraise to make sure that we can fit out The Dance Space to the highest standard, ensuring it lasts for generations. With 94% of the funding in place, we’re very nearly there! So we invite you to get involved because your support really will make a huge difference to us.

If you are considering making a donation large or small, want to find out more about our work or would simply like to have a chat about dance, we’d love to hear from you! We’re a small and friendly team, so please give us a call for a chat on 01273 696844 or visit our website: www.southeastdance.org.uk Jamie Watton, CEO/Artistic Director, South East Dance

Fitness & wellbeing

DO YOU WANT TO BE FIT AGAIN? I am here to listen and get you started. Andy, Personal trainer 07730285152 www.fitnessrebooted.co.uk

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Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021




We want your properties • Guaranteed rents for landlords with no commission, management, legal or renewal fees. • Up to £66,000 over five years* • Properties wanted in Brighton & Hove and surrounding areas

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Local Police...



Here is news from the local police...

Local news from Sussex Police This is the latest information for the Queen’s Park area from the Sussex Police EWatch local bulletin.

To contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team: Email BrightonCentral.LocalTeam@sussex.pnn.police.uk Phone 101 or 01273 470101

You can also visit the Sussex Police website at www.sussex.police.uk where you can report policing matters online or find information on all matters relating to Sussex Police. Getting involved in your community

Good News

Drug dealing within Queen’s Park and the surrounding residential areas has remained low with significantly less drug paraphernalia also being found. This is following community intelligence being developed, covert operations and hi vis patrols resulting in two successful warrants. Local Crime Figures Queen’s Park


Vehicle Crime


Burglary - Dwelling






Want to know more about what’s happening in your area and the locally identified priorities that Sussex Police are tackling? Then come along to the next Local Action Team (LAT) meeting. The idea of the LAT is to address problems of crime and disorder at a very local level and to find a sustainable solution. For information on your next Queen’s Park LAT please contact: queensparklat@gmail.com

Burglary Dwelling – No burglaries reported for Queen’s Park.

Current Local Policing Priorities in the Queen’s Park area are:

05/04/16 – Queen’s Park Road: Vehicle left unlocked. Mobile phone stolen.

04/05/16 – Thames Close: Back window smashed.

Overt drug dealing and usage within residential areas Anti-social behaviour within parks and open spaces



Vehicle Crime –

23/04/16 – East Drive: Van broken into. Power tools stolen.

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Please send your local articles to editorial@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


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To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021


Local events & people...

Music and Wine at St Luke’s

Queen’s Park Person Evlynn Sharp

This month we’re hosting just one concert – the grand finale of our fundraising for our piano restoration. So far we’ve already raised over £3,000 of our £10,000 target. At the end of the work the church will have one of the best pianos in Brighton.

Evlynn Sharp lives in North Drive and is Poet in Residence at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park. How long have you lived in the Queen’s Park area? Three years.

What is your background? I’m a Glasgow-born poet and creative arts facilitator working in the community with people of all ages and diversities to support our writing and sharing of memories, thoughts, insights.

The concert will be like no other that you’ve attended. It begins on Friday August 26th at our usual start time of 7.30pm, and continues without a break until 4.30pm the next day.

It is a rare chance to hear Erik Satie’s Vexations. The work is one page of music with the instruction to repeat it 840 times. Adam Swayne has organised a team of 35 pianists including the pianist blogger Frances Wilson: https:// crosseyedpianist.com/ and other local amateurs and professionals. Refreshments will be served throughout and you won’t want to miss a single minute! Please keep in touch via http://adamswayne.com/vexations/ and on Twitter @TheVexator

We also have an active crowdfunding campaign. Please visit: www.crowdfunding.justgiving. com/piano-restoration

If you would like to make a substantial donation of over £100 please contact us via email on musicandwineatstlukes@gmail. com or by phoning 01273 510595 and you will be invited to a special event in the new year when we will celebrate the return of our piano.

This concert remains at our bargain price of just £7 / £5 concessions / free to under-16s accompanied by an adult. Tickets available on the door and there will also be a collection bucket for the project.

The concert takes place at St Luke’s Church, Queen’s Park Rd, Brighton BN2 9ZB.

I’ve worked as writer in residence in settings such as prisons, hospitals, schools, and believe everyone can find a voice to explore our inner and outer conflicts, our hurts, joys, truth.

I’ve linked with partners such as The Forgiveness Project, Exiled Writers Ink, the Metropolitan Police, The National Archives, Crossover Brighton, to run workshops with children, refugees, prisoners, marginalised teenagers, elderly people and others, and to produce anthologies. My poetry has been broadcast on BBC Radio, with poetry performances in spaces such as Tate Modern on Edges & Extremes: Shetland & Cornwall.

Tell us more about your work with St Luke’s Church… I feel a connection to St Luke’s through its people, architecture, history. I’m inspired by how a nineteenth-century vicar paid impoverished local people to build the church using Sussex flint. The walls stand beautifully today, as do the values of compassion and inclusivity revealed now through the work of The Rev’d Julie Newson and the congregation who give of their welcome, music, spirituality. The work with St Luke’s Church as poet in residence on the Faith, Flint & Footstep community heritage and arts project makes me reflect on how past and present inform the future. I’ve run writing workshops with members of the congregation, the general public, and local school children –who published a book with Deacon Julie, Writing in Remembrance. I helped produce the Faith, Flint & Footstep CD/book, launched at Waterstones, featuring chapters on the history of the Parish, the ordination of women, forgiveness, Church music, poetry.

What do you like about living in Queen’s Park? Local people are friendly; it’s enriching to chat with folk in the post office or by the bus stop. The park is fantastic. What do you do when you’re not writing? I love reading poetry and books on subjects from myth to mysticism, and I run – slowly! – along the seafront. Links:

https://armchaircrits.wordpress.com/2014/08/14/edges-extremes/ https://www.newwritingsouth.com/creative-learning-team?item=31

Faith, Flint & Footstep is available from The Rev’d Julie Newson, St Luke’s Vicarage, Queen’s Park Terrace, Brighton BN2 9YA, or at Waterstones in Brighton.

Please mention Queens Park Living when responding to adverts




Orpheus Young Singers Love singing?

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Rehearsals during term time

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Brighton Orpheus Choir Registered charity no 260887

To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021

Local News...



News of a new local group for reducing loneliness...

Casserole Club aims to reduce Loneliness Do something great with an extra plate? Casserole Club launches in Brighton and Hove. Brighton & Hove Food Partnership (http://bhfood.org.uk/) are launching Casserole Club in the city aimed at reducing loneliness through sharing a meal.

The scheme to be rolled out this summer will encourage people to share extra portions of homecooked food with others who might not always be able to cook for themselves. The first area is made up of three wards (Westbourne, Goldsmid and Central Hove). The second area has two wards (Queen’s Park and Hanover & Elm Grove).

Director of BHFP Vic Borrill said: “This is an exciting opportunity to deliver a new project in the city to use food to reduce loneliness.” Cooks will need to sign up on the website : (www.casseroleclub.com) to complete a food hygiene quiz and to have a DBS check before they are signed up.

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Accommodation Sussex University Housing..................................................................6 Brighton and Hove Council..................................................................8 After School Club Tarnerland..................................................................................................4 Artist Lisa Holdcroft...........................................................................................12 Bathrooms Eurotiles & Bathrooms.........................................................................13 Bath Reconditioning Renubath....................................................................................................10 Blacksmiths Anvil Ironworks.....................................................................................10 Cleaner The Green Cleaner....................................................................................7 Damp Proofing PPJ Construction..............................................................................Cover Dental Services Denture Clinic.............................................................................................6 Estate Agent Bonett’s................................................................................................Cover Paul Bott................................................................................................Back John Hilton (sales & Letting)......................................................cover Education St John’s School & College.....................................................................2 Florist Flowers Unlimited..................................................................................14

Funeral Services Sussex Funerals.........................................................................................9 Locksmiths Lee’s Locks.................................................................................................10 Loft Ladders Loft Ladders...............................................................................................8 Music Lessons Orpheus Choir..........................................................................................12 Newsagents Videostar.......................................................................................................4 Nursery Sunshine Nursery......................................................................................3 Orchard Day Nursery...............................................................................5 Personal trainer Andy Kemp..................................................................................................7 Public House The Round Georges...............................................................................12 Tiling Eurotiles & Bathrooms.........................................................................13 Veg Shop Hilly Laine..................................................................................................12 Vegetarian Restaurant Terre a Terre.............................................................................................10 Will Writing Thy Will be Done ..................................................................................15


Delivering beautiful flowers for all occasions

Flowers Unlimited in Brighton & Hove has an enviable reputation as a florist for quality flowers, plants and beautiful arrangements. Hampers, champagne, wines, chocolates, balloons and more are also available. Same day local deliveries can be made if ordered before 4pm. National and international deliveries can also be arranged.

T: 01273 736949


To advertise e-mail info@queensparkliving.co.uk or call 01273 551021



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